#conceptions regarding organ donation
catgirl-kaiju · 3 months
i don't want anyone to start shit with tumblr user velvetvexations, but i do have some criticisms about the way she seems to operate.
when visiting her blog and looking her up in the tumblr search function, i see a pattern of behavior where she will go into people's ask boxes to badger folks who post about transmisogyny, interpretting many comments regarding the subject to be anti-transmasc, even when transmasc people are not even mentioned. she refers to this as "activism", but it reads more as a petulant "debate me" behavior that serves only to start fights with people she disagrees with.
this tendancy of hers is why i'm not @ing her or tagging her in this post, and why i've blocked her. i have no interest in dealing with a combative stranger on the internet.
i find it curious that she puts so much effort into harassing people who disagree with the transandrophobia model of talking about transmasc issues, or even just people who post about transmisogyny in a way she feels demonizes transmasc folks (just based on vibes, i guess), while putting very little effort into actually spreading awareness about the challenges that transmasc folks face.
like, i may disagree with transandrophobia being an appropriate or productive way to model the kinds of challenges unique to transmasc folks, but that doesn't mean that i think transmasc issues aren't worth talking about and making space for. i mostly post abt transfem stuff, bc that's what i most easily relate to, and it's what i can speak to from my experiences. but i do actually try to boost posts from transmasc folks that talk about transmasc issues and the transmasc experience. transmasc folks are an important part of my life and my community; i want them to be heard and cared about.
but, under the narrow conception of someone like velvetvexations, i actually hate transmasc folks bc i don't talk abt their issues and experiences the specific way she wants people to. and, frankly, it's strange that she seems to consider herself an authority in this area when she is not able to speak from a transmasc perspective. i think her energy would be much better spent boosting the words of transmasc folks speaking to their own experiences and drawing attention to causes that can address the challenges that they face, instead of trying to police the speech of her fellow transfems.
anyway, i think it would be hypocritical of me, on some level, to insist that she should boost the speech of transmasc folks and draw attention to causes that aid transmascs without doing that myself. so, i'll be taking a moment to post some links here to charitable causes that benefit transmascs:
Tbuddy bridges the critical gap in mental health support for transmasculine individuals by fostering a safe, 24/7 peer support network that leverages the power of lived experience. Through compassionate and confidential connections, we combat isolation, depression, and empower transmasculine individuals to thrive.
you can donate to Tbuddy on their website and you can apply for their services and resources if you are a transmasc person in need. they have been around since 2017, and were founded in response to the 51% suicide rate among transmasc folks at the time, seeking to combat the issues that drive transmasc people to suicidality.
DCATS (DC Area Transmasculine Society) is a trans-led nonprofit organization that serves to advance the lives of transmasculine folks by providing resources that help overcome the social, economic, and health-related barriers to living authentically. Founded in 1998 as a monthly support group, DCATS has transformed into an organization that offers a variety of services to meet our community's needs.
DCATS has a donate option on their website, as well as methods of contact, events, and programs.
Trans Masculine Alliance Houston is a peer led community group for anyone assigned female at birth (AFAB) who identifies as FtM, transmasculine, non-binary, or who is questioning their gender. TMAH’s mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment for the transmasculine community. We hold workshops, community building and social activities, and meet to engage in discussion of issues related to transmasculine identity. Additionally, we are working on a program to help offset the cost of gender affirming surgeries and name/gender marker filing fees.
there does not appear to be a place to donate on their website, but they do have a directory of various resources pertinent to transmasc needs, some of them specific to the Houston area, and some more widely accessible.
i'm gonna stop there, just bc this post is already SO long, but anyone feel free to post more in the reblogs. also, transmascs, feel free to post any of your donation or fundraising links on this post. i will do my best to boost!
alright end of post, g'night y'all!
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sixty-silver-wishes · 10 months
okay, see this? this is what we are NOT going to do.
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1. anti-zionism does not mean anti-semitism. you can oppose the actions of the israeli government and its supporters while still supporting jewish people. you can oppose the genocide of palestinians while also opposing bigotry and calls for genocides of jewish people. imperialism is bad, bigotry is bad, genocide is bad. anyone who perpetrates these concepts, regardless of demographics, should be held accountable. however, blaming every jewish person for these concepts because they’re jewish is antisemitic.
2. supporting palestine does not, and should never mean, anti-semitism. it does not mean calling for genocide in response to genocide.
3. while opposing the israeli govt’s actions and the genocide of palestinians, we also need to be aware to the fact that not everyone who says they support palestine does so out of a desire for peace or anti-colonialism. there are literal, actual nazis who claim to support palestine, not because they want to see it liberated for the sake of the palestinian people, but because they hate jewish people. this is why I do not use the slogan “from the river to the sea”- while some people who use this slogan do so because they’re calling for a palestinian state where people of all religions and ethnicities can live freely, some people intend to use it as a dogwhistle calling for the genocide of israeli civilians. I know where I stand in regards to colonialism and civilian life, and I don’t want my sentiments to be misconstrued.
continue to support palestine. pressure your elected officials for a ceasefire, boycott, demonstrate, educate yourself, share credible information, donate to reputable organizations when you can. but do NOT use genocide as an excuse to justify bigotry, or try to justify bigotry at all.
