#convo;; danielle r
ahalliance · 7 months
still thinking about antoine semi-rping on main during the qsmp meta talk with etoiles, florence and zerator last night . why did this dude scoff when étoiles started talking about the resistance . why did he start asking him why he’d possibly want to kill federation guards and disagree with étoiles calling them mean/bad people . you are currently discussing this while playing on the mc server that contains La Tour de Merde you can Nawt give me lore jitters like this…..
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purpleheartskies · 1 month
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I came across this meme after s4 came out, and the meme immediately made me think of Robby at the end of s3. Johnny, Daniel, and Sam didn't deserve Robby or his love after the school fight, and especially after s3.
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As I talked about in my post about the prom episode, the three of them chose Robby's bully's side after the school fight. They all overlooked Miguel's wrongs against Robby, Miguel's past ones and during the school fight, which is all important context to what had happened at the end of the school fight. Johnny and Sam, especially, had built themselves back up at Robby's expense. Johnny of course hadn't been there for Robby as a parent should be and took his attacker's side! It is incredibly painful when a loved one does that, especially a parent. Sam threw Robby under the bus to make herself and the Miyagi-Dos look like the "good guys". Daniel had failed Robby in how Daniel handled the school fight and its aftermath. Mr. Miyagi would have never handled the situation the way Daniel had. Daniel also never would have done to Sam what Daniel did to Robby, if Sam had been in Robby's situation.
In the end, Daniel and Sam teamed up with Johnny and Miguel and just expected Robby to have zero negative feelings despite everything that Robby had experienced. It would be painful for Robby to be around them all, especially because none of them acknowledge his side of what happened. In turn, Robby didn't know much about Kreese, and Kreese had given Robby crucial advice that saved Robby in juvie. Robby didn't care about Kreese though, so wouldn't be (emotionally) hurt by Kreese if he betrayed Robby. Robby knew not to trust him. Robby loves and cares about Johnny, Daniel, and Sam, so their betrayals hurt so much.
In s4, when Sam approached him in s4e1 and Daniel approached him in s4e6, Robby brought up his issues in his relationship with each of them, even if in the form of snarky comments. Yet, Sam dismissed Robby's feelings and deflected the conversation to judging him about false assumptions she'd made about him. Not to mention that she'd started out the conversation by saying that she was angry with with him for what had happened in the school fight, which is ironic because she was now dating the guy who had started his and Robby's fight and antagonized Robby to his limit in the first place. Daniel didn't even register what Robby said to him in their convo and just focused on what he himself had come to say. For Daniel, his issues with Cobra Kai are always the priority, while Daniel dismisses Robby's issues with him. The nature of their s4e9 conversation was the same. Daniel has always out passion in front of principle when it comes to Robby, but acts like Robby is the only one who puts passion in front of principle. In s4e4, when Robby came to Johnny about Hawk bullying Kenny, Johnny didn't have the maturity or patience, as usual, to care about anything Robby was saying to him. Johnny dismissed Robby and went back to his unhealthy obsession with Miguel. In s4e1, Sam had come to use Robby, but Robby rightfully turned her down. In s5e1/2, Johnny manipulated and used Robby to find Miguel, and Johnny never did anything to truly help Robby like Johnny promised in s4e10. In s5e6, Johnny and Sam essentially teamed up and used Robby. After Daniel said to ask Robby how much Daniel had helped him, Johnny and Sam told Robby what was going on. Robby was people pleasing completely by this point, so Robby completely stuffed down his own valid feelings about Daniel's failures with him in order to help Daniel feel better about those failures.
In s4, for one season at least, Robby had Tory, Kenny, and some others his age to hang out with who didn't judge him or look down on him. After Sam tried to use him for her own gain in s4e1, completely dismissing his feelings and having no empathy for him for what she was asking from him, Robby took his love and shared it elsewhere. Sadly, Robby still had no genuine adult mentor that he could truly rely on. He refused to trust Kreese and didn't get that close to Silver. At the avt, Robby gave in and trusted Kreese during his match with Kenny. It was triggering for Robby, leading him to believe that he is not better than Johnny, like Robby wants to be (and which he actually already is).
s5 was proof that Robby had made the right decision to stay away from Johnny, Daniel, Sam, and the Miyagi Fang side in s4. In s5, it really sticks out how alone Robby truly is. In s5e6, everyone including Robby rallied around Daniel after his fight with Silver, while Robby had no one he could trust or rely on that he could tell them about the atrocious, abusive apartment fight. No one truly cares about him or would rally around him about his experiences. They've already proven that after the school fight. Robby had to people please with all of them in order to be accepted by them. Tory cares about Robby, but she was putting her loyalty to Kreese first at the time, and because of Robby's ultimatum, they had broken up, so she (understandably) wasn't there for Robby either.
We'll have to see what happens in s6 and what the outcome of Robby's story will be, but the payoff for these setups have to come for his story to be complete. All of Robby's reconciliations in s5 were one-sided. Robby also gave his love to everyone but himself. Robby's journey has been exploring not just his "hate" (due to his trauma) for Johnny and others, but also his "hate" (due to his trauma) for himself. I'd really love to see Robby actually start healing before the story is over. Ever since I watched s1e5, I've just wanted the world for him. Robby's a sweet kid with a good heart who has never experienced unconditional love. s5 was especially difficult to watch because of the emotional, psychological, and physical abuse as well as emotional neglect that Johnny subjected Robby to. People say that they're worried that the writers will go with a Disney ending with everyone inorganically being friends at the end, essentially continuing with how the story went in s5. But, there are Disney stories with the character trapped in an abusive situation and the ending that the character is free of that situation and lives happily ever after. That's the Disney ending I want and hope for Robby.
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dannyriccloverrr · 2 months
i’m trying not to panic about daniel i’m just traumatised af from mclaren era😭😭
We all are bestie…that was literally horrific to watch week in and week out knowing he was trying his absolute hardest but it just was not paying off. But this is so different and we need to remember that. Daniel himself is shouting from the roof tops it’s not like McLaren.
This is not a case of Daniel not having a supportive team, not a case of Daniel not knowing what the car will do each corner, and most deffo not a case of Daniel simply struggling. Miami showed us that. It’s practice.
If by vegas we r still having this convo, that’s a whole different kettle of fish but rn? There is no panic needed.
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panelshowsource · 2 months
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this is such a great episode!
for anyone who hasn't listened yet — it deals with some heavy things including food addiction and eating disorders, death, and more, so anyone who wants to check it out should be aware it's about richard's own history and his self-identified "failures", and it's not particularly light-hearted or funny even though it's endearing and inspiring in many ways
i really appreciate his honesty and how carefully he speaks. he has every right to be angry — with his father leaving, with his relationship to food and shame, with the ever-present confines of modern masculinity making life so lonely for men — but he never seems to be. he just cares about being the best, healthiest version of himself. and i appreciate that he doesn't talk at people, preach, act like he knows more or best; he just knows what he knows all while seeking to always be learning more. i really appreciate him!
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i've never heard of a podcast by tailors, how interesting! i listened to the episode with alex and it was really sweet! i'll post this in case anyone else wants to check it out :)
(of course 💜)
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same, i'd only really heard of it because i got a bunch of messages about it! (i was a little unplugged from scripted tv when the first series came out 😅)
TOTALLY AGREE about jon pointing! his comedic timing, his facial expressions, he is just too hilarious — even though...can i just say...why was that old ass man playing a uni student X_X
anyways — i knew him from plebs!! that's quite a famous itv2 series, so you should check it out and see if you like it! i love tom basden ugh and if you check my non-panel shows masterpost i have live at the moth club and he does standup in ep1!
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i am somewhat familiar with it as someone who likes to watch some of the nextup specials (alistair barrie was one i enjoyed recently!) and tries to keep abreast of the festival nominees & winners, but i don't have as much time as i'd like to really weed out my favourites only because there isn't enough time in the day and i'm already trying to watch 100 things a day 🥲
one thing i find funny is how i pay more attention to who would do well on tv opposed to who is just GOOD. like, i didn't get john kearns until stopped thinking about him in the context of dictionary corner and started acknowledging his written set as a very, very specific piece of work that really shouldn't be disassembled and consumed in morsels. but i do see my interest in — and potentially my preference for — panel shows reflected in some of the circuit guys i like, such as alasdair beckett-king, huge davies, larry david. i just know they would kill panel show world if they were pushed properly :')
i find that i like standup a lot more live than i do on screen — which i think a lot of comedians would understand!
as well, i find the discourse about how difficult it is to get started/off the ground now that edinburgh fringe is becoming less and less accessible extremely fascinating and try to listen to all of the podcasts/convos about that that i can. it's costing comedians upwards of 5k just to debut a modest set at edinburgh — which is madness. here is tom mayhew talking to bbc news about this just a couple of weeks ago...
anyways, is there someone you wanted to recommend? i would love to check out anything 😚
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daniel sloss standup — added a couple of those to drive! god i looooooved him when i was in high school and still do! highly recommend him on roast battle uk if you need extra sloss content. i'll work on the others over the next couple of weeks
alma's not normal — added to drive!
here we go — i know exactly where this is so i can hook you up but imma need you to dm/ask me off anon for the deets!
hold the front page + the unofficial science of home alone — sorry anons i don't have these on me but they're very easy requests someone can hook you up with on r/tv_bunny, so post them there!
