#construction vaud
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Étude des possibilités de construction - 5'000 CHF HT
Vous avez un terrain constructible et vous voulez démarrer un projet, mais vous ne savez pas exactement quoi construire? Vous voulez acheter un terrain, et vous voulez voir quel type de construction vous pouvez réaliser, et à quel prix? Vous voulez commencer un projet de construction, et vous voulez monter un dossier pour la banque? Pour répondre à ces questions, et aux autres questions de ce…
#Architecte Fribourg#architecte genève#architecte Vaud#architecture#étude des possibilités de construction#chalet valais#construction fribourg#construction genève#construction valais#construction vaud#Genève#maison genève#maison valais#Maison Vaud#villa Genève#villa vaud
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Riex Village (2) (3) by Riex
Via Flickr:
(1) Downtown Riex (2) Once a dairy shop (laiterie), a local farmer used to deliver steel jugs of fresh milk out of his VW bug car emptied of all its passenger seats and still smelling of the barn. (3) Resurfacing the Rodolph Théophile Bosshard village plaza. Cobblestones were originally planned for the whole plaza but local vintners opposed it because the little wheels of winery equipment would not easily roll on them, so only the immediate surrounding of the tree will receive them.
#roaming the streets#buildings#village#ivy#flowers#construction work#trees#around the neighborhood#switzerland#canton of vaud
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More House Vaude Drama Thoughts...
Hi, I'd like to chime in with more House Vaude Drama ramblings given all the recent discussion going around (which I guess was started by me, sorry everyone lol 😂). @lyranova, @loosesodamarble, and @just-a-little-fan-1793, none of you have to read this (and sorry for the tag), but I couldn't figure out whose post would be most appropriate for me to reblog with my added thoughts so I've just decided to create a new post with more thoughts and tag y'all in case you want to see it. 😅
Long story short, the purpose of this post is that I'm not sure how well I explained my own personal feelings on this topic in my original ask (which Lyra so kindly answered and I've gone ahead and linked here) since my big issue with this whole convoluted mess isn't so much that it's a convoluted mess or that I shipped Vanessa with Finral first or even that Finral and Finesse's relationship had some flaws in the way it was presented in the canon. My real problem with all of this is how wrapped up it all is with the possibility of Finral returning House Vaude, his abusive home that he left for extremely good reason. But my thoughts on this topic were really long so I've put most of them below the cut... 😅 Thanks in advance for indulging my ramblings.
(Warnings: Black Clover spoilers and implied/referenced/discussed child abuse and gaslighting. There also are some constructive (but, I will admit, relatively blunt) criticisms of these pairings and how they were handled by the narrative)
I'd like to start by reiterating that I like both the Finral x Vanessa and Finral x Finesse ships, and I'd go so far as to say that I actually really like that romance isn’t the main focus of Black Clover. I truthfully didn't get into shipping in the series that much because it was so sidelined which really allows the strong friendships and familial bonds (especially in those wonderful found families) to shine!
Also, to this point, I love Finral and Vanessa as just platonic friends just like @just-a-little-fan-1793 mentioned (and on some level, honestly might prefer them that way). That said, I still think the manga did a much better job of qualifying their relationship in that way. When I mentioned in my original ask that I felt the anime played up Finral and Vanessa in a romantic sense, I really blame the English dub for that as I feel like the original Japanese anime played things much less flirty and much more familial teasing between them (it's the delivery of some lines, especially the ones in the sea temple). I've seen both, and I think if I had watched the Japanese first, I would have felt similarly that they were just good friends as I really don't have the strongest "romance detector" in the world and tend to default to platonic friendships unless whacked over the head with the romance. 😅😂
For me, some of those exchanges between them were just too flirtatious (in English). Maybe I was just looking through the lens of my own experience knowing that some of my dearest and closest friends are guys and I'm a woman, and I would never ever talk to my guy friends that way, especially if I knew they were as desperate for love as Finral. I realize part of that is just Vanessa being Vanessa but at the same time, it's (arguably) irrefutably that she is Finral's "best friend"...she knows him better than most people which means she knows how at least a part of him is going to take her saying she'd "let [him] take [her] on a date" if they survive the sea temple battle (and so on). It seems unreasonably cruel to tease him like that if she had him firmly in the "Brother Zone." (Not saying she wants to date him just that I felt there was a least the tiniest sliver of potential there for this reason. Even if the potential is barely 0.0001%, it's still more than zero. I just don't think she would've said it to Finral (again because she knows what he's like and how he'd take it), if the potential was zero). This line was not in the manga, so again, I blame the anime for the confusion which I think is a point that Lyra @lyranova and I both really agree on.
To the Finral x Finesse point, I agree with Erika @loosesodamarble that Finral and Finesse's relationship was handled poorly by the narrative in a troubling variety of different ways. Finesse should have (and easily could have) been mentioned sooner and it should have been made clear that Finral really was pining after her this whole time. Also, this "joke" that it's turning into is not funny and is honestly concerning for Finral's mental health, like he's gaslighting himself and we're all supposed to laugh at it?? It's bizarre and I'm really not a fan.
