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rkjinwook · 6 years ago
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                      ↪  documenting convex’s first official live stream!
date announced: saturday february 16, 2019 date broadcast: saturday february 23, 2019 mc: chaos’ park heejae ( b2st’s yang yoseob ) co-mc: convex’s hyun!
references: nct2018 — ( room setup  /  full vlive )       ↪ eval post       ↪ mod notes/timeline
overview: heejae announces the members with their respective titles, and they walk out in the order listed below. the group talks about the nicknames, does some syllable poems (con-baek-seu), reads fan comments, and reveals that they are beginning to prepare for a comeback. they play a game to practice reactions/expressions and their team greeting.
each member displays a “personal talent.” each unit performs one song to showcase their abilities. at the end, members have time to say personal thoughts, and foreign members may thank the fans in other languages.
member introductions:
lay, convex’s main dancer + group leader
k.i, convex’s “dancing/fashion king” + main dancer + dance unit leader talent: catwalk!
zero, convex’s “kitten” + lead dancer talent: dislocating both shoulders to flip his arms from behind him over his head to in front of him 
jace, convex’s “pixie” + lead dancer talent: getting zipped into a suitcase
hyun, convex’s “spotlight” + lead vocalist + vocal unit leader talent: 30 squats in 30 seconds, holding zero in his arms
royal, convex’s “royal sweetheart” + main vocalist talent: singing a ballad version of mansae
jinki, convex’s “mom” + main vocalist talent: ttakbbam!
taeyong, convex’s “fake maknae” + lead vocalist talent: dances bubble pop
jinwook, convex’s “sunshine” + lead vocalist talent: bird calling
prhyme, ( +solo ) convex’s “maestro” + main rapper + rap unit leader(!!) talent: playing isn’t she lovely on harmonica
yien, convex’s “chic” member + main rapper talent: doing a backflip on set
sehun, convex’s “noodle maknae” + lead rapper + maknae talent: singing creep and playing guitar
unit performances:
dance unit
vocal unit
rap unit performs things these days from smtm6 — ( lines )
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rkxroyal · 6 years ago
the month of february holds so much that woohyun has to wrap his mind around. there's the leaving of a precious member, there's their vlive channel opening, and the introduction of a new song they're to be working on. it's a sad event followed by exciting events; and as the days begin to pass, woohyun finds himself struggling to keep up. struggling to understand exactly what's going on, finding out exactly how he should feel about the events. upset, elated, distraught, excited. there's so much to feel, he just doesn't know when, where or even how to do it properly.
and there's not enough time to properly mourn for rome's departure. it's movement into the preparation for the vlive, movement to prepare to begin practicing the new song. his head is mush, a blend of thoughts that he doesn't know how to properly think through. for the first couple days as they begin to prepare, he's quiet. he works through reading through the lyrics for their song--very nice, thoguh woohyun doesn't feel very nice at all for the time being. he helps the other members where he can, and he focuses on trying to come up with a special title or a talent to showcase for their upcoming vlive.
"convex's royal...prince?" he mumbles to himself, tapping his finger on his knee as he shakes his head. prince was something solely for kt-- and in sphere, he's never had a sort of title; he's always been-- sphere's nam woohyun, now convex's royal of sphere entertainment. his tongue pokes against the inside of his cheek, nose scrunched up as he thinks. there's a lot of ideas, a lot of things he doesn't know really fit him; they're all something sweet-- honey, sugar, things that don't make sense and he's growing more and more worried and panicked. what if he doesn't have a cute title that fans like, what if he doesn't have a talent that they don't enjoy? woohyun doesn't have any cute personal talents that he can really show in a vlive. he can cook, which is something; he has endless bouts of positivity that can't really be named as a talent.
and he stews over it for the next few days up until the day of the vlive. he stews as he goes through runs of the new song. there's only a week, a week to think as he practices and memorizes the lines until he'll know them just as well as he knows mansae and 20. he ensures he knows the lyrics like the back of his hand, focuses on trying to let his voice follow the tune to the song and try out various different techniques for practice; sees what fits, hears what he should be doing instead. works to do that instead. it's constant thoughts everyday. and on the day of, woohyun smiles as he walks out as needed; a camera is on him, staff is behind-- and it's just a live broadcast, but there's still so much riding on this, on them.