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relmint · 10 months
Malevolent Episode 35 Ramble
The latest episode of Malevolent was great. I was pissing my pants the whole way through. Then Arthur talking smack to the Butcher made me nervous and scared that Collins was gonna snap and all hell would be unleashed but then he hits us with the "Good dog" Malevolent is not beating the allegations. What are we supposed to do with this information? Anyways the entire confrontation with the Collins and Arthur was intense, yes, but they were literally having a stand-off in the public ward all the patients r just looking awkwardly at their sus tension-filled convo like uhm why is this sad British man telling this dude off like a dog /lh. Also Oscar is a sweetheart (I cheered when he KOed Collins get him king <33) and Daniel and Arthur's relationship is healing which is really sweet! They called each other dad and son MAN. AND THE MR.SCRATCH APPEARANCE IN THE BEGINNING? YES PLS Larson is gonna be soo mad <333 And we got a new character--Detective Noel! He seems neat (i was screaming at him to speed up during the fxcking ward scene). It's great how Arthur managed to garner so many allies! But that also means he has more to lose <33 And JOHN IS LOSING HIS MEMORY R YOU OKAY JOHN
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blamemma · 1 year
I'm surprised at the lack of Max and Daniel DTS interaction...I was hoping we'd finally get a snippet of some of those late season media pen convos between them. I know for a fact for some of those the Netflix boom mic was in the vicinity!
every time it was far too r rated and netflix sent them to Christian and were like guess we can't use these and christian took a long hard stare at daniel's new contract and asked himself what the fuck he's got himself into again
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outrunningthedark · 9 months
You're completely right about Buck being the center of attention, which is why I always thought if they're not doing Buddie, they'd make his endgame someone Abby-like. Meaning she was another first responder and they could find a way to incorporate her in ways away from Buck, so his storylines away from work wasn't dominated by his relationship only, since he's the only main they allow to have significant relationships with everyone lol
Yep, yep, yep. Something would need to change. If you look at the two relationships (really one and a half) after Ali, the girlfriend who wasn't given anything to do with the firefam, the show first *tried* to make Taylor seem relevant by having her report on/investigate things the firefam was involved in (Sue and Tracie's cases, the treasure hunt, the hacker, husband buried underground, Jonah, blah blah blah). Because BT weren't at the kids or marriage stage of the relationship, their convos were centered around what they witnessed on the job, and usually at the same time (after all, crossing paths on scene in 4x08 is what brought them together again). Then a spot at the 118 firehouse opens up with Eddie on leave and unlike Lena's transfer that did not lead to romance (even tho R was waiting for it, lmao), Buck (ofc) ends up kissing a female firefighter that just so happens to be his new teammate. Everyone has their own opinion about what BL meant or was supposed to mean in 5B, but with the way the co-show runner was willing to look ahead to a future where Lucy's family life could be explored...IMO, it's clear that she was hoping the audience would welcome Lucy and make that dynamic an easy sell. No need to make up reasons for two people to interact when they have the same career.
With Natalia, her occupation as a death doula fit what Buck was dealing with in s6 - Lev's death and final words + the lingering trauma in the aftermath of Daniel's passing. 6x15 explained that she actually had helped him work through some of his feelings, so okay. Purpose served. (And when it comes to the argument that "we should have seen this convo if it was meant to be impactful"...the Buddie talk wouldn't have been necessary then. Which would you have preferred? I think it was a form of compromise, tbh.) But now? What is there for them to do? Michael and Karen don't need to be part of the first responder club because their time with Athena (and Bobby) and Hen has been about the family dynamic or health problems that affect both sides (Michael's cancer, Hen's mental health, Karen almost dying). Does Natalia being there for the birth of the bio baby mean anything? (Did they want it to originally?) Because if not, it feels like she'll either undergo a change of heart re: her direction in life or be swapped out for another that is able to contribute to the overall story.
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I posted 439 times in 2022
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378 posts reblogged (86%)
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I tagged 434 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#i bloody love fan artists - 156 posts
#percy jackson - 93 posts
#ciara’s convos - 49 posts
#jercy - 48 posts
#jason grace - 47 posts
#hoo - 40 posts
#pjo - 40 posts
#pjjg fanfic - 39 posts
#pjo tv show - 39 posts
#self reblog - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#then we can kind of deduce that percy is not even using his full power while he’s ‘making little storms um uh making fucking hurricanes’
My Top Posts in 2022:
percy jackson is music.
and what I mean is, he’s like biting into fresh watermelon on a hot summer’s day. he’s burning your fingers trying to roast marshmallows. and the breath in the moment before disaster.
what I’m trying to say is, he’s walking in the city at night and hearing it come alive. he’s listening to cats purr. watching someone hold the door for a person a little too far away. he’s changing the channel and finding your favourite movie just starting. he’s slushies at the movies. and the joy of learning something new.
you know? like I think, he’s hugs from a friend you haven’t seen in too long. and lying in your bed in the dead of the night trying to hear if the world breathes when it’s this quiet. he’s driving past a forest in the rain. and almost burning your toast. he’s five minutes away from forever. the first thing you remember really understanding.
do you get it? he’s like the weather changing too quickly. and taking the first sip of your favourite drink. he’s laughing untamed. and curling in front of a fire on the coldest day of the year. he’s the coldest day of the year. and the fluffiest socks you own. he’s the road trip snack you can never live without. and the early hours of the morning. he’s your favourite hoodie. and the day you said goodbye to someone you love.
what I really mean is, he’s the chaos. but also the calm. percy jackson is art. the boy himself.
65 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
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this ended me. it’s so in character
[id under cut]
[image id: a tweet by @/Daniel Howell that reads “just beat hades for the first time I’m shaking with adrenaline and feeling incredibly bisexual”
@/eqmess retweeted with an additional comment that reads “percy jackson at 12:”
end id]
67 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
the real reason hoo should have been in percy’s pov only was so that we could read him being his true bisexual self by calling every new person he meets beautiful and handsome the way he did in pjo
90 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
if I ever call Jason a “son of a bitch” please make no mistake the bitch is not beryl grace it is Zeus.
118 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
happy birthday to the boy that single-handedly developed my entire sense of humour and impertinence <3 sending medusa’s head back to the very forces that created her will forever be the most iconic act of defiance and direct action ever.
435 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
it’s always a pleasure <3 and I find it hilarious that jercy is still one of my top tags and posts despite the fact that I haven’t produced content of any kind for them pretty much the whole year WILD
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whydontwelovely · 6 years
Skin - Z.H.
Requested: yes, by @why-d-we for prize for contest!!
Pairing: Zach x Reader
Warnings: angsty , cursing , short(kinda) , abbreviations during texting convos
A/N: idk if this is what you were looking for ... enjoy !! :)
Summary/plot: “Our relationship is like skin. Once it dries, it cracks. Once it cracks, it bleeds. In our situation we don’t have a bandaid to fix us.”
You walk along the busy streets of LA looking for your boyfriend, Zach. You check your phone, 11:30 pm. He was supposed to be here over an hour ago.
You check your location, making sure you were at the right place before calling him. Voice mail. You relent and decide to text him.
You: hey where r u ?
Ten minutes go by...
You: did u get my calls ??
Then thirty...
You: pleeeaaassee reply
You: forget it. im omw to ur house :(
Induced with frustration, you hail a cab and make your way to Zach’s house, in which he shares with his friends.
You walk up to his door, but before you could knock, Zach opens the door.
“Where were you?!” you hiss.
“What? Sorry, I didn’t realize I had to be somewhere...?” he rolls with sarcasm.
“Our date!”
“Our what now?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know! You and I both know we had this date planned for weeks! Weeks! Why didn’t you answer my calls?!”
“Geez, babe. My frickin’ phone was dead, chill.”
Still in the doorway, Zach steps out and shuts the door, crossing his arms defensively, making his shadow dim in the night.
“Why are so sad when I happen to miss something? I’m human. I forget things, okay?” he says.
“I’m not sad, Zach, I’m frickin’ mad.” you spit.
“Chill, it’s just one date!”
“Why don’t you care?! This isn’t the first time you-“
“I what?” he interrupts, flustering you.
“You...you...this isn’t the first time you’ve fucked up our relationship.” the words come out like hot blades, and you could tell Zach was stabbed by them.
He goes silent and looks around before talking again.
“I? I fuck up our relationship? All you ever do is whine and complain like any old brat would!” this time, his words pierce through you.
“Fine. If I’m such a brat then why don’t you just break up with me?”
He laughs, but nothings sounds funny.
“Okay,” he says. “We’re done.”
You stand there in disbelief, wishing to take back your rhetorical request. You begin to walk away, but turn around.
“You know Zach, our relationship is like skin. Once it dries out, it cracks. And once it cracks, it bleeds.” you snarl. “And in our situation there’s no bandaid to fix us.”
He stands there, staring blankly at you.
He whispers, “That’s the dumbest thing I-“
“It’s not dumb, Zach,” you yell, surprising him that you heard what he said.
He uncrosses his arms, blantly calling defeat.
“It’s not dumb, if you let us bleed. It’s not dumb if all I could do was watch us fall apart!” you were crying now, your voice slightly breaking as you yell.
Zach kept his position, saying, “Go.”
“What?!” you say.
“I said go!” he screams loud enough for practically anyone to hear. Even his friends came outside.
He keeps his position still, tears slowly streaming down past his cheeks, sad to see you go. He wants to scream. He wants to tell you to come back. But like you said, there’s no bandaid to stop the blood from flowing.
“Here,” Daniel jumps out from behind the boys, walking toward you. “I can drive you home.”
His whisper is soft and flowly heard next to your shoulder. You nod and follow him to his car.
The other boys step back inside, but Zach stands on the porch, same position, while tears leak out of his eyes as if it was his own skin that was bleeding and the tears were blood. But no one would be able to see that, due to the icy shade of darkness in the midst of the night. To him, the sight of you alone and less vulnerable with Daniel is almost as excrutiating as you leaving him.
The ride home with Daniel is quiet. He often takes looks at you, your eyes bloodshot and weary from crying. You turn your head so he doesn’t see.
He takes his free hand and holds yours with it. They are softer and more comforting than Zach’s.
The thought of Zach makes you cry even more. Daniel squeezes your hand tighter and says calmly, “It’s okay. He’s gone. You’ll be alright.”
The words toss and turn inside your head.
It’s okay, He’s right. You are safe now.
He’s gone, Is he talking about Zach? Or maybe Zach’s actions?
You’re safe now, You definately feel safe next to Daniel. Is it because of him, or because anything could feel safe after Zach?
Meanwhile, Zach sits on the couch, head in hands, sobbing. After an hour of Daniel not being back, he tries texting him.
Zach: bro where r u ? its been an hour 👀
Ten minutes go by...
