#convoy busters
Grand Line Crew Modern Au Gang!
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i hope yall enjoy, this took a while to get all together, here
ASL post
East Blue Crew post
Friends we made along the way 1 post
Friends we made along the way 2 post
i dont have many additional headcanons for this lot, but i did write a short story with them :) enjoy
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
That’s just gonna have to be there 👆 tumblr likes to glitch out my posts.
Dont give chopper caffeine. He’ll either have a heart attack or operate on 5x speed, its a gamble every time.
robin and franky love watching home improvement shows, house hunters, how its made, myth busters, and other technical shows together.
When Luffy shows robin memes on his phone, she takes out her reading glasses and holds the phone like a mom does. Ya know that squint. You know.
Jinbei used to be a trucker and had a convoy with s bunch of his truckin’ buddies. They had matching leather jackets with “the sun truckers” embroidered on the back
Franky has a wig closet. It is vast. If you went in there you'd think you were in Narnia or something
Chopper is BEYOND CONVINCED that Sabo is a vampire.
One day, sabo volunteered as an assistant in a medical class chopper was taking. He was acting as chopper’s patient as he was learning the patient procedures of a checkup.
It was all going fine, chopper got all the patient identification out of the way and next was to acquire blood pressure, breath count, and heart rate. But the stethoscope and pressure monitor wasn’t working, and it make it seem like Sabo,,, didnt have a pumping heart,, or blood,,, or really breathed at all(he doesnt take very visible breaths).
Chopper was stricken with fear at this and assumed the absolute worse as he looked in horror at Sabo’s naturally pale complexion and long canine teeth. Chopper simply jotted down the average count of each recording instead of getting new equipment, and tried not to think about it, but
“huh, all of those numbers are usually lower than that. Maybe all that Special Concoction™ i drink is finally catching up to my heart rate.”
“how much have you.. drunk?”
“like for today? Or since I woke up.”
Chopper is fucking horrified. Sabo woke up to being a vampire and drinks blood as a special concoction. He cannot believe this.
”Never mind, I don't need to know, its all normal, you're normal.”
“Wow… that's the first time a medical practitioner has called me normal. My brothers are gonna get a real kick outta this.”
CHOPPER IS FUCKING HORRIFIED. HE HAS BRETHEREN??? Chopper just keeps his head down and finishes up the check up practice as Sabo remarks he has another class in the blood bank, which was lemon in the paper cut for chopper.
For a month or so after that day, Chopper didn’t see Sabo at all, and he forgot about his fear for a little while. However one night as chopper was hanging with Luffy and a few others in the straw hat friend group, there was a knock at the door. Chopper happily said “I’ll get it~” as the rest of the group continued in conversation.
Chopper skips over to the door and when he opens it, he sees the figure of Sabo standing in front of him. Tall and opposing, smiling a big toothy grin with bright blue eyes shining from the overhead lighting. He’s wearing a long trench coat with the collar popped and an ascot was wrapped around his neck.
What chopper was seeing before him.
Was the vampire.
He let out a scream right out of a horror film and promptly fainted.
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A minute or two later, he awoke laying on the couch, feet elevated and vest unbuttoned, to his friends looking at him from the foot of the couch.
He goes to stand up, but a strong gloved hand stops his movement and guides him back down
“Don't get up too quickly, little man.”
Chopper looked next to him and saw The Vampire. What was he doing in his house?!?!?
“Are you alright, bud? You opened the door for me, screamed in my face, and then passed out.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Chopper said with the highest voice-crack to word ratio in his entire life.
“Right. Well again, dont get up too quickly, if you need water or anything let your friends know. I just came here to pick up Luffy cuz some family stuff came up. Have a good night!”
“…you too, and thanks for taking care of me…”
“No prob!”
“One last question?” Inquired chopper.
“What's up?”
“Did someone invite you in?”
the end
PS: Sabo's "special concoction" consists of Red Bull and Espresso. He hasn't slept in 72 hours. This will have lasting effects on his health.
thats all for now! thanks for reading~
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a-vctlan · 2 months
— blood, blood, gallons of the stuff ! | @kuhato / @aicidos
sender tries to wipe blood off receiver but the blood on their hands just makes it worse / tifa & cloud 😊
They all knew it.
The migraines, the hallucinations. He sleepwalked, talked to himself.
Cloud was unwell.
But… they were hurting for members. That's what Tifa kept repeating, time and time again, and after a while even Barret started to wonder if she was trying to convince him or herself that bringing Cloud along was a good idea.
He got the job done when he was lucid, that wasn't a question… but what if he gets one of his spells during a fight? How are they supposed to trust him when they know how he gets? So far it wasn't a problem, but Barret's job was to make sure the team was one cohesive unit, that they wouldn't hit any snags.
You don't think they got rid of him for a reason, Tifa? SOLDIERs don't just up and retire, you know that as well as I do.
But what they feared was him faltering mid battle, going down when they were relying on him… they hadn't considered the opposite. Something about the location, the feeling of being chased — Midgar Wastelands as far as they could see, hot sun blaring down at them, surrounded by an infantry convoy that seemed to have been expecting them.
The longer they fought, the more chances they had to call in for back up, to close them in further, to shoot them down. The gunfire, the yelling, people calling out his name… something snapped. Cloud stumbled for half a step as he took a shot in the shoulder, and Tifa called out for him… but there was no response, not a single glance back towards her. Instead, his gaze snapped back up towards the person who shot him, his grip on the Buster Sword tightening…
And all the times they'd doubted his story, doubted his validity as a First Class, are brought to question — how can he not be? The viciousness, the speed and strength with which he cuts through the masses, one after the other, completely berserk.
SOLDIERs are monsters. They fight, and they love it.
At least, so they say in the slums - but there is no thrill in his eyes when Cloud cuts down the last man standing, he is as wide eyed as a prey animal, his whole frame shaking with tremors. He's afraid, he's afraid and at times it feels like she'll never be able to understand - like no one will be able to understand.
Blood and carnage, more souls for the lifestream, more lives to carry on their conscience, to burden themselves with — it had to be done, they had to live to fight another day.
Cloud swallows thickly, and for a moment, he feels like he's going to be sick - he's sweating, heat flushing through his system as his mind catches up with what he'd just done. (I did that? You did.) His thoughts swarm as he seemingly blinks himself aware, stumbling a half step back, wiping at the sweat on his face with his bloodied gauntlet, smearing it across his cheek as he holsters the sword on his back.
She approaches him like a wild animal, and he wilts, bristles up but grows complacent, he trusts her — he trusts her more than he trusts himself at times.
Her knuckles are bloodied, the rusting iron scent seeping into the cracks of her gloves, but Cloud doesn't care, long since desensitized to the nauseating stench (it used to make me sick) and all he can focus is on her eyes, the worry, the distress on her expression as she tries to reach out, tries to draw him out of whatever daze he'd fallen into.
Her hand is on his cheek, her thumb attempting to wipe away the blood he'd splattered on himself, but all it does is smear it across his face, and he can see her talking but he can't understand her words, drowned in the thundering of the blood pumping in his head, and so she tries again, both hands now on his face as he begins to feel faint - he'd over exerted himself, he's aware somewhere in his mind.
His knees buckle as he collapses, and Barret rushes over, cursing over his own inability to do anything to help either of them - but before he can get picked up off the floor, one of his bloodied hands reaches up to clasp the hand on his cheek, grip shaking, but careful... desperate for contact as although his mind does not remember, his body kept score of the fear he'd once felt.
He didn't want to be alone.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“Potent gifts ready for enemy subs,” February 19, 1943. 
Record Group 26: Records of the U.S. Coast Guard
Series: Photographs of Activities, Facilities, and Personalities
File Unit: Convoys
Image description: Two Coast Guardsmen in hooded jackets stand at the stern of a Coast Guard “sub-buster”, each poised to release a large, barrel-shaped depth charge. The entire deck of the ship is wet. 
Public Relations Officer, 
U.S. Coast Guard, 
Washington, D.C. 
Ready to drop a couple of potent presents from Uncle Sam to enemy undersea raiders, these Coast Guardsmen stand by the depth charge release levers at the stern of a Coast Guard ‘sub-buster’ on anti-submarine patrol in the Atlantic. 
Upon detecting the presence of an enemy raider the ‘ash cans’ are hurled overboard, being adjusted to explode at a pre-determined depth. Old Glory flies briskly and triumphantly from the stern of the Coast Guard vessels which are doing valiant work in this global war. 
[handwritten on folder]
Potent gifts ready for enemy subs
02 19 43 (2)
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime,
What became of Megaligator after he came into possession of the Creation Matrix? Was it ever retrieved by Megatron and the rest of the Green Order?
Dear Vernal Venturer,
I believe I gave you a very truncated version of events before, that Megalligator reconciled with Megatron to become the joint Green Compassionate Convoys, but I suppose I never told you the full story.