"hello! this is convex's main vocal, royal-- or convex's royal sweetheart!"
and he doesn't have a talent that's properly displayed. he can't make a funny noise, he doesn't have some sort of flexible body type that can wow people with a movement. all he has is his voice, so woohyun does what he does best.
"and for my talent, ah...i only have this," he taps preciously at his neck, a sweet smile on his face. "and my positivity, so!" and he inhales deeply and exhales, before he sings the chorus of their previous single mansae, in a more ballad type of focus. if there's anything woohyun will fall back on when he's in a pinch, it's his voice-- because without his voice, woohyun is sure he wouldn't be anything at all, really.
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tenrkarchive · 6 years ago
event: vocal training location: vocal practise room, sphere building date: february 18th, 2019 // 9:25pm
the start of the year was hectic, and only seemed to get more so upon rome’s departure. one day, he was there, the next, poof, gone. it had been hard, seeing one of their own leave, and noticing that empty space in the dorm where he used to be. it was so sudden none of them had had any time to prepare, and even now, weeks later, ten still felt that gap. 
ten and rome weren’t that close, but ten remembers the night he cooked pad thai, and they sat and ate together, getting to know each other, breaking down that wall of stranger-ness. ten missed him more than he thought he would, when he poked his head round the door of what used to be yixing, yien and rome’s room, only to see rome’s bed stripped and all his belongings gone. that was really the moment it hit him that rome was gone. living with someone for over a year, and then them suddenly disappearing really threw a spanner into your routine. 
but, they had to move on, and smile like nothing was wrong. ten knew he’d get over it faster than some of the other boys who’d been closer to rome, but he still noticed his absence. he noticed it when they were given the lines for their new song to rehearse, and ten was painfully aware of how there were no lines for rome. it was soon out of mind though when he noticed his single line, and sighed, shoulders slouching just a little. 
he’s not had much to practise since they’d been given the lyrics to their new song, but still, sat dutifully in a small, single person vocal practise room, feet up on the table as he tries to make notes on the lyric sheet. he has a single line, which he practised over and over until he practically sang it in his sleep. the only other time he sang anything was the chorus, which wasn’t as much singing as it was shouting with a slight tune. 
he can’t complain too much though, he’s a dancer, not a vocalist, despite how much time he put into improving his vocals. he just hopes that the dance has a part for him to at least get some screen time. he knows he not a popular member, possibly one of the least popular, but he wonders whether he’d even get any more attention if he had more lines and screen time - unlikely, he thinks, it’s his own fault he’s not popular. 
eventually, he lays his head down on the table, thinking about how much he wants to just lay down and sleep right now. he’s been cooped up in the vocal practise room for hours now, listening to the demo track over and over, singing his part again, and again, and wondering whether he’ll ever get more time to shine. this isn’t want he really thought being an idol would be like - being able to perform on stage, and listen to fans screaming, though rarely screaming for you, so often not hearing your name screamed even once during a performance. 
ten’s seen the netizens talking about hyun, and yien, rome and kibum. he wonders how the netizens took rome’s departure (not well, he supposes). ten’s only seen himself mentioned once recently, and that was to out him and johnny. it had made his stomach churn and palms sweat when he’d seen it at first, but thankfully it had never gotten any attention, and no one else had caught onto it and tried to take it further. 
it surprised ten how little he cared about himself being found out to be in a relationship, and a gay one at that. he more-so worried about johnny, and how it could affect him, and his future. ten might be disappointed with how idol life is going at the moment, but he didn’t want to get johnny in trouble over his sheer lack of caring for the situation. 
he sighs, standing from his chair to stretch his arms over his head, thinking about the vlive scheduled for later that week. he’s practised his self intro, and his special talent, but has pretty much assumed he’ll not be called on for anything else - they’d likely focus on the popular boys, like hyun, kibum and yien. no matter how much he seems to work on his charisma, his dance, his vocals, his rapping, none of it ever really seems to do him any good - he always ends up in the background. at first he didn’t think he minded, but now, he thinks, he craves what the popular boys have - they have fans who talk about them and post pictures of them and love them. 
do i even have one fan who isn’t my family or close friends? he thinks. 
probably not, he concludes with a sigh, sliding his back down the wall until he’s sat, knees curled to his chest on the practise room floor. tugging the hood of his hoodie up he sighs, leaning his head on his knees and closes his eyes for just a moment, craving a moments rest. 