I would like to state for the record however, that my biggest concern with this pairing is not that I prefer Vanessa for Finral (honestly I'm not sure that I do if it was just personality-wise as I like both pairings equally in that respect but the situation things surrounding a Vanessa x Finral relationship are far less troubling to me which is why I think I tend to lean that direction). My biggest concern isn't even that the narrative kind of botched the Fin Fin execution--I'd be willing to forgive that since I do love Finral x Finesse as a pairing, but what I cannot possibly get over is that I can't think of remotely believable situation in which Finral can marry Finesse without going back to House Vaude. She is the king's grandniece, promised in an arranged marriage, and chronically ill. She also is meek and traditional just by nature. She can't and (I would argue) won't just elope with Finral. I'm sorry. I wish that was the case, but it isn't. If/when they try to make an elopement (or a "Finral gets the girl but Langris gets the estate" situation) happen in the canon, it will feel cheap, unrealistic, and/or nonsensical to me, and I say that as someone who actually ships this pairing and wants to root for them (which is a big source of my frustrations). Unless House Vaude miraculously burns to the ground (we can only hope right🤞), Finral will live there if he marries Finesse. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Which leads me to my main issue, I would rather gnaw off a limb than see Finral return to his abusive home, and I honestly say that with very little hyperbole. Now, I'll disclaimer this by saying I have a lot of personal connection to this topic (probably too much to stay level-headed about it) having loved a "Finral" (someone who ran away from an abusive situation in eerily similar circumstances) in real life and that may cloud my judgment a little bit here because, to be frank, the idea of that person returning to their abusive home for any reason at all makes me feel physically ill. Yes, of course, Finral himself is a fictional character, but the sentiment extends to him too because this whole plotline just hit way too close to home for me to the point where I have lost actual sleep worrying about what's going to happen to Finral and if he's going to go back to House Vaude at the end of the series. I realize there is some projecting there on my part (which is why I mentioned it), but it's the biggest reason I don't think I could really cope with a "Finral's happily ever after involves him becoming Head of House Vaude" ending, especially since Finral's romantic interest in Finesse has been handled so poorly by the narrative that they can't even make the (albeit weak) argument that "Well he loves her so much that it's okay he's going back to House Vaude. His love is so strong it'll help him weather the storm of abuse waiting for him when he goes back there." [For the record, that is a terrible, weak argument just objectively and it would be even if Finral x Finesse was the most perfectly handled ship in the history of the universe, but it can't even begin to be made here when he is literally banging his head against a wall yelling at himself that he actually is in love with her like "sHe'S tHe OnLy OnE fOr Me! Why doesn't anyone believe me?" Probably because you look like you're gaslighting yourself, buddy... 🙄 And yes, this is all just a bad joke, I understand, but it's in really poor taste considering what's at stake here is Finral returning to a toxic environment where he was tormented and abused for nearly two decades until he finally escaped in his adulthood. There is absolutely nothing funny in that.]
My heart breaks for Finral and I feel extremely protective of him, so my biggest concern in all of this House Vaude drama is his safety and well-being. I know that going back to House Vaude (no matter what his reasoning) will not be the best thing for him. Even if he believes that's "what he wants," it really isn't what he wants--it's only what he "thinks" that he wants because he has unrealistic expectations of what returning home will be like (See, his whole "I will make Father acknowledge me" speech when he "declares war" on Langris before leaving for the Heart Kingdom). That's not going to happen. That's never going to happen. The harsh reality is that the Lord and Lady Vaude are horrible, awful people who are incapable of unconditional love--a fact which has messed up both of their sons.
I worry about Langris too, of course, but he at least seems to have a better understanding of the reality of this situation than Finral who still keeps blaming himself like it's somehow his fault his father and stepmother don't love him. He still believes he can "earn" their love and just hasn't yet because there's something wrong with him, whereas by this point in the story, I think Langris is aware that there really is not and was never any love there to earn in the first place. Nothing either him or Finral do will ever be enough for Ledior and Liliane. Langris understands this, and Finral doesn't (which as much as I would love to rescue them both from that hellscape, if one of them has to stay, at least Langris knows what he's getting into).
Finesse unfortunately is way too connected to this house, this situation, and these people on account of the arranged marriage. If she was just some random castle town girl who had no connection to the Vaudes whatsoever, I think I'd have had much less of a problem with her being introduced late because Finral could just marry her without involving his horrible relatives at all (and that is the real issue for me here). But unfortunately, that is not the scenario presented to us by the canon. As it is now, Finesse and House Vaude go hand in hand and likely always will. I think Finesse herself knows this which is why she likely gave Finral space all of those years after he left. I like to think she really does love Finral which then begs the question of what she wants because I can almost guarantee you with 99.9% certainty that if she really does love him and has even the tiniest inkling of a sliver of what has gone on in that House Vaude hellscape (which come on, she cares so deeply for both Finral and Langris (however you want to qualify that) and has been around this family for years now, no matter how much her boys try to protect her from it all, she at least knows some of it or can make an educated guess that there's something dark and sinister in that House behind that perfect persona they try to display to the world), she wouldn't want Finral to step one foot back in there for any reason at all but especially not to be with her.
But yes, to be perfectly fair, this really isn't about Finesse personally. I would have concerns about any relationship for Finral if it involved him going back to House Vaude. (Though I'll admit that Langris' involvement in the whole Finesse situation was so unnecessary and has left a sour taste in my mouth, especially since the way things are playing out in the canon it is much easier for me to believe that Langris is the one who really loves her. Just a personal feeling, but it's not one I can give up and even if he acted like a jerk for a lot of the series, there is something unfair and tragic about the idea of Langris who was abused or tortured in House Vaude just like Finral (only in a different way) getting the rug ripped out from under him losing his house, title, what he worked for his entire life, his sense of identity in a way and (possibly) the only woman he has ever loved to his brother (who needs to stay the **** away from all that House Vaude garbage in the first place) but I digress...). Anyway, I think I settled into Finral x Vanessa mainly because it's not even an option for them to go back to House Vaude (not to mention that having been rescued from abuse herself, there is no way in hell she is letting him go back there).
