#concerto in g major
gretagerwigsmuse · 6 months
the second movement of dvořák’s new world symphony is like easily top 3 most beautiful pieces of classical music of all time. like the yearning is unreal, it makes me want to go west and run across the prairie
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needledropproject · 10 months
Russian Doll 1x04 | Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58: III. Rondo. Vivace - Ludwig van Beethoven
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namesarehard123 · 1 year
Aru would be a violist 100%
I take no criticism. 
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
i just need someone to be as fucking obsessed w music as i am so i can tell them about all the fucking wild scenes that play out in my head as I listen to it
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @hrhgeorgerussell to share five songs i have on repeat these days 🎶 .... oh dear. i feel like this is going to be very revealing, hahaha 🙈
AUS23 (1:1) by Charles Leclerc (yes, really)
If This Was A Movie by Taylor Swift (of course there's a taylor song on here!!! i die if i'm not obsessively re-listening to at least one of her songs per week, i think.)
Meditation from Thaïs by Massenet (okay, so, i've been doing a LOT of research & academic writing lately, and i can't listen to music with lyrics while i do that bcs i get distracted. so, classical it is. and Meditation, cliché of a choice as it may be, really is one of my favourites ever to listen to)
Eyes Closed by Ed Sheeran, specifically the piano version (what can i say? this song hit all the right notes for me. pun intended, of course)
The Alcott by The National, feat...... Taylor Swift (all i'm saying is "everything that's mine is a landmine // did my love aid and abet you?" this one SLAPS, bestie.)
i'm going to tag... hm, to be honest i have no idea who's done this/been tagged already, so my apologies if i double-tag anyone! but if any of you feel like giving this a go: @boxboxbrioche @welightitup @effervescentdragon @hourcat @mssr-monagato @river-ocean @duquesademiel @wolfiemcwolferson @pinkierre @yukierres 💕🎶
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the-grays-of-ink · 2 years
Ever hear a string piece and get snapped back to the eighth grade at a speed unknown to god and suddenly there’s the missing science fair project to do and you’ve forgotten quartet practice again so you had to run and you’re late, but no one’s tuned because you’re the only person that cares even though you never practice bc you’re just so exhausted all the time and everyone else is friends and can play so easily and you keep messing up and you have to sprint to the bus with a heavy case hitting your knees and your backpack filled with books so heavy that you can’t breathe and your ribs hurt that you don’t even get time to read anymore and you finally sink into a bus seat hardly before it leaves and you lean against the cold window and just barely manage not to cry
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thearbourist · 5 months
The DWR Friday Baroque Interlude - Quantz Flute Concerto G Major QV 5:174
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suetravelblog · 8 months
Philharmonic Chamber Music Concert Kraków Poland
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gretagerwigsmuse · 1 year
going to the symphony tonight and a tea tomorrow
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gasparodasalo · 3 months
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) - Concerto for Solo Harpsichord in G-Major (after a lost violin concerto by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar), BWV 592a, I. [without tempo indication]. Performed by Patrick Ayrton, harpsichord.
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 17!!!
Okay, it's been a bit so quick recap: We just spent the evening at a dive bar singing karaoke and learning that 1) Jesus is a 13-year-old rich white kid with rich parents living in L.A. and 2) Muriel is missing. The Angel of Sardis gave us a lovely fishbowl (alcoholic drink since no one in this world has bothered to ask Reader's age because I have more room to play that way) as a reward for singing Taylor Swift (Shake it Off). We pick up our story The Morning After.
Also, since the poll about Sardis tied, I'm taking it to mean that everyone needs/wants more time with him to figure him out. Fortunately people also voted to bring him along, so we get to have LOTS OF THAT!! :D
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major for anyone who's curious.
What music do you think Anathema likes??
Let's do this!!
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The next morning you sit at the table in the dining room of the massive Ritz hotel suite, staring into your coffee. You have a headache, and no one else seems to be faring too much better. If only it was just a hangover. A miracle from either Aziraphale or Crowley could fix a hangover, but there was no way that a miracle of any size could make your situation any less bleak.
