#convo: tesla
madamesydney · 2 years
states + how to enter
hello !
today i will be talking about states and how to enter. i know this’ll help.
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“what are states?”
states are a collection of beliefs, feeling we have towards ourselves, what we feel are true as a present fact. it’s who you are aware of being in the present, it’s who you are in your mind, the I AM. you switch states all the time wether you realize it or not. it’s natural. you can be in the state of richness, admired as well as being in the state of poorness and disliked. it all comes down to what state you frequently go back to. 
remember that you are not your state. you’re the person, the BEING who enters in and out of states. it’s like when you walk into a room, you’re currently occupying the room however you’re not the room itself. that’s like states. 
so if your bank account is -200$, it wasn’t you, you were in the state of being poor, your sp rejecting you, it wasn’t you, you were in the state of being the person who got rejected by their sp. you see what im saying? so instead of focusing on the material object, focus on the being, being the person who has them.
seeing states like this makes things easier because now you realize that the only thing you need to change is yourself. 
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“so how do we change ourselves?” 
so change ourselves we need to understand how we manifests. like i said before, what manifests is not how long you stay in a state but how frequently you go back to a state. let’s say you want to manifest an sp. so you’re in the state of being the person who’s dating their sp. let’s say you’re in the state for 7 minutes, and then you frequently go back to the state of being the person who’s not with their sp. now what state do you think is gonna manifest? the state of you not being with your sp. remember that the world reflects your inner world. the world echo what you whisper in secret. 
it’s essential to remember that to become the person you want, you must leave the world alone. what do i mean leave the world alone? no, i don’t mean lock yourself in your room and repeat affs all day. i mean, genuinely leave it alone because there’s nothing you need to do now. you don’t change the world you change yourself. if you KNOW that you are the world and the world reflects your inner world, you’ll know there’s nothing to do. see the world as a mirror because it truly is. i’ll give an example. 
let’s say you’re manifesting a tesla. you’re in the state of BEING the person who is a tesla owner. you don’t look at the world and say “WHERE TF IS MY TESLA???”, there’s nothing to do because you already are the person who owns a tesla. the more your frequently go back to the state being a tesla owner, the more natural it feels and it’ll manifest. 
like neville said, many people would imagine “i am rich, i am wealthy” but internally they would feel “when’s my next dollar?” “where’s my money?”. to avoid this you need to completely immerse yourself into the imagination as if it’s the only reality. if you know the world reflects your inner self then you’d find it useless to look for external validation. 
manifesting isn’t about “getting” it’s about BEING
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“ok great so how do we get into the state”
it’s very easy, once you decided you’re in the state, you’re automatically in. i know there’s people who think it’s a huge process of how to enter the state but it’s very easy, even saying to yourself “i’m in the state”. 
however there’s also different ways to enter the state if you’d like. this also depends on how you think because we all don’t think in the same way. we sometimes think in pictures, inner convos and etc. i personally think in inner convos. 
so if i were manifesting a tesla, i’d be in the state of a tesla owner. i’d ask “what would a tesla owner think?”, so i’d have inner convos like “oh i wonder where i parked was a nice spot, i should charge my phone before i get locked out again, should i change the colour of my tesla?” and stuff like that. once you realize you’ve fallen out of the state, you can use any method to go back to it. 
if i thought in affirmation (or if my favourite method was affirming), i’d just affirm “i’m in my desired state or “i’m a tesla owner” and move on. if i feel myself getting out of the state throughout the day I affirm once again. remember it’s how much you frequently go back to the state which manifest, not how long you stay in the state. even asking yourself “what would a tesla owner think and feel” is enough. 
remember how you think and feel is different from the way i think or feel. feel free to think however you want !
“but how do i know if i’m in the state or not?”
