#and the crappy starter
headnurse-sigewinne · 5 months
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Sigewinne had recently acquired a new pack of stickers and with the traveler currently visiting the Fortress of Meropide, made a small challenge of seeing how many stickers she could slip on to her without notice. 
She walked up behind Lumine, slipping a sticker on to her skirt before moving to be in her sight, "Hello Lumine! Hi Paimon," the melusine chirped, smiling at the two of them, "How are you two doing?" Her eyes scanned over the woman and her companion, silently inspecting for both injuries... and spots to hide a sticker, giving a small smile, "I hope you both are doing well and are uninjured."
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kekeakana · 3 months
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alright this might sound kinda morbin or whatever. but i wanna know how it's already almost halloween? when it feels like the school year was just starting not that long ago? ...anyone else feel kinda freaked out about being a senior but have no idea what they're going to do with their future plans yet?
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nightswvlker · 3 months
@anchoragestarters     ›     closed starter.  cap:  four  ( 6/4 ) DATE  &  LOCATION:     june 25,  dulce tierra winery & vineyard.
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a week after the fire incident outside of the winery, jin had to come to take a look for herself ... but it wasn‘t like she was the town’s sheriff or anything. witness if it wasn’t fully burnt to a crisp. the woman had opinions of her own about the entire situation but kept her mouth tight-lipped. that won’t stop her from judging the hell out of anchorage’s townsfolks. heejin whirled the mahogany beverage in her wine glass (essentially feigning to be a connoisseur) she had in hand, holding the stem rather tightly to not let it slip from her grasp. heejin’s arm crossed over her chest, looking over the property and thinking she was on her own.
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red-hemlock · 9 months
“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day...”
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“...Preferably not to trap me in a creepy, smelly underpass without an umbrella. It’s quite annoying.”
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byronlc · 5 months
it's sinday and Peter wants to kiss someone. Any volunteers?^^
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(this is for young!Peter aged 19-22)
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eskelwolfed · 1 year
Any mutual who likes this gets one of my muses in their inbox, horny AND FOR FREE. Just tell me which and it will be an explicit nsfw thread, no fading to black.
and the best thing? you choose the muse I'll send your way. as long as the ship isn't listed as a no-no, the ship doesn't violate my trigger policy or any of the sort OR it's Harwin/Geralt, those come with a doubling policy. - please keep in mind that some of my muses are either strictly gay/lesbian or asexual. two muses are explicitly transmasculine.
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lvburinthos · 6 months
(  @anchoragestarters ) — CLOSED ! CAPPED: 5/4, FULLY CAPPED ! DATE & LOCATION:  MARCH 15ᵀᴴ ↯ THE FLOWER BASKET
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       It was early — it was more like 11 o’clock in the morning, actually. She had no means of transportation, so she walked for fresh air. It was needed as they were starting to look like a ghost. Their sleeping schedule was more than screwed up, and they stood inside The Flower Basket. Random, surely, but she had a need to decorate her place with some plants, flowers... or whatever.        “There are way too many to choose from. I think I might go haywire,” Alizka mumbled to herself, and they hoped they wouldn’t become too impatient. They probably should’ve dragged someone along... but they didn’t want to give them the burden of having to come with. “Um. Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but I forgot my glasses at home like the old lady I am - but do you happen to see any hydrangeas around the store?”
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hecticlife · 7 months
chewing gum somehow always makes leon hungry. so, he turns around to the person he's walking alongside with. "you wanna eat?" he asks. "i might pass out if i don't soon."
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kristinhenderson · 5 months
It was her first day back in Northknot and not much had changed. There were a few new businesses here and there and the vibe was a little different but everything else was mostly the same. She was walking down the main street after stopping at Cool Beans Cafe for her morning coffee when she was nearly run over by someone. "Whoa there," she said. "You're obviously in a rush but could you watch where you're going maybe? You nearly took me out."
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smckesprite · 8 months
#closed  starter  for  atticus villanelle  (  @pcisxnivys  )  ! DATE  &  LOCATION:  january  10, 2024    ↯    outside  the ivy restaurant.
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       after what seemed like a lifetime, eliana had planned to meet up with her son at the french eatery. what could possibly be better than going to her daughter-in-law’s establishment? though with anchorage’s freezing temperatures, she didn’t want to wait in the car any longer while her stomach was bellowing — a little too loud and desperate for food. maybe she was at fault for it... deeming she’s always on the move at the vet clinic.        the woman was about to amble inside the ivy when she spotted a FAMILIAR silhouette getting out of their car. however, with age, her sight could likewise be deceiving her as she was presently squinting her eyes. “hmm, i should be able to spot him a mile away, but it’s probably not atti.” eliana mused, realizing she had forgotten her glasses in the car. oh, the joys of aging!