Aziraphale, angel that he literally is, had thought to order in breakfast from the kitchens. You look from your coffee to the waiting plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon, heaving a sigh. Jesus, if and when you find him, is an entitled teen. Muriel, friend and precious, is missing. Things are...well, it’s hard to feel happy or optimistic right now. Your companions aren’t faring much better as far as you can tell. Crowley is staring at his phone with a frown, the sound effects of Candy Crush drifting across the otherwise silent table. He’s playing at non-chalance, but you know Distraction As A Coping Mechanism when you see it. Aziraphale has barely touched his food, focusing more on alternating between stirring his tea, and sipping it only to add more sugar. The drink must be nearly syrup by now. Anathema keeps dangling her pendulum, pausing, then setting it down to re-cast her rune stones. You’ve noticed that they keep landing up the same way. Well, you need fuel in your system if you’re going to deal with all of this, so you reluctantly cut a slice of pancake with your fork and bring it to your mouth.
The silence stretches. Well, except for the ambiance; Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast, pancake slice. Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast, pancake slice. Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast, bacon – mixing it up a little. Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast
The door of the suite slams open, and there stands Sardis with his foot in the air.
He kicked the door down. What...on….earth…
“I FOUND HIM!” Sardis stomps into the suite toward the table, waving his phone in the air, “I FOUND HIM! I knew I’d seen his face somewhere, and I found him!!”
Crowley sits up straight for once in his life. “Who THE FUCK gave him a key?!”
You avert your gaze. The fishbowl was delicious, and he patted your head afterward and told you everything would be okay! Not your fault….entirely.
There isn’t much time for you to contemplate your guilt because Sardis has turned up the volume on his phone, and pressed play on a Tik Tok video. He turns his phone so that you all can see the screen. A boy with dirty-blonde hair is smiling out of it. His hair is longer in the middle and pouffed up with what is probably a standard-teenager’s worth of hair gel, and the sides are very short with...dollar signs shaved into them. It’s just a Tik Tok video, but you can smell the Axe body spray from here.
“Hey guys!” The smiling teen calls, waving at the camera. “It’s me, ya boy Jeremy. I’m bringing back my most popular series. That’s right! You asked, and I’m answering your prayers! Time to bring back Let’s See What I Can Get Away With Because I’m RICH.”
Your face twists in disgust, and you hear Anathema groan.
“I think we’ve seen quite enough,” Aziraphale says, speaking for you all.
“Are...are you sure that’s Jesus?” You ask. Honestly you’re hoping it’s a joke. You’re hoping beyond hope that this...this...caricature of a person is not the same person who you need to convince to help you save the world.
“Oh yeah,” Sardis replies, “That’s him. Right name and everything.”
“Wot? Jeremy?” asks Crowley with an edge of salty sarcasm.
“No,” Sardis says, “His true name. I know everyone’s, remember? It’s the right kid, you have my word on that.”
Truth be told, you’re still not exactly sure what his word is worth, but for now it’s a lead. You glance at Anathema, who shrugs.
“Fits the bill,” she admits, “All my readings have been...unsettlingly clear about the kind of kid we’re looking for, and I mean...” She gestures helplessly at the phone and the video that Sardis has, thankfully, paused. You blink, dumbstruck. Aziraphale said something last night about Heaven cutting corners. Apparently they had cut the corners so thoroughly they’d made a circle.
Breakfast suddenly became easier after that. Maybe it was because Sardis was the only one who wasn’t completely despairing over everything, and maybe it was because he was suddenly helping himself to the plates of excess pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Suddenly, you noticed Aziraphale wave a finger and the food was hot again – trying to impress company, or be a good host, or both no doubt. You found that your appetite had suddenly returned, along with your need for caffeine. Even Crowley had grabbed some bacon now that, perhaps, there seemed a less likely chance of him having the choice if he waited any longer. Sardis did most of the talking, explaining that the shortest driving route would take 28 hours. Best to get started asap then.
“I am not listening to anymore of your….Us songs!” Crowley growls at you as soon as you get in the car.
“Not all of them are love songs!” You protest.
“No! No breakup songs either!”
“Fine, fair, but what about -”
“And especially no End-of-the-World songs!” He snarls. You’re pretty sure he’s halfway to hissing at you now. “We have enough of that to deal with assss is!” Ah, there it is.
