#confession 997
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I hope Marie Batel survives, realizes Chris is a bad space boyfriend, dumps his ass and hooks up with someone hot like Una or Neera.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Love at first sight
written for @corrodedcoffinfest (Prompt 6: HEARD IT IN A LOVE SONG) and @steddie-week (Day 6, Prompt: Dizzy / drunken confessions) Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: none Words: 997
The music pumps in his ears and Steve might have drunk a little bit too much. Not enough to run to the bathroom but enough that he feels dizzy and happy for no reason, so he slams his glass on the bar counter and moves toward the dance floor.
The people are dancing around him like a human tide and all he wants is to go adrift. Someone grinds against his ass but he doesn’t even turn. Steve needs this, a little bit of human contact, the feeling that he’s wanted even if his parents just sent him their last check with a letter saying that from now on he’s on his own.
He should have told Robin, but she was on a date with the pretty barista she had a crush on since forever so he just crumpled the letter and threw it in his drawer, took his keys, and got to his favorite gay bar and started to drink the last money his parents gave him. No better way to spend it after all.
Someone bumps into him too hard and Steve loses his equilibrium. Trying not to fall on the ground he grabs the first thing he can, which apparently it’s a leather jacket.
Leather jackets mean bikers or metal heads, usually closeted ones that will get really angry.
“I’m sorry…” he slurs, “I tripped and…” Steve starts to apologize, but the man that’s looking at him is the most beautiful man he has ever seen. Long curly dark hair, deep dark eyes, and a mischievous smile painted on his face.
“You ok, sweetheart?” He tells him, holding Steve up, “Too many drinks, huh? It happens to the best of us.”
The man chuckles, making sure Steve is stable enough on his feet before turning toward his group of friends, but Steve’s hand is still holding tight on his leather jacket.
“If you could let go of me we could go back to our friends, sweetness,” the man smiles, prying Steve’s hand open.
“No? Don’t you want to have fun with your friends?”
“No friends.” Steve tries to explain, and the man frowns.
“You here alone?”
Steve nods, but the sudden movement makes him feel dizzy again. Luckily the other man grabs his arm and stabilizes him once more.
“Sorry… my head is spinning.” Steve apologized, hiding his face behind his free hand.
“Why don’t we sit for a moment, huh?”
“Eddie, come on! This round is on you!” Someone yells next to them, and Steve notices at that moment that he’s not in the middle of the dance floor anymore, but close to the bar counter.
The man grabs his wallet from his back pocket, one hand still holding Steve’s arm tight, “Need to get back to the table. Take what you need.”
“But how can I bring all the beers back?”
“I’ll ask Jeff to help you, don’t whine!”
Steve looks at the dark-haired man and asks, “Eddie?”
“Yeah. That’s me. What’s your name, sugar?”
“Nice to meet you, Steve. Why don’t you sit with me and my friends for a moment?” he proposes, dragging him toward the bar's private area, “We’re celebrating. We just signed our first contract with a musica label.” Eddie winks, “What about you? Something to celebrate?”
“My parents officially disowned me. And I’m drinking the last money they sent me.”
Eddie hums with a sad smile, “I know a thing or two about shitty parents. But maybe getting drunk in a bar alone isn’t the best choice to deal with things like that. People could take advantage of your state.”
“Are you going to take advantage of me?” Steve asks innocently, “I would let you if you wanted to.”
Eddie snorts, “Thank you for the offer but I’m the kind of guy who prefers full consent to drunk consent. Hey guys! This is Steve! He’s having a bit of a hard day so he’s staying with us until he feels a little bit better and we can send him home safely.”
“Hi Steve, I’m Jeff. Would you like a glass of water?”
“That’s a great idea. Why don’t you get one for him while helping Gareth with the beers? I gave him my wallet.”
“You gave your wallet to Gar?” another man asks, ginning, “He’s going to spend all your money. I bet twenty dollars he will come back with the most expensive bottle he can find.”
“Not my problem, Freak. You know I don’t really care about money.” Eddie shrugs, sitting next to the tall boy who keeps grinning.
“So you found another stray, Eddie?” Freak asks, scooting over to let them sit.
“I can't tell one from another. Did I find you or you find me?” Eddie replies, turning toward Steve who stares at him in confusion, “It’s a line I heard in a love song, always wanted to use it, never got the occasion. Till now.”
“Maybe wait for him to be sober before hitting on him, huh? Don’t worry. Eddie is dramatic like that, but he’s a good guy.”
“I think I love him,” Steve whispers to Freak way too loudly, and the big man chuckles.
“Look at you, Eddie! You just signed your first contract and already found yourself a groupie!”
Eddie reaches out for the glass of water that Jeff is holding and gives it to Steve, “Drink it all like a good boy.”
“I do.” Steve insists, taking Eddie’s hand and putting it over his chest, “Can’t you feel my love for you? It’s like you said. We were meant to find each other.” 
If Steve wasn’t drunk he would feel ashamed of himself, but what he said it’s true. He never believed in love at first sight, but now he would swear by it.