After once again evading the judgmental fist of his brother Convobat, Megalligator continued on his quest to kill all Megatrons. The silent Golden Ager Soundwave had taken him to the Green Planet for a reason, and soon it became clear. They found a great pyramid, its Bulkhead guards having long since abandoned the Green Temple in grief over the loss of their commander, Green Tender Convoy. All save one: a large BotBot (large by BotBot standards, about as tall as Megalligator), who introduced himself as Bulk Gulp.
Bulk Gulp showed deference to Soundwave, but initially was wary of Megalligator, butting heads with him almost immediately—each considered the other’s alt-form useless! What’s more, Bulk Gulp darkly noted, Megalligator reminded him of “the new guy”.
Under duress, Bulk Gulp would lead the two visitors up the pyramid. Translating from Soundwave’s total silence, he explained that the weapon Megalligator needed for his quest was contained in the temple, and they would need to get it from its protector. Heartened by his plans finally moving along, Megalligator’s confidence quickly turned to dismay as he found none other than a Megatron- no, the Megatron, hunched in a corner, contemplating the Green Matrix enshrined at the top of the pyramid. Megatron could only note that he wasn’t able to get the Green Matrix to open before Megalligator lunged at him, raining blows upon his face.
Megalligator shouted what he had always known: that he and his brothers were clones, and while Convobat had been born “good”, the clone “son” of a Convoy, Megalligator had been born “evil”, forged from samples the Straxus twins had stolen from Megatron Omega. Megatron said nothing, realizing that his millennia of ambition had left him alone in an unfriendly past, separate from his dearest friend. Bulk Gulp and Soundwave watched in despair. Soundwave had never been good at communication or interpersonal relationships, and his bringing the two green warriors together had only brought further misery. The Green Order had fled the temple not just in grief, but in disappointment that a former tyrant was to be their new leader.
It was at this moment that Sideways attacked the temple, the space biker having been hired by the Straxuses to track and destroy Megalligator. Sideways handily took on both him and Megatron, cruelly declaring that no matter what anybody said, they’d both always be monsters. Then, a voice called out from the Green Matrix. To be a Green Warrior was to defend nature and nature was not something to be defined by others, but by understanding both our roots and the skies our branches reached for. It was here that Megalligator understood his true power: to super-robot lifeforms, his techokinesis was control over life itself. Using the same connection to his progenitor that connected Convobat to Blue Big Convoy, Megalligator synced his Spark to Megatron’s, suffusing him with life energy and giving him the strength he needed to defeat Sideways with a Mega Fusion Buster drill attack.
From the Creation Matrix came a vision of Green Tender Convoy. He explained that neither Megatron or Megalligator were suited to be his successor. Megatron was a being of half-life, an irradiated Spark piloting the unliving body of an abomination created by his past self. Megalligator was a being of death, an assassin overflowing with energy, whose only goal was the death of his foes to prove his life. But half-life and living for death are both forms of life, and their duality would allow them to surpass Green Tender Convoy as joint commanders: Green Compassionate Convoys. With his blessing, both took hold of the Green Matrix, and lit the beacon at the top of the pyramid.
Soundwave could only smile. His was not a perfect plan, but he would see Primus saved. As he took a triumphant swig from Bulk Gulp, he knew that His will had been passed down.
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baebeyza · 2 years
Give us the most fucked up fact you know from any tf.
Lemme just pick something from each show:
G1: The episode "Webworld" is pretty entertaining and also fucked up in how it parallels real life practices. Not surprising since one of the writers of the episode used to work in a psyche ward and showed some horror of horrible practices in this episode in the way the tried to "delete" Galvatron's mind after a half-hearted attempt of "fixing" him Headmasters: CYBERTRON DIES! Like Cybertron just gets wrecked in episode 10! I did NOT see that coming, it was such a twist and surprise and I love it, but it sure is fucked up for that to happen. They kill Mars too for good measure
Super-God Masterforce: I absolutely adore this show, and I think the fuckest upest to happen is Hydra and Buster actively killing random truck drivers in the hopes of killing Ginrai. It sure has a more mature tone than what came before Victory: How horrible the prison Guyhawk was in was, you'd think Autobots, the ultimate good guys, would be more humane to prisoners.
Beast Wars: How Predacons and Maximals alike have basically the same sentiment about Transmutate, a TF who doesn't fit their own image of perfection - thinking it is best dead. Beast Wars II: The implication of tiddies
Beast Wars Neo: Vector Sigma just making Big Convoy say inspirational shit. Like its fun, but why, Vector Sigma??? Why can she do that anyway??? Beast Machines: The whole show RiD01: How Yuki's father doesn't get saved by the heroes, but by Gelshark being an idiot Armada: I hate this show, and the fuckest upest thing to me is how they manage to make no sense. Also, Megatron fleeing from a half dead blob of orange like a pussy. PUSSY I SAY! WHY THE FUCK DOES HE FLEE FROM A HALF-DEAD BOT HE JUST SHOT WHAT THE FUCK IS THE LOGIC-
Energon: Galvatron and Inferno. If you watched the show, you know what I mean
Cybertron: I love this show and recommend it so damn much- Fuckest upest thing is Starscream fighting Primus and Primus using the moons as morningstars. VERY fucked up and entertaining
TFA: The implication that Cybertron would use Blackarachnia as a test subject
TFP: Soundwave's fate
RiD15: The one dude who still thinks the war is ongoing and just happens to have an earth-destroying machine around him
Prime Wars: Starscream's voice and that one very disturbing scream
Cyberverse: This show is so boring to me, I can't even think of stuff that was fucked up and not just me hating the writing
WFC: Megatrons actions becoming worse and worse but him still trying to justify them
Bayverse: Okay so, there is this mini show set between the second and third movie and in one of them Ironhide stops Bee from falling on a flower saying they must protect all sentient life, implying that this flower is sentient and WHAT THE FUCK- Why do they drop this information of a sentient flower and just leave! Why is nothing done with this! Why did they add it in the first place! I can't with this I wanna know about the sentient flower ffs-
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asknarashikari · 3 months
Moving on to the Go-Busters and their assigned Cybertronians but from now on, we'll just show a list of the assigned Cybertronians and head into the main thing.
The Go-Busters' Assigned Cybertronians: Cheetor the plucky cheetah, Apeface the loud and rude gorilla, Moon the carefree rabbit, Stampy the cowardly white rabbit, Barrage the merciless and cruel rhinoceros beetle, Chop Shop the thieving stag beetle, Lio Convoy the honest and selfless lion, Thundertron the merciless and vengeful lion, Diver the timid and unmotivated frog, and Spittor the arrogant and overconfident but stupid "poison arrow" frog.
The Go-Busters and their assigned Cybertronians have been sent to fight a monster but they see a bunch of chickens as the grunts and this causes Hiromu to freeze.
Cheetor: Is Hiromu okay?
Youko: Oh right, we forgot to tell you he is afraid and freezes every time a chicken.
Cheetor: Huh, you learn something new. Hold up, I got an idea.
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Cheetor picks up the frozen Hiromu and uses him as a weapon while the others shoot the chickens, turning them into fried chicken, but after defeating the chicken foot-soldiers, a revived Dora Cockatrice, a cockatrice-themed monster from Zyuranger, appears and grows giant. The Go-Buster Oh is formed but due to Hiromu being frozen, Cheetor and Moon takes over for him in piloting Buster Machine CB-01.
Cheetor: Okay, how do we pilot this thing?
Cheeda Nick: Well, first you-.
Moon: What does this button do?
Moon accidentally activates the Go-Buster Oh's finisher and by sheer luck, slices Dora Cockatrice in two, killing him.
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What are the Sentais' reaction to the Go-Busters and their assigned Cybertronians fighting a bunch of chickens, a frozen Hiromu being used as a weapon by Cheetor, Cheetor and Moon piloting the Go-Buster Oh in place of Hiromu, and Moon accidentally activating the finisher that kill Dora Cockatrice?
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...Poor Hiromu is the butt of the joke this time huh
Not sure how else they'd react. The GoBusters seem pretty pragmatic "if it works it works" kind of people to me. I don't think even Hiromu would mind the embarrassment as long as the mission was accomplished
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xmachinamedia · 6 months
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2:30 PM
          “BWAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!!” The man cackled, the seven passengers and staff he had successfully rounded up amid the panicking masses all cowering before him, a black-and-white mask obscuring the top half of his face – freeing up room for his scraggly beard attached only at the edges of his chin and his proudly bellowing laughter. “Ladies and gentlemen, kind citizens of the Atlantean continent and tourists alike, the mighty Bomberhead appreciates your patronage in foisting such a grand supply of ether across the wildlands! This energy will fuel my operations and funds alike for several months to come! I deeply appreciate it!”
