#continued for the variant yes this is the same mun
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Crashed cont.
Lily looked at the other and raised an eyebrow in confusion "Orchids... anything but lilys ... why ?" she asked him as she winced a little she had been lying a little about the pain, she was just showing a brave face since she was trying not to take too many painkillers.
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years ago
Gotta be honest: I dislike that "OC Struggles in the RPC" post that occasionally hits my dash.
This one, right here.
In short, because it comes off very, "If you won't RP with my OC you're an elitist dick" even though I'm certain that wasn't the OP's intent.
But, as someone who has been writing the same Harry Potter OC (this one, right here) since 2001 and has played dozens of OCs in MMO settings, D&D, etc...starting from about 1988 on through now, let me just address the post point by point.
1. "That soul crushing feeling when you see 'no OCs' in someone's rules."
That's a you problem.
Nobody is obliged to write with you.
Perhaps that person has had numerous poor experiences with OC players in the past and just wants to avoid it happening entirely.
Perhaps they find it difficult to find ways to interact with OCs.
Perhaps they simply don't care for OCs when there are dozens of canon characters, including characters that are so minor that they might as well be a skeleton outline of a character.
None of those are invalid reasons and none of those are personal insults toward your OC or your writing; grow up and move on.
2. "Constantly having to dumb down your canon"
Look, if you're finding multiple people over multiple fandoms are telling you that your OC is too overpowered--just to cram it all into one word--you do need to stop and consider if they may be right and, if they are, if you care enough to change it.
There have been times I've looked at criticism I've had on Calleo and decided, "Yeah, they're right, that is a bit much" and other times when I've decided that yes, they are correct, but I don't care because I'm having fun as are the people I write with, and times where I've just plain disagreed.
It's also possible that your OC just isn't a good fit for whatever person is telling you that, and that's nobody's fault; not everybody likes the same things.
3. "Adjusting to adapted canons"
Literally nobody is forcing you to do this.
Everyone makes concessions now and again so things mesh with the group, that's part of what roleplaying is: A group activity.
If you feel as though you shouldn't have to adjust to someone else's adapted canon the problem is on your end and you're clearly not a good fit for the other player so maybe look elsewhere.
4. "The amount of your own canon and lore you have to sacrifice to do that."
Again, nobody is forcing you to do so.
This comes up a lot with people whose OCs are related to major canon characters and some of it is a big reason why it's generally recommended to not try and write those outside of established games.
In established games, the other players know this aspect of your character and, since you're part of the game, have implicitly agreed to go along with it.
For independent blogs, it does take longer to find regular RP partners because by having a backstory like that, it can feel like you're trying to force your, let's call it, adapted canon, onto canon and not everyone is going be on board with that idea or, at the very least, are implying that anyone who writes with you has to go along with it.
Again, that is not their fault and it doesn't mean you can't write an OC like that but you do need to be aware that if you choose to have something like that in your character's background, it's going to make it more difficult to find regular canon RP partners and that fact is entirely your fault, not the people who RP canon characters.
Same applies for those times when your OC has multiple rare abilities; the abilities might be canon but, sticking with Harry Potter as it's the main fandom I play in, if your character is a genius at everything, has the Standard Abusive Upbringing, is a metamorphamagus, is an animagus (usually unregistered and mastered by age 12 or so), is part-something-not-human, is a "transfer student to Hogwarts", is a major canon character's until now unknown sibling/cousin/best childhood friend, can cast all sorts of difficult magic before they even hit school because they're just that smart, is an orphan, and can sass Voldemort to his face without consequences--people aren't really going to want to write with you for several reasons.
- It looks like you haven't fleshed the character out well and are just throwing a pot of tropes at the wall to see what sticks.
- Writing with characters like that always feels like a dick measuring contest and if you dare try to hint that the OC might not be better at or just as good at something as a canon character, the most typical response is for the OC's player to get mad and tell you you're being elitist or bullying them.
5. "When you mention wanting to write a canon, people that have never shown any real interest in your OC jump out of the woodwork to encourage you to do it."
Yeah, there's no polite way to say this: If this is what happens to you, it generally means your OC is poorly thought out and can only hit one note (i.e. YOU only show interest in writing certain things; angst, shippy threads, etc...but never want to branch out to anything else) in your writing. That gets boring after awhile.