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shadowmaat · 1 year
OTW concerns
I know the OTW is vital for preserving fannish things. Pretty much my life's work is hosted on AO3 and I have spent many years happily convinced that AO3 would look out for the best interests of fans and donating money to that cause when I could.
Unfortunately, doubts have begun to creep in. Last year's election debacle was it's own whole thing, but the most recent issue has to do with AI and the OTW's stance on it.
I've sent them a couple of letters now expressing my concerns and been told that it's a "complex issue" and that the Board is indeed giving it a lot of thought. They were frustrating but fair responses since I understand that it IS a complex issue and coming to a consensus can be difficult.
Time is still passing, however, with no official word on what the Organization is planning to do. No official word... except from their Legal Chair, Betsy Rosenblatt.
In the latest OTW Signal of May 2023, they shared an excerpt (and link to) an interview Betsy gave regarding the use of AI in relation to fanfic. This was done, apparently, for Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week, and Ms. Rosenblatt's opinions seem to focus more on future potential than current reality, which is troubling.
Ms. Rosenblatt believes that content scraping is good for teaching "AI" programs about modern language usage and views. The use of "AI" to generate fics seems to fall under the scope of "fair use" as far as she's concerned. Which would seem to indicate that, from Legal's standpoint, there's nothing wrong with continuing to allow bots to scrape content from AO3 and regurgitate it into new content.
It could also mean that people posting AI-generated content onto AO3 under the guise of them being legitimate works will also be allowed to continue.
I think that true artificial intelligence is a fascinating concept. I also understand that these programs need to learn somehow, but stealing stories (and art) without permission or credit is fucking reprehensible and should not be tolerated at any level. The fact that the Legal Chair for one of the most vital fan archives on the internet seems to be in favor of this is... alarming. Especially since, as far as I know, no other Board members have spoken up in opposition.
I also really dislike that Ms. Rosenblatt seems entirely concerned about what's "good" for machine learning and not at all about what's good for the human fans who are the entire reason the OTW exists.
AO3 is the backbone of fandom on the internet, but this is a bad direction for it to go, if that is indeed the way it's planning to go.
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nicosraf · 2 years
Hi! I saw your tweet about reading Angels Before Man for the Trans Rights Readathon (which I will absolutely do, I'm so excited 😍) and I wanted to ask if any of the characters in the book are trans too? 🏳️‍⚧️
Hello! I was going to answer jokingly/cryptically by saying, "All of them," but I'm having a lot of feelings because of what's going on for trans rights in the U.S. so I'm going to be serious aha. Big warning for moderate spoilers though. Sorry!
First, I'm kind of surprised that people have read the angels in ABM to be cis men. They're not. None of them. I kept it purposefully subtle because it's book 1 and gender is a human concept that will be introduced later, along with the angels' struggle to see themselves in a binary that will be imposed onto them. The trilogy, at its core, is about gender. It's all just a convoluted story about enfleshment as gender. Lucifer and Uriel's discomfort with their bodies is about dysphoria.
Also, I didn't actually think I was subtle. Lucifer says "cock and cunt" twice, and the very lyrical language regarding sex in the book (ex. ‘Here, you’re like the pistil of a flower.’ Fingers searching, exploring — ‘petals, here.’) is because angels are, in simpler terms, intersex. Though they don't have a concept of gender or even sex in ABM, so they wouldn't use that term or understand themselves to be anything other than, well, angels. The title is actually a silly little nod to this: "Angels Before Man": angels before male, angels before masculine-gender.
Does this mean all angels are genderless, though, and if they better understood pronouns, would they all use "they"? Nope. This will happen later, but some angels will try and place themselves on the binary of human-gender and others will think of themselves as trans in a more familiar way. That said, they will all have gender issues, hence why I like to say they're all trans.
And while I'm at it, God is also not a cis man. Relevant lines in ABM: "My womb is built from will," and "She, who was Father."
Basically, there's a lot of gender fuckery going on and it's going to get way more blatant once humanness gets introduced.
And just in case anyone's curious, I'm not pulling this out of nowhere. One interpretation for the dual-narrative of creation in Genesis is that Adam was originally made intersex in the image of God – God and the angels, if you interpret the "our" to be God and the angels (which I have):
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image..." (Genesis 1:26)
So God created mankind in his own image,     in the image of God he created them;     male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)
Oh, also, I'm trans. I feel like I haven't mentioned that on here sksksjkfdl but yes I hope this gives you a good answer? Angels Before Man is about gender, and the following books are also about gender. It's ridiculously gay and trans, and it's going to get even more so.
I hope you enjoy reading! But please consider donating to trans organizations and checking in on your trans friends too. Things are rough.