“Ok. Ok. Now drink your water and if tomorrow morning you’ll feel still in love with me,” Eddie says, fishing a chewed pen and writing a number on a napkin “call me.” 
Now with a second part
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teaandransacking · 2 years
I loved your lockwood x reader smut. Could you possibly do another one where anthony is being really needy and loud and the reader is teasing him about it?
There are NOT enough lockwood x reader spicy fics so it would be great if‘d give it a go.
Btw you’re very talented
Thanks so much!
I did stray a bit from the brief but I hope you like this.
Words: 997 ~ Content: heavy petting, allusions to sex, curse words
a/n: I feel like a little gremlin in this Lockwood pit, but I don't want to be thrown a ladder. Maybe ever.
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There’s no fucking privacy in this house.
Usually, you don’t mind. It’s fun and comforting, normally, for you, George, Lucy and Lockwood to live in each other’s pockets, always eating three meals a day together, doing laundry together, watching films together.
But sometimes, especially since you and Lockwood confessed your feelings for each other, you just want to have the house to yourself.
To do things you really can’t do in close proximity to the others.
So, when some eccentric billionaire on the South Bank throws a party in his mansion and Flo invites you all to watch the fireworks from the bank of the Thames, you and Lockwood politely decline.
George gives you the side-eye. Lucy says, “Probably best that we’re out. I don’t want to hear what you’re going to get up to.”
The day seems to drag until finally, the clock creeps around to six, and Lucy and George leave in a flurry of goodbyes and the clunking of boots and coats being dragged on.
Lockwood closes the door and leans his back against it, his gaze finding yours. “At last.”
You waste no time, grasping the open edges of his hoodie and dragging him into you. Your mouths meet and it feels like forever since you’ve kissed, properly, without worrying about being interrupted by one of your housemates or a call from Inspector Barnes or a request to dispatch a haunting.
“I feel like it’s been forever since I had you alone,” you agree.
His arms come around you and then slide down to your hips, settling you against him, and it’s clear that his body has gone from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat.
“You’re keen,” you purr against his mouth.
“Darling, you have no idea, he says huskily. “Bedroom, if you please. As distracting as the thought of bending you over a stair is-”
“You’ve thought about that?”
He gestures to the window above the door. “Do you remember that day last week? It was early afternoon. Sunny. You came down the stairs just as I got home. The sunshine hit your hair just so…” He strokes his fingers through the strands “..and I was transfixed. I’m used to seeing you in the dark, and you’re beautiful, but in the daylight….” He swallows and kisses your forehead. “You’re unforgettable.”
Emotion surges inside you at his sentimentality. It’s one of the things you love about him. He’s been through so much, but he still loves with his whole heart, has still opened himself to Lucy and George and you, even though it must be scary to do so.
“Stop. I can barely handle how gorgeous your voice is. When you’re saying stuff like that, I can’t think.”
His mouth drops to your cheek, and his hand in your hair moves to cup the back of your neck. “Maybe I like it when you can’t think straight. Maybe I want you wrecked.”
Oh, God.
The mouth on this man is going to destroy you. 
“Bed, bed, bed,” you chant, tugging his hoodie and walking backwards until your heels meet the stairs.
“No backwards walking,” Lockwood admonishes softly. “I want you there in one piece.”
You reluctantly turn, taking his hand, and you rush up the stairs, fingers tangled together, like excited children running towards a playground.
By unspoken agreement you go to Lockwood’s room (it’s closer). You both reach the bed and then you push him down on it, and he looks up at you breathlessly, like you’re his beginning and end. Like you’re everything, and in that moment you look into his big brown eyes and you think you can see his soul.
“Please,” he murmurs. “Please, touch me. Anywhere. Everywhere.”
“Promise you won’t shut up?” you smile, lying down beside him.
“Promise that I won’t?” he asks, softly, flashing that megawatt grin.
You trail your index finger from his collarbone down to his belly button and watch as his breath hitches. 
“Promise that you won’t,” you repeat. “We’re alone for the first time in bloody ages, and the way you were last time…” You trace your finger along the waistband of his jeans. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
A rosy flush creeps up his neck. “I was loud.”
“I loved it.” You resume your exploration, taking your finger on the path delineated by the zipper of his jeans,
He bucks under you. “Please.”
His voice gets like this when he’s needy - half an octave lower, huskier. His pupils get lust blown, his cheeks get just a little pink, and he’s even more beautiful like this. He might have teased you earlier about wanting you wrecked, but it’s he who is now, spread out like an offering, primed to blow at your touch and your touch alone.
You pull the zipper down. “Use your words.”
“Please touch me,” he keens, and his hands are balled into fists at his sides, and he’s struggling for control.
You watch his face as you gently part the slit in his boxers and free him out, and his teeth sink into his bottom lip as you palm him greedily. 
“Oh, fuck yes. Do that. Please.”