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rocknout · 2 years
tommy stared at the boy that looked almost identical to him. he could pinpoint the two major differences. one being the hair, the other being their eyes. tommy isn't sure what to say, his silver eyes narrowing at the other and wondering if this was his mind playing tricks on him. all he wanted was to relax before finding a place to crash for the night. "is this a joke?" the words come off heavy from his tongue, not caring about how his tone came across. he was a frustrated person as it was and just seeing something that was confusing made his frustration grow. // @wiiccant
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tough-girl-sydney · 2 years
     Running into raiders or Fireflys or even small groups was to be expected, but rarely did she run into any kids wandering on their own. That seemed to be the case with this girl, however, Bailey, was it? There wasn’t much said between the two, just enough that Sydney was about 60% sure the girl wasn’t going to try and kill her...yet.
     She didn’t necessarily ask for a traveling companion, the preteen just seemed to tag along like a lost puppy. They did seem to be heading in the same direction, though, and even though she felt the girl would just get in her way should anything pop off, how did the saying go? 
          Two heads were better than one?
     Glancing over at the girl, she couldn’t help but notice how frail she seemed to be. 
          Was I THAT lanky when I was younger? 
     This world really knew how to force you to live in the present while also slowly making you go INSANE from the mistakes you made in the past. Bailey’s build reminded her of her brother, Max. He, too, was very thin, not that much muscle on him either, but man was the kid fast! Her gaze returned to the space in front of her, a sad smile playing at her lips at the thought of her younger brother as she shuffled through the grass.
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fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
It has taken me 22 fucking years to get good at building in the sims but oh well. Here we are
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royalight · 6 months
I wanted to write here but today was a bit of a dejecting day at work so my head isn't really in it. if tomorrow is better, I'll def get things done.
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angelicgentleman · 6 months
The sight of crows around the man wasn't at all uncommon; there were days when they would follow him like a shadow. Cawing, observing, ever so curious and cunning. Anyone else could question it. The image of a dark-haired man followed by a murder of crows was certainly eerie.
Today was no different. The black birds followed the man's every step, and the constant cawing and flutter of wings only added to the unsettling aura around them. Like a tension in the air, the pack of crows felt suffocating to everyone around, the black eyes sharp and judgemental. One would think it was an omen of an upcoming catastrophe. Yet, there was something different about the group today. Among all of the pitch black feathers, there was one that was completely white, its feathers iridescent, changing colours with each move. Setting sun only added to it; pure white feathers shone with beautiful shades, some pink, some blue. This one crow alone seemed to calm the entire group, soothing the eeriness around them, like a breeze of fresh air.
Although loyal followers, none of the crows would land and interact with the man if they weren't ordered to. Except this one, the white raven that seemed to stare at the man with admiration like no other. Was the antichrist aware of the crow following him? If not, he soon would be.
There's a moment of noise and a rapid flutter of wings. Few white feathers fall right around the man, and just a moment later, the white crow lands right in front of him. It stares at him before lightly bowing its head, beak pressed into the feathers and spreading wings evenly. It was clear that it wasn't just a normal raven. Nothing about it was normal. From the colour to its behaviour, everything was a sign that there's something more to it. The bird holds the bow for a moment before straightening again to look at the man in front of him, expectedly.
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flowercrowncrip · 4 months
I saw someone on TikTok suggesting able bodied people go to protests using second hand heavy powerchairs to use as some kind of weapon against police???
And as a full time powerchair user uh… don’t fucking do this?
For starters, if this “tactic” becomes popular (which it won’t because it’s a terrible idea, but IF it did) you’re just giving the police an excuse to harass powerchair users just for existing near a protest. Don’t do that.
And then there is the fact you’ll be taking resources away from disabled people is bad. The person in the video said not to take chairs that were usable for disabled people, but able bodied people have no right or technical skills to decide when a chair is useful. Even a dangerous chair might be an emergency option for someone who needs to get to the doctors while their chair is being repaired.
And then there’s practical things like how you’ll get to whatever protest you’re going to without taking resources from disabled people. Walking across town? Good luck with your second hand chairs crappy batteries. Are you driving? You’ll need a specially adapted van to transport a large powerchair. Don’t have one of those? Wheelchair accessible taxis are really limited in most places. Public transport? Again Wheelchair spaces are in short supply. Don’t be the Ass hole who means a genuinely disabled person can’t get a taxi, bus or train.
But also… You have no idea how to safely handle a large powerchair. Especially in a crowd. I’ve been using a powerchair for all of my independent movement inside and outside for about six or seven years now and am very competent. And even I find manoeuvring in crowds incredibly difficult. People are unpredictable, potholes mean you have to take a different route to the crowd, if someone steps back towards you, how will you react?
My dad who handles my chair semi regularly cannot drive it at anything like full speed if he wants to go in a straight line. If your first time driving a powerchair is at a busy crowded protest, (and especially if you are using it as a weapon!) then you are putting everyone around you at risk, including yourself.
Plus, in the UK at least, it’s illegal to use a powerchair or mobility scooter if you aren’t injured or disabled (unless you’re taking it for repair, delivering it to a user or delivering training) so this is something you can get in trouble for even if you miraculously manage not to injure someone.
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