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theobrowningfd · 8 months ago
Who: @rafaelcb and Theo
Where: Rossi's
When: 2024
Theo had been going over things in his mind as of late. The last few months have been a rollercoaster for him, with both highs and lows. Such was life, but after much turmoil, he decided to turn to his friend for advice. Someone who would be impartial, but also would know how things could and would proceed at some point. He had arrived to lunch early, being seated and ordering a water as he waited. He was equal parts nervous and curious as to how this conversation would go.
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hvneymelons · 5 months ago
Closed Starter:  @rafaelmoldonado at AA meeting wherever that is
Dante found himself once more sitting at the far back of the room, listening and avoiding conversation with anyone around. He’s been coming to the meeting in an attempt to understand what his pretty girl was going through. In an attempt to understand even what his own parents must have felt during their last years. Addiction wasn’t something that he knew much about, and was scarred against from a rather young age. His own grandparents refused to address the subject which over the years developed into Dante avoiding it as well.  It’s what made it so hard for him to see Sawyer in that predicament. To fully be accepting when she knew the things that he had been through at a young age. But this wasn’t about him and why she did what she did. He wanted to understand how he could have missed the signs. How he could have helped somehow, if he had been allowed. Anger filled his thoughts when he thought of her now. Not the love he’s had since the two were nine. Not the passion that took over the moment he laid eyes on her. There was once a time where he swore he knew her like he knew himself. Now? Dante stood from his seat and headed towards a snack and coffee table off in the distance to grab himself a bite. A moment after he noticed Rafael walking towards him, and he offered him a nod. “Been a while,” he says to the elder, whom he’s only ever really seen around his cousin over the years. “Heavy stuff, huh?” Dante asked, motioning towards the chairs then turning to fix himself a cup of coffee.
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xreynadel · 3 months ago
It's hard! And I'm grown. I imagine it's so much worse for like, teenagers, and stuff. Younger people who don't know life without socials and influencers. Luckily, it's easier, like I said, when the popular trends are so opposite of what you're into, what you like. Honestly, reality TV is great. It was much better, much more entertaining years and years ago. But at least there's still that. Whether scripted or not. Someone else's life crashing and burning is always a comfort to witness when you feel like you're in a bad spot. And for that, I will not apologize. Perfect! I will be there with wine in hand and Honey!
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That would be a major plus side of being a little bit older -- I never really paid attention to influencer culture, and now I don't have to worry about disengaging from it the way that so many people eventually do. Don't have to stop what you never started! A small blessing. But I do think that's why a lot of people enjoy reality TV, or following those people, is so that they can feel better about their own problems and drama, or maybe just find someone to relate to. Dinner, as far as I know; mom's planning a big spread, as usual, so that's where I'll be, and you know that you always have a standing invitation.
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saccharinepet · 2 months ago
✶ 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ; castillo's boxing gym ✶ 𝐅𝐎𝐑 ; rafael @eldritchxembers
There was nothing better than the feeling of the belt placed on her hands after a good fight. It was an addiction so embedded into her core by this point that the ring felt more like a playground than a battle zone. Her muscles built to sustain all her opponents threw her way, as though they’d been made from vibranium. Strong and unwavering like the suit of armor Black Panther wore. 
It didn’t come as a surprise that she’d win tonight’s fight either. The last few weeks being back home, Naija ensured to get in at least one fight a week. Needing that outlet to unravel the pain and suffering that threatened to break her each dawn. Waking up without Maija was torturous. Knowing that her daughter would never get to see another day, or even make it to her birthday… the list was endless, and so she took the thoughts into the ring. 
As hard as it was to not allow herself to be completely taken over once inside, Naija often felt like letting herself lose. Why keep going when all she wanted to do was give into the physical paint of it all? But she couldn’t bring herself to disrespect the fight, or even less Rafe, in such a way. 
With her opponent all but defeated, she ignored the round of applause echoing throughout the ring and made way towards the lockers out back. Needing to breathe properly and get her bruises properly cared for. She had a massive bruise on her cheek, she could feel it throbbing and almost ran straight into Rafe as she turned to grab her ice. 
