#convos with my s/o about chores?
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multifandom-fanfic-writer · 4 months ago
god I am StressedTM and I barely know why
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sailorwritesstuff · 3 years ago
Am I able to get a head canon for a camilo with a male s/o who forgets what there doing at the most random times and words to the point they have to stand there for a minute or two starring facts of what that word is to find it then continuing the convo like it never happened-
you asked for headcanons but It ended up being a few headcanons with a short fic at the end
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The first time you do it while in conversation he freaks out.
"Y/n are you ok?? did you die?? do you need water?? I broke my boyfriend"
then he gets pretty used to it.
sometimes when you zone out he'll forget that you were even talking so then when you start back up it scares the shit out of him.
He always ask you if you're okay when you zone out. Just to make sure it's a zone out and not like silent mental breakdown or something.
whenever you do it in front of people like his family he just doesn't react. and they're like "are they okay??" And he just nods "yeah theyre processing.
He gets pretty good at guessing when you'll start talking again "3...2...1..." "and so THIS BITCH-"
sometimes he'll gently try and remind you what you were talking about when you've been out of it for more than a minute.
usually he'll refer to it as "that thing that you do."
all in all he's pretty understanding about it tho. and still very much loves you.
short drabble:
It was a pretty normal sight for people in town. Camilo Madrigal walking around doing his chores with "the l/n boy" right at his heels talking up a storm. Camilo didn't seem to mind it, he always smiled when they came out and joined him and it wasn't hurting anyone so it was just something nobody told Senora Madrigal.
Camilo was walking towards the edge of the town holding two cans of paint while Y/n followed behind holding a smaller can of paint with both hands on the handle, just talking away. The two boys stopped at a sign that needed repainting and Camilo made fast work of getting started on it. still nodding along as Y/n spoke, adding to the conversation whenever he could.
"So in my dream we were having breakfast in a house and it looked like Casita but it also didn't. Which was weird but it gets weirder!" Y/n exclaimed, waving his hands around animatedly as his boyfriend stood painting the sign a foot away. He briefly looked over his shoulder, puzzled to stare at his boyfriend when he mentioned his home but still continued working.
"That's not that weird…" Camilo called over his shoulder.
"yeah well Luisa was pregnant!"
"Wait wait wait like my Prima Luisa? Hey, does this E look right?"
"It looks fine!" he encouraged before going back to his story "Right and so i was-."
Camilo waited for you to finish patiently, glancing over his shoulder occasionally to make sure you hadn't fallen over or been kidnapped. After a few seconds of silence He realized you're doing 'the thing that you do.' and laughs to himself.
"You ok, buddy?" he gets a vague thumbs up like motion as a response as Y/n stares into space eyebrows furrowed. "Ok, bonito." he continued painting in the nice silence until it was broken which spoked him enough that he almost fell off his step stool.
"Right and so I was confused because Luisa isn't seeing anyone right? Senora Madrigal is going to freak out- AND THEN I FOUND OUT SHE MARRIED A CLOWN?!?" Y/n continued like he hadn't just stared into space for a minute and a half.
"You've got to stop having dreams about my family. immediately." Camilo sighed, placing his hand on his chest trying to calm his racing heart.
"I can't help it, It just kind of happens."
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startofamoment · 8 years ago
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B99 + Apartment AU: in which Jake, Charles, Rosa, and Amy live together while attending the police academy.
They technically see each other every day at training, but they all still try to hang out together once a week. (Usually movie nights, occasionally game nights, sometimes with alcohol, always in pajamas.) 
Charles offers to make dinner for all of them some time during their first week together. – He makes a dish involving bull testicles and is never allowed to cook for them again. (He’s still allowed to make hot cocoa though, which Jake asks for every time he comes home with a bruise.) 
Amy dies a little on the inside every morning Jake sleepily pads into the kitchen, hair still messed up from sleep and voice still a bit hoarse. 
The smoke alarm goes off almost every time Amy attempts to cook something. 
The number of times Amy has thought about just walking over to Jake’s room and kissing him senseless is  r i d i c u l o u s.
Rosa has at least three extra locks on her door, and none of the others have seen the inside of her room. (After catching Gina sneak out of there the morning after their graduation, Jake bribes her into telling him exactly how it looks like.) 
