#cool stuff to drw
kristalpepsi · 10 months
From one alter that might be swapping species to another, how did that feel?? How did you cope? How did you know?? - stressed in recent bunnification
Hllooo ^_^ oh gsh, i nvr thght i wld b askd thise :^0
THIS GOT VRY LONG SO I PUT THE RST IN A READ MOR,,, but TLDR: It felt WEIRD, n i was embrrssd. I kind of ddint lke it @ 1st b NOW i am in lov ^_^ i coped by tkng stps 2 accpt myslf: i may b cring b i am free mentlty! bc tht is the road to accptnce. As strssfl n mayb evn scry as it is nw, it wll b ok! u wll b ok! :^)
The whole thng belw
hrm,, wll, 2 gt str8 2 the pnt, i rlly,,,, i knd of wsnt sre if i lked it @ 1st! it ws dfntly RLLY EMBRRSNG. BC nw all of a sddn i hd a tl (tail) tht ws lke a wlkng callout!! b hnstly the bggst prt ws enjyng pets n scritchs n rubs ^_^ ik tht probbly snds weird b u gtta rmmbr tht im a catby nw, so im nt humn anymr!
How did it strt?? (How dd I kno) Well, I was designing a fursona 4 fn! SPCFCLLY A Catsona. I've desgns a fursna b4 (a possum) b my boyfrnd suggstd i mke a catboy sona 4 fun! Wht hppnd ws, aftr i finshd desgnng it, i suddnl notcd tht som hrs aftr tht, i hd a tail,,, thn i blnkd n BAM, CATBOY. it hppnd so fst, n i rlly ddnt lke it @ 1st! I ws scrd n embrrsd bc gsh i ws even in a VC !!!
BUT. bc of the ppl arnd me bein vry accptng (my boyfrnd is also a catby :^D he ws 1 b4 i ws) i hnstly lrnd tht i LOVD BEIN A CATBY!!! Or mayb- i jst lrnd 2 accpt it ^_^ @ 1 pnt, i cld swtch between human vs catboy, b hnstly over tme, i nvr wnt bck 2 bein humn again!
but nowdys, i associ8 bein human w TRAUMA, so mayb a lt tht i mite be telln u 2dy is smth i need 2 psychonlyze myslf abt 🤨 so whnvr i trn humn, im probbly havng a big trma momnt ^_^ its fnny hw bein awy frm smth 4 so lng,, knd of chngs ur perspctve on it frm hw it usd 2 b. i wrte abt my feelngs w thise discnnct here, n i drew abt it artstclly here!
I endd up feelng ,,,, lke ther were 2 sdes of me (not litrlly, b yk!) the humn prt of me stck in the pst, nt eh Prsnt prt of me tht lovs Fun n stff ^_^ i stll gt trma momnts AS a catby, its STILL me, but i notcd tht as i accpt bein nonhumn, its lke ive strtd associa8ng bein HUMN w HURT n PAIN. so its lke thise, sde of me thts still trying 2 procss trma (THT IM KND OF RUNNG AWY FRM ^_^) is begging me nt 2 leave him behnd
so mayb as i liv life as now a nonhumn, i DO hav 2 try n fnd the best of bth wrlds. bc,, jst bc i chnge nw dsnt mean i shld thro awy my pst. its lke my brain is usng thise chnge as an excse 2 run awy,,,
so anywy! While u go thru ur chngs, dnt b lke me! love ur past n b knd 2 it b also lov urslf 2dy!
HOW DID I COPE?? wll, a lt of the tme whn ANY1 trns in2 n ANIML (I am not the 1st 4 thise 2 hppn! Chara (DO NT TLL THNM I SD THIOSE) somtms gts a tail n H8S IT) we gt EMBRRSD! i smply encrge u 2 indulg urslf! indulge ur animl side! embrssmnt coms frm Shme n insecrty. sooo, instd of thnkng of urslf as cringe, try 2 OWN ur animlific8ion! How u do tht is up 2 u- mayb eat mor veggies? get stuff tht hlps w the new body dysphoria u mite gt? allw urslf 2 b bunny lke! build ur own sfe spce (tht my or my not inclde ppl u trst!) wher u cn jst b,,, urslf!
we also kno a lt of othr systm mmbrs in othr systms who get furrified (somtms its mostly permmnt, somtms they get triggrd (NOT trma triggrd, i mean the genrl DEFINTION of the wrd!!) in2 bein an animl, n we notc tht jst mkng the stps 2 accpt ur animl sde rlly hlps.