            Bomberhead – Age 36, D-Rank supervillain – “The Explosive Bandit”: A small-time crook and bandit known for assaulting traveling convoys across Atlantis utilizing his ability to create small explosions, backed up by a seemingly limitless salvo of explosive devices. D-Ranked due to his ability being exceedingly limited, only able to cause lethal harm to a human with direct contact or use of his arsenal of explosives, and generally lacking skill, always only narrowly evading Enforcer capture.
            Notable for tending to always announce his presence with an explosion, making it easier for first responders to quickly mobilize in retaliation whenever he strikes. Intel suggests this may be either a compulsion or some sort of “signature” he attaches to his crimes as iconic as his gaudy name.
            A waiter from aboard the train spat out a handkerchief stuffed in his mouth and glared at Bomberhead. “Y-you idiot! How do you plan to haul the ether off the train?! Each of those ten tanks is almost six-thousand kilos apiece! I know you’re a super, but you aren’t exactly a strong one…”
            Having his grandiose speech interrupted sparked Bomberhead’s fury immediately as he rushed over to the waiter, indignance plastered across his mien. “How, DARE you insult my destructive capabilities?!”
            The back of his hand graced the young waiter’s cheek at high speed, sending some spit flying from the tied-up captive while a young woman tied up beside him screamed.
            “You don’t seem to understand the situation you’re in! It matters not how I get the ether tanks off the train, what matters is that they’re mine now!”
            “Not very strong… lemme add not very bright to that as well.” The waiter growled, earning another slap across the cheek.
            “I appreciate your concern.” Bomberhead sarcastically grumbled, stuffing the hankie back into the waiter’s mouth. “But I do have a plan, in case your tiny mind can comprehend that. As soon as I decouple this train car, some of my ‘associates’ will arrive, recouple the train from behind, and guide us deeper into the Eastern Wavord Wildlands – where, once we’re far enough in the forest, we’ll have you, our captives in the event of Enforcer interference… earn your keep by assisting us in unloading and selling these tanks. Then perhaps a local crime lord will take you all under their wing and repeat the cycle. Until all of you have outlived your usefulness.”
            The young woman wailed once more, tears streaming from her eyes.
            “And quit screaming!!” Bomberhead bellowed, gnashing his teeth in frustration. “Can’t I finish a speech in—"
            Just then, the door in the back was kicked down, and Bomberhead slapped his forehead as soon as he sensed a pair of auras enter through them – clearly not the armed gunmen he had explicit measures to deal with, like gun-jamming EMP grenades or chloroform knockout grenades. No, this was a pair of supers, Enforcers, inevitably. Suddenly, his foolproof plan felt like it had a major hole as he asked himself; “Why didn’t I check for any Enforcers possibly running guard duty…?!”
            Immediately, the blond-haired one took center stage, proudly grinning before Bomberhead with his young lantern jaw on full display while a spiky blur rushed all the hostages out from the train car faster than Bomberhead could comprehend.
            “What the hell was that?!” Bomberhead thought to himself the moment he realized he was alone with two adversaries, his hostages kept as insurance all gone in a split second – leaving the aforementioned blond-haired kid, and a new, grimmer-looking spiky-haired kid, carrying a massive sword in one hand.
 “I-I couldn’t even sense someone moving! Was it the spiky-haired kid?!” He hurriedly thought to himself, trying to catch up with the present as the blond-haired one began to speak up.
            “Sorry, Bomberhead, but you won’t be hijacking any transport vessels today.” Ezekiel bellowed with a wide grin.
“Tch. Jr. Brats. I won’t waste my time figuring out how you snatched all my hostages – that doesn’t matter at this point.” Bomberhead snarled, cracking his knuckles and leaping from his barrel position. “You kids better back off, unless you feel like getting yourselves and this entire train blasted sky-high!!” He snarled, whipping out a stick of dynamite from his pocket and arming himself with a lighter in his free hand.
 “Enforcers indeed – here to bring you to justice and save these innocent people! I’m Ezekiel Reis, and that’s my partner Buster Raine, and we’re the Prodigies of the South, on the job! I suggest you surrender - before your plan explodes in your face!”
            Buster, close behind, only groaned and slammed his palm upon his face. Bomberhead meanwhile, looked entirely confounded, unable to reconcile what he just heard with reality.
            “Uhh… fantastic introduction, kid, but… this is your first time doing this, ain’t it?” Bomberhead muttered with an uncertain frown.
            Ezekiel frowned. “No!” He then relented for a moment. “A-actually, sort of? I was gonna apprehend a supervillain in a museum but—y’know what, forget it. You’re under arrest, asshole!”
(Discord Server)
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newswireml · 2 years
Alex Murdaugh trial: How Paul Murdaugh testified "from the grave" to help convict his father#Alex #Murdaugh #trial #Paul #Murdaugh #testified #grave #convict #father
It was a field trip to a ghost town.  Off a country road, the procession turned slowly up the long driveway of the imposing property. The convoy held the jury in the double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh. “Moselle” is the hunting lodge of the Murdaugh family —  Alex, his wife Maggie, and sons Paul and Buster.   On June 7, 2021, Maggie and Paul Murdaugh were found dead at these dog kennels on the…
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fatmagic · 5 years
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painiac · 6 years
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sb-sratss-obsession · 2 years
SRaTSS Episode Transcript: Ep. 2 - Cavalry Command
This is a tentative transcription of the dialogues of this episode of “Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs”. If you spot mistakes feel free to warn me about it, I would love to make it perfect!
Episode: 2 - Cavalry Command
Transmitted: September 15, 1987
Japanese version: AMERICAN ONLY
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky! Can you feel the thunder inside? Saber Rider! Make the lightning crack as you ride! Saber Rider! (guitar solo)
In today's exciting adventure Colt hits the bullseye, April hits the matt and Saber Rider hits the jackpot on a daring popsicle course but when the wagon trade is ambushed by turf rustlers only the Star Sheriffs can blaze the trail to victory. Don't miss this amazing adventure of Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs!
Saber Rider...
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
EP. 2
by Marc Handler
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Saber Rider: “Out on a New Frontier the settlers are hearty self-reliant people but they depend on the supply sent from their home planets. That is why we've developed automated supply convoys without human crews. But those convoys are the primary target of the lightning raids of the Outriders. They jump from their dimension… into our… and their attacks were as wild as a free stampede”
Gattler: Outriders air squads go out and ride! Yes, hit the sky with your wrangler wrath!
Outrider: Approaching automated control panel for deactivation.
Colt: Robot wranglers!
Saber Rider: Open fire!
Gattler: What’s that?
Outrider: Star Sheriffs!
Saber Rider: Ah, that wasn’t too difficult. Now let's try it one more time with feeling!
Fireball: You've got it!
Saber Rider: Vapor cannons! I'm going out there. Take over the Maverick flight dynamics.
Fireball: Right!
Saber Rider: Colt, back me up in the Bronco Buster. I'll need maximum stallion power!
Colt: Right!
Saber Rider: April, I'll need you too!
April: All right!
Saber Rider: Steed!
April: Go, Nova!
Colt: Stallion power, on!
Saber Rider: Okay, boy. Now!
April: Oh-oh. Get ready, Nova! Got it!
Saber Rider: Forgive me for dropping in unannounced. I do hope it wasn’t something I said. Now to reactivate the convoy.
Gattler: What are our options Wrangler?
Outrider: Vaporize or eat dust, sir.
Gattler: Vaporize!
Saber Rider: Well, it looks like they’ll jump dimension once again.
Nemesis: Stop. Did they defeat you already or did you just forget something in your room?
Gattler: We lost, sir. They roped us in.
Nemesis: Roped you? Really? They demolished you! Do you think I don't know every move you make, every step you take? I'm watching you. You are lucky, Gattler, I spared you from the vapor chambers but I could easily change my mind.
Gattler: Not necessary, sir. I just need more time.
Nemesis: Be quick or you'll have nothing but time.
Gattler: Yes, sir.
Nemesis: I’ll leave, you bore me. I hate boring people, especially when they're full of boring excuses and vapor beings are the most boring of all. Now in the Star Sheriffs’ dimension they have fun but we can't have fun because we don’t know how.
Colt: Well it was quite a show down back there!
Fireball: Well, the convoy is safe.
Saber Rider: Yes and we have the rest of the day free.
April: I think we should go into town and have some fun! Didn't we chase those outriders away? I hope it's not another attack!
Computer: Insert EBU.
April: EBU inserted.
Computer: Unscrambling message. EBU message: come to Cavalry Command headquarters at once.
April: Big time, boys. We're being paged by general White Hawk himself.
Colt: I never met White Hawk. Good, I'm sure he'll be impressed!
Fireball: Where are these headquarters?
Saber Rider: At a very secret location. Absolute top security. Let's power up!
Colt: Look! Buffaloes!
Fireball: What?
Colt: A herd of buffaloes.
Fireball: Of course a herd of buffaloes!