His eyes flutter closed. He really does have that whole long-lashes-high-cheekbone thing going on, and it does it for you in a big way.
You take your time pleasuring him, your gaze on his face, drinking up all his lip-biting and uttered curses and best of all, his needy pleas, and for the rest of the evening, you completely and thoroughly rock his world.
Turnabout is fair play, though, and in the morning, he makes good on his promise to absolutely wreck you. 
You don’t make it downstairs for breakfast.
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finitepeace · 6 months
jan - march reads: hannigram
Hannigram I've read in these past 3 months:
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In My Arms Is Where You'll Stay by ElizaD | E, 63k words | They begin to date in secret but it is not until Hannibal believes that Tobias Budge has killed Will that he truly understands how strong his feelings for the beautiful empath are.
(you love) the sound of sorry by martyrs (kennith) | M, 2k words | Abigail survives the events of Mizumono. Will does not.
In Sickness and in Health by BonesAndScales | M, 76k words, WIP | Everyone knows that Will and Hannibal are married. Not everyone knows that they are married to each other.
We've met. by acheforhim | T, 997 words | “He wanted you to work on my profile,” Will says, and Hannibal nods. He gathered as much. “Can’t ask you to do it if our relationship is too personal. “How personal is it?” Crawford asks, looking to Hannibal, but he is more than happy to let Will speak for both of them. “One could argue, intimate.”
Tug of War by EarthsickWithoutYou | E, 10k words | Having put the pieces together about Dr. Lecter and the Ripper being one and the same, Will sets out to tease and seduce them both, especially driving Hannibal crazy with jealousy. What will it take to break down Hannibal's deception and defenses and get him to confess everything to Will?
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kiwi2229 · 1 year
Medicine for my mind
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 997 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: Potion
CW: underage drinking, bad coping mechanism
The silence that filled the room after the door closed behind James is deafening. Regulus was never an optimist, but when every bad scenario he ever could think of became true he found out there was a little hope in him after all. And now it’s gone. Regulus is pretty sure that losing hope is the worst feeling ever.
He sinks to his knees because there is no point in standing. He is done. He lost everything. And he isn’t even surpised. He always knew once he shows James his dark mark the boy will leave him. But seeing him actually walk out of the door destroyed him. It tore him open, leaving him bleeding alone in a cold room. And it’s all his fault.
Regulus waves his wand and summons a bottle of wine. He doesn’t even bother with getting glass. He just opens the bottle and drinks straight from it. “I’m sorry, Jamie.” He whispers and the only answer is the silence.
He can see the moment James finally realised Regulus was lost cause. He didn’t shout at him, he didn’t cry, he didn’t even talk. It was just a simple sentence I can’t Regulus. And with that, James walked out of the room and out of Regulus’ life. Regulus swings the bottle again drinking large gulps. The wine even though is expensive is tasteless in his mouth. It just burns.
It was only a matter of time before they would come to an end. There was never a different scenario for them. But to Regulus, the little time they had was everything. He only got taste of what it feels like to live. Not just surviving. And he doesn’t think he can go back to his old life. The bottle is empty, and Regulus opens another one. He drinks the wine like it’s medicine for his mind. Because the more he drinks the blurrier the world seems. The pain is still there, but instead of eating him alive, he feels like he is slowly drowning in oblivion.
“I’m so sorry.” He chatters over and over. “I was afraid. I’m sorry I was afraid, that I’m not as brave as Sirius.” His words are slurry, but it doesn’t matter. No one is listening anyway. These are just secret confessions that he never got to say out loud. “I wanted to be, you know? For you. But in the end, guess everybody was right. There is no point in trying to save a broken piece.”
His body is cold, and Regulus lost the only person who could ever warm him up. The bottle slips from his fingers and the red wine spills on the white carpet. Regulus doesn’t even bother to clean it. Nothing matters. He just opens another one determined to keep drinking until his mind shuts up.
He is lying on the floor curled up in a ball. “I just believed you for a moment. For one flattering shiny moment, I believed in a different ending. You once promised you would always be there for me.” Regulus wraps his arms around himself. He isn’t even angry with James for breaking the promise. He gave up on himself a long time ago. Sad acceptance filled his body. “I never got a chance to explain. But I guess it doesn’t matter in the end. I’m just so sorry.”
Regulus falls asleep alone on the cold floor surrounded by empty bottles and unfulfilled wishes.
James comes back to the room several hours later just to find this boy on the ground his body limp, the air filled with the smell of alcohol. It’s almost morning. James spent all night wandering around the castle trying to work this out. He didn’t want to leave his boyfriend alone last night, but he couldn’t stay there. It was too much. He picks up Regulus and lies him on a bed.
We are too young for this. We shouldn’t be dealing with it. We should be worried about exams and how to sneak into Hogsmeade. Not war. It’s not fair.
He wipes the tears from his eyes. Regulus stirs on the bed and opens his eyes. James can see the boy is still drunk. And considering the number of bottles on the ground he isn’t surprised.