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! You’re trying to give me a heart attack?” 
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hvneymelons · 6 months ago
Closed Starter: @rafaelmoldonado
“It was enormous, you should have seen it! I can’t believe I didn’t think to take a picture. The thing was a good forty six inches long, which is far bigger than we’re allowed to keep unfortunately so I had to throw it back into the water, but the girth on that thing?!” Leandro motioned with his hands to show exactly how large the fish he had caught was. He had been far too excited about the catch to focus on the type of fish it was - he’d have to ask Daniel, who had gone with him, to see if he knew. “I’m sure it was bigger than sweet Diego.” he continued with enthusiasm.  Fishing was something that began to interest him over the years as a way of connecting with friends. Leandro had spent so much of his time focused on the church and the children around the town he offered help to so when it came to bonding with his brothers he lacked normal experiences. Fishing gave him something else to bond over and share with one another, and now it turned into such a passion that merely talking about it brought him joy. “I’ve got to get you out there with me.”
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boatboys · 3 months ago
in a very old post roach mentioned that a daemon au exists. what would everyone's daemon be?
Oh hey sure! There's lots of little snippets of AUs that include daemons, and lots of scattered chat convos, some of which contradict each other; here's the list as far as I could gather up.
Richard/Rich and Erin Merrill (giant white hero rat)
Joseph/Joey and Maria Trimmer (grasshopper mouse, although at one point in the musings she was a raccoon!)
Basil and Sasha Wright (brown bat)
Liam and Lisabetta/Lisa Beaker (river otter)
Michigan/Mitch and Alaska Ford (lab retriever)
Solace/Sol and Charity King (raven)
Benedict/Ben and Beatrice/Bea Jones (we've thrown around bullfrog vs american badger)
Athena/Thena and Odysseus/Odd/Oddball Merrill (white/cinnamon tiger and yes it's wildly out of place and inconvenient on the fleet. CAN'T BE TAMED!!!!)
Angela/Angie and Theophilius/Theo Merrill (anatolian shepherd)
Belladonna/Bella and Narcissus Beaker (peacock)
Finnegan/Finn and Saoirse Merrill (red setter)
Helen and Troy Bane (leukistic/albino jaguar)
Rich's tech coworker Phil Green has a mole
We didn't determine Nitrogen "Nate" Chau's daemon's species but roach says she should be named Free Radical and that's great.
Liam's PRT sex friend Jordan Levi has a corgi
People with Hastings coloration genes also end up with white or leukistic/albino daemons! Also, while I'm compiling things: some characters that y'all have not met yet, for our own reference.
Rafael and Calliope Caro (mockingbird)
Connor and Delilah Campbell (fox)
Android/Andy and Yaga Strega (black rooster)
Dylan and "Wolf" Ulfric (wolf)
Nitro and Beartrap Goresmith (albino spotted hyena)
Arthur and Morgaine Carraway (black timber wolf)
William/Will and Lavinia/Lav Sandgren (coyote)
Samuel/Sam and Abigail/Bugs Washington (hare)
Gabriel/Gabe and Thalia Caro (barn swallow)
Sofia/Sofie and Virgil Caro (swan)
Phoenix and Stonewall Jett (rottweiler)
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jazfields · 1 month ago
"I'm not going to tell you that you should name it, but doing so might make you want to take care of it more." She paused for a beat, thinking aloud. "Is that why people name their cars? Cause' if you think about it, it doesn't really evolve from naming ships, since the purpose of that is just more for communication and navigation purposes." Once she said it, Jaz realized she was only making herself look more awkward in this bit of small talk. Grabbing the nearest potted plant she saw, she said, "good luck with yours," with a nod towards Rafael's plant before she turned, bolting in the most casual way she could.
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Rafael looked over in Jasmine's direction with one brow raised, an amused smile barely hidden as she talked about the plants being living things. "Please don't let this be the part where you tell me that I should name it and occasionally sing to it, or at the very least, ask it about its day?" he asked, his tone light, clearly joking as he turned his pot a bit, looking at the plant from all angles. "Although now I'm wondering if I should give it googly eyes."