Jake somehow manages to leave various articles of clothing everywhere, and this annoys Amy to no end. (Partly because each rumpled shirt just makes her think about what it would feel like to tear his clothes off herself.)
Amy puts a calendar on their fridge and implements a cleaning schedule, with the chores all divvied up between the four of them. Jake complains very loudly about this at first but later has a ton of fun dancing around their living room while vacuuming and scream-singing Taylor Swift songs.
Charles regularly helps Rosa with her texting game. (Amy tries to contribute at some point, but her offer to proofread messages is quickly shot down.) 
From her room, Amy hears the door slamming closed followed by the sound of muffled voices and giggling. She peaks her head out a bit, and her stomach lurches when she catches a blur of bodies making their way toward Jake’s room. She crashes at Kylie’s that night because the walls in their apartment are thin, and she doesn’t want to hear a thing. (It’s a drunken one night stand that doesn’t come to anything because the girl’s apparently in law school studying to be a defense attorney.) 
Charles and Rosa do yoga together on Sunday mornings. They try to get Jake and Amy into it, but Jake just makes a joke out of everything, and Amy becomes weirdly competitive about it. 
Jake once woke everyone up at an ungodly hour because he had been watching a nature documentary and yelling over the grossness of live births. He since then has been banned from watching nature documentaries past midnight. 
Every so often (more and more frequently as time passes), Jake and Amy find themselves sitting on the floor of their living room way past 2 am, just talking and laughing. (Charles and Rosa can hear them from their rooms, but neither of them say anything about it.)  
Through the wall between their rooms, Rosa can hear Amy creepily singing songs before each big test/evaluation at the academy. The third time this happens, Rosa knocks on Amy’s door and stays with her until she’s calmed down. (”You’ll do great. Stop stressing, dum-dum.”)
Jake runs out of shampoo and doesn’t want to dig through Charles’ erotic shampooing kit, so he sneaks into the girls’ bathroom and steals a bit from the first bottle he sees. (Turns out it’s Amy’s, and it drives him nuts that he smells like her the whole day. Amy somehow doesn’t notice, but Rosa threatens to castrate him if he ever enters their bathroom again.) 
Charles likes to blast show tunes while doing chores or cooking large meals (or doing anything, really). They’ve all had front row seats to his renditions of choice songs from Oliver, Annie, and Cats. 
Amy’s usually pretty neat, so Rosa is shocked to enter her room to find nuts all over the floor... and on her shirt, and in her hair, and somehow on her bed a few feet away. (”Jake said I couldn’t catch any of these with my mouth, so I’m just-” “Don’t care. Call me if you grab each other’s asses.”) 
Jake’s been thinking of asking Amy out for ages, but he’s too afraid of the potential fallout. Both Charles and Rosa try to talk him into doing something about his feelings.
Amy once catches Jake coming out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Needless to say, all work was forgotten that evening, and she had to take a long shower herself. 
It’s during one of their 3 am heart-to-heart convos that Jake and Amy finally kiss, and they don’t end up sleeping until the sun starts to rise. When Amy comes out of Jake’s room close to lunch time (donning one of his checkered shirts, because her pajama top is nowhere to be found), she finds a spread of various aphrodisiacs (courtesy of Charles) and a box of condoms (courtesy of Rosa) on their dining table. 
Shout out to @peraltiagoisland, @elsaclack, @dogworldchampion, @stardustsantiago, and @tiadorable for letting me yell about this AU and helping me come up with these headcanons!!!!!!!!
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roomdock · 8 years ago
Compatibility matters when it comes to everything from selecting a college major to swiping right on a Tinder match. It’s especially important when it comes to a roommate situation. (Just ask the early bird and night owl who had to share a 12 foot by 12 foot room in the dorms!) Below are 10 things to consider before moving in with a roommate, all of which will help ensure harmony in your household. But to make things easy for you, when you register for Roomdock, you’ll fill out an “About Me” profile as well as select roommate criteria based on things like “language,” “work schedule,” “cleanliness,” and whether it’s OK for your potential roommate to have children or pets who live in the rental, as well. For face to face questions, Roomdock also provides live video chat and secure messaging between potential roommates.
Do you have good credit and a clean criminal background? If you’re renting out a room, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting a tenant that won’t cause problems and will pay their rent on time.