But these are just my own personal feelings and opinions. Everyone perceives and interprets things differently. Like Lyra said, one of the fun parts of being in a fandom is getting to see all the different perspectives and interpretations. Everyone likes what they like, and it honestly would be really boring around here if everyone was exactly the same and liked exactly the same things so I'm really a big believer in (to paraphrase an old adage) just ship and let ship. I've no problem with either of these ships and no problem with anyone who ships both, one or the other, or neither of them. I personally actually like both of them myself. My only problem is Finral going back to his abusive home and as that seems like a more likely possibility with one (and the one that is most likely to be canon), it does leave me with some big concerns and some sour feelings for what otherwise would have/could have/should have been just a very sweet pairing.
Also, I think I'll just wrap things up with a confession that my favorite ship in this entire "House Vaude Cluster" is actually Finesse x Langris, [and it's honestly the only one I could probably drum up actual passion about as a ship in its own right (outside of this convoluted mess of circumstances, I mean)], but that has everything to do with my own personal preferences and the fact that (as I mentioned earlier) it is easiest for me to believe that Langris loves Finesse more than any other possible pairing in this love urchin. It hadn't been mentioned in any of the previous discussion at all, so I'm mentioning it now just to mention it. ^^ That said, it has nothing to do with anything I discussed here, so do with that information what you will. Cheers!! 💙
#acacia's ramblings#house vaude soap opera#spatial mage brothers#my boys 💚💙#dang i haven't gone on a black clover rant in a while...#i'm honestly feeling kind of rusty lol 😅#but I have A LOT of passion for this topic#...clearly...lol 😂#self-indulgence#but gosh i wish it wasn't 🙈
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our affiner davantage votre choix et garantir une expérience de stockage optimale, il est important de considérer des éléments encore plus spécifiques et personnalisés lors de la sélection d'un garde-meuble dans le canton de Vaud. Voici un développement encore plus détaillé sur des aspects souvent négligés mais qui peuvent considérablement améliorer votre expérience.
1. Analyse des besoins spécifiques selon la nature des biens
Vos choix doivent être influencés par le type de biens que vous souhaitez stocker. Voici quelques exemples de catégories de biens et les considérations particulières qui s’appliquent :
Meubles anciens et objets d’antiquité : Ces articles nécessitent des conditions climatiques contrôlées pour éviter les dommages causés par l'humidité et les variations de température. Vérifiez que le garde-meuble dispose de régulateurs de température et de déshumidificateurs.
Appareils électroniques : L'humidité peut être particulièrement néfaste pour les appareils électroniques. Assurez-vous que l'espace de stockage est à l’abri de l’humidité excessive et des risques de condensation.
Œuvres d'art : Les tableaux, sculptures et autres objets d'art nécessitent une protection renforcée. Des systèmes de contrôle de la température et de l'humidité, ainsi qu'une sécurité supplémentaire (comme des détecteurs de mouvement), peuvent être indispensables.
Vêtements et textiles : Optez pour un garde-meuble bien ventilé pour éviter les moisissures. L'utilisation de boîtes en plastique hermétiques et de sachets de dessiccant peut être judicieuse.
2. Considérations environnementales et durabilité
De plus en plus de prestataires prennent des initiatives pour minimiser leur impact environnemental. Si vous êtes sensible aux questions écologiques, vous pourriez rechercher un garde-meuble qui propose :
Énergie renouvelable : Des installations alimentées par des panneaux solaires ou d’autres sources d'énergie renouvelable.
Matériaux durables : Utilisation de matériaux de construction écologiques et de peintures sans solvants pour les espaces de stockage.
Politique de recyclage : Certains garde-meubles offrent des services de recyclage pour les boîtes en carton et d'autres matériaux utilisés lors de l'emballage et du déménagement.
3. Assistance et services sur place
Des services complémentaires peuvent faciliter la gestion et l'accès à vos biens :
Aide au déchargement et au chargement : Certaines entreprises offrent des services d'assistance pour transporter vos biens de votre véhicule à votre box, ce qui est particulièrement utile pour les objets lourds ou encombrants.
Espaces de travail temporaires : Pour les entrepreneurs ou les travailleurs indépendants, certains garde-meubles proposent des espaces de travail temporaires où vous pouvez organiser ou inventorier vos biens.
Espaces communs climatisés : Si vous prévoyez de passer du temps à organiser ou à accéder fréquemment à vos affaires, un espace commun climatisé peut rendre votre visite plus agréable.
4. Technologie et gestion à distance
L’ère numérique permet à certains garde-meubles d’offrir des solutions innovantes pour améliorer l'expérience des utilisateurs :
Application mobile : De nombreux garde-meubles modernes disposent d’applications qui permettent de gérer l'accès à votre box, de recevoir des notifications de sécurité et même de visualiser l’état de votre espace de stockage via des caméras intégrées.
Clé électronique et contrôle à distance : L'accès via des codes temporaires ou des badges électroniques qui peuvent être gérés à distance offre une sécurité et une flexibilité supplémentaires, notamment si plusieurs personnes doivent accéder au box.
Inventaire digital : Certaines entreprises offrent des services où elles créent un inventaire digital de vos biens, facilitant la gestion et la localisation des articles dans le box.
5. Gestion des espaces de stockage partagés
Dans certains cas, le partage d’un espace de stockage peut être une option économique, notamment si vous ne remplissez pas un box entier :
Co-location de box : Cela permet de partager un espace avec un membre de la famille ou un ami tout en divisant les coûts. Assurez-vous que la sécurité et la confidentialité sont maintenues avec des séparations physiques ou des codes d'accès distincts.
Sections privatisées dans un grand espace : Certaines entreprises proposent des espaces plus vastes divisés en sections pour les petits entrepôts personnels, ce qui peut offrir un bon compromis entre coût et flexibilité.
6. Normes de sécurité avancées
Pour des biens très précieux ou pour les personnes soucieuses de la sécurité, il existe des garde-meubles qui offrent des normes de sécurité encore plus élevées :
Reconnaissance biométrique : Certains garde-meubles de haute sécurité proposent un accès par empreinte digitale ou reconnaissance faciale.