Zach: i need 2 talk w u
Then thirty...
Zach: r u still w y/n ? ik u r
Zach: if u r, tell her im srry that i fucked up our relationship. i should have been the bandaid to fix us rather than b the crack that broke us.
Knowing that Daniel won’t reply anytime soon, he texts you.
Zach: im srry
Zach: u prob think im a dick
Zach: dont blame u
Zach: i love u, gn
No reply ... yet.
You: i accept ur apology
You: i still cant b w u, u have 2 understand that. apologies are not bandaids
Zach: just know that i do love u, tho. i rlly rlly do.
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
ha sungwoon as your soulmate
(as requested!)
imagine having sungwoon as ur soulmate  where u can hear whatever the other person says
okay so u have a soulmate clue thats obviously Really Freaking Annoying
ever since u can remember, u would hear this guys voice like. a lot
it wasnt all the time, but u could hear everything he said as though it was right next to u
most of the time hes just saying small stuff like talking to his parents or friends and things like that
but its still really disorienting bc u have to get used to the fact tht u hear this guy talking but hes not actually there
when ure younger everyone just thinks ure talking abt ur imaginary friend but NOPE hes real
the thing is tht ure not completely sure if he can hear ur voice too or if its just u
so at some point when ure still kinda young
ure in ur room alone and ure like okay, i might as well try talking to this guy
u try talking to urself w “hi can u hear me”
and then u hear him go “fdjsldj yes wait can u hear me too???”
it’s so hard to stop urself from screaming bc UR SOULMATE CAN U HEAR U TOO
so u scramble to give them a response, and its not long until ure chattering away and excitedly asking each other questions
u learn his name (sungwoon), stuff abt his family and friends, etc
u spend most of the evening talking to each other, and even tho u cant see the other person, it feels like ure talking to someone right next to u
he tells u as much, and all u can do is agree and laugh along bc the world seems to pick soulmates perfectly
from then on out, u get into a habit of talking to each other as much as u can
even if its just mumbling a comment under ur breath for him to hear, u try and have a convo whenever possible
u complain a little abt looking a little strange when u talk to him in public, so he suggest tht u get one of those bluetooth devices to pretend ure talking to him on the phone
and ure like why not? and just pretend ure constantly on one long phone call
its kinda cute tbh
and sometimes ull be humming to urself under ur breath and ull just kinda forget tht he can hear u too
so u keep going until sungwoon finally tells u tht he thinks ur voice is beautiful, which AHHHHH
bc uve heard him sing before and u know how good he is
cue a half-teasing argument abt how ure both forced to listen to each other all the time
“i dont want to hear abt ur friend throwing up”
“i dont want to hear abt ur neighbor losing their keys!!!!”
it ends w both of u laughing to each other and trying to explain the context of every ridiculous thing u overhear
the only time u get remotely frustrated w each other is when u hear smthn tmi honestly
or if one of u is trying to study and the other person is being rEALLY loud
like that one time u were taking a quiz and sungwoon decided to go out for karaoke
or when he was driving around and in the middle of nowhere u stubbed ur toe and it gave him a mini heart attack
otherwise everythings smooth sailing
u like hearing his voice (esp when he sings bc he sounds like an angel)
u dont even realize it but he loves listening to u too
so most of the time ull talk to urself and he stops whatever hes doing to listen to ur voice
u both agree not to meet for awhile tho
the two of u have a lot of stuff going on in ur own lives esp in terms of schoolwork and stuff like tht
u decide not to meet up until both of u are at point in ur lives where ure less stressed
then comes college
ure accepted into ur second choice school, which ure honestly still pretty happy about
sungwoon refuses to tell u what college hes at, but hes accidentally dropped some hints before
uve been trying to collect info but ure still not sure where exactly he goes
so come moving day
ure family helps u unpack some stuff, and after some tears and laughter, theyre saying their goodbyes and leaving u on ur own
u decide to go walk around campus a bit bc its rlly nice out, and u want to get a feel of the diff buildings so (hopefully) u dont get too lost later on
thats when out of nowhere, sungwoon asks “hey, do u want to meet?”
and ure like ??? bc WOW that came out of nowhere
but u think why not? and tell him as much
and suddenly this guy is yelling ur name from the library and jogging towards u
and it’s weird bc he’s p far away but u can hear him clearly like he’s right by ur side and oh
by the time he gets to u, u walk to meet him and ure both grinning at each other like idiots
ure not too sure what u expected
obv early on u had demanded that the other person describe what they look like but still
in person, sungwoon looks 100000x more handsome than any words could explain
still, hes looking at u like he feels the exact same way
he tells u tht u both go to the same school now, and tht he didnt want to tell u before in case things didnt work out
u hit his arm at tht bc “of course it would work out, we’re SOULMATES”
and both of u keep giggling over that bc wow, uve finally met and it feels unreal
u get accustomed to each others presence super quickly
it definitely helped tht u were used to hearing the other person already 25/8
it does take a bit of getting used to to actually /see/ them tho
but still
u end up spending as much time together as ur classes will allow
and for whenver u dont see each other, u try and talk to each other in quiet conversations
there r some days when ure both too exhausted to walk to the other persons dorm building
so u agree to watch the same show together and talk to each other and pretend ure right next to each other again
tbh one of the best parts abt finally meeting sungwoon and spending so much time w him is tht u dont have to carry ur bluetooth thing around anymore
bc now u dont have to pretend to call him, bc he’s right next to u
and even on the days when ure both tired, if u havent seen each other in awhile, he surprises u at ur dorm w some pizza and chocolate just bc he missed u tht much!!!
others: jisung | daniel | woojin | daehwi | more coming soon!
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wangbyeoll · 7 years
A Man's First Love | Kim Jaehwan
This is my first imagine , I will try my best to write in bullet type , but I'm not good at it ,but still.
This is a Jaehwan scenario but I love my baby woojin too much so yeah 🙄
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• okay so let's start
• Kim jaehwan belongs to a group of boys who are famous for stealing girls heart and play with them.
• but still , Jaehwan is far from them , and he never tried to mess around with any girls , he's a softie :))
• his friends noticed that thing about jaehwan , and they did questioned him about it too , only to be shrugged by him.
• " there's still a lot of things to mess with. Besides , I respek women " , he responded with his made up smirk every time someone asked him that.
• it's not that no girls ever tried to flirt with him. He even pushed away the hottie of their school.
• " sorry but I'm gay " , he said and clung his arm onto Minhyun's arm , before getting a smack from that hansom guy.
• and since that day , every girls' dream were crushed
• one day , Jaehwan overheard Kang Daniel's conversation with their fellow friends.
• Kang Daniel and Jaehwan are in the same grade , but attend different classes.
• " What are you guys talking about ? " , Jaehwan asked as he butted in the conversation .
• Daniel said it's nothing , just about the new girl in his literature class. Jaehwan suspected something because Daniel usually talked about that topic with an excited note but he wasn't today.
• Daniel said the girl is below his standard , since she is just a regular looking girl. BASIC. and that convo just passed like that.
• until the day Minhyun asked Jaehwan to come with him to Daniel's classroom and they met again .
• jaehwan did recognised the girl , but she didn't. She just walked passed by Jaehwan who froze at that moment.
• since that day , jaehwan came regularly to Daniel's classroom , and intentionally showing his face to the girl , and getting ignored since she ignored everyone.
• eventhough it's been 12 years (they met when they were toddlers ) , jaehwan still recognised the girl for the mole she have at the corner of her left brow.
• after weeks of appearing in front of the girl , finally jaehwan have the chance to be partner with the girl , since they took an additional subject together. Still , she didn't recognised him.
• " I'm (r/n) , I just moved here " , she told him when the teacher isn't watching . Jaehwan's heart almost jump off when he saw that significant smile of her. Eventhough her chubby baby cheeks have gone , and she's now wearing a spectacle , that smile still looked the same.
• " I'm Kim jaehwan " , jaehwan introduced himself again after 12 years , shaking hands with the girl.
• they soon start to hang out together , and it's seems like the girl still don't remember jaehwan at all.
• the rumour about them saying that they are dating spread fast , agreed by Jaehwan but disagreed by the girl.
• it took about thousands advice from Minhyun before jaehwan actually made his first step
• he asked the girl to meet him at the café where the students usually hang out together , so that it won't be too awkward
• he started with asking about where she was for the past 12 years
• " how come you don't remember me ? When I only have you in my mind ? " , Jaehwan's words made the girl furrowed her eyebrows . He also shoved a keychain that was gifted by the girl to him 12 years before.
• " I'm sorry , but do you know me ? " , the girl's words frustrating Jaehwan , making him to yell about the time when he kept appearing in front of her , and he asked if she's pretending not to know him right now.
• " No , i mean do you know me before I leave ? Do you know where my parents lived at ? " " Do you know my parents too ? " , the girl asked , with hope in her eyes. She gripped onto the sleeve of Jaehwan's uniform.
• " What.. what do you mean ? " , Jaehwan asked in confusion . Is this girl playing or what?
• it happens to be that the girl involved in an accident before she moved back. She lost her memories and also her grandparents who she lived with for 12 years.
• she only know the town where she used to live , but she don't remember exactly where she used to live , or how her parents looked like
• she moved back with hope that someone could help her , only to find no one remembers her at all , and there's Jaehwan :))
• after she told him the whole story , jaehwan can't help but to hug her ,and promising that he would help her
• he started by bringing her to her home , and meeting with her parents, and witnessing the sad family reunion :'(
• he also helps to get her used with their old friends again , and soon , she started to regain her memories again
• jaehwan started to be close to her , and she started to hang out with jaehwan and Minhyun.
• " I really appreciate your help jaehwan. Thank you for still remembering me " , she thanked him when they were walking home from library
• " ah , don't you think you should repay my kindness ? " , Jaehwan asked playfully, and getting his face near the girl , making she back away before flicking his forehead.
• " don't do that. How much I pay you ? " , she asked , shrugging to get rid of her excitement just now.
• " not much " , jaehwan said , before intertwining their fingers together .
