#congrats again anon here have a word salad
mixingpumpkins · 1 year
Hi, I just graduated university recently and will likely be doing some remote part-time freelance proofreading and editing while I search for something more permanent. Because I believe I saw that you do similar work yourself, is there anything I should know that might help me prepare for early obstacles if I’ve never been paid for this work before? Any tips? I feel as though I’m a fairly talented writer and editor, I’m just wondering if there’s anything I should be looking out for outside of my own skills.
Hi! Congrats on your graduation. :)
Honestly, it depends on what kind of editing you're doing. Books? Resumes? Blog posts? Technical writing? Content mill-type articles from all the outlets that are putting things like "5 Reasons We Can't Wait to See the Next Marvel Movie (and 5 Reasons the MCU Should Die in a Fire, Actually)" on your Google feed?
Also, is this freelance editing like... you set up shop on your own site, you're on a platform like Fiverr, or doing contract work with a media company? They're all different animals, so I'll answer like you're applying for part-time contract editing work. (If it's one of the former, lmk.)
Overall tips...
You probably already know this, but have good samples both for things you've edited AND things you've written (and ideally, links to where they're published online). If you're applying to edit at a specific outlet, try to pick samples that are similar to their vibe. Don't stress if they're not a 100% match, but it certainly helps. (Do NOT send 5 million sample pieces unless the application asks for it. Just pick the best you have that's similar to what you'd be editing for the job.)
Don't stress about an interview. Chances are, they already feel you can do good work – they've already seen your samples. Now they just want to see how much of a fit you are for the people you'll be working with.
Generally, people who hire editors want to see 1) can you spot when a writer isn't following a style guide/other standards and correct them on it, 2) can you do this while meeting a certain productivity standard, 3) can you not constantly fuck up with any tech you need to use, and 4) can you be pleasant and communicative with anyone you're required to work with. If yes, you're in good shape. BUT...
...These are hard things to tell from an application and interview alone, so you'll probably have a probationary period to this end. There will probably be at least one other editor who looks over ALL your work during this period to see if you're meeting their standards. DO NOT DO THIS FOR FREE. Do not do anything "here, edit these 3 articles/these 5 pages as a trial" for free. Shitty companies and people do this to use applicants and trainees for free labor. If you're doing work while you're in training, they should be paying you.
Do some research on average pay rates for the kind of editing you're doing. If you can set your own rates, you'll know what to shoot for (adjust for your experience). If you can't and you're hunting on job boards, you'll have a better idea of which employers are trying to rip you off.
If you can, avoid working with people and companies who accept, encourage, or are interested in using AI in any part of their content generation or creation process. (The reasons why are a rant for a different day.) If you get to a job and your "editing" is to essentially fact-check and rewrite AI content to make it sound more human, fucking run.
Be prepared to check for AI-generated content if you're working in a circumstance where human writing is still valued.
Get very comfortable with giving and receiving feedback, if you're not already. Be kind, but don't stress too much about stroking egos. Most pro writers (well, outside the book publishing or screenplay world) won't fight you – they just want to get their pieces out there and get paid, especially if they work on a per-word basis.
Get REALLY comfortable with editing to strict word count standards. (My first book had +/- 3 words of wiggle room around certain sections' target word counts.) Yes, you will probably have to cut something that you love or reword it to something worse a few times. No, a publisher/printer/higher-up editor will not usually let you make an exception. Mourn these instances and move on.
Writers will sometimes get mad. Some of them will try to bully or steamroll editors they've never worked with before. Don't let them. Give them grace because you know what it's like to have to kill your darlings, but remember that you were hired to hold them to certain standards. It doesn't matter if they've been published in Forbes or the New York Times and you're a new face – if their current work isn't meeting the standards it needs to, hold them to it.
Try to develop a good rapport with any writers, editors, or others you work with, even if you're only doing this as a part-time, temporary thing. You never know what opportunities may come down the line if you cross paths with these people again.