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seungcheolrk · 6 years ago
camera, lights, vlive.
february 23rd, 2019: convex’s first vlive. featuring the throwback harmonica. 
truthfully, and unsurprisingly, the whole concept of their first vlive terrifies him. being so structured, so formal, seungcheol feels like there’s an added pressure on his shoulders to be interesting and engaging and given that this will be the first time he’s referred to as rap unit leader in public, too, he can’t help but feel nervous. he can’t imagine anyone wouldn’t feel nervous in his shoes— in convex’s shoes, since this is their first public appearance since rome’s departure, too. it’s a lot of firsts and a lot of expectations and a lot of what ifs but it’s here and he’s waiting, bright but scared smile on his face in anticipation as the mc gets to his introduction. 
( he takes not tripping as he walks out and bows in greeting as a victory. small, but a victory nonetheless. ) 
his aforementioned gummy smile is on show as he wanders in following his introduction ( and first recognition as rap unit leader ) from the mc, bowing deeply as he takes his name badge and wiggles a little to the music. he doesn’t overdo it, doesn’t want to look silly or embarrass himself so early on in the live show, and thankfully there’s a wide berth between stiff and robotic and dear god, how do we undebut choi seungcheol? so he thinks he’s got things reasonably in the bag so far. the other members cheer and the mc is smiling and he didn’t hold his name tag upside down ( nor put it on the wrong way up ) so really, everything is going as well as possible. 
unfortunately, with that, he wholly expects things to go downhill, but he tries to stay positive. 
it’s odd only having three members from the rap unit to introduce, and he thinks rome’s absence still weighs on them quite a lot and will do for a while. even in such a big group, one member leaves such a large gap that seungcheol feels as if it’s impossible not to notice it or focus on it. he dreads to think what the comments will be like, dreads to think what people have to say about him being a leader now when they have barely heard him say three sentences since he debuted, but he tries not to think about it. they’re careful not to mention the missing thirteenth member, or anything about the ‘scandal’ and he trusts that when they start reacting to comments in a bit they won’t read any that reference it. after all, this is their first vlive. this is supposed to be a joyous occasion; a new beginning and a promise of many more live shows to come. why would anyone want to bring the mood down by reminding them of everything they’re trying to ignore? why would they want to bring up an artist they ( reportedly ) kicked from the label? 
he distracts himself laughing at some joke he doesn’t really hear from the mc, nods as they introduce the next segment.
his passion for this broadcast. since it would be convex’s first ever, he’d thought of writing something about them doing well and taking care of one another, thought about setting a goal of so many hearts and promises to return the love to fans with their future activities and releases, but in the end he settles on the former. at a time like this, seungcheol thinks sharing love between the members and fans is the best thing he can do. let’s love! he writes, let’s show our charm today and return all the hearts fans give!! convex fighting!! the mc doesn’t read every comment, but it’s there on screen for fans and the members to read regardless. 
when the time comes for syllable poems, he does his best to be quiet and unnoticeable. words have never been his speciality and he’d only make a fool of himself stumbling over not only his confident speech but a poorly thrown together poem, too. thankfully with so many members, it makes it easy for him to fade into the background when he wants or needs to, yet still come back into the foreground with everyone else when they spend a little time hearing comments left by viewers. it’s kind of surreal to him that so many are watching live, spending their time looking at them through a computer or phone screen and sending them love and queries to answer. he knew these things would happen, he’s a fan of plenty of groups himself, but when it’s you, your group, it’s something else entirely. 
as they tease their comeback, he’s reminded of the strict rules they’re on not to spoil anything. teasing is one thing, but they aren’t to reveal concepts, titles, snippets— anything about the song itself. he daren’t think of what the consequences would be but even without them, he doesn’t think there’s any benefit to telling the world anything too revealing. the picture of them all grinning, talking over one another as they sneakily reveal something is in the works is bound to get fans more excited than the title of the track or a single line of lyrics. it always worked that way on him, anyway. 