•" just stip denying to the guys that we're dating . I'm so tired answering the same question " , jaehwan said without any hesitation , and start swinging their hands together
• the girl's face went red , but she just nod then , before looking away and grinning to herself.
• " ahh , so we have mutual feeling right ? Then why are you pushing me away when I'm trying to be sweet with you , I also want to show my manly side " , jaehwan said with a sulk
• " it's not healthy to have your heart jumping out of nowhere " , the girl said after flicking Jaehwan's forehead again . From that moment , the rumour about Jaehwan is a gay for Minhyun were taken down .
• from a hidden corner , Minhyun is watching Jaehwan and the girl while sobbing to himself.
OEMji sorry for the terrible storyline :(
Still , since I'm the shameless humanbeing, I do accept request (if any of you sending :'(() even though my writing is bad. Feel free to request and have your expectations of my writing crushed :D also , please pray for me and my final examination too 💌💌
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I leb u my all main :')
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I leb u too my woojinnie baby :'(
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kmclaude · 7 years
I had a thought. What will you do if one day 99rm became a big fandom. You know, like Killing stalking did (it was just the only example that came to my mind rn)
Fuck can you imagine? I mean I've seen the Western drama over KS (apparently, Eastern fans, especially Korean fans, are wondering WTF is wrong with us and I wonder the same) so could you fucking IMAGINE?! Two users by the names of bpddaniel and ashmedai-against-ddlg get into a puriteen pissing match about which ships you're allowed to ship (BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE COPING!!! AND EVEN THEN KEEP IT TO YOURSELF AND DON'T POST OTHERWISE YOU HATE RAPE VICTIMS!!!) This of course all started because bpddaniel headcanon'd Daniel as homoromantic demisexual which caused ashmedai-against-ddlg to butt in with a "that's homophobic mlm erasure sweaty :)" to which bpddaniel replies "uhm are u implying homoromantic mlm aren't valid????? #blatant homophobia #im kms" and ashmedai-against-ddlg makes like 20 vague posts about that #REACH before replying "at least I don't erase canon gay representation by headcanoning a gay mlm as straight" which leads into a piss course about cishet aroaces. Until some well meaning person who's also finding this hilarious (probably @the-rear-admiral-reborn or @mimi-kyuu because lbr I'd be showing them this trainwreck the moment I heard) chimes in with "uh you do know the person who made that comic is asexual himself and is openly queer, right?" To which the response is "no ne cares sweaty :) *Beyoncé GIF*" and "Claude is problematic just like this binch bpddaniel here for erasing gay mlm" to which bpddaniel replies "at least I don't ship survivors with their abusers!!!!" Ashmedai-against-ddlg is shocked. "i??? dont??? ship abusers and??¿? victims???"Bpddaniel though has #receipts because their BFF (who has a lapis lazuli icon because ofc) scoured ashmedai-against-ddlg's blog and screencapped a reblogged fanart of Caleb and Ashmedai cuddling.Ashmedai-against-ddlg makes at minimum 5 cry typing vague posts about how they're kin with Caleb and in their time line they've forgiven Ashmedai who was only doing what demons do and if it had known better it would surely have stopped and anyway they have memories of consenting and their GF is kin with Ashmedai and she's not???? an??? abuser??? and it's blatant misogyny to say that????Eventually ashmedai-against-ddlg replies that bpddaniel obviously hates mentally ill autistic wlw minors (even though ashmedai-against-ddlg has their age in their header listed as 19), especially since they ship BLATANT PEDOPHILIA, complete with screen caps of reblogged Adam/Caleb art that bpddaniel tagged #otp #❤ which obviously proves the point.bpddaniel replies that Caleb is 22 and is an adult but ashmedai-against-ddlg sends itself anonhate and then plays the old "age gaps is pedophilia ergo u are a homophobic pedophile abuser worse than ted bundy and ur followers r trash" trap card. Bpddaniel makes 7 vague posts. ashmedai-against-ddlg makes 8 cry typing posts.The only unproblematic ship, eventually, turns out to be Monsignor/Adam because it's not a horrible age gap (though some outliers point out that Monsignor calls him boy so there might be a rather pedophilic age gap there and ashmedai-against-ddlg butts into that convo to unveil their theory that there are abusive cgl/ddlb dynamics there and therefore it is unhealthy. Their friend and totally not a sockpuppet, caleb-against-ddlb, agrees.)The tag is also 50% fans of the work making quality content, 25% antis calling people who enjoy it trash who should choke and die, and 25% people one would called shippers who defend themselves against being treated like shit. This is all hypothetical; me and my work are too ~problematic uwu~ to attract those sorts.
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thehxmptons-rp-blog · 7 years
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¡A iluminar el cielo!
Tuvieron tiempo para pensarlos, para escribirlos, ahora lo único que les queda es aferrarse a su propia fe y esperar a que estos deseos se vuelvan realidad.
Tienen desde el jueves 5 de enero,  hasta el miércoles 11 de enero cuando se de un aviso de que la actividad ha concluido. (fecha sujeta a cambios)
No se permiten otras convos durante la actividad.
Conforme vayan leyendo y encontrando los deseos de sus personajes, anótenlos en algún otro lugar para saber las tareas que deben cumplir durante estos días.
Pónganse de acuerdo con cada user para ver desde qué punto van a partir o cómo lo harán.
La actividad es en el dash
Los deseos que involucran regalos están abiertos para todo el que quiera darlos, incluso los que no tuvieron tiempo de enviar sus deseos y quieren ser parte de la actividad a último momento.  OJO, hay personas que pidieron regalos para otras personas, así que vean eso también.
Los regalos son por submit, o bien, podrían ponerse de acuerdo para darlos personalmente y así tener más convos donde rolear.
Cualquier duda, comuníquense al main, ya saben los teléfonos. (131369 y 691313)
Feliz año, criaturas del mal, we love you. <3
PD: la demora se debió a que aún dimos más tiempo para enviar los deseos, y aún así, no nos han llegado todos, así que más adelante se publicará otra lista con deseos de las personas que pidieron más tiempo. ¡Diviértanse haciendo convos y enviando regalos!
Un BMW convertible para sentirse Sharpay Evans, pls
Que Lyanna se tiña pelirroja otra vez
Una réplica del disfraz original de Deadpool
Una pizza gigante de pepperoni
Un trono como de de Games of Thrones
Quien sea para ir a la playa
Ver las estrellas con Lennon
Un estuche de arte nuevo
Alguien para salir a cabalgar
Diamantes en la forma que sean
Arreglar las cosas con Sarah
Una guitarra eléctrica color azul
Ir a la obra de “The Cursed Child”
Una tarde de música con Demian
Ver todas las películas de Star Wars con Georgia
Un estuche de brochas para maquillaje
Más playeras de sus bandas favoritas
Ir a NY con Sarah de acompañante
Alguien para jugar videojuegos
Una cita con Anzer
Quien sea para observar constelaciones
Un día entero con su mejor amigo, Demian
Felicidad pa todos, alv
Interminables itros de helado
Un xbox one
Ir al mundo mágico de Harry Potter con Allegra
Colección de libros de John Green
Un perrito
Una cámara de fotos instantáneas
Alguien para ir a un parque temático
Que Lennon y Fox se disfracen de las gemelas Wilson (White Chicks)
Alguien con quien acampar
Ir a un concierto de Adele
Jugar videojuegos con Lennon
Libros de Stephen King
1. Tener un picnic con Dènnis Volkov. 2. Ir de compras con Brooklyn Swarovski. 3. Los libros de Harry Potter. 4. Las temporadas de The 100 en DVD. 5. Phone case de Big Hero 6.
1. Una camita para Hunter. 2. Pasar un día entero con Lyanna Ramsay. 3. Que Demian Ramsay me toque una canción para que finalmente lo pueda perdonar. 4. Alguien a quién pueda maquillar para probar mi nuevo maquillaje. 5. Una sudadera, de preferencia color vino.
1. Noche de películas con Skyler Rhodes. 2. Una cámara profesional. 3. Clases de vestir con Oly Accardi. 4. Un balón de baloncesto. 5. Clases de abogacía for dummies con Dylan Downey. (8
1. Alguien que me enseñe a cocinar. 2. Muuuuchos chokers. 3. Un cachorro de raza French Poodle. 4. Tener la oportunidad de aclarar las cosas con Andrew Gosling. 5. Ir de compras con Ava Renner.
1. Un jersey de los Patriots. 2. Alguien con quien jugar fútbol americano. 3. Noche de fiesta con Blake Parker. 4. Los DVDs de la serie de Game of Thrones. 5. Una tarde con Isabella Herrera para agradecerle por mis regalos.
Quiero que Demian me lleve a una primera cita por fin c:
Una bicicleta, y un Nikolai Reynolds que me enseñe a usarla
Una nueva casa/cama para Bugs
Las sagas de Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo y Los Héroes del Olimpo
Un día completo con Alejandro
Un día completo con Aiden Knight
Una pareja de baile masculina, quien sea c:
Una estantería para mis libros, o que construyan una biblioteca en la casa>:c
Todas las temporadas de Friends y Gossip Girl
Una cámara profesional
Cruise 17 y PICK & CHOOs de Jimmy Choo
Que Demian termine lo que sea que tenga con Skyler y esté soltero por un día
Una noche romántica con Andrew
Una Range Rover color blanco
Que Carter no me abandone y me dé amor por una semana, porque lo merezco c:
Una Cadenza 2017
24 horas a solas con Adelaide Kors
Un plato gigante de porotos con rienda o una paila marina para cenar
Un perreo intenso Una cita con Chantelle Cooper
La Motus MST-R 2017
Una Gibson Les Paul de la serie Custom en color negro.
Una noche de fiesta con Nirvana Stonewall.
Alguien con quién pueda pasar la tarde practicado baloncesto.
La discografía completa de Alknost.
Un gatito en color crema que aún sea pequeño.