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the way to find out if you’re in the state is your thoughts. like i mentioned before, you change states 24/7, it’s inevitable however it’s the state you frequently come back to that manifest. with that being said you cannot serve 2 states at a time. you cannot be in the state of the wish fulfilled and in the state of lack, it’s one or the other. i’ll give an example. let’s say two people named sam and phoebe are trying to manifest a job. 
let’s say phoebe’s thoughts are like this 
“i wonder how i’m gonna receive the manifestation” 
“it’s been a couple of days and no sign of my manifestation :/” 
“omg i forgot to affirm! now the manifestation won’t come in time” 
and sam’s thoughts are like this
“i love my job” 
“my coworkers and managers are the best” 
“every single shift is so much fun” 
now tell me, which one of them is gonna manifest their desires? yep, it’s gonna be sam! we can tell that phoebe’s state is the state of lack and sam’s state is the state of the wish fulfilled. phoebe is aware of the fact that her desire isn’t here right now whilst sam is being who she wants to be in the present moment. 
i know lots of people feel “stuck” because of reasoning. we need to understand reasoning come from fear. reasoning asks when it’ll happen, how it’ll happen and many more. to get what you want, to become the person who receives their manifestation, you must abandon your reasoning. to abandon reasoning is to bring things to the present moment. you must stop thinking about your desires in a future moment and think about it from the present moment. instead of thinking when it’ll happen, fulfil yourself because it is happening right now in your inner self. there’s no need to look outside to know when it’s coming because YOU are the confirmation. if your inner world is saying that your desire is happening NOW then it will happen NOW. it’s like when you order a package. you don’t question how the mailman is gonna drive to your house or who’s gonna drop your package, there’s nothing to do anymore once you press “order. 
manifesting isn’t about changing what you see in the mirror, it’s about changing yourself, it’s about being the person you want to be so that the mirror changes. look at the world like a mirror.. because it is. if you have dirt on yourself and you look in the mirror, you’re not gonna wipe the mirror, you’re going to wipe yourself. 
let’s say you’re manifesting your desired appearance. if you’re imagining or thinking in the future moment, as in you’re thinking about your glow up happening later then you have completely failed the inner man. you will continuously just manifest nothing or small movement because your inner man is telling you it’ll happen later. well, that later will keep being later until you realize you need to fulfil in the present moment. to fulfil yourself you must abandon the world and think in the present moment. the being, the person who has that glow up, is you right now. 
the same voice that puts you into the nightmare is the same voice that frees you - Edward Art
a lot of people make this mistake of thinking in the middle. thinking in the middle is manifesting the steps, the middle. so i’ll give another example with an sp. let’s say you’re manifest an sp right? you want to be with them correct? but in the present moment, you’re being the person who gets a follow back. or being the person who sees them in the hallway. however, the end would be you being the person who’s in a relationship with your sp. why are you trying to manifest small steps?? go to the end! i know for some they wanna manifest small steps because it’s comfortable for them. at first, when being the person who has your desires, it’ll feel weird. neville gave this example of being a suit. at first, it feels weird or uncomfortable but later it’ll feel natural. 
another example about thinking in the middle could be trying to manifest a job but you’re thinking about nailing getting a job interview. if your manifestation is the job, you being employed, why are you thinking about the process?
remember once you enter the state, let. it. go. there’s nothing to do anymore because it’s already done. you don’t need to hold onto your state. your only job is to frequently return to your desired state whenever you think about your desire. so if you think about your desire 4 times a day, return to your desired state 4 times a day. 
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“ok but what about negative thoughts? what do we do about those?”
whenever we speak about states there’s people who ask about negative thoughts and how to control them. what if i told you, there’s no need to control them. i know we’re used to hearing “flip your negative thoughts” which is bad because you’ll just end up in a warfare in your mind especially if you have OCD, ADHD or any form of mental illness that repeats negative thoughts. i know i’ve had my fair share of repeated negative thoughts. all you have to do is.... nothing! let it pass. look at it like someone who got water thrown at their face, you may said wow that’s insane, and move on. you walk pass it. i know it takes practice but once you master it you’ll be free. read this reddit post for more information about this.
speaking of forcing, i’ve noticed a lot of people have difficulty staying or returning in the state of numerous reasons, but i don’t understand why you wouldn’t fall in love with your desired state. persisting is not a chore, it’s not something you should dread, persisting is simply experiencing being the thing you want to be, being the person who’s that happening to.
