#cool instagram bio for girls
jaiminiofficial · 22 days
Instagram Bio for Girls » 5001+ Best Instagram Bio
Instagram Bio for Girls » 5001+ Best Instagram Bio Instagram Bio for Girls खोज रहे है आप को बता दे 5001 से भी ज्यादा Instagram Bio for Girls हमने आपके लिए इस वेबसाइट पर एकत्रित किये है आज के समय में Social Media जैसे इंस्टाग्राम, फेसबुक, व्हाट्सएप्प इत्यादि social media का प्रचलन बढ़ गया है आप भी instagram bio समय पर अपडेट कर सके इसलिए हमने Instagram Bio for Girls का संग्रह किया है केवल…
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bokapatel · 2 years
Insta bio for cool girls
Insta bio for cool girls
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whatbio · 1 year
Instagram Bios For Gamers | Best Instagram Bios For Gamers 2023 | गेमर्स के लिए बेस्ट इंस्टाग्राम बायोस (Updated)
The Instagram bio can make your account more attractive and exciting. An Instagram bio should include information about yourself and what you do. You can include details about your hobbies and other interests. It’s essential to be honest, and not fake. Your Instagram profile is your online business card; you want it to make an impression. Ensure you are honest about your interests and won’t bore…
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mybestbio566 · 1 year
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nezushi · 2 years
why do i always seem to attract kinda awkward guys....what am i doing to deserve this
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jj-one · 3 months
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this is smut, do not interact if under 18
when your tinder date who was supposed to be just a hook up becomes your boyfriend within a week.
pairing: han jisung x f!reader genre/tags: pwp, smut, fluff, jisung is such a gentleman, fingering, oral (m receiving), piv, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap), major size kink, slight daddy kink (not surprised), jisung has huge dick, jisung cums on readers face, i think that's it Imk if i missed any o_0 words: 4.5k
**old repost from my deleted blog
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Dating apps were never really your thing, you’ve always been an “old fashioned” kind of girl. You’ve secretly dreamt of meeting your lover in a grocery store or bumping into them at a library where you instantly fall in love. Unfortunately, you can’t be delusional forever, your Prince Charming isn’t going to just come knocking for you at your doorstep. Unless…you find someone who can come to your doorstep but through an app, Tinder. You decided to give it a try and see what all the hype was about after your best friend Ryujin raved about all the hot guys she was meeting— and banging.
You often found yourself quite jealous of all the good sex she was getting, she could have anything she wanted all at her fingertips. You were always horny and looking for the next toy to play with but you decided maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to try and find a cute guy to hook up with and relieve some quick stress. You may be old fashioned but you weren’t too uptight to have a hook up once in a while.
You downloaded Tinder for once in your lifetime and wrote in all your info, chose your best photos, and made a silly little bio. Your bio was just ‘looking for a fun time, need someone who can break my back, not my heart’ you know it super lame but most guys like corny shit like that anyway. You swiped for ages and ages, barely giving anyone a right swipe because you were way too picky. They had to be top tier in the visual department even if they were just a one night stand, you’ll always have standards. You were getting tired of swiping and just about to call it a night up until you swiped on the next profile. His name was Han and he only lived 2.5 miles from you.
As you were scrolling through his profile, you couldn’t stop thinking how hot he was, his hair was blonde, and he always wore the same cross necklace in his all photos. You read his profile some more and saw that he has a dog named Bbama and you smiled at how adorable his dog was. You instantly swiped right after seeing the dog pics and you couldn’t believe you matched with him already. Your heart kind of skipped a beat for a second and you closed the app immediately. You didn’t think he’d be so quick to match with you and you wanted to message him but your pride got in the way. You figured he’s way too fine to even message you back, he probably gets floods of messages from girls asking. You decide to play it cool and not say anything, instead you took a screenshot of his profile and sent it to Ryujin.
She texts you back a couple minutes later and says she thinks he’s really hot, you’re glad she approves but you’re not surprised that she wouldn’t. You go through his profile again and see that he has his Instagram linked to his Tinder, you go to his Instagram account and continue your stalking spree. You see a bunch of pics of his dog, food, and mostly outdoorsy stuff. You didn’t figure him to be the wilderness type of guy but he was, he’s been hiking all over different mountains and has photos of him at the very top. You were in awe of how fearless this man was, you were swayed already by how he presented himself.
Your phone buzzes with a new notification.
‘Han sent you a message’ Tinder alerts you of 2 new notifications from him. You open the messages immediately, a huge grin plastered on your face as you read what he said to you.
‘Hi y/n’
‘What’s your favorite food?’
‘I’m taking notes on where I need to take you on our first date’
That was very smooth but also straightforward, you liked him already.
‘Pho, I could eat it everyday’
‘You’re already planning our date? lol’
You sent the messages and texted Ryujin straight away, telling her how much of a success this was already going. She tells you how much she was right all along and how you’ve been missing out this whole time, you just giggle at her shenanigans.
You get another notification from Tinder and it’s from your favorite new guy already.
‘Yes, how could I not? You’re a 10/10’
You smile to yourself when reading at that comment, you never really saw yourself as a perfect 10 but if someone this highly attractive sees you that way then you must be a smokeshow. Han sends you another message,
‘I can pick you up tmrw at 5? Dinner is on me babe so no need to bring a wallet ;)’
You bit your lip at that last sentence, who would’ve known someone this sexy could be your sugar daddy AND fuck buddy? Ok well maybe the sugar daddy part was just a joke. It definitely turned you on knowing that he’s willing to spend his money on you without you feeling guilt about it though.
‘See you at 5 <3’ you reply to him.
The very next day you’re in the car going to your date with Han. The moment you laid eyes on him there was a lustful nature that came out of you. You didn’t even think it could be possible but he looked even better in person, the pictures didn’t do him justice whatsoever. His jawline was insane, it was sharp and looked absolutely perfect from his side profile. His hair was a little messy but in a really cute way, he had a small silver stud in his ear and wore his cross necklace like the one in his photos. You couldn’t believe it was really him in your driveway, he had to be the most beautiful you’ve ever seen. He wore a plain black T-shirt with baggy jeans and converse, he looked effortlessly cool. He was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other was playing with his radio. He was trying to get the Aux cord to work properly but it just wasn’t cooperating with him, he decides to just leave it alone.
“So uh.. anyway is this your first Tinder date?” He asks trying to break the awkward silence.
“Yeah, actually it is,” you tell him “I’m not the hugest fan of dating apps but I decided why not give it a shot.” You say as your shrug your shoulders.
“Ah I see, well you met me so that’s a good sign so far right?” He asks with a goofy grin on his face, you couldn’t help but giggle at his quirkiness.
You talk for a bit more in the car and get to know each other, as you’re getting nearer to the destination he comes to a stop into a parking lot. He gets out of the car first and opens the door for you on your side.
“M’lady,” Han says in a funny voice, taking your hand in his as you get out the car. You’re loving his silly and fun energy so far, it’s definitely bringing your mood up as you had no expectations for how this would go.
