#confess my truth in swooping sloping cursive letters?????? OKAY
greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(like im sorry.
taylor went ahead and wrote i want to brainwash you into loving me forever
and expected me just to like?? live??? with that??)
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pinkorchidsinspring · 3 months
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“It’s like they don’t actually listen to her or her songs” ……. Bitches be trippin
Here is some lyrics from HER songs off the top of my head btw…
Sit quiet by my side in the shade. And not the kind that’s thrown, i mean the kind under where a tree has grown ( no one asked for this clarification btw and as in her publicist tree Paine covers up-shades any rumors of being gay?)
Your finger on my hairpin trigger
too in love to think straight
Your braids like a pattern. Love you to the moon and to Saturn.
Everybody’s watching her but she’s looking at you
The lips I used to call home, so scarlet
it’s new the shape of your body
Wear you like a necklace
No one knows how much I miss you
bet i can still melt your world argumentative, antithetical, dream girl
then you won’t have to cry, or hide in the closet
you can want who you want, boys & boys and girls & girls!
why are you mad? when you could be GLAAD?” (it’s literally spelled GLAAD in the lyrics on spotify I can’t make this up)
we're a crooked love, in a straight line down
save your dirtiest joke for me and at every table, I save you a seat… I’m sorry, but she wants a man sitting on her? 😐🙄
I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you
big reputation, ooh you and me would be a big conversation
All we are is skin and bone, trained to get along Always going with the flow, but you're friction
The rest of the world was in black & white (straight, see straight pride flag), but we were in screaming color (queer, LGBTQ+ pride flag)
What’s it like to brag about raking in dollars and getting bitches and models?
Like a rainbow with all of the colors you’ll never find another like me!
It’s okay we’re the best of friends……aaanyway
I want to transport you to somewhere the culture’s clever, confess my truth In swooping, sloping, cursive letters
don’t you worry your pretty little mind
I got a boyfriend, he’s older than us. I haven’t seen him in a couple of months. (Bearding much?)
Your lover in the foyer doesn’t even know you.
Bad bad boy shiny toy with a price you know that I bought it
don’t step on OUR gowns
If you never touched me, I would've Gone along with the righteous If I never blushed, then they could've Never whispered about this And if you never saved me from boredom I could've gone on as I was But, Lord, you made me feel important And then you tried to erase us
What would you do if they never found us out
You showed me colours you know I can’t see with anyone else
Seems like there’s always someone who disapproves, they’ll judge it like they know about me and you
The entirety of lavender haze
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🫥 come at us swifties.
Why in the world would they agree to the stunt… I wonder when they gain absolutely nothing from the attention put on people whose names are attached to a WORLD renowned superstar…….. 🤑🤑🤑
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helenofjupiter · 10 months
assigning taylor swift songs to bridgerton couples (part 2)
with explanations that no one asked for (proceed with caution)
part 1 for a, b, c and d
eloise & phillip - i hadn’t even read the book and i knew paris was their song. i feel it captures their essence. “no, i didn't see the news 'cause we were somewhere else” while benophie are just as deep in the countryside, i think philoise truly don’t care about anything that goes on in the ton. “i want to brainwash you into loving me forever” i’m not sure why this line in particular stands out to me in context of their relationship. maybe because going into it they both had their agenda. also phillip constantly thinking he has to find a way to make eloise stay forever. “confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters” i think this one is self explanatory. secondly electric touch, i was hesitant about this one cause i’m just not a fan of this song sonically but the lyrics were too on point. “just breathe, just relax, it'll be okay // just the first time ever hanging out with you” - eloise sitting in her carriage on the way to meet a man who basically proposed to her without meeting once. from phillip’s “i've gotten used to no one callin' my phone” when eloise shows up and the servant’s “hey, we got a caller” and phillip going “wtf no one comes here, you sure about that”. also “i've grown accustomed to sleeping' alone” yeah eight years will do that. “i was thinking, just one time maybe the stars align, just one time and maybe I call you mine” 
francesca & michael - so i have a story regarding this one. as i got to the second half of the book and the spice started flooding in, i felt like the need for some equally sexy music in the background and i remembered (honestly don’t know how i ever forgot) the altarpiece of taylor’s music  false god. truly all the stars aligned, while i read the words “she felt cherished. worshipped. loved” miss taylor swift sang “we'd still worship this love”. other than that it does fall into the vibes category. tho if one day we are blessed enough to actually get their season i am expecting every social media feed to be drowning in edits of  franchel to this song. but also alternatively to don’t blame me. again, sexy. well the spice in this book was just on another level and i also couldn’t figure out if taylor has a song about being in love with your cousins spouse for six years. i think this is more from michael’s perspective. i mean “i've been breaking' hearts a long time” he even broke mine by being fictional. “if you walk away i'd beg you on my knees to stay” michael stirling would absolutely do this and frankly i can’t stop picturing it. if we do get to them in the show some glorious day, this is my official plea to include this song in the soundtrack. 