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seeingivy · 7 months
Hey i just wanted to share this with u since u have a larger audience and it can reach more people. A lot of people asked how they can help if they don’t have funds to spare. This is the most passive way to raise donations towards Palestinian aid. https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
U just have to click the link once every day. I'd check @stuckinapril's account for more details🤍
hello my love 💌
thank you so much for sharing. please boost if you're seeing this. here's the link for easy access and the @/stuckinapril's post regarding the concept. for me personally, i've basically bookmarked it to the top of my chrome tabs right next to my email account (which I usually check first thing in the morning) to remember to just press the link as I go to get work done.
original post
link to website
if you are able to and feel moved to give a monetary donation, consider donating to care for gaza, a grassroots organization that aims to helped the displaced families in palestine by providing them with diapers, period products, warm clothes, and food.
here is the link to care for gaza's twitter account
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quinloki · 9 months
"I didn't say or speak on anything about Gaza for weeks because I knew Nothing, and didn't want to assume anything. It took me a long time to form a stance and then take action based on that. It's a complicated issue. (that had been going on for WAY longer than I even realized.)"
So..... what stances did you come to? Regarding Israel? Regarding Palestinians?
I almost don’t want to answer this because I feel like there’s no good answer, but I’ll be as concise as I can and honest.
Israel is a shit government, but a terrible government does not mean its citizens are all evil. Israeli people deserve life and happiness.
Hamas is a terrorist organization. The why and how of how it came to be and why it does what it does is irrelevant.
The existence of Hamas is no excuse to vilify and murder Palestinians.
I don’t care for Hamas or the Israeli government, but my life is not on the line, my family, freedom, and well-being are not jeopardized. My opinion on either does not matter.
What matters is that people like me, ordinary humans trying desperately to have ordinary lives, are irrevocably changed by both organizations. Those people deserve support, food, safety, shelter, and protection.
Palestine deserves to be free.
Israelis deserve humanity and life.
We are seven billion people doing our best to survive in a world controlled by people who are heavy with anger and greed and fear. Fear that always consumes the most innocent among us.
If I thought donating to the Red Cross would provide one person succor I would do it without hesitation or remorse. It doesn’t matter who is soothed by it. I’m not wise enough, courageous enough or powerful enough to make those choices.
I have struggled against myself and my own country to survive for 42 years. Sometimes I have to look away to maintain peace enough to even be able to help.
If that makes me a monster in the eyes of some, there’s nothing I can do about that. We’re all out here doing our best. There is no morally pure choice, person, or ideal, because absolutes and purity are impossible concepts in a real world.
I donate where I can. I do the best I can. I’m sure I’ve donated to questionable places before. Inefficient help is better than no help, if I thought I was sending a feast and someone only got a sandwich then I imagine that is better than starving.
I hope this resolves and Palestine does not become a memory as other countries have. I hope that Israeli citizens don’t have to live in fear for their lives as people retaliate against a government they can’t control.
I hope we never have to wonder what country will be the next target for annihilation as the cost of some power hungry, fear soaked troglodyte’s ambition.
That, is the best I have to offer.
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adrl-pt · 2 months
Peace and human rights are undesirable for the Russian authorities. How can Russians defend their choice?
You are watching news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is January 27, 14:30.
On January 22, it became known that the Anti-War Committee and our colleagues in Spain and France were declared undesirable in Russia. On January 25, our representative attended a meeting with Russian lawyer and human rights defender Pavel Chikov. Pavel explained that the concept of an undesirable organization is akin to "persona non grata". At the time of the meeting, the list of undesirable organizations included 128 organizations, among them: Open Russia, Transparency International, World Wildlife Fund, and the TV channel "Rain". https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_undesirable_organizations
The most dangerous part of Law No. 272-FZ is the punishment of supporters in Russia for reposts. The Russian authorities have programs that monitor the internet for keywords and links. A link to the website of an undesirable organization, its social media profile, its symbols, participation in its events, and media comments are considered as participation in its activities. For this, a fine is first issued, and for repeated participation, a criminal case is initiated.
Organizing the activities and financing of an undesirable organization, including donations, leads directly to a criminal case.
Russian authorities interact with countries such as Georgia, Turkey, Thailand. Visits to these countries, and especially to Russia, should be avoided. Remember, in addition to persecution for undesirable organizations, criminals in power in Russia have laws against spreading fake news about the army and many other ways to imprison you. The system is built on intimidation: by imprisoning one person, they intimidate thousands. Therefore, the best response to such actions is an increase in the number of people speaking out against the authorities.
Regarding property left in Russia, Dmitry Bykov said on Khodorkovsky Live: "Do you really think you can scare us by taking away our property? You've taken our Homeland from us!" https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QXn50CxbMbo
On January 24, a column by Anastasia Sergeyeva was published on the Civic Council website. She reminds of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya's victory in the Belarusian presidential elections. How her husband Sergey created an anti-corruption movement, and how after his arrest, opposition forces formed a coalition around Svetlana. It discusses the volunteer-driven election campaign that reached every home. Also, the parallel creation of a force resistance network, but its resources were not enough to protect the protesters. Anastasia notes that today Belarusians provide material and informational support to the Kalinovsky Regiment and the Belarusian Volunteer Corps. https://civiccouncil.info/podpis-za-nadezhdina-bez-sobstvennoj-armii-sovest-na-veter/
At the rally on January 21 in Lisbon, we read a statement to those gathered from the Siberian battalion. They are grateful to those who are already helping them and call on everyone to help new volunteers join the battalion. Right now, the Civic Council, together with Freedom birds for Ukraine, is raising funds for transportation expenses to transport a new group of our volunteers to Ukraine. Link in the description. https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=7F4CWC6RYGR82
Russian rock band B-2, which is against the war made by Putin's regime in Ukraine, was arrested in Thailand and they are planning to deport them to Russia. Last year, the group's leader publicly admitted that he financially supports the Ukrainian Armed Forces. According to Lyova, other members of the group support him. Their stance led to the mass cancellation of B-2's concerts in Russia.