one woman in neville’s teaching wanted to be an author, she asks neville “i want to be an author, what would you do in my position?” he responded with this “i’d imagine i’d see my book outside of a window, i would be looking at it at a bookstore and then i’d have people lined up eager to buy my book waiting to get into the bookstore. and i’d see people wanting my book so badly that i can’t keep up with making copies of it because people want it so much, and people would praise me and tell me how wonderful my book is”. now if your desire was to be an author, would that feel amazing? yes it would wouldn’t it? that’s why i say make it personalized to you. make it so that you can’t help but go back to the state. get creative! make it so that it’s natural to you to go back to the state. 
“naturalness is just effortless expressing, you don’t need to force it” edwart art 
this also reminds me of marilyn monroe’s story and how she unintentially manifested her fame. we all know that marilyn monroe was one of the OG it girl. the girl everyone wanted. did you know she manifested the way people look at her and her beauty? check out what she said in her autobiography
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to end this off, i wanted to leave a video i highly encourage to watch. this is what help me understand states. 
happy manifesting
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cinghialefedele · 2 years
Im just sittin here readin bc there's no way in hell tesla would be around for this convo
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findbestsol · 4 days
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🌍💡✨ BIG TECH MEETING ALERT! 🚀 On September 21, 2024, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele took a major step towards innovation by visiting Tesla's Gigafactory in Texas! 🇸🇻⚡️ This wasn’t just a casual visit—President Bukele, a vocal supporter of Bitcoin (remember when El Salvador made it legal tender?), met with none other than Elon Musk! Could they be plotting the future of sustainable technology and economic growth together? 🤔💭 While the specifics of their convo remain a mystery, it’s clear that both are pioneers in technology and innovation. Who else is excited about the potential impact of their discussions? Would you like to see more countries go the Bitcoin route? 💸🔗 🔗 Dive into the full details of this groundbreaking encounter here: [Read the article](https://medium.com/@meditationmusicshiva/el-salvadors-bukele-meets-musk-tech-talks-at-tesla-f3b1be3e922e) Let’s chat! What are your thoughts on the future of Bitcoin and electric vehicles? Reblog, like, and comment below! 👇💬 #NayibBukele #ElonMusk #Bitcoin #Tesla #SustainableEnergy #Innovation #TechTalk #ElSalvador #Gigafactory #FutureOfTech #Crypto
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rivertakis · 3 months
whew, todays been tiring as hell.
me and my family took a metro to washington to go to some museums. we went to a modern art museum, a classical art museum, and then an airplane spacecraft museum. been really busy
i took the most photos of the modern art one:
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also! while we were leaving the museum, we saw one of those tesla cybertrucks and so my parents struck up a conversation with what we thought was the owner.
turns out that the car belongs to this 85 yo whos just living life and spending all his money. the cybertruck is abhorrent but good for him!
the guy we struck up a convo with also asked us where were from, and he not only knew lithuania, he also knew the capital! we were already impressed, but then he was like "ah, so you dont like trump then" (which is true).
he then continued to sing a song about trump being a cockroach and made stomping motions!! i wish i was making this up, it was incredible lmao
anyway, very tiring, but very fun day!
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r08s · 7 months
i asked my friend of aprox 10 years to hang out. it was 11:37 when i send her the message. she was online multiple times on instagram yet nothing. i texted a “?” at 1:20. same thing: active on ig but no reply to me. finally at 4 she responds.
we meet up and i feel just…empty? i know this sounds edgy but for example if i saw her last summer, i would have been so happy and excited and i wouldn’t stop talking. but this time i just looked at her and i wanted to leave, even tho i was the one who invited her… i felt so so numb, she also pointed out my strange behavior but she didnt ask if it was because of her.