more comments are read ( and more ‘thank you’s and finger hearts are given from seungcheol to the camera directly ahead of him even if he doesn’t understand anything in all the foreign languages his members are speaking so fluently ) before they jump into the unit performances. 
performing for the first time without rome is weird. it feels unnatural almost. after so long of having him there, even though they’ve distributed the song between them so no actual gaps are left, it still feels like something is missing at times. he knows it’ll take longer than a few weeks, maybe even longer than a few months, to get used to being twelve and three, but that doesn’t stop him from thinking about it obsessively every time he’s reminded. regardless, they have to do it and seungcheol has missed covering songs dearly ( mr chu last month was the first time in a long time, after all ) so he gives it his all, grins brightly and bows as they’re praised for a successful performance.
next, after what feels like forever, comes seungcheol’s favourite portion of the vlive — and what takes up the majority of their time here today — the idol coaching missions. they’re only silly challenges and tasks, the things that are apparently essential for convex to ‘fly higher’ in the years to come, but seungcheol feels a unfamiliar sense of excitement to get stuck in. 
nicknames are strange things, though. seungcheol had always been known as sphere’s scaredy cat and whilst once upon a time, he loved having his own identity and was proud of his eventual acceptance of his fears, now he wants to be more than the way he’ll jump scared at loud noises and flinch at sudden movements of the people around him. he wants to be convex’s reliable rap leader, convex’s gummy smile, convex’s nerd, even. when he thinks about it, though, he struggles to pull anything from the reaches of his mind that’s unique to him. he’s never lived anywhere but seoul, let alone been born elsewhere. he doesn’t have any talents outside of music ( unless you count his extensive knowledge of star wars and resulting jar jar binks impression ) and doesn’t have any particular characteristics that make him distinct besides the presence of his gums in his smile. he wants to be more than a smile, though. he wants to be remembered for being something other than quiet and fearful. he throws around some ideas relating to music but they all feel generic. most of their group plays piano and a great deal play guitar, too, but the more he thinks about it, the clearer it becomes that — as useless as it may be to an idol, especially so early in their career — he plays the most instruments, has the background in the music store, has spent years learning and loving western classical music and grandiose movie scores— hell, his father was even a classical violinist. it’s perfect, even if he does feel a little nervous about how big it sounds. 
“hello, e-everyone! i’m c-c-convex’s rap unit l-leader and maestro! please take care of me.” a chorus of ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s rings through the room as seungcheol is asked to explain his name. “I l-love learning d-different instruments! I want to m-master every instrument.” slipping in the meaning of the word, he giggles quietly. he then momentarily wonders whether or not he should keep talking while he can, make himself stand out a little more to anyone who might be watching that’s brushed over him before so he adds, “I’ve a-also always had an i-interest in western c-classical music and m-movie scores. e-everything comes together to make m-me convex’s maestro!” he grins, clapping his hands together as he raises his voice a little enthusiastically with his final word — his nickname. the members and mc react positively and seungcheol’s grin stays for the rest of the segment and as they transition into the second challenge: personal talents. 
at first, this stumps him, too. he doesn’t think he really has any talents outside of music that will capture anyone’s interest, but there’s nothing to say it has to be separate. nothing says he can’t do a jar jar binks impression ( besides his dignity ), but why do something so strikingly different when he could play with the cards he’s already dealt them? why not show why he deserves the title of convex’s maestro? 
“me? I’m going to show you a little harmonica!” really, he should’ve learnt the first time. he should’ve known after still facing the embarrassment in flashbacks for months after that the harmonica was a demonic instrument sent to this earth just to humiliate him but he still digs it out of his drawers earlier in the month and practises, brings it to the vlive to show them how good he’s gotten at the solo from isn’t she lovely two years later. he focuses himself entirely on it, as if he’s back on his own in the practice room with no pressure to get it perfect ( because that’s always when things are flawless; when no one is watching ). 