In short, your OC is probably a little boring and a little two dimensional and the reason your friends are encouraging you to write a canon is because they don't want to tell you that and know that a canon will be more interesting on virtue of you not having to make up all the source material the way you  have to do with an OC.
6. "When you do it, that canon gets more attention than your OC ever did."
See #5. Your OC was probably a kinda dull one trick pony and your friends were trying to be nice about it.
7. "The alternative of that: When your first character was canon and you transition to writing an OC, people suddenly disappear."
See #5. Your OC was probably a kinda dull one trick pony in comparison to the canon character you were writing, and your friends were trying to be nice about it.
8. "Fandom OCs that outgrow their fandoms and muns tha tfeel they have nowhere to put them."
That's lack of creativity on your part, not an "OC struggle".
This character of mine has had fragments of his personalty spawn off into roughly thirty or so different characters across multiple fandoms. On occasion, I've directly ported him into another fandom, just changing the Harry Potter specific things into things that fit the new fandom.
9. "Endlessly worrying if your character is too sue-ish, even after x-amount of years."
Stop caring.
Seriously, stop caring.
Caring about that usually ends up making you kind of less than fun to write with on an OOC level and on an IC level most people take it too far in the other extreme and end up with a character that's about as engaging as wet cardboard.
Not to mention, no matter what you do, there are always going to be people who will think your OC is "too sue-ish" no matter what, simply because they're an OC.
Focus more on people who are interested in your OC and not on the people who don't like your OC (and block them if you have to). You'll have a lot less stress and a lot more fun that way.
If you can't stop caring due to anxiety, get to a therapist and get on meds or--stop roleplaying until you get your house in order. If you get that stressed over roleplaying, it's not worth your mental health to continue; just go write fanfic.
10-13. All the stuff about female OCs being held to higher standards than male OCs.
This, unfortunately, is true. It's extra true if you're a female OC that gets into any sort of relationship, platonic or otherwise, with a canon character.
It's a pretty across all fandoms thing too, and it's definitely unfair.
I know 100% that if Calleo were a female OC, he would not have even a fraction of the interactions and threads that I have with him; people would think he's bitchy, stuck up, and annoying as all hell--and he is, but he's a guy, so it somehow funny and endearing I guess.
I think he’s often bitchy, stuck up, and annoying as all hell and I’ve been writing him for close to 20 years now.
He'd also probably be written off as some kind of slut because I've always written him as being in open relationships and often having multiple open relationships going at one time.
14. "People assuming simple, stupid things"
Yeah, that's not OC specific. Not even close. It's good form to always read someone's about and rules page, even if it's a canon character, because nobody plays even canon characters exactly the same.
15. "Feeling like you have to jump through hoops to keep up with everyone else and keep your character fresh and interesting so people don't lose interest."
Again, this is not an OC specific thing. Canon, unless a series is ongoing, is pretty finite, and anyone writing any character has to keep their character fresh and interesting and not just write variants of the same thing over and over or people will get bored of them as well.
A pretty good litmus test here is to look at it and see if it's just one or two people who lost interest or if it was a whole lot of them.
If it was just one or two people, that sucks, but it happens. We've all been dropped at some point.
If it's a LOT of people, it's time to take a close look at your OC and what you're writing to make sure you haven't just turned into--well, the literary equivalent of wet cardboard.
16. "Canon blogs that shit on OCs--you realize you were OCs too right? What would the original writer of your canon think?"
Well, if it's Anne Rice, she'll probably think to send a cease & desist.
That joke aside, be glad they do; it's a big red flag to avoid them as they're likely overall unpleasant people even if their writing is good. It also saves you from wasting your time trying to interact/write with them.
Remember that part about not focusing on the people who aren't interested in writing with you? Go read it again.
17. "No seriously, it can be so discouraging writing an OC. How many ideas are you killing by snubbing OCs? The future of creative media is in our hands."
Miss me with this emotionally manipulative bullshit.
Nobody is obliged to write with you and nobody is obliged to like your OC.
If a canon blog rejecting your OC is enough to kill your ideas, that's your problem, not the canon blog writer's problem.
If you can't find someone to RP your ideas with you and you really like those ideas, I'd suggest writing fanfic.
If you really want to RP those ideas, you'll either have to keep looking until you find someone who also wants to RP those ideas, or you'll have to be willing to do some compromising to make those ideas work in a way that other players will find interesting.