Try not to do what I do on Tumblr, aka word-vomit all over everything every time I answer an ask. ^^^^^^^^
Best of luck!
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
Oh lovely M!
I would like to request for your 500 follower event (congrats btw!!!)
Modern Evil Wolf Boi x fem reader
From Prompt List 2 (? Idk I'm on mobile)
"If you called just to get off on my voice then I'm hanging up"
I like it spicy so I'll leave that bit up to you!
Thank you 😊 😋
Well hello again my regular Mairon Anon! And thank you! I hope you like this!
"Stormy Night"
Prompt: "If you called just to get off on my voice then I'm hanging up" | Setting: Living room
Pairing: Modern Mairon x Fem. reader (Second person POV)
Themes: Smut | Soft / Aftercare | Modern AU
Warnings: Bondage (hands) | Kissing | Spanking | Dom Sub aspects | Biting/Marking | Choking | Rough sex | Penetrative sex | Cream pie
Word count: 1.8K words
Summary: Flirty texts are good and all, until they get Mairon all worked up.
Rating 🔥🔥🔥| Minors DNI | 18+
Want to be tagged? Want to know the reader request rules? Read all here
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"If you called just to get off on my voice, then I'm hanging up."
Mairon remembered your suggestive texts and the picture you sent him. It got him all hot and bothered, and he could barely focus on his work. You topped it all off by calling him and telling him things that convinced him to go home already.
"But I like getting off on your voice," you continued in the same vein while you busied yourself around the kitchen. Dinner had to be made as Mairon, much like you, turned into an absolute grump when he was not fed. "Didn't you know that already?"
"All too well," Mairon broke into a grin. He had just made his way to the office parking lot, car keys in hand. He was hungry, but the longer the call went on, the more he realized dinner was going to have to wait. All those racy messages of yours had given him a different kind of appetite that had to be satisfied. "But you really shouldn't tempt me like this, precious. I may not be able to keep my hands off of you once I get home."
"Well, given that I'm your girlfriend and all of that," you said, and checked the oven. The lasagna was almost halfway done. Now all that was left to be prepared was a salad of some sort. "Wouldn't you say that tempting you is part of my job description?"
Mairon looked around after reaching his car. Some of his colleagues waved at him from the far end of the lot, but no one was close enough to hear him. He paused to give them a quick wave in return before turning his attention back to your call. "It is. Well, you better be ready for me, because I'll be coming after you the moment I get home."
"You'll have to catch me first," you challenged, and ended the conversation.
Mairon considered your little challenge and found his anticipation building. He'll have to catch you first, you said. Oh, Mairon was going to make sure that it happened.
He drove as fast as the law allowed, thankful that the streets were somewhat empty. The weather had been mostly clear, although he smelled a bit of temper in the air. There may be a storm later, and he wanted to be home when it hit. The weather was still clear by the time he pulled up into the garage half an hour later, but the wind had already started to pick up and the air had cooled. Thunder clapped and echoed through the city. He smiled. It was all perfect for what he had in mind. 
Mairon didn't make a sound. Not when he entered the house, not when he made his way to the kitchen. He smiled again when he saw you picking up something that had fallen onto the floor, the scales tantalizingly tipped the other way. He inched his way closer, as silent as always. Hands grabbing onto your waist made you squeal.
"Babe!" You tried to wriggle free but couldn't. Mairon already had a good hold on you. "How did you... When did you..."
"You really need to pay better attention to your surroundings, precious," Mairon growled into your ear. "You never know who could sneak up on you."
He nipped at your throat, holding you even tighter. You felt yourself being pulled back. "Babe! The oven!"
Mairon quickly reached over and turned it off. Then he pulled you over to the breakfast counter. You knew what he wanted to do, and were ready. The moment his hold loosened, you broke free and ran away. "As I said before!" you called out with a laugh, "You'll have to catch me first!"