“James?” Regulus whispers. And James’ heart breaks from the sadness in his voice. “at least I can see you like this.” James doesn’t understand, nothing makes sense. It all stopped making sense when he saw the mark on Regulus’ forearm.
“What do you mean like this?”
Regulus reaches up to him and the moment his fingertips touch his skin Regulus’ already red eyes swells with tear again. “You even feel like the real him too. I take it. If I can have you only in my dreams, I take it. Anything. Please just… I’m sorry that I wasn’t better.”
“We will fix it. I don’t know how but we will fix it.” James says.
Regulus smiles at him sadly. “Yeah, if you say so.”
James links their fingers together and it feels the same as yesterday. At least this is still theirs.
“My head is spinning,” Regulus whines and closes his eyes.
“Hold on,” James says quickly and summons a sobering Potion, that should help the younger boy. “Drink this and go to sleep.”
Regulus shakes his head. “I don’t want to go to sleep...” James’ heart aches from how defeated Regulus looks. “…not when you won’t be here when I wake up. I can’t do it.”
“I’ll be here. I promised, didn’t I?”
“You left. I let you down and you left.” Regulus whimper.
“I came back. I’m sorry, Reg.” There is no point in having a conversation right now. James shifts so he is lying on the bed and tugs Regulus towards him. “Sleep, I will wait, and we will talk in the morning.”
Regulus closes his eyes, the potion taking over. “I love you, James.” He whispers.
“I love you too.”
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moon-alight · 2 years
hii !! may i request a harua x female reader doing the pocky game? to be more specific, they've been dating for a while and has only kissed once. they wanted to kiss more but decided to make it more fun by playing the pocky game!
backstory to harua and reader's relationship: maybe reader was a classmate of pre-debut harua and they were kinda friends and always felt something for each other and so like a day before &team's debut (he decided that the outcome of the confession will decide his emotional and mental state even when he's about to debut and possibly nothing should go wrong before him and his grp's special day), harua asked reader to meet up with him and he confessed + a kiss which was their first kiss together and in general <3
No cause this is so damn cute. I immediately went for it when I saw this in my inbox.
Pocky game - &Team Harua
Synopsis: Harua had been very busy since debut which led to not many moments with his s/o. Now that he has her for himself in the dorms, he's about to make their second kiss real special.
Warnings: fluff overload, afab reader x Harua,
Word Count: 997
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You are at the dorms after Harua had invited you. He has an entire day off and couldn't think of a better way to spend it than with you. (He might've gotten the idea after he had seen K sneaking in his girlfriend earlier that morning)
You accepted immediately and are now sitting next to Harua on the couch as you listen to him explain the feeling of being on stage. Your relationship is very cute and different from K's. He would often just look at you two in awe from the kitchen.
You are obviously understanding towards Harua. He had asked you to become his girlfriend the day before his debut which obviously led to a lot of calls and messages since seeing him was hard. You never complained, being the supportive girlfriend you are, you always stood beside him.
*One month ago*
You had received a message from Harua, telling you to meet him outside your house. You were surprised as it was 11 PM and you knew he would be debuting the following day. Nevertheless, you showed up and saw him standing there nervously.
"What are you doing here? It's way too late." You scold him as if you are his mom. Harua smiles at you, fiddling with his fingers. "Harua?"
"I have to tell you something." He says, looking down at the ground. You patiently wait for him to continue talking, you're mind going different places. Harua takes out a piece of paper and unfolds it with shaky hands. He clears his throat as he starts reading.
"y/n, I... uh, we have known each other for uh... a while n-now." He squints his eyes as he tries to read the words. "I'm sorry, I have messy handwriting." He tries to joke but it doesn't take away that he's a nervous wreck.
"Harua, if you want to tell me something, just say it." You had your suspicious as to where he was going with this and you hoped you were right. Harua fumbles the piece of paper and puts it back in his pocket.
"Right, uh... y/n." He takes your hands in his sweaty ones. "I-... I really like you and I hoped you would be m-my girlfriend." His stuttering was adorable and when his question finally left his lips, you were sure your heart would explode.
"You're the most adorable person ever." You comment, watching him blush in the moonlight. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." Harua looks at you with hopeful eyes and a relieved smile.
"That's great 'cause if you had said no, I would've been a mess for tomorrow."
"Who asks such an important question a day before such an important event?" You ask, shaking your head slightly.
"Me. At least now I know the debut will go amazing as well." He tells you, leaning in and kissing your lips gently before pulling away and smirking. "See you later, cutie." He says, running away and leaving you stunned.
*Present day*
"And when everyone clapped... it was magical." Harua finishes his rant about his debut to you. His smile bigger than ever and you're sure he's carrying all the stars in his eyes right now.
"I'm so proud of you, I'm happy you made your dream come true."
"I couldn't have done it without you." Harua replies. "You were my first supporter that isn't directly related to me."
"If you mean the school play, then you're absolutely correct." You both laugh, recalling your school days together when you two sat next to each other in class.