Ever-so-gently, Aziraphale takes the phone out of your hand.
“Perhaps it’s about time someone else had a turn,” he says. Ah, so he’s finally gotten tired of humouring you and your taste in music. Well, it had to happen eventually.
Unfortunately, this means that you all end up listening to Brandenburg Concerto No 3 in G Major. Well, it could be worse, you figure. At least this song has movement to it, even if it does feel endless based on your musical standards. Crowley is driving and silent, Aziraphale is waving your phone around in the passenger’s seat like a conductor’s baton. The backseat is as follows – You, Sardis, and Anathema.
Yes, Sardis is there. Considering the way he found Jesus – or, Jeremy – so quickly, and the way he seems to be single-handedly keeping everyone’s morale afloat, it seemed a waste to leave him behind. Besides, both Crowley and Aziraphale had tried to make him leave, but he just….stayed. In the end, you pouted, they gave up, and now he’s sitting in the middle of the backseat, because you and Anathema have seniority.
Speaking of Anathema, you notice her very pointedly staring out the window. She looks...stiff. Maybe classical music isn’t her thing? Your suspicions are confirmed approximately nine minutes later when she practically jumps up from her seat and grabs the phone out of Aziraphale’s hand and presses stop. The music comes to a halt and silence fills the SUV. Aziraphale looks shocked and appalled.
“Anathema!” The angel exclaims after a moment. You can practically hear him clutching at his non-existent pearls. You can see him resisting the urge to clutch at his bowtie. “We weren’t even finished the Allegro!”
Anathema takes a deep breath. You’re able to count out a solid beat of ten before she speaks.
“I...am not...listening to classical concertos for 28 hours. I don’t care what key it’s in or how many allegros it’s got!”
Crowley snickers and snorts. “Concertos don’t work like that.” He says. You see Aziraphale gently pat the demon’s knee as if to say ‘that’s my man.’
“Well what would you rather?” Is what Aziraphale actually says, “More bebop?”
“Try me, and I’ll play death metal, I swear I will.”
“Um,” Sardis ventures cautiously, “Can I see that for a minute-- thank you.” He plucks the phone out of Anathema’s hand. After a minute or two of swiping, he taps the screen, and the car fills with songs from well-known musicals. Now, although this isn’t exactly to everyone’s taste, no one can find a good reason to outright hate it. No one can manage to find a good reason not to put up with it, and so by the time Music of the Night has melted into Seasons of Love, everyone has settled down and accepted that things aren’t actually all that bad.
“Impressive,” You mutter, basking in the semi-content vibe. Everyone is still a little on edge, but it feels less intense now.
Sardis smirks. “Six siblings,” he says to you with a small nudge.
“What happened to the others?” Anathema asks, tuning in to the conversation.
“Well,” Sardis sighs, “Of the seven of us - myself, Smyrna, Pergamum, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Thyatira, and Laodicea - Smyrna and Philly were the only ones who didn’t get hate mail. Smyrna was always super into the doctrine. She drank the kool-aid, as the humans here would say, and felt it her calling to ‘return home,’ as she put it. Bullshit, honestly. We weren’t born angels, we were made alongside the churches of Christ. ‘S one of the reasons why they don’t actually give a shit about us.”
“And why you worried that your miracles might get taken away,” You add, putting some of the pieces together. Sardis nods. “Wait, a minute,” You say, “You were made??”
Sardis laughs. “Alright Little Moth, you need to pick a lane here. Do you want to hear about my siblings or how I was born human?”
“You were BORN HUMAN?!” You are practically bouncing right now. What...how… “But you said that you can’t change your species!”