Mairon growled, his blood already roaring in his ears. He gave you five seconds before taking off after you. 
It was absolute chaos. Mairon chased you around the dining room and the hall, jumping over chairs and stools, nearly tripping over a rug. Furniture toppled over. A lamp fell to the ground with a loud crash. Hysterical laughter mixed with the booming echoes of thunder and sharp gusts of wind. Mairon dogged your every step, not stopping until he had you cornered in the living room. You had no other exit; the only way out was behind him. You looked around his arm and considered your chances. You would have to be fast, and you would have to avoid his grasp. And Mairon had a good grab; you've had enough experience with it already. You watched him while he watched you, ready for you to make your move. The moment you sprinted towards the exit, he lunged and grabbed onto you.
 "How naughty of you, precious, making me chase you around the house like this," he smirked while you giggled and squirmed in his arms.
"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it," you gasped when he tossed you, face up, onto the sofa. 
"I won't lie, precious. I did enjoy it." Mairon straddled your waist to stop you from running away again. He made quick work of undoing his tie and used the same to bind your wrists. "Too tight?"
You tried to get a feel for your restraints. You wiggled your fingers and flexed your wrists. You couldn't move your hands about freely, but you could still do it. The binding was tight but not to the point of being uncomfortable. 
"It's just right." A jolt went up your back when Mairon moved lower and busied himself with your shoes. "What are you going to do now?"
"Only good girls get to know what happens next." He took off your shoes and threw them to the floor. He eyed the white socks that went just past your ankles and decided to leave them on. "And you haven't been a good girl, have you?"
The way his eyes glinted in the lamplight. A stunning yellow and orange, they seemed to bring out the fire in his auburn hair. How you yearned to reach up and run your fingers through it. Since you couldn't physically do it, you had to content yourself with simply looking at it. 
"I haven't been a good girl," you admitted shamelessly. "Not at all."
Mairon grinned wolfishly before turning his attention to your skirt. Soft and pretty, and swirling with your every movement. He thought of leaving it as it was. Your underwear, on the other hand...
"Lift," he commanded. You lifted your hips, trembling when his fingers grazed your skin and when they tugged at your panties, pulling them down your legs inch by slow inch. That too was tossed to the floor, and then he grabbed onto your hips and pulled you closer, resting your legs over his own. On another night, he would have been gentle and taken his time, but after you spent most of the day rousing him? 
Gentleness be damned. 
"Do you remember the safe word?"
He nodded. "If you want me to stop, make sure you say it, precious."
You nodded eagerly in return. Mairon didn't even give you time to think. He leaned down and kissed you with a fury that shocked you, leaving you weak and dizzy, your lips puffy and bruised. He propped himself on his elbow to avoid crushing you, but his kiss alone, one that seemed to be all teeth and tongue, left you struggling for breath.
He was far from gentle. His free hand dug into your skin and raked down your thigh. You trembled as you were pulled into a dark tunnel of desire, as need and hunger whipped at you like a lash. Being bound and vulnerable, unable to do more than writhe and whimper beneath him, brought forth sensations you had never experienced before, sensations that made you moan his name repeatedly while his kisses turned your bones to water.
Mairon reached down and cupped you, groaning in satisfaction when he found you hot and wet. You were ready, so ready. He couldn't deny it; he couldn't deny the very human reactions of his own body. Now. It had to be now. He barely heard the gusts of wind that battered at homes and trees and paid no mind to the rain that drummed wildly against the roof. All he heard was the ragged sound of his breath, and yours. All he felt was the sweet warmth of your skin and the wild beating of his heart. His belt came undone by his hands, and there was the sharp hiss of a zipper coming down. When you opened your eyes, it was to see him settling between your thighs again, the tip of his cock brushing up against your slit.
He gave no warning, simply grabbing onto your hips and sinking his cock into your warmth in one quick move. It hurt at first, but the feelings that came after —the sensation of him filling you completely, the jolts of pleasure that shot all over your body, how you trembled even when he didn't move—were already overwhelming. And then Mairon started to thrust.