The date ended up going extremely well, you both couldn’t stop laughing and cracking jokes together. Everything felt super lighthearted and easygoing with Han, you felt like you could say just about anything with him, feeling like you’ve known him for much longer than a couple of hours. He bought so much expensive meat for the both of you at the restaurant and the pho was fantastic. You’ve never been to this particular restaurant before as it was a bit too out of your price range, you were surprised when he told you he ate here frequently. You wanted to ask him what he does for a living but you don’t want to seem rude. You ate as much as you could and he definitely ate way more than you, lightly making fun at the way you eat. You do eat pretty slow so you aren’t shocked by the way he’s noticing that already.
You like the way Han eats because he stores food in his cheeks like a squirrel, usually that action would give you the ick but with him you find it quite endearing. Once you both finish eating at the restaurant he takes you to a pier where there’s pretty lights near the water. It was a nice day to go out on a walk so he grabbed your hand and led the way down the path. You guys talked so much for hours about any and everything, you talked for so long that you ended up watching the sunset together, then looked at the stars. When you looked down and noticed that you’ve been holding hands with him this whole time, but you didn’t want to point it out to Han incase he’d let go.
You’ve spent a total of only 5 hours with this man but you really do feel as though you’ve known him your whole life. He was so fun to talk to, handsome, and literally the sweetest person ever, it made you question how someone this perfect could even be single. You really couldn’t wait any longer for him to end up in your bed tonight and that’s exactly what you planned to happen. As the night progresses you ask him if he wants to come back to your place for the night. He looks surprised yet obliges and drives back to your apartment. It was pretty late at night and you only had your tiny lamp in the kitchen on, so you couldn’t see much of where you were going. You turn around to face Han who’s been staring you up and down this whole time.
You didn’t even have much time to take off your jacket before Han’s lips were all over yours. His hands roamed all over your body and yours were now tangled in his messy blonde hair. He startles you for a second when he picks you up and lifts you onto the marble kitchen countertop, not breaking the kiss once. He bites down on your lower lip slightly, making you gasp so he can easily slip his tongue in you. His movements were gentle and he kisses you so passionately, one of his hands comes up behind your neck and the other is stroking the apex of your thigh. As you both pull away from kissing, he stops to stare at you for the longest second.
“You are so beautiful y/n,” he says, stroking your hair and tucking some behind your ear, then he kisses your ear and licks it. He continues peppering a few more kisses downwards and to your neck, beginning to suck lightly, causing you to let out a quiet moan. He leaves a couple small hickies around your neck and kisses your lips once again. You tug at his T-shirt and motion for him to take it off, he does as he’s told and removes it from his body. You get a faint look at his chest since it’s a such little bit of light in the kitchen, from what you can see however, he looks perfect. When he comes closer, you can feel his rock solid abs, you know he works out but you weren’t expecting him to be this fit.
You go back to making out for awhile and his hands are now laid on your chest. He cups both of your boobs in his hands and kneads them through your thin shirt, he realizes this isn’t enough for him so he slides his hands underneath your shirt. He ran his fingers against your nipples and starts to pinch them lightly, making you moan directly into his mouth. He groans when you bring your hand lower to his pelvis, trying to locate his belt so you can tell him to take it off. You finally reach something you presume to be leather and you grab it, bringing his body closer to you in the process.
“You want me to take this off huh?” Han asks, pointing to his belt but all you see is his erect dick print through his jeans.
You nod your head profusely, “yes pleasee, right now!”
He grins at you while slowly taking off his belt, throwing it down on the floor and now he’s stroking his cock through his pants. You hear him groan a little bit as you can see him palming himself, wanting to take him in your mouth so bad.
“Let me give you head,” you say almost desperately, you didn’t mean for it to sound so needy but you really wanted— no needed his cock.
“Okay,” he says smiling back at you, “sounds great to me.”
You get up from the kitchen counter and now position yourself on the floor, on your knees. You never pictured yourself to be the one sucking a random guy off Tinder’s dick but hey, things just so happen to turn out that way. You unzip Han’s pants and gently pull them down, he was wearing pink supreme boxers and you expected nothing less from him. You pull down his boxers too and his erect cock springs up out of them like a slinky. Eyes growing wide in awe as you couldn’t wait for his giant, thick cock to go into your mouth. You start to stroke his length and realize that one hand won’t be enough to do the job, you have to use two to get a good firm grasp around it and even then it’s still a few inches off.
You contemplate how you’re even going to fit all of him into your mouth but you think of the consequences later. You continue pumping his cock with your hands and he moans lowly under his breath. You lick the tip of his cock and he winces a little, that must be his sensitive spot. You suck on the tip and guide your mouth to slowly take in more of his cock, keeping a suction-tight grip on him as you keep lowering your head. You get to a point where you start to physically choke and gag on his cock, your saliva was getting everywhere now, all over your chin, your chest, his cock, and some even spilled on the floor. You know you have to be a good girl and take all of him but you never had someone this big before.
“You have such a nice dick,” you blurt out while taking a break, wanting to please him more than anything.
“Thank you baby,” Han smiles down at you while you bring his cock back into your mouth, this time breathing through your nose you have a better chance at taking him all. You were successful and managed to get most of it inside your mouth, maybe just a couple centimeters off. You kept at it, sucking his cock like your life literally depended on it, shooting your head back and forth making you feel dizzy.
“Mmm yeah… that’s it baby… just like that-” Han moans out for you with his eyes closed shut and head thrown back, you’re making him feel so good right now.
“I think I’m gonna cum y/n…”
You continue what you’ve been doing for the past 15 minutes or so, sucking his cock at an even faster rate. You look up at him and give him a sultry look with your eyes, you need to feel his cum all over you.
“Please cum on my face daddy,” you tell him, you used to let your ex cum on your face all the time and you were craving for that kind of thing at the moment. You keep deepthroating him and making gagging noises in the process, wanting him to know just how hard you’re working for his cum. He lets out a long moan and keeps saying he’s about to cum, you tap his dick on your tongue so you can get a taste of his load shooting out and then… you suddenly go blind. Han’s load comes out so fast that it got everywhere, causing some of it to get into your eye. You couldn’t see for a bit and rubbed your eye, feeling a thick, sticky substance on your left cheek. Han’s cum was now painted all over your face, some even got on your shoulder and landed on the floor. You smiled at how much cum you caused to come out his dick, feeling awfully proud of yourself.
You get up from your knees and start kissing again, he brings you back to the counter you were originally sitting on and he toys with the waistband of your skirt. He pulls your skirt down and begins rubbing your pussy through your underwear, dragging his fingers along your slit and teasing you. You whimper as you buck your hips up, wanting to feel his fingers on your clit. He finally moves your panties to the side and starts rubbing his middle finger against your swollen clit.
“Damn, you’re wet as fuck…” he says, looking at your glistening, wet pussy. He circles your clit and spits on it, mixing your juices with his saliva. He then dips his finger inside your hole, you let out a moan as he starts pushing his finger in and out. The sound of his fingers going in your wet pussy sound so dirty yet so blissful. He kisses you as he keeps fingering you, spreading you open with another finger. You’re such a moaning mess and it’s all thanks to Han’s wonderful fingers. You were arching your back at the sensation you were feeling, his thumb is now rubbing your clit while two of his fingers are still inside. You wanted his cock so badly, but you were going to have to ask nicely for it.
“I need you…” you whine to Han, you don’t know why you were too shy to say what you needed the most though.
“Need what baby?” He asks with his fingers still deep inside your sopping cunt, you were aching for something bigger and it’s making you go crazy.
“Your cock… need your cock, please!” You practically beg at this point for it. Han’s smile grew wider as he saw how needy you were already acting for him.
