intrcpidgrey · 10 years
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❝Hi, I'm Dr. Meredith Grey, what seems to be the problem?❞
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thexdemonxinsidexme · 10 years
67F in Wyoming
67F in Australia
Winter has come. We need to prepare.
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iburnedyourletters · 10 years
My url please?
Send me a url and I'll answer the following;;
Opinion on;
Character in general: JOOOOOHN. OH my god. Poor John. He puts up with so much shit, and still keeps a brave face. But he's so human compared to Sherlock. Don't get me going on John. How they play them: We haven't interacted steadily a lot, but when we do, I thoroughly enjoy it. Depending on the verse, he's very IC and the John you expect to see when you wander into the Sherlock fandom. I don't follow a lot of Johns, so I enjoy that this one is approachable and generally friendly, but still having that 'I'm John Watson and not gonna take your shit' air. The Mun: I haven't talked to the mun a whole lot, but hi! I don't bite, and I'm sure you don't either. Mun is nice and answers my opens and doesn't hate me so there's that. I'm sure she's a sweetie (or he, sorry, I'm bad at keeping track of people) even though our schedules seem to make us miss each other on the dash. 
Do I:
RP with them: From time to time. Want to RP with them: Definitely!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: OC Friendly John, nice mun, definitely worth the wait for our damn schedules to sync up, if you're looking for someone to follow in the Sherlock fandom, head over that way. 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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sherlockcdholmes-blog · 11 years
//So none of you want me to write you a drabble??
Yeah consultingxdoctor I should totally become an author...
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marymorstanx · 11 years
Closed// John & Mary
Mary was quite bored with the way her life had turned out, mostly because her work was so dull and unexciting. She was a nurse, yes but at a regular doctors surgery, the patients were mostly old and the people that she worked with didn’t show any interest in her at all.
This really wasn’t how she had planned to live her life, she had planned to travel and work as a nurse in many different countries. Then everything had fallen apart, her parents had died and she found herself very much alone, stuck with people who turned out to not be the people she thought they were, now she was stuck working and living in London.
She sighed as she looked at her phone, another text from her most recent ex who just wouldn’t leave her alone. She ignored it and carried on typing up patient records, lost in thoughts in how different her life could have been.
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thexdemonxinsidexme · 11 years
consultingxdoctor replied to your post “wait he regenerates at the end of this season? WAIT WHAT BUT MY...”
Have you seen what he wears?! No wonder they booted him off ;) *heres some chocolate to make you feel better about regeneration*
lol you get used to it after a while... ;)
*takes chocolate and stashes for when he does regenerate*
i still have the rest of the season, but... still. he's gonna regenerate. :(
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jennytimelady · 11 years
Merry Christmas
It was Christmas. Or she hoped that she had gotten the date right but at the very worst she would be a few days off because on the two blocks that she had to walk towards his apartment there were more then a few Christmas decorations. And her teleport hadn't been to much off either, so she honestly had some faith that this time she had the date right. With a smile on her face, once she arrived at the building. She rang the bell to his apartment. She had guessed that he wouldn't have anyone to celebrate this years Christmas with, and no one should be alone on Christmas right? 
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uboatcaptainninth · 11 years
// People I need to reply to
People I'm waiting on replies from
and then I'm not sure if thedoctors-bestfriend and ask-sarah-jane-smith dropped our threads, but I'm not worrying about that. They're really far back and I can always start up something new. 
anyways that's the list of immediate people I've been interacting with lately. message me if you've replied and I haven't seen it or if you missed my reply
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consultingxdoctor replied to your post:things i need teen verse kid verse
I feel like John would be the gawky, little nerd in a teen verse… Can we? Please?
y  e  s
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consultingxdoctor has a case for you
Samantha had seen many cases pop onto the web recently, ones of demons around Missouri, Angles in Tennessee, possibly vampires in Chicago, so on and so on. It was like a case showed up every minute, it was a strange and random venture of activity around the states. Like they were all suddenly switched into "acting mode." Clicking on of the random links to take a look, a knock at the door made Samantha raise her gaze from her laptop screen, her eyes filled with curiosity. Nobody knew where this bunker was, let alone what it really was. So her mind was suddenly racing through every possibility of what - or who - it was. Raising from her seat, quickly taking a tight grip around her gun, she made her way up the stairs to the iron door of the bunker. Ever since the angels fell, she and Dean had be more careful about sudden knocks and random approaches. Sighing briefly, Samantha slowly brought her hand to slide the door open. The hammer on the gun was pulled back as it rested behind her while she studded the other carefully, "Can I help you?" She asked.
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thexdemonxinsidexme · 11 years
consultingxdoctor consultingxdoctor And consultingxdoctor
Who are three tumblr users that you associate me with?
ashfdklj ummm really?
I can't say I'm surprised, but it's nice to see that! Nat is like, my bestest friend in the whoooolllleee world, and I tag her in a ton of stuff. I honestly don't know what else to say except that Nat is a sweetie, and that you are a sweetie and THANK YOU.
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uboatcaptainninth · 11 years
//Just letting everyone know that I have in fact replied
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sherlockcdholmes-blog · 11 years
*cough* talk about your best australian friend *cough*
//ooc: well I know this is for mun. My Australian friend, amazing person. Best and most unique 11th doctor cosplay I have ever seen. They live on the other side of the world and I love the few moments when we are able to interact. I can't wait for (my) summer so I can stay up late to talk to them. Can't wait to chat consultingxdoctor.
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consultingxdoctor replied to your post: i want to rp ?? bu t i dont want to do lon g...
We can do something simple? Just a sentence of speech with some basic description, and nothing too detailed?
su re. uwu
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levifold · 11 years
consultingxdoctor replied to your post: So today the ACT legalised same-sex marriage - the...
(Sorry if you don’t know the answer; thought I’d ask anyway!) Do you have to be a resident of the ACT for the marriage to be legal, or can you like travel into the ACT, get married and go back home to another state?
I just looked it up to be sure
While you can get married in the ACT as a same-sex couple, that marriage will not be recognised in the other states and territories until they make their own legislation. Also, you don't have to be a resident of the ACT in order for it to count there.
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