#consequently though anon it does mean you can read like 4 million more words of mine for free dfsalkfjas
not-poignant · 2 years
Hey pia
I've just finished reading both your Perth Shifter books in just 1 weekend because they were SO. GOOD.
Would you ever write oneshots of Braden's second heat with Coll and Aodhan's first heat with Thomas or the first time they have sex?
Also, Hunter. I think I've fallen in love with the sad alpha boi 😭 Will he be getting his own book one day?
Thanks for taking the time to answer and I hope you have a nice December/Christmas
Eeee hi anon!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the Perth Shifters books! That makes me so so happy.
Unfortunately for now, everything to do with Perth Shifters is kind of benched since The Gentle Wolf bombed financially. (To give you some perspective, I make more in a month on Patreon than I have in The Gentle Wolf's entire lifetime).
I really want to write Hunter's book, but if I do, it'll probably be via Patreon first as a serial since that's definitely the way I tend to do things! I already have a playlist and a name for his book and like... I know who his partner will be and I have a plot, so it's mostly just down to...whether I want to take a huge financial risk like that again, and in today's economic climate I can't justify it. Unfortunately my books just do not do as well as my serials! And for similar reasons writing oneshots of like Braden/Coll and Aodhan/Thomas are also harder to justify. Like I don't *only* write for money, but that was the *main* reason I wrote the Perth Shifters books, so if they don't make an income, they have to give way to the stuff I like writing most at the moment that *also* keep me going economically. :D But I have not forgotten about Hunter! He's just...having a break for a little while, lol.
If you're interested in more omegaverse from me though, I'm writing an original (and completely free) serial right now which uses some of the same biology and other worldbuilding (though it's more dystopian), and is even still set in Western Australia, in my Underline the Black series!
I tend to write a lot of the same kind of vibes in my serial writing (trauma recovery, hurt/comfort, happy endings), so you may enjoy it! And if you only like finished stories there's a lot of those there too. :D
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