gregory & lucy - speak now is the somewhat lazy choice but have you read the prologue timed to this song. “i hear the preacher say, "speak now or forever hold your peace"” the church went silent “there's the silence, there's my last chance. i stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me” the priest stopped his drone, and every spine in every pew twisted until every face was turned to the back. to him. “horrified looks from everyone in the room but i'm only looking at you” she said nothing, but he saw her. // she looked so beautiful. i rest my case. it was really hard to pick a song for them because there’s so many twists and turns in the book so my honourable mentions are haunted (when gregory convinced everything is solved and then lucy goes and marries another man) and daylight. finally i settled with ivy. “my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand, taking mine but it's been promised to another” i mean lucy has been promised to another man from the start of the book. it just fits them, okay (can you tell i’ve been writing this for four hours at this point).
hyacinth & gareth - dear god, hyacinth is my favourite character in the whole books series. i adore her but for the love of god i could not figure out what songs to choose for hyareth. it was truly a headache and if anyone has any suggestions, please do not hesitate to tell me. because they are such a chaotic and energetic duo, i wanted something that would fit them musically but ended up picking cowboy like me and peace. both are truly in the vibes category, i don’t have much of an explanation. in cowboy like me “and the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up” felt kinda reminiscent of the whole polt line with gareth and his father who wasn’t really his father. peace has a little more substance to it. in my head this is more from hyacinth, she is wild and you will never get bored with her but she can also be a lot and tiring. “you know that i'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches. give you my wild, give you a child” this is who hyacinth is, she is a ride or die, and i truly believe she would sit in the trenches with gareth.
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I Kissed Shara Wheeler and Taylor (also did rwrb, one last stop is next)
Chloe Argumentative, antithetical dream girl / You’re a bandit like me / And it’s all good if you’re bad, and it’s okay if you’re mad / Takes one to know one / Thought I had reason to attack / Maybe I’m just a girl on a mission / Asked me what I learnt from all those years / I don’t like slow motion double vision in a rose blush / I'm ready for combat, I say I don't want that, what if I do? / No more keeping score, now I just keep you warm Green
Shara A pathological people pleaser / To make them love me and make it seem effortless / I’m still trying everything to keep you looking at me / Confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters / She's not a saint, and she's not what you think, she's an actress / My reputation’s never been worse so, you must like me for me / My town was a wasteland, full of cages, full of fences, pageant queens and big pretenders / I laid the groundwork, and then just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line / Don’t pretend it’s such a mystery / I had a marvelous time ruining everything Wheeler
Rory Can’t you see than I’m the one who understands you? Been here all along / I’ve been the archer, I’ve been the prey / “Oh my god, she’s insane, she wrote a song about me” / I’ll stare directly at the sun but never into the mirror / He's the song in the car I keep singin', don't know why I do / This place’s too crowded, too many cool kids / All those other girls, well they’re beautiful, but would they write a song for you? / When the truth is like a stranger hits you right between the eyes / Don’t need another metaphor, it’s simple enough / Put the money in the bag and I stole the keys Heron
Smith Hey Stephen / They all wanna be ya, but are you still the same soul I met under the bleachers? / And my so-called friends, they don’t know / Through it all nobody gets me like you do / And at every table, I’ll save you a seat / Is it cool than I said all that? / You can feel it on the way home / I still got love for you / And it always leads to you, in my hometown / I’d tell you I miss you but I don’t know how Parker
Georgia I want auroras and sad prose / I’m so in love than I might stop breathing / And I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve / My hands shake, I’m not usually this way / Every dead-end street brought you straight to me / Now I read all of the books beside your bed / I wrote a poem, you say “What a mind” / I can’t stop you putting roots in my dream land / On the outside looking in / I believe in what I feel, I've always been the same girl Neale
The rwrb one:
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perspectivestarters · 2 years
Perspective's Sentence Starters; MIDNIGHTS by Taylor Swift (Part III)
"You made a mess of me."
"They say that if it's right, you know."
"Each bar plays our song."
"Nothing has ever felt so wrong."
"Love is a lie."
"It hits different this time."
"Moving on was always easy for me to do."
"It hits different 'cause it's you."
"Rip the band-aid off."
"Skip town likе an asshole outlaw."
"Freedom felt like summеr then on the coast."