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My coral island farmer OC, Fazlyn Dirynhai Base on the convo, interaction and behavior , these are her character I came up with all info i have at the time. So Imma gonna put it here for the record for future reference?? since the game have presented main personality through text, context and subtext a lot. I need to keep track of her somehow. [contain SPOILERS about questline/heart scene, convo, interaction] Here I go.
She likes starfruit. (; Luke Convo)
She can eat raw vegetables like eggplants. (; Luke and Raj Convo)
She likes making joke and puns. (; Interact with people's room and shop)
She can be 'respectful', rarely. (; Interact with Mollie's closet)
She talks a lot, even with someone she barely know. (; Leah and Mark convo)
She's yogi (; Ben convo)
She likes romantic homey dinner kind of date. (; Answer Pablo Question)
She likes eating flower than admiring one. (; Answer Scott Question)
She can be unintentionally flirt sometimes, but it just being nice in that case. (; Answer Mark Question)
She usually collapsed at night from exhaustion (; Behavior)
She worked in art field before. (; Answer Zarah Question)
She likes gossip, sometimes, of course *wink* (; Bree convo)
She can drink alcohol in little amount (; Scott's heart scene)
She likes horror movie(; Rafael's heart scene)
Other info about her.
She remembered Alice and Lily when she arrived. (; Alice and Lily favorite shown since we arrived to the town, before the farmer spoke to both of them.)
She didn't remember Nina, but they were childhood friends. (; Nina's questline)
Her name isn't her given name. (; Raj Convo). // I came up with the story that her legal name come from her nickname and her old first name, it started from she had the same name with her classmate. So, she's the one with the nickname for convenience. Then after that she kept found the incident recurring a lot, so she changed her nickname to her legal name for good. Her old first name is Lyn.
Speaker in Luke's shop is easily broken, she used to buy that speaker's brand before and it's broken in 6 months. (; Interact with top right shelf in Luke's shop.)
She also owned a clock like the one Luke sells back in Pokyo. (; Interact with bottom left shelf in Luke's shop.)
She tasted Betty's soup without permission. (; Interact with the pot in Betty's kitchen.) [imo, i want to smack her hand for that.]
Her vow in her wedding with Luke was 'Luke, a lifetime is not long enough for me to wake up every morning next to you.' (; Married day, obviously.)
Anddddd, these are my headcanons for this character. Just base on my random guess and thoughts.
She was closer to Alice than Suki when they were kids.
At some point, I think Nina, Luke, and farmer had played together, but it just 1-2 times, so only Nina can remember that. Since Luke is too young to remember the farmer and haven't been contacted with, and the farmer played with Nina more than Luke and she still didn't remember her, she doesn't good with remembering and such.
Suki, Alice, Nina, Lily and the farmer was a childhood friend group.
She hadn't talked with Tavern siblings or blacksmith brother before, from the first convo they had.
Her hair and her blue eyes come from her mother side, her mother is from San franciskyo
Her grandparents who owned the farm are on her father side, so they should be Indonesian(?).
Her parents met in Pokyo and she grew up there. That's the reason she had Pokyo accent from Leah's convo.
Her first talk with Taco, the dialog is like, '[He smells a lot like Luke]', but she hadn't speak with Luke at that point. So, she kinda buffled a bit. 'Wait, who's Luke??'
Her first rescuer for collapsed after 2 AM is Luke, I remember this because it's happened in 2nd Spring in the Year 1. So, in Year 2, the farmer gave him the locket that day, 2nd Spring.
2nd Spring in Year 3, she changed her hair as celebration of sort?? idk, it's pretty coincidence. I just wanted to change something a bit about the hair and just noticed that it that day. huh.. Wonder what will happend if I continue playing until next year.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year ago
that was… such a promising start???? 😳
Babe I’m so confused I don’t know what to do!!! Like it was so …. GOOD. The convos were LONG!!! In a good way like I felt like I learned so much not only about our LIs but everyone else too. Rn I’m being a true casa girl I’ve kissed every boy and I chose to sleep with Rafael because although his art style isn’t great his chats have been some of my faves. He’s genuinely so sweet it’s so cute.