He was rough, so very rough. His thrusts pushed you deeper into the soft cushions, his teeth marring your throat. You felt it all—your skin being marked, his cock pushing as deep as it possibly could every time he drew his hips back and pushed right in again. Your moans grew ragged and desperate, your body tightening like a bowstring. Mairon must have felt something because his free hand moved over to your throat. 
The warmth and pressure you felt over your neck only served to heighten everything you were feeling. Mairon tightened and released, tightened and released. Your body tensed even more as Mairon took you closer and closer to the edge. His moans matched yours, his thrusts striking a place that gave you the kind of pleasure you had never experienced before. It felt like a wave rising that kept rising, and the sweet, exhilarating tension within you grew and grew, and then...
The world seemed to stop spinning when you threw your head back and cried out, his name parting your lips like sobs. Your body shook as your orgasm ripped through you, blinding your senses to all else. Mairon fucked you through your orgasm, nipping into your shoulder when his body went still, and he spilled his seed with a deep, satisfying grunt.
The rain kept drumming violently against the roof, yet the living room felt so warm and cozy, with the two of you content to stay there on the sofa. Mairon slowly pulled out of you, his chest still heaving, his clothes damp with sweat. He fixed his clothes and unbound your hands. He checked your wrists for cuts and bruises. He then stroked your cheek, compelling you to open your eyes. They were still glazed over. More care was needed. He rose silently before scooping you into his arms. When you sighed and rested your head against his shoulder, he melted.
He decided a hot shower was needed first, and made his way up the stairs. Then dinner in bed and some cuddles.
All in all, it was the perfect night for such things.
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Tags: @cilil @edensrose @asianbutnotjapanese @fictionfordays
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florianwirtz · 4 years
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2020 is coming to an end and honestly I don’t really believe it. I still feel like I’m processing events happening in May. But I wanna say that I’m proud that you made it through that year and hope many good things will come to you in 2021. It was an awful situation for all of us and I hope you are not too harsh on yourself if you didn’t achieve want you wanted due to what is going on right now.
I want to take the time and say thank you for making the majority of my time a good one. Regardless of what is going on sometimes, I’m glad I got to meet so many cool people here, friends I wanna keep for life and started to treasure. I’ve been keeping myself lowkey the past month but I hope you know that I still appreciate and love you.
now my list of special people in my heart. I hope we will see us in 2021 again and thank you for everything. ❤️
@modricmio - we haven’t been in much contact lately but I hope you are well! I know I can always count on you and I love you. After all these years, I’m still grateful that I get to call you my friend. <3
@trentalexanders - milaa! Although we’ve been knowing us for quite a long time already, I feel like this year we grew particularly close! I feel like we have the perfect banter rivalry friendship where we can have a mix of banter and serious talk! It’s always so fun to talk with you and push my James Justin propaganda (I’m sorry for being quiet for a while but I hope you know it’s always gonna be him) 😘 #teamjj 
@dancefaeries - I’m still mad that your first association with me is probably that Harvey Barnes pic 🙃 because I associate you with Boilerman and I think that’s waaaay cooler (we probably should do a rate the mascot list one day) Also your awfully bland taste in men. Regardless, it’s always good to see you on my dash even if most posts consists of complaining about how you’re much older than all of us and we’re all babies 😂
@footballffbarbiex - Amy, I hope you are well and didn’t forget me! It’s been an awfully long time since the last time we talked to each other but I haven’t forgotten you! I’m still sorry for never turning in my piece for the writing challenge (maybe one day I can make it up to you 😬) but I hope you know that you are still one of the most talented writers out there! I also enjoy our talks about how salad should be eaten and tomatoes shouldn’t exist. Because having good food opinions automatically makes you the best!