At Roomdock, we’ll make that easy for you with an integrated service that includes an option to request a credit check complete with a TransUnion report and FICO Score that gives you a snapshot of your renter’s credit worthiness. Plus, you’ll get a report on whether your potential tenant has ever been evicted and whether they have any liens or financial judgments entered against them. We’ll also conduct a state criminal background check and a county criminal background check. The tenant pays $24.99 for the service, which is a bargain compared to what other agencies charge. You, as the landlord can request the background check with an easy click and let Roomdock take care of the rest. We’ll send an email to the tenant requesting all of their necessary information to run the background check, then you can view the easy-to-read report in Roomdock.
When a #room #rental is finalized near campuses, #students have no way of knowing whether the listings are genuine. But choose from #Roomdock and be sure. All listings on our site are checked and authenticated with IP addresses to verify the #real person behind it. Book at Roomdock. Be #Safe! http://ift.tt/2lNXcW3
A post shared by Roomdock (@roomdock) on Dec 21, 2016 at 1:23am PST
What’s your schedule like? When Roomdock matches you with potential roommates, your schedules are taken into consideration. When you fill out the “About Me,” section, Roomdock will inquire about your “wake up time” and your “bed time.” It also queries about your work schedule, whether you work a traditional 9-to-5 job, work at night, or have a mixed schedule. That way, we can match you with roommates who have similar schedules.
For those who are interested in #bulletjournaling, here is what my weekly/daily layout looks like, inspired by @my_blue_sky_design and tweaked to fit my lifestyle! I like having structure to my day and this helps me be productively creative about it . . . . . #bulletjournal #bujo #bujoinspire #journal #leuchtturm1917 #bujojunkies #bujolove #bujolover #madetocreate #calligraphy #pursuepretty #thatsdarling #christianliving #hellofebruary #habittracker #bujotracker #planwithmechallenge #dailyspread #weeklyspread #bujoweekly #showmeyourplanner #dayplanner
A post shared by Dayna | (@daynanicolea) on Feb 13, 2017 at 5:24am PST
Are you clean or messy? Are you the type who hardly notices if dishes are piled up in the sink or does it make you twitch with anger? We’re willing to take a guess that a majority of roommate disagreements come down to cleaning duties. When you’re sharing a space, it’s important to agree on expectations for cleanliness and even divvy up some household chores in shared spaces so that one roommate isn’t always stuck vacuuming the living room and wiping down the kitchen counters. When you fill out a Roomdock profile, you have options that include “clean,” “average,” and “a bit messy.”
Home sweet home! Mattresses can be cleaned using the Rug Doctor hand tool, which makes this machine perfect for home lovers. #carpetcleaning #carpet #floor #cleaning #stains #rugdoctor #smellsfresh #house #family #fresh #housecleaning #clean #machine #cleancarpets #hire #sharephotos #home #interior
A post shared by Rug Doctor UK (@rugdoctoruk) on Feb 14, 2017 at 8:50am PST
What’s on your Spotify most-played lists? A conversation about music preferences is a good vehicle to discuss your shared expectations about quiet hours and noise preferences. We’re not suggesting that you rule out a roommate if they’ve got Nickelback playlists—but if you do happen to have the same type of taste in music, overhearing the tunes coming from your roomie’s wireless speakers can be enjoyable rather than annoying. It’s also good to have a contract of when “quiet hours” are in the home. (Read: It’s super jarring to wake up in what you think is a war zone but is really just your roomie playing a video game at 3 a.m. with the speakers cranked up).
Some people may do breakfast in bed, I do music in bed. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #music #audiotechnica #headphones #musicinbed #listenmore #relax #sleepin #mondaysoff #musicisbetterwithyou #comfytime
A post shared by Kelly (@reflectivewaves87) on Feb 13, 2017 at 10:55am PST
Do you smoke? Decide before moving in whether smoking is allowed and check with the rental policies. When you sign up on Roomdock, you can indicate whether you smoke, and, if so, if you only smoke outside.
bad for ur health or bad for your wealth . . #cigarettes #bad #quit #vscocam
A post shared by Akinggg (@hakimmmohd_) on Feb 14, 2017 at 4:55am PST
Are you looking for “4/20 friendly” home? More states are legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use, with the common caveat that marijuana use be limited to the home. This takes the conversation beyond whether it’s OK to smoke in a residence as marijuana use can include vaping and edibles, as well. Decide whether your home will be 4/20-friendly. And, if so, remember it’s always a nice courtesy to label those pot brownies so they’re not mistaken as regular ones — especially if you and your roomie have a “sharing is caring” approach in the kitchen! Also, if you’re moving to the United States here’s a map that shows where marijuana is legal. 