1. Deseo que Carter me regale un viaje a Disney, no es casi obligatorio. 2. Deseo que Andrew sea mi amigo. 3. Deseo que Anthony me regale un abrazo. 4. Deseo que Sofía me obsequie su amistad. 5. Deseo que los días de trabajo sean menos y más días de fiesta.
1. Deseo que alguien me enseñe cocina, soy un desastre. 2. Deseo un lugar en el cual comenzar a pintar de nuevo. 3. Deseo que Demian me regale uno de sus abrazos. 4. Deseo que Blake admita lo bonita que soy. 5. Deseo que Vicente me regale chocolate.
1. Deseo una mejor relación con Diego (aunque eso es imposible). 2. Deseo que Dylan deje de ser un imbécil. 3. Deseo más contribución con la caridad por parte de todos, es algo bonito. 4. Deseo un viaje, algo como un road trip. 5. Menos odio y más amor, chicos.
1. Deseo que Andrew sea más honesto y confíe más en mí. 2. Deseo que en la casa haya más condones, gracias. 3. Deseo que Blake me compre más comida, en serio. 4. Deseo cada lunes más silencio del que hay, gracias. 5. DESEO MENOS TRABAJO VINE AQUÍ PARA DORMIR.
1.- Un compañero/a que la acompañe a comprar ropa. 2.- Noche de bebidas con cualquier persona que se ofrezca. 3. Un perfume de Valentino. 4. Noche de peliculas con Egon. 5. Aprender a cocinar.
1. Salir de fiesta con cualquier persona de la mansión. 2. Maquillaje de Dior. 3. Una persona que se ofrezca a un make over. 4. Día de peluquería con cualquier persona. 5. Pijamada
1.- Regalo de fernet y coca cola 2.- Día de compras con Sofía. 3. Día de chicas con Olivia. 4. Una invitación para salir a comer sin compromiso. 5. Noche de peliculas con cualquier persona de la mansión
1.- El libro de Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos escrito por J. K. Rowling y la película también. 2.- Una noche fuera de la mansión con cualquier persona que se ofrezca. 3.- Una cena con Cruz. 4.- Noche de peliculas con Vicente. 5.- Día de chicas con cualquier mujer de la mansión.
Que Lennon sea feliz
Un peluche de Nala
Un tsum tsum de Stitch
Que Nirvana venga a compartir conmigo de su pastel de tiramisú
Una noche romántica en la playa con Egon
M&G con One Direction
Que Nikolai me de un beso
Que Esteban me invite a pasear por la playa durante la noche de año nuevo.
Hacer una pijamada con Dennis y jugar al salón de belleza.
Una noche con Hugo.
El vestido de Elie Saab que Lily James usó en la carpet de Cinderella [x]
Una cena romántica con Douglas en el mejor restaurante de la isla
Que Diego y Vicente cuiden a Henry mientras me voy a cenar. También Hugo, porque confío más en el.
Un mini cooper para Addie, y otro para mí.
Que Sacha y yo vayamos de compras.
Ver a Alessia de nuevo y revivir la noche del hotel
Una caja gigante de bombones de chocolate
Que Aksel me lleve flores y me bese
Que Esteban me cante una serenata
Que Nikolai me lleve a cenar
1. Poder darle todo el amor a Alice y consentirla con todo lo que quiera, pero sobre todo poder ser el papá que ella necesita y merece por el resto de sus días. 2. Que ruby y yo seamos felices, esta vez de verdad. 3. Pasar la mejor noche de mi vida con Ruby en la playa. 4. Ropa y juguetes para mi perrito Conchobar 5. Iniciar una banda, ser parte de una, o al menos tener los instrumentos para hacerlo en un futuro
Mi primer cita con Skyler.
Una tarde entera de juegos de mesa con Lyanna.
Ir con Luke a la playa y hablar como españoles o personas extranjeras.
One Direction merchandise
Que cada vez que vea a alguien durante esta noche me salude como si fuera de la realeza.
Que todos me deseen feliz cumpleaños aunque no sea mi cumpleaños… y me den regalos.
Que Allegra baile el baile de la gallina.
Que Frankie sea mi novia.
Que Olympia me acompañe a hacer travesuras al centro comercial hasta que nos arresten.
Un onesie de pollo.
Un beso de Frankie.
Una noche de pasión con Lacey.
Que Vittoria me consienta como buena novia durante una noche entera.
Un beso de Georgia
Un beso de Luke bc why not.
Una pijamada con Samantha, donde nos llevemos mejor de lo que nunca lo hemos hecho en la vida.
Una noche romántica con Lacey
La interesante compañía de Ava durante toda la madrugada.
Un último beso de Sofia
Que alguien me proponga una maratón de películas navideñas.
Un onesie de Stitch
Que Savannah escuche mis consejos y sea buena persona por todo un día, al menos.
Llevar a cenar a Ava a su restaurante favorito.
Que todos sean felices aunque sea por esta noche.
Recuperar la relación con Marie/Zoe.
Una noche entera con Alessia.
Que Andromeda admita estar loca por mi.
Un beso de Callie.
Ir de putas con Vicente.
Que Nikolai y Allegra sean felices, y ya siendo felices, que vengan a jugar un juego de mesa conmigo.
Una noche de pasión con Andromeda.
Una noche de pasión con Zoe.
Un beso de Alessia.
Una cena romántica con Lyanna y un beso por el bien de los viejos tiempos.
Que Sofia deje de estar loca por una semana.
Que mi cachorrito (mi hijo) tenga todo lo que necesite, pero principalmente un padre que siempre pueda estar con él sin ningún impedimento.
Que Lyanna y Frankie bailen reggaeton conmigo.
Que Skyler me haga un poema.
Que Zoe admita estar loca por mi.
24 horas al lado de Connor, un día entero en el que no peleemos como siempre.
Cantar Karaoke con Sacha.
Que Vicente me de una serenata al estilo mexicano.
Una cita con Douglas.
Que mi princesita Alice sea la niña más feliz del mundo ahora que tiene a ambos padres a su ladoS
Que Fox se pinte el cabello de rojo.
Muchas donas porque nunca tengo suficiente.
Que Olivia sea completamente feliz aunque sea solo un día.
Que Bella haga cosplay de la princesa Leia.
Un onesie de Darth Vader.
Que Demian cocine pizza para mí todo el día
Funko pop de los dragones de Daenerys Targaryen aka Drogon, Rhaegal y Viserion.
Algunos de los outfits de Cher en Clueless
Una máscara de Tyrion Lannister para usarla en los próximos carnavales
Un nuevo arco.
Que  Luke me regale como treinta algodones de azúcar porque ya sé que tiene una máquina para eso.
Regalos bonitos para Piolín, mi gato.
Que Anthony venga a comer muchos platillos de maíz conmigo.
Que Dylan sea feliz porque se lo merece.
Un pastel hecho por el tipo de cake boss para Aksel.
Nuevos pinceles
Un pastel hecho por el tipo de cake boss.
Dibujar a Violet como una chica francesa.
Mucha nutella.
Los libros de canción de hielo y fuego.
Un gatito.
Un vestido negro de manga larga de Alexander Mcqueen [x]
Lip sync battle con mis compañeros.
Churros con chocolate.
Un funko pop de Padmé Amidala.
Mucha pizza.
Mucho helado de chocolate.
Tomar las pinturas de Aksel para hacer guerra con mis compañeros.
Una nueva bicicleta.
La colección de temporadas de friends.                                      
Guitarra Gibson semi-acoustica roja
Poder hacer un dueto con alguno de los talentos que hay en la isla
Un gran estuche de pinturas y lapices de colores.
Ir a hacer surf con alguien.
Que le regalen chocolates                          
Hacer maratón de peliculas de disney con quien quiera
Pijamada con Dènnis
Ir a ver la obra de El niño maldito/The cursed child con alguien
Una noche de karaoke o lip sync battle con quienes quieran
Conocer más personas de la isla
Un puff con forma de tortuga.
Que Demian le haga una pizza XL de rúcula.
Arreglar las cosas con Andrew.
Saco de piel de YSL.
Meet&Greet con Luis Miguel.
Una Canon EOS 5D Mark III.
Un persa miniatura color gris.
Que Demian cocine use tacones todo el día.
Un viaje a Mónaco con quien sea.
Una partida de shots & ladders con Diego.
Juntarse a tomar fernet con Genoveva como en los viejos tiempos.
Un Callaway Men’s Apex CF16 Iron Set.
Un tazón con forma de pelota.
Test de paternidad con Henry. (lol)
Que Quinn le de la razón una vez en la vida
Un picnic con el Diego.
Meet&Greet con Julio Iglesias.
Un drone color negro.
Una gorra para latas de cerveza.
Maratón de películas con Quinn.
Zapatillas de punta de Capezio.
Día de compras con Brook en Manhattan.
Ir a cenar con alguien al puerto.
Que Carter use zapatillas de punta todo el día.
Un onesie de unicornio.
Pasar el día con Callie y Benjamin.
Una campera de cuero de Enfants Riches Deprimes.
Ir de cacería al bar con Diego. (Para que Vicente se muera de celos tbh.)
Un reloj de Rolex.
Un burro de mascota. (Lo va a cuidar mucho.)
Una máquina de karaoke.
Una segunda oportunidad de Scarlett.
Ir al bar con Sarah.
Ir a Six Flags con cualquier buen alma del lugar.
Ver películas con Callie.
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solasulad · 6 years
The Cousin Josh.
I’m feeling all types of emotions with this one. And I know I really really fucked up but I’m hating my self asking for more. I don’t think I’m gonna ask. I’ll just let it be like always but until then imma cry myself to sleep once I get those itches.
So.. let’s start..
Abel called me Friday night saying happy birthday. Told him thanks and that we should chill, me him and josh + whatever girls I could gather. He said sure I was like ii. Completely forgot about it for a second until he called me Saturday after noon asking what was up with josh on the line I was like blessed! If worst comes to worst I can chill with these guys. Had plans with S. for dinner but she flopped on me, so took these guys on instead. Invited R, to come to the club so it was perfect!
After running back and forth from one end of the city to another, I finally get to the Airbnb and settle in. It’s about 8pm now and my sister was tryna come over but told her nah. More like yah come but ignored her.
