#confessions 620-629
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
You know I feel like the reason so many people get attached to TMF as a series is because it's mainly directed towards preteens/teens. Most series, atleast now, are aimed specifically at little kids, or are aimed at older adults, but TMF isn't like that. There are low level curse words and plot points maybe on the heavy side, but in no way does it cross over into extreme terrority. That's also why it contracts a mainly preteen/teen audience, which allows many people to make friends in the fandom too. I think more shows should be directed towards preteens/teens, and that's why I'm so happy TMF is!
confession #627
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offwithalicesheadx · 8 years ago
1000 Question Survey pt. 7
Emotions 614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: I actually cry so easily, usually death gets to me the most though, particularly animals
615.) Happy eyed?:  Lots of things, especially being with Jesse or when he sends me something nice in a message
616.) What song always makes you sad?:  A Little Fall of Rain - Les Miserables
617.) Happy?: Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?:  Jesse
619.) Really depressed?:  Don't really want to confess that for everyone to see haha
620.) Are you a really emotional person?:  Yeah
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?:  I think so
622.) A naturally happy person?:  Not really, in some ways I think, but in others I'm the complete opposite
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?:  It really depends, sometimes it's ongoing and always in the back of my mind, but sometimes it can be minutes or hours
624.) What do you do?:  I just have to try and breathe and calm myself down, maybe read a book or listen to music
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?:  I'm not really sure, there's songs where bits relate closely to me but there's nothing that totally follows every aspect of my life I don't think
The Last Person To 626.) Who was the last person to hug you?:  Jesse
627.) Talk to you?:  My mom
628.) IM you?:  My mom, well it's text but it's the closest thing to IM I use
629.) Touch you physically?:  Properly, Jesse, I might have like bumped or brushed someone on my way to or at work haha
630.) Touch you emotionally?:  Jesse
631.) Hurt you?:  Physically hurt, Declan, but it was an accident, and emotionally I'm not going to broadcast it on here
632.) Make you feel gooooood?: Jesse
633.) Scold you?:  Probably my nan
634.) Praise you?:  Jesse
635.) Say “Hello” to you?:  Someone ringing the phone at work
Weaknesses 636.) Are you secure with yourself?:  In some ways but not others
637.) What do other people think of you?: I have no idea
638.) What kind of person do you see yourself as?:  I'm usually quiet and awkward unless I really know you, I'm anxious a lot of the time, I'm hard-working and will go out of my way for people but I do tend to get stressed out easily, I have big mood swings, I'm very emotional, I'm a dreamer
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?:  Definitely that when I get anxious or self conscious I tend to over react, and I'm very sensitive as well
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?:  In some ways yes, in other ways not at all
641.) A weak person?:  In some ways
642.) Are you stressed out?:  I do get stressed a lot, work has been pretty busy this morning so that's making me stressed but I have a good weekend ahead of me so I'm just trying to focus on that
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: No, it usually plays on my mind for ages
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?:  No, I usually end up questioning whether it's me
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?:  No
MORE Random Stuff 671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking:  Tinky Winky, Dipsy, La La, Po
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason?:  No, I don't think so
673.) Do you talk Simmish?:  No
674.) Oday ouyay peaksay igpay atinlay?:  Nope
675.) Isn’t pig latin the best?:  No, it's too much thinking
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?:  I don't know, I think everyone has their own personal smell but I'm not sure what mine is, probably whatever perfume I'm wearing at the time
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?:  Yeah
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?:  No
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?:  Yeah, my RE teacher was really loud and enthusiastic
680.) Are you in an asylum?:  No
681.) College?:  No
682.) What is your favorite scent?:  Vanilla and Lush Snow Fairy
683.) Do you eat chocolate?:  Sometimes
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?:  Wagamama
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?:  I think being relaxed, happy and loved
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?:  Knowing somebody is never coming back
687.) Do like Spongebob?: Yeah
688.) Do you think he s gay?:  No idea
689.) How about Squidward? A little off track?:  Again, no idea
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like “I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework”?:  No
691.) Do you do your homework every night?:  I think I usually used to, but when it came to uni I did a lot of things last minute or didn't read the literature I was advised to read, I fluked my way through though haha
692.) Do you usually get a lot?:  I got a lot at uni, yeah, I don't really recall getting a crazy amount at school though
693.) “OOOOOO poor baby”:  I didn't complain
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?:  Unfortunately
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?:  No
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?:  Yeah, I was dared, it actually wasn't even bad, they make most dog food taste like our food
697.) Don’t you wish they would make them for humans too?:  We have our own biscuits
698.) Where is your second home?:  Jesse's house
699.) Are dollar stores cool?:  Sometimes
