f1newgems · 1 year
Not sainz saying 5 second is too harsh when because of him half the grid crashed out
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All the Blue color questions for Ferde
Blue - Are you a creative person? How do you like to be creative?
“I consider myself creative. I paint, I try new experiments, I commit mild felonies, you know, regular stuff.”
Peacock - Are you a more flashy person, or do you like to blend in?
“If my fucking survival didn’t depend on blending in sometimes I vouldn’t vear a single zhing zhat vasn’t neon, sparkly, and-or revealing.”
Sky - What is your favorite time of the day?
“My favourite time of day is night.”
Arctic - Do you prefer warm or cool weather?
“Varm. It’s nice and bright and comfortable.”
Cerulean- What is your favorite way to cool down in hot weather?
“Taking off my clozhes and possibly a cold shower.”
Baby (blue) - Would you consider having children? If so, how many?
Periwinkle -  Would you consider yourself to be a good parent? what do you think a good parent should be?
*seven minutes of laughter*
“Fuck, you zhink I can answer zhat?”
Denim - What is your fashion style?
“My fashion style is loud and yes.”
Navy - have you ever been on a boat/sailing? does it exist in your world? did you enjoy it?
“I’ve been on a boat once and I had no ticket and I vas cramped and sick and it vas terrible.”
Ultramarine - What is your favorite aquatic creature? (if they exist)
“Oh man, it’s a tie betveen dolphins, cuttlefish, octopi, and jellyfish.”
Cobalt - Do you live in a world with freedom? Describe your opinion on the subject
“Eh, humans are pretty shit. I mean, define freedom? Everyvone’s free if you don’t care about/believe in conseqvences enough.”
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cemeteryfun · 8 years
You know what I want to do??? I want to go to a fucking party and relax, and feel good. And fuck people I just fucking met without giving a fuck about any conseqvences. I haven't done that in a fucking while, and I want to.. It's a nice empowering thing. But no, instead I am stuck in this stupid fucking house.
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cemeteryfun · 8 years
You fucking tortured me, consider that you didn't get any fucking conseqvences
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cemeteryfun · 8 years
Yes the fucking conseqvences of taking someone to a fucking spot and sitting on the fucking sofa. Clearly I deserve to be fucking blinded. Fuck you
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marinescoffee-blog · 10 years
You killed your brother — to save me.
in which gibbs finally vocalizes exactly what ziva did
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marinescoffee-blog · 10 years
Tumblr media
——out. look at all you losers sleeping at your desks some protective detail you are, punks
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