honestly the whole day 4 hours spend together seemed like im hanging out with someone who secretly hates me. she didnt say any rude remarks but everything was just odd and i almost passed out at one moment (perhaps this was also because i slept only 5 hours)
we kinda gossiped and talked about guys, we always do this, however it felt so draining? actually i dont think this is the correct word, maybe awkward? we cracked some jokes but i was really forcing myself to smile and laugh, she defo noticed this. i was also just spacing out a couple of times
when we said goodbye, i didnt feel sad as i usually do when we separate. but this time i was just done, relieved and exhausted. and also screw the uber driver who tried to make a conversation with me about stupid teslas
i now really think we’re drifting apart. we had the previous week free and we didnt get to hang out at all… the active on ig and no reply thing happened then too…despite this, she did hang out with two other girls. awesome.
i feel so lonely. ever since i was little i thought that i would grow up in this cool teenager with a huge friend group yet here i am, crying for the 38295th time in the bathroom. i really just want someone i could talk to. someone who replies to me all the time. someone who appreciates me. someone with who i would never be awkward or uncomfortable with. someone who wouldn’t judge me. someone who would jump off a bridge if i also jumped. someone who i’d consider my best friend. someone who’d consider me their best friend. maybe i already met this person and maybe im the problem because of my stupid anxiety and my stupid undiagnosed depression and my stupid attachment issues and my stupid self as a whole.
today i had planned to tell my friend about some of the thing mentioned here but i guess i couldn’t bring myself to do it. she really asked me if something is wrong but i just shut her down.
maybe i will tell her next time. but how? or maybe the real question is when? i mean, ive been the one who mostly began the convos. i really am going to wait for her to just say something.
(today is saturday) not the upcoming week, but the next one it will be my birthday (im celebrating it by visiting paris so it will be no actual party with friends, just family). but i do wonder what she is gonna do then. like, just a hbd text or something more? tbh that “something more” could be even a bday card, i’d be really happy for one. i dont wanna sound selfish but i truly think i deserve something from a friend i’ve known for a whole decade, a friend who i love(d?) so much, i even bought her a gucci perfume so yeah i do deserve something a bit bigger than a one-minute happy bday text. again, it doesnt need to be extravagant, just something to show if she really cares about me, about our friendship. even my classmates, who ive known for only 6 months, are going to make me a surprise.
or maybe im just miserable and lonely. perhaps i shouldnt be spending my bday in paris but rather in a therapy session.
also i need to buy a new mascara since my maybelline sky high has been kind of dry. also as i said, rn im crying and yet the mascara isnt running down my face in the dramatic way as it should be..
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manifestally · 1 year
i went out w some guy the other day, and loa suddenly slipped into our convo. obviously i was interested in this and he literally manifested 2 million dollars. straight up. he has a brand new tesla and a 7 bedroom house too. the way he’s literally made me believe manifestation on a whole new level <3
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treadtwrsmotives · 2 years
Shoutout my boy TESLA for real my SC nigga man i had a couple convo’s with bro this nigga one of them ones I ain’t meet too many people like him a crazy producer pushing a sound nobody would understand till years later can’t wait till the world sees what you have in store 💯
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logan-prescottx · 2 years
He takes joy in teaching Tesla things. He thinks the more she learns, the more she might be able to do freely without someone taking advantage. He’s protective, but he’s also willing to let her explore because he knows that if anything, life is the best teacher. Although he wondered who helped her dress tonight as he can’t recall a night where she’s looked more beautiful. “You know... I can’t help but wonder if you put this look together on your own or not because if you did, I am very impressed. You look..... gorgeous.”
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fandoms-funnies-etc · 4 years
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So we have a community facebook group and this is the most on-brand post/reponse I've ever seen.