"The sun burns my heart and the sand hurts my feelings."
"I never don't cry at the bar."
"My sadness is contagious."
"I slur your name 'til someone puts me in a car."
"I stopped receiving invitations."
"I find the artifacts, cried over a hat, cursed the space that I needed."
"I trace the evidence."
"Make it make some sense."
"Why the wound is still bleeding?"
"You were the one that I loved."
"It's simple enough."
"This is why they shouldn't kill off the main guy."
"Dreams of your hair and your stare and sense of belief."
"You once believed in me."
"I held you for a while."
"Bet I could still melt your world."
"I heard your key turn in the door down the hallway."
"Is that your key in the door?"
"Is it okay?"
"Is it you?"
"Have they come to take me away?"
"My knuckles were bruised like violets."
"Cursed you as I sleep-talked."
"Maybe it was egos swinging."
"Maybe it was her."
"Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur."
"All that bloodshed, crimson clover."
"Sweet dream was over."
"My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War."
"I vowed not to cry anymore."
"Drank my poison all alone."
"You said I have to trust more freely."
"You were playing with fire."
"Maybe it's the past that's talking."
"I justified it."
"The bombs were closer."
"I vowed not to fight anymore."
"It turned into something bigger."
"Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed."
"Soldier down on that icy ground."
"That was the night I nearly lost you."
"I really thought I'd lost you."
"We can plant a memory garden."
"Say a solemn prayer."
"There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair."
"We will never go back."
"The worst was over."
"We're burned for better."
"I vow I will always be yours."
"No words appear before me in the aftermath."
"Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness."
"It's all over now."
"You were bigger than the whole sky."
"You were more than just a short time."
"I've got a lot to pine about."
"I've got a lot to live without."
"Did some force take you bеcause I didn't pray?"
"Every single thing to come has turned into ashes."
"It's not meant to be."
"I'm never gonna meet what could've been."
"Your ex-friend's sister met someone at a club and he kissed her."
"Turns out, it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago."
"Some wannabe Z-lister."
"All the outfits were terrible."
"Did you see the photos?"
"No, I didn't, but thanks, though."
"I'm so in love that I might stop breathing."
"No, I didn't see the news."
"We were somewhere else."
"I was taken by the view."
"Privacy sign on the door and on my page and on the whole world."
"Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours."
"Levitate above all the messes made."
"Sip quiet by my side in the shade."
"Not the kind that's thrown."
"I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever."
"I wanna transport you to somewhere the culture's clever."
"Confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters."
"Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight."
"I didn't know you were keeping count."
"High infidelity."
"Put on your records and regret me."
"I bent the truth too far tonight."
"Your picket fence is sharp as knives."
"Do you really wanna know where I was?"
"Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?"
"Dragged my feet right down the aisle."
"I'd pay if you'd just know me."
"Seemed like the right thing at the time."
"You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love."
"The slowest way is never loving them enough."
"Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?"
"It's never enough."
"You were keeping count?"
"We were supposed to be just friends."
"You don't live in my part of town."
"But maybe I'll see you out some weekend."
"I think there's been a glitch."
"I'm not even sorry."
"It must be counterfeit."
"I was supposed to sweat you out."
"In search of glorious happenings of happenstance on someone else's playground."
"It's been two-thousand one-hundred ninety days of our love blackout."
"Our love is blacking out."
"The system's breaking down."
"I'd go back to wanting dudes who give nothing."
"I thought we had no chance."
"That's romance."
"If you would've blinked, then I would've looked away at the first glance."
"If you tasted poison, you could've spit me out at the first chance."
"If I was some paint, did it splatter on a promising grown man?"
"If I was a child, did it matter if you got to wash your hands?"
"All I used to do was pray."
"I damn sure never would've danced with the devil at nineteen."
"The God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven."
"Now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts."
"Memories feel like weapons."
"Now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering."
"If you never touched me, I would've gone along with the righteous."
"If I never blushed, then they could've never whispered about this."
"If you never saved me from boredom, I could've gone on as I was."
"Lord, you made me feel important."
"You tried to erase us."
"You're a crisis of my faith."
"If I'd only played it safe."
"God rest my soul."
"I miss who I used to be."
"I regret you all the time."
"I can't let this go."
"I fight with you in my sleep."
"The wound won't close."
"I keep on waiting for a sign."
"If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?"
"Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts."
"Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first."
"If it feels like a trap, you're already in one."
"Pick somewhere and just run."
"Burn all the files."
"Desert all your past lives."
"If you don't recognize yourself, that means you did it right."
"Never take advice from someone who's falling apart."
"Bend when you can."