Anyways. I get to the Airbnb and start to slowly figure my life out. R. says she finishes at 9 and will come over after getting dressed I’m like cool, tell the boys to meet for 10 at the Airbnb. Bomb, I have an hour before the guys are to come and I slowly/quickly get ready.
I’m doing my make up, r. Hits me up with she’s gonna be late so I’m like Okk cause the guys haven’t arrived yet.
It’s now 10 & I get a call from Abel saying he’s down stairs... I’m like wow... okay my faces done by still haven’t got dressed & not sure if I was gonna add more make up on. So they kinda just fucked that up.
I finish whatever makeup I can, I put my shoes on and get them from downstairs. They both give me hugs Abel gives me a kiss on the neck and picks me up. Josh gives me a hug that’s it. We head up stairs, they chill on the bed/couch while playing music as I get ready. I’m running back and forth from the bed to washroom cause it’s an open Airbnb aka loft. So I finally get my dress & underwear put it on and lotion myself up. I walk out the washroom and they say it looks good, Abel complimenting me heavy as fuck and well, josh saying it looks good. In that moment I never really payed josh any attention cause he wasn’t looking my way. I just left it as that cause abel was trying heavy.
Anyways, they both compliment my dress, my hair and make up. I felt like the shit. We wait for my friend to come  & head downstairs for a smoke. Took only one pull of the weed and felt it. They both drinking so they give me some & I kill it. They ask me what I’m tryna do I’m like get drunk drunk 😭.
We wait for R. Then send her an Uber to her, she comes at 11:30 ish & we head out to the club.
Abel started puking up in the car and I was like wow really. Grown ass niggah can’t handle himself. Smh
We get to the club I’m like wavy but not drunk R.’s chilling dancing, Josh orders is a drink and I’m like w/e I’m good with it. He gets us Jack Daniels & coke. I’m drinking that shit like it’s water sipping it fast.. then Abel gives me his. I’m like awh sheet gonna get fucked up 🙌🏾!
Finish his drink then start dancing not really doing much just moving my ass, lol there was a moment when after hoping rooms we found a chill vibe and I started shaking my ass twerking, the dress was so short so I had to stop. Abel kept amping me up that was dirty annoying 😩. We stuck with the guys and danced, before walking into the club R. Asks me about the guys & I tell her Joshs a cute but Abel’s cock blocking & that if she was down to go for him. She’s like she’s had her eyes on him & he is a cutie. I’m like “well damn” before even coming to the club I was laying down on the bed and showed Abel a pic of R said I was gonna hook josh and her up.
So now the club. When emotions kinda ran thru me. So we are now still in a room dancing. I’m enjoying myself and just dancing with the group kinda. Not really hugging up anyone just there dancing Abel tried to get me to turn around but I didn’t. Anyways, we dancing me looking towards Abel and Abel moving in squares like he’s retarded, I turn around to see if R. Was good and see her and josh kissing... I was like well damn now look at this. My mood was like “shit, but whatever Abel’s cock blocked me”
So, after a couple mins R comes to me and she’s like omg he’s so cute, im like yo go for it he’s a cutie!! Also I’m like yo Abel’s cock blocking’s me I need to meet some guys. She’s like we’re gonna ditch them and go out. Blessed right?? Yah well.. we tell them that we’re gonna use the washroom. As we’re leaving I’m like joshs 96 so be aware she’s like idc he’s hot, I tell her go for it! My geographic area of guys have big dicks anyways & she starts to laugh. We use the washroom, then decide to make are way around she wanted to finesse guys for drinks lmao. We end up walking out and some guy pulls on her. He looked like Israel we went to high school with. So she’s taking to this guy & I’m just standing there... I’m looking around his friends are looking at me but no ones approaching me. One big ass belly guy came to me asking me my name, I tell him then it’s quite. I’m like what’s yours? He tells me he’s called snack, so i make a joke saying cause he eats a lot! LMAO he didn’t find that funny, but then it’s quite, he gives me his henny bottle and I take a big ass shot not thinking that I’d get fucked up.. hes like eh. LOL...
So then it gets quite, this short guy was just looking at me, he then approaches me asks for my insta gram I give him my name he adds me. Not really making Convos with the guys cause they beat as fuck. I just stand there. I hesitated on leaving her but didn’t want to get lost, so then.. I turn around and see josh walking around, I approach him & he comes over, he sees R with a guy and we’re like let’s go back to the room?
We all are walking together then out of nowhere we lose R and the guy. Me and Josh can’t find her but then something happens. I think he complimented me on my dress cause he said I looked sexy or something.
(Bare with me, the remaining shit I’m about to say is based off of drunken memory)
So he says something and then leans in for a tight hug I guess cause I end up biting his neck then he starts kissing me. I’m trying to remember how it started but idk lol I was off it.
So we kissing and minding our own business when I ask where’s Abel? He’s like behind you? I turn around and see him, Josh says let’s go for a smoke, we go outside & leave Abel inside. Josh takes his jacket off puts it on me so smooth &  We get a smoke from someone & then continue the convo.
Not sure but I remember telling him that I found him attractive at first but Abel was into me, then telling him that I told him I just wanted to be friends. I think I also told him what he did that night I went over to his place and how I left early. He’s like Abel’s into you really idk man it’s rough.
So he’s smoking then puts the cig in my mouth while my hands are in his pockets. So smooth so   Fucking cute. We make out more outside until Abel comes, then not sure what happens but he ends up leaving us alone. And we’re both like fuck.
I guess I didn’t want him to see us like that and get hurt. So we kept it short afterwards.
The henny starts to kick in and I feel mad sick. Like nauseous out of nowhere. We walking back and met with abel inside, joshs still holding me tight cause my walking fucked up, I guess he felt me wanting to throw up and he he asks if I’m good, I shrug no and he asks if I wanna throw up I’m like yah, he rushes me to the washroom and I start puking. He entered the girls side and holding my hair back while I puke rubbing my back. I feel better so we go after I wash my mouth.
It’s time to go and get my coat from the front, we still don’t know where R is so we end up just going without her. Waiting in the line for my coat I feel sick again, and then josh rushes me back to the washroom as he’s holding me from the back I start puking up on his arm and then in the toilet, I finish wash my mouth and apologize he’s like it’s okay don’t worry. I’m saying sorry and that I’m such a light weight.
We go outside and get hotdogs from the front, waiting for it I drink water they give me and then slowly eat the hot dog, I couldn’t even eat it cause I was so drunk I started puking again. They call an Uber and it comes right away. Before getting into the car I puke a little more and then sit in the middle between them both. I close my eyes and just try to breathe as josh says.
We get to the Airbnb quick & im sobering up kinda. Lol nah not really but better than puking that’s for sure.
We get upstairs and laugh that r’s gone, I’m like idk she met some guy that’s all her. We get in and I’m freezing. I get comfy on the bed while abel and josh play some music. Josh starts playing some weeknd songs and I start obsessing singing while laying down. Abel comes in the bed tryna cuddle and I get out leave him in the bed alone lmao.
So I put my hoodie on but still feel cold so i change into jeans and a hoodie. I come back into the room abel walls in and I sit on the side of the bed.
I’m sitting on the bed Abel’s falling and sleep and joshs sitting on the couch. Josh says he’s gonna go for a smoke, looks at me and asks if I wanna come with I’m like yah.
We leave go outside and he’s smoking his spliff. We start talking about what happened in the club and I’m like my friend likes you tho, he’s like nah it’s not even like that I was just there cause she was. I’m like okay, the once again tryna remember what happened but we end up kissing while he’s smoking his spliff, he takes a pull and blows it into my mouth. We kiss more outside then once he’s done he’s like let’s go for a walk.
We start walking towards the area I parked at, and find a corner stairwell outside that leads into the parking. There’s a camera up there so nothing freaky happened but... he starts kissing me grabbing me up and I had to stop him cause I wasn’t tryna be on the internet for some thotty shit.
So we start walking back to the building and then I’m like fuck I wanna fuck you or something, and he says the same, I ask him imma need a dick pic and he’s like you wanna see it I’m like yes! He pulls it out right then and there. I’m shookth at the size and thickness like wth. I tell him I’m tight and that’s gonna hurt. So I’m horny now and we make our way back upstairs. I say I need your body on a bed but laugh that Abel’s knocked out on the bed.
We head to the pool room in the building and look around see only one camera there, we block ourselves from the camera and start making out more. He pulls his dick out and I’m like I’m not gonna suck it here but he begs, so I only give him a tease of it. I go down on him without knowing what I’m doing I deep throat it. I finish not making him cum but get back up and he starts kissing me.
We leave that room and head back up stairs making out in the elevator. We get into the apartment and Abel’s knocked out, I take my jacket off and turn around and see josh waving at me to come in the bathroom. We get in and start making out more he pulls my pants off and goes down on me I’m shook as fuck cause he’s actually eating it hard & I come from that!!! He finishes up pulls his dick and NO CONDOM and fucks me raw. I’m face down ass up on the toilet he’s going in I’m trying not to scream banging my head on the wall, I’m dry at this point because of the position and limited space, but we switch and he spits on me to lube me up.
I’m sitting down backwards to him riding him and then he comes pulling me off backing me away on the floor. I’m like wow. This mother fucker!
He finishes and is still hard as fuck! Like wtf mane pls. He goes in again after cleaning up and a couple mins later I tap out. - not sure actually, thinking he only did it once now -
But anyhoo, we finish up in the bathroom both weird cause of the situation with Abel & me with R.
He leave and I clean up myself. I come back into the bed area and lay down adjacent to abel.
It’s now 6am and I’m trying to sleep knowing I gotta check out at 11am.. smh In set the alarm and close my eyes.
Wake up from Abel around 9am pissed cause I only got 1 and a half hours of sleep. Smh we get my things and we check out.
Josh drives us back to Abel’s cause I’m still fucked from last night both mentally and pussy wise.
We get to his and we aren’t really saying much about what happened last night. We get some breakfast and head back to his place now it’s like 11am or so, still tiered.