Colt: Now I’m really popular down there, you know a bunch awesome
Fireball: Yeah, I saw, Colt.
April: We're getting close, Saber Rider. Shall I bring them on in?
Saber Rider: Yes, April. Remember this is our secret headquarters for entire galaxy. Steady. This canyon is very narrow. There it is! Cavalry Command! Those are top commanders. They need our identification: present EBUs.
White Hawk: April! Ah, it is so good to see you again! You are looking very well and your work on project Ramrod has been outstanding.
April: Thanks, general. You had faith in my project when no one else did.
White Hawk: That faith was well-earned, April. Saber Rider, you've grown into a flying commander. I remember you when you were a green cadet here, now you're a legend. Tell me about your team.
Saber Rider: This is Fireball, sir, the youngest Star Sheriff. He has great courage but he's a bit hot-headed what we used to call gung-ho but he'll learn discipline in time. He wants to be a cavalry commander himself someday so I give him every opportunity to take leadership. And this is Colt. He's quite incorrigible.
Colt: Oh, I wish I knew what that meant, so I could take a wimps. Howdy anyway.
April: Colt is kind of a maverick, sir, but he's the sharpest sharpshooter on the New Frontier and when the chips are down you can always count on him.
White Hawk: I'm sure you can, April. As you know we have other Star Sheriffs patrolling other galaxies. Some of them were also recruited on the job, though most were trained here at the academy. See for yourself. These are some Star Sheriffs in the Manitou galaxy. They uncovered an Outrider Depot and captured some experimental weapons. Incidentally as one starship team to another, they asked me to send their greetings. The weapons they captured are here at the base.
April: I'd like to analyze those weapons.
White Hawk: I was hoping you would, especially this mysterious device but first there are some people I want you to meet. These are our finest young cadets. We train them as Star Sheriffs have been trained for centuries in the frontier spirit. They must be exemplary in every way. While you are here, I'd like you to conduct some special lessons. Teach them what it's really like out on the New Frontier. Each of you has incredible special skills, will you share them with these cadets?
Saber Rider: Of course it will be our pleasure, general White Hawk. When do we start?
April: Self-defence is extremely important for all Star Sheriffs male and female. It doesn't matter how big you are, because you can use your opponent's weight to your advantage. Someone try to grab me and I'll show you.
Cadet: Go ahead, Bob.
Bob: Oh no, I’ll hurt her, I'm much too strong!
April: Don't worry I'm shock resistant. Are you afraid?
Bob: What?
April: I didn't mean to wound your ego, I only asked if you were afraid.
Cadet: You're not scared, go ahead and grab her!
Bob: All right, I-I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just gonna… Woah!
April: There! Go ahead, try it again! Like I said size doesn't matter once you know the technique, hmm? Some of you are already experts in self-defense, which one of you is the best? All right what's your name?
Jesse Blue: Jesse. Jesse Blue.
April: Okay, Jesse. Why don't you try a match?
Cadet: She's gonna fight Jesse Blue!
Jesse Blue: Ready?
April: All right.
Computer: Top score!
Cadets: Yes, all right!
Colt: Thanks! Much obliged! I’m sure you’ve heard of gunplay but I’m here to tell you there’s no such thing. Guns are too serious. Now there’s anybody here who thinks they understand gun safety? Well, how about you!
Blond cadet: Why, certainly, I do!
Colt: Then pick one up!
Blond cadet: Right. Okay, yeah!
Colt: Don’t!
Blond cadet: Ow! Ah! What did you do that for?!
Colt: You were point that thing straight at your buddies! What's matter with you, pardner, were you born yesterday? Don't ever, EVER point a vapor blaster at anybody unless it's an evil outrider who needs to be sent back to his own dimension! That's the Star Sheriff’s creed!
Blond cadet: Aw, come on, what's the big deal? We used to have guns around my house!
Colt: So you think you're an expert? Boy, are you dumb?
Black haired cadet: But what if the vapour blaster is not loaded? You don't have to worry about a thing, do you?
Blond cadet: Yeah, this one's an empty, here, I'll show you! Oh! Sorry!
Colt: Sorry isn't good enough when you're dealing with shooting irons! It's not a game, you understand?
Everyone: Hmm.
Blond cadet: You're right, Colt.
Colt: I usually am. Now, when you handle a vapor blaster always point it down and away. Keep it empty when it's not being used. Make sure it's locked up in a safe place. If you're not trained to use a vapor blaster don't touch one, ever! These puppies aren't toys! They're dangerous, you hear me? No matter how good he gets, a Star Sheriff always follows safety rules.
Saber Rider: All right, start the demonstration!
Cadets: Yeah! All right!
Commander: Saber Rider!
Saber Rider: Yes, commander!
Commander: There's a ground transport under attack! They're pinned down near Red River Canyon. The whole wagon train!
Colt: Well?
Fireball: Sounds like our cue to rock and roll, eh, Top Sword?
Saber Rider: Yes, let’s saddle up and do some Star Sheriff trailblazing!
Jesse Blue: Hey, I'm going too!
Bandits: Yahoo!
Guy: Watch those blasters! Someone’s coming!
Wolf: Star Sheriffs!
Saber Rider: On guard!
Bandit: You! You're a Star Sheriff! I give!
Colt: And  I give you two seconds to hightail it out of here, hombre!
I’m going, I’m going!
Oh! Wow!
Fireball: Just like they say, bud, don't go away mad. Just go away!
April: Yahh!
Wolf: Back off, boys. You didn’t start better vamoose, if you want your lady friend got loose. Ahah!
Jesse Blue: Ah! April! I gotta save her!
Wolf: You can't win, you're all roped in and your time's running thin!
April: Talk's cheap!
Wolf: Talking's done!
Jesse Blue: I’ll save you!
Wolf: Eh?
April: Saber Rider!
Jesse Blue: Saber Rider beat me to it.
April: I think you've got a talent for timing, Saber
Saber Rider: Thanks, April. Do you want to take it from here?
April: Definitely. Jesse, stay back! This guy's dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt!
Jesse Blue: What does she think I am? A little boy?
Saber Rider: Here, April!
Wolf: You got a blaster but I can run faster
April: Wait a minute, Jesse!
Saber Rider: Why is he so upset?
Colt: Cuz he’s sick! Love sick! He's got eyes for you, April.
White Hawk: Cadets, Cavalry commanders, friends. We are here tonight to celebrate with our guests, Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs! Come up and join me. I am presenting you with these stars which are symbols of the frontier spirit, the spirit of generosity, courage and hope.
Jesse Blue: I need to find a way to make her mine!
April: It's nice to be with a real friends!
Saber Rider: Quite right, April!
Saber Rider: “When all is settling down, true friendship is what it's all about now here on our New Frontier.”
Saber Rider... Your destiny will lead you, To wherever people need you, Though danger may have found you, You have your friends around you now, Now! Now! Now! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
Saber Rider!
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sparklingpax · 3 years
(sorry for typos)
ALRIGHT so I had a conversation with someone and they were adamant on telling me that there is absolutely no difference between ginrai and optimus prime and it’s just stupid so naturally, I’m kind of annoyed but more so inspired to get on here and rant to y’all so no one can read it lol :’) 
to start, fun fact!
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this photo here is actually Ginrai, not G1 Optimus! 
I believe it was him being his cheeky self, after Sixknight snaps at him to answer his question, he just does this lil face here~
[*cue gasps of surprise or not*]
It’s always secretly funny to me that most people don’t actually know this, though I can see why ^^’’
Now onto the infodumping/ranting bit of this post: The reason Optimus and Ginrai look so alike was explained briefly in a clipshow episode of Super God Masterforce, and it was kind of sudden and quick so here is what I remember: as we know, the G1 continuity kind of splits around the events of the movie, and Japan went off and made the trilogy anime tf series while America did its own thing with seasons 3 and 4 to finish it off. So in the Japanese G1 universe, Optimus (aka “Convoy”) is still alive for a bit. Then, is actually killed, after a battle with Galvatron in episode 3 of Headmasters, “A Dream Is Born, Double Prime” please I can’t stop laughing at this title it sounds like a burger king order 
So well, both Optimuses die no matter what universe, it was just. Different. 
Aaaaanyway, sometime after this, according to what Grand Max told Shuta in that clipshow, there was an effort to rebuild him, to perhaps create a “new” Optimus prime. 
However, the attempt ended in failure, as no matter what anyone did, no one who worked on it could get the transtector to come to life...that is until Ginrai came upon it in the events of “A Hero is Chosen - His name is Ginrai” (10th episode of Super God Masterforce) 
If you’ve never seen the episode or sgm, Ginrai is also introduced here! 
He is a trucker who in this episode was making a delivery to the aquarium Waverider was doing some part-time work at. That delivery is an injured(?) dolphin. But....the truck breaks down and so he’s stranded in some lot. Luckily for the 19-year-old, this guy approaches him and tells him there’s this pickup lying around that he can use if needed. 