You two hear some noises come from the kitchen and turn to look at K and his girlfriend kissing. You had wanted to kiss Harua again after the confession but with all the chaos he had around debuting you didn't really dare. Harua however had become very bold after his confession.
"Want to play a game." He asks you, smiling brightly. You turn to face him and nod.
"What game?" You weren't sure what to expect but when you saw Harua hold up a box of pocky's, you started laughing.
"Let's see who's better at this." You wanted to be competetive and say that you would easily win but with Harua so close, you weren't sure you would. He takes the first one out the box and puts the tiniest bit in his mouth, nodding at you. You chuckle before inching closer.
"I'm gonna win." You whisper, starting to bite the other end of the chocolate stick, constantly inching closer to him. Your nerves get the better of you, what if he didn't want to kiss you and just suggested to play the game? What if there was a reason he hadn't kissed you after your first one? So, right before your lips could touch his, you pulled away.
You weren't sure, but Harua seemed a bit disappointed when he took his part out and looked at it. His disappointment is soon masked with a smirk.
"That's all you could do? Really?" He asks, cockily. He hands you another pocky. "My turn." You put the small piece in your mouth and watch as Harua goes to sit right. "Ready?" He asks, you nod.
Harua starts biting the end of the pocky, his hand cupping your right cheek as he inches closer and closer. You hold your breathe, expecting him to pull away as well but instead his lips collide with yours. You unconciously smile into the kiss, enjoying to know that he wanted this as bad as you. Harua pulls away, a red blush on his cheeks as he holds up the crum of pocky that was left.
"I win." He says, you burst out laughing at his cute antics.
"How about a rematch?" You ask, raising your eyebrows as you too are getting bolder.
"Sounds great, there's about 8 left in the box, let's see if we can beat this record." He replies, putting down the crum on the table, making you chuckle.
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eternal-echoes · 7 months
“In 997, the German king-emperor Otto III wrote to implore the assistance of the celebrated Gerbert [Gerbert of Aurillac, who later became Pope Sylvester II]. Urgently desiring knowledge, he turned to a future pope. "I am ignorant," he confessed, "and my education has been greatly neglected. Come and help me. Correct what has been ill done and advise me on the proper government of the Empire. Strip me of my Saxon boorishness and encourage the things I have inherited from my Greek forebears. Expound the book of arithmetic which you sent me." Gerbert happily acceded to the king's request. "Greek by birth and Roman by Empire," Gerbert assured him, "you may claim as it were by hereditary right the treasures of Greek and Roman wisdom. Surely in that there is something divine?””
- Thomas E. Woods Jr., Ph.D., “A Light in the Darkness,” How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
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It’s Nice To Have a Friend
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pre death Tate Langdon x reader
word count 997
warnings: none that i can think of 
based on the song it's nice to have a friend by taylor swift so think about listening to it while reading up to you
School bell rings, walk me home
Sidewalk chalk covered in snow
Lost my gloves, you give me one
"Wanna hang out?"
Yeah, sounds like fun
Video games, you pass me a note
Sleeping in tents
you walk out of the school before you hear someone yelling your name from the entrance of the school.
"Hey y/n," you turn and see it was Tate a guy from your class you pull your coat closer around yourself before you respond.
"hey Tate what's up," he smiles as he catches up to you
"i-i was wondering if I could walk you home," he said rubbing the back of his neck with his glove-covered hand.
"oh yeah sure," you say blushing but it's not noticeable because your face was already pink from the snow.
"great okay let's go," he says with the brightest smirk ever on his face which makes you chuckle and you start walking talking about anything and everything. you can feel your hands getting cold so you look in your pockets for your gloves and you find that you forgot them.
"ah shit I forgot my gloves at home," you say rubbing your hands together and blowing on them. Tate looks at you with concern.
"here you can have one of mine," he says with a smile taking it off and giving it to you.
"Are you sure?" he shakes his head yes. "thank you Tate" you smile and put on the glove.
"no problem cant have those beautiful hands freezing off" you both chuckle while you blush. you finally make it back to your house.
"hey Tate do you wanna come in and play some video games?" you say blushing and playing with your hands.
"yeah, sounds fun," he says rubbing his neck again and smiling while you lead him into your house. you go into your room together and you turn on music while he sits on your bed you start playing and talking and before you know it it's dark out and you and Tate were inside a tent laughing and talking and you fall asleep on his shoulder him following close behind you.
Light pink sky up on the roof
Sun sinks down, no curfew
Twenty questions, we tell the truth
You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too
Something gave you the nerve
To touch my hand
you and Tate started hanging out a lot more after that you were inseparable. Tate had been stressed with the bullies lately which in turn made me stressed so in an attempt to help that I asked him to watch the sunset with me on my roof and that was where we are now.
"See aren't you glad I asked you up here it's so beautiful," you said looking at the sky with a smile.
"yeah, it is," you turn and he's looking at you smiling fondly which made you smile back.
"let's play a game... 20 questions," you said chuckling a little.