“As you wish pretty girl,” he says, taking his fingers out and licking the juices off of them one by one. He takes his cock in his hand and rubs it along your folds, he feels how soaking wet you are and it’s already enough to make him want to burst. He doesn’t think he’s a fast cummer (is that a word?) but for you, he’d nut instantly. He slides his thick, long cock into your little pussy, making you audibly gasp in pain and pleasure.
The size of him is enough to make you want to never be able to walk again, but you think once he’s done with you he’ll be leaving you permanently bed ridden.
“Just relax baby, you can take it all trust me..” Han assures you as he continues to slide his length inside, your wetness mixed with the sounds of his dick makes for the perfect porn audio. Your legs were spreading wide open and rested on his shoulders, he was taking nice and slow strokes at first. He wants you to become more adjusted to his size, he’s finally able to get all of himself in. You look down at your stomach to see a giant bulge, his cock was so big that he practically took up half of your torso.
“Ready baby?” Han whispers in your ear, asking for the okay to start thrusting deeper into you. You nod as you were finally getting used to him, he goes a little faster and starts to build a steady pace. His cock is hitting the back of your walls nicely and you feel every inch of him inside you. The cross necklace he was still wearing dangled over you, which was pretty ironic for the sinful act you two were committing at the moment. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he moves deeper into you, stretching you out like the little whore you are. You feel yourself growing wetter with each thrust and he’s grabbing your waist tightly with both hands.
“Your pussy feels so fucking good… my god..” Han says moaning, his eyes are closed again as he keeps fucking your tight pussy. You took his cock so well, you were so proud of yourself.
“Your cock feels amazing daddy,” you whimper out to him as you continue moaning his name, feeling like you’re about to cum already. Han’s breath becomes more irregular and his strokes are getting messier, you can tell he’s reaching his climax as well.
“Let’s cum together.” Han coaxes, holding your hand while fucking into you, his cock fits all the way inside without hurting you now and all you feel is immense pleasure. You nod your head in agreement with him and focus on reaching your high. A wave of ecstasy washes over you as Han hits a certain spot in you, his dick is so big that it can reach little places you never felt before, it’s an incredible feeling. Your head swings back as you feel your orgasm approaching, you let out a few curse words and catch your breath. Han feels his release coming too and quickly pulls out, he pumps his cock for a little bit with his right hand and watches his load shoot out onto your stomach. He lets out an erotic groan as he finishes off his last bit of cum and strokes his cock a little more.
“Fuck that was the best sex I’ve ever had..” Han says while panting, grabbing your face to pull into you a breathless kiss.
“Yeah, that was definitely amazing,” you respond after pulling away, smiling at his first impressions of you.
It was now midnight and you were both exhausted, you two were too fucked out to do anything else and Han was way too tired to head home that night. You didn’t mind Han staying over at your place, to be honest, it felt pretty normal. As you both got into bed he gave you tons of forehead kisses and cradled you to sleep, his embrace felt safe and protecting. You never wanted to leave his presence and neither did he.
It was the early hours of the morning and the sun is beaming on your face through the sheer white curtains. You wake up to a familiar smell coming from your kitchen, it was the smell of eggs and pancakes cooking. You put on some clothes quickly to head to your kitchen, you see Han in nothing but his underwear cooking you breakfast. You looked at the clock and saw that it was only 7:04 am, how is he already awake at this time of the morning? You make your way on over to him and give him a chaste kiss, telling him good morning. He finishes up cooking and grabs some plates for the both of you. You couldn’t believe your eyes right now, your Tinder date that you just hooked up with last night is now cooking you breakfast. You want to feel like you’re living in a dream but the more you keep blinking the more real this situation feels.
“Ready to eat babe?” Han asks, handing you a plate full of food. You nod, still trying to process everything that’s going on but you don’t want to keep questioning it. You sit at the table with Han and eat your food. You both talk as though everything is normal, still making little jokes with each other like yesterday’s date. The food he made was pretty good and you were wondering what other hidden skills he may have been hiding. You’re now questioning what could be wrong with him since he’s so perfect, why hasn’t someone like him not been snatched up yet? As you finish eating you head back upstairs, Han follows you.
“What’re you doing?” You ask him, turning around to face him in confusion.
“Im just following where you’re going,” he admits sheepishly.
“But why?” You genuinely want to know why he’s considered still being here and isn’t fleeing after finally getting what he wanted.
“I want to stay here for a while,” he says while looking away at something else, he was a bit shy to ask if he could stay over for another day.
“For how long?” You ask, wondering if he’s serious about his infatuation with you.
“I- I don’t know, can I just stay for one more night? Please y/n?” He holds your hand, gently caressing and rubbing it.
You feel conflicted, on one hand you want someone you can feel connected to on a deeper level but the other hand is making you want to keep this relationship as no strings attached. You sigh as you see the glint in his eyes, his eyes were all it took for you to give into him.
“Okay” you say, he smiles as he hears your swift response. He presses a soft kiss against your lips and lets you lead the way back to your room.
Four days have passed and Han is still staying in your apartment with you. You decided you didn’t actually hate his company and that it was just the fear of commitment that made you reluctant. Han was different though, he brought a side out of you that no one else has. He brings you flowers, makes you laugh until your stomach hurts, listens to your problems/needs/wants/desires, shuts up when he’s supposed to, and does anything you say at the drop of a hat.
He’s the perfect guy for you and you met him on something you wouldn’t have tried if it wasn’t for your best friend. You’re still in shock by how you and Han are basically in a relationship now, I mean who stays at someone’s house for almost a week if they weren’t falling in love? You should be happy yet you’re nervous, you’re nervous about telling Ryujin, what if she thinks you’re moving too fast? You didn’t tell anyone about this “relationship” yet since you’ve never rushed into things this quickly with someone.
Han was a great person and you knew that with every fiber of your being, you just didn’t know if others would see that through just a few days of talking. You know you’re going to have to do it at some point since you’re actually thinking about getting serious with him. Han has been nothing more than amazing to you and if everyone else doesn’t see that then they’re crazy, you can’t convince everyone to like him but you start to feel as though it won’t be an issue for him. You think he’ll fit in just fine with everyone in due time ♡
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stylespresleyhearted · 4 months
In honor of the great @blainesebastian ‘s birthday here’s a little instagram compilation I’ve conjured up for our adored CCG nation <3 Austin, CCG, and Luci we miss and love ya’ll forever and Mccall you are a brilliant mind whom I will adore until the end of time! Have the bestest birthday ever, you deserve nothing less!
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liked by coffee.girl, salmahayek, and 20,342 others
enews And the Best Dad Award goes to ….! In honor Austin Butler and Y/N’s little girl turning three today let’s take a look back at our favorite moments of Austin Butler being the best dad ❤️ link in bio for full video of second slide.
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austinfan18 video of luci running into austin’s arm after two weeks apart you will always be famous!
butlerishh him throwing her in the air LMAO LUCI WAS NOT HAVING FUN
ccgfan HA fr luci was looking at her mom to save her
iloveaustin Can we talk about how proud his mom would be about what a great parent he is?
sharonbleu Austin even has Salma Hayek up in the likes 😉
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liked by austinbutler, priscillapresley, and 872, 196 others
coffee.girl Celebrating Luci day should be every day tbh. 🦖💕👁️🐠🪷🌸☃️🥞 @austinbutler and I can’t believe we created this wonderful being, she had to have come from a lab of perfection.