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volpestarks · 4 years
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Lightsong and Volpe’s daytrip to Winter Wonderland
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formulinos · 2 years
hi i almsot had a heart attack because of your bio but i wanted to ask which current f1 driver you’d be the most comfortable with as your uber driver
ok i can't just rate them like that i have to think of all of them as uber drivers. i'm already excluding latifi and albon for obvious reasons
max verstappen: i think he'd be the sort of guy that wouldn't talk anything other than hello and thank you, but it's ok bc i'm not big of an uber talker. efficient route, could end up having a bit of rage bc he drives a tesla and those things always have weird shit going on in their panels. you get to your place with no issue. 4.5 stars if it went well 4 stars if he got road rage bc tbh sometimes it's justified.
checo perez: lowkey the same as max except that for once i'd try to strike up a conversation and he'd dissociate. the sort of driver to wear sunglasses the entire time and you are kinda like "tf it's not that sunny today". you'd get there but with a 3 min delay because he always chose the slowest lanes. 3 and a half stars.
charles leclerc: i stopped paying attention to anything that was happening bc he was hot. i'd try to talk and make a joke and he'd laugh but i can tell it went over his head. drives a bit faster than expected and before you can tell there is a speedometer he already passed it. arrive on time. 5 stars.
carlos sainz: polite. hi hello. would ignore me when i said i preferred a certain path. would lowkey be the right call after we heard about a car crash on the radio (he listens to the news). arrive 1 min late i think. 4 stars bc i didn't forget he ignored me anyway.
lewis hamilton: i just know he leaves his car to open the door. he'd say hello, i'd say hi, we'd move in and he'd ask if car temperature and the radio are ok. he would also say that he has nice mints and water if i want some. he wouldn't really talk but i'd strike a convo bc he is hot and he'd actually be delightful while we're at it. i'd arrive to my destination 3 min before the prevision because he knows the nice shortcuts. 5 stars i hope i get his number.
george russell: he'd also do the door opening/temperature/radio check routine but i wouldn't want to talk and he'd try to talk just a little bit the same. he is pleasant but a bit awkward. arrive on time. he'd remind me to rate him on uber. 4.5 stars.
daniel ricciardo: super friendly would crack jokes all the way and raise the radio volume if it was a song he liked (i've seen his music taste on instagram and i know i would hate it). having some issues w the gear on his car that's a bit glitchy. arrive a few mins late. 4 stars.
lando norris: hi hello polite, wouldn't talk much which again i don't mind and would to text people at red lights. could make the wrong call on which lane to take. i think i would arrive 1 min late. 4 stars.
fernando alonso: would totally be polite but the second the car was on it was on. drives like he is indeed a race car driver and it shows. would drive on the speed limit and chop through lanes. arrive 1 min early. 4.5 stars i did get early after all.
esteban ocon: totally polite and for some reason would be overly excited about anything. would leave the windows open somehow. drives like he is wearing a suit, would occasionally close down on someone but whatever. arrive a bit late. 4 stars i genuinely can't give less than that to anyone.
pierre gasly: windows down and arm out. polite as well. would ask me if i'm from that area. driver analyst, he would see people do stupid stuff on traffic and say "this guy". arrive a bit late. would also ask me at the end of the drive if i had a phone number. 4 stars i am ashamed to admit i gave him my number.
yuki tsunoda: super sweet, door opener/temperature checker/radio checker as well. super road rage though, everyone is stupid according to him. would even curse a little. arrive a bit late. 4 stars because i am entertained at road ragers.
sebastian vettel: i don't think he'd be a door opener but def a temperature/radio checker. super polite. great music selection, he'd notice i'd be humming to the beatles and we'd strike a convo out of it. talk all the way to the destination about life and family and whatever. arrive a bit early. i'd be sad i love dilf uber drivers. 4.5 stars.
lance stroll: big fuck off car you don't even know how an uber driver can afford. would drive as if he is the only person on the road. polite but just hi hello. would arrive a bit late. 3.5 stars i'm actually confused.
valtteri bottas: polite, i don't think he'd be a temperature checker. radio off - disturbing. wouldn't talk much but would occasionally laugh to himself. efficient. arrive on time. 4 stars.
zhou guanyu: super polite and temperature/radio checker. would have so many gadgets in his car it's crazy. you're pretty sure the leather on the seats wasn't like that originally. would actually ask you if you have a preference in paths. he'd tell you he's just starting in uber. arrive a bit late. 4 stars anyway the car was cute.
kevin magnussen: would cancel the race on me. no stars.
mick schumacher: door opener and everything checker. super polite. would have a picture of his family on the dashboard. i'd try to sneak a convo on his dog and show pics of mine. first half of the drive he would be horrible but out of the blue he gets super fast and great at driving. he'd be smiling the entire time. a bit weird. arrive just a bit late. 4.5 stars i'd ask him for his phone number.