“I said your Miracle Enabler can’t change your species,” He replies with a twinkle in his eyes, “Not that it can’t be done. The seven of us were all born human. We made the first seven churches, so we were made guardians, lower angels. Like...lower than whatever the lowest type of angel you know of is. But we weren’t created as angels like your friends in the front seat.” Movement catches your peripheral vision, and you notice Crowley shifting a little in his seat. No doubt that’s a touchy subject that only Aziraphale is allowed to go anywhere near, but he says nothing. “So they all pretend we don’t exist, and look down on us whenever they need to deal with us. Sort of like we’re --”
“Oh, don’t worry,” You interject, “I read enough fantasy to understand the way magical societies view human-born magic users.” You can imagine that being An Angel of God would probably get old real fast if everyone who was supposed to welcome you actually hated you and made sure you knew it. Goodness knows it got to Aziraphale eventually, makes sense that a human-born angel (a huboan? You’ll work on it) would get sick of it a lot sooner.
“And that’s why I like you Little Moth,” Sardis says with a chuckle and a wink. “Anyway, so I know Smyrna went to Heaven. Philly stayed here. The two of us have always been really close, she stuck with me and we messaged and called and visited all the time until recently. I got some messages from her when the world went nuts during the first apocalypse, but I haven’t heard from her since. She stopped replying to my messages.”
Now it’s your turn to shift uncomfortably in your seat. Your eyes drop to your feet and start to fill with tears, so you change your view to the one outside your window.
“I can relate,” You say after a moment, holding back a sniffle and a sob. Deep breath. “Well, I’m glad you’re sticking with us.” You plaster a smile on your face and turn back to him. “Maybe we can find her.”
He smiles. “That’s what I’m hoping.” For a while, everyone is silent. After a few minutes, Anathema offers to put together a playlist with everyone’s favourite songs. The mood shifts considerably as the five of you spend the next few hours excitedly making musical suggestions.
It’s the best collection of music you’ve ever heard.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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cuddlytogas · 3 months
it's possible I made an extended playlist to give context to the classical (non-technically speaking) music in OFMD, with the pieces listed in historical/chronological order, and in the context of their full pieces (mostly - I'm not literally going to put entire operas on there, but symphonies and concertos have mostly been finished)
and it's possible that that playlist is ten hours long
and it's possible you can find it on spotify right now, and that below the cut is the full chronology
(edit: corrections welcome btw!!!! i am by no means a music historian, nor have any higher level music education, just a lifelong association and interest <3 if you know better than me, PLEASE let me know so it can be more accurate!)
N: most of the Vivaldi pieces don't really have any dates I could find, so they're just sort of scattered through the first few decades of the 18th century. and yes, technically the opening Corelli isn't in there, but I think putting another La Folia in is important for the context of s2!
1700 - Arcangelo Corelli, Violin Sonata in D Minor, Op 5 No 12 "La Follia"
1703-6 - George Frederic Handel, Keyboard Suite No 4 in D Minor, HWV 437
? - Antonio Vivaldi, Cello Concerto in G Minor, RV 416
1711 - Antonio Vivaldi, Concerto No 11 in D Minor for Two Violins and Cello RV 565
1715 - Georg Philipp Telemann, Sonata for Violin and Basso Continuo in G Major TWV 41:G1
1718-20 - Antonio Vivaldi, The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto in G Minor Op 8
Early/mid C18 - Domenico Scarlatti, Keyboard Sonata in F Major, K 107
? - Antonio Vivaldi, Oboe Concerto in C, RV 452
1720s? - Antonio Vivaldi, Concerto for Two Cellos in G Minor, RV 531
1727 - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe, BWV 156
1725-35 - Georg Philipp Telemann, Concerto for Recorder and Viola da Gamba in A Minor TWV 52:a1
? - Antonio Vivaldi, Concerto in G Minor, RV 576
1730 - Johann Sebastian Bach, Orchestral Suite No 3 in D Major, BWV 1068
? - Antonio Vivaldi, Piccolo Concerto in A Minor, RV 445
? - Antonio Vivaldi, Trio Sonata in D Minor, RV 63, 'La Follia'
1738 - Johann Sebastian Bach, Harpsichord Concerto No 4 in A Major, BWV 1055