The group was arrested for violations during the organization of a concert in Phuket, and there was hope that there would be a fine. However, the court decided on deportation, and the Russian ambassador is personally involved in ensuring that those group members who have Russian passports are sent to Russia.
Help spreading the information, we need to pressurize the authorities in Thailand so that not only Sergey Lavrov is pressuring them. Don't let good people be handed over to Putin for the GULAG!
A proof on the Ukrainian news site that B-2 support Ukraine (in Russian): https://www.unian.net/lite/stars/v-rossii-isterika-iz-za-pomoshchi-bi-2-vsu-trebuyut-zapretit-vezd-v-stranu-12466509.html Their profile on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3SXDCIdqI1AR686ukKtKCq
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dramionediscussion · 10 months
Saw someone in the comments of a YT video say "Separating the art from the artist only works if you're not giving them money" in regards to JKR and I think that is true. It also is how I view it okay to consume HP fanfiction. I will never give her any more $$ but I love this fandom so much.
I agree!
You can enjoy the movies that you already bought on DVD since she really didn't have anything to do with the making of the films, she just came up with the books that another person adapted.
You can re-read the books, even though JKR is basically contradicting all her wholesome Dumbledore quotes since you already own them.
You can still display your merch, you already spent money on it and again she didn't have anything to do with that, a group of artists came up with those concepts, artists came up with the house logos, the image of Dobby for the film, the look of the school, the uniforms etc.
But to now willingly spend money on new merch, or buy her new books, that is you supporting her views and you are giving her money to donate to anti-trans organizations.
BUT FANFICTION IS FREE! And all fanfiction go against canon, even the canon pairs deviate from the original work. So it's like authors are rebelling against her in a way, which is awesome! And we the readers have to support that!
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sudriantraveler · 1 year
can we see your Mid Sodor Heritage Railway wip?
That's a concept I've been working on for a little bit now. Unfortunately There really isn't much written story-wise for it yet, but I can explain some of the main information I've laid out for it.
After Duke's rediscovery, interest quickly grew regarding the long abandoned Mid Sodor Railway, and soon a group was organized to try to rebuilt a section of the old line from King Orry's Bridge in Peel Godred to Ulfstead Road.
I have a few ideas for the engines I plan to have run this line:
I'm using the magazine characters of Little Barford and Sidney as new-builds similar to numbers 7 and 10 on the preserved Corris Railway. Not many specific details planned out at the moment for them, but they are by far the newest engines on the railway.
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Also part of the preserved MSR is the old Cas-ny-Hawin mine engine, who I have named Casny. I'm still working on her character, but I actually plan to maybe reuse/rework some ideas I mentioned in an older post here.
As for how Casny survived, currently the story is she was sold off by the old MSR and was passed around a few mines and industries before being acquired by a private owner who had planned to restore her themselves, but when they were unable to complete this project they donated her to the new MSR heritage railway. She is the only engine owned by the heritage railway who actually worked on the old MSR previously.
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Next up are the lines two diesel engines, and they're who I have the most planned out for at the moment. They were the first two engines for the new heritage railway, and were the main engines who helped to rebuild the old line.
First of the two diesels is Cecil, based on the planet type narrow gauge diesel shunters like the one seen below.
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Cecil is actually who I have the most written for, so brace yourself for a long backstory:
They were built at some point during WW2 for the Peel Godred Aluminium Works, where a few years later they meet Stuart and Falcon after the MSR closes and they were bought by the aluminium company.
Cecil is kinda reserved, keeps to themselves, doesn't actually have a name at this point, and so more just works in the background.
Stuart and Falcon are aware of them, but don't really know them other than that they help out with moving wagons around.
And then the Aluminium work's expansion project (which is what Stuart and Falcon were purchased to help out with) is completed... 
And while Cecil is to be kept on, Stuart and Falcon are actually at risk of being scrapped. 
Now, Cecil doesn't really know them all that well, but they don't want them to be killed... So they, their driver, and a few of the friendlier workers conspire to hide Stuart and Falcon out of view in a back corner of the works.
They then hear word that the Skarloey Railway might be looking for some more engines... So they send out a letter saying they know where to find some.
So anyway, after a bit of confusion for the aluminum work's higher-ups, who after a brief period had kinda forgotten they even had two steam engines somewhere on the property, Stuart and Falcon are bought by the Skarloey, get renamed Sir Handel and Peter Sam, and we know their story from there.
Cecil meanwhile, stays working for the aluminium company for several more years
Having done their good deed, they continues to work alone at the aluminium works... but over time they begin to wear out...
and now they're probably going to be replaced sometime soon...