I’m treading so lightly because I’m scared anything I do will jinx how good it is. Can’t believe I’m saying this but if you haven’t played yet… do it!!
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What do you think would have happened to change the course of history as we know it in the show if the guy who accompanies his friend for the betty-aura maria double date was genuinely interested in getting to know her (at least being a friend to her)...maybe they had a common interest in say finance or books or music. Betty wrote in her diary that men seek for desirable women and she didn't feel like that. What if this guy made a decent attempt to connect to her and wanted to see her again. Your opinions are so interesting and I want to hear your thoughts. Thank you and have a good day.
Omgggg I looooove this question!! But also it's so complicated to answer because this supposes to alter a LOOOOT! On one hand we can go for the realistic route of "if Betty hadn't had her hope of love fully crushed and she had actually seen that another man could have had an interest in her, she wouldn't have beeb so utterly blind and devoted towards Armando" especially because the night of the doubke date is the night that Betty gives on on love. On the other hand, we can also take the also canon but less realistic view of "Armando and Betty were destined to be and once Betty fell for Armando there was no going back nor person that ever made her doubt it," given that they share a canonical psychic or soul bond. In other words, would Betty give it a chance with someone else, or would her love blind her to anh other possibility but Armando?
Although I DEFINITELY think that a love rival would have spiced things up and quickened Armando's realization of his own feelings, which I loooove and it's why I DESPERATELY wanna write about that lmao. After all, he did have the biggest jump in his own feelings for Betty when he learned about Nicolás, except that this would be an even bigger kick in the face because he doesn't yet have the embargo excuse! And also, he could actually get to see a real peak of Betty being courted. I've actually been trying to write a short story based on the idea of a rival!
Anyways, let's see!
Imagining that the guy, Rafael (canon name) actually liked Betty would imply that we need to re imagine his whole personality lmao that canon ratman is canonically too uncool for my girlie, but let's say that he is a now a cool guy. He's charming, fun, and actually not superficial. He's open to friendship
He doesn't immediately reject Betty at all, and is in an active conversation with Betty through the whole night. He doesn't leave early, and let's say they even dance a little. They're in a friendly convo but there's no romantic spark.
In any case, Aura Maria is still happy for Betty! She's enjoying her time with the other guy but she's happy to see that Betty and Rafael are getting along, even if she's a bit sad that there's obviously no attraction between them
Anyways, Betty gets a little later home, and when her mom asks about how it went, Betty is so happy to tell her she had an actual good time! She writes in her diary that she had a good time but can't help but feel a little disappointed, because she noticed the guy wasn't into her like that
At this point it's where the major change happens, because this is the night that Betty is fully convinced that she will never experience love, that men only like beautiful women, that the powerhouse of her life must be work, and that Armando is the only man who will ever want and need her, even if it's only because of her work
In this scenario, Betty isn't as pessimistic as she was in the novela. She is just a little sad, but she didn't give up on love fully, because she wasn't fully rejected and mistreated like in the novela. She actually has a bit of hope because the guy and her exchanged numbers.
This supposes a BIG change because it's due to the devoted mentality that Betty agrees to do everything Armando asks for
Given that the dude is from Medellin, this would imply that they cant see each other often, and their relationship, fully platonic at first, would be mainly through phone
So this means Armando doesn't really have to know about him for a while
Obviously Aura Maria would mention Rafael and their night out all together to the rest of the Cuartel, but Betty would shut all of that down arguing that they just ended up as friends
But this is definitely a source for the Cuartel to gossip and tease her! They would definitely ask her if she's now over Nicolás, and she'd say no
Betty and this dude's friendship would continue for a while, but at the same time, Betty spends most of her time with Armando, which also furthers her crush on him, because after all, I really don't think Betty would ever fully love another man
(This is mainly because it's heavily implied in the show thay Armando and Betty share a special psychic connection and that it's probably faithed to be, like when Armando yelled her name and she heard it all the way to Cartagena lmao I don't think either of them would have been happy with any other partner)
There would need to be a point in which Rafael comes back, and that would probably be when things really get going!
