#continued apologies for inactivity i am simply trying to learn how to keep myself alive (intl exchange student)
'buying things with money cannot fix you' well today i bought a hello kitty bowl to eat my dinner out of and it did actually make me feel a lot better. so
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Arkos Week Day One-Pyrrha Lives: Shot Through the Heart...
"You're too late!" Cinder snarked as she witnessed Jaune arrive on the rooftop, glowing with projected aura. Her hand tensed as she pulled back the string of her bow, ready to loose the arrow that would snuff out the life of Pyrrha Nikos.
Pyrrha's eyes widened in panic, more afraid that Jaune was in danger than she had been staring her own would be murderer in the face.
"Jaune! You have to leave! Run aw-"
But the next thing she knew, Jaune was there, the warm glow of his semblance nearly blinding the two women as he seemingly teleported in front of Pyrrha. He was standing in the basic stance she had drilled into him shield raised to protect them both like a knight of old.
Though she could only see his back, his stance was tall and his muscles tense. "You give villains a bad name!" Jaune declared, bracing himself against the impact of Cinder's arrow as it strike's his shield.
The villainess smirked mockingly, even as she struggled against the brightness of Jaune's aura, "Soon my arrows will drip rubies! You’re only delaying the inevitable, foolish boy!"
"Isn't that what heroes are supposed to do?" Jaune stated, doing his best to keep his feet after that blow, giving his all to protect his partner.
"Jaune, she's going to kill you! You can't keep that level of aura projection up forever!" The tears were evident in her tone, even though Jaune couldn't turn around to see them.
"It's too late to apologize, it's too late. I wouldn't do it anyway. You're my partner, and I am here until the end. We protect each other! Arkos, remember?"
This just made Pyrrha want to cry even harder as she tried to will her body to move. Unfortunately, her injuries and lack of aura were now putting her in a position she had rarely found herself: Helpless.
The feeling was only compounded when Cinder, finally having enough of this nonsense, decided to make use of the monstrous Grimm behind her that was simply laying there menacingly, having Grimm babies. "This is the end, you fools! My dragon is like a lion, and you're gonna hear him Roar!" Cinder declared, gesturing to the pair.
The dragon did indeed roar, but Jaune stood firm, his shield somehow absorbing the heat of the flames as the dragon's deadly projectile attack parted around him. The flames flickered and sparkled around the teens, lighting the night like ten thousand fireflies. Cinder, however, was not idle.
Once she saw that the dragon's flames were not lighting them up like a firework, she decided to flank them, managing to get behind the pair while they were distracted. The pair is completely caught off guard when Cinder rushes them, all their attention on the dragon.
Jaune whirls around to find the mysterious woman hoding a short sword made of some kind of sharp, gleaming material to his partner's throat. Pyrrha is using what little strength her exhausted body can spare to keep the blade from slicing her throat. Jaune ignored the dragon, which had gone back to casually spawning lesser Grimm to destroy Beacon, and decided to simply charge Cinder in a desperate attempt to save his partner.
Cinder merely smirked cruelly before slashing her throat. Or so she tried.
She was interrupted by a flurry of rose petals. "Jaune! Pyrrha! Are you okay?" Ruby had finally arrived, and just in time.
Everyone turned to face her as she brandished Crescent Rose at Cinder, confused and shocked at what was going on. Wasn't Cinder their friend? The femme fatale glared menacingly at this latest interruption, "Any more guests I should be expecting to our little get together, boy?"
"What can I say? I've got friends in low places." Jaune replied, trying to mask his fear at Pyrrha's near death with bravado.
Cinder flared her own aura, launching a fire ball with her off hand to distract Jaune, while her other continued to try to slash Pyrrha's throat. That tactic was abandoned as a bullet from Ruby's rifle impacted the knife, dissolving it in a flash of orange sparks. However Cinder was still determined to kill Pyrrha and claim the remaining Maiden powers for her own.
She brought her hands up and began to choke Pyrrha, as she prepared to snap her neck. "NOOOOO!" Ruby and Jaune cried.
Jaune's aura flared desperately, racing forward in an effort to shield his partner, while Ruby was engulfed in a strange silver light...
 Pyrrha blinked slowly as she came to. Jaune was crouched over her, hands on her heel and his aura enveloping her foot. "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" she asked in her delirium.
"I don't think so, Pyr." Jaune assured her, doing his best to wipe his tears onto his shirt without moving his hands.
"Are you okay, Jaune? What are you doing? What happened? Where are Ruby and the woman that attacked us?"
