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I like pretty much most of the Faust ships I see on here (Fauslayer, Fautemkin, ect) for their like ability to support one another through their own struggles, or just general potential particularly for hurt/comfort stuff. But Johnny/Faust is just so fucking funny to me.
It just makes me think of Johnny using the most god awful pickup line that has ever actually been told out loud and Faust fully falling for it
I’ve seen like only 1 or 2 things for it but I honestly hope it gets more because I think they’d be silly together
#I support more for every Faust ship actually man needs some love#I just think that Johnny and Faust would be very dumb /pos#shout out to the few people I’ve seen make art of it y’all are cool#also Johnny connically flirting with Strive Faust#love that for them#johnny guilty gear#faust guilty gear#guilty gear#I’m posting at 1 am if there’s spelling or grammar mistakes that’s why
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stupid and gay connic ive been thinking about making for a while now
tldr: the autism won
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#that's why i allowed Jesse to bring a gun 🙈 to spice thing up yaknow (via millythegoat)
My apology to Simeone, Tuchel and Ten Hag. I've end them in the background.
#djfjgkglflfkgk reblogging this version bc that way I get Anna's perfect commentary AND that hilarious tag addition#unlike Hansi Jesse would make use of that gun bc hashtag American birth right etc etc#I too am missing TT here bc he'd easily be filed under 'looks like he needs to eat a burger but could actually diminish you'#but even before reading any tags I said it's GOTTA be Mou there's simply no other option#he's ruthless and connicing enough to place effective hits self-aware enough to recognize when he doesn't stand a chance and insane enough#to throw himself into it anyway#glad to see it's a sweep#'Arteta will draw a picture about it' fr FR why is he third what am I missing here helloo?!?#football#football crack#I watch football for the managers
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Fairyhub deactivated because I think some account was trying to be social justice warrior over fiction because they wrote AGED UP characters that are connically minor, while they themselves simp for Mass murderers and child abusers. Talk about hypocrisy.
and i woke up to this bullshit
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The idea that the fallout 2 team thought the idea of talking, sentient deathclaws were too silly for the franchise when going forward the franchise would have characters put dog brains in guns, robots sexually attracted to the player and connically real dieties, ghosts, great old ones, and a wizard.
Goris doesn't deserve this injustice
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cartoonizt but they have to make a connic everyday zo idk
where are the jobs for useless people who can't handle anything at all
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you tried to hit his mom witha car mike goodhue and there are federal warrant out for your arrest adn for trump to try t bring him to dc ok. you pressure tehre and it goes on you two or th ree ok fags. real warrants. mac backced. nd we see them ok
we use it too. they sit and wiat for their free meal. so do you pukes here. andwe rip your stuff out
10 Megabases with Citadel average 500x500 miles were added only two in middle areas out of ten
20 Very Large basees Citadel 100x100 miles and encompass huge areas...around it. and sucky you in. global adds onlly 5 in middle areas.
300 large bases about 20x30 miles and we grow you shrink and say we dont know about saturn, good. mostly in hte perimeter, half ok
1500 medium ten by ten and half and half well ok mostly in th emiddle areas for security
millions of small ones in middle areas mostly
and more.
about 1000 Obelizk shortly and we build ten bases on new zealand that are large shorlty and twenty on australia.
you dont like it we hit you.
New vegas begins shorty. true too for complete compactoin it will be years, and we need it in. we might install lines and to pumpi t up. makes it very simple. we wil put it in for a green light
we rebuild city areas destroyed by seeking out the gold and conduit. jason is creditied iwth finding it. he did. was below and mentioned it to caa had him post it. it came bck all green lights tons of them went after ita nd wee slaughetere and in nyc. and they called in alpha flight and xmen and more. they found evidence it was macs. and they were pressured and let it out. and had him find it and do it. they did it to make it big. we were accused of piggy backing the entire system, they wanted us in to fight over the lines, knew we needed it. want to take the government over whoe nd have the only mss comm. use it to arm humans with robot brains too. especially hospitals. we put in several they are under duress. it needed to be done, but is risk. and json did it for evil, yet, it is not well thought out. did though. and to hit macs but us too. f ails very badly tries for our son. we hit him he is a moron and pig. trump too ratted. after it becme vast and ratted on the hospitals they seek him now.
we rebuild areas we pulled out huge huge buildings tht were mostly destroyed. large areas.