Him being away is the main reason why I don't think it would fully develop into a relationship. Betty just wouldn't be able to lower enough of her barriers like that
It'd be interesting to see when him comjng back happens, but for the fun of it, let's say this happens before the embargo. Just to change this up a little from the canon "Nicolás is Betty's bf" canon paranoia
Imagine this dude coming over to Ecomoda one day showing up with a bouquet for Betty. Aura Maria would be sooooo happy for her and would so quickly call her to her office to tell her he's there!!
Would Betty accept these flowers?? Probably she'd be a bit hesitant but get them at the end. She's kinda flattered with them but remember she still has so many barriers up because of the trauma she went through
What for Rafael and any other man may be a simple gentlemanly and romantic present for their lady love, for Betty it can be a painful reminder of what happened. It's not thay she doesn't want to give herself the opportunity to love, it's just that fear will always remain after such trauma
With Armando, after all, she was already fully devoted and trusting of him because he had demonstrated through actions, words, and even conversations with Mario that he appreciated and trusted her fully, and even when their relationship started Betty continued to be full of doubts but she loved him so much that she couldn't close herself to the experience. He made her feel safe enough to lower her barriers and push herself through her doubts. With Rafael it's hard to get to this level of trust and safety when they basically just communicated through phone for a while
Anyways, imagine Betty coming back to her office holding this big bouquet of roses. Imagine Armando's stunned face for a moment, before asking what is that and why she has it, before Betty laughingly and dismissingly saying a friend got it for her
Imagine his killer stare. Just imagine that lmao
His deadfaced, teeth gritted, muscle tensed, sarcastic and dry comment of "what a romantic 'friend', right?" Lmaoooo
He'd totally spiral. He'd be in a terrible mood the whole day!
Imagine he goes out of his office because he's so angry and the first thing he hears Bertha and Sofia talking about is Rafael lmao
He's definitely go as far as to ask Aura Maria about this dude once he finds out they're friends
He'd be so angry and mortified with no apparent reason as to why when learning those two had been on a date, dancing and chatting and having fun
Ohhhh, imagine that same day Armando actually gets to meet him!! Perhaps Rafael goes to Ecomoda yo invite Betty to lunch
Lmao imagine Armando witnessing that and making up something like a lunch meeting just so she doesn't go
To me this scenario is soooo hilarous, the idea of a rival kills me because it's so full of potential for funny jealous Armando and Mario teasing him about it lmao i want a full fanfiction of this😂😂
Anyways, I don't really think this would become a full relationship. There may be some interest between the parts but I don't think it'd be strong enough to become a relationship and they can always use the distance excuse
Maybe Rafael realizes that Betty's appearence is a deal breaker after all, after months of only talking through phone and basically forgetting how she looks. It wouldn't be such a stretch, after all, it's basically Armando's situation in the sense that they like Betty's personality very very much but they can't break past her appearence
Armandk was forced to see past that due to the embargo, but Rafael can just walk away. He has no real attachment, and ghe "situationship" can easily be broken up becauseof the "distance" between where they live
But the simple fact of knowing that Betty can actually be desirable for other men, see it first hand, and that she's interested in dating, will definitely make Armando be extra alert
It's also the realization that Betty is sweet, kind, and devoted to other people. It's basically the same realization Armando has when he first heard about Betty havin a bf, except that he is now seeing it with his own eyes!
Would this quicken things? Feeling wise, absolutely. Action wise? Hard to say. Armando still has so many prejudices and his own barriers up
Although it would definitely later be fuel for Calderón's tease and further of Armando's paranoia.
Something like "Well, maybe her crush on Nicolás is stronger than we thought, after all she also rejected that other dude. And an uggo of such magnitude giving up an opportunity like that? It has to be love!" Every time Betty rejects Armando or tries to break up
On the other hand, if this man turns out to be more Michel like, given that he is introduced so early in the story, he could change everything. It all depend on how his personality and goals are, but given that he's a canonical asshole and this scenario supposes re inventing him completely, it opens so many possibilities
Since he's a blanck slate, how do we want him to be according to what story we want? Is he carefree and laid back? Protective and serious? Fun and trusting?