"Well that's the good news. I'm not sure what happened after everything started glowing, since I just woke up myself. All I know for sure is that the dragon is frozen, and that woman escaped. Ruby's uncle found us, and helped me carry you and Ruby to the safe zone set up on the outskirts of Vale since you were both unconscious. I was trying desperately to recharge your aura with mine when I accidentally discovered my semblance. I think. My aura was boosting yours."
Now that he mentioned it, Pyrrha did feel much better than she had in what felt like days now. Was Jaune's semblance some sort of healing multiplier? That would be immensely useful. "What is the plan now? We have to stop that woman! There's no telling what she'll do if left unchecked!"
"We will, Pyrrha. I promise! No way is Team JNPR gonna let the woman that tried to destroy Vale get away with it! You, Ren, and Nora have been asleep for a couple of days now. Once we're all back up to full strength we're going after her. Ruby's uncle gave us a lead. Ozpin said something about meeting with the headmaster of Sanctum Academy."
"What about Team RWBY? Will they be joining us?"
"I...don't think that's going to be possible for a while. RWBY's scattered at the moment."
Pyrrha was horrified and heartbroken at the news. Her friends... Poor Yang...
"The good news is though, that Penny is okay!"
The redhead's heart nearly lept into her throat. How could that be? "What? But I...I k-"
Jaune saw the guilt she was carrying. He could see the want to blame herself in her eyes, and quashed it hard. "No, you didn't, Pyrrha. Penny is a robot. An android that can project aura. Her mind and soul are real, but her body isn't. Before her body was destroyed, she vacated it, and ended up in a spare somewhere in Atlas. General Ironwood is sending her with us to Mistral to meet the headmaster."
Pyrrha could hardly believe it. She wasn't a murderer? She was going home. And most importantly, she was not dead.
"Try moving your foot now, Pyrrha. Next we'll have you stand, see if the leg can support you."
The redhead did as her partner asked, moving on auto-pilot. She was startled when she was able to move the foot as though she had never taken an arrow through her achilles tendon.
Jaune smiled brightly at her. "Good. I'm glad that's on the mend. Try to stand."
She did so, leaning cautiously on Jaune for help. Her leg felt weak, and she was unsteady on her legs like a toddler learning to walk. Her muscles were stiff from fatigue and inactivity, but the leg did support her. Jaune gave her a proud, excited smile.
"Get some rest, Pyrrha. I'll go see if I can find us some rations from the temporary mess hall."
"Jaune, wait..."
The blonde turned back to her expectantly. "Stay with me. Please. Until I fall asleep."
"Okay, Pyr." The two partners shared a quiet moment together amidst the chaos surrounding them. They did their best to push away all the turmoil, and stress of the last few days, checking their emotional baggage for the moment and taking comfort in each other.
They were alive.
They were whole.
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onouwu · 7 years
Nekimo’s Story - Capter 2 Part 3 - Unethical
As the sun lands on the horizon the cook brings out large dishes of rice and meat, fruits and vegetables. When they sit down at a few long wooden tables for the food they’re preparing to eat, Nekimo looks at the food prepared for her, staring in thought.
Not even in whispers do they speak ill of her name. And yet… they… they look miserable.
the group looking over to her and hesitating to take a bite until she does, her looking over at her doctor, Orisa. As the doctor shrugs her shoulders and takes a bite of the meat they all begin to eat, many of them stuffing themselves while Vee, Lilly, and Cassidy join the whole camp at the table.
Orisa notices them pulling off their scrubs and approaches the trio.
“You’re medical staff, right, And that’s your office?” She asks
Vee smiles and shakes her hand “Victoria Stone. Yes, uhh… Cardiologist… It is my clinic.”
“Orisa Essa Adeyemi, Thoracic surgeon and physician. So, uh - Oh… okay. It looks small, I’d love to see what it’s like in there. Also, what brings your group here?”
Cassidy’s eyes light up and she interjects. “Maybe a little later on if you’d like. We’re studying local physiology to help medical professionals like yourself serve the people here. May I ask what you do here?”
Orisa’s expression is unamused, begging more answers than she could be given.
“That’s strange. Dalia has never mentioned this place before. Who do you work for?”
Cassidy responds cautiously “We’re independent… Dalia - Isn’t that the leader of the tribe you’re fighting against?”
Orisa pauses a moment. “That’s… complicated. This isn’t my fight. I’ve worked with the tribe for over a decade and have special privileges with them even now. As for why I’m here? That question is a bit awkward since this is my home. I left briefly for university and training but my family lives here. Who do you get your permissions from?”
Vee interrupts. “We’re very careful about the ethics of our research and gain full active consent form the locals and their familites.” She asserts.
“Thank you.” Orisa nods. She quietly and abruptly walks away, an ominous feeling washed over her.