"Okay sure me first," Tate says with a smile before you realized his hand was on yours you looked down at it before you heard him talking "do you like me y/n?" he said looking into your eyes while you looked up from your connected hands. you blush under his intense eye contact.
"uh- i- um- y-yeah," you said looking down and tucking hair behind your ear with your other hand blushing as hard as humanly possible. you hear him let out a breath.
"thank god I like you too y/n," he says moving your face to look at him again. both of you smile while slowly leaning into each other you both chuckle a little before finally kissing with gentle passion.
Church bells ring, carry me home
Rice on the ground looks like snow
Call my bluff, call you "babe"
Have my back, yeah, everyday
Feels like home, stay in bed
The whole weekend
a couple of years have gone by and you and Tate are just as strong as you were when you first got together if not stronger he confessed his plans for the school and you were able to help him by getting him a good therapist and you were able to make it through it together. you were now 20 and Tate had proposed to you a year ago your wedding was today and you were getting stressed about it and if it was going to go perfectly.
"Addie oh my god you look beautiful," you say when she walks in on you looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Really y/n you look like the perfect bride you are such a pretty girl," she says with a smile and holds out her hand to you. you thought it would be nice that Addie walk you down the aisle because your father had passed and both Tate and you wanted her to be a part of the wedding so this was the perfect role. you grab her hand and you both walk closer to the aisle when you get to the opening the music starts playing and Tate turns around to look at you. you can see the tears start to well up in his eyes and that in turn makes your eyes start to water, you continue walking and finally make it to the end of the aisle and you kiss Addie on the cheek before grabbing Tates hand and the ceremony went on.
after the ceremony and reception, you and Tate exited while everyone threw rice in the air for you both which reminded you of the first time Tate walked you home from school with all the snow on the floor. you guys get into the car and Tate starts driving you away while you wave goodbye to all of your guests. instead of going for a honeymoon you and Tate stayed in your new house alone all weekend not leaving just enjoying your marriage for a little bit.
"I love you with all my heart y/n," Tate says pulling you closer to his chest you smile and look up at him.
"I love you too Tate so so much," you said kissing him then snuggling into his neck and falling into a deep sleep.
hope you guys enjoyed
Good day night whatever
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youchangedmedean · 2 years
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I tagged 927 of my posts in 2022
#spn - 527 posts
#destiel - 291 posts
#dean - 142 posts
#spn fanart - 106 posts
#jensen - 96 posts
#destiel fanart - 93 posts
#spnwin - 93 posts
#destiel edit - 61 posts
#misha - 54 posts
#cas - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#maybe an oops later on or on the day of if we dont heal it its a bandage for the next 2 eps so healing is a quick fix
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dean’s Outfit in The Winchesters Trailer
Here I am, back on my obsession with Dean’s clothing and able to put it to good use.
We see Dean in the trailer not looking exactly like we know him. However, we know his outfit.
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See the full post
838 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
what physically happened to you watching the confession live? I started shaking at “the one thing I want... it’s something I know I can’t have”, in the run up to “I love you” my heart was pounding so hard I thought I was going to pass out.
997 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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It’s true
1,012 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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‘only a bloody handprint on Dean’s clothes remains’  😭
1,110 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,120 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
Unprompted https://ift.tt/uphiL4Z by sarajbanner Hey so this is basically just from a google docs page I made a hot minute ago where I write short stories or one-shots using inspo from tiktok or pinterest haha. I'll probably add on to it as I write more on the doc, but It'll be super sporadic. Words: 997, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Original Work Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Original Characters, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Randomness, from my google docs, idk it's just some stuff, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Love Confessions, Bisexual Dean Winchester, original sapphic characters, lot's of repressed feelings for same sex bffs, does that say something about me??, nah via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/7mfWCzr June 27, 2023 at 12:19AM
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“For once, I want Adrien to have REAL foil, just like Chloe and Lila is to Marinette. And no, I don’t really think Luka or Kagami counts.”
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#997: "I think the very best Princess and the Pauper blooper is when Julian starts break-dancing."
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“Correct me if I’m over reading this, but Ladybug is supposed to be a young, independent, strong heroine, like Kim Possible. Isn’t the feminism in the character a little counter productive when her real life counterpart’s main conflict is getting the attention of a guy, even if he does in a way reciprocate his feelings”
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Easy pete is secretly a guardian of everyone, he wants us happy.
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jayfortheday · 2 years
an alternate universe of THE BLACK PHONE where the grabber never fucking existed and all the boys plus gwen and reader are freinds. friends hang out and late at night they have empty cola bottles out and they spin the bottle for truth or dare, shit gets a little hot with reader and vance and then they realize "hey 7 minutes in heaven sounds fun" everyone goes in but nothing happens but when reader and vamce go in the feeling they had in ToD comes out again and they make out or smt 😫
love your writings man
One Quick Moment (Vance Hopper)
Pairing: Vance Hopper x GN!Reader (romantic), small Robin Arellano x Finney Blake (romantic)
Word count: 997
Description: While playing 7 minutes in heaven, Vance and Y/N get paired together
Tags: kissing, confession, seven minutes in heaven, alternate universe, canon divergence
“Alright, Griff, it’s your turn,” Bruce chuckled as he slid the empty Coke bottle to Griffin. Griffin looked around the group nervously before he spun the bottle, watching it move. As the bottle finally slowed, it stopped in front of Billy. Griffin swallowed anxiously with a small blush before getting up. Billy hopped up and ruffled Griffin’s hair before leading him to the hall closet. 