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ashleytisdale Luci told me she’s from Pluto and I believe her. It’s the only logical explanation.
austinbutler Nice use of all of Luci’s favorite emoji’s, she’s going to be so proud. ❤️
jillian.mua The best thing you and Austin ever did and will ever do is have sex three years ago to give the world the best human to walk the Earth
coffee.girl JILLIAN!
ashleybee I’m disgusted but I get what she means
austinbutler Babe close your comment section please
chrisevans Happy bday to the one who is gonna prove aliens exist!
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liked by austinbutler, bazluhrmann, and 20,807 others
people Luci Butler turns three today so we must not forget to credit her mother (and best friend) in a world where it seems moms get no recognition for being superhuman.
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user12 imagine using a 3 year olds bday to make some political womens movement statement. mom’s get plenty of recognition.
butlerfamupdates I actually applaud People Magazine for this. All day magazine’s have posted Austin’s cutest moments with Luci and talked about what a wonderful Dad he is - which no one would ever doubt to think he is - but Luci’s mom is very much present as well and deserves love too. Luci loves both her parents. It’s normal for a kid to have favorites, it doesn’t make the other parent ‘bad.’
ccgfan Y/N and Luci sharing their love for open water together and creating sea shell necklaces i cry
ccgfan1 You just know she’s the most supportive and loving mother! Austin and Luci are so lucky to have her!
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liked by coffee.girl, austinbutler, and 341, 289 others
ashleytisdale happy birthday to Jupiter’s bestest friend in the whole wide world! We are so lucky to have you in our life Luci ❤️🦖✨
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coffee.girl the cutest besties 👯 🤣
fan23 ashley and aus are bffs now their daughters are too 😭
austinluv STOP my heart can’t take it
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liked by ashleybee, ccgfan, and 34, 567 others
butlerfamupdates a cute little insight into Luci’s “THREE-REX” bday party! Posts and reposts from @austinbutler and @coffee.girl IG stories
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sugartreats Thank you for choosing us for her cakes and treats! The sweetest, most beautiful family 🙌🏼 #happybirthdayluci
fan34 so luc is like obsessed w dinos huh 🤔
fan33 austin literally calls her lil dino
fan45 u just know it was luci’s idea to put a tutu on the scary t rex LMAO
sugarcakes Oh it was! Her parents brought her in and Miss Luci was very specific with what she wanted haha
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liked by ashleytisdale, oliviadejonge, and others
jillian.mua Happy birthday cool girl 🥳 I love you
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austinbutler vibin’
ashleybee oh gosh i wanna kiss those cheeks
oliviadejonge i wanna be her when i grow up ✨🥳
coffee.girl @austinbutler trendsetter 😂❤️
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liked by austin12 and others
austinbnews via Austin’s IG story for Luci’s birthday! Happy birthday sweet Luci 🎂 ♥️
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austinfan23 she’s taking after her parents with her love of books 🥹
ccgfan yes Y/N and Austin built Luci her personal little library 😭
butlerupdates Austin taking a picture of Luci taking a picture of Y/N — ICONIC
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liked by ashleebee, coffee.girl, and 1,235,096 others
austinbutler happy birthday lil dino ♥️
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coffee.girl … and she’s out for the count
jillian.mua @coffee.girl she had a busy day bossing everyone around
ashleytisdale @austinbutler please tell me you at least wiped the cake frosting off her face
austinbutler @ashleytisdale I’m not dealing with that tantrum when she wakes up
coffee.girl @austinbutler neither am I smart move
ashleybee I LOVE HERRRR
LMAOOOO MCCALL WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF I TOLD YOU I WAS ALREADY WORKING ON THIS BEFORE YOU TEXTED ME TODAY ASKING ABOUT LUCI ?!???? OUR BRAINSSS INTERCONNECTED 🙌🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️ happy birthday mccall love you and your little universe and luci and ccg so much you’re awesome
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
I have an idea but it's a bit iffy for some so it's totally alright if you don't want to write it! Headcanons about being Sevika's controversially young gf? So basically an age gap but all legal. Again, totally ok if it's not your cup of tea!
totally my cup of tea considering i, too, would be a controversially young gf if i ever managed to pull sevika
men and minors dni
i mean, she's not that old. i think in act one she's in her early thirties, in act two and three she's in her early fourties?
in canon i don't think she or many other people would give a shit. at least in zaun.
i think the attitude is more like 'if u can find love, hold tf onto it,' even if just for basic survival reasons.
if you guys ever went up to piltover, you might get a few strange looks. but in the undercity? everyone's cool with it. they're more focused on the war to give a shit about two consenting adults' relationship.
plus, sevika's not the type to let people talk shit about her girl. i doubt anyone would have the balls to say anything to her about your age gap.
ALSO? i don't think sevika dates someone unless she's absolutely enamored with them and can't go on without them. so it's not like she's just dating a younger girl to date a younger girl. she's dating you cuz you're you.
the chemistry you guys have, the way you make her laugh, the easy camaraderie you share-- that's why she's with you.
i could definitely see her being more sensitive about it in a modern setting tho.
she absolutely adores you, and worries that she's holding you back. she doesn't get what someone as young as you would see in someone like her, she thinks she's too boring for you. and she sees the looks you guys get in public.
the longer you're together, the less she worries about it, the more confident she is in the fact that you guys are a perfect match for each other, if a little unconventional.
your friends and family all agree. you're like a match made in heaven.
sometimes she gets really worried about it though. you woke up one night to sevika staring down at you like she'd been studying you all night.
"you don't think i'm too old for you?" she asks immediately. you blink up at her, still groggy from sleep.
"no, babe, you're a milf." you mumble, rubbing your eyes. she blinks.
"what's a milv?"
"a milf. m-i-l-f. mom i'd like to fuck." you explain.
"...i'm not a mom." she says after a minute.
you chuckle, staring up at her. "no, but you are a mommy."
she groans at your joke, throwing an arm around you and settling in to sleep.
after that, 'milf' is a regular part of her vocabulary. her instagram bio is just your anniversary, followed by, 'sevika. gym rat. reader. milf.'
there's parts of your age gap that she finds really entertaining.
you get to introduce her to all kinds of media from your generation that she'd never heard of.
we (by 'we' i mean people 18-25ish) grew up with so much good young adult media! like imagine getting sevika to read the hunger games for the first time. she'd eat that shit up.
she'd love the 2010's cartoons you show her too, especially the dumb ass lighthearted ones-- regular show, bob's burgers, that kinda thing.
she has no patience for technology, so it's a relief that any time she has an issue with a device she can just pass it off to you to figure it out. because if it was up to her? she'd smash the thing and call it a day.
when you're together long enough, you guys can even joke about it with each other. she'll teasingly call you a gold digger, and in return, you'll call her a perv.
some people might not understand it, but that doesn't matter, because to you and sevika? your relationship is the only thing in the world that makes sense.