After finishing a plate, Nekimo excuses herself and walks toward the trees just a few yards from the table where many of the group are eating. After a moment of thought and staring at the stars between the trees, she peeks over at all the people sitting there, watching Cassidy. The way this camp operates, The social structure is so perfect, so unfamiliar - it’s frustrating.
Could she just be some amazing observant leader? If so it means I can’t possibly compare.
She looks at the group from a distance and wonders if she’ll find something out. Looking at the guest table, she notices Aretta missing.
“I knew she’d be first to go” she whispers to herself.
Cassidy’s eyes turn toward her which surprises her but suddenly it all makes sense. Finally, with a smile on her face she walks back and sits at the table to continue eating.
“Apologies, I just needed a moment to think.”
Ginika taps Nekimo on the shoulder and asks her to coordinate their next move. Reaching the edge of the camp, Ginika turned back to face her.
"We should not sleep here, I do not trust these people, nor should you. Do you notice Aretta is not eating with us? Orisa whispered to me while you were away. She told me that they could be trying to experiment on us."
Nekimo seems to make a revelation "Oh? She did…Actually, you know, don’t worry about that. We will sleep here. Aretta… She has chosen her path. I wish her well."
"I pray that you do not fall into this trap, Nekimo. Don’t be naïve, they would be wiped off the map if it were just this easy. We are not the first to pretend our intentions are noble."
Nekimo puts a finger to Ginika's lips.
"I… now know this woman's heart. Trust in me, Ginika. We will be gone by morning, and with some of their weapons in hand. You should find one of them to ask you how to use them. ‘Even in death’, you recall? Trust me."
"Ignorance is not leadership. You've been an excellent judge of heart until now. I hope we survive long enough for you to learn your lesson. You're not dealing with blind soldiers led by an arrogant tyrant now." Ginika said forcefully, visibly angry at being ignored.
Nekimo smiles "Let's finish eating before they run out of food"
Ginika walks silently back to the camp, followed by Nekimo.
"Apologies, we needed to plan for tomorrow."
"None needed, we wish you well in your fight with that pestering tribe now." Cassidy grinned before taking a bite of the food in front of her.
"Queen Cassidy, I ask that I can speak with you about the plans we've discussed." Nekimo says before short laughs are heard among the research group's members.
"Queen, I'm beginning to like that" she says with a smile.
"I ask that we can speak in private. These matters are sensitive."
"I'm sorry if I don't trust you to take me from their sight." Cassidy points at the women with rifles.
"I'm familiar with guns. Surely they can aim their weapons at me from a distance."
"Fair enough" - "Hailey, Wanda, stand over there. We will be discussing matters in front of the last van"
The two women with rifles move within visual range while Nekimo and Cassidy reach the camper, Nekimo looks over at the women with their weapons drawn.
"I was actually sent by the Adaego to eradicate you after they captured us, but Instead, I seek your help in pushing back their government."
"Hmmm" Cassidy smiles.
"That's an interesting story. They probably fear us because the last time they came it was to take out our camp but our snipers outmatched theirs. They came with aggression and we met back with equal aggression. However, we can't help you as part of our ethical obligation to the land is to avoid interfering in local conflict. We can only wish you luck in your journey."
"We have similar goals, you know. I know your plans for our people, how your people react to you, your power as a leader, and I know how you perform research...
"You do?"
... I'm asking to assist you, Cassidy. You can hear everything that goes on in this camp. I've figured that out a while ago. I could not even attempt to turn on you, nor plot your demise and you're fully aware of that. I only ask to borrow some of your spare weapons and, in exchange, you will have thousands of willing bodies marching in for whatever you do. I only ask that I am able to meet my desires as well."
Shock and excitement are brimming in Cassidy’s eyes.
"Hmm... Agreed."
Nekimo thinks for a moment and gets closer to Cassidy before whispering.
"My people, I care little of them. It is not that I didn’t notice Aretta betray me, I didn’t care.”
She continues
“But, now that we’ve got this out of the way. I’m interested in knowing your story. As a leader, it might help me have what you have here.”
Cassidy leans back on the trailer and looks up.
“Well, you see, we’re working on finding and replicating super-genes for a group… I can’t get into specifics there. First, we need to assess what traits are best for maximizing real-world physical performance by running various extreme stress tests. Then we pinpoint what specifically attributes to higher levels of performance, then common genetic traits between them. For this we need thousands of participants across several groups.
Nobody could afford that, especially if it’s found out that the goal is so controversial. So, we came here where there’s very little oversight going on. We began as a group of four, just Vee and I with our snipers. However, after we were deemed official after this... organization was found out and had to explain things away, more researchers came and fellows from various organizations were sent to check in on us. It became a hassle to continue research so I let everyone know what was going on and started another form of research… psychological.