@stydiaherondale - Meliiii my love! Oder sollte ich sagen Jadon’s love? 😂 ich erinnere mich immer noch gern an den Moment zurück als du mich einfach mal angeschrieben hast und ich finde immer noch, dass es einer der besten Momente war. Weil wir zusammen gerade versuchen Erwachsensein zu meistern und beide iwie keinen Plan davon haben. Auch wenn du gefühlt 80.000 Clubs supportest, für mich bleibst du der einzige Dortmundfan den ich akzeptiere. 💕
@neckarinselstrand - es ist immer wieder schön dich hier wiederzusehen! Lia,  ich hoffe du hast 2020 gut überstanden und wir werden wieder tolle Konversationen in Spanisch haben nächstes Jahr 😁 Theoretisch sollte meins ja besser sein, aber ich muss sagen, ich kann immer noch nicht viel mehr 😂
@theweatha - we haven’t been much in contact lately but I hope you know that I still appreciate you! I’m proud of you going through with that idea of the podcast as it’s always a pleasure listening to you and Liz. I hope 2020 wasn’t too messed up for you and I hope you are well xo. May we talk more in 2021 again!
@julianbrandtrelated  - Ich weiß du nutzt kein tumblr mehr (ohne dich ists nicht dasselbe) aber ich will trotzdem sagen, dass du einer der coolsten Menschen bist, die ich hier getroffen haben (man findet echt selten Leute, die 100% immer das Gleiche fühlen wie man selbst haha). Ich hoffe, dir gehts gut und wir reden mal wieder öfter demnächst ❤️
@ehrenbrandt - was soll ich noch zu dir sagen haha? Mein Tag wär nicht mehr derselbe ohne den content den du mir jeden Tag schickst oder unsere täglichen Zusammenbrüche und Jubel über Leverkusen. Auch wie du immer wieder mein liveblogging über United tolerierst, ist einfach das Beste und ohne dich Fußball zu gucken, ist seltsam! Dass du mich am Anfang des Jahres noch besuchen konntest, war eines der besten Dinge in diesem Jahr ❤️ allein die unzähligen Insider, die währenddessen passiert sind, werd ich nie wieder vergessen hahaha!  auf das wir uns hoffentlich bald wiedersehen <3
@tottenhamsstuff  - you’re a weirdo. In a good way because so am I. Will I ever tolerate your taste in men? no - but if we’d agree on everything, it wouldn’t be the same between us, so I’m fine with that. I hope you are doing well with the situation going on at your country right now and I am sorry for not reaching out sooner. I’m glad I got to know you 🤍
@danieljamesmufc  - my favourite welsh ❤️ the reason why I always have an eye on the Welsh nt and I am an honorary fan! I’m glad I got to know you and although you rep a shit footballer, I think that’s fine. Also us sharing the same bland taste in men and knowing it never gets old. Grateful for our endless chats this year and hopefully one day we do will see each other, regardless if it’s in Germany or Wales. I hope you are doing well X
@zalimaaa - so actually I have no words for you because I feel like I’ve already said everything I ever wanted to say to you. But I will never stop saying how much I actually love you, the way you always care about me and help me out of every life situation, it’s hard to imagine what I would do without you. The first time we facetimed or when we rant about life or literally everything else, it feels like we’ve known each other for an eternity. I’m always here for you and the day we meet each other will be one of the best in my life. You always know how to make me the happiest, thank you for everything in 2020 <3
@emwritesfootball  - you know what you’re annoying but in a good way. Annoying because you will never stop to take that name from the chipmunk out of your mouth. Regardless of that, you made time during lockdown bearable and I will never forget the fun chats we used to have but also the rather serious ones! I’m grateful that I got to know you and hope 2021 has something better for you in mind! Also you’re one hell of a writer and thank you for dedicating so many pieces to me (even those with the wrong person 😘), I always feel honored to be a source of inspo haha.