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rebellum · 2 years
Weird convo I had the other day:
Person: *says something bad about pigeons, when 20 minutes ago they mentioned liking Nikola tesla*
Me: hey! Nikola tesla would be ashamed of you.
Them: ...what?
Me: because Nikola tesla was obsessed with pigeons.
Them: *smugly* you're thinking of Mike Tyson
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cinghialefedele · 2 years
Had a great convo abt weird expressions of affections that devolved into talking abt tesla being a weirdass and highlights included
"I want to be reincarnated as your small intestine" and "I want to be a kidney stone you can't pass"
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
On a semi-unrelated note: the whole “You went through this trauma and I had to suffer!” bullshit reminds me of a character I strongly dislike (but wish I could like) from Fire Emblem Fates named Hana. She’s the best friend and retainer to the youngest Hoshidan princess, Sakura, and in her first convo with the avatar character she basically says, “Hey, you know how you were a child when your dad was murdered in front of you and then you were kidnapped? Yeah fuck you, you made your sister upset.”
Anonymous asked:
Can I just say I think the people who bitch about Tesla’s jawline and muscles are being pedantic tbh. Like, I think her design was great before her temper tantrum. She still has the jawline and muscles, but the feminine armor and hairstyle offset it and makes her more visually appealing as a result. But then they give her the Wannabe Cyberpunk Karen Cut, stick her in the most uninspired boring brown on brown armor with no personality and now she looks like an extra, not a main character.
Anonymous asked:
I’ll be honest I would not mind a show centered around Teela if it was not written like this (Masters of The Universe Revaluations) and advertised as a He-Man show. I think Teela has potential to be a good protagonist in her own story but this just ain’t it. Especially with how she’s written.
Let's do another combination of asks.
1. God damn it, I wish that people would learn that if you are going to do this type of writing in order to get the focus character to realize that they aren't the only ones being affected by certain events, you can't write it as if everything is said character's fault and start borderline gaslighting them to think that their suffering didn't matter! Stahp it!
2. It's the fucking hair! I know that it sounds silly of me to say that, but it really is the fucking hairstyle that really draws attention to it. Because I would have probably brushed the outfit off as 'oh, a pseudo-apocalypse is going on. Fine'. But the hair combined with the drab clothing and the way new!Teela carries herself just makes it... Guh.
3. I would have been fine with a story focusing on Teela if the show was marketed more as 'Oh, each season is going to be a minature arc focusing on one character and we're starting with Teela'. That's cool! That's great! They didn't do that and they gave Teela the type-B variant of 'Big Dumb Idiot Protagonist Fungus' known as 'Technically Smart But God-Awful Douchey Protagonist Virus'. Which sucks because the animation, voice-work, and sound-mixing are A-tier.
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lilnoobie · 3 years
know about me!
im vv anxious
self conscious and insecure
i have panic/anxiety attacks
im introverted and i cant handle too much stimulation
i may be too verbal or not verbal at all, it fluctuates
i need straightforward communication, i need honesty, if youre not clear i may get confused
miscommunication might be common as i dont always know how to say what i mean clearly
really bad rejection sensitivity disorder
im considered hyper empathetic and very sensitive to others around me if my empathy isnt drained (which it normally is)
you dont have to treat me like fine china but honesty and kindess is rlly all id want in a convo/rp
i tend to believe ive done smthn wrong or seem off or annoy others, so if i get annoying or anything, please tell me, id rather have an honest response than a wellmeaning lie, as lying will hurt me more tbh
i have adhd (and possibly autism too, unsure)
i hyperfixate on tons of different things! i really like sonic the hedgehog, the lion king, nbc hannibal, and other medias! i also really like animals of all kinds but i mostly prefer cats.