Coffres sécurisés : Pour des objets de très haute valeur comme des bijoux, des documents importants ou des œuvres d'art de petite taille, il est possible de louer des coffres sécurisés au sein du garde-meuble.
Contrôles périodiques de sécurité : Des rondes de sécurité et des inspections périodiques des boxes garantissent qu'aucun dommage ou incident ne passe inaperçu.
7. Organisation et optimisations avancées de l'espace
Optimiser l’espace de votre box peut permettre de réduire les coûts tout en stockant un maximum de biens :
Systèmes de rangement sur mesure : Certains garde-meubles offrent des solutions d’aménagement sur mesure qui incluent des étagères ajustables, des compartiments et des tiroirs.
Empilage sécurisé : Pour éviter que les objets ne se détériorent ou tombent, des structures d'empilage sécurisées peuvent être installées. L’utilisation de barres transversales et de séparateurs empêche les cartons ou autres articles de glisser.
Protection des sols et des parois : Pour protéger vos objets des dommages potentiels, il peut être utile de couvrir le sol et les parois de votre box avec des tapis spéciaux ou des revêtements antidérapants.
8. Services à valeur ajoutée pour les professionnels
Les entreprises et les professionnels peuvent avoir des besoins de stockage spécifiques :
Archivage sécurisé : Des espaces dédiés aux archives papier et numériques avec un accès restreint et sécurisé.
Réception de marchandises : Un service permettant la réception de marchandises directement au garde-meuble, pratique pour les commerçants en ligne.
Gestion des stocks en temps réel : Certains prestataires offrent un service de gestion des stocks, y compris la numérisation et le suivi des entrées et sorties.
9. Relation client et suivi personnalisé
La qualité de la relation client est un point souvent négligé, mais qui peut faire la différence :
Consultation personnalisée : Un conseiller peut vous aider à évaluer vos besoins en espace et en services.
Suivi régulier : Des contacts réguliers pour s'assurer que tout se passe bien, y compris des rappels pour la prolongation du contrat ou la vérification des conditions de stockage.
Services VIP : Pour les clients réguliers ou les professionnels, certains prestataires proposent des services VIP comme des espaces de stockage prioritaires ou une assistance dédiée.
Conclusion ultime
En intégrant tous ces critères supplémentaires, vous pourrez faire un choix éclairé en matière de garde-meuble dans le canton de Vaud. Les options sont vastes et peuvent répondre à des besoins très divers, que vous soyez un particulier avec des biens précieux ou une entreprise cherchant à optimiser ses stocks. N'hésitez pas à visiter plusieurs installations, à poser des questions précises et à lire attentivement les conditions contractuelles pour garantir que votre choix final soit parfaitement adapté à vos attentes et à vos impératifs logistiques.
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La ville de Lausanne, située au bord du lac Léman en Suisse, a une histoire riche et complexe qui remonte à plusieurs millénaires. Capitale du canton de Vaud, Lausanne est aujourd'hui une métropole dynamique, mais son passé est marqué par des influences celtes, romaines, médiévales et modernes. Ce guide retrace les principales étapes de l'évolution historique de Lausanne, depuis ses origines jusqu'à l'époque contemporaine.
1. Les origines préhistoriques et celtiques
La région de Lausanne était habitée dès la préhistoire, comme en témoignent les vestiges d'habitations lacustres datées de l'âge du bronze découverts au bord du lac Léman. Ces peuplements palafittes (maisons sur pilotis) révèlent que les premiers habitants étaient déjà installés près des rives du lac, profitant des ressources naturelles de l'eau.
Plus tard, les Helvètes, une tribu celtique, occupèrent la région. Ce peuple indigène vivait principalement de l'agriculture et du commerce, notamment grâce à la proximité du lac Léman qui favorisait les échanges avec d'autres peuples celtes et méditerranéens.
2. Lausanne à l'époque romaine : Lousonna
Au Ier siècle avant J.-C., l'Empire romain conquit la région des Helvètes, et Lausanne devint un site stratégique sous le nom de Lousonna. Ce nom est à l'origine du nom actuel de Lausanne. Les Romains établirent un port sur le site actuel de Vidy, à quelques kilomètres de l'emplacement de la ville moderne, et en firent un point de commerce important sur les routes reliant l'Italie et la Gaule.
Lousonna était alors un petit bourg romain doté d'infrastructures caractéristiques de l'Empire : thermes, théâtre, marché et habitations. Des fouilles archéologiques à Vidy ont révélé des vestiges de cette période, dont des mosaïques et des pièces de monnaie. Le port romain permit à Lausanne de s'intégrer pleinement dans le réseau commercial de l'Empire romain.
3. La Lausanne médiévale : entre pouvoirs ecclésiastiques et seigneuriaux
Après la chute de l'Empire romain au Ve siècle, la région tomba sous l'influence des Burgondes, un peuple germanique qui établit son royaume sur les terres helvétiques. Au VIe siècle, la christianisation de la région donna un rôle central à l'Église dans le développement de la ville.
Le siège épiscopal fut déplacé à Lausanne au IXe siècle, faisant de la ville un centre religieux important. La construction de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Lausanne débuta au XIIe siècle et elle devint l'une des plus grandes cathédrales gothiques de Suisse. L'influence de l'Église était telle que les évêques de Lausanne jouissaient de pouvoirs temporels et gouvernaient la ville comme des seigneurs locaux. Ce pouvoir seigneurial dura plusieurs siècles.
Au Moyen Âge, Lausanne se développa sur la colline de la Cité, s'éloignant du port romain de Vidy pour des raisons de sécurité. Les fortifications furent renforcées pour protéger la ville des attaques et des rivalités entre seigneurs locaux. La ville devint un carrefour commercial grâce à sa position stratégique entre les Alpes et le plateau suisse.