1738-9 - Johann Sebastian Bach, Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No. 5 in F Minor, BWV 1056
Early/mid C18 - Domenico Scarlatti, Keyboard Sonata in E Major, K 380
1741 - Johann Sebastian Bach, Goldberg Variations, BWV 988
1747 - Johann Sebastian Bach, Musical Offering, BWV 1079
1747-8 - George Frederic Handel, Concerto in F Major, No 16, HWV 305a
1773 - Mozart, Symphony No 25 in G Minor, K 183
1782 - Mozart, String Quartet No 14 in G Major, K 387
1795 - Beethoven, Piano Sonata No 2 in A Major, Op 2 No 2
1792 - Beethoven, Piano Sonata No 3 in C Major, Op 2 No 3
1780 - Mozart, Symphony No 34 in C Major, K 338
1786 - Mozart, Le nozze di Figaro (excerpts)
1810? - Beethoven, Bagatelle in A Minor, WoO 59: Für Elise
1811-12 - Beethoven, Symphony No 7 in A Major, Op 92
1826 - Franz Schubert, Ständchen (Serenade) "Horch, horch, die Lerch!" D 889
1827 - Franz Schubert, 4 Impromptus, Op 90, D 899
1833-4 - Felix Mendelssohn, Lieder Ohne Worte, Book 2, Op 30
1835 - Frédéric Chopin, 12 Études, Op 25 (excerpts)
1838 - Robert Schumann, Kinderszenen, Op 15 (excerpts)
1838 - Franz Liszt, arr., 12 Lieder von Franz Schubert, S 558, No 9
1842 - Frédéric Chopin, Waltz No 12 in F Minor, Op 70, No 2
1871 - August Wilhelmj, arr., Air on a G String
1874 - Giuseppi Verdi, Messa da Requiem (excerpts)
1878 - Antonín Dvořák, String Sextet in A Major Op 48
1888-91 - Claude Debussy, Two Arabesques, L 66
1890 - Claude Debussy, Rêverie, L 68
1888, 89, 90 - Erik Satie, Trois Gymnopédies, Gnossienne No 5, Trois Gnossiennes
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Black Butler Preference ~ Songs That Remind Them of You
Black Butler Masterlist
I was going to make a "Their Favourite Music" preference, but then I realized that using that one was more of genre things and I doubt anyone of these characters listen to anything but classical. So I thought, "Well, what if there were a couple songs that they tie their memories and emotions for the reader to." So here you go!
Sebastian Michaelis
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Main Song:
The Secret History by Kerry Muzzey
Second Song:
Cello Suite No. 1 G Major by Johann Sebastian Bach
Ciel Phantomhive
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Main Song: 
Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Second Song:
Les Memoires Blessees by Dark Sanctuary
Grell Sutcliff
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Main Song:
A Vampires Heart by Peter Gundry
Second Song:
Death Waltz by Adam S Hurst
Claude Faustus
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Main Song:
The Last Dance by Peter Gundry
Second Song:
Gothic Ballroom by Derek Fiechter
William T. Spears
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Main Song:
Concerto For Lute, 2 Violins and Continuo in D major by Antonio Vivaldi
Secondary Song:
The Second Waltz, Op. 99a by Dmitri Shostakovich
I know this wasn't much, but I enjoyed deeply listening to these songs while aggressively thinking about the characters. 
Hope you enjoyed it!
Any Requests?
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grntaire · 3 months
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was thinking abt this again and bc i’m annoying i clocked that it’s a recording by deutsche grammophon by the little yellow header, so between that and lestat saying that martha argerich seems to have retired, i did some digging and the piece he’s playing is the adagio assai/the second of three movements of ravel’s piano concerto in g major.
well. turns out that this concerto was inspired by two idioms: basque folk melodies, and jazz melodies that ravel heard during a world tour in the 1920s. the first and last movements definitely integrate the two, but the middle movement is considerably more serene and tranquil in comparison
tldr lestat soothes himself with music that reminds him of both himself and louis. screaming crying etc
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thearbourist · 2 years
The DWR Friday Classical Interlude - Andrea Zani - Cello Concerto No. 5 in G Major, WD 790
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tot-en-tanz · 3 months
Lestat is an Argerich fan!
I don't believe this adds a lot to the lore or anything but it's a nice little detail :)
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Also, I recognised that Deuche Grammophon yellow from a mile away and after some digging I found the exact recording Lestat was listening to in this episode: here it is! He's listening to the second movement of Ravel's G major piano concerto.
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