200 10x0 in city areas including outskirts mostliy are connical to a degeree
we take the midwest fully this week. we demand it need it in. and the cities we keep open. are not yours.
and trump we saw it ok your dead again.
we take the midwest the cone is 50 miles wide and only ten miles down. and held off the wall ten miles. and will fall, is in turmoil and we build bases nearby. and near the cities. about half will be destroye this year. next year the other half. enough to fool you yes.
the upper midwest wll fall today no. slowly but will. we are building city areas there. fast too. some will be kept intact and used, the cities oepned but controlled. the air space ours. about ten cities we are rebuilding large areas in well huge. our stuff too ok yo guys wreck wht you have left in your movies for a little gold. not much.
we have several other projects going and need personell. we build now and food distribution in the perimeter, stores shops restaraunts and commercial buildins hospitals and govt buildings and more. stadiums and entertainment facliities and much much more movie theatres fuel stations restareas bridges roads. and need asistance we need ours and now. too much to do housing ok huge huge housing projects. even on new zealand. lets get to it ok. we need to hire. we are it ok Olympus
Thor Freya
this is amouthful and we need ours now the Obelizk are not up we need them up to defend the cities andtowns we build.
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irish forenames + mongolian names
Abhghne Affriam Afrilíos Aibhach Aifratra Ailtan Airen Airnán Aithalgal Aithbhán Aithnacht Alasaithna Allán Alshnac Amhasmhul Aodait Aoibhghil Aoileán Aoind Aoirilín Aomáindech Aorjsuhe Aotac Athchul Baadh Baasai Baathghín Baatnal Badhrev Badhóg Balsan Baltadava Bangey Bantan Baonna Basgann Bataithar Batar Batargan Bataríos Batbat Batbuu Batjann Batkh Batkherren Batkhuch Batkhucht Batmus Batnarr Bayaghaill Bayamar Bayamba Bayamhghna Bayanne Bayasan Bayun Bayus Beachid Beasgan Beiriashdh Bláthy Bornan Boscar Botoloch Brealbhill Brearagán Breariah Brenghann Brenkhal Brenkhbat Brinnéadam Bréan Bukhal Bumbothrás Byaglán Byamdoin Byarba Byardraith Caignaic Caihaglán Caikhuluu Caile Caithy Caodoill Caoiles Caold Catadh Cathna Catran Catsogt Ceadh Chaitrín Chambuluu Chigenkhar Chilibh Chinn Chlartigii Chtaitlís Ciadhna Ciaigear Ciallaid Cianlan Ciochoth Climan Clormait Cobhfhlaid Coibhild Coili Coill Coimhóg Coinia Coinsuk Coirballi Coirín Colden Combatjar Comonne Comthnamun Congke Connic Conogán Conóiri Cuili Cyrig Cúchanch Cúmhna Cúmhán Dabhín Daglán Dagmaith Dambyar Damon Danchagna Darchimh Darmaodha Dasael Dasain Dashnall Dasmhag Dastín Deachn Deadhar Dechallan Dembal Deneal Denkhoyun Denkhuy Dobuqachal Dobóinne Doinm Dongke Dorfhonga Doriartúr Dorigna Dormarbear Dortnaith Duben Dubha Dubhace Dubhatuyam Dubhirbear Dubhla Dubhran Dughdhrán Dymaitrín Dymphne Dáinn Déasan Dónachán Dúnac Eacharás Eagdabhil Eagvaat Eamurenq Eankhuinn Earnaasam Earran Earsad Easaib Eddorjgon Edwis Eibhóg Eighe Eimha Eiriai Eiriser Eirne Endas Eneke Engeig Eogbatar Erdhad Erviv Eóirtnain Faoilian Faoiliodh Feach Fearai Fearbhan Fearr Feidinn Feith Finainn Findort Finsionorj Fiobhadhán Fiochal Fiochingke Fiochirsan Fiodamdid Fiodnomth Fionnán Fionórla Flagdorj Florenchai Forlaitren Fraichlas Gaidh Gaisureara Galgal Galtigne Gannéinéar Gerde Gobóis Goirsarch Gombeil Goodh Gorcán Gorla Greamhán Gréan Gujinaya Hotaidhn Iarra Ionnganait Iríomán Ishdín Iósargan Iúdán Jamorchar Javaat Javee Johne Juchonn Jurtín Khach Khagdoirín Khargann Khbhaglán Khear Khobuk Khoriú