4. La période bernoise : la Réforme et la domination des Bernois
Au XVIe siècle, la Réforme protestante bouleversa Lausanne. En 1536, la ville fut conquise par les troupes de Berne, un canton protestant, qui imposa la Réforme à Lausanne. Les Bernois mirent fin à l'autorité des évêques catholiques et prirent le contrôle de la ville, l'intégrant à leur territoire. La cathédrale de Lausanne fut transformée en temple protestant.
Sous la domination bernoise (1536-1798), Lausanne perdit son rôle politique mais devint un centre intellectuel et spirituel du protestantisme. L'Académie de Lausanne, fondée en 1537, joua un rôle majeur dans la formation des pasteurs et des intellectuels réformés. Cet établissement est aujourd'hui l'Université de Lausanne.
5. La Révolution vaudoise et l'indépendance de Lausanne
En 1798, les Vaudois se révoltèrent contre la domination bernoise, soutenus par les armées françaises de Napoléon Bonaparte. Lausanne devint alors la capitale du canton de Vaud, intégré à la nouvelle République helvétique. Cette période marqua la fin de la domination bernoise et le début d'une nouvelle ère pour Lausanne, qui retrouva son indépendance politique.
6. Le XIXe siècle : Lausanne moderne et industrialisation
Le XIXe siècle fut marqué par l'essor industriel et l'urbanisation de Lausanne. La ville s'agrandit rapidement et se transforma en un centre économique important. Les nouvelles infrastructures, telles que la gare (ouverture en 1856) et le port d'Ouchy, relièrent Lausanne au reste de la Suisse et de l'Europe, stimulant ainsi le commerce et l'industrie locale.
L'arrivée du chemin de fer et la construction d'hôtels prestigieux renforcèrent également la réputation de Lausanne comme destination touristique prisée par l'élite européenne, attirant des personnalités telles que Victor Hugo, Lord Byron et Charles Dickens.
Durant cette période, Lausanne devint aussi un centre intellectuel et artistique, avec la création de nombreux établissements culturels et académiques.
7. Lausanne au XXe siècle : Capitale olympique et ville internationale
Au XXe siècle, Lausanne poursuivit son développement et s’affirma comme une ville internationale. En 1915, le Comité International Olympique (CIO) s'installa à Lausanne sous l'impulsion de Pierre de Coubertin, faisant de la ville la capitale mondiale du mouvement olympique. Cet événement renforça le statut de Lausanne comme un centre international du sport et du dialogue entre nations. En 1993, la ville accueillit également le Musée Olympique, renforçant son lien avec les Jeux Olympiques.
Le XXe siècle vit également la diversification de l'économie lausannoise, avec un développement accru du secteur des services, en particulier dans l'éducation et la recherche. L’Université de Lausanne et l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) sont devenues des institutions de renom international, attirant des étudiants et des chercheurs du monde entier.
8. Lausanne aujourd'hui : une ville dynamique et internationale
Aujourd'hui, Lausanne est une ville moderne, prospère et multiculturelle. Elle est reconnue pour sa qualité de vie exceptionnelle, son dynamisme économique et son rayonnement culturel. Capitale du canton de Vaud, elle joue un rôle central dans la région lémanique, un pôle économique et technologique majeur de Suisse.
La ville continue d’être un centre international pour le sport et accueille de nombreuses organisations sportives internationales, notamment le Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (TAS). Elle attire également des visiteurs grâce à son patrimoine historique, ses festivals culturels (comme le Festival de la Cité), et ses institutions académiques de premier plan.
Lausanne est une ville qui a su évoluer au fil des siècles, de ses origines celtiques à son statut actuel de capitale internationale du sport et de l'éducation. Elle allie une histoire riche et un dynamisme moderne, offrant à ses habitants et visiteurs un cadre unique, entre lac et montagnes, tout en conservant son patrimoine historique et ses traditions.
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Engineers facilitate the restoration of lake deltas
06.03.24 - Engineers from EPFL and partner organizations have developed a method for classifying lacustrine deltas based on morphological parameters, in order to determine which of the deltas severely altered by human activity are best suited for restoration to their natural state. The Reuss delta on the edge of Lake Lucerne is once again a nature-lover’s paradise, complete with gravel islands and stretches of shallow water where plants, animals and bathers coexist in harmony. Thanks to a series of restoration projects, engineers have been able to recreate the delta’s natural ecosystem, fostering biodiversity and helping to protect the shoreline. It’s a far cry from the riprap that had previously dominated the landscape. The Reuss delta is one example of the lacustrine delta restauration work that Alexandre Fourrier studied as an environmental engineering student at EPFL’s School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC). For his in-company Master’s project, he investigated morphological processes in lacustrine deltas. His research was supervised by Giovanni De Cesare, the operational director of EPFL’s Hydraulic Constructions Platform, Marina Launay from the Gruner engineering firm, and Stéphanie André from Vaud Canton’s department of the environment. They developed a new method that can drastically simplify the preliminary studies performed by engineers ahead of restoration work. The study findings were published recently in Ecological Engineering. In 2011, Switzerland passed an amendment to its water protection act making it mandatory to restore watercourses such as rivers and streams. This led to the implementation of restoration plans for the country’s large rivers such as the Rhone, Reuss and Aar. In Vaud Canton, over 40 kilometers of watercourses have been restored since 2014. The law also applies to lakeshores and lacustrine deltas – and this poses particular challenges for Lake Geneva, where only 3% of the shore is still in its natural state. Alexandre Fourrier and Giovanni De Cesare are taking measurements in the Chamberonne delta on the shores of Lake Geneva.