Ginrai is also warned of “““weird things””” that have been happening in that truck, but decides that because he really needs a new vehicle to get this dolphin to the aquarium, he waves it off and goes to see the truck. 
So he’s checking out the vehicle, and tells the guy he’ll happily take it. Whilst sitting around, Ginrai also finds some bracelets in the glove compartment,  tries them on, and then is horrified when he can’t get them off again. 
He drives to the aquarium with no troubles and meets Waverider to make the delivery, and is about to leave, but is then stopped and asked where the truck and the bracelets come from (Waverider is obv a Pretender and recognizes the cybertronian tech so that’s why he wants to know; also the autobots have been searching for a godmaster to help them since the Decepticons have two) 
Waverider asks him to drive back to the lot so he can see where exactly Ginrai found the truck, but they never reach the destination as the Decepticon Godmaster twins, Hydra and Buster, finally find Ginrai (they’ve been instructed by Giga and Mega to find and recruit the newest godmaster).
By the end this episode, he is able to save his own life from the godmaster brothers by activating the Master Bracelets and bonding with the transtector, finally awakening its powers and showing the godmaster form of this transtector, meant to be the second Optimus Prime.
So............all that said, as much as I find those “featuring: not-optimus-prime” jokes funny, and while I acknowledge the need for visual similarity because Marketing™, I just want to say that these characters are ultimately VERY different. 
First of all, Ginrai is at the end of the day, just a guy who would have led a normal life had his truck never broken down, he had never gotten into that new one, or found those bracelets and tried them on. He’s 19, impulsive and even slightly bitter about being tasked with helping the autobots out at first, and then grows into a respectable hero at the end of the series. Meanwhile, Optimus Prime is a Cybertronian who (in g1 continuity) was some dock worker who got rebuilt and decided to lead the Autobots as a noble and easy-going leader. 
I mean, in this universe he is actually dead, so they can’t be the same character?? Um????????
Lmao ok also, y’all, they’re not even the same even visually, because just look and compare the designs:
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PLEASE they’re so not the same????? 
Like general idea and color scheme I guess so but even the shades of red, white, blue, yellow, etc, are all different? The shapes used for his legs, chest, and the placement of the smokestack things are also different?? Ginrai has wheels at his hips and heels and Op has none? Optimus has a gun and Ginrai does not?? Not to mention that when you have closeups to their eyes, Ginrai’s eyes have this whole shiny thing going on, and they emote more clearly than any of Optimus’ expressions. And this is not at all to say one is better than the other, I’m just stating a fact o///o
And this is also leaving out the like, three other robot forms Ginrai has in addition to having his original body that he always returns to being human. 
......Anyway >:3 Hope this was not too boring to anyone? I just wanted to share a lil bit :D 
G1 is golden & I love it, and that Optimus with has my heart ;w; 💖💝💕✨💝 but he is absolutely not the same as Super God Masterforce Ginrai, neither in personality, history, and intent, nor even visual design more than a passing, first-glance resemblance. 
see ya~ 😎💝✨
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the-lost-lights · 3 years
Beast Wars: More than Meets the Eye AU REBOOT: Part 1
A long, long, LOOOOOOOONG time ago, I made an anonymous ask to @yes-i-write-fanfiction​ about an idea I had: what it there was a version of the Transformers comic Transformers: More than Meets the Eye with Beast Wars characters? I began working on it and soon, and with some help of yes-i-write-fanfiction, I made some profiles for the characters.
Despite my objective was to make all the profiles for an hypotetical “first season” of the comic, a variety of events caused me to give up the project.
Until now.
I’m going to give this project a second shot, rewriting everything and making it bigger and better than before (hopefully).
Wish me luck!
The war against the Vehicons is over.
Optimus Primal, the heroic leader of the Maximals and the resistance, has defeated Megatron, stopping the Vehicon plague, healing everyone infected by it and turning the planet Cybertron into techno-organic paradise, at the cost of his life.
Despite the galaxy is now in peace, many tensions remain, making the hard-hearned peace fragile: the NAILs, led by Terrorsaur (that is unhappily sharing his body with Starscream) want that all Maximals and Predacons should not be allowed back on the planet after having caused the war, some alien civilizations accused the Transformers of having intentionally released the Vehicon virus and the Matrix of Leadership hasn’t been passed yet.
Cheetor, who became during the war the second in command of the Maximals, decided to try to open it because he showed multiple times the potential to become the next Prime, but during the public cerimony something unexpected happened: despite managing to open it, the Matrix rejeted Cheetor and merged with his best friend Lio Convoy, turning him into Lio Prime. Before anyone could react, the supercomputer known as the Oracle announced that Lio was going to be the last Prime and disappeared, causing chaos all over the planet.
Confused and in need of answers, Cheetor searched everywhere the Oracle and when he finally found it he asked why he wasn’t chosen and why lio was going to be the last Prime. The Oracle simply told him to search for the legendary Covenant, a group of twelve legendary knights created by Primus long before the birth of the first Transformers, and showed him the path for the planet where they sleeped.
Determined to accomplish the mission given by the Oracle (and partially because he hopes to avert its propecy so that he’ll be able to become a Prime), Cheetor decides to make an expedition in search of them, searching high and low for the best ship in the universe and Cybertron’s brightest and most heroic Transformers for the crew.
Shame that he only managed to recruit a bunch of weirdos, losers and misfits and the ship he found malfunctioned and sent them in the middle of nowhere.
Now Cheetor and his motley crew have to find where they are and how to reach the Covenant’s planet, all while dealing with lots of problems (both personal and not) and secrets, including the identity of the saboteur that is manipulating them for an unknown reason.
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Cheetor (Rodimus):
Once one of the youngest member of the Maximals, he used to be a delivery boy before the war. One day, during a delivery, he discovered that the Predacons conquered his home town of Kaon and razed it to the ground, leading him to conscript in the Maximal army in search of revenge. Here he met Optimus Primal and Rattrap and despite the rocky beginning they became friends. During the war he slowly rise in the ranks and accomplish many impressive feats... and put himself in trouble lots of times. During one of his misadventures he met Lio Convoy, then known simply as Lio, and the two became best friends, having many adventures during the years until Lio discovered to have the rare potential to become a combiner, forcing Lio to remain in space with the other two parts of the combiner while Cheetor followed Optimus on Earth and was forced to enter into stasis when the ice age began.
He was one of the first Maximals to awake from slumber in the 19th century, and briefly acted as Rhinox’s second in command while he temporarely replaced the then MIA Optimus Primal as leader. When their existence became public, Cheetor began to act as the face of the Maximals and for a while acted as an intermediary between the UN and the Maximals, doing a decent job at preventing a war between the two species. During the Vehicon war he met again Lio, now having gained the rank of Convoy, and the duo managed to led the troops into saving some planets from Jetstorm. During the end of the war Cheetor became Optimus Primal’s second in command and temporarely guarded the Matrix when Optimus wasn’t considered worty of it anymore.
After the whole Matrix fiasco and the Oracle’s propecy Cheetor became determined to find the Covenant, no matter the hardships, but the numerous misfortunes made him doubt that he’ll be able to accomplish it and also convinced him that there’s a saboteur that is responsible for some of the incidents... or maybe he’s just paranoid.
He’s similar to Rodimus, personality-wise, but a little bit more responsible towards his crew and a lot more mature. The fact that the Matrix chose his friend hurt him a lot, and despite he claims to have accepted the Matrix’s decision and is very supportive for his friend, deep down a part of him despises him and wants to have his role, even if he knows that the Oracle’s propecies are never wrong. Despite he has many friends, the only bots he’s close in the ship are Tigatron and Rattrap and he also has a certain amount of respect (and fear) for Dinobot and Big Convoy.
He has a Transmetal body that grant him a flight mode, but after he is exposed to a mutagen he slowly starts to mutate into a stronger Transmetal 2 form, losing his ability to fly but gaining the ability to manipulate energy.
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Big Convoy (Ultra Magnus+Fortress Maximus):
Originally a friendly and skillful, albeith a little strict, Maximal general named Slammoth (Big was a nickname given him for his size), he was put on charge of the special assault team known as the Wreckers shortly after the first Megatron took control of the city of Kaon. He was sent with his team to dispose of him and the rebellious Predacons by the government, but he secretly planned to simply capture him and force the rest of the rebels to surrender, preventing a possible bloodshed.
Unfortunately, his plan went very wrong and it ended up starting a million years long war in which most of his friends died and he saw and did horrible things, to the point that many Maximals want him dead. Despite this, Optimus Primal always defended him, stating that his strategic skills where unmatched by anyone and most of the time his actions ended up saving many Maximals.
Unfortunately, with the end of the war and the death of Optimus his situation soon became worse, and Big realized that he needed to leave Cybertron or else he would probably be condemned to spend what remains of his life in jail or be hunted down by vegeful bots. When he heard about the expedition, he begged Cheetor to let him join as head of security and he accepted, if only because he was afraid of what Big would have done if he said no.