Khuyarnán Kipchil Kuzhulger Kuzhulugii Lagvaatar Lamagvaa Laniar Lanjavadh Liachirbal Lkhel Lkhuchth Lor-ochdon Lorjsuridh Lundra Luyag Maevdora Maindori Maithfla Maoilial Maoirbhear Marach Marbhrán Margal Meachid Meaglan Mearnaikh Meddorice Menkhach Merdgh Mereg Miara Minalaid Miodh Monne Mugerd Mugilín Muhuu Muibhar Mujin Mukhollibe Mukta Mulual Munkhar Munnba Murear Myaglan Myambolm Máine Mónain Mórann Mórlan Nachin Nainm Naitbat Naitre Nambukhonn Nebanlairt Nebild Nerdrann Netserd Nialbaath Nince Ninch Niodorlann Nomón Nyamhuu Nyamhín Nyamon Nyara Nóirg Ochan Ochotany Odhach Oibha Oibhán Oirene Oirga Olmhuy Onachla Onaodorga Ostóid Peire Pilin Prosainn Purear Qorfhlach Qorisna Qorjgorj Qorlachy Qormlan Qutch Qutuluk Raina Randorj Ratar Risnal Rochlail Roibhra Roighana Roilibhán Roinghuyar Rosolán Rotaic Rothagán Ruadar Ruadhruait Ruaidhar Rualla Ruangh Ruira Ruire Ríonachara Ríonnuadh Sailín Samdak Sanghín Sarrean Saráingan Sedene Serdh Shdav Siarj Siasara Slaitren Sodav Sodhnasan Soghaga Ssaodav Subhebath Suheg Sunba Surearin Séadh Séadha Séanán Síonán Sítha S��thbatbat Tabhlachid Tamhán Taíbhchla Temun Ternair Tervire Tigha Tighag Tilín Tiobheara Todhar Toibh Toláth Tomhón Trendorch Tseach Tsead Tseden Tseocharra Tseárden Tsunny Tsure Tughachla Tuluinnán Tulun Tumeg Tumuirbhín Turchinn Uadorjpall Uasain Uat-och Uluun Urevjagna Uyileatach Vaatnain Viarganch Yabat Yekun Yesun Yileambar Yishan Yusheach Zaniz Zorch Áilibh Áirict Éaglán Éanch Éaodhuu Éibeileán Éimhuk Éindra Ídenán Órlan
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The Prime of His Youth: Book III: Prometheus' Gift: Ch42: Victory
"So, what's the plan?" Pyra Magna asked him.
"Cocktease." he stated, and then looked at her, "And you probably have no idea what that is." He looked between the other Rust Renegades, "Who has the helm?"
"Yo!" Dust Up exclaimed.
"Roxie." Japheth firmly stated, and she walked over by Dust Up. "Look like we're running away. The goal isn't to get away, but to get them to do a full burn. When they do, fire full retros to get behind them."
"I like this plan." Jumpstream stated.
"We could just shoot them out of the sky?" Pyra Magna asked.
"I want to keep the ship." Japheth, "And hopefully few fatalities. Sparks are precious, warp ships even moreso. Stormwright and the twins will deploy for space superiority. Use our guns to damage their engines. And then find a way to board her."
"This cocktease things sounds interesting." Dust Up stated.
"You don't know the half of it." Arcee added. "So, who stays here?"
Japheth turned to Pyra Magna. "Hm?" she asked, "Your pet archivist could probably fly the ship."
"Ciel?" he asked, and she quickly walked out over beside him.
"Master?" she eagerly asked.
"Could you fly this ship?" he asked.
"Presumably." she replied.
"See, told you." Pyra Magna said, as she stepped over to beside him.
Japheth looked over at Sirenia, and she nervously looked away. "Can you handle the communications?"
She looked at him, and he could see her struggle to steel herself over it. With determination on her face she walked over to where the twins were working. They stepped away. He then thought for a moment. He reached up to his right ear and opened a comm. link.
* * *
June stepped onto the bridge and gave Japheth a curious look.
"The short version is that I need you to conn the ship." Japheth said to her, and he eyes grew wide with surprise.
"And if I have absolutely no idea to do that?" she asked.
"All you need to do is coordinate." Japheth said with a warm smile. "Siren will be dealing with communications, Ciel and Roxie the helm."