If your OC always has to be center stage and the best at everything, or you only want to write ship threads, or you only want to do angst, or your OC is always being injured, nearly killed, in emotional distress, etc...all the damn time, that gets boring for everyone else really quickly.
That's a you problem, not an other writers problem.
18. "Has someone stolen my canon?"
Look, if the stuff further up on this list is an issue for you, I guarantee you nobody has stolen your canon.
In general, nobody will steal your canon; there are not infinite numbers of ideas and tropes are very common both in canon canon and for OCs.
Unless someone straight up lifted everything about your character and just changed the name and whatever face claim you're using, there's about a 0 % chance they stole your ideas.
19. "Is my canon too similar to someone else's?"
See the bit in #18 about common tropes; given that, probably.
The bigger question is does it bother you enough to rework your OC? If it doesn't, stop caring.
If it does, get to work reworking your OC.
20. "Do they think I stole their canon?"
Have they said something? Do you have overlapping RP circles? No? Then they probably don't know you exist, let alone think you've stolen from them.
21. "And what do you do when somebody does steal your canon? It can be so hard to prove and it's so easy for it to be dismissed."
If it's hard to prove, it's too generic to have been stolen unless they just did a direct copy paste.
22. "Having your OC written off because of the face claim choice - that face is constantly typecast, nobody takes it seriously, they've been overplayed and ruined."
The only people I've had, 7 years of Tumblr RP, give two fucks about face claims are:
- Control freak admins of organized games that usually fall apart within 6 months due to drama typically caused by the control freak admins. I actually had one game have the admins get angry at me because I wouldn't stop doing cosplay for Calleo's pictures and just pick a celebrity.
Bullet dodged there.
- People who are also just generally unpleasant OOC; if a face claim alone is enough to make someone not want to RP with you (and it's not a case where the person whose face it actually is has been clear about them being uncomfortable with people using their pictures in that manner), that's a red flag that that person, if you somehow still want to write with them after seeing that, will likely be incredibly, bizarrely dramatic in all the wrong ways.
Sure, some of them are fine and they just have a hard time picturing an OC who also looks uncannily like Taylor Swift, but people who have things in their rules about refusing to write with people who use certain icons should be taken as either a red flag or a, "Well, I dodged a bullet here."
Also, in case nobody has told you this: Icons are not necessary for RP. They often add absolutely nothing to the post or thread that isn’t just as easily accomplished by using words. There’s nothing wrong with using icons but, you know, run far, far away from people who require that you use them.
Maybe instead of getting into the mindset that nobody wants to write with your OC because they’re an OC, take a look at your OC, ask people to give you honest and constructive feedback about the character (even if they tell you things you might not want to hear), consider working on your OOC personality as the victim mentality or using emotional manipulation about ~*~*how hard~*~* it is to write an OC to try and guilt people into writing with you is incredibly off putting on every level.
The more someone whines and complains about how nobody wants to write with them, honestly, the less interested I become in writing with them.
You also have to put some effort in, and that includes answering submitted memes or people who write you starters (or like an open starter call from you); if you fail to do that more often than not (and no, ‘low/no muse’ is not an excuse when you use it all the time, especially when you clearly have muse and are responding to whatever Themed Thing--usually angst or shipping--you get but ignore anything else or take ages to reply to anything else), the people sending those things in will assume you’re just not interested in writing with them and will stop trying.
And, bottom line?
If even you can’t sell your OC as being interesting and write off lack of interest from others as Unfairness Toward OCs, why should anyone else be interested?
If you have an OC that’s legitimately interesting, engaging, and not based around generally disliked tropes (across fandoms those are usually related to a canon character, multiple rare abilities, the OC being able to somehow always ignore or overtly go against social norms and suffer exactly zero consequences--or worse--be adored and admired for it by everyone, and Not From Around Here, in that order), and aren’t unpleasant OOC, people will want to write with you.
If you don’t, well, that’s your problem, and no amount of posting about how hard OCs have it will make people interested.
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kerbaldevteam · 6 years ago
KSP Loading...KSP Enhanced Edition is getting some love
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We are sad to hear that after 14 years and 293 days (55 times longer than its planned lifetime) exploring the surface of Mars, Opportunity has ceased operations. So long, little explorer! On the bright side, KSP Loading… is back with fresh news and updates! Do you want to learn about all the current developments of KSP? Here’s the place to be, so let's get started!