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jqmalikhsgib · 6 months
love of my life
chapter two
harry got the text the moment he finished up filming for the day. he couldn’t believe someone was following them. how dare they invade their privacy like that?
he was pissed. no he was livid! it’s one thing to mess with him. it’s another to mess with his wife, his family!
harry called jeff immediately. he needs to know who was responsible. when jeff finally answered the phone harry completely lost it. jeff knew he wasn’t mad at him.
jeff let him know that they’re getting to the bottom of it and whoever is responsible will be sued as soon as possible.
but harry needed to know what to do from here on out. jeff told him to lay low until the grammy’s. harry just sighed before ending the call.
he turned and was startled by olivia. harry gives her the best smile he could due to the circumstances. olivia was cool. but she was very flirty and touchy with the male cast.
she didn’t know he was married. in fact no one here knew he was married. you and harry only told people who needed to know. and that was mostly his team and a few of his friends he had.
he didn’t know anyone here really, so no one needed to know about you. especially now that you have maybelle.
“everything okay, harry?”
harry nods. “they’re great! did you need anything else from me?”
olivia shakes her head.
“if you don’t mind i have to head home.”
“wait! a few of us are going out. why don’t you join us?”
harry shakes his head politely declining. he needed to get home to you and make sure you and may are okay. he heads to his trailer, grabs his things, and drives home.
when harry gets home he hears you on the phone. he heard your moms voice on the other line and knew you were stressing.
when he makes himself known you tell your mom you’d call her later. harry grabs your hand and kisses the back of it.
“it’s gonna be okay, baby. i promise that we will catch this stupid ass pap and sue him for all he worth.”
you sniffle, burying your head into his chest as he kisses the top of your head.
“im more worried about maybelle. she’s just a baby harry. she doesn’t deserve to be exploited.”
“i know baby. i promise you no matter what may will be protected. they can’t do shit because may’s a minor.”
“i heard some of your fans already found my instagram. it’s private but im still worried. what if someone hacks it? there are some photos of may. should i delete them just in case?”
harry hums. “i think you should, babe. just to be safe.”
you nod. grabbing your phone and opening your instagram. deleting the four photos of your daughter you close the app and plop down on the couch.
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the aftermath of everything was hectic. so many rumors were going around. especially since they found your instagram.
they called you a cheater because of your current bio. they called you a slut, whore, bitch. any name in the book. you tried not to let the comments get to you, you tried to keep up the charade, but harry could see right through it.
he honestly had enough. you deserved to get out of this house and enjoy yourself. maybe call up a few girlfriends so you could get your mind off of everything.
when he brought up the idea you shook your head. not wanting to risk being caught again. you’d rather suffer inside your own home.
but your husband wasn’t having it. he called up a few of your friends and told them to come over to get you ready for a girls night.
reluctantly you went. and you had an amazing night. going to the spa, going shopping, buying cute little clothes for maybelle. you felt happier. obviously still not feeling too great.
you kept looking over your shoulders to make sure no one was following you. but you still felt a bit more relaxed.
unfortunately that didn’t last when you got home. you saw jeffs car parked and knew this couldn’t be good news.
when you got into the house your suspicion were confirmed. harry was yelling loudly. you frowned even more when you saw olivia wilde was standing right beside jeff with a small smile on her face.
“i said no, jeff!”
“come on harry. this will be good for you. you could still keep your life a secret from the world and just state she’s a family friend who was struggling with something. then just show up with olivia here and there and no one will have to know about yn or may.”
harry shakes his head angrily. he couldn’t even believe what jeff was suggesting. he’s never been one to lie to his fans. not like this anyway! but he knew he wanted to keep the both you and maybelle safe.
he just knew this would hurt you. and that’s the last thing he wanted to do.
“we can figure something else out, jeff. i can’t put yn through that. she doesn’t deserve—”
“it’s okay, harry. i agree with jeff.” you made yourself known. everyone heads turned to you.
“baby, you don’t have to do this. i know you’ll be very uncomfortable.”
“im a grown up. i could handle it. its for may. we have to keep her out of the spotlight for as long as we can.”
harry sighs as he grabs his wife’s hand. he kisses the back of it before looking at jeff and olivia.
“fine! but two years, two years and that’s it. im not gonna hurt my wife for longer than that. do you both understand?”
they nod. jeff grabs the paper work and has both harry and olivia sign the contract. when everything was finished he holds you as jeff and olivia leave.
“you sure about this baby?”
you hum into his chest. “it’s just two years, yeah? and then we can go back to just being us. you, me, and may.”
“maybe another baby, huh?” you could practically hear the smirk. giggling into his chest you look up at your husband as he kisses you gently
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god, seeing harry pictures at jeffs wedding made you a tiny bit jealous. he was gorgeous! so was olivia. seeing them holding hands though triggered you a bit.
you knew it was all to keep your identity a secret. but, damn! did you want to be the one holding his hand at that very moment.
sometimes you wondered if keeping your marriage a secret was worth it. you wished you could be the one holding his hand. but you also loved that you were able to hide your relationship this long.
you weren’t ashamed of being harry’s wife. your husband was hot! you could never be ashamed of harry. but you liked it just being you and him. you and harry in your little bubble who created your own beautiful daughter.
lost in your train of thought you didn’t even realize harry had just got out of the shower. a towel wrapped around his waist. you smiled at him lovingly.
“you okay, darling?”
you hum, lifting yourself up as you walked over to your husband and wrap her arms around him. kissing him passionately.
harry hums through the kiss. he pulls away and smirks. “what’s gotten into you?”
“nothing! just love you so much.”
harry caresses your cheek. he looks deep into your eyes. staring at you like you were the only woman to exist. and to him you were. you meant absolutely everything to him and he’d tell you time and time again.
“i love you too.”
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today had been one whole year since your daughter was born. you couldn’t believe that she had been here a whole year.
you and harry planned a big party! you knew she didn’t know what was going on but she loved the attention. all of your friends and family surrounded her and showered her in kisses.
but she was one hundred percent a daddy’s girl. as soon as harry would pick her up and kiss her cheek she’s screamed happily.
her gummy smile was so adorable. maybelle made your heart sore every single time she smiled. she was definitely a happy baby!
harry chuckles as he kisses her forehead. “how’s my birthday girl, huh?”
“dada, cake!?”
“oh? my girl wants another piece of cake huh? gotta ask mama.”
“mama, cake?”
you giggle. “i guess. but only a small piece baby. don’t want you getting a tummy ache, yeah?”
you cut a small piece of cake. harry sits her down as you set the plate next to her. you feed her as she babbles.
you hum, pretending to understand every word she’s saying. everyone takes pictures of her. she smiles as she notices the flashes.
a few hours later everyone leaves while you and harry clean up.
“alright baby. you ready for bath time?”
“yes, baby. bubbles.”
you head upstairs to start maybelle’s bath. harry ends up getting a phone call from olivia. he sighs.
it’s been eight months of being with olivia. she seems to always need something from harry. it was frustrating the both of you. it was almost like she didn’t understand this was all just to keep his family safe and private.
harry ignores her call, he heads upstairs to your shared bedroom, and hears his daughter babble as she splashes water.
harry laughs as he walks into the bathroom. “how are my three favorite girls doing?” harry asked as he looks at his daughter, bends down, and kisses your bump.
he was so excited to be having another baby with you. always wanting a big family.
“we’re great.”
and you were. you were very great. happy everything seemed to be in place despite everything you felt at peace.