#flower #cannabiscures #ptsd #thc #cbd #terps #smokeweedeveryday #highashell #stoned #rosin #bho #hash #co2 #marijuanaplant #mmmp #nug #indoorgrow #hps #frosty
A post shared by ogdank58 (@ogdank58) on Feb 13, 2017 at 6:46am PST
How will we split up bills? Beyond divvying up rent, it’s a good idea to decide how bills like cable, internet, and utility bills will be paid. Whose name will the bills be put in? And what about sharing services like Netflix or Hulu? Now, to get technical. Will you take turns buying shared household goods like toilet paper and household cleaners? To make it easy, consider signing up for an app like Venmo so you and your roommate can quickly transfer money to one another.
"Hey we should mount the tv on our loft door" says @imagesofthisandthat "Let's do it" says us. #greatidea #wallmounttv #flatscreen @pmwyre #loftdoors #wedothat
A post shared by Loft Doors (@loftdoors) on Nov 3, 2016 at 3:48pm PDT
What are the kitchen rules and what’s your diet like? Really, it’s a bummer when you go to pour a bowl of cereal or dip your knife into some organic peanut butter you shelled out extra cash for only to find it almost empty. Have a convo with your potential roommate about whether it’s OK to share groceries. Is it a free-for-all in the kitchen or should you each have your own shelves in the fridge and pantry to separate your groceries? Or, maybe meet in the middle and share things like condiments and items that can spoil quickly like milk and certain produce. Cooking for one can be expensive (and end up in a week’s worth of leftovers), so maybe the two of you could take turns being in charge of dinner each night. Whatever you decide, set some ground rules in the kitchen to avoid food fights! Roomdock also has a feature that allows you to include your food preferences such as “almost everything,” “vegan,” “vegetarian,” and “kosher.” 
  I found very interesting those refrigerator sliding drawers available on amazon.com #refrigerator #organiser Achei bem interessante estas gavetas deslizantes para geladeira disponíveis no amazon.com #organizacao #geladeira #cozinha #northshore
A post shared by Diana Organizer (@dianaorganizer) on Feb 12, 2017 at 5:31pm PST
Are overnight guests OK? It’s an all too common roommate story when one roommate’s significant other does more than move in a toothbrush and actually becomes an extra roommate. Roomdock can help alleviate the awkwardness of this situation during the customized roommate match process. When you’re filling out your profile, you’ll be able to select how often you have overnight guests – with options ranging from never to frequently. 
CLEAN TEETH DIRTY KISSES #majlounges #majlounges #majsmile #mysmile #valentinesday #loveyourteeth #curaprox #bremen #wachmannstrasse #dentistry #zahnarzt #dentist #brushwithlove #love #toothbrush #zahnbürste #smilefactory #happy #fff #lfl #potd #zahnmedizin #smile #teeth #white #whiteteeth #healthy #smilemaker @curaproxdeutschland @curaprox @majlounges_zahnmedizin
A post shared by S M I L E . D O C T O R (@smile.doctor) on Feb 14, 2017 at 10:34am PST
Do you like to party? When it comes to parties, maybe you’re both OK with dinner gatherings,  but not parties that resemble those in Seth Rogen’s comedy “Neighbors” and that can net you nuisance tickets and fines. Or, maybe you both like to cut loose on the weekends. Your Roomdock profile will let you fill out a party profile that queries about your party habits to prevent any mismatches.
This weekend was pretty exciting so let's have some fun this 2k17 #monsterdna #gemini #lux #numark #monsteraudio #tbh #remember #luxlive #collegeparty #rate #partytime
A post shared by LUX LIVE (@luxliveofficial) on Feb 13, 2017 at 6:49am PST
The post 10 questions to ask when looking for a new roommate appeared first on Roomdock.
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