He is very serious and takes his role of head of security very seriously, to thepoint that he put in jail half of the crew for having not properly saluted him. He suffers from PTSD and occasionally he has random bout of violence, and since his body is filled with weapons you can imagine what happens in those situations. He also enjoys metallurgy and writing poetry, but the sheer nihilism and lenght of it led to some poor bots that listened to it to enter into an angst coma.
He despises Rampage for having killed some of his closest friends during the war, and Waspinator because he keeps trying to analyze him. Most of the crew feels the same towards him, but especially Transmutate, who HATES him so much that she once almost killed him because she thought he harmed Rampage. The only bot that tolerates him and vice-versa is ironically Inferno, who shares his passion for metallurgy and has a similarly horrible past.
He turns into a mammoth and is classified as a living weapon of mass destruction due to his internal arsenal. He also owns an one-of-a-kind weapon called Matrix Buster that has enough firepower to destoy a star that he famously used to destroy a star system in order to not let it fall into Predacon’s hands.
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Waspinator (Rung):
If you search “unlucky” on a Cybertronian dictionary you will find his face, and you also find out that his name is a synonym for it.
Nobody knows where he came from, not even him: all he knows is that he woke up with a big headache in a building in Kaon and before he could realize where he was Big Convoy demolished the building during the battle with the first Megatron. Extracted barely alive from the ruins by a group of Predacons, he was mistaken for one of the civilians that sided with them and recruited in their faction. Since then he got involved in many battles and many misadventures, from being stomped by an awakened titan to being possessed twice by the spirit of Starscream, being blown up so many times that you could make an army of him with his lost parts.
When he was forced to follow Megatron on Earth things for a while improved for him: after the ice age ended he woke up thousands of years earlier than the rest and ended up becoming the god of a tribe of hominids, leading an happy life until he run out of energon and was forced to enter stasis in order to survive.
And then he accidentally woke up in the 19th century and discovered that the other Predacons were awakening and he had to follow again his much hated leader, leading to him being blown up and beaten up again and again and again. Eventually he got fed up and in 1999 he decided to leave the Predacons and became a Maximal, who treated him much better than his former comrades despite they hated him for being a former Predacon. When the war apparently ended, he finally tried to relax a bit, but soon the Vehicon war began. Tired and not interested in fighting another war, he left the Maximals and Earth, becoming one of the ever expanding NAILs, and started living on a far away colony alongside them. While the universe was in chaos, he began studying psychology in order to help the many soldiers that wanted to have a better life and eventually he got a licence.
When Cybertron and the universe were saved he came back on Cybertron for an holiday, but when it was time to board the ship to go back home he mistakenly boarded the Lost Light and when he realized his mistake the ship’s engines malfunctioned and he found himself partially merged with a wall, dragged into a quest he didn’t want or meant to join.
On the good side, he now has lots and lots of patients, some of which didn’t blew him up during the war.
Waspinator used to complain a lot about his fate, with his famous catchphrase “Why universe hates Waspinator?” being a classic meme on Cybertron, but nowadays he’s mostly unfazed by whatever happens around/to him. It’s unclear if this is resignation to the fact that the universe hates him or simply he began taking things in stride, but one thing is for sure: he’s a massive magnet for weirdness and misfortune. He often spends time with the Survivors, a ragtag bunch of misfits (and Tigratron) that used to be Airazor’s crewmates and had similar misadventures during the years.
He turns into a wasp, but for a brief time he became a Transmetal and gained a jet mode. Unfortunately that happened by the time he got possessed again by Starscream, meaning that not only he wasn’t in control of his body, but technically it was Starscream that gained the upgrade instead of him, meaning that when he abandoned the body Waspinator was brought back to normal.
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Rampage (Cyclonus):
One of the last remnants of a long gone era. The bot that became Rampage was once an astrophisician and a bot of culture that joined Galvatron’s (Beast Wars 2 Galvatron, not Generation 1 Galvatron) expedition to a newly discovered planet and got contaminated alongside the others by the highly dangerous Angolmois Energy, becoming an invincible beast with a thirst of destruction.
For a long time he was forced to obey his now insane and corrupted “leader”, who cut off part of his now immortal spark and put it in a device that crushed it if he tried to rebel, but he slowly planned his escape and revenge towards his oppressors. During that time, the only things that prevented him to slip further into insanity were books, which he stole from the ruins of conquered planets, and Depth Charge, the only bot that ever managed to fight against him and survive. They fought each other multiple times during the years, and Rampage always hoped that one day he would have been able to kill him, but that would never happen.
During the Vehicon war, Megatron managed to create an antidote to Angolmois and used it to cure Galvatron and most of his crew before slaughtering them. Rampage survived by destroying the hull of the ship, floating in the empthiness of cosmos until some members of the resistance found him and mistakenly thought that he was dead. He would have killed them in any other situation, but not then: most of the bots that tortured him for years were dead, including Galvatron, leaving him unable to get his revenge, and the only cure in existence was in the hands of Megatron. Furious, he forced his saviors to bring him to Optimus Primal and then offered to help him stop Megatron and then be dragged to jail for the rest of his life, but only if first he let him kill him with his own bare hands. Optimus reluctanctly accepted, and with his help the resistance managed to score some significant victories, but despite this no one was happy of him siding with them.
Especially Depth Charge.
Depth Charge hated having him around, since he killed billions of living beings along the galaxy and attempted to murder him more than usual. Megatron knew of this and decided to make Charge an offer: he would give him the Angolmois antidote to kill Rampage, but in exchange he would become a Vehicon commander. Filled with anger, he accepted, and in the span of a day Depth Charge almost caused the resistence to fall, causing the loss of lots of lives and resources. Rampage was devastated: he was healed by the effects of Angolmois, but the only bot he considered his rival betrayed everything he stood for and willingly sacrificed thousands of lives in order to kill him and the survivors blamed him for this. Rampage ran away and disappeared for a long while, crushed by the weight of his actions and the effects they had.
Rampage later reappeared on Cybertron in search of the few surviving members of Galvatron’s crew with the intention of killing them and then himself, but once he found them he discovered that Inferno mistook them fro bounty hunters and killed them. Furious, Rampage tried to kill him, but Transmutate’s attempt to escape from her capsule caused an huge explosion, knocking him unconscious. The trio got dragged on the Lost Light with the intention of treating and then leaving them on a civilized planet once they recovered, but the malfunction forced them to join the crew, which made Rampage very angry.
He hates being forced to partecipate to a mission he believes to be pointless and being surrounded by a bunch of people that either hate or fear him, but most of all he is tired: he lived a long time, spent most of his life as an evil insane monster and finally regaining his sanity at the cost of the closest thing to a friend he had. All he wants now is dying.
And yet he got attached to Transmutate, a defective point one percenter who most of the crew treats with a mix of pity and disgust, and developed a sort of respect towards Silverbolt, that was created in laboratory, forced to obey his mad creator’s orders despite he knew they were wrong and struggled to fit in the Cybertronian’s society.
Will he be able to redeem himself? Or he will remain the monster everyone says he his? Only time will tell...
He has a crab and a tank alt-mode, and lots of cannons and other weapons of mass destruction.
PART 2===>
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askvectorprime · 4 years
are godmasters more powerful than powermasters in the japanese G1 universe
Dear Partner Powerful,
You must understand that the Powermaster and Godmaster systems of the OG World exist for very different purposes. The Powermaster transtectors as originally constructed in the G Nebula were designed for the adaptation of exotic energy sources for Transformer use. Through an organic middleman, mysterious and dangerous fuels such as Super Energon, Angolmois and Nucleon could be used safely. These transtectors were intended to be piloted by Nebulan warriors as a sign of good relations between the Autobots and the galactic community. A third, three-way combination was prepared whereby a cocktail of experimental fuels would be applied to the residual energy of Convoy from within the Matrix in order to revive him. Though this plan was stopped by Devil Z after he stole the transtectors, Super Convoy would later adopt a version of this body in order to ferry Nucleon back to Cybertron with the help of Hi-Q.
Godmasters, meanwhile, were altered by the occult technologies of Devil Z. This new system takes advantage of the inherent properties of the organic humanoid form to channel the very mystic energy of the universe itself, Chōkon Power. They can mold this power in ways that are nigh-impossible to replicate through conventional science; Sixknight’s Six Clan processor-over-matter training gave him an impressive control over Tenchōkon Power, but even that paled in comparison to the Godmasters’ full mastery over its three main branches.
It is important to note that both variants of the technology’s organic components are irreplaceable. A Powermaster cannot transform without their partner, for one thing. Super Convoy would not adopt this form again, precisely because he felt he could not risk his life in the name of freedom while a sentient being formed part of his body. The living transtectors who joined the Autobot war effort after separating from their original organic selves could no longer fully utilise Chōkon Power. Such mighty power would not be seen among Cybertronians again until the techno-organic reformatting of Cybertron, whereby the Maximals and Predacons would come to unknowingly utilise the true power of the Oracle: Kijūchōkon.