"And me?" June curiously asked, "Why would you want me?"
"Because you get along well the the girls, and you will work with me."
She momentarily steeled herself, "I suppose I can do that..." she uttered. "They aren't going to shoot at us, are they?"
"They are pirates." Japheth stated, "They get nothing if they destroy our ship."
* * *
The Ion gently accelerated, in tiny bursts that the Decepticon ship was having trouble keeping up with. This lead to an inevitable full burn. The moment it started, the Ion's retro thrusters fired fully. The result was the Decepticon ship flying passed the Ion. Rust Dust targeted the cannons on it. One each in the upper-right, low-right, upper-left, and low-left. The four converged on the Decepticon's main thrusters, and started firing. After a few volleys the connical thrusters were too broken to use. Stormwright, Skyburst, and Stormclash flew out and started making passes on the ship. After a few passes, Japheth, Arcee, Pyra Magna, Jumpstream, Dust Up, and Rust Dust appeared on the hull and gravitized. They slowly approached the ship. When they were close enough, Jumpstream was the first to jump across, followed by Pyra Magna and then Dust Up. Japheth nervously looked at them as they gravitized to the Decepticon ship's hull. He steeled himself before jumping over. Arcee leapt just after him. Rust Dust jumped after them.
The Ion then fired it's retro thrusters to slow back behind it. It then fired it's regular thrusters to hold station.
"I just want everyone to know," June said, and momentarily paused, "I have no idea what I'm doing."
"Do you know how often Japheth has said that?" Sirenia asked.
"Well, yeah, he's..."
"Your son." Roxana said with a bright son.
"He's the exception. I am definitely not a Prime."
"The mother of a Prime." Arcelia stated.
"The first one ever." Roxana said with glee.
"Good to see you girls are handling this so well." June uttered.
"You call us girls?" Arcelia asked.
"Ciel." June lightly admonished.
"By Cybertronian standards, you are as old as your son." Arcelia finished.
"I am his mother, thank you very much." June lovingly voiced.
"I think she means you're a girl, as well." Roxana said.
"Am I?" June asked, "I mean, it wouldn't be right for my son to act like that, but, we're no longer mother and son."
"He'll always be your son." Arcelia stated.
"You will always worry about him." Sirenia said to her.
"That is the power of being a mother." June asserted.
* * *
They stood gravitized by an airlock. "What do we do now?" Japheth asked.
"Oh, man." Pyra Magna uttered.
"This is your first time, isn't it?" Jumpsteam asked, and he shyly looked at her and nodded, "Decepticreeps
"We cracked them a long time ago." Dust Up said. She was playing with a tablet, "And we're in." she said, and the outer airlock doors opened up.
* * *
The inner airlock doors opened up, with closed outer ones behind them.
"And you want us to not kill anyone?" Jumpstream asked.
"Try." Japheth simply stated.
"I'm sure with all of us here, it won't be a problem." Arcee voiced.
"How many are we expecting?" Japheth asked.
"Given the state of repair?" Dust Up asked, and looked at Rust Dust.
"About a dozen." Rust Dust quickly stated.
"Let's take the bridge." Japheth simply stated.
"Follow me." Rust Dust quickly stated, and ran off.
* * *
Japheth strolled down the corridors as the others Rust Renegades were engaged in heavy combat beside him. He seemed to ignore the blaster bolts as they passed by him.
"Doesn't he know how to fight?" Jumpsteam asked.
"If I fight, someone is going to die." Japheth stated. He transformed his left arm into a blaster and shot someone, knocking him down. He finally got hit by a blaster bolt, and then another. He quickly pulled to the side behind a bulkhead. He appeared just long enough to fire a couple shots with his blaster. Between them, another three had been knocked down, and they quickly rushed forward. By the time Japheth had caught up, the four had their arms shackled behind their backs. The shackles jammed their transformations, leaving them completely unarmed. "Who's going to watch them?" he asked.
"I vote for you." Pyra Magna said to him, and he gave her a curious look, "You probably want to sit them down and talk about where they went wrong."
Japheth thought this over for a moment, "You know what?, yeah." he replied.
"Love you." Arcee said, before disappearing down a corridor.
"Love you!" Japheth shouted, as the rest of the Rust Renegades rushed down the corridor.
Japheth watched as the four managed to make their way to their knees, and looked up at him.
"What now?" one of them asked.