“Ha, they’re totally not gonna do anything,” Robin remarked, nudging Finney with his elbow. 
“I’m not convinced any of you have done anything,” you responded, leaning back slightly on your hands. Both Robin and Finney blushed slightly, avoiding eye contact with both you and each other, causing you to laugh. “Most of you, anyway.”
Vance looked at you with a small grin before sneaking over to the closet door. He pressed his ear against it for a small moment before wandering back over. 
“They’re talking about the fuckin’ Brady Bunch,” he laughed as he sat back down. 
“That feels in character,” you smiled back, looking at the closet before turning back to the main circle.
- - -
After their seven minutes were up, Billy and Griffin returned from the closet and resumed their places in the circle. 
“Welcome back, nerds,” Gwen teased, sticking out her tongue at the pair. “Now come on, it’s Y/N’s turn.” Griffin slid the bottle over to you and you took it. You adjusted it on the floor in front of you before you gave it a spin. You watched as it spun, eyes grazing over the others as it passed in front of them. 
Your face blushed intensely as the bottle finally slowed in front of Vance. As you looked up, you noticed Vance had a similar expression on his face. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Robin lean over and whisper something into Finney’s ear, to which Finney rolled his eyes and nodded. You gave them a small glare before you stood up, your legs suddenly feeling weak. You rushed ahead to the closet, too embarrassed to walk beside Vance.
You turned and saw him walk up behind you. He gave you a soft smile before opening the door and gesturing for you to enter. You hurried inside and sat on the floor, bringing your knees up to your chest. 
“I’m not gonna bite ya,” Vance chuckled as he closed the door and sat across from you. You looked at him. You only half believed him. 
“The game always feels stupid when it’s your turn, doesn’t it,” you joked, playing with a piece of your hair to calm your nerves. You had liked Vance since you met him and here you were, playing a game where you were expected to make out with him. 
“Ha, you said it,” Vance agreed, shaking his head slightly, and causing his curls to bounce. The movement of his hair captivated you and you couldn’t help but stare. 
“It is a bit much, isn’t it?” Vance remarked, noticing your staring. 
“No, no,” you rushed to say. “I actually really like it. I think it suits you.” Vance gazed up at his bangs before looking back at you. 
“I guess I’ll take your word for it.”
“You’re blushing,” Vance noticed, leaning slightly closer to you. Your mouth fell slightly agape as you tried to think of an explanation. “We don’t have to do anything,” he did his best to assure you. 
“We don’t?” You asked. Your tone was relieved, but also a bit saddened. Vance laughed a little at your expression. 
“There something you tryin’ to say, L/N?” He asked with a playful tone. He leaned forward again, delighting in your increasing blush. 
“Oh my god, shut up,” you half groaned half laughed. “But yeah, I guess this time works as good as any.” Vance had a curious expression on his face as he waited for you to speak. “I mean, you’re one of the coolest people I know. You’re always nice to me and you make me laugh. You’re always there when I need you.” Vance’s face began to flush as well as he listened. “I guess I’m just trying to say…I like you, Vance. Not just as a friend, but more than that, ya know.”
Vance's eyes went wide as he heard your words. Even in the darkness of the closet, you could tell his face was bright pink. 
“Does this mean we get to do stuff?” Vance whispered. 
“Yeah, I guess,” you laughed in response, taken aback and amused by Vance’s reaction. With your confirmation, Vance slowly leaned forward and placed his hand on your cheek. Your breaths were shallow as you waited for him to close the gap between you. When he finally rest his lips on yours, it was exactly how you had imagined.
Vance’s kiss was clumsy and eager and amazing. He held you gently as he leaned forward, excitedly seeking out your touch. You placed your hand on top of his as you pressed into him, reciprocating his gesture. Vance moved his hands to wrap around your back, then leaned backward, pulling you onto his lap. You laughed silently as you moved. You adjusted yourself slightly so that the position felt more comfortable.
Despite your trying to follow, Vance moved his lips from yours to press a kiss to your cheek, then your forehead, and your jawline. 
“Been waitin’ a while to hear you say that,” he said quietly against your skin. “Kinda wish I said it first.” 
“Well, I can proudly say I beat you to it,” you replied, resting your hands on the side of Vance’s face to move him to press another kiss to his lips. 
Vance pressed a kiss to your neck, tickling your skin with the soft touch of his mouth. 
“We’re almost at seven minutes,” he gently reminded you. “Can’t say I’m eager to leave though.”