KSP Enhanced Edition
You’re reading correctly, KSP Enhanced Edition is the first item in this issue of KSP Loading…! It’s been a while since our last update to KSP on consoles, but we’ve had something very special for you in the making, and we’re thrilled to finally shed some light and reveal all the juicy details you’ve been craving for!
For a while now, we have been working hand in hand with BlitWorks on a console-optimized free update for KSP Enhanced Edition, as well as its first DLC: The History and Parts Pack!
Releasing on the same day, both the History and Parts Pack and the free update are filled with content, including new parts, revamps, suits and features that console players will be able to enjoy for the first time! Without further ado, let’s dive into the details:
Free Update 
As we mentioned before, KSP Enhanced Edition is getting a content-filled console-optimized update that will take bits and pieces of all updates we have released on PC after 1.2.1; some of the ones that people like the most, as well as performance improvements, bug fixes, and more!
Kerbal Personal Parachutes
Personal Parachutes are coming to KSP Enhanced Edition! Kerbals with level 3 and above experience will have fully steerable personal parachutes. You will be able to deploy the chutes using the cursor or via the secondary radial menu.
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Click here to see an animated gif showcasing this feature.
All part revamps up to PC 1.5
There has been a big effort on our side to give old parts a fresh new look, all with the intention of having a more sleek and cohesive part catalog. While staying true to the game’s original essence, the geometry and texture maps of these parts were completely redone. Some of these parts also include new texture variants to choose at will. Yes, you’re getting the variant switcher, too!
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New Suits
Both the recruit and veteran classic EVA and IVA Space Suits have been given a well-deserved overhaul and console players get to enjoy it, too! We knew that such an iconic element of the game needed to stay true to its identity, so we are keeping its style, while also giving it a sleeker look.
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Kerbals can now be placed in external command seats in the VAB/SPH
Another highly requested feature that we are including in this update is the ability to assign Kerbals directly from the VAB/SPH into an EAS-1 External Command Seat, so that Kerbals appear in their respective command seat as the vessel is spawned.
History and Parts Pack DLC
Largely based on its PC counterpart, this console-optimized DLC will include a broad range of new parts, new space suits as well as new launch sites and runways that players can use throughout Kerbal Space Program. Additionally, the History and Parts Pack includes several missions inspired by historical moments in space exploration.
Historical Missions
10 pre-made missions inspired by humankind’s own space exploration. Now you can spacewalk, pull off a crash landing, and attempt to recreate some of the most memorable moments inspired by historic events. All with our unique Kerbal twist, of course. Are you up to the challenge?
New Parts
More than 70 new parts inspired by the American and Russian Space Programs during the Space Race Era. Want to build Soyuz- and Saturn V-inspired rockets? With the History and Parts Pack you will be able to!
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The History and Parts Pack includes a Vintage Space Suit that will match perfectly with your Space Era-inspired crafts.
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New Launch Sites
With the History and Parts Pack you will also have the ability to launch your crafts from 4 additional complexes: the Woomerang Launchsite, the Dessert Complex, the Island Runway and a brand new Mun Launchsite, not currently available on PC!
Lack of Mission Builder
Some of you may notice we haven’t included the Mission Builder from the Making History Expansion for PC. After some investigation, we were not confident in maintaining a solid user experience in navigating the menus and setup controls required for its use. Additionally, implementing a sharing feature which is core to the value would have required significant time investment for our team. We did not believe that the tradeoff time-wise made sense as it would have sacrificed some of the other content.
PC Update 1.7
As we revealed a few weeks ago, the development of update 1.7 keeps us busy, too! As has been the case with our previous releases, this free update will be packed with content! For instance, we continue with our endeavor to update and modernize our part catalog, but there’s more up our sleeves that we’ll be revealing along the way. For the time being check out some of the revamps that 1.7 will include in its repertoire.
Part Catalog Revamps
24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine Revamp
As you probably know by now, the 24-77 “Twitch” Liquid Fuel Engine is one of the revamps you’re going to enjoy in update 1.7. The Twitch got its geometry and textures completely redone. In addition to the classic orange, a gray & orange variant was created to match with the style of your crafts. An emissive texture for the throttle animation, as well as an animated gimbal have also been included. All this will make the Twitch Engine look great when it’s in action!