the reactions challenge is one he worries about a lot when it’s first proposed to them in planning. he isn’t by any means a ‘reaction king’ unless it involves being spooked and these situations aren’t likely to bless ( or curse? ) him in that way. when it comes to his turn, he’s called upon, asked to pretend the camera has caught him yawning, so he covers his face to laugh and ‘get into character’ as the members count him down. he should feel nervous with so many eyes on him, especially with what he’s about to do, but with aegyo, he rarely feels the level of embarrassment he’s used to. with an unusual ( at least, for shy choi seungcheol ) confidence, he opens his mouth and makes the most exaggerated yawning sound he possibly can before widening his eyes comically at the camera and reaching just past his lips to pull out a finger heart. his shoulders hunch and his eyes wrinkle as he grins, shoots more hearts as he laughs at the reactions around him. for once, he’s proud of himself, proud of the impression he’s made. maybe aegyo is truly the best way for him to make an impression off the stage, though he’s not sure how he feels about that either just yet. as much as he doesn’t want to be convex’s scaredy cat forever, he also doesn’t want to still be known for aegyo at the age of thirty. 
finally, with a few runs of their greeting and hearty advice from their experienced idol coach and mc, it’s time to wrap up. even though a couple hours have passed, he feels like he’s blinked and it’s over. they’ve covered so much, moved through so many segments and challenges and he feels how much they’ve accomplished but it still feels like it’s gone too fast. suddenly, they’re moving onto goodbyes in foreign languages, endless ‘thank you’s and expressions of gratitude to their mc and for the success of their first ever vlive from not only seungcheol but every member, deep bows and all varieties of hearts ( he even sneaks in an apple heart when he’s sure the camera will be a wide shot of all of them ) and any moment now, the cameras will shut off and the comments will stop flooding in and they’ll be back to rehearsing for their first comeback. first. there’s a lot of firsts happening lately but today���s firsts have been like ripping off a plaster — it hurts for a little while doing this without rome, it’s terrifying to him to be on camera and under so much pressure for a little while, but he knows that with time, that will fade and he will heal. he looks forward to their second vlive ( and hopes desperately that it’s a lot more relaxed than this one; where’s their liev? now that would be fun... ).
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rklandon · 6 years ago
░▐ ★_talent/less 、
he’s strewn over the desk as if finally admitting defeat. head to toe, his appearance is that of an exhausted soldier, arms flung over the edges, a long sigh escaping loudly, and a lack of strength in his legs that keep him in place. was it supposed to be this difficult? coming up with what he is in convex and a talent. but the more yixing thinks of things lately, the more he talks to the members and learns their tastes, preferences, how they behave, he realizes so much of himself isn’t original. he’s bits and pieces he’s picked up along his journey thrown together haphazardly with a grin smacked atop like a pretty bow. a prank gift of an empty box once the wrapping is torn away. what does he have to offer that the others cannot? 
the title of leader was given to him and that’s what he thinks is everything he has now. once, he thought of himself as a team player. he wasn’t the best at scoring in basketball games but he could stay posted on someone, help with assists, and he was the best at faking out the other team when the ball was out and had to be taken back in. swimming? swimming is just about speed. he doesn’t know if that counts as talent. everything else he can think of doesn’t seem good enough. it’s not different and the fact that he is a commoner, especially in the household he grew up in, drags him down. 
letting out another sigh before sitting back up, back aching from practice, lack of sleep, and the horrible position he put himself in by laying halfway over the desk catching up to him. a look around the room reminds him of where he is and he thinks time is better spent improving and he picks up the lyric sheets from where he’d placed them when he first came in. “aa... because i have a date today.” 
maybe he shouldn’t look at the lyrics after all. 
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rkjinwook · 6 years ago
shining diamonds,
190223 |  first vlive: welcome convex!
he fidgets with a sort of restless energy as he waits for his introduction, tapping out the instrumental of very nice with piano fingers against his thigh. jinwook had found their comeback single abrasive and disjointed at first, but it’s grown on him. the brass hook wormed its catchy way into his heart and staked a claim there — he can rarely hold out on disliking something for long, and especially not when the song will become their own, soon.
somehow, it’s even bigger and brighter than their debut track. knowing baek jiyoung, it’s a statement, maybe. she wants to let everyone know that convex won’t let a lost member slow down their hard work — ( no matter how much it feels that way behind the scenes ).
jinwook wants to frown at the thought. it reminds him that there are only three members in line behind him, representing the rap unit, instead of four. he’s about to be on live camera, though, so he keeps his expression carefully neutral, and shoots a grinning thumbs-up to seungcheol before he walks on set.