Around this time the MSR heritage railway project begins building up momentum.
Good news for the diesel, the new railway needs engines...
Bad news, no one knows there is one right under their noses at the aluminium works.
So the new company asks around to see if there is anywhere they might be able to buy an engine from... and eventually they ask the Skarloey Railway if they know of anywhere they could look.
Duke, Peter Sam, and Sir Handel are all keen to help this movement to restore part of their old railway. Duke has however been buried in a shed for a lot of the last several years and so is not really able to come up with anything...
But Peter Sam and Sir Handel think long and hard, and remember that "wait a minute... wasn't there a diesel who used to work with us at the aluminium works?" 
They don't remember much about them, and they don't know if they're still there, but they make the suggestion to the preservationists that they might want to ask the aluminium works about the engine.
They were actually just in time, because they ask the aluminium works about Cecil just a few days before they were due to be scrapped.
So Cecil is bought by the preservation group, is restored and set to work helping to rebuild part of the old MSR. This is also when they get their name.
As the first engine for the new heritage railway, everyone else kinda looks up to them, which is a bit uncomfortable for an engine who has spent the majority of their life blending into the background, but that's another story.
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Finally, there is Cricket the rail tractor. She is based on the Talyllyn Railway's original number 7, seen below.
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Cricket was built by the Skarloey Railway sometime after Duncan arrived on the railway in order to have another engine to help Rusty with maintenance work.
She got her name after an incident described below: One particularly hot summers day her crew left her engine cowling open to help keep her engine cool. The crew forgot to close the cowlings at the end of the day. When they returned to start work the next day they found a mass of crickets had made their way into the engine housing during the night.
Unfortunately, Cricket turned out to be Somewhat of a poor performer despite her best efforts.
As the Skarloey Railway becomes busier over time she begin to be overshadowed by the other engines and becomes discontent with her position on the Railway.
It wasn't that she was being neglected, the railway and the other engines tried to help her out and give her stuff to do, but the Skarloey Railway was really just to big for her to be of much practical help.
About a year after Duke’s arrival on the railway, Cricket heard that the then ongoing project to restore part of the Mid Sodor Railway was in need of another engine to assist their diesel Cecil.
Seeing this as an opportunity for an adventure and a chance to maybe stand out and be happier on a smaller railway, Cricket volunteers to be donated to the preservation society rebuilding part of the MSR.
She helped to rebuilt the line alongside Cecil and is indeed much happier finally having found her place in the world on a railway which is just the right size for her. She even got her own special job when the railway reintroduced on a smaller scale the MSR's old horse and cart goods service for some of the farms and other local businesses along the line.
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And that's pretty much all I have at the moment. I started working on this because I think it would be neat to look at a railway preservation movement from the perspective of the engines involved.
I think it will also be interesting to explore how these engines interact with the former MSR engines now on the Skarloey railway. I'm sure Duke, Peter Sam, and Sir Handel have a lot to say about this project to restore part of their old home.
That's all for now.
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aupergladiat0r · 1 year
Okay, semi serious post now with more tags and pics
I've been working on a dinosaur-themed video game on and off since 10th grade (I'm about to be a college sophomore if that helps showing how long it's been). It's supposed to be like The Isle or Beasts of Bermuda, but with a lot more prehistoric creatures from all parts of Earth's history (and I'm planning on including some living fossils and recently extinct creatures such as the Dodo and Rodrigues solitaire). And because of the multi-player capabilities, I'd want the game to have boss battles with hybrids.
Here are some concept art pieces for said boss battles.
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These two are colored
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And these are currently just sketches
I've lately been working on a document filled with game mechanisms and creature classes to keep everything more organized. Here's the Google Doc version of it in case you want to suggest ideas or modifications!
(I'm also looking to migrate everything on Google Drive to somewhere new, so I'd appreciate suggestions on where i could go)
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(Side view of Sacabambaspis)
My goal is to make a video game that, like it's predecessors and inspirations, teaches people about the world before humans in a fun and accurate way. My designs aee supposed to be as close to accurate as possible but without making boring designs.
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(Side View of Liliensternus)
But also, I'll be including a couple groups of playable creatures that show how we used to think prehistoric creatures looked like and how fictional and outdated media has fundamentally changed how certain creatures are portrayed in media (you'll have to wait for a future post to go into detail about that, but here's a picture of the "Fantasy T rex" that I'll be making. It's based off the Jurassic Park and Walking with Dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus)
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I've counted everything up, and it turns out even though I didn't grab every prehistoric creature discovered, I still have a bunch of work to do regarding 3d modelling, texturing, mechanic planning, rigging and everything else that comes with a game.
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(Side view of Simosuchus)
I'll leave my Kofi here in case you feel like financially supporting me. And if you do, let me know with proof and I'll gladly draw something of your choice! Don't feel like you have to though, I'd appreciate any sort of suggestion regarding my game design just as much!
Thank you for listening to me talk about my project! I'll probably be back in the future with more in depth posts, including sneak peeks at DLCs and my design process for the in-game designs.