We in Abel’s room just chilling and Abel steps out, I think I brought up what happened last night and the whole mood changes cause he starts looking at me all sexual and I’m doing the same. Abel comes back and we stop. We kept doing that pretty much the whole time abel would leave. He went to the washroom to get changed and then josh said something about how he wanted to kiss me rn, I lean over towards him and we start making out on the bed, I think we heard foot steps so he backed off of me, Abel came in the room and left again, and we go back at it.
After that Abel stays in and we chill listening to music.
Josh calls one of his boys over FaceTime talking. I say something and then his friend asks who’s that, he says it’s a friend. Joshs friend after a minute or so says give me the phone to her I show my face and he’s like “hey joshs my best friend don’t take him” I’m like uhm, you can have him I didn’t even want him smiling, look up joshs smirking. So I pass the phone over to josh and his friends like she gorgeous as fuck. They continue the talk and I over hear joshs friend say something about him and a girl. I’m listening but pretending not really, on my phone.
He’s like it is what it is, mans like I feel you you there she’s there, you have needs. So the. Josh says something kicking my leg I ignore it pretending not to listen. He switches up starts speaking in his language tryna throw me off and then puts headphones in. Whole time Abel’s just sitting on the bed while I’m laying down.
So they finish the convo and then it just vibes from there Abel’s playing Chris brown wet the bed and other sexual songs.
I tell him I’m about to go and josh asks if I can drop him off close by I’m like yah. Already knowing what we about to do why not?
I tell abel I’m gonna go he’s like nooooo pls just stay blah blah blah unattractive as fuck. I finally leave after an hour or so saying I was gonna go now it’s like 3pm. Give abel a hug and leave with josh.
We get in the car jump on the highway and head downtown again.
Car ride was quite, wasn’t really talking about what happened until maybe 10-15 mins in?
So I bring it up and then he’s like it was wild nothing he’s seen before like the head game wasn’t sloppy but classy as fuck. How I deep the dick down and the looks I was giving him. I tell him same I was shook when he ate me out of nowhere and then he tells me my shits tight the tightest he’s ever gotten. I’m like wow lol
So I’m driving now on regular roads and I look over at him and kiss him. Trying to pay attention to the road we kiss for a bit then get to his area.
He asks if I wanna chill for a bit I’m like yah why not. We park up beside his place and we’re making out, he’s sucking on my tits and pulls my pants down fingering me hard. I cum once again from that and he takes his fingers dips it into his mouth and puts it in mine then continues kissing me.
I had it at this point this why is a freak!!!
I lean over to his side and go in for head, I look at his dick and see the bumps I seen earlier when I was sucking him in the pool room.....
So I stop and ask him if he’s good? He’s like yah don’t worry those are just rashes from dryness... I’m like you sure? Cause they where red and fresh rashes on his dick.... possible herpes man!!
He’s like nah they aren’t and that he’s clean I’m just tryna make sure, tell him if I get an std I’m killing him!!
He assured me it’s nothing and I continue. Smh I deep it maybe two three times and call it a quits. Told him I’m tryna tease him cause of the place we parked up at is risky...
So he has blue balls now and then tucks it away, starts biting on my tits again and I’m done it felt sooo good like shit has only did that to me other guys don’t know how to suck tits!
He’s sucking it and we make out more I lean again playing with his dick after I told him to put it away i pull it out again. Smh I kiss it some more and say that’s final. I tell him I have to go, he’s like okay. But we still continue kissing. I pull off saying I got to go and then mood changes.
Those rough sexual kisses turn into emotional kisses we kiss slowly and with passion, I felt that heavy.
He tells me leave him here he’ll walk over to his place and I can head out, I’m like okay.
I tell him bye zaddy as he leaves. He laughs.
I pull out the parking spot and see him standing there waiting so it seemed. His look was like he was upset or something.
I roll down the window do a eating sign with my hand and tongue and he smiles.
I leave. That’s that.
Now it’s Monday. Didn’t hear from him since yesterday after I dropped him off. Don’t know if I wanna be with him cause those kisses got me fucked up real shit.
We even talked about plans on fucking but space and time was an issue. He jokingly said “you know I’m a busy person, you gotta make an appointment in advance I’m like lol so I can’t hit you up randomly saying I need dick?” He laughs.
But real shit, Saturday night was wild. I didn’t think I was gonna end up with him either. He’s a fine mother fucker too. Oh man. Now I was creeping his insta earlier and still see the rose and D next to his bio.. go to his girls page and see the same J with a black heart. Smh she isn’t even cute, idk if I wanna do anything with him.
Don’t think he’ll hit me up unless it’s a party, but it is what it is. He’s 96 I’m 95 I don’t want to picture myself with him cause of his religion either. I gotta step back and forget about Saturday night.
Got me at work all fucked up, wanting to send him a message but pulled back. Smh.
Now I don’t know if I want to continue it cause Abel’s feelings are gonna get crushed heavy in the process so I’m just gonna let it be. He’s looking out for his cousin and I get that but also thinking why block your happiness?
& now that’s how I enter my 23 years of life. Getting raw fucked in the bathroom while sucking a dick that has bumps on it. I need to go get checked out maybe this weekend cause i can't bare the pain if it happens.  Ha.
0 notes
globalsource-blog · 7 years
Global Source meets Mayday
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Following on from last week’s post, where Global Source caught up with the girls of B.L.O.O.M. ahead of their debut night at Soup Kitchen, this week we continue our series on Manchester nightlife with an interview with Tom from Mayday, a collaborative project between two well-established names on the Manchester scene: CULT and Ossia. This Saturday at Hidden they’re hosting what looks set to be a pretty outstanding showcase of cutting-edge electronic music, with a serious roster of talent from the celebrated R&S Records, and none other than Talaboman (John Talabot and Axel Boman) headlining. Read on to find out about what it takes to throw a rave in a skatepark, the challenges of making high-end bookings as an independent promoter, and what to expect from Mayday in the coming months.
Global Source: First things first, for those unaware of what you guys are up to, can you describe Mayday in your own words? What’s it all about, and what’s the link with Ossia and CULT?
Tom from Mayday: Mayday is a collaboration between Ossia and CULT. It’s simply the joined forces of the brands. It’s opened up new possibilities for us in terms of bookings, both financially as well as by combining our roster of residents. We’re taking Mayday in a different direction from the other two brands, which tend to focus on more intimate gigs in medium-sized venues, usually showcasing 1 or 2 artists. Mayday on the other hand is all about collaboration with organisations, labels and collectives, really trying to provide some of Manchester’s most top end nightlife. Our show with Dimensions last year was a lot of fun and an amazing opportunity to bring high-calibre artists the likes  of Daniel Avery to Manchester.  
GS: Cool – nice to see a full-on long-term collaboration between the two crews. Having more of you involved must make it a little easier on the wallet to make those higher-end bookings… Does it also make it harder to agree on a lineup? What’s the decision-making process like?
TfM: The costing is definitely eased by the number in the group, sure, but it doesn’t detract from the huge risk we put on ourselves for every show! The lineup process is always a tricky one but thankfully we’re all extremely passionate about the music and appreciate artists from across the spectrum of the dance scene. There’s rarely a suggestion that gets completely shut down because ultimately we’d love to have everyone play for us. Most of the time the main restriction is availability and the booking costs of the artists, we may agree on a 5 stage contingency of acts we want and get in touch with them all, only to find out that they’re all booked, taking the month off, or tied up in something else. Finding a solution is one of the fun bits though, trying to work out who would fit with who, whether they played too recently or too near, all these things come into play.
GS: So back in June you guys hosted an event at Manchester’s Projekts skatepark, where you had Mall Grab and Shanti Celeste play. How did that event come about? I saw some pretty funny video of people who’d had a few too many trying to negotiate a quarter pipe – did you have to do a risk assessment?
TfM: We scouted out the skatepark because we saw that UKF had done an event there a couple of years back. It looked like a wicked event so we got in touch and they were fortunately interested in having us in. They have to get a TEN [Temporary Event Notice] to have an event there but even with that we got the council coming over an hour before the licence expired telling us to pull the plug. Luckily we managed to pull a filibuster and sweet talked them for the hour so that we didn’t have to shut down before Mall Grab finished! The venue was covered with a risk assessment already but we had to take out insurance in case anyone did bail on the quarter pipe while trying to backside blunt and split their chin open. Luckily everyone partied *fairly* sensibly and we didn’t have any issues. There’s always an element of mutual trust when holding events like that, and with a crowd who are there for the music not because they’re at “UNAYYY” and love chanting about the most recent footballer caught up in a controversy we were alright.
GS: I’m sure you heard about the recent controversy caused by Jeremy Underground’s agent threatening to bite someone if they didn’t book a 5 star hotel with a gym and sauna for his client. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get your take on it – should top DJs feel entitled to a post-set spa session? Is there anyone you guys rate highly enough that you’d pay for their sauna to get them on the bill?
TfM: To be honest most tier 1 artists require 5* hotels with room service, wifi, leisure facilities, all expenses covered, upmarket dinner, excessive riders etc. It doesn’t come as any surprise to me that JU asked for those extra facilities because as he said, he had a very busy week of shows. That said we’re always careful to read the contract beforehand to know exactly what we’re getting ourselves into. Everything is negotiable, so as long as you don’t blindly sign bits of paper you should know what to expect. Changing agreements last minute on the other hand isn’t okay. It’s a bit of a confusing situation and it seems that the agent and the promoters were both slightly in the wrong - Jeremy offered to pay for it all himself so in my eyes he wasn’t being out of order. Personally I’d let Dixon have my house keys, all of my savings, any current girlfriends, my watch and my best pair of shoes because I think he is an absolute god. Whether I speak for the rest of the Mayday team is another question but he holds a special place in my heart!
GS: While we’re on the subject of big bookings, at this time of year as we all know it’s Warehouse Project season. Obviously they’ve elevated the standing of Manchester’s club scene on the world stage as a heavyweight contender, but some feel they’re unfairly monopolizing the market. As a smaller outfit, what do you feel are the pros and cons of the WHP brand?  