“hello!” jinwook waves with both hands, his tone bright and matching all those who were introduced before him. “this is convex’s sunshine and lead vocalist, jinwook.” his hands fold neatly in front of him, and jinwook rattles off the explanation with as much sincerity as he can. he’s always had an affinity towards the sun and stars, and found the title more comfortable than borrowing from the happy pills and vitamins of idol groups who came before them. “i hope to be someone warm and reliable for my team,” he says, “and to always help us grow and better ourselves!” he bows to the cameras, and briefly to mc heejae. “please look after us well today!”
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rkxroyal · 6 years ago
as the month progresses, woohyun finds that he takes rome’s departure a little harder than he probably would have expected. and maybe he should have; instead of thirteen, they’re twelve-- so early on in their career. it’s upsetting, saddening, heartwrenching to think about, and for woohyun-- who gives a little piece of himself to everyone he holds dear, he feels the gap everyday they’re practicing. everytime they come home. they even plan for possible roommate shifting-- to use up the space rome left and go on about their day. it’s-- understandable, but it’s upsetting all the more.
he busies himself with practicing for the vlive, with busying himself with their upcoming title track. he focuses and spends long hours going over it, lost more in his own head than retaining anything. frustration builds when he sings, and he sings and it doesn’t sound right enough; when the emotions sound too off in his voice. too forced, too much. 
he’s quiet as the month progresses. not as chipper as he’d like-- and when he has to be, when he feels the need to be normal, it’s just a bit off. a bit too tired, a bit lacking; and woohyun’s guilt eats at him. he wants to be happy, wants to progress with convex-- as twelve, no matter how upset he is to say it, and how hard it is to acknowledge it outloud. 
“today’s weather resembles you a lot...” he sings softly, once, then twice. he clears his throat and tries it again, and it all sounds wrong to his ears. he rakes a hand through his hair, messy and unkempt; sleep comes hard to him now more than ever. there’s so much pressure, so much going on. so much expectation to leave the loss of a member behind without room for anything else. no commentary, no words, no mourning. nothing at all. 
so woohyun focuses, learns to put on a smile and focus on the now. he’ll sing until his lungs give out, and even then he’ll keep on singing; he’ll put on a smile and a face, for the rest of convex. he has to keep positive, has to keep going. 
it’s all he has, and all he knows how to do.
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rkxroyal · 6 years ago
sleep comes harder lately. with february moving into order, with preparations for so much, with adjustments from thirteen to twelve-- there’s a lot to take in. there’s a lot to come to terms with. like twelve bodies instead of thirteen. it’s a lot, and woohyun’s head is a mess of thoughts. he knows he isn’t the only one. there are eleven others besides him that are leaning to deal with this. granted, the preparations for the vlive and the new song are keeping everyone busy. busy is good-- busy means distraction, but even a bit of distraction can’t help the mind sometimes.
it’s late, and he knows realistically he should be sleeping. but he can’t, because white noise is in his head. he wanders out of the bedroom and into the living space with his hair a mess, tired eyes staring down at his feet as he peruses out near the couch. he pauses at the other body seated there-- and he hesitates, teeth worrying his lower lip. he clears his throat softly, shuffling closer. he pauses, tilting his head. “hi,” he offers to yixing softly. “do you mind if i sit with you for a bit?” 
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tenrkarchive · 6 years ago
event: vlive location: vlive filming room date: february 23rd, 2019
so far, the vlive has been interesting. he’d introduced himself, with his practised introduction of ‘convex’s kitten’ with a little curled hand up by his cheek and a soft meow. it had been either that or chocoholic, but he felt like kitten was more appealing for the fans, if they were anything like usual fans. he wasn’t dumb, and speaking english he’d seen what kind of stuff fans said about their idols on social media. it sort of entertained him to think about people talking about him like that, though he doubted he was popular enough to be talked about a lot yet. 
he thought maybe this would be his opportunity to show his personality, and his charm. he showed her personal talent (dislocating his shoulders to flip his hands, connected, over his head from behind his back to in front of him), and hoped it wouldn’t be creepy, rather than impressive. it was mainly to demonstrate that he was flexible and entirely pliable, but he worried slightly that perhaps it could come off as creepy. 