bad things for me
being too social (or around too many people)
bright lights
loud sounds
being ignored
rudeness or creepiness
being vulnerable
about me!
im open for roleplay but im anxious and shy, so please be nice and understanding
i like a lot of baby stuff (im scared to admit, idk it feels weird) like diapers and pacis and bottles etc.
i draw a lot and color too! i might draw or color smthn for you if we interact! i do this to show that i care about you/think about you!
i love plushies and stuffies! ive got a little collection irl! i also rlly like action figures!!
i like to read comics (that are easy to read, too much detail is not my thing)!
i also like specific cartoons (tom and jerry, sonic boom, sonic x, pokemon, alvin and the chipmunks (80s), etc)! i dont like steven universe, the owl house, she ra, etc. those shows annoy me for some reason.
media i enjoy specifically for agere !
(plus the characters i prefer as caretakers in fanfic!)
doctor who (tenth doctor, donna noble, twelfth doctor, clara oswald, thirteenth doctor, yaz khan, graham o'brien, dan lewis)
sonic the hedgehog (doctor eggman, shadow the hedgehog, rouge the bat, amy rose)
five nights at freddys security breach (sun/moon/daycare attendant/etc)
poppy playtime (huggy wuggy, kissy missy)
death stranding (cliff unger)
hannibal nbc (hannibal lecter, will graham)
twilight (carlisle cullen)
camp camp (david, gwen)
good omens (aziraphale, crowley)
mao mao (mao mao, badgerclops)
ok ko lets be heroes (professor venomous ((NO BOXMAN I DONT LIKE BOXMAN))
twin peaks (dale cooper)
rick and morty (rick sanchez ((specifically from season 4))
sanctuary (helen magnus, will zimmerman, john druitt, nikola tesla, james watson)
solar opposites (korvo, terry)
scrubs (perry cox, john dorian, christopher turk, carla espinosa, jordan sullivan)
stan against evil (stan miller, evie barret)
gravity falls (stan pines, ford pines)
robots (2005) (rodney copperbottom)
harry potter (severus snape)
constantly updating this btw so changes will occur
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ohblushes · 4 years
bower!au where pat doesn't leave and they find out he's preg together and are SO happy and pat gets to have his "i wonder which time it was you knocked me up" convo w/ Jon, and he's all "think it was the first time, when you fucked me so hard i screamed?" and well you can imagine where that goes... and after, when Jon's still catching his breath, Pat's all "oh, or maybe it was when i was sitting on your dick in the kitchen..." and oh look at that, Jon CAN get it up again
Jonny isn't sure what to think when Patrick comes to him and says, "I want you to come to the doctor with me." His first thought is: oh fuck no, because why would Patrick need company at a doctor's visit unless something has gone really, really wrong? But Patrick doesn't seem injured; all he offers is, "Don't panic, I think it'll be okay," but the undercurrent to his scent is shot through with anxiety, so Jonny ends up more worried rather than less.
Even more confusing is that the doctor Patrick means is his omega specialist, which doesn't decrease Jonny's worry but does increase his confusion. The three days before the appointment are endless. Jonny wants to fight something, or someone, or just… check out. Maybe go to the lake for a couple of days and fish. Ideally Patrick would be with him, but Jonny's well aware that's a pipe dream, and not only because Patrick prefers golf to fishing. 
At least their relationship isn't irrevocably fucked up after spending Patrick's heat together. The morning after they'd burned themselves out had been awkward, but Jonny had been so grateful that Patrick had stuck around instead of bolting that he'd manage to soldier through a shower and breakfast without making it too weird or, worse, proposing.
Patrick drives, because he knows where they're going and because he loves his Hummer more than Jonny loves his Tesla. The drive is fine; they talk about the shootout they'd lost to the Blues a couple of days prior, and Jonny does his best not to obsess over how rich Patrick smells in the confined space of the car.
