pericorneurus · 5 years
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It's a not now
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yxllowchicken · 5 years
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Connie icons from new episode
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koi-dragons · 4 years
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theejael · 5 years
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day 1: crossover for Connie Week! I just automatically thought of Harry Potter with this one. little late since i’ve been workin all day
imo, Connie could be either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. She’s got a lot of traits for both. even ravenclaw, as well.
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msmiajune · 5 years
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Connie is trapped in the cave, but hopefully she will reunite with the people she loves some day
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deriino · 4 years
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can someone please help me finish what Connie is saying? i dunno words sometimes :I
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melmedardasworld · 5 years
#ConnieWeek #ConnieWeekDay4
Day 4 - The Cave
Seeing how Connie went back to save Daryl & Carol,I imagined Daryl being the one to find Connie. She got out safely, but clearly exhausted. After her heroic act, she’s the one now rescued after showing her bravery & selfishness.
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
Connie Week Day 5
For Day 5 'Reunion,' I decided to write my ideas on how I'm imagining the reunion to go. I've had it in my head that Connie & Maggie arrive at hilltop together in the aftermath of the whisperer battle.
Kelly, Yumiko & Luke would be the first to see her. Kelly, ahead of her group, would race toward her sister and tearfully embrace Connie, and Connie would hold her close. Luke and Yumiko would follow suit, wrapping their arms around the sisters, enveloping them in a tight embrace. They’d pull apart just enough, inquiring where Magna was. Yumiko would already feel it in her heart that she’s gone.
She’d wants to remain strong despite the pain engulfing her heart, and because she’d be half parts thankful for Connie’s safe return and wholly heartbroken. The absence of Magna would not be lost on Kelly or Luke, who’d look from Connie, to Yumiko to each other; a silent goodbye for their fallen friend, and they’d all embrace once more, providing comfort for each other.
Those who’d recognize their former leader Maggie would be gathering around, smiling and greeting her, watching the reunion. We’d then see a scene where Daryl is looking out a window from inside and he’d see Maggie. But due to the crowd, he wouldn’t see Connie, though he’d see her group near Maggie. He would be surprised at seeing Maggie at Hilltop at all, so he would make his way outside and toward the gathering crowd...and it would disperse just enough that he can make out the back of a familiar head of hair.
We’d see Daryl slow ever so slightly in his stride, eyes widening slightly in disbelief. You would tell his heart is pounding fast, just by the expression on his face. He’d see Kelly, Yumiko and Luke are surrounding someone and Kelly would turn just enough to notice Daryl. With a tearful smile, she’d release her hold on the one hidden from his view…Connie.
Daryl's expression would tell it all. His mouth would tremble from the shock, the relief, the unwavering affection that’d hit him like a tidal wave, and he’d make his way toward her. Connie would be smiling brightly, her own eyes shining with unshed tears. Daryl wouldn’t stop until he's right before her. Around him, eyes would watch their scene, but to Daryl and Connie, in this moment, it would just be the two of them.
Daryl would reach out a hand, almost hesitantly, as if afraid she might disappear if he got any closer. His hand would land gently on her shoulder…she'd still be there. A genuine smile would grace his lips for the first time in what would have felt like forever.
The two would lock eyes, a thousand conversations would do no justice to the raw emotions conveyed in them; emotions reserved for one another.
Closing the distance between them, neither one quite knowing who was first, their arms would wrap around the other, pulling each other into a warm embrace. Daryl would hold her tightly, because if this was some kind of elaborate dream, he'd want to cherish it for as long as possible before reality took hold.
But when they part, in what could've been seconds, minutes, or days, she'd still very much be there...and he'd feel whole again.
He’d notice the absence of Magna, and in each other’s eyes, they’d have a silent understanding of the loss; the pain of it all. They’d give one another a heartfelt smile, before he’d turn to Maggie in a greeting hug, and Connie would wrap her arm around Kelly.
Daryl and Connie would part for now…but they’d each swear a silent promise to themselves; it would never be for long. 
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Bruh connie is the best
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msmiajune · 5 years
Our Connie is that.... a superhero in the apocalypse :)
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melmedardasworld · 5 years
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#ConnieWeek #ConnieWeekDay5
Day 5 - Reunion 🥺🥰❤️
Having seen many fans & mutuals discuss & imagine the reunion of Connie & Daryl, I picture it to be a teary scene, with both happy crying & half embracing (a kiss?) I can’t wait and see what the rest of the season has in store for these two.
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
College days Connie sitting in a library, reading an old favorite of hers. 
"Read, read, read. That's all I can say." -Nancy Drew.