But I digress. Though few Powermasters would actually surface in this world, I believe that a sufficiently trained Godmaster would be able to overcome one, their mystical energies allowing for unconventional attacks on their opponent. That said, such a confrontation would be extremely unlikely, much to the benefit of the universe. Though Ginrai and his friends were heroes all, I admit that I dread to think of the destructive potential of such a being, and cannot help being relieved that these humans' separation from their Transtectors led to the full power of the Godmasters being lost. One only has to look at the godlike power bestowed upon the likes of the misanthropic Buster and Hydra to be reminded of the dangers of easily-attained strength.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 years
Events 11.1
365 – The Alemanni cross the Rhine and invade Gaul. Emperor Valentinian I moves to Paris to command the army and defend the Gallic cities. 996 – Emperor Otto III issues a deed to Gottschalk, Bishop of Freising, which is the oldest known document using the name Ostarrîchi (Austria in Old High German). 1009 – Berber forces led by Sulayman ibn al-Hakam defeat the Umayyad caliph Muhammad II of Córdoba in the battle of Alcolea. 1141 – Empress Matilda's reign as 'Lady of the English' ends with Stephen of Blois regaining the title of 'King of England'. 1179 – Philip II is crowned as 'King of France'. 1214 – The port city of Sinope surrenders to the Seljuq Turks. 1348 – The anti-royalist Union of Valencia attacks the Jews of Murviedro on the pretext that they are serfs of the King of Valencia and thus "royalists". 1503 – Pope Julius II is elected. 1512 – The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo, is exhibited to the public for the first time. 1520 – The Strait of Magellan, the passage immediately south of mainland South America connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans, is first discovered and navigated by European explorer Ferdinand Magellan during the first recorded circumnavigation voyage. 1555 – French Huguenots establish the France Antarctique colony in present-day Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1570 – The All Saints' Flood devastates the Dutch coast. 1604 – William Shakespeare's tragedy Othello is performed for the first time, at Whitehall Palace in London. 1611 – Shakespeare's play The Tempest is performed for the first time, at Whitehall Palace in London. 1612 – During the Time of Troubles, Polish troops are expelled from Moscow's Kitay-gorod by Russian troops under the command of Dmitry Pozharsky (22 October O.S.). 1683 – The British Crown colony of New York is subdivided into 12 counties. 1688 – William III of Orange sets out a second time from Hellevoetsluis in the Netherlands to seize the crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland from King James II of England during the Glorious Revolution. 1755 – In Portugal, Lisbon is totally devastated by a massive earthquake and tsunami, killing between 60,000 and 90,000 people. 1765 – The British Parliament enacts the Stamp Act on the Thirteen Colonies in order to help pay for British military operations in North America. 1790 – Edmund Burke publishes Reflections on the Revolution in France, in which he predicts that the French Revolution will end in a disaster. 1800 – John Adams becomes the first President of the United States to live in the Executive Mansion (later renamed the White House). 1805 – Napoleon Bonaparte invades Austria during the War of the Third Coalition. 1814 – Congress of Vienna opens to re-draw the European political map after the defeat of France in the Napoleonic Wars. 1848 – In Boston, Massachusetts, the first medical school for women, Boston Female Medical School (which later merged with the Boston University School of Medicine), opens. 1861 – American Civil War: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as the commander of the Union Army, replacing General Winfield Scott. 1870 – In the United States, the Weather Bureau (later renamed the National Weather Service) makes its first official meteorological forecast. 1893 – The Battle of Bembezi took place and was the most decisive battle won by the British in the First Matabele War of 1893. 1894 – Nicholas II becomes the new (and last) Tsar of Russia after his father, Alexander III, dies. 1894 – Buffalo Bill, 15 of his Indians, and Annie Oakley were filmed by Thomas Edison in his Black Maria Studio in West Orange, New Jersey. 1896 – A picture showing the bare breasts of a woman appears in National Geographic magazine for the first time. 1897 – The first Library of Congress building opens its doors to the public; the library had previously been housed in the Congressional Reading Room in the U.S. Capitol. 1911 – World's first combat aerial bombing mission takes place in Libya during the Italo-Turkish War. Second Lieutenant Giulio Gavotti of Italy drops several small bombs. 1914 – World War I: The first British Royal Navy defeat of the war with Germany, the Battle of Coronel, is fought off of the western coast of Chile, in the Pacific, with the loss of HMS Good Hope and HMS Monmouth. 1914 – World War I: The Australian Imperial Force (AIF) departed by ship in a single convoy from Albany, Western Australia bound for Egypt. 1916 – In Russia, Pavel Milyukov delivers in the State Duma the famous "stupidity or treason" speech, precipitating the downfall of the government of Boris Stürmer. 1918 – Malbone Street Wreck: The worst rapid transit accident in US history occurs under the intersection of Malbone Street and Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, New York City, with at least 102 deaths. 1918 – Western Ukraine separates from Austria-Hungary. 1922 – Abolition of the Ottoman sultanate: The last sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmed VI, abdicates. 1928 – The Law on the Adoption and Implementation of the Turkish Alphabet, replaces the Arabic alphabet with the Latin alphabet. 1937 – Stalinists execute Pastor Paul Hamberg and seven members of Azerbaijan's Lutheran community. 1938 – Seabiscuit defeats War Admiral in an upset victory during a match race deemed "the match of the century" in horse racing. 1941 – American photographer Ansel Adams takes a picture of a moonrise over the town of Hernandez, New Mexico that would become one of the most famous images in the history of photography. 1942 – World War II: Matanikau Offensive begins during the Guadalcanal Campaign and ends three days later with an American victory. 1943 – World War II: The 3rd Marine Division, United States Marines, landing on Bougainville in the Solomon Islands, secures a beachhead, leading that night to a naval clash at the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay. 1944 – World War II: Units of the British Army land at Walcheren. 1945 – The official North Korean newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, is first published under the name Chongro. 1948 – Athenagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, is enthroned. 1950 – Puerto Rican nationalists Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo attempt to assassinate US President Harry S. Truman at Blair House. 1950 – Pope Pius XII claims papal infallibility when he formally defines the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. 1951 – Operation Buster–Jangle: Six thousand five hundred American soldiers are exposed to 'Desert Rock' atomic explosions for training purposes in Nevada. Participation is not voluntary. 1952 – Nuclear weapons testing: The United States successfully detonates Ivy Mike, the first thermonuclear device, at the Eniwetok atoll. The explosion had a yield of ten megatons TNT equivalent. 1954 – The Front de Libération Nationale fires the first shots of the Algerian War of Independence. 1955 – The establishment of a Military Assistance Advisory Group in South Vietnam marks the beginning of American involvement in the conflict. 1955 – The bombing of United Airlines Flight 629 occurs near Longmont, Colorado, killing all 39 passengers and five crew members aboard the Douglas DC-6B airliner. 1956 – The Indian states Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Mysore are formally created under the States Reorganisation Act; Kanyakumari district is joined to Tamil Nadu from Kerala. 1956 – Hungarian Revolution: Imre Nagy announces Hungary's neutrality and withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact. Soviet troops begin to re-enter Hungary, contrary to assurances by the Soviet government. János Kádár and Ferenc Münnich secretly defect to the Soviets. 1956 – The Springhill mining disaster in Springhill, Nova Scotia kills 39 miners; 88 are rescued. 1957 – The Mackinac Bridge, the world's longest suspension bridge between anchorages at the time, opens to traffic connecting Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas. 1963 – The Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, with the largest radio telescope ever constructed, officially opens. 1963 – The 1963 South Vietnamese coup begins. 1968 – The Motion Picture Association of America's film rating system is officially introduced, originating with the ratings G, M, R, and X. 1970 – Club Cinq-Sept fire in Saint-Laurent-du-Pont, France kills 146 young people. 1973 – Watergate scandal: Leon Jaworski is appointed as the new Watergate Special Prosecutor. 1973 – The Indian state of Mysore is renamed as Karnataka to represent all the regions within Karunadu. 1979 – In Bolivia, Colonel Alberto Natusch executes a bloody coup d'état against the constitutional government of Wálter Guevara. 1979 – Griselda Álvarez becomes the first female governor of a state of Mexico. 1981 – Antigua and Barbuda gains independence from the United Kingdom. 1982 – Honda becomes the first Asian automobile company to produce cars in the United States with the opening of its factory in Marysville, Ohio; a Honda Accord is the first car produced there. 1984 – After the assassination of Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India on 31 October 1984, by two of her Sikh bodyguards, anti-Sikh riots erupt. 1987 – British Rail Class 43 (HST) hits the record speed of 238 km/h for rail vehicles with on-board fuel to generate electricity for traction motors. 1993 – The Maastricht Treaty takes effect, formally establishing the European Union. 2000 – Chhattisgarh officially becomes the 26th state of India, formed from sixteen districts of eastern Madhya Pradesh. 2000 – The Republic of Serbia and Montenegro joins the United Nations. 2012 – A fuel tank truck crashes and explodes in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh, killing 26 people and injuring 135.