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aalt-ctrl-del · 2 years
it seems unfair to be "ohhh, you fell for that scam about becoming a lord!" when pees refer to Established Titles
Here's the fuking bundle package
What it kind of sounded like, from someone who is poor but said "ok, whatever" and didn't get involved. Because poor.
The concept behind it sounded similar to those "adopt an animal" you can buy into with the zoo and animal conservation. You buy this living nft and get a 'certification' which states you adopted a creature, but you just fund the animal - with its species - the real world efforts for conservation, funding, breeding, captivity, wild releases, merch and awareness, and all that stuff.
Scott Shafer [the video] does delve into the laws of Scottland regarding land ownership and the official titles attached. Again, its not like anyone wanted to get a placard and suddenly it magically made them "Lord" or "Lady" - go get an official name change. Call yourself Sir Spencer.
But it seemed like a cutesy gimmick, here's your waving stick and an official hat. "You're a hazard, Harry" bit. Due to non-residential status, no one beyond citizenship with Scottland was actually buying land nor becoming legit figures with status. People saw "Save trees and get a participation trophy" and they bought into it. Hell, they bought plots for their pets. People trusted these youtubers, the the youtubers trusted the sponsorship channels which screened these sort of 'conservation' projects.
And the way it seemed set up, which might could have worked - but lets not forget stuff like taxes and other recurring expenses - it seemed legit that a conservation team bought a parcel or acreage of land, then divided the costs while factoring in manufacturing certification plaques, the cost of land, among other expenses. And plant a tree. While people OUT OF COUNTRY are no the wiser to value and exchange of land in Scottland, are simply assured that they have invested in the purchase of an acreage which would thus be protected by the company that made the purchase on their behalf.
Another problem was that the people donating to this false effort scam, was that they do already donate to other forestry conservation efforts as well. The certification was an enticing gimmick. Don't some conservationists sell organic and/or biodegradable Tshirts to help with conservation?
People are chuckling saying, "Yall thought you were gonna be an official lord or laddy" is aside from the issue here, and a moot point. This was an elaborate scam, that youtube did turn its back on because dollar signs in the eyes. From an nonnative to Scottland, it seemed plausible. Hell, I don't even know a listing of the conservation efforts here in America - the only one I know about is using human bodies to fertilize and rebuild forests.
Established Titles seemed like your typical gimmick conservation effort to protect land plots from development. Some youtubers did do research into the validity of the sponsorship deal, not all, but responsible youtubers did do their homework and had communications with their teams to verify if this was a legit, and that the funds channeled in would be used responsibly.
What probably won people over was the idea that this was a purchase for environmental conservation, it preyed upon peoples good intentions, and it involved an intangible asset - the plot of land.
And this sort of scandal does make people less likely to spend money on legit conservation projects. It's already impossible to insure your charity funds are being utilized optimally by those you donate to, and this long-lived scandal is in words, heart breaking. It was a lot of time and effort wasted for nothing gained. As well, the whole prospect of "you really need to do more research before donating" is such bullshit.
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demystify-2025 · 2 months
The Advisory Board
There are 54 groups listed on "The Project 2025 Advisory Board". While most of them are relatively straightforward, there are a few that I don't truly have the background to understand without doing a deep dive. Those are noted in the summary of the group.
Here we go. I hope you all understand just how confused my FBI agent must be right now. (Hi, Ken.)
Alabama Policy Institute: its mission statement claims it "honors the principles of free markets, limited government, and strong families." Looking further down their About page, they support the right of a person to be protected from "liberalizing social conventions". Their "abortion and adoption" page offers a list of Pregnancy Resource Centers and proclaims the "Pro-Life Legacy". Curiously, I am unable to find anything regarding "strong families" under their 'social policies' section.
Alliance Defending Freedom:The main link on Google takes me to a page asking me to "Become a monthly partner and help defend your God-given rights year-round!" I have to delete everything after the ".org" to see their website and any other page, which is a) terrible website design and b) a violation of Google's Terms of Service regarding obfuscating links. Anyway. The ADF's feature article on 7/15/2024 is about challenging the current Title IX, which would include gender identity as a protected class under sex-based discrimination. They are a conservative Christian lobbying group.
American Compass: A conservative economics group that believes "markets require rules and institutions to work well, that they are a means to the end of human flourishing and exist to serve us". This is a group that I don't have the economic background to truly understand, but their "family" page prioritizes marriage and children. Refreshingly, it doesn't say a word about religion or what constitutes a family. I'll have to dig more deeply into this one.
The American Conservative: A magazine that's exactly what it says on the cover. The blog posts seem reasonably fair; one of the ones I read regarding the dismissal of Trump's document mishandling case took care to note that Cannon, the judge in question, was appointed by Trump. According to Wikipedia, TAC "opposes unchecked power in government and business, promotes the concept of the nuclear family, free markets, and supports realism and restraint in foreign affairs based on America's national interests."
America First Legal Foundation: Quote from their front page: "With your support, we will oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade."
American Accountability Foundation: A group that "deploys aggressive research and investigations to advance conservatism, while heavily scrutinizing politicians, political appointees, establishment organizations, and government policies. Every day, our work is exposing the truth behind the people and policies of the Biden Administration that threaten the freedoms of the American people."