"Snap when you have to."
"You don't have to answer just 'cause they asked you."
"The greatest of luxuries is your secrets."
"When you aim at the devil, make sure you don't miss."
"I prefer hiding in plain sight."
"These desperate prayers of a cursed man."
"But darling, darling, please..."
"You wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking."
I was walking to a house, not a home, all alone."
"My friends found friends who care"
"No one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire."
"You should find another guiding light."
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sophinfj · 1 year
in honor of cmq posting rwrb characters as taylor swift sings i thought i should share a guide that i made for my swiftie sister to get her to read rwrb
rwrb taylor’s version:
whole book:
- perfect by 1d (not taylor but it counts and is literally the book)
- literally the entire song is applicable, the only non applicable part is the fact that the song is about a girl
first prince:
- paris
- “Confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters”
- “We drew a map on your bedroom ceiling, No, I didn't see the news, 'Cause we were somewhere else In an alleyway, drinking champagne”
- delicate
- “Is it cool that I said all that? Is it too soon to do this yet? ’Cause I know that it’s delicate”
- invisible string
- “And isn’t it just so pretty to think, all along there was some Invisible string tying you to me?”
- sweet nothing
- “And the voices that implore, “You should be doing more” To you, I can admit that I’m just too soft for all of it”
- you’re on your own kid
- “I search the party of better bodies, Just to learn that you never cared”
- this is me trying
- “They told me all of my cages were mental, So I got wasted like all my potential”
- the lakes
- “Take me to the Lakes where all the poets went to die, I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you”
henry at alex:
- enchanted
- “All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you”
- this is me trying
- “I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere“
- you’re on your own kid
- “I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this”
- “So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it, You’ve got no reason to be afraid”
- miss americana and the heartbreak prince
- “It's you and me, there's nothing like this, Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (Okay), We're so sad, we paint the town blue”
- shake it off
- “That’s what people say”
alex at henry:
- london boy
- “You know I love a London boy, I enjoy walkin' Soho, drinkin' in the afternoon (Yeah), He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet, Darling, I fancy you (You)”
- gorgeous
- “You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much (I hate you so much)”
- “You're so gorgeous I can't say anything to your face 'Cause look at your face (Gorgeous) And I'm so furious At you for making me feel this way”
- paper rings
- “I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings”
- call it what you want
- “I want to drive away with you. I want your complications too. I want your dreary Mondays. Wrap your arms around me, baby boy”
- i can see you
- “But what would you do if I went to touch you now? What would you do if they never found us out?”
- “And we kept everything professional. But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like”
- “I can see you in your suit and your necktie. Passed me a note sayin’, "Meet me tonight" “
- welcome to new york
- “The lights are so bright but they never blind me, me. Welcome to New York, it's been waiting for you”
- style
- “And I got that red lip classic thing that you like”
- “And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt”
- lavender haze
- “I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say. No deal. The 1950s shit they want from me”
- new romantics
- “We are too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet. Baby, we're the new romantics. The best people in life are free”
- the man
- “I'm so sick of running as fast as I can, Wonderin' if I'd get there quicker if I was a man. And I’m so sick of them comin' at me again, 'Cause if I was a man, then I'd be the man”
- you need to calm down
- “You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace and control your urges to scream about all the people you hate”
- karma
- “Karma's a relaxing thought, Aren't you envious that for you it's not?”
- shake it off
- “But I keep cruisin’, Can't stop, won't stop movin', It's like I got this music in my mind, sayin', "It's gonna be alright"”
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droumack · 2 months
something something, natejo going from can you feel this magic in the air, it must’ve been the way you kissed me
to poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand oh i still dream of him, please i’ve been on my knees change the prophesy don’t want money just someone who wants my company, let it once be me
to i am someone who until recent events you shared your secrets with and your location, you forgot to turn it off
to i look through the windows of this love even though we boarded them up chandelier still flickering here cause i can’t pretend it’s okay when it’s not
to will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon, like it never happened could it be enough just to float in your orbit, can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses?
to the only thing i wanna to do is make it up to you, will you have me, will you love me, will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? if you kiss me will it be just like i dreamed it will it patch your broken wings?