© 2024 EPFL/Alain Herzog Reconnecting rivers and lakes Since the late 19th century, anthropization – the alteration of natural environments by human activity – has been taking place on a growing scale. One example is the construction of dams to prevent flooding. Often, anthropization involves building farms, manufacturing plants and infrastructure on river deltas. “Today, restoring these deltas means opening up dikes and creating space for a range of habitats to develop that can support biodiversity,” says Fourrier. “It also means allowing rivers to flow back into lacustrine deltas, which all have their own dynamics. This would allow the sediment carried in river water to be deposited at the river mouth, thus helping to prevent the erosion caused by waves and lacustrine currents.” He offers a telling example: “Anthropization in the Reuss delta has caused the shoreline to recede by over 100 meters.” The method that Fourrier and his colleagues developed has the advantage of being particularly easy to use, since it relies on just two parameters. “Engineers can use it to evaluate a delta’s restoration potential by entering the slope of the upstream watercourse and the opening angle of the delta,” he says. The method can also help determine the space required for the water course to fulfill its natural functions. The method results in a diagram like the ones used to classify rivers according to their morphology. “Alexandre’s approach is a genuine breakthrough because this type of classification had never been done before for river deltas,” says De Cesare. Experts at Gruner had identified the need for such an approach based on restoration projects they had carried out in conjunction with Vaud Canton. The evolution of the Reuss delta on the edge of Lake Lucerne between 2022 and 1937.© Swisstopo Traveling through time… http://actu.epfl.ch/news/engineers-facilitate-the-restoration-of-lake-delta (Source of the original content)
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www.mtfgboutique.com #mtfg #mtfgconstruction #mtfgboutique #mtfgservices #mtfgproduits #mtfgpointdevente5159 #mtfgpointdevente5016 #mybusiness #mtfglocal #mtfgshop #materiauxdeconstruction #construction #batiment #vaud #cantondevaud #suisse #switzerland #lemontsurlausanne #chemindelongeraie (à MTFG Point de vente 5016) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLteZaphClr/?igshid=1r6dchz22u1eh
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Works: “Illegal” construction site closed in the center of Pully - News Vaud & Regions: Lausanne & Region
Works: “Illegal” construction site closed in the center of Pully – News Vaud & Regions: Lausanne & Region
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A construction site is causing a stir in downtown Pully, a few meters from the train station. Neighbors alerted authorities, intrigued by suspicious renovations to a rental building on Avenue C.-F.-Ramuz. The town planning official, Nicolas Leuba, calls the work illegal. He went up very much.
“This unscrupulous owner did not have a building permit,” he said. In December and…
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While we're on the subject of sustainability, I'm hoping to get another season out of these VauDe cycling shoes. They're not a great piece of kit (they saw through laces at a terrific rate, the soles are a bit thin, and they take a long time to dry out). The immediate problem, though, is the way the bonded construction is starting to fail, so after a thorough clean I've blobbed on a load of Shoe Goo. Let's see if it's as good as it's cracked up to be.
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Agriculture made with VIRTUE - A New Endeavour by the Nordic Empire.
Montreux, Vaud Mar 22, 2021 (Issuewire.com) - “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” As the quote says, people don’t end the race when they reach their destination of success. We always intend to get better or reach new heights. The same goes for the VIRTUE Group. Over 10 years ago they have launched the world-famous Super Network & VIRTUE Clan, which today is the umbrella and foundation for their sister companies and projects.
The increase and demand for our daily needs never end. Everyone says that there are two important days in life, the day when you are born, and the day when you find the reason for it. This not only suits an individual but also for a Company or Organization. VIRTUE Clan has been described by multiple sources as a full-service premium network, ecosystem, media-house, and intelligence agency focused on international relations and brand development in multiple countries. Today we are convinced that the VIRTUE group is not willing to stop there as they are now embarking on a new journey with their latest sister company - VIRTUEFix.com.
After almost eight years of uninterrupted growth, Norway’s housing market is now stabilizing. The inflation-adjusted nationwide house price index rose slightly by 0.69% during the year to Q3 2019, after a y-o-y decline of 0.45% in Q2 2019, a growth of 0.04% in Q1 2019, and annual falls of 1.05% in Q4 2018 and 0.32% in Q3 2018. (Source: GlobalPropertyGuide)
VIRTUEFix is a company based out of Norway, manufactured with a b2b model in mind and they believe today is the perfect time to invest in the agriculture industry. The collective is focusing on the; i.e Corporate Market offering fundamental services like Housing & RE Services, Corporate and Private Transport Services across Northern and Central Europe, Maintenance & Storage Services: Home & Workspace Maintenance, Outdoor Home Maintenance, Tailored Storage Services, Power Washing Services, Fire & Floor Protection, Garage Maintenance, and Dryer Vent Cleaning; and Development & Construction services.
VIRTUEFix is an innovative company fulfilling its obligations with a documented team of highly qualified and experienced specialists providing a variety of services. The company will mainly serve the corporate market, but the workers state that their transport services would extend to VIP services with celebrity transport services across Europe by early 2022.
From VIRTUE: “After two years of planning this launch, we are finally ready to share “VIRTUEFix“ with the rest of the world. The company will focus on supplying corporate and private services to our Northern and Central Europe clients. Services ranging from real estate development, housing, maintenance, and transport. The entity itself consists of a trinity of carefully picked out organisations all coming together under one umbrella brand, The VIRTUEFix. This will allow us to supply our clients in over ten different industries and help us widen our reach and network within new and exciting areas. VIRTUEFix is about to be officially launched on the 11th of April 2021.”
With the explicit aim of investigating alternative vehicle technologies to reduce the environmental impact of transport, the (TOSCA 2011) study conducted transport demand projections for passengers and freight up to 2050, for the EU27. Like TransVision (2009), the TOSCA (2011) study also used the TRANS-TOOLS modelling tool and assumed three scenarios: a) a reference/baseline scenario (with the continuation of the existing socio-economic trends); b) a challenging scenario (with economic prosperity resulting in higher emission reduction targets); and c) a favourable scenario (with a period of economic vulnerability resulting in a reduction in emission targets). This is a market that is ever-changing and we are looking forward to seeing a new generation joining the world of agriculture and what it can bring for the future of the world.