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if anyone wants to be added to the taglist just let me know! i hope you enjoyed. more to come
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meat-wentz · 2 years
this one is mainly links, plus resources at the end for more in depth dives.
some cool pre-fob/outside fob links:
arma angelus livejournal
where sleeplessness is rest from nightmares (arma album playlist, heychris is working at the moment to get these on spotify)
the grave end of the shovel (arma EP)
last arma show
first novena show (pre-arma arma angelus)
racetraitor "broken dust" ft. a young pete and a young andy
another one
racetraitor 2019
racetraitor 2022
interview with mani mostofi 2018
now some general lore, i'll bold the ones that are referenced most often:
"The Story" 2004 (from My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue dvd)
"Cutting Room Floor" (LOTS of classic moments in this, joe sleeping in a cage, patrick drinking garlic butter, dunking his head in a pool, getting nervous and shaking pete's hand, etc)
extra bits sorry this literally opens with a dirty toilet
the story behind the album cover (patrick, joe and pete all lived in a shitty apartment together, where the cover of tttyg was shot on their broken couch, i promise this link is so much more informative these are just the basics)
take this to your apartment pt. 1 (fall out boy return to the apartment)
take this to your apartment pt. 2
a little reflection on the van accident
notes between patrick and joe (resolution by pete)
patrick in high school
first interview
the hollister show (includes pete jumping off the roof with an umbrella, van tour, andy "what's goin' on guys" which is important TO ME)
2003 acoustic set (IMPORTANT TO ME)
the hollister show pt. 2 (the show, which is fucking insane, sweater, shorts and black socks mention, borders mention, patrick drinking half a bottle of tobasco, pete getting tazed, first ??? mention of jason which will be expanded upon later)
i'm not putting release the bats lmao that's your job, warning it's gross, it's a will-tester for sure.
but you do get bedussey, it's like, on the syllabus. there will be a test.
FOBR bio during futct
the jason interview
patrick and pete interview for the documentary bastards of young (2005)
behind the scenes AOL
TRL debut
nintendo ds makes me forget that i don't have any friends
mtv vma performance of sugar (iconic because of the uniforms)
mtv2 video awards arrival
mtv2 win
warped diary (fob did warped in a fucking van, which is hardcore af)
behind the scenes sugar we're going down
behind the scenes dance dance
behind the scenes a little less 16 candles
fuse rock star guide (IMPORTANT TO ME)
you look good in everything honey
behind the scenes live in phoenix
don't google yourself
you look like the unabomber
wind power
fall out boy gets uncomfortable
pete's do's and don'ts for valentine's day
world's most in depth interview
gabe bothering patrick with socks and sandals
piss roulette
IMPORTANT PATRICK VIDEO TO ME (black clouds and underdogs tour)
gay above the belt
it's not a hot girl
the backpack
mark hoppus shaves pete's head (death of emo)
drum battle and this view of patrick
andy drum solo (live in phoenix)
thanks pete
boys of zummer
happy paintings
coffee's for closers dance
YBC commentary by patrick and pete
family feud
just a few reading extras because i'm tired and i've worked on this for so long i'm going crosseyed:
pete/patrick huge primer
what a catch donnie songfacts page
in defense of folie a deux
(btw patrick does a different song every intro for i hate myself, also it's very healing please listen to all 6 episodes)
Loud and Sad Radio (pete podcast)
@stumpomatic-blog and @fobomatic-blog are both archival projects to document the band
here's a giant video vault
peachy.stump on instagram, invaluable resource for updates, throwbacks and all the little tidbits you could want.
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kidrat · 1 month
Tinder if u like guys is just
Twenty of the most generic guys you’ve ever seen
36 yr old Spanish dude in speedos w eerily perfect skin
‘Looking for my nick Nelson 💘’
Instagram twink
Guy who does NOT realise his unclear it is he’s gay! Just one load bearing concert pic towards the back where u can just about make out face glitter
Twenty more generic guys
Kacy. thought ‘gender?’ meant ‘preference?’ despite that also being listed.
That one Snapchat filter
All of the above again but Harry Potter is the first listed interest
Ten guys who look like they don’t sweat or probably eat
Has Adele on the linked Spotify top artist. If gay, presumably thought this was enough.
ONE cool dude!!! Super weird interests and fun hair!!! Not ur type.
‘Straight acting looking for the same’
‘Straight acting looking for the same’ but the guy is a hairdresser
Every photo is of a group
There are no photos
‘Looking for fun’: every photo is of a couple and ur not sure if ur about to snag the hotter twin-husband
Probably straight
ACAB * DONT BE A TORY * NO BIGOTS <- girl who are u
That’s it but I cannot stress. There’s still twenty of the most nothing dude you’ve ever seen and none of them have bios
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thefrontofmymind · 1 year
hiii i love your instagram prompts! idk if you take requests but i'd love if you made one where y/n is the lead singer of a band opening for the 1975 on tour :)
supporting artist!reader x matty healy instagram blurb
(FC: Pomme)
a/n: hey so i had a not-so big brained moment and forgot this request asked for a lead singer of a band but i hope it's still okay. requests are open and any feedback is greatly appreciated. kisses!! xxx
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nmemagazine Who is yn? This up-and-comer has made quite a splash in the past year and it seems only up from here! Between securing a supporting spot on The 1975’s ‘At Their Very Best’ Tour, just about to embark on their UK & Ireland leg, as well as a heavily anticipated debut album just months away, we’re sure you’ll want to keep an eye on her! More info at the link in our bio!
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ynfan1 so proud of her!!!!
1975fan1 she seems so cool! so excited for tour!!
ynfan2 gahh!!! i remember when she would play venues for like 100 people and now she’s touring with the 1975!!!
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yninstagram alexa, play she’s leaving home by the beatles (sidenote: couldn’t be more excited for the next month or so <;3)
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ynfriend don’t be too long!!
>yninstagram you know i couldn’t go without you!!!
ynfan2 so prettyyyyy
ynfan3 mother is mothering so hard rn
pollymoney buzzing for you to join us xxx
>yninstagram me too ! x
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yninstagram Brighton, you were beautiful, I just wish I didn’t rip my favourite pair of pants minutes before I had to go on stage. Xxx
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ynfan1 I was there!!! You did amazing!!!
>yninstagram thank you dear xxx
1975fan1 i’d never heard of her before last night’s show but i was impressed! you got a new number 1 fan!
ynfan2 can’t wait to see you!!!
yninstagram via stories:
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ynupdates yn performing in Exeter! tonight she made a speech at the end of her set to introduce The 1975: “I want to thank you for listening and letting me perform here tonight, but I know you’re all not here for me. So I’d like to introduce the one, the only–my bosses–The 1975!”
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ynfan1 she was so good!!!
ynfan2 she’s so sweet!! My new fav artist!!
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1975updates “Did you see yn before? She’s pretty cool–very talented…She’s also pretty hot which is great on tour…She knows this I told her.” -Matty tonight about yn, the supporting artist on their UK tour.
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1975fan1 ah matty healy, trying to get cancelled since 1989
1975fan2 ok but likeeee why could i see them together???
>ynfan1 no bc ur so right
1975fan3 ok matty’s got a new girl time to lay down in a busy intersection
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ynupdates yn went live on instagram this morning!! she was hanging out with Polly from The 1975’s band!