@shockintha - Alice!! With you, everything is fun and positive and I feel like everyone needs a person like you in life. I feel like I already said what I always wanted to say to you on your birthday but I will say once again how much I appreciate you. I know I can always turn to you about literally every topic because we either absolutely agree with each other or have a vastly different opinion about it. And I feel like these dynamics are what makes our friendship so wonderful. Thanks for always seeing the positive things in life when no one else does. I love you and hopefully we will see each other soon! <3
@idiotsfc - Alicia!! Nothing will beat your weird taste in men but since it’s so amusing and making my day, I’m fine with it 😂 thank you for always sending me lovely messages in my inbox, I love and appreciate you so much and hope you are doing well 💕
@magicmartinelli  - I know you don’t like sappy texts so I will try to keep myself short. I think it’s super cool that you like my taste in music and literally every song I send to you and how you started liking CHVRCHES because of me ☺️ the way we are secretly both sore losers and get mad about our clubs is what connects us. See ya in 2021 and congrats for avoiding relegation so far!
@donnyvandered - I feel like I’m repeating myself but it’s true that getting to know you was one of my highlights this year too. I have so much love to you and I feel like we are always on the same wave length when talking. Together with Radia we just vibe so well and I feel like if we’d ever do a triple meeting we’d get along so well. Facetiming with you both was so fun and hopefully we can repeat this much more often next year. I love you and I hope you are doing well. Thank you for everything and see you in 2021 ❤️
@duckysweater - seeing you in my inbox every time I’m here, makes me so happy and I hope you know that I have so much love for you although I don’t say it very often! You deserve the world and more, with you it’s never a bad day here, thank you for everything you do! <3
@kingkepaff - Lily you are a very sweet person and I hope you know that you are loved! You are always brightening my day when I see you on my dash and it makes me happy that you’re always in my notifications and thoughts. Love you lots!
Other blogs I like a lot (give them a follow too):
@fredtheredsarmy @tierneystescobag @jackiexxgroenen @lucystani4th @giirlinterrupted @footballerimaginess @felltoabove @yonceutd @dioogoo @inlovewithamess @barkleysbabe @turtlelightwood @songofachillespdf @leahwilliamson @joytayloranya @danieljamesthighs @skb7 @lea-schuller @ansu--fatsi @elleeceunknown @ivanafuso @farmers-league​
I also wanna say thank you to those mutuals who unfortunately deactivated or are inactive. You are always in my thoughts and I hope you are doing well.
Another special shoutout to my arsenal anon and german learning anon. I don’t know what you are up to but I hope you’re having a great time, it’s always good to have you in my inbox!
Also any other reoccurring anon who is always making my day or simply needs to rant, you make it worth leaving the anon feature turned on!
In the end, I love all of you very much. Thanks for making my tumblr experience the way it is
over and out, Liv XO
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jhmyguardiangel · 5 years
Please do The8 + you graduating! Thank you 💛
Genre: Fluff, Romance, School
Category: Seventeen Plus
Drabble title: Graduation
A/N: this is a cute topic my heart is soft ;-; anon, i’m guessing you just graduated? if yes, congrats!
Word Count: 967
The day greeted your room a sunshine bright enough to make your bedroom white. It was a beautiful day to end your last day of school. You opened your window to take in the wind, cooling down your nervousness. To able to finish school and make everyone you love proud, it was an accomplishment. And a new leaf will soon to start.
Even though you were excited and overwhelmed, you regret not working on one thing that was important for all the years in high school. Stage fright. You were the valedictorian who’d be giving a speech later and still you had this fear.
You mentally face palmed yourself and funnily, your hair slapped your face with the gushing wind blowing about.
It’s going to be a fun day.
Your school was packed with graduating students running around with notebooks and their uniforms, asking people to have them signed. To your right, people were taking selfies and recording videos. You smiled at them, reminiscing all the memories you had all these years. It was bittersweet, but worth looking back at.
“Hey Y/N!” Seungkwan called. “We have to wear our graduation gowns!”