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Ancient Remains From 6,500-Year-Old Graves Found by Archeologists in Switzerland
Archeologists have unearthed eight prehistoric tombs, between 5,500 and 6,500 years old, in the heart of a Swiss town, but construction work has severely damaged three of them.
The site is the location of a famous necropolis in the Swiss town of Pully, which lies in the suburbs of the city of Lausanne in Vaud Canton, on the shores of Lake Geneva. The last discoveries reported in this district of Pully were made in 1984, according to state authorities.
A team of experts was sent in to check on the site while new construction work was underway in the area. They discovered eight new graves on Chemin de Verney Street dating back to the Neolithic period, between 4,500 and 3,500 B.C.
The site was first discovered over a century ago by Swiss archeologist, historian and architect Albert Naef (1862–1936), a native of Lausanne.
The necropolis lies near the site of a previous discovery, in 1826, of 30 tombs dating back to the Neolithic period. Unfortunately, the artifacts from the Pierraz-Portay site were poorly preserved, so few of them remain.
"Archaeological monitoring of the work on Chemin de Verney, entrusted to the company Archeodunum SA, was carried out between 28th June and 17th August 2021," Vaud Canton authorities said in a statement. "In an area of barely 10 square meters [32.8 square feet], eight vault tombs, made of molasse slabs, [were] unearthed."
"Molasse" typically refers to sandstone, shale and other forms of stone that result from new mountain chains forming and rising. They are often found in the Alps and the Himalayas.
"They appeared at a shallow depth, and their cover slabs, which were very fragmented, were only very partially preserved. Two graves were intact in the center of the trench, the others having suffered damage caused by recent digging in connection with urban networks," authorities said.
Only three tombs yielded skeletal remains, in the form of skulls, according to the statement.
Graves that weren't likely to be affected by the construction work were "protected and left in situ."
Vaud Canton authorities said the new sarcophagi represent a rare opportunity to complete the mapping of the necropolis, which still remains "difficult to fathom," given the absence of "extensive, recent digs" at the site.
By Joseph Golder.
#Ancient Remains From 6500-Year-Old Graves Found by Archeologists in Switzerland#neolithic period#archeology#history#history news#ancient civilizations#tombs#graves#buried
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Étude des possibilités de construction - 600 CHF HT.
Étude des possibilités de construction – 600 CHF HT.
Vous avez un terrain et vous voulez décider si ça vaut la peine (ou pas) d’y faire un projet de construction? Vous avez un terrain agricole et vous voulez savoir s’il reste encore une réserve à bâtir?Vous voulez acheter un terrain, et avant de vous lancer vous voulez savoir ce qu’il sera possible d’y construire? Pour répondre à vos besoins, je vous offre maintenant un service d’étude de…

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The little mermaid inspiration castle.
Chillon Castle in its current form is the result of several centuries of construction and redevelopment. The excavations carried out from the end of the 19th century, particularly those led by archaeologist Albert Naef (1862-1936), indicate that the site has been occupied since the Bronze Age.

The rocky island on which the castle sits constituted both a form of natural protection and a strategic positioning to control passage from the north to the south of Europe. The castle took on the oval shape of the genuine island upon which it was built. It is approximately 100m long and 50m wide. It also took its name from the rock; the word ‘Chillon’ meant ‘rocky platform’ in an ancient language.
The history of the castle is marked by three great periods: those of the Savoy family, the Bernese bailiffs and the Canton of Vaud.

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Hello there, Acacia! I hope you're doing well. And since I saw you were doing it too, I thought to reach out and ask if you would be willing to answer questions 6, 20, and 25 for the fic writer ask game?
Thank you so much for the well wishes and for your ask, Erika! 💙 I appreciate it very much! 🥰
My answers got a little long so I've included them below the cut!
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction?
I think it depends on the fandom since certain ones seem to have more fics on particular sites (which seems to correlate to how old the fandom is). Most of the time I will search by character or pairing and then rating (and/or tags as well if I'm on AO3 which I only started using more regularly earlier this year since there seems to be quite a bit more Black Clover fic on there than other places), and then I will go through these binges where I'll read whatever I can find (that is my cup of tea) about that particular character or pairing. Other times, I will really like a particular writer's work: their style and/or interpretation of the character(s) and will read through most of their writing on topics that interest or intrigue me. Additionally, I try to read and comment on something by each author who comments constructively on any of my fics when we write for the same fandom (or a fandom that I know), so I have found a lot of my favourite fics that I probably wouldn't have read otherwise that way. Now that I've started spending more time on Tumblr, I've definitely been reading more fic on here as well.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
I definitely enjoy the brainstorming stage the most, I think. It's lots of fun to play with different ideas, and I really enjoy imagining what the characters would say or do if thrown into these different scenarios. When I have time, I try to walk through the scene in my mind before I write it, and depending on how it goes (often times there is some sort of breakdown that has to be reworked), I'll get to explore several different possibilities for the scene. I have lots of fun playing with that!
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
YES! All the time! I am so happy I got asked this question. Thank you so much! 🥰 Music is a huge inspiration for me usually (and a lot of my fic and/or fic chapter titles actually come from songs I listened to while I was working on the particular story).
