#connor ats
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calliopeos · 2 months ago
In the comics Angel LITERALLY SAYS that Connor is his true love and yet - AND YET!!! the show did nothing with that??
Angel looks at his son - a child who shouldn’t exist and is quite literally a miracle - and that’s not the happiest moment of his life???
Connor laughs at his vamp face!! That’s not the happiest moment of his life?? That his son doesn’t see him as the monster he believes he is??
I JUST!!!!!
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genericaces · 10 months ago
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i don't know how to draw anymore (original comic)
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thequeenofsastiel · 3 months ago
I just listed the characters that were all in the title sequence at one point or another.
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justafriendofxanders · 1 year ago
the tragedy of dawn btvs and connor ats is that their lives are both "lies," only with dawn it's that all those things did not actually happen to her and with connor it's that all of those things did, in fact, happen to him, except the good stuff, which did not. tragic "annoying" buffyverse teens get behind me, i will protect you
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xaeyrnofnbe · 3 months ago
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the most fearsome vampire in history, everybody
(please reblog if you like!)
while i DEFINITELY have my complaints about their arc and how connor was handled in general (among other things,) i really do think he had a lot of potential as a character, plus i ADORED this scene, and just simply had to draw it
idk just. this terrifying monster that loved eating babies has a baby of his own and becomes the dorkiest dad around, what's not to love about that
the drawing took me a little over 2 hours and i'm kinda out of practice with humanoids, but it is what it is and i think i'm happy with the end result
based on this painting (couldn't find a specific source for it :/// but i did look)
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paarthursass · 4 months ago
I still have issues with how they wrote Connor in season 3-4 (they relied far too much on having him be manipulated by people, and after a point it became extremely frustrating to watch, and also I do think a kid raised by a guy from the 18th century in a hell dimension should have been a lot weirder but I digress) but the biggest shift from middle school Sophie watching Angel and adult Sophie watching Angel is that whereas I once just found Connor annoying, I now stare at every scene with him and Jasmine-possessed-Cordelia and scream GET HIM OUT OF THERE!!!!!
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nicnacsnonsense · 9 months ago
An important thing to keep in mind is that while she looks older, because Charisma Carpenter was in her 30’s at the time of filming, Cordelia was only 21/22 during s4 of AtS. So 18 year old Connor having a crush on her is actually pretty normal, since obviously he doesn’t remember the brief period when she looked after him while he was a baby. It does not mean he has mommy issues.
Now Faith putting him in his place and telling him to mind her or else resulting in him develop an insta-boner for her, that does imply mommy issues.
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artsying-ifer · 4 days ago
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Haven't been able to work on my usual digital art this month due to my laptop being held hostage at the repair centre so instead I'm taking the opportunity to post some of my backlog of ats sketchbook doodles. Feat. various different types of angel, a couple of post coma cordys, the gang as furries (and also. My own fursona meeting cordys fursona. I ordered these from least to most self indulgent dw about it), a buncha darlas, and my beautiful vision of mall goth connor
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fox-toothed · 10 months ago
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oedipus rex
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miraclerizuin · 5 months ago
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Here’s one for anyone else out there watching Angel the Series in 2024
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travllingbunny · 9 months ago
Do you think it's possible Darla was wrong and she would be able to love Connor without a soul?
Yes. We've seen multiple vampires love without a soul. Drusilla even said "We can love well, if not wisely". They are just unable to love in a healthy, unselfish way, but that's also true of many humans. "Soul" basically seems to be conscience and empathy and a moral sense in the Buffyverse, so it's silly to suggest love is impossible without it, but "good love" is.
Personally I don't like this use of "love" to only mean good love, unselfish love. But the writers seemed to love using it with Angel and Darla, who clearly loved each other in an obsessive and very selfish way when they didn't have souls.
Would soulless Darla be able to love Connor? Yes. Would she be able to love unselfishly and in a healthy way and be a good mother? Almost certainly no. Just like many parents love their children in a warped, selfish, possessive and narcissistic way.
It's a matter of semantics.
