#constant caveat that i dont really know anything im just hanging out
bsaka7 · 1 year
tetra i need to ask and im asking thru here in case this helps anyone else: do you listen to any arsenal podcasts ?? ive had aftv recommended to me but i wonder if theres anything else out there thats worth listening to
i am so honored u came to me but i am NOT a huge podcast listener so I can really only give you one! I have become a recent fairly regularly listener to a handful of the suite of footie podcasts from The Athletic which includes the Arsenal podcast Handbrake Off. The episodes are reasonably short (30-45 minutes usually), which I like. It's chatty between Ian Stone (comedian), Amy Lawrence, and Adrian Clarke (ex-footballer who came through the Arsenal academy in the 90s), and I think also Art de Roche occasionally. I just read Invincible by Amy Lawrence about the 03-04 season and she's got a really, really lovely way of speaking about the team and the game, so I especially like hearing from her. They have like a neat little...gimmicky structure that I sort of enjoy by starting with kind of a silly icebreaker -> 2 segments of footie talk -> ending with a "representative" song from each of them. I wouldn't say it's the greatest podcast of all time, but it sort of hits on what I want (different-ish perspectives, knowledgeable, fannish but not crazy, fairly reasonable). so hopefully that's a little useful to u?
I've been recommended Arseblog Arsecast by @longeyelashedtragedy but the episodes are way too long for me (1-1.5hrs), so I haven't actually listened....if anyone else has any comments on which pods they like and why, please weigh in!!!!
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