Because if we go full Michel mode, he could have wanted to make Betty his gf and take her away from that toxic work environment to take her to work where he does, resulting in Ecomoda collapsing under Armando's bad decisions
Would they be happy? No, Betty and Armandk are faithed to be and they definitely wouldn't be happy without each other
This whole idea of Rafael offers soooo many scenarios, depending on when he shows up, what his intentions are or end up being, in what point of Betty's arch he appears, etc!
So much fanfic material omg
The question made me crack my brain open trying to put a single answer to a vlear scenario but since there are so many choices I put a bit of everything. I think it endedup being more scrambled than of usual lmao
Thank you for the question!
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katrinaxbeauford · 6 months ago
"I know her," Katrina assured him with a nod, having met his mother at school pickups and the like. "She's still here somewhere." Lincoln was an only child, so this wasn't some Home Alone situation. The pair had clearly just got separated in the busy hustle and bustle of the summer crowds. Katrina would have gone to the security station if it weren't so far away, fearing that she'd only be taking Lincoln further from his mother. But it would still be an option if they hadn't found her in another few minutes. @rafaelchambers
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——- Hearing what the situation was, rafael felt a bit bad that he swore in spanish under his breath. all because he was a bit drained from doing something for work. looking down at the young boy for a moment, offering him a warm friendly smile before looking back towards the woman with the same smile. ❝  yeah i can do that. are you sure his mom is still around to look for ? ❞ he didn't want to dismiss anything and go for a security guard for it being faster — he truly wondered if his mom could be long gone or not. however he hoped she'd notice fast her son wasn't with her.
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openheartfanfics · 1 year ago
Newly Added Fics
Feb 17 - 23, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce x F!MC
A Dinomite Find - @storyofmychoices 📱
Bryce discovers dinosaur chicken nugget pillows and they are a must!
From the Nest to Flying Free - @dalishessence 📚🛸
[extended: wip] In another life, Bryce Lahela met Samantha Shepard and their relationship went from friends to lovers.
CH 1: Hatchling in the Nest
Untitled Fic - @sunshine-gumdrop ☁
Bryce shows he earned the Golden Retriever nickname.
Ethan x F!MC
Beach Cleanup Date - @liaromancewriter 📷
Cassie brings Ethan along for her annual beach cleanup volunteer gig.
Birthday As A Mom - @potionsprefect 📷
Victoria celebrates her first birthday as a mother.
When life has other plans - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🛸
[extended: wip] A competition has commenced for the interns at Edenbrook hospital. A horrid first day leads to an unexpected test of a new machine but what is Dr. Ethan Ramsey hiding?
CH 11: Let’s Play Ball
Open Heart MC
Green-Eyed Girl - @liaromancewriter 📱
Random convo between Cassie and Max about family traits.
Rafael x F!MC
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future.
CH 20: Daddy's Special Girl
CH 21: Sienna’s Dream Wedding  Feat. Sienna x M!OC
Tobias x F!MC
Happy 40th Tobias! - @jerzwriter 📷
Tobias turns 40 today, and his wife and bestie are there to make it Insta-official.
Part 1
Part 2
Love in the Afternoon - @storyofmychoices ☁
Tobias and Casey enjoy an afternoon dance.
Not So Fast - @jerzwriter ☁💘
It's their fourth third Valentine's Day together, and it looks a little different than the rest. Still, all is going well until Tobias drops a little bombshell.