“I suppose I can say the same,” you agreed. “But who said this had to end just ‘cause we leave the closet?”
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! I am getting ready to move into college, so sorry about the sporadic posting. it's been a nice break getting to write tho
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space-oreos · 2 years
I.I.W.H.F.W.? Chapter 18
You know about red strings, but have you heard about golden ones, those with a bond so strong fate could not ignore it.
Time could not weaken it, love and hatred could not divide it.
Only one’s willingness to accept that it is over, is when their tether to the bond came to an end, sometimes mistakenly leaving the other bound to them without notice.
You didn’t know?
Good, you weren’t supposed too.
Because you were one of the first to witness it.
Warnings: Things briefly mentioned/alluded to; blood, death, guns, kidnapping(?), War (Age of Ultron), Swearing, Feel free to name any if I missed them
Words: 997
I excused myself, saying I felt overwhelmed, some thought it was joy, other excitement. Only one person knew it was dread. That person followed.
“Is she your soulmate?”
“Yes, by fate. Yes”
Natalia and I were seated on my bed, facing each other, hands clasped together. I could tell she was thinking hard about what she was going to say next, that she was going to say something that she thought was needed, thought was right. But not what was true to her feelings, not what she wanted to stay. 
We stayed like that. I wasn’t going to push her for a response, a reaction. But I did not want to leave her alone. What she said next didn’t shock me, I saw it coming as soon as she decided to put on her mask, to protect her feelings. I would too, if I were her in this situation.
“You should be with her.”
Her face is stoic.
But her eyes are shedding tears 
I knew it was coming, like a fired bullet, you can hear the gun go off but, see it pointed at you. But if you didn’t hurt it didn’t hit you. This hit me.
“Why? Why should I? Do you no longer want me?”
I knew she wanted me, she would have not confessed otherwise. But the thought of her so easily letting me slip past her had me aching in places I didn’t know were capable of feeling this much pain without being physically wounded.
She looked at me like I was crazy, and maybe I was.
“Of course I want you. I want all of you, not this string. I just want you. I want to take you up on your offer to love you. But don’t you think that if your soulmate showed up a day after we confessed that, that means something? Fate may be cruel, no fate is cruel. But I want you to be happy. That girl. Julia,  just announced you were soulmates in front of people you work side by side with. If you reject her, it will have social consequences. Not only that, but what would we say? I don’t want you facing any aspect of rejection for loving me, for me allowing you too. So please.”
I stayed quiet, she did have a point. Everyone knew about her and Dr.Banner’s string. If she and I did get caught before the only one facing social repercussions would have been her, I never thought about that, I was too caught up in the feeling. But I guess she had, and she was ok with that. But now everyone knew about my string, my fate given soulmate, and now the most logical thing for us to do was part paths.
But if life has taught me anything, it was that love held little logic.
I looked at her, she was crying, trying to smile the distress of the situation away even though she was hurting. I wanted to tell her that she had no reason to grieve for something she had not lost, because even if she did reject me, even if she did not confess. She would still have me.
But I knew that she would not try to give up, she thought she was protecting my heart, my future. So instead of confessing and making the action of her rejecting me more unbearable for her, I asked her to do something that she felt she had no freedom to do. I asked her to go against the notion of fate and speak her truth. 
“If you want me then be true to what you want to say.”   
She looked at me, and smiled, crinkling her brow, like she had not the slightest idea of what I meant by that. We both knew she was lying. We both knew that I saw through the facade. 
“Natalia, please. Be honest.”
Like a knife to the skin, I watched her bleed, bleed out her emotions. At that I started crying with her.
“I can’t take that away from you. Your soulmate? Your happy ending? I could never, that’s selfish.Your grandmother would have wanted you to be happy. I want you to be happy. But if it’s not with me then I’m going to have to live with that. I’m not going to be selfish enough to take it away from you.”
She thought she was selfish, never
Not for that 
“It’s not selfish to want.”
At that I brought her hands to my lips, kissing them, speaking against them.
“Natalia none of those are a given, fate be damned none of those are promised. We aren’t either, our love is not a promise we have sealed. Not something that may go on the promise of forever but it is something that will forever remain in time. My grandmother? Would have told me to take the path that I wanted. She would have told me I had the choice, and  I’m choosing to love you, to show it. Not because I’m under the assumption that we will have a happy ending, and certainly not for you to fill in a spot. I’m doing it because I want to, because I’m choosing to do so.”
I look at her, her hands still entangled with mine.
“Will you choose me too?”     
She looked at me, a small genuine smile playing on her lips, I could not help but follow and smile as well. She leaned her head into mine, foreheads touching.
“Always, forever, as long as you let me.”
Then she whispered words that made me believe in soulmates, if not one given by fate then one found by life itself.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
I cannot promise our love will last forever, but I can guarantee that our love is fixed in time. On that notion, on the promise of never being able to go back, but the guarantee that we experienced it; 
I will always be willing to face the consequences   
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