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warwickcd · 26 days ago
It shouldn't turn him on so much. It really shouldn't. However, the words 'daddy' escaped Harlan's lips and the man's cock immediately came to life in his hands. It was hard as could be, a drop of precum already dripping down from the tip. It made him feral in ways he could hardly explain... He was a grown man, he shouldn't let a young boy rile him up like this, and yet all he could do was moan when he felt those lips on his skin.
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"You'll be the death of me, son," he sighed, eyes locked on the other as he started gown down and down with his attention. Breakfast was now a memory of the past, because all that existed were Harlan's lips wrapped around his big cock, and the pleasure starting to spread throughout his body.
"Oh fuck, you're so good at that," Everett praised him, a hand running through the boy's hair in soft appreciation. "That's it-- get me nice and wet. You keep that up and I'll make sure you're unable to walk for the rest of the day-"
Harlan honestly didn't want to think about it anymore. It was a topic both he and Everett tip-toed around, never actually mentioning, talking about it. In moments like these, it was just easier. When they were together it was just better that Everett was a man who had no son. But sometimes Harlan let it creep in, that knowledge, and it was a little hot.
Just a little.
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"That's why I'm doing it." Harlan grinned, walking around to the front of Everett, cutting him off from the stove, making the man focus his whole attention on Harlan. "Daddy." Harlan leaned in, kissing the man's collarbone and then the top of one pectoral. "You should know well and good by now that I'm never satisfied."
Harlan slowly went to his knees, hand still stroking Everett, innocent eyes glancing up. "I want you fucking me until my legs are numb, daddy." His mouth kissed the side of Everett's cock, and then again before he took the man into his mouth methodically.
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warwickcd · 1 month ago
Maybe nobody died when they fucked, but Everett sure was in danger of a heart attack by being called daddy by his lover. The age gap was evident; hell, Harlan was his son's friend. He could've been Harlan's actual father himself... And here he was, wanting the boy who could easily be his son. There was something so wrong with him.
But that was a concern for later. At the moment, Everett's response was to grope Harlan's ass even harder and pull him a little bit closer.
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"You're so mean. You know what happens when you call me 'daddy'," Everett sighed, already pleased by the hand around his cock. He wasn't exactly proud at the speed in which he was getting hard, but it was pointless by then hiding how much he wanted Harlan anyway.
"Ah, so you weren't satisfied last night and you want to be wrecked again, Harlan?"
The look that Everett gave him was evident. The underlying message of it was clear. No, nothing they were doing here was ethical. Lying, or keeping secrets that would upset several people in their lives. "Nobody dies when you fuck me blind, Ev." Harlan shot back at the older man.
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At the grope of his ass, Harlan let out a little surprised groan. Sleep still crowned his mind, but the feeling woke him up a little. Naked, he pressed against Everett, eyeing him then looking down as the man flicked the stove off. "I've got some ideas, daddy." Harlan said, testing the name.
His hand gripped the tie of the robe and pulled, undoing it so it fell open. Slinking around Everett, Harlan gazed down at that cock, hand already feeling it, weighing its heft and girth in his hand before he started to stroke it.
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warwickcd · 1 month ago
Everett couldn't say he disagreed. There was something special about love making, sure... But the raw carnal release from wrecking someone you shouldn't be fucking was something else entirely. Isn't that why Harlan was there? They both know they shouldn't be doing this, and yet they kept finding excuses to make it happen.
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"Cock is more ethical?" he questioned, looking at the other in amusement and adoration at the irony. These little sexcapades were not ethical at all... nor was the way how Everett's arm was so quick to wrap itself around the boy's frame to cup one of his ass cheeks. Naturally, he groped a little.
"What's the matter? You won't even let me cook your breakfast now?" Everett teased, but he did turn the stove off immediately. The last thing they needed was an accident. "Whatever will I feed you now..."
"I'll let you ruminate on that then, detective. I am sure you can come to some sort of conclusion" Harlan let out a tired little chuckle. His eyes always found their way back to Everett, watching him with a quiet adoration. At the man's insinuation, Harlan shook his head. "Slow and soft is a waste of time. I like to get to the point."
Perhaps that's why they worked so well together.
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After a moment, Harlan sighed and sat up in the bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Next his feet were on the floor and he was padding his way over to Everett. "Cock is more ethical." Harlan was naked as the day he was born, standing close to Everett, leaning in to smell the morning scent of his skin, kiss his neck. His hands moved to Everett's front, messing with the tie of his robe. "Turn the stove off" Harlan whispered.
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warwickcd · 1 month ago
"Now, I don't know whether I should be flattered or offended by that," Everett teased, his eyes studying Harlan's body all the way from the small kitchen. Oh, his son would never shut up about it if he found out he was fucking his best friend now... And somehow that only made Harlan look even more appealing. "Well, let's be honest here- You're not the type to enjoy a slow, soft fucking... are you?"
But the boy had a point: Everett was a gentleman, or at least he tried to be. He knew exactly how he would feel like if he found out someone was using his sons without care, and so he wouldn't dare be that guy.
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"A vegetarian? I wouldn't have guessed with the way you love meat," he added, letting his eyes go back to the food he was preparing. "I didn't forget. The bacon's for me... You get the scrambled eggs and the french toast."
Harlan tried to feel bad, sometimes it succeeded, but most of the times it died. A brief flash in the pan of the feeling. When he had scored the internship alongside his friend's dad, he figured it was just serendipity. It had been a chance to get to know him better.
And boy did Harlan get to know Everett better. Nearly every inch. It was easier, being so far away on this little getaway together. They could pretend like they were the only ones around.
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"Nope. No kisses, but a secret second thing." Harlan suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. He tracked Everett as he moved over to the small kitchen and chuckled. "I guess I didn't figure you the type. A gentleman. You certainly don't fuck like one."
Letting out a yawn, Harlan stretched, the covered shifting atop him, revealing a bare him, more of his chest, a slender thigh. "OJ all the way. I smell bacon, did you forget I'm a vegetarian?" Harlan asked, amused.
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warwickcd · 1 month ago
Oh, this was bad. Every time Everett thought he could be the bigger man and respect his son's best friend. More than that, respect the intern working with them at the precinct... His job was also on the line here.
And yet, watching Harlan so blissfully stretched on that damn hotel room was so mesmerizing that he would've jumped him right there if it wasn't because he knew their breakfast would burn. And no, he didn't need his fucking firefighter brother to find out what he was doing.
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"So you're a strong and independent princess who needs no kisses to wake up. Noted," he teased, trying to get his mind out of the gutter as he rushed back to the kitchen area... which was only a few steps away, really.
"You're... surprised? You're not gonna tell me now you've never had someone fuck you good and then treat you right? Coffee or orange juice?"
Sleep had barely been blinked from Harlan's eyes as the sun filtered in and hit Everett like a spotlight. Shifting in the bed, he licked his lips, enjoying the view, the little hints of skin and hair under the rob when the older man moved. "Usually a princess gets a kiss to wake up, but none came so...I took my fate into my own hands." Harlan shrugged. He knew fucking the father of his friend was usually frowned upon but there was something exciting about it and Everett was just so damned hot.
"Well? Yes. I was exhausted." He made no move to get up, but his voice was thick with implication. "Are you...cooking?" Harlan raised an eyebrow.
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