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yn1975fan1 ok but yn and polly as besties,,,,,a dream come true 
>yn1975fan2 ikr they’re so cute!!!
yn1975fan3 the way yn knows all the words to the sound and sung it flawlessly on the live…iconic behaviour
ynfan1 did anyone see when yn was asked if she heard what Matty said on stage and she was like ‘of course! he tells me like every day’ i ship them so hard!!
>ynfan2 literally!!! And she got all smiley and giggly after too!!
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yninstagram tfw u hit ur face on the headboard see u tn o2 xxx
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pollymoney you scare me babes
>yninstagram dw abt it babes
ynfan1 omg are you okay????
>yninstagram yeah honey just a minor nosebleed xxx
ynfan2 how did you hit your face on the headboard??
>yninstagram got a lil too crazy ig 🤪
trumanblack nice ;)
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ynupdates yn tonight in London!!
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ynfan1 she seemed so happy tonight!!
>ynfan2 ikr!! She was so smiley for the whole set!!!
trumanblack via stories:
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1975updates tonight in Glasgow, yn joined the band on stage to sing Jesus Christ 2005 God Bless America!! It’s the first time since the song was released that it has been performed live!
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yn1975fan1 did yall see how cute yn and matty were????
>yn1975fan2 when they hugged at the end of the song and he kissed her head?? I DIED
1975fan1 just about sobbed when they sang this
yn1975fan3 ok but between how cute yn and matty were on stage and their ig posts on tour does anyone get the vibeeee
>ynfan1 i ship them so hard
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yninstagram mon bonheur xxx
TAGGED: trumanblack
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trumanblack xxx
yn1975fan2 OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
1975fan1 welp,,,time to jump in front of a bus
yn1975fan3 idk who I’m more jealous of
yn1975fan4 my PARENTS <;33
180 notes · View notes
whatbio · 1 year
Bio For Instagram For Boy Attitude | 150+ Trending Instagram Bio For Boys | Attitude and Stylish Bio 2023
Instagram bio for boys and girls 2023: 150+ cool, stylish, and attitude bio captions and quotes for your Instagram profile. Instagram is one of the most upcoming social media for youth overall. With time, the different social media platforms have grown many times, and Instagram is following the same pattern. Social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter has gained popularity all over the…
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essaysbyciara · 2 years
It's Been A Long Time | Nebraska Williams x Black!Plus Size Reader [Part 3/?]
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Hi! Part three is here. I don't have much else to say lmao. Taglist is OPEN if you would like to be added. OH! There’s also a soundtrack for the story (peep above). Peace and love
Hotel bars can be hit or miss; you prep yourself every time for watered-down drinks and a loquacious bartender a tad bit too heavy-handed, ignoring your every wave down for a check. Sportscenter blares from the television behind the top-shelf bottles of liquor, reminding you of why you and a damn-near-full bar full of polos and dad-hats adorned with NFL logos are here in the Marriott by the stadium in Indianapolis. 
Your date in the shower with your battery-operated boyfriend wasn’t enough. All the things on your body remained tense. You throw on a white crop-top t-shirt, jean jacket, workout tights and limited edition sneakers and take the elevator down to the hotel bar for a strong drink to hopefully knock the edge off. Secretly,  had another motive: hotel bars are where hot scoops get caught and the ledes for tomorrow’s newspapers are written.  You hope to catch a coach slip out his plans for a draft pick or an agent complain about a player’s performance at the combine. It’s been a quiet few days at the combine and scared money don’t make no money. 
“Maker’s neat, please. Double.” You stare down an Instagram timeline barely moving in hopes to see a little red icon pop up on your screen. Despite the plea to yourself to give it up, you couldn’t let go of Nebraska not following you back. You couldn’t believe that he forgot about you but yet you could:  It’s been a long time, almost fifteen long years, since you two paraded down the hallways of New Birth High school. Actually, you never waved your pageant hand down those fabled corridors. You hid or tried to, at least.  Especially from him. That’s why you think Nebraska doesn’t remember you. What was there to remember?
You snap out of degrading yourself to speculate the other reasons why he hasn’t responded to your request. Maybe he doesn’t use his IG that often to begin with or maybe he’ll follow you in a week or two later when he is actually on the app.  Or maybe you’re denying the truth: he’s forgotten about you like it felt when you both roamed the same school. 
“Yo, man. She’s toughhhh…” Brasco’s right hand, Derrick, says looking at an IG profile of a woman that’s caught his man’s attention. “You meeting her up here?”
“Yeah, bruh. I shouldn’t be doing it though ‘cus we got an early morning but fuck, look at her.” Brasco’s date was beyond beautiful: deep brown skin, long hair and a face Aphrodite would be jealous of. She hopped into his DMs once she saw his Instagram story training one of the most successful wide receivers in the league. Unbeknownst to Brasco, he would be her ticket to something – or someone – big. He hadn’t been on a date in almost six months – in desperate need of his own ticket being punched – willing to risk morning exhaustion for a late-night sexual excursion.
“Where y’all meeting at?” Derrick continues to scroll through the timeline of Brasco’s paramore. 
“Some hotel bar in the city. Fuck, let me check my DMs to see– oh shit.”
“Oh shit what?” 
Brasco’s face colors all kinds of intrigue. it’s been a while since he’s seen you. He finally peeped his notifications. “Nah. Someone from high school that I haven’t talked to in a minute followed me. Damn.” 
“Damn. It ain’t your stalking-ass ex, is it?” That stalking-ass ex would be Lisa, the girl who snagged Brasco first, failed to be the last and couldn’t let him go. Even through her engagement to another man. 
“Nah, nah. It’s this girl that was cool with one of my boys in high school.  I ain’t really connected to anyone from that time so I don’t know how she found me.”
“Let me see…” Derrick looks at your Instagram bio. “Bro, she works at SportsNews. She’s probably looking for shit to tweet about since it's Combine week. Block her.” 
Usually Brasco – or Derrick, being his de facto business manager – blocks all reporters but you just ain’t any ol’ one of those. You were the first – and last –  one to give Nebraska “Brasco” Williams a feature article in any newspaper, a clipping his mother laminated and taped to her refrigerator. It was an interview about his favorite things. You’re also the first person from New Birth to penetrate his self-imposed walls. He’s been running from his high school years ever since his arrest sent him to juvenile detention and then onto the Navy. 
But Brasco doesn’t want to block you just yet. He sees your pictures with Sheena, his old best friend Jarell’s girlfriend-now-wife. The twins have “Big J’s” nose. He hadn’t talked to Big J since leaving New Birth, afraid to learn of what the school was saying about him. News of the fight traveled through AIM quicker than a common cold in a kindergarten class. He didn’t want to be judged for a mistake that left a kid with a bloody and broken jaw and him in a Maryland juvenile facility. 
Derricks sees Brasco endlessly strolling through your Instagram. “Damn, man. Is there anything good on there I need to know about?” 
“Uhhh… nah, nah.” Brasco stumbles through his words as he’s triggered by the friends he left behind. “I’ll take care of it, dude. I’m about to dip; shorty’s at the Marriott by the stadium waiting for me”. 
…Grey Goose and a whole lot of hydro
Only describe us as soldier survivors
Stay laced in the best, well-dressed
With finesse in a white tee, lookin' for wifey
Thug girl who fly and talks so nicely
Put her in the coupe so she can feel the nice breeze
We can drive through the city, no doubt
But don't say my car's topless, say the titties is out…
The rain that helped to arrange your ride home from Brasco went from bad to worse, your dream man driving with his hands on ten and two like a good teenage driver should. You sheepishly grin when Brasco put on “Made You Look” by Nas. You did share a favorite, after all. “Aight, where you at off River?” You’ve been sneaking glimpses of Brasco’s strong hands gripping the hell out of the steering wheel, failing to notice him drive past your house. 