Rmmbr tht ys, u mite feel cringe, b wldnt u rthr b free!!
ALSO,, if u r an INTROJECT,,, bein a furry is VRY COOL bc u can drw urslf in public n ppl wnt even realze ur a fictive (SOMTMS, dpndng on wht u look lke)!!!! i rmmbr 1 of the 1st realiz8ions i hd whn i got fully furrified in2 a catby ws "oh,, wow,, woah, WOA!! ppl wnt be abl 2 tll im KRIS DREEMURR frm DELTRNE!!" the rsn y tht ws LOWKY importnt 2 me is bc ever sinc i splt, i grew up w the aggrssve sde of the UTDR fndm bein very afrd of ppl who do not use they/them on the humns (WHCH IS FAIR n i am nt syng they shldnt b upset whn ppl misgender thm!!) b i am NONBINARY!! we are trans so it it flt lke i cldnt exst w/o ppl accsng me of bein trnsphbc jst bc i use he/him as a trans n nonbnry prsn! so nw tht i am nonhumn, i am less recognzble n i cn b FREE!!!
anywy, i hope tht knd of inspires u! Im srry its vry lng ^_^" if u snd me an ask askng me ANYTHNG rel8d 2 my opinion, i wll eithr answr shrtly, OR VRY LNG!!!
jst rmmbr, u r sfe, nothng is wrng w u, n u will b ok! ppl wll stll lov u 4 who u r :^) if u ever need anythng els or need a fll "species swappd" prsn 2 tlk 2, i am hre ^_^
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thedissociatives · 7 months
Ooh also (same anon as before), what fascinates you about the Red Wings? What made you become a fan of theirs? What are some moments from their history (recent or older) that you think are cool/ interesting/ something people should know about when getting into them? (Sorry for asking so much, I'm just in a very inquisitive mood today i guess haha)
hey dw it's fine- it gives me more opportunity to ramble about these things :)
i feel like my perspective on these things is different since i don't actually live in/around detroit, and being european i focus a lot on european hockey + euro players in the nhl. and since the wings have had so many of the top eu guys (like fedorov and lidstrom in the 90s, zetterberg and datsyuk in the 00s (and hopefully we'll be talking about seider and raymond in this way in the future)) i kind of was interested in them at first through that. like really you can't talk about europeans in the nhl without talking about detroit; and you really can't talk about russians in the nhl without talking a lot about this team. they've also just had some of the best players in the league even if we don't talk about the europeans- obviously steve yzerman, but also going back to the 50s w legends like gordie howe and ted lindsay. as a history nerd i do like a team with a lot to get into so it was literally a match made in heaven.
in terms of stuff to know, at least being aware of the production line (gordie howe, sid abel/alex delvecchio, ted lindsay) and their dominance in the 50s is a good place to start, as well as their insane championship runs in the late 90s/early 00s (i can hardly comprehend how many players on that 2002 team are in the hhof rn because it's literally silly), the russian five + other europeans on the team (like the ones mentioned in the above paragraph). oooo and fight night: basically, in the 96 playoffs colorado forward claude lemieux hit kris draper into the boards right in front of the bench (i'm not gonna put the video of it because it still makes me wince to see it myself), causing really bad injuries. it took the wings a while to get their revenge, but they finally did on march 26 1997. i'm actually just gonna link to the footage of it here because it's actually so unreal you need to see it imo. words don't do it justice.
oh and in general, wings fans on this site love to find connections between the team's history and the current team. if you look around in the drw tag you'll find so much of it (which i totally recommend doing btw; it's a good way to learn the specific type of insanity that comes along with this lol). i think it's great we do this- and honestly, i'm surprised i don't see this with the other original six teams (looking at habs and leafs fans specifically here, you guys have just as much stuff going on)
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pinkloved · 6 years
rumors spread quick, people whisper they saw a guy in a mask surveying hell's kitchen, who knows what's hidden there, they say you can still find some writing, DRW, who knows if it's true, or what it means.
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‘ ALRIGHT       ! it’s time for DETECTIVE STEVEN UNIVERSE, to do some independent investigation ! no more HAND-OUTS from that author guy , so i gotta rely on PURE , RAW INSTINCT . and also this BLACK LIGHT . ‘
you stuff the black light in your CHEESBURGER backpack , along with lots of snacks , band-aids ,  your COOKIE CAT sketch-pad , and that super cool MOTION TRACKER peter gave you . ( ALL READY TO GO ! )
‘              TO HELL’S KITCHEN ! ….here’s to hoping i don’t DIE ! ‘  
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