to i’ve been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end but on a wednesday in a cafe i watched it begin again
to i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever, i wanna transport you to somewhere the cultures clever, confess my truth in swooping sloping cursive letters
to pauses then says ��you’re my best friend” and you knew what it was, he is in love
to but i stay when it hard or it’s wrong or we’re making mistakes i want your midnights but i’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year’s day
and finally and life makes love look hard, the stakes are high, the water’s rough but this love is ours
taylor swift natejo fic would hurt me too deeply i fear
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startreatment · 11 months
do you like paris!! hope you’ve been doing well btw 😽🌸🩷
i kinda do, actually, even though i don't really listen to it that much. it's an okay pop track, and i find her playful vocals and tongue-in-cheek lyrics to be charming! loooove the way she sings "confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters" and "i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever" <3
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redroyalblues · 11 months
listened to my rwrb playlist tonight so i’m just gonna… spitball some thoughts into the tumblr sphere in case anyone like. enjoys the lyric tie-ins and such. but this is mostly my venting about random songs i like and think about firstprince to, so:
all-american bitch just straight up is about alex. “just like a goddamn kennedy i swear” “i don’t get angry when i’m pissed, i’m the eternal optimist” are just like what i imagine his entire thought process is behind being someone who has to be on all the time and their best self or else the entire country goes to shit. and “all the time :) i’m grateful all the fucking time :) i’m sexy and i’m kind :) i’m pretty when i cry :)” is just straight up an acd people pleaser mantra
alex claremont-diaz the kinda bitch to be obsessed with cool for the summer for a long ass time and then realize exactly why like five years later
THE VERY FIRST NIGHT BY TSWIFT… OKAY. “i remember the night in the hotel, i was riding in the car when we both fell, i’m the one on the phone as you whisper, “do you know how much i miss you?” what more can i say honestly
on that note. PAPER RINGS!! this is such a henry’s sappy ass song it’s not even funny. “went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now i’ve read all of the books beside your bed” is just a reminiscent thought that he has had before idk. “i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” exactly EXACTLY
i feel like henry had a tumblr phase as a teen where he went incognito and was very passionate about the arctic monkeys and other 2010s tumblr interests therefore in my head he listens to i wanna be yours and thinks of our beloved first son
but his fav is david bowie so i know he listens to young americans and “young american, young american, i want the young american” gets stuck out of context and on repeat in his head
nonsense by sabrina carpenter 🤭🤭 i’ve talked about my thoughts on this being a song alex would have loved in rwrb-2020 before but it bears repeating. “think i only want one number in my phone, i might change your contact to don’t leave me alone / you said you like my eyes and you like to make ‘em roll / treat me like a queen, now you’ve got me feeling thrown” long lyric but alex would twirl his hair kick his feet giggle over it being exactly the way he feels and i love that for him
first verse of strawberry blond by mitski. that is all
another taylor song but PARIS. this was like a formative firstprince song for me. if you haven’t listened to it please do and then come back and scream about it with me. “privacy sign on the door, and on my page, and on the whole world / romance is not dead if you keep it just yours” and “i want to transport you to somewhere the culture’s clever / confess my truth in swooping, sloping cursive letters / let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight” OK?????
physical by dua lipa is another just really random song i feel like i just Know alex enjoys
finally, go your own way by fleetwood mac. alex listened to that shit on repeat for the entire flight to london after henry left the lake house and i will fight for that opinion “if i could, baby i’d give you my world / how can i, when you won’t take it from me?”
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okay so... i like this guy and i know nothing about him.
i'm currently in summer school and there's this guy in my friend's class who has caught my eye. loverboy sits exactly across from me in the gym and has had my heart since the very first day and it's getting worse day by day. our teacher's pair up with a new teacher every week, last week i was paired up with his class and THAT MADE ME WANT TO SCREAM. he is so pretty, JAS!! like i don't understand how someone can be so pretty!!!!! the way his hair frames his face and his watch and just the way he dresses and his posture, IT DOES STUFF TO ME. when we ran?????? the way his hair bounced up and down, and he wears sunglasses when we're outside and that kills me. my friend just thinks him and his friend are ridiculous because every time we're like within 5 feet of the two of them, you can smell their cologne. she thinks that they're weird and need to tone it down. but to me, it's heaven. it drives me crazy.
PARIS HAS BEEN ON REPEAT AND I'M SUPPRESSING THE URGE TO CONFESS MY TRUTH IN SWOOPING SLOPING CURSIVE LETTERS. i never get crushes so this is just super foreign to me rn and i hate it. i don't know loverboy's name, age, favorite color, personality, etc. this is very weird because i value personality a lot. I HATE THIS OMG.
the only person that knows about my stupid crush is my one friend who's currently on vacation and he has been forced to swear that he won't utter a word. he really wants me to tell my crush, but i'd rather die, so yay!!
-🫀(is this emoji open????)
WAIT STOP this is actually really cute 😭😭
my best advice is at least try and talk to the guy and become friends and kinda like get a vibe from there?? but paris on repeat is so real and from the way you sound you seem really in love it’s so sweet
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