Since I usually write shorter fics, I only listen to a handful of songs (sometimes only one) per story, but my multi-chapter fic ideas would definitely get their own playlist (I just haven't had the time for any big projects like that yet). I have playlists I've made for certain characters or groups (like the Black Bulls for instance) and these songs will often appear on those though [For instance, at least a third of my Langris Vaude playlist (linked here in case anyone is curious) is made up of songs I listened to while I was working on "Wine Therapy"]. Sometimes the inspiration is more about the vibe of the song or just one line or stanza rather than the whole thing though. I will listen to the song(s) on repeat during the brainstorming and outlining phase, but generally will turn the music off when I'm writing (unless it is classical/doesn't have words) so I don't get distracted and start writing song lyrics accidentally...😅
Since I don't have a playlist for any particular fic I've written yet, I've decided to link a couple of songs that inspired the titles for some of my fanfictions below instead:
"Pancakes for Dinner" by Lizzy McAlpine was the first song to inspire a title for one of my Black Clover fics and inspired my first ever Rillmy story (also featuring Charmy's friendships with Finral and Vanessa). Tumblr Link Here.
"Maybe My Soulmate Died" by: iamnotshane inspired a YamiChar soulmate tattoo AU written for YamiChar Week 2022. Tumblr link here.
"Broken Angel" by: Boyce Avenue inspired an Astelle role-reversal AU where Noelle is the one without magic for Astelle Week 2022. AO3 link here.
As an added bonus, Langris actually plays this piece in "Through a Rainy Window" (AO3 link here), and I listened to this song so much while working on that story that it actually made it in my Spotify wrapped for the year 😅
Thank you so much again for the ask! Cheers!! 💖
#answered asks#thank you for the ask!!#erika 💙#i love listening to music when i'm wrangling fic ideas--maybe too much... 😅#fic writing ask game
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La Fondation Gourgas a ouvert le premier hôpital pour enfants en 1872 à Genève. Il était situé dans un modeste pavillon sis rue Gourgas. Ce projet, instigué par Mademoiselle Vernet, était novateur pour l’époque car il n’existait alors aucun hôpital destiné à la seule enfance. Dès sa création, «Gourgas» a accueilli de nombreux enfants de Genève, de Savoie, de Haute-Savoie, du département de l’Ain et de toutes régions longtemps sous-équipées en hôpitaux réservés à l’enfance.
La bonne réputation de «Gourgas» s’est peu à peu consolidée, notamment avec la prise en charge des soins et la gestion de l’établissement par les sœurs protestantes de l’Institution des Diaconesses de St-Loup (Vaud) dès 1877. Cette précieuse collaboration durera jusqu’en 1991.
Durant les années 1950, une clinique pédiatrique moderne s’est ouverte à Genève. Dans le même temps, la France se dotait d’une Sécurité Sociale performante et construisait progressivement un bon réseau d’hôpitaux.
Les besoins auxquels «Gourgas» avait su répondre durant 85 ans avaient changé de nature et l’Institution développa de nouvelles activités. Elle vint en aide à de nombreux enfants d’Afrique et d’Asie souffrant d’une malformation cardiaque congénitale et ne pouvant être opérés dans leur pays faute d’infrastructures médicales. Ce programme a été développé en partenariat avec l’organisation Terre des Hommes.
Au fil des générations, plusieurs médecins genevois et bénévoles se sont succédés à «Gourgas». Parmi eux, le Dr Edouard Martin puis ses descendants Charles et Raymond Martin-du-Pan, René Christen et les Docteurs Audéoud, Boissonnas, Oltramare, Gampert, Thélin, Gautier, Mégevand, Maherzi, Paunier, qui pratiquèrent la médecine, la pédiatrie et la chirurgie.
Autour des années 1970, la nécessité d’un nouveau changement se fit sentir. Il devint évident que malgré les dons et legs souvent généreux, les ressources de «Gourgas » ne suffisaient plus à assumer le prix de la journée d’un malade. Il fallait donc envisager de quitter un bâtiment de plus en plus vétuste et bien lourd à entretenir. C’est pourquoi les responsables de «Gourgas» donnèrent suite à l’offre d’achat de ses terrains par la Ville de Genève.
Afin de continuer sa mission, Gourgas se constitua en fondation et développa un partenariat avec l’Hôpital de la Tour à Genève dont la construction allait commencer. Pendant une trentaine d’années, la Tour abrita une section pédiatrique d’une quinzaine de lits dans une aile moderne et efficace baptisée «Pavillon Gourgas». Celle-ci a accueilli les enfants souffrant de malformations cardiaques adressés par Terre des Hommes, pour les séjours précédents et suivant leur opération cardiaque aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève. Le Dr Maherzi puis le Dr Reinhard, membres du comité de la Fondation Gourgas, assurèrent le bon fonctionnement de ce service de pédiatrie jusqu’à fin de l’année 2006.
Actuellement, le service comprend une unité d’urgence, huit lits d’hospitalisation, ainsi que diverses consultations pédiatriques. La Fondation Gourgas permet d’accueillir en hospitalisation d’urgence des enfants habitant à proximité de l’hôpital mais n’ayant pas d’assurance complémentaire pour un séjour à l’Hôpital de la Tour. En 2006, l’Hôpital de la Tour décida de cesser la collaboration établie avec Terre des Hommes. Le département de Pédiatrie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) reprit alors cette activité. Un accord fut conclu avec les HUG et l’action Terre des Hommes demeure son engagement le plus substantiel.
L’institution Gourgas a su s’adapter de façon remarquable pour subsister jusqu’à nos jours: 145 ans d’existence constitutent un enviable record puisqu’aujourd’hui encore, la Fondation Gourgas continue à venir au secours de l’enfance malade et défavorisée à Genève, sans distinction de sexe, de nationalité ou de religion.
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Pont d'Aigremont 🇨🇭 (VD) H15 - Sur la route des Diablerets (construction 1974-1975) 🎥25.01.23
#pont #aigremont #diablerets #vaud #switzerland🇨🇭#photographie #swissdrone #chablais #dji
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