The doctor is a tiny slip of an omega woman who smells strongly of her alpha partner and clearly knows Patrick very, very well. Jonny can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad one. She introduces herself to Jonny, shakes his hand firmly, says that she's been wanting to meet him for a long time, and asks Patrick if he's ready to hear his results. Patrick, who's breathing like he just came off a double shift, says, "Actually - shit. Can we have a minute?"
"Of course," the doctor says. "I'll be just down the hall, wave when you're ready." She steps outside. Patrick stands up, sits back down again next to Jonny, and stands up again.
"Fuck," he says.
"Is everything okay?"
"Fuck," Patrick says. "God. Shit. I'm really sorry to spring this on you. Okay. Shit. Fuck.” He shuts his eyes, opens them, and says, "I think I'm pregnant."
Jonny's heart stops.
"I took a - a pee test? And a blood test. And I don't know, uh. I don't know why this seemed like the best way to tell you. I thought maybe… maybe you wouldn't mind? It's okay if you do. Mind, I mean. I'll just - I'm gonna go get the doctor, and then we'll know for sure. Yeah," Patrick says, and then he opens the door and sticks his head outside. Jonny hasn't processed past the word 'pregnant'.
The doctor comes back in and takes a seat. "Ready?" she says. Patrick's standing in the middle of the room with his hands shoved in his pockets. Usually Jonny's the one who's standing - hovering, Patrick calls it - but right now Patrick appears to have forgotten how to move his body. Jonny can relate.
"Yeah," Patrick says, and the doctor says, "Yes."
Patrick sits down hard.
"You're pregnant," she says. "I know it's big news to absorb. Take a minute, and we can discuss options, or you can make a follow-up if you'd rather - "
"I'm keeping it," Patrick says, and Jonny's heart starts beating again. 
He doesn't hear anything else, hopes some level of his brain is absorbing what the doctor is saying so he can play it back later and figure out what he needs to know. There are four people in the room, not three. Patrick is having his baby.
Somehow they get through the rest of the conversation, and out to the front desk, and finally out to the car, where they climb in and then sit in silence. A baby. Patrick's having a baby that Jonny helped make, and he wants it. Patrick wants to keep it. If someone split Jonny open with an axe, he wouldn't feel half as pierced through as he feels now; but not pierced through with agony. He can't figure out what to call this feeling. It's too big and too exquisite. He's never felt it before. He has a suspicion that the best name for it is joy.
Patrick finally clears his throat, and Jonny jolts. "You don't have to be involved," he says. He's still staring straight ahead. 
"Of course I'm gonna be involved," Jonny says.
"I'm not trying to trap you - "
"Peeks," Jonny says. Whatever else he wants to say gets stuck in his throat, but the general feeling must come through. Patrick goes quiet again. They're both in shock. Jonny's glad Patrick drove. The Hummer can take an impact a lot better than the Tesla.
And then Patrick, improbably, says, "I wonder when you got me pregnant."
"During… during your heat?" Jonny says, because that was, tragically, the only time they've fucked.
Patrick rolls his eyes. "I know it was during my heat, Jon. I mean which time. Do you think it was in the kitchen, or - ?"
Jonny thinks about the kitchen. His cock starts to get hard.
"Or the next morning?"
Jonny thinks about the next morning. His cock gets harder.
"I bet it was the first time," says Patrick, distantly. "That was the - " He cuts himself off, takes a breath, and then continues more softly. "That was my favorite. It was all my favorite, but that was the best favorite."
All of the blood in Jonny's head rushes out of it.
"Sorry," Patrick says. "I don't know why I'm thinking about it, I've just never been pregnant before - "
"Oh my god," Jonny says, "please stop talking about it or I'm going to ask if you want to sit on my cock in the middle of the parking lot, and that's probably not the best way to celebrate starting a family together."
"What?" Patrick says faintly. 
"What what?" Jonny meets his eyes. What he sees reflected back at him is the same joy he feels crystallizing, becoming solid and whole.
Patrick swears softly and with wonder, and his jaw squares. He sticks his keys in the ignition. "I think we need to get back to my bedroom," he says, and then he starts the engine.
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