American Center for Law and Justice: A group focusing on legal challenges to unconstitutional oversteps. Their "About" page mentions successes that are examples of clear overreach, like people being banned from the National Archives for wearing a shirt reading "March4Life". However, from their "Life & Liberty Drive" page, their underlying philosophy beomces clearer: "Israel is under violent attack, as Biden betrays our ally. The Left is waging war on our Christian faith, banning Bible studies...And Planned Parenthood is using your tax dollars to expand abortion on demand, as the Deep State shreds the Constitution."
American Cornerstone Institute: Again, the link on Google goes directly to a donation page where I'm unable to access the rest of the website. Terrible design choice; I'm trying to learn more about you and your first step is asking me for money. From their About page: "ACI will remain a non-partisan, not-for-profit institute". Their website prominently promotes faith-based solutions.
American Council of Trustees and Alumni: ACTA's mission is to "promote academic excellence, defend academic freedom, and ensure accountability". Their members have testified before Congress about student disruption of guest speakers that "prevent speakers from voicing disfavored (generally, conservative) viewpoints".
The American Main Street Initiative: The 'about' page of AMSI says they focus on issues that matter to most Americans, but gives no details on what those issues are. The front page list COVID conspiracies and claims "Americans are no longer safe in their cities".
American Moment: AM believes that "he American family, rooted in faith and tradition, is the bedrock of this nation and must be supported" and that "Government has a moral responsibility to foster public virtue". The other 8 priorities they list include immigration, China, law & order, trade policy promoting the middle-class lifestyle, and limiting the power of "multinational corporations".
American Principles Project: The APP bills itself as "America's top defender of the family" and proclaims, "We want to impose a political cost on the Left’s anti-family extremism. If they want to attack parental rights, confuse young children about changing their gender, undermine the ability of parents to protect their children’s innocence, or drive a wedge between parents and children in education, then they are going to be punished at the polls."
Center for Equal Opportunity: CEO claims to promote colorblind agendas in hiring and diversity. In February, they announced that they had sent a letter to the American Bar Association taking issue with the fact that their Diversity Clerkship Program gave preferential treatment to minority groups - POC, women, and people who are queer, disabled, or come from a disadvantaged background.
Center for Family and Human Rights: You already know what they stand for, solely by the name. One of their core values is "Fidelity to the teachings of the Church" (capitalization theirs); their mission is "To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate."
Center for Immigration Studies: Per their About page, "The Center is animated by a unique pro-immigrant, low-immigration vision which seeks fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted." Their 'topics' menu links to "Biden Border Crisis", "Sanctuary Cities", "Welfare Use", "National Security" and both Legal and Illegal Immigration pages.
That's just the first fifteen! I have to break up the block of bullet points because it turns out Tumblr has a 4096-character limit on these things. Go drink some water.
Center for Renewing America: Their "mission is to renew a consensus of America as a nation under God with unique interests worthy of defending that flow from its people, institutions, and history"; "God, country, and community are at the heart of this agenda."
Claremont Institute: "We take the lead in DC through our Center for the American Way of Life, which is devoted to restoring political liberty by arming the Right with moral confidence, ideas, and new policies, while working to undermine the Left's hold over America's institutions and conscience."
Coalition for a Prosperous America: CPA is "a bipartisan coalition of farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and labor organizations that make and grow things in the United States. Our members believe that America’s strength and well being is based upon growing America’s productive capacity and quality employment more than cheap consumption."
Competitive Enterprise Institute: The tagline is "40 Years of Eliminating Excessive Regulation and Unleashing Human Potential". They don't provide an easily-findable summary of their major positions to see how their actions back up their tagline.
Conservative Partnership Institute: "CPI provides a platform whereby citizen leaders, scholars, and activists who are committed to conservative values and principles can be connected with the conservative movement, and with Congress, congressional staff, and organization leaders in Washington, D.C.  " They're a networking group.
Concerned Women for America: CWA "protects and promotes Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy".
Defense of Freedom Institute: DFI is another "Constitutional"/"First Principles" group. From their Civil and Constitutional Rights page: "America is facing a historical moment, when many are pushing for policies that violate core constitutional and civil rights essential to a free society. DFI exists to defend the Constitution and the rule of law and protect civil liberties at school and work."
Ethics and Public Policy Center: EPPC works to "apply the riches of the Jewish and Christian traditions" to public policy.
Family Policy Alliance: FPA wants the USA to be a nation where "God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished!" (Snarky side note: Nothing says 'religious freedom' like promoting one religion to be honored above all others.)
Family Research Council: FRC wants to "serve in the kingdom of God by championing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview."
First Liberty Institute: First Liberty "has been leading the fight to reclaim religious freedom in America." You may recognize them from defending the baker who wouldn't make a cake for a gay wedding.
Forge Leadership Network: FLN is a networking group who wants its members to "examine public policy and ethics from a Judeo-Christian worldview".
Halfway there! Just 27 more to go. Now's a good time to stretch it out.