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Massimo Serato.
- Inventamos el amor (1938) - Otro jugador en la sala de billar
- Le Père Lebonnard (1939) - Un niño en el baile (sin acreditar)
- Inspector Vargas (1940)
- Pequeño mundo antiguo (1941) - Franco Maironi
- Dos corazones secuestrados (1941) - El compositor
- El amor canta (1941) - Alberto
- El hombre que vino del mar (1942) - El marinero
- Los siete pecados (1942) - Mario Venier
- Luisa Sanfelice (1942) - Ferdinando Ferri
- Giacomo el idealista (1943) - Giacomo Lanzavecchia
- Las hermanas Materassi (1944) - Remo, el nieto
- En lugares altos (1945) - Giorgio Zanetti
- El sol sale de nuevo (1946) - Major Heinrich
- Sangre en Ca 'Foscari (1946) - Caballero de la Rosa
- El apocalipsis (1947)
- El mensajero del rey (1947) - Maurice Croisenois
- La revanche de Baccarat (1947)
- La dama de las camelias (1947) -Alexandre Dumas fils (prólogo)
- Rocambole (1947)
- El príncipe rebelde (1947) - Francesco di Sant'Agata
- Los caballeros con máscaras negras (1948) - El conde de La Motte
- La danza de la muerte (1948) - Stéphane / Stefano
- Monasterio de Santa Chiara (1949) - Rudolf, oficial de las SS
- El mundo lo quiere así (1949) - Alberto
- Los piratas de Capri (1949) - Baron Holstein
- Marechiaro (1949) - Luca Salvatori
- Flying Squadron (1949) - Oficial de la Fuerza Aérea
- Domingo de agosto (1950) - Roberto
- Dama fugitiva (1950) - Jim West
- El ladrón de Venecia (1950) - El gran inquisidor Garbia
- The Rival of the Empress (1951) - Orloff Versión en italiano (voz)
- Amor y sangre (1951) - Peppuccio conocido como Peppe
- Sombras sobre Nápoles (1951) - Peppuccio
- Hechizo trágico (1951) - Berto
- Sin bandera (1951) - Leutnant Morassi
- Los dos abandonados (1951) - Ramon
- Anita Garibaldi (1952) - (sin acreditar)
- Milady y los mosqueteros (1952) - Comte de Rochefort
- La hija del diablo (1952) - Adolfo Santagata
- Amor rojo (Marianna Sirca) (1952) - Simone Sole
- El mercader de Venecia (1953) - Antonio
- I Piombi di Venezia (1953) - Orsenigo
- Juventud en el bar (1953) - Gigi
- Con ganas de vivir (1953) - Massimo Fontana
- El hombre de El Cairo (1953) - Basil Constantine
- Lucrèce Borgia (1953) - Alfonso de Aragón
- El Conde de Sant'Elmo (1953) - Conde de San.
-Opinión pública (1954) - Massimo Gorini
- Piedad por los que caen (1954) - Livio Vanini
- Madame du Barry (1954) - Choiseul
- Amores de tres reinas (1954) - Paride (segmento: La cara que lanzó mil barcos)
- La eterna mujer (1954)
- Vía hoja (1954) - Andrea
- Cartouche (1955) - Henri de Vauboranche
- La viuda (1955) - Vittorio
- El halcón dorado (1955) - Massimo Montefalco
- El pequeño vidriero (1955) - Baron de la Motte
- Sirena de Nápoles (1956) - Salvatore Aiello
- Tormento de amor (1956) - Pietro Martínez
- Confesión suprema (1956) - Marco Neri
- El expósito de Milán (1956)
- Peppino, los modelos y chella allí (1957) Carlo Rosani
- La gran sombra (1957) - Franco Donati
- El enemigo silencioso (1958) - Forzellini
- Esclavas de Corinto (1958) - Quinto Rufo
- La maja desnuda (1958) - Conte Rodrigo Sanchez
- Capitán Falcon (1958) - Baron Oddo di Serra
- La espada y la cruz (1958) - Anan
- Cavalier in Devil's Castle (1959) -Capitán Ugone de Collefeltro
- Túnez Top Secret (1959) - Nikos
- El magistrado (1959) - Ugo
- El pirata y la esclava (1959) - Roberto Diego
- David y Goliat (1960) - Abner
- Los amores de Hércules (1960) - Licos
- Reina de los piratas (1960) - Cesare di Santacroce
- Te espero en el infierno [ en ] (1960) - Al
- Mujeres de lujo (1960) - Noble siciliano
- Constantino y la cruz (1961) - Maxentius
- El Cid (1961) - Fanez
- Poncio Pilato (1962) - Nicodemo
- Venus contra el hijo de Hércules (1962) Antarus
- La marca secreta de D'Artagnan (1962) Cardenal Richelieu
- Hipnosis (1962) - Georg von Cramer
- El jinete enmascarado invencible (1963) Don Rodrigo
- 55 días en Pekín (1963) - Menotti Garibaldi
- Sansón y la reina esclava (1963) - García de Higuera
- Goliat y el esclavo rebelde (1963) - Marcius
- Los siete invencibles (1963) - Axel
- Brennus, enemigo de Roma (1963) - Marcus Furius Camillus
- Jacob y Esaú (1963) - Ismael - Ismael
... y la mujer creó al hombre [ en ] (1964) Chefredakteur
- Sansón vs. el rey gigante (1964) - zar nicola nicolajevic
- Héroe de Roma (1964) - Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
- El león de Tebas (1964) - Tutmes
- Desafío en Río Bravo (1964) - Leo
- Gladiators Seven (1964) - Baxo.
La Celestina P ... R ... (1965) - Marcello
- Desafío del Gladiador (1965) - Senador Lucio Quintilio
- La décima víctima (1965) - Abogado Rossi
- Super Seven Calling Cairo (1965) - Alex
Im Nest der gelben Viper [ de ] (1966)
- El crimen casi perfecto (1966) - Preston
- Salvaje, salvaje planeta (1966) - Sr. Nurmi
- La mujer perdida (1966) - D. Rafael Valcálcer
- 00 / mundo de la operación de claqueta (1966)
- The Honey Pot (1967) - The Pretender (escenas eliminadas)
- La extraña noche (1967) - ing. Pariante
- El magnífico tejano (1967) - Blackie Stark
- Fue bueno amarte (1968) - Luca
- Atrapa como atrapa lata (1968) - Agent
- Camille 2000 (1969) - el padre de Armand
- Amor corto [ eso ] (1969) - Crusich
- La animadora traviesa (1970) - Capitán de Montecucculi
- Los jugadores (1970) - Del Isolla
- Divorcio (1970) - Mario Gherardi
- Nube de polvo ... Grito de muerte ... Se acerca Sartana (1970) - Sheriff Jim Manassas
- Edipeon (1970)
- La califfa (1970) - El industrial fallido
- Historia de una traición (1971) - Hugo
- El regreso del gladiador más fuerte del mundo (1971) - Caio Appio Quintilliano
- Los hombres muertos viajan (1971) - Emiliano
- Sargento Klems (1971) - General francés
- ¿Quién mató al fiscal y por qué? (1972) - Tío Fifi
- Un profesional apreciado con un futuro seguro (1972) - Bishop
- Beau Masque (1972) - Valério
- Número uno (1973)
- Mujeres en el bloque de celdas 7 (1973) Director de la prisión
- No mires ahora (1973) - Obispo Barbarrigo
- Salvo D'Acquisto (1974) - Halder
- Autopsia (1975) - Gianni Sanna
- Malos pensamientos (1976) - Carlo Bocconi
- El ginecólogo del seguro médico (1977) Doctor Guido Lo Bianco
- Convoy Busters (1978) - Degan
- La sombra ensangrentada (1978) - Count Pedrazzi
- El humanoide (1979) - Gran hermano
- Monja asesina (1979) - Dr. Poirret
- Eden no sono (1980) - El padre de Alessandra
- Estigma (1980)
- Pin the mocoso (1982)
- Calle de los espejos (1983) - Concejal Bianchi
- Nana (1983) - Faucherie
- El chico del campo (1984) - Remero
- Gracia salvadora (1986) - Monseñor Betti
- Las largas sombras (1987)
- 32 de diciembre (1988) - Ferruccio, el novio (segmento "La mariposa amarilla").
-Soltero (1989)
- Hermanos de Italia (1989)
- Luna de miel en amarillo (1990)
- The Vulture Can Wait (1991) - Prince (papel final de la película).
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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