I let them all know and made sure the more noble of them understood that leaving or attempting to stop us meant a fate worse than death. Initially I had no way to enforce that, but that’s when I bugged the entire camp myself over the course of a month. I let them plot against me, I let them try to escape only to counter every move. I studied their reactions, and how long it took them to give in as well as all of the stages they went through before they did. Now everyone just knows that whatever they say or do, every action or even inaction, I can hear them and probably see it too.
Nekimo smiles and stretches, watching Wanda peer across her sights while Hailey’s weapon is lowered, returning her focus to Cass. "That is truly amazing. So everyone serves you, because insubordination will be punished severely it seems. What of Lilly?, she seems special."
"Lilith... that weak little woman. She tried the hardest to stop me, and she was the focus of my attention. Some would simply end her but instead I broke her down, I made her central to acts which disgusted her. Little by little, failed attempt to flee, failed attempt to usurp me, it became amusing to watch her. I put her in charge of operations because I knew it would break her will. I could see and document how, over the years she went from lying about everything, trying to poison me… non-fatally of course because she just can’t bring herself to even endanger a life intentionally… to dutifully responding to my every need years later. I remind her that she's keeping me alive, keeping my research going as part of my ongoing effort to ease her will into that of mine and study her progress."
Nekimo watched the light in her eyes glow as she opened up, the pride pouring out in her words.
"I thank you. Until then, let's rest for tomorrow
“Your traitor… she has been very valuable to me, by the way. Thank you.” Cassidy says.
“My honor.” Nekimo laughs.
As Nekimo wakes up after sleeping in the camp, Lilly has a bowl of soup prepared for her.
"How lucky you are, I'm astounded that she would agree to give your tribe guns. Do you think it could end peacefully if they are simply too afraid to fight?."
"No, I think the luckiest person today will be you, Lilly."
Nekimo downs her soup before getting up without further speaking, leaving the young woman slightly confused.
Cassidy and her guards show the troops how their rifles and pistols work. All brand new.
Nekimo fumbles with the handgun as if she had never handled one before but learns quickly.
She aims her pistol at a stump and a click is heard as she pulls on the trigger.
"Gunshots aren't good for the ears, you see."  Cassidy smiles and taps the earpiece.
After handling is down, Cassidy has someone bring out ammo and she takes out her earpiece while they all load their weapons.
Nekimo gets the hang of her shiny new pistol and fires it off a few times at the stump, aiming at the center ring and missing the first time completely, then hitting the edge after a few rounds.
After looking disappointed and lowering her gun she asks to try Wanda's rifle, the woman handing it over to her upon Cassidy's okay to let her inspect it. She then takes her pistol and points it at Cassidy's chest, looking at her with the widest of smiles.
"I am your new queen. Who else will challenge me?”
Silence fills the air as everyone looks at Nekimo. Lilly starts to cry and walks over to Cassidy’s side, grabbing her pistol.
“Shoo!” Nekimo says, ignoring the traumatized looking girl.
Cassidy grabs her earpiece and slips it in her right ear, the look of anger turning to defeat.
"The silence is deafening, isn’t it? Do you know how I found out about your ability to hear what goes on in this camp?"
"Tell me" Cassidy asked of her, defeated but still curious.
You're not dead yet. A proud people talk among themselves, they mock their leader, they challenge authority even in passing talk. Your few soldiers stand silently, as if any sudden move, a word of ill will might follow them to their death. I wondered if they might be brainwashed into worshiping you, but not a single person here spoke highly of your leadership. No, their revolt was already happening, and I saw it in every set of eyes living in your camp.
And now I have taken your village, as nearly all of them would have had they trusted their sisters. Not a gun is pointed at me right now."
"That's what you think." Cassidy threatened.
Nekimo pushes the gun’s barrel against Cassidy’s chest and nuzzles it between the buttons of her shirt to let it rest on her bare skin. She can feel the gun quake in her grip from cassidy’s hammering heart as the woman does her best to control her breath.
"The words of a woman who can hear everything but still lives in darkness."
“Tie her up.” Nekimo continued, Hailey running to get rope, then grabbing Cassidy’s arms and binding her wrists together before shoving her to the ground and tying her ankles. The uncomfortable silence among her people is broken by a few who group together and start openly discussing plans to leave.
Nekimo walks up to Lilly who’s shivering in tears; consumed by fear. “Seeing as you were undecided, you will pledge your loyalty to me or stay by her side and become my enemy.”
“I … I was afraid. I’m so sorry!”
Nekimo pauses a bit. “Show me the loyalty you’ve shown her.”
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