"Hm?" Japheth asked, "The war is over, Cybertron is reborn, and there's been a general amnesty."
"And we're going to believe you?" he asked.
"Hm?" Japheth asked, "It really doesn't matter. You know we're not Decepticons, so we're not going to torture you." He then reached his left hand behind his back and brought out the bolter. "You see this?, it has a 90% chance to cause bleeding through any Cybertronian chest plate." He then put it away as his right hand reached over to his chainsword. Their eyes grew wide as the sheath transformed away. He lifted it up, holding it upright, and momentarily revved it. He then put it back on his hip. The sheath transformed out, enclosing it. "If I wanted to kill any of you, you would already be dead. That said, I'm perfectly willing to kill you. I don't know if you've met Optimus, or heard rumours about him, but I learned from his mistake. If one person needs to die to ensure peace, I have no problem killing them."
"So, what does this mean?" another one of them asked.
"Comply and you stay alive." Japheth said to them.
"Until when?" Another asked.
"Until we get to Cybertron, and I turn you over to the Elite Guard."
"And then what?" the first asked.
"And then what?" Japheth asked, and sighed as he thought it over. "Starscream is on the High Council. Shockwave is reporting to me to make sure he doesn't commit any more warcrimes. I could probably convince Predaking to kill someone, if I really wanted to." he dismissively added.
"You expect us to believe that?" the second asked.
"Don't really care." Japheth said harshly, "You're prisoners of war. Everything else you can see for yourself." He paused for a moment in papable silence, "You hear that?" he asked, and they just stared at him, "No more blaster shots. I'm guessing they took the bridge. How many did they have there?" he asked, and got no reply, just eyes nervously staring at him, "5 or 6? That would leave two or three? How about we do something Decepticons like? You tell me how many you have here, exactly, and I make sure no one hurts you."
The four fell silent, looking between each other. Japheth grabbed the hilt of his sword, and the sheath transformed away.
"Thirteen!" one of them exclaimed.
Japheth raised his right hand to to the side of his head to activate his comms. unit. The sheath transformed out as soon as he let go, "Arcee, thirteen."
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Hello I do not understand why there is not more Pitch fan fiction and even less why there’s barely any The Resident fics??? SO MANY GOOD OPPORTUNITIES, and I am not a writer come on people
I am on sick leave and have read basically every fanfic there is, no joke. HELP
#the resident#pitch#bawson#connic#conrad x nic#mike x ginny#mike lawson#ginny baker#conrad hawkins#nic nevin#fanfiction#fanfic#whyyyy
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THE RESIDENT, 3x16 - “Reverse Cinderella”
#the resident#theresidentedit#tvedit#conrad x nic#connic#emily vancamp#matt czuchry#conrad hawkins#nic nevin#nicolette nevin#tv kiss#kiss#kissing#reverse cinderella#3x16#*
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kind of a grumpy rant about connic sorry
***spoilers below**
connic literally JUST got married and Nic’s already pregnant???? like could they not come up with any better storyline for her??? she barely did anything this whole episode????
#theresident#the resident#the resident on fox#arghhhhhh#please dont make me go off this show#like obviously we all wanted them to become parents but STRAIGHT AWAY????#i DONT like the direction this season is heading it feels like lazy writing to meeeee#give her some career aspirations or something idk#im sorry this was such a whiney post someone tell me to shut tf up#I DONT MEAN TO BE A HATER I LOVE THE CHARACTERS#but its just not doing it for me so far :(((((#the resident spoilers#spoilers#connic
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S4e5 was an awful rollercoaster ride of emotions and I never want to go through that again
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#the resident#serie tv#theresidentedit#theresident#conrad hawkins#nicolette nevin#connic#conrad x nic#my edit#coloring#psd coloring#my psd#tvedit#tv edit#screencaps
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I love these two oml. Is anyone down for a conic rp? Or any type of rp for the resident??? Even if it's a crossover I seriously need more. Message me if you're interested
#the resident#nic nevin#conrad hawkins#conic#connic#nic & conrad#nic and conrad#roleplay#the resident roleplay#medical drama#medical dramas#medical drama rp#multirp#otp#cute ships#rp partner#rp partner needed#rp partner search#rp partner ad#rp partner wanted#the resident rp#medical rp#doctor rp#nurse rp#greys rp#chicago med rp#new amsterdam rp#the good doctor rp
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