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you don’t need to look up?:  There's a few at work I know off by heart, other than that I only know mine I think
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?:  Yeah but I'm not super bothered, it's what I get for drinking coffee
702.) Can you do the limbo?: No
703.) Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?:  I don't really bother because I never stick to things, plus if I want to try and achieve something I can start at any time, doesn't have to be a new year
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ingilizce-turkce · 8 years ago
Top English Words - 13
601. column SÜTUN602. coma KOMA, KOMA HALİ603. comb TARAK604. come GELMEK605. come across TESADÜFEN KARŞILAŞMAK VEYA BULMAK606. comet KUYRUKLU YILDIZ607. comfort KONFOR ,RAHAT608. comfortable KONFORLU609. command KUMANDA ETMEK610. commemorate ANMAK (Kötü, üzücü bir olayı)611. commence BAŞLAMAK612. commercial 1.TİCARİ 2.REKLAM ( filmi )613. commission 1)ATAMAK,GÖREVLENDİRMEK 2)KOMİSYON (kurul,ücret)614. commit SUÇ İŞLEMEK (To commit murder)615. commitment 1)TAAHHÜT 2)SORUMLULUK616. common 1.AVAM, BASİT, SADE 2.ORTAK ,MÜŞTEREK617. communicate İLETİŞİM618. community TOPLUM619. commute EVDEN İŞE HERGÜN UZUN YOL GİDİP GELMEK620. company 1.ŞİRKET, KUMPANYA 2.BERABERLİK, ARKADAŞLIK621. comparatively MUKAYESELİ OLARAK622. compare MUKAYESE ETMEK623. compass 1.PUSULA 2.PERGEL624. compensate TELAFİ ETMEK,KARŞILAMAK625. compensation TELAFİ,TAZMİNAT626. compete YARIŞMAK627. competition 1.YARIŞMA 2.REKABET628. complain YAKINMAK, ŞİKAYET ETMEK629. complete BÜTÜN, TÜM, TAMAMI, BİTMİŞ630. complicated KARIŞIK,KOMPLİKE631. compliment İLTİFAT, KOMPLİMAN, HEDİYE632. components UNSUR, PARÇA, BİLEŞİMDE BULUNAN633. compose YAPIM (Şiir,şarkı,sanat eseri)634. composition KOMPOZİSYON, BİRLEŞİK635. compound BİRLEŞİK, BİLEŞİK636. compromise UZLAŞMA637. computer KOMPÜTÜR,BİLGİSAYAR638. concentrate KONSANTRE,YOĞUN639. concept GENEL F��KİR,DÜŞÜNCE,ANLAYIŞ-I have no conception why640. concern 1.İLGİLENDİRMEK 2.ÜZÜLMEK641. concern İLGİ,ÜZÜNTÜ,ENDİŞE642. concert KONSER643. conclude 1.SONUCA ULAŞMAK 2.KARAR VERMEK644. conclusion KARAR,SONUÇ645. condemn 1)CEZALANDIRMAK 2)MAHKUM ETMEK(veya zorunlu kılmak)646. condition DURUM, ŞART647. conduct DAVRANIŞ, TAVIR,YOL GÖSTERMEK648. cone 1)KONİ 2)KÜLAH (Dondurma)649. conference KONFERANS650. confess İTİRAF ETMEK
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
"Rosy needs to release season 2 already I'm getting impatient111!!111!!1!" Dude I want you to write down a coherent storyline for an entire season, pick out voice actors and pay for them to read all the lines you give them, choose songs that will make sense in the episodes context, and animate a 20+ minute episode ALL by yourself (with only minimal help from others) and we can see how long it takes you
confession #629
real like i get the impatience but some ppl dk that what she does takes so much effort omg
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
I need jake and lia to become better friends in season 2, they genuinely parallel each other so much its insane
confession #623
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
I hope Jaisy friendship stays the same if they have a falling out or an argument with each other I will pick a fight they are like the token friendship that has NEVER broke please Rosy let them be happy 🙏🙏🙏
confession #628
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
I loooovvvveee the dromies so much so much but if i had to talk to any of them in real life id walk straight out of the school 😭😭 no way im putting up with their bullying bs on 3 hours of sleep and a coffee
confession #622
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
tgirl elliott tgirl elliott tgirl elliott tgirl elliott
her chosen name would be a flower. a very pretty flower.
confession #626
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
Tbh the depiction of Elliots social anxiety could use some work, DONT GET ME WRONG, I'm so so so happy Rosy chose to represent social anxiety in a character!!!! But I feel like certain parts don't make sense, like how Elliot immediately opens up to Milly and starts sobbing about his problems to her, even though for most people with social anxiety would be more reluctant to open up to others with the fear of being judged, ESPECIALLY by people you've just met
I feel like if Elliots discomfort was expressed more subtly in the scene it could've worked out with the same ending
No hate, I still like Elliot as a character, but I feel like other depictions of general anxiety worked better in the show (for example Jake and Hailey)
confession #625
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
Elliot is so me as a person with extreme social anxiety that boy finally has a PERSONALITY!!!
confession #624
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
Tbh sometimes when people treat henry and liam like angels in the group or say things like "henry and liam are too bulliable to be bullies" it doesn't make sense to me. Bullies display different personalities and behaviors, but it sure as hell doesn't make them any less of a bully. While henriam may both have typically bullied "cringey" interests, they still do go out of this way to purposely pick on people, just in other realms of interests (like music)
And just cause they aren't as serious and demeaning as Drew, Lia, or Zoey are doesnt mean its less hurtful. Their jokey behaviors still make people feel unworthy. They make fun of people by treating them and the things they like and the person they are as a complete and utter joke, and that still makes people feel bad even if theyre goofing around while doing it. They truly are similar to drew, but the way they bully others is different
I love henry and liam but its weird to see people act like they arent guilty too (i wont say AS much as the others in their friend group but they are near their level)
confession #621
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tmf-confessions · 8 months ago
why has no one considered jake x lia x henry. polyamory for the win
confession #620
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