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zyafics · 3 months ago
she just told him his dad sent 5k and all he says is “Oh” don’t piss me off rafael bc wtf!!! she better go to that stadium and beat his tennis ball head in <3
she did not 😭💔 only because i wouldn’t be able to write their convo in smau format 🙂‍↕️
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calxwallace · 9 months ago
"I mean, I got here and went straight to college and then straight into employment, not really any chance to see all the sights." Calliope smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't remember if I went to one back in Detroit." She was young when her parents died, and her aunt and uncle definitely didn't take her anywhere, she didn't fault Rafael for not knowing, she didn't like to talk about her past. She was still catching up on her childhood, hence -- aquarium. Now Calliope loved a lot of things, and children were one of them, so she shook her head with an expression that told Rafael she was alright with it, placing her hands on Elena in a maternal matter. She was glad that the child was happy enough to see her. "Oh wow they have actual mermaids here? Absolutely will I join! I've never seen a mermaid before." She beamed, caressing the little girl's hair and tucking it neatly into place. "I'll happily tag along." @rafecastillo
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Rafael knew Calliope fairly well. They’d been in similar circles growing up and not too far from each other. Leaving the city had been hard because he’d been leaving so many people behind, but he’d needed to get out for a bit to do some exploring on his own and now that he was back, he was happy to be home again. It was like a warm hug being back in Kismet Harbor, far more than New York had ever been. “Really? Never in all of your time in Kismet?” He was shocked, but then, maybe not everyone’s parents took their kiddos to the aquarium. “She really has grown, huh?” He was pleased Calliope was so warm toward his daughter, in fact, Elena almost wanted to latch on and he gave her a look that said, ‘only if you don’t mind,’ since he knew not everyone wanted kids latching onto them. “Please do join us! We were actually going to walk around a bit before the mermaid show in half an hour. Elena’s quite thrilled about that one. Maybe you’ll find some joy in them too, I loved them as a kid myself.”
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loveislandthegame · 1 year ago
finally, my thoughts on todays volume ! first, let me say that was a damn mess. i had to replay . i was going to wait for the next recoupling, until i realised that you get partially locked out of your OG LI’s route if you picked the vicky/bonnie/OG LI option during the uma convo (such false advertising)
for example, this middle dialogue option didn’t appear when i was with vicky (i chose it out of curiosity, but ended up replaying cus i don’t like it)
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imo, that’s awesome if you want to focus on the girls/the guys to stop bothering you, but they should’ve made that more clear. i want rafael back (and the islanders acknowledging we’re still together, in an unofficial couple) so i had to pick the evan/travis/OG LI option. FB cant code for shit. moving on:
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the audacity of this man . i took every possible disinterested/mean-ish/”i want to be with rafa” choice & he still behaves like this. FB once again wasting such cute sprites on bullshit 😭
movie night was … certainly a movie night ! i posted the vicky version i got. can’t put every screenshot here because mobile tumblr has an image limit, but the travis version was even more ridiculous. a conversation where my MC was clearly not showing interest in him? thank you evan for being the only islander with common sense
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fun fact, in my draft i wrote about how i was glad travis wasn’t like “🥺 that conversation was special to me MC,” but little did i know… 🤦
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the evan date was nice, i like him a lot, but my head won’t be getting turned in this playthrough !! rafa apologises for getting jealous over literally nothing, we kiss and make up. everything’s gucci.
overall the volume wasn’t too bad, but MC’s movie night clip was aggravating as somebody that’s on a loyal route, we had the option to defend ourselves but it was half-assed. i wish we could borrow s1 MC’s backbone and tell OG LI’s ex to wind her neck in
(plus i’m disappointed i cant stay with vicky😭)
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andante--andante · 2 years ago
It had been a while since Morgan let herself enjoy ice cream. The weather had been warming up so she figured it was a good time to indulge. But since she didn't really have a major sweet tooth, she wasn't sure what a good flavor was. Maybe a sherbet? As the voiced called out to her, she stopped looking at the menu with a bit of a panicked expression. "Oh geez uhh I definitely could use some help and recommendations! Do you have anything that isn't too sweet? I know that sounds silly in an ice cream place."
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open starter : @chqstarter at a la mode
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the tingling bell above the door alerted him to someone's presence, yet it still took him a moment to emerge from the back with his arms filled with cups, spoons, and cones galore to finish stocking once he had a moment to. raffy hadn't been expecting the sudden rush he'd gotten, and almost wished he hadn't sent the last of his help home for the evening already. " welcome in ! let me know when you're ready to order ! i just made some new flavors if you want to try. "
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