TfM: I remember a great piece of convo I had with Toby who was the original Ossia don, saying that he didn't mind WHP before this year because as much as they got most of the huge names they tended to leave a decent gap for more niche artists. This year they've just snapped up so many acts we wanted to book who we thought were a little more under the radar. So, kudos to them for improving the programming but also, rahhhhhhh. It's the exclusivity contracts that grind our gears – it takes away so many options for booking talent we truly love and who would provide a totally different show in a smaller venue that wouldn’t detract from Warehouse Project’s ticket sales. But there you go, they operate like a business whereas a lot of promoters do it for the love of the scene.  I can't help but thank them for making the Manchester nightlife so revered, no doubt they're a credit to the city and the scene as well as a pain in the arse. I remember my friends travelling from down south to attend WHP a few years back and it’s always drawn people to Manchester. I’d love to see them find a better venue because I’ve definitely fallen out of love with Store Street, but maybe I take that back because it might make our lives even harder!
GS: Yeah it’s definitely a tough one, hard to argue with the lineups they put together but seeing the corporatisation of the “underground” music scene does leave a sour taste in the mouth. Anyway, enough party politics for now. Let’s get to the matter at hand – this Saturday!  You guys are bringing the legendary R&S Records to Hidden. It’s a hell of a lineup, with Talaboman headlining, and you’ve even arranged an in-store pre-party with Space Dimension Controller at Eastern Bloc Records. How are you guys feeling about it? Looks set to be a night to remember…  
TfM: Safe to say we’ve all been absolutely buzzing for this show ever since we got the go ahead from R&S. They’re a household name in the dance music scene and have proved time and time again that venturing into the unknown and embracing diversity in your taste creates a successful following. Their roster of artists is so impressive and we’re blessed to have Paula Temple, SDC and Renaat. Paula especially has been on our watchlist for a while, and ever since Ossia had SDC do a DJ set a couple of year back we’ve been gagging to see him perform live! Talaboman as the special guest was a no brainer for us - since the two heavyweights joined forces we’ve all been drooling over the prospect of seeing them play together. The fact we’ve got them on a line up is a dream come true. Excitement in the Mayday camp is second to none and we just hope that everyone who plans on joining us brings immense energy and we have a proper party!
GS: I have no doubt that’s what it’ll be. Tom, thanks for your time, and all the best for Saturday night and the year to come – can’t wait to hear what’s next on the Mayday Agenda. Any clues as to what that might be?
TfM: I can't give too much away yet but we've got something special lined up for next may… think Bongos Bingo and Schloss!
There are still a few tickets available for Saturday night, go cop right here.
Check out the videos below for a hint of what you can expect music-wise on the night:
Talaboman - Loser’s Hymn
Space Dimension Controller @ Dekmantel 2017
Paula Temple - Ful (R&S)
0 notes
minnievirizarry · 7 years
#SproutChat Recap: How to Teach Your Colleagues Personal Branding
Due to the nature of their jobs, social media marketing professional have a clear understanding of personal branding and its positive impact on an organization. While a social marketers number one priority is maintaining the social presence for the organization they represent, sharing social best practices with colleagues can help your brand raise awareness, improve community relations and positively impact recruiting efforts.
At this week’s #SproutChat, we discussed the do’s and don’ts of personal branding and how fostering an environment where employees feel supported to build a personal brand can impact the bottom line.
Build the Foundation
Social best practices from managing a business carry over to personal branding. You’ll want to maintain a consistent tone of voice, visual aesthetic and make sure that the content you’re sharing is relevant. Depending on your industry, look into LinkedIn or Facebook groups, specific hashtags or Twitter chats in order to start growing your network.
@SproutSocial A1: A professional photo (with a smile!) that is consistent across profiles is a great way to start. #SproutChat
— Your Creative People (@ycpideas) April 12, 2017
@SproutSocial A1: Be real. Be consistent. Be passionate about what you represent. Be honest. #SproutChat
— b r i t t n e e (@hellobrittnee) April 12, 2017
@SproutSocial A1: Create a consistent theme across all platforms and add content that is both relevant + interesting! #SproutChat
— nicole (@nicolemaries__) April 12, 2017
A1: Be social! Be active, relevant, respectful. Don't spam and TAG people/services you speak about. Brings you on their radar. #SproutChat
— Val Vesa (@adspedia) April 12, 2017
A1. I like the advice of posting about what you want to be known for, but also 1-2 "extra-curriculars" – to prove you're human. #sproutchat
— pamelahughes (@pamelahughes) April 12, 2017
Keep Social Media Etiquette Top of Mind
As you’re creating and refining your online identity pay attention to social media etiquette. Use social to connect at scale but avoid overt self promotion. Be authentic and make sure that your profile design and tone represent the “real you.”
@SproutSocial A2. Do not self-promote your business the minute you connect with a friend online because that is blatant disrespect #sproutchat
— Cheval John (@chevd80) April 12, 2017
A2: Don't forget that whatever you post will live on, forever. Be genuine but conscientious #sproutchat
— Stephan Hovnanian (@stephanhov) April 12, 2017
Q2: Oh, and can we please cut the "thanks to my top contributors" stuff? Pretty please? #sproutchat
— Gill Andrews (@StoriesWithGill) April 12, 2017
A2 Don't over-hashtag in your bio #sproutchat
— Toby Metcalf (@Toby_Metcalf) April 12, 2017
A2a: Don't just jump onto a hashtag because it's trending. If your tweet is irrelevant to the actual convo, you look obnoxious. #SproutChat
— Mallie Rust (@malliefe2o3) April 12, 2017
A2) Being incivil. It's perfectly fine to disagree and argue; but getting nasty/combative is a terrible look. #sproutchat
— Kyle Murray (@TheKyleMurray) April 12, 2017
Bridge Your Professional and Personal Self
As you develop your personal brand, sharing news about the business you own or work for is a great way to help legitimize your efforts and add credibility. Ensure you’re engaging your community with a healthy mix of branded, industry-adjacent and personal content.
@SproutSocial A4: Some shares and kind words, but not constant postings about the company! #SproutChat
— Stephanie Zatyko (@ExperianDQSteph) April 12, 2017
@SproutSocial Q4 – Sharing content such as new blogs or company announcements on the relevant social channels is a good starting point. #SproutChat
— Daniel Bailey (@DaJoBa) April 12, 2017
A4) I think having opinions and expressing them on personal account is perfectly fine, provided you act like an adult. #sproutchat
— Kyle Murray (@TheKyleMurray) April 12, 2017
A4 So only share they want to, and use their own voice. Not just blindly RT everything #sproutchat
— Ed Davies (@edavieswork) April 12, 2017
A4. On @SenSchumer 's profile, it says that a Retweet does not equal an endorsement. I like that caveat for Twitter. #SproutChat
— Reva Minkoff (@revaminkoff) April 12, 2017
A4: Monitor your brand message as well as the company's. Your views are yours, but keep it professional to avoid PR nightmares #sproutchat
— Brenda Sailsman (@BeeAllison_) April 12, 2017
Understand The Broader Impact
Don’t underestimate the value a strong personal brand can have on your organization’s bottom line. As you grow your personal brand, work to find ways to quantify the value of these relationships bring.
A5) they bring in their contacts – "your net worth is your network" #sproutchat
— Alex Bourgeois 🇫🇷 (@wakanouka) April 12, 2017
A5. Strong personal brands drive business and employees to the company. #SproutChat
— Reva Minkoff (@revaminkoff) April 12, 2017
A5 Strong personal brands set you apart from the noise on the internet. Back up strong branding w/ strong products and services. #SproutChat
— Jim Katzaman (@JKatzaman) April 12, 2017
A5 It also shows that a company is built of humans – something we as customers can forget sometimes (when annoyed for example) #sproutchat
— Ed Davies (@edavieswork) April 12, 2017
A5. At a past job, an employee came in w/a personal e-mail list of 3K+. He retained ownership, but pushed our content regularly. #sproutchat
— pamelahughes (@pamelahughes) April 12, 2017
A5: People relate to people, not brands. So my answer on this would be: Strong! 😄 #sproutchat
— Gill Andrews (@StoriesWithGill) April 12, 2017
A5: A strong #PersonaBrand produces trust – and if you speak highly of your company, your followers will, too!#SproutChat pic.twitter.com/2YegknVrIt
— @AndreaTorti90 (@andreatorti90) April 12, 2017
Strive for Organizational Support
Employee advocacy is an effective way to engage your workforce, decrease turnover and increase productivity. Equip your colleagues with the guidance and social tools they need to be successful.
@SproutSocial A6: As long as it isn't a conflict of interest, employees should be encouraged to have a strong social influence! #sproutchat
— Darcy Mae (@itsdarcymae) April 12, 2017
@SproutSocial A5: We CARE about the people behind the brand. I don't want to hang w/ @Wendys but happy hour w/ the #SM team? 😍🍷#SproutChat
— Bruce Kennedy (@BruceKennedy1) April 12, 2017
A6: The easiest way is awareness. Awareness of policies. Workshop on best social media practices… #SproutChat https://t.co/JKmr7XwYvb
— Selena Devore (@SelenaNomNoms) April 12, 2017
A6) Nurture their personal growth; good work/life balance does wonders here. People aren't just their work. #sproutchat
— Kyle Murray (@TheKyleMurray) April 12, 2017
A6. Promote their content when it makes sense to do so. Remember they are an arm of your brand. #SproutChat
— Reva Minkoff (@revaminkoff) April 12, 2017
A6: For newbies, some basic social media training would benefit them. Just getting started is difficult for many #SproutChat
— Jenny Poore (@SproutSocialJP) April 12, 2017
See you next week on April 19 at 2 p.m. CDT  to discuss marketing to a niche audience. Until then, join our Facebook community to network or to bring up any other social media marketing topic on your mind.
This post #SproutChat Recap: How to Teach Your Colleagues Personal Branding originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie http://sproutsocial.com/insights/how-to-teach-personal-branding/
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