You followed him, and true enough, it was close to the graduation ceremony. All of the girls had their makeup on, and you made sure you wore waterproof mascara just in case the waterworks come later.
Just before you make you way down to the school hall, your boyfriend gave you a call.
“Hello? Minghao?” you smiled, “I’m glad you called. We’re just about getting ready.”
It took you a while to accept the fact that Minghao couldn’t make it to your ceremony since he was away in China to further his tertiary studies last year. He too, was bummed out that his schedule didn’t match yours. So you were glad, that he took his time to call.
“How’s my graduating baby?” he asked, and through those words, you knew he was smiling very wide.
“Nervous, but excited. Though I am giving the valedictory speech later.” you sighed.
“Ey, I know you’ll do well, Y/N.” he cooed. “Just think of me~”
You laughed out loud, earning many looks from your friends, who were smirking at you. They knew about your relationship with Minghao, you could say you two were a popular item throughout high school, given that you both were good looking.
“Hopefully I’ll make it through without remembering you farting in public when you asked me to be your girlfriend.” you teased.
“Oh please, don’t even start with that.” Minghao rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I’ll call your parents to Skype the whole thing.”
“Alright.” you say as you moved your foot in circles.
“I love you, you’ll do great up there.”
“Thanks. I love you too.” you bit your lip as you ended the call.
You stretched then turned to your left, seeing Seungkwan stare at you with a pulled face. “Really? Right in front of my salad?”
“Be thankful it’s the last day today.” you ruffled his hair, shaking your head.
The hour arrived and the hall was full house filled with families and friends, teachers and staff. You recited your lines as you look back and forth from your paper to the ceiling. The jitters were really getting to you.
It’s okay, Y/N, you can do it.
The ceremony started, beginning with the school anthem, video tribute, and the principal’s speech. In a matter of seconds, it could be your turn. The emcees finally called, and you stood up, walking up the stage.
“Oh she’s nervous, honey. You can see her cheeks tense up.” your mother turned to your father, who chuckled softly.
“Honey, she’ll do just fine. She’s our daughter.” he replied, “wait why is her body stiff?”
You exhaled, looked at the audience. Somehow this wasn’t so bad after all. You smiled before starting your speech. “Principal, teachers, staff, parents, friends, and fellow graduates: good morning and welcome to _____ graduation ceremony class of 20_ _. I’m Y/F/N…..”
Hearing your voice echoing through the hall, Minghao stood by the entrance gate, hoping that you wouldn’t see him. He actually thought you did very well.
Wow the hall is packed.
The ceremony went by like a racing car, once the principal congratulated this year’s graduates, followed by applause, all graduates stood up and threw your hats up, rejoicing. It was a bittersweet feeling, some students crying and hugging while others cheered. You and Seungkwan met with your parents and his family, who gave him a bouquet of flowers.
“Oh congratulations, my little pumpkin.” your mom hugged and kissed your cheek, while you both smiled for a photo your dad took.
“Congratulations, my valedictorian.” you dad hugged, giving you a quick peck on the head.
“Thank you mom, and dad!” you hugged them both. “This is for both of you.”
You wondered why you haven’t got any bouquet, and you were about to ask your parents when they held your shoulders and turned you around.
Just five feet apart, you spotted your boyfriend, holding a bouquet of flowers, smiling at you.
You covered your mouth with teary eyes. “Minghao.. baby, you’re here..” you haven’t seen him in a year and you longed for his embrace. He approached you and hugged you tightly.
“Surprise.” he told you, giving you a kiss on the temple. “Here, I got you something.”
You looked down at a bag, and broke into tears when you opened it.
It was a puppy of your favourite breed, wearing a graduation hat.
“Oh..” you stopped midway, crying. “You didn’t have to.. Wait is this a camera?” you took out a box. It was a matching camera with Minghao’s. He knew you loved photography as much as he did.
“Yeah.” he smiled as he hugged you again.
“Happy graduation Y/N.”
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