he didn’t have much time to worry though, as jihoon’s personal talent, being zipped inside a suitcase, surely required ten’s assistance (much to his delight). he decided his job was to sit on the suitcase to shove it closed while the other boys zipped it up almost the whole way, though left a bit for air to get in. ten found this part hilarious - jihoon, he thought, looked very good inside a suitcase. 
then came hyun’s talent, which ten was also a part of, much to his delight. ten would never deny thinking hyun was hot largely based on height and muscles. he was easily swayed, what could he say? hyun’s talent was doing 30 squats while holding ten like a princess, which only really made him think about johnny (he had to hurriedly think of anything else to stop himself stupidly smiling) as he was being picked up by hyun, his arms curling round his neck with a big grin adorning his face. they joked around a bit, hyun walked out of shot with ten for a second as if carrying him off for some romantic alone time, before hurrying back, both of them laughing. 
everything seemed to go well, and everyone got pretty much equal time (apart from a few members who got to speak more at some points) but ten was hopeful that this would boost his exposure and his popularity, that maybe now he’d have some fans of his own who would talk about him. all he wanted was one fan who wasn’t his family, friends or boyfriend - it was all he wanted right now, just to know he was appreciated for his place in convex, and not forgotten behind the other boys. 
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rkjinwook · 6 years ago
너 예쁘다
190223 |  continued from...
coming up with a title had been quick work, between jinwook’s clear intentions for the group and hyun’s over-the-top encouragement. jinwook struggles, however, to come up with a personal talent outside of the musical abilities that landed him a spot in the first place. in those, he is confident: he can sing, knows instruments and can play songs by ear, can compose, and has even learned to dance — but it’s hardly anything that fans haven’t seen or heard, and several of his teammates have claimed similar talents in preparation of the vlive. jinwook won’t take away that spotlight from someone like oh sehun, who deserves all the recognition he can get for his relatively unknown skills.
jinwook finds the days ticking away leading up to the livestream, and feels at a loss. it’s not that he’s lacking in other passions: jinwook’s known his way around a camera since his hands were big enough to grasp one. he likes the ocean and the forest, and he’s suspiciously knowledgable on the current seasons for both the bachelor and the doosan bears. 
“there’s just nothing all that interesting,” he’d told hyun, starfish-stretched on the practice room’s hardwood floors, “that i can show for a funny bit in a livestream.” his lips had tilted downward at the corners. he’d never been comedic like hyun, or pretty enough, like kibum, to make the vlive set his catwalk. jinwook had let out a huff of air, but the frustration didn’t last long before hyun’s silliness — hyung just needs to sit there in any situation and look good, that’s his talent — had jinwook laughing out loud, pushing him away.
so he teaches himself a new skill in the week leading up to their livestream, dedicating a shameful amount of independent study time holed up in a studio, with his members’ long-suffering laughter to keep him company. jinwook’s always been a decent whistler, and now he moves to stand at the front of the group, offering to show a new evolved form. he gives a bright wave to their fans watching live. “my talent today,” he says, smile wide but stuck in place with hidden nerves, “is bird calling.”
“i grew up in jeju,” he adds, to sell the personal side of this pseudo-personal talent, “so i had a lot of time in nature to practice singing to the birds~” he wipes (sweaty) hands on his jeans, and then holds them to his lips, cupped carefully.
the whole set goes quiet, and jinwook almost wants to laugh at the anticipation. he looks into the camera lens to steady himself. then, gently, he whistles through the gaps of his fingers.
it’s nearly inaudible at first, but jinwook is patient. he lets the call swell gradually, and wiggles his fingers for the full trilling effect. considering the nervous sweat, the talent show goes unexpectedly well. still, when a member dramatically shoves the mic up near his face to capture the sound better, jinwook falters, eyes curving up with laughter and the whistle cutting off abruptly.
his members erupt into their reactions, and jinwook allows himself to smile whole-heartedly, dropping his hands with a clap. “yes, okay~” he flushes with pleased embarrassment, and forces himself not to apologize (though his sheepish bowing does just as much). “i’ll keep working harder!”
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