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halyasgirl · 10 months ago
Spent my workday thinking about an AU of Angel season 3 where Spike and Drusilla are somehow present for Connor's birth and the Whirlwind is reunited under really, really strange circumstances.
Realistically, there's a chance that Spike would want to grab Dru and get the hell out of dodge as soon as he realized how weird the situation is. Angel and Darla are having a tearful soul-baring heart-to-heart and Spike's ready to burn rubber getting out of L.A.
Even without the Nyazian prophecies Dru would sense something is up and insist on being there to welcome the new member of their "family." In a race against time any seer is welcome, but Dru's nearly as hard to understand as the Scrolls, and no one's first choice for a birth attendant.
She probably foresees Darla's death and becomes very attached/clingy toward her, which unsettles both Angel and Darla.
Darla and Angel are still the leaders of the Whirlwind, but suffice to say the dynamic is very different now that they have souls. Darla's breakdown would be especially shocking to Spike, who's only ever known her to be pragmatic, cunning, and self-serving, and unlike Angel he hasn't witnessed the effects of ensouling up close. Depending on what direction his character development has gone in he may choose to protect his "family," at least given the choice between them and vampire cultists, Wolfram & Hart, and a vengeful vampire hunter.
Holtz may or may not have any idea who Spike and Drusilla are, and they may or may not faze him.
Angel's worried about Holtz, worried about Wolfram & Hart, and now worried about his unpredictable, soulless progeny arriving for his son's birth. He needs all the help he can get but neither he nor the rest of Angel Investigations trust Spike or Dru as far as they can throw them.
Darla's wracked with soul-induced remorse and attempts to apologize to Drusilla (and to some extent Spike) several times for her fate, but it's never quite clear if Dru understands. By the end though, Drusilla's told Darla enough of her own fate for Darla to understand how she will make amends.
The jury's still out if Spike and Dru are there for the birth/death itself and if they stick around after, and what would happen if they do.
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genericaces · 10 months ago
I love how you're making stuff with connor and gunn with Gunn being like the Tara equivalent to the kid. They could have had such a sweet older, responsible and protective brother/aggressive but insecure, little brother dynamic in the show 😞
lol yeah, i always think they had potential to have a friendly relationship since gunn's got a history of working with teens, or at least the potential for gunn to try and reach out to him. i think whether or not connor is receptive to that is a different question lmao, but i feel like there was untapped comedy/drama potential with the awkward fred/gunn/connor family situation between s3 and s4.
in my head there's a cheesy 80s sitcom with all of them around the table going:
fred: so what was your favorite part of the patrol, connor? connor: none of it. i tore apart a vampire with my bare hands and felt nothing. i've spent my entire life trained for murder and vengeance, and i don't know who i am anymore without an active target for my hatred. gunn: haha! don't be such a downer, man, and turn that frown upside down! connor: given the opportunity i would murder everyone at this table including myself. i already sent angel to the bottom of the ocean. is anyone listening to me. fred/gunn: oh, connor! *canned laughter* *the happy days theme plays over an opening montage of the crew violently murdering demons and then turning to the camera and smiling* something like:
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trealtox · 4 months ago
Remember how I said that Xander was the worst character in the whole Buffy verse? Well, I admit, that I was wrong.
I'm sorry, Xander. It seems that you were actually quite nice. I have found the true ball of hatred.
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Xander was naughty in his own ways, but that had some sense to it. THIS GUY is dumb because he's dumb. 20 tantrums only halfway through the season is a score that noone should want to beat. He complains all the time. Xander wasn't complaining that much, and that says A LOT about Connor. Dawn didn't get on my nerves as much as this guy.
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justafriendofxanders · 11 months ago
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please stop giving the child raised as a brainwashed killing machine authentic Youth traits. i can't take this.
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please. that's my son. that's my feral son splitting his lunchables oreo in half and eating the cream part first. after he finishes his caprisun he's going to fill it back up with air and then step on it. that's my son please you can't do this to me
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thequeenofsastiel · 4 months ago
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