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Click here for the high-res images
LV-1 “Ant” Liquid Fuel Engine
The LV-1 “Ant” Liquid Fuel Engine is one of the parts that most desperately needed a makeover. With a decent specific impulse in vacuum and a very low mass, this engine has helped small satellites and crafts find their way in space for years, its aesthetics never stood out, though. Luckily, our art team took up the task of improving the look of this tiny engine. The geometry and texture maps were redesigned, and a new bare variant has been added, as well as a blazing emissive texture.
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Click here for the high-res images
LV-1R “Spider” Liquid Fuel Engine
Being the radial version of the Ant Engine, the LV-1R “Spider” Liquid Fuel Engine allows for a greater variety of mounting points. With a reworked geometry and new textures, the “Spider” looks better than ever. Players will be able to choose from a shrouded and a bare variant for this engine, as well. An emissive texture for the throttle animation, as well as an animated gimbal have been included.
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Click here for the high-res images
Vernor Engine
The VR-N1ER Veer-Governor, popularly known the “Vernor” Engine has also been heavily revamped. Our artists not only reworked this part’s geometry and texture maps, but also added a pretty nozzle with a metallic look that includes an emissive texture that will glow when the Vernor heats up.
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Click here for the high-res image
O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine
Being the only monopropellant reaction engine with throttle control, the O-10 “Puff” was selected for a well-deserved makeover. The art team added new textures for the “Puff”, including a new emissive texture for the throttle animation.
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Click here for the high-res image
The Bug Hunt
As with every release, with update 1.7 we are determined to include a broad range of improvements and bug fixes in an ongoing effort to improve the KSP experience and reduce the amount of bugs that inevitably arise with every release. Our QA and development teams have been very busy confirming, reporting and fixing issues. For example, we recently squashed a bug where symmetry would break animations on some parts. The team also fixed a Null-Reference Exception triggered when RCS was enabled with an EVA Kerbal, which resulted in the Kerbal not being able to move. Our goal is to make each KSP release more and more stable and our team is working hard to achieve this.
Meet the team
For those who are interested in getting to know the people behind Kerbal Space Program we’ll continue with our “Meet the team” section of KSP Loading… until we’ve presented all of our team. This time it’s the turn for one of our programmers, Marco “Samssonart” Salcedo. Having worked at Squad for more than 8 years, Marco is a true KSP veteran despite his young age, and has been in the backend of KSP since the very beginning. Here are a few words from him.
I've been playing games since my childhood and started making my own simple games since I started programming in high school. I have a bachelor's in Computer Engineering and a master's in Computer Science, both with a specialty in graphics and interactive technology. Aside from games and technology, I'm a big music freak, I attend as many gigs as I can afford; I like to work out, I practice martial arts; and spending time with my family, girlfriend and cats.
Finally we want to remind you that you can share and download missions on Curse, KerbalX, the KSP Forum and the KSP Steam Workshop.
That’s it for this edition. Be sure to join us on our official forums, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Stay tuned for more exciting and upcoming news and development updates!
Happy launchings!
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Love Beyond the Veil -cont.
Lily looked over at her companion, as she began to lather the shampoo into her long golden hair. a soft sigh escaping her as she does so, before moving to rinse it out. closing her eyes to relax her mind wondered. She could still believe what trouble she had ended up in this time. A dragon, a human dragon that was invisible to the rest of the world. It truly was a lot to take in.
Once she was finished washing up she moved and grabbed a towel and began to dry herself. she looked over her shoulder at the man in her bathtub. " I'm gonna assume that wrapping a towel around my self would count as not remaining naked? " she asked him with a small smile almost knowing that his eyes would be watching her every move
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
The Bodyguard cont.
She smiled and nodded ” Hmm I would be … It’s you I’m worried about ’ she said and then Rocco appeared with the car really if she had thought further ahead she would have contacted her driver but she did not want to bother too many people. Most thought of her as a general nuisance and extremely entitled. but she knew 90% of her staff's names the other 10 were either because she had no dealings with them or they were new starts.
she looked at her bodyguard and gave him a smile " want help in to the car ?" she asked to move to help him, Rocco had already got out and opened the door for them
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Merging of Nations cont.
Lily looked to her new husband "Hmmm who said that Lucifer foals will be as headstrong as he is " she pointed out with a little smirk . "however I agree we will have to find a horse suited to the child " she smiled. though she was not a fan of children that did not mean that she would not spoil her own children. it was more other people that were her problem along with the general crying, screaming etc etc. " yes the puppies though I will have to gift some of them " she said admittedly
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Old wounds -cont.