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badonkodank · 9 years
Connie Week - Day 5 - Relationships
WARNING: Slight Manga Spoilers
Connie Springer was not in love with Sasha Blouse.
Yes, he loved things about her, but he wasn’t in love with her. It was more that he understood her in ways nobody else did and felt drawn to her because of it. Sasha had been the first one during their trainee days that really struck him as interesting and worth getting to know- of course Eren and Jean had also been fascinating too, but Sasha? There had always been something different about her. She was like him. She was fun and seemingly carefree, but she was in no way stupid. She was silly but not irresponsible. She was easily scared but she was not weak. She was capable, and fierce, and even a little scary when she wanted to be. She was… well, she was Sasha Blouse.
Sasha, who knew exactly how to make him laugh; who knew how to get him thinking and how to freak him out or calm him down. Sasha, who knew exactly what to do to get Connie flustered and how to make him blush, and who Connie knew he could easily do the same things to. Because they were best friends and had been since day one.
Connie was immensely grateful for the the fact that the young woman rarely left his side when she didn’t have to, because while he could still fight and function properly without her, it felt odd to have to. They’d known each other too long to be able to stay parted for great lengths of time; it felt alien without Sasha clinging to his arm or hovering beside him.
After Reiner and Bertolt’s betrayal, Connie hadn’t exactly known how he should feel. He’d been angry and shocked, of course, but more than anything he’d been hurt, because the people he’d thought friends -brothers, even- had revealed themselves to be no different from the monsters that had destroyed his village. Connie hadn’t let any of it show though, simply because… his feelings hadn’t been relevant in that moment. There had been more pressing things to deal with and his emotions had been put on the back burner.
But then the true nature of the titans had been revealed to him by Hange. Connie hadn’t know how long he stood staring at the titan that he knew to be his mother, only that when night fell, he found himself standing outside the door of his friend’s room. It had been days since he’d seen Sasha and had been told of her whereabouts by Jean.
The moment the door was opened Connie remembered he’d simply collapsed, the relief in seeing her face coupled with the crushing grief and anger that had been coursing through him making his limbs heavy. Connie remembered her sinking down with him and asking if he was alright, and him pulling her close and sobbing into her shoulder. Sasha hadn’t said anything, even as she cried with him, but she hadn’t had to, for she already knew. She always knew without even having to be told, and Connie would have questioned it, but he was aware of the fact that he was the only one she did it with, and had their roles been switched, he would have done the same. He knew her inside and out too.
When he’d finally finished Sasha had closed the door and helped him to his feet. Connie hadn’t questioned when she’d led him to her bed, hadn’t questioned when she had him lay down, and hadn’t thought to question when she laid down in front of him, curling against his chest and nestling her head under his chin. Connie hadn’t questioned himself when he’d wrapped his arms tightly around her. Connie hadn’t questioned any of it simply because he hadn’t needed to; it was normal for them. Sasha needed comfort just as much as he had, and Sasha had wanted to feel safe while Connie had wanted to reassure himself that at least one person he cared about was still there, living, breathing, and human.
When Sasha had fallen asleep in his arms shortly after that, Connie had still stayed awake, staring down at his best friend and wondering what he’d ever done to deserve her. He’d stayed up for several minutes, fighting his fatigue just trying to figure it out, and in the end, he’d chalked her reasons for wanting him the same reasons he wanted her: She was like him, and she hadn’t turned away when he’d shown her everything he was. She let him go to her when he needed someone, and she came to him for the same reasons. He chalked it up to the simple fact that she was his other half, and he was hers.
But as he lay there, watching her eyes move under her eyelids and listening to the rhythmic and calming sound of her breathing, the male thought, not for the first time, if there was even the slightest possibility that there might be more to it. More to what they were. More to their friendship.
Connie Springer was not in love with Sasha Blouse.
But that didn’t mean he never would be.
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kyojuuros · 9 years
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Connie Week || Day 4 - Bravery
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msmiajune · 5 years
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I imagine there will be an emotional reunion between Connie and Kelly and Connie and Daryl, when Connie fanally escapes from the cave. I think Kelly and Connie will hug and Daryl will first just standing there, not believing his own eys, before he approaches her 🥰
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melmedardasworld · 5 years
#ConnieWeek #ConnieWeekDay3
"There is so much more to who Connie and Kelly are than just deafness and sign language. They are sisters with thoughts, feelings, memories and dreams. They are blood, but their relationship is complicated."
- Lauren Riddlof
Day 3 -Bonds: Connie & Kelly ♥️ https://t.co/8mfZRL3reT
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