“You passed it, actually. It’s the house with the green door. On the left.” You and he didn’t talk much in the car. You didn’t want to distract him from the treachery of the road with a torrential downpour following you both to your destination. You also thought there was absolutely nothing for you two to talk about. The differences were that stark. 
Nebraska Williams, better known as Brasco, was the star football player for New Birth High School, one of the best programs in the city. Girls were on him like Bow Wow was on 106 & Park: every day, all day. He built a reputation for being a ladies’ man, teetering close to being a “ho” by high school boy standards. “You know he date some girl over at Hillcrest!” “Girl, word is that this chick that go to Stockton pregnant!” Apparently he was doing this as the news of his relationship with Lisa, eventual prom queen and student body president, caused shock and bewilderment throughout the eleventh-grade lunch period. Lisa and Brasco made all the sense in the days of nonsensical rumors and innuendos about Brasco’s whereabouts, even if the baby-by-the-girl-who-went-to-Stockon ended up to be the truth. 
You didn’t have much salaciousness to report. You were the newspaper nerd best friend of his best friend’s girlfriend. Boys didn’t check for you except for Blackplanet, your guestbook getting some traffic only to mean absolutely nothing in the real world scheme of things. You weren’t popular enough to have rumors passed around about you and you certainly weren’t having any sex to warrant hearsay about a baby. 
“Fuck, let me back up….”
“No, it’s cool. If my Dad sees me get out of a car he doesn’t know, he might flip. I can hop out here. The rain is stopping anyway. I appreciate the ride.” 
Maybe Brasco was doing this as a favor to Sheena. They did share the last period of the day together and you figured she must’ve threatened to cut him if he didn’t take you home after the interview. She always accosted him about being a gentleman. Or maybe he picked you up because he wasn’t a dick; he saw you shielding yourself from the monsoon as you waited for your bus to arrive and he figured to be nice. Either way, you knew it wasn’t because he liked you or anything because, in your mind, there’s no way in hell that could ever be the case. 
You had no time to enquire as Brasco quickly unlocked the car door to let you out. You not-so-gracefully hop out, grabbing your umbrella from your tartan-printed backpack covered in all types of pins.  You refuse to turn around to look at him, fearing you could turn into stone, feeling like mush as your stomach produces more butterflies than a botanical garden. Brasco drives away before he could watch you walk into the door and for you to wave your goodbye. You place your rain-soiled shoes by the door and sigh heavily, staring into the bright light in the vestibule welcoming your arrival home. Before you can commence to daydream about your fifteen minute ride from heaven, your Mom’s voice breaks your concentration, “[Y/N]!! Sheena’s on the phone for you!” 
Let the fun times begin. 
Not-so-fun times are happening at the bar: all you’ve noticed are football staff trailing in and out of the adjacent restaurant. Nothing excites you until you spot the head coach of Philadelphia’s football team sitting with the agent of the best wide receiver prospect in the draft. You reach for your phone to take notes but before you can jot down your scoop, you gasp: Brasco just followed you back.
A decade of unrequited love finally earns a respite. A high school crush that shook you down to the bones, a feign you couldn’t quite comprehend, sends your adult heart into beating in triplets. That cloud of nervousness that covered you as you ducked and dodged Brasco in those school hallways sends you into unwanted perspiration. You chastise yourself for feeling this way not knowing that the man responsible for those feelings is mulling away in the restaurant adjacent to you. 
“Can I have a Maker’s neat, please?” Brasco’s nerves wreck him as he waits at a table for his date’s arrival. He seldom drinks but the need to calm down and relax overrides his moral compass. He scans the restaurant for his paramore knowing she’ll be easy to spot in a sea full of white men in sports polos and gym shorts. As the minutes tick away, he checks his Instagram to make sure she hasn't changed looks since the time he updated his feed. He goes back to your page instead, not only feeling compelled to reminisce some more but to get another look at you. 
A photo of you wearing a Black mini-dress and strappy heels had Brasco’s antennas up. You long traded in those blue glasses for something more sophisticated but they still framed your face beautifully. Your breasts went from a single letter D to a double. Brasco noticed those first. It took him back to that day at Lisa’s house, the day you showed up in a red bathing suit that led to a scolding like no other. Nerdy [Y/N] had a body on her and as you secretly planned, it caught Brasco’s attention. 
He let out a faint “fuck” as you tossed your t-shirt and demin shorts onto the picnic table. He wanted to play those sweet splashy games alongside you but again, boys from his side of town didn’t know how to swim. His left hand twitched when you hopped out of the pool, body drenched in chlorine. That red bathing suit barely held on to your goodness. Brasco hoped for a slip. He was ready to risk it all until your Mom showed up to whisk you away. 
Little did he know that he wouldn’t see you – or his friends – ever again. But yet the girl who once re-calibrated his desires sits just mere feet away from him and he doesn’t even know it. 
taglist: @ghostfacekill-monger,  @blackburnbook,  @twistedcharismaaa, @sheabuttahwrites, @keiva1000, @chaneajoyyy
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grumpy-gurgles · 4 months
I caved and made a blog on here.
[Intro and such under the cut <3]
[Ask box is open! Don't be shy :)]
So uh, anyone on Instagram may know me from grumpy.gurgles on there. But I honestly despise Instagram, and tumblr indulges me so much better. Plus I can kinda be a degenerate without some sicko trying to get in my pants or calling me a girl or any of the weird shit I have to face over there. Instagram tummy community is so disgusting fyi, try not to stick around too long for your own good.
I usually just use Ash for a name, but I really don't care if you give me nicknames or anything like that. I'm 19(20 in August), pronouns are in my bio but if you need to remember, it/he/xe. Please no they/them, I will kick someone's ass if that happens.
This is a kink blog. I will be reblogging and occasionally posting some shit. If I find out you're a minor, I can and will block you. Just like every other logical tummy blog on this app.
This blog will primarily focus on:
(Realistic) stuffing
Stomach noises(Especially this one if everything goes well)
Vore(kind of. Not very into it anymore, but I might still post about it.)
Probably some general h0rny posting
And also some tummy content I do myself, maybe? I'm not too sure.
This blog will NOT feature(though I don't mind following accounts with it, just not my thing):
Emeto / sickfic
Disposal of any kind
Unrealistic stuffing
Idk what else to put here. Just stuff like that.
I will try not to yuck anyone's yums, but I won't post about anything that makes me uncomfortable and all.
DMs are open if you ask in advance. I'm a bit shy about messaging first, though. Have a lot of bad experiences from them but this group should be cool. Like I said, please ask first.
Side note: I only really act "rude" to people because I'm not used to good experiences in communities like this one. I'm not intentionally trying to be a dick, unless you give me a reason to be such. I use the block button very often.
So uh. That's it. 👍
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hanjsquokka · 4 months
some girl from my class was stalking me online and then proceeded to ask me why i changed my instagram bio a lot — well i'm sorry i'm changing something on my personal account whenever i feel like it
well, at least i'm cool enough to be stalked
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