Lily hummed as she felt the other hands run over her body once again, she could feel everything through the thin floaty material of the dress and it caused her to sigh happily and lean in to his touch.
as he stopped as soon as he started she pouted and gave him a small smile as she corrected her dress and her hair "Hmmm your gonna have to argue with airport security not to strip search me " she teased as she could see that in certain lights the dress was practically see-through and she wore nothing under it as per his request
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Meeting in Captivity
She smiled and thanked the guard as he said that she was free to go , she did not even notice the passage of time she had been here until she looked at her watch and the time "My goodness its almost dinner time " she said alarmed
" yes you had better " she said with a smile as she turned and gave him a wave and a bright smile before being ushered out of the cells to sign the paperwork.
as she was signing papers she decided to play a good samaritan and she paid for his bail to get him out the officer being sent back to free him while she waited outside the police station
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
First dates cont.
lily smiled as he pulled her into his lap she shifted her body weight a little, teasingly rubbing against him "Hmmm you have a point, and you make a very , very comfortable throne " she said as she sat on his lap an arm wrapped around his neck and her lips pressed against his she truly looked perfectly at home as she was sat on him .
" hmm japanese sounds perfect ... pass me my phone lover "
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Thats Hot cont
Lily blushed as he explained all the dirty ideas that he was suggesting the slick feel between her legs more than enough evidence that she liked the idea very very much. She loved the feeling when she had dressed up as his slutty fox, the way he treated her when she was like that, she had never been wetter. she moaned as he pinched her nipples and rolled them in his fingers till they were solid. she lay back and closed her eyes basking in the feeling. she loved him so much. The idea of the hypnosis and him being able to control her made her want it all the more " ohh gods yes , just think , me your stunning girlfriend by your side and with just a whisper in my ear I become your slutty pet , or you could make me cum with just a word "
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Reunion cont.
Lily smiled as she was welcomed into his home. She had to admit he looked just as good shirtless as she remembered "Thanks" she said brightly as he said that she looked great. she nodded "Ohh I probably will, you know me I never come to your house empty-handed even if I end up eating and drinking the items my self " she said giving him a playful wink
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
myth-Rome and the Old gods cont.
Lily looked over at him and nodded "Ohhh it's not a problem at all, I'm quite excited about this ball, it's been so long since my last and it will be fun to not have to gate crash my own ball " she said slightly teasingly and then hummed " who all is invited ? ohhh it should be a masquerade ball " she said clearly getting excited.
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
Lost in the woods
By the time he had finished chopping wood she had tidied up the cabin, any sign of their earlier activities had vanished. There was a pot of soup on the stove that was cooking away and would be ready by lunchtime.
she glanced over at him over her shoulder and gave him a nod as he came back into the cabin and sat down. She was humming softly to herself as she needed some dough for bread
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
pumpkin carving cont.
LIly smiled and nodded " then a date and a time and ill be here, ill be your chief product tester " she said with a bright look on her face as she continued to work on her pumpkin. taking her time to really add in the detail
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
The appointment cont.
She looked him over her eyes going a little wide as he took off his cardigan to reveal his tattoos and we’ll muscles body . Seeing how the shirt seemed to cling to him and show off his defined muscles . ” I take it back you are one hundred percent a gym rat “ she said as she could not help but look him over and her eyes lingered on his tattoo sleeves. She did like men with tattoos .
"hmmm I was not judging , but you cover up … Normally people who look like you .. they like to show off ” she said with a small quirk of her lips . “And really you own your own practice you probably could show off all you want ” she said . She had her own tattoos the detailed one down her leg that hid the surgical scaring and bun marks was the most prominent . She had some on her shoulders as well but they were all easy to cover .
She nodded “ I agree with you assessment in walking ” she agreed and gave him a small smile .
“in real life … Yes I was shot… Missed my heart by millimetres ” she said softly and shrugged “but I survived … Alot of others did not ” she then hummed
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miracle-healing · 1 year ago
The Masquerade Cont.
LIly looked at the other and hummed "I would not say that the conversation at home is strained in any way, just more ... I would say passionate but that's just another word in this context for shouting and arguing " she admitted as she looked at the other " well thank you " she said with a small smile liking very much his compliment. she could to wait for the next night when they would meet again
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