Foundation for Defense of Democracies: FDD is a nonpartisan, nonprofit national security organization. In their individual policy pages, they imply that COVID was a biological weapon.
Foundation for Government Accountability: FGA claims to "advance policies that improve lives." At the same time, they are against ranked-choice voting and claim, "Mail-in and absentee ballot are a big problem when it comes to election fraud and ballot harvesting"
FreedomWorks: FW is a bland website that talks about individual liberty, draining the swamp, and smaller government. They're light on actual policies that they back, and several of their internal links are broken.
The Heritage Foundation: If you're reading this far into a post about the contributors to P2025, you exactly who THF is. Their mission statement: "Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."
Hillsdale College: A private religious college with about 1400 undergrads that proudly boasts it was the first to admit both women and men. From their statement, "The College values the merit of each unique individual, rather than succumbing to the dehumanizing, discriminatory trend of so-called “social justice” and “multicultural diversity.""
Honest Elections Project: THey describe themselves as "a nonpartisan group devoted to supporting the right of every lawful voter to participate in free and honest elections". They also want "fair, reasonable, common sense measures" in place to protect against fraud.
Independent Women's Forum: They claim to focus on educating women about relevant policy. Their front page prominently displays anti-transgender messaging. They also back JD Vance as Trump's VP pick.
Institute for the American Worker: A group that claims to protect workers' rights. Going into the 'news' section reveals them to be anti-union.
Institute for Energy Research: They believe that "freely-functioning energy markets provide the most efficient and effective solutions" and that "Government policies should be predictable, simple, and technology neutral."
Institute for Women's Health: From their "What We Do" page: "The Institute for Women’s Health is committed to building coalitions that revolutionize women’s access to care." Looking through their op-eds, they are primarily an anti-abortion group.
Intercollegiate Studies Institute: Their header proclaims, "Your time at college is too important to feel isolated or attacked for questioning the ever-narrowing range of debate on campus. Get the education you deserve. Explore intellectual conservatism; Join a vibrant community of students and scholars; Defend your principles".
James Madison Institute: Not to be confused with James Madison University, JMI believes in "free markets, limited government, and economic liberty".
Keystone Policy: A group focused on "bringing leaders together". They focus on education, civic engagement, and tribal policy.
That's 40! We're almost through.
The Leadership Institute: TLI "provides training in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications. The Institute teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media." They furnish lists of their recruits to other conservative organizations.
Liberty University: A private religious college.
National Association of Scholars: From their about page, "We expect that ideas be judged on their merits; that scholars engage in the disinterested pursuit of the truth; and that colleges and universities provide for fair and judicial examination of contending views. We expect colleges to offer coherent curricula and programs of study."
National Center for Public Policy Resarch: NCPPR is a "non-partisan, free-market, independent conservative think tank" whose mission is "to grow the freedom movement by taking our message to new constituencies to secure liberty now and for future generations."
Pacific Research Institute: PRI claims, "public policy is too important to be left just to the experts." Their mission "is to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility for all individuals by advancing free-market policy solutions".
Patrick Henry College: A "conservative Christian college" that is "equipping Godly leaders".
Personnel Policy Operations: PPO believes "There are many opposition groups to the policy implementation of an America First agenda, such as the radical left, corporate media, tech companies, leftwing NGOs, and other activists". They firmly believe in the America First ideology.
Recovery for America Now Foundation: An addictions recovery group who believes "the Miracle of Recovery should be available to all. Our foundation was born out of our belief that all human beings possess intrinsic value, and that nobody is too sick to recover." They are currently working to repeal IMD, which limits recovery options available to Medicaid subscribers.
1792 Exchange: They work to "develop policy and resources to protect and equip non-profits, small businesses and philanthropy from “woke” corporations, to educate Congress and stakeholder organizations about the dangers of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policies, and to help steer public companies in the United States back to neutral on ideological issues so they can best serve their shareholders and customers with excellence and integrity."
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: An anti-abortion advocacy group.
Texas Public Policy Foundation: "The Foundation’s mission is to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise" (emphasis theirs). Their front page mocks Democrats for not winning a statewide election in 30 years, then their about page says "The public is demanding a different direction for their government".
Teneo Network: The Teneo Network believes in limited government; a "transcendent order" based on religion, philosophy, or tradition; strong national defense; and free enterprise.
Young America's Foundation: Another group decrying the state of conservatives on college campuses. They want to make sure that American students "understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values."
And that's it for the listed contributors! Next post, we'll be getting into the meat and potatoes of Project 2025.
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nebris · 2 months
“There is a concept called body autonomy. Its generally considered a human right. Bodily autonomy means a person has control over who or what uses their body, for what, and for how long. Its why you can’t be forced to donate blood, tissue, or organs. Even if you are dead. Even if you’d save or improve 20 lives. It’s why someone can’t touch you, have sex with you, or use your body in any way without your continuous consent.
A fetus is using someone’s body parts. Therefore under bodily autonomy, it is there by permission, not by right. It needs a persons continuous consent. If they deny and withdraw their consent, the pregnant person has the right to remove them from that moment. A fetus is equal in this regard because if I need someone else’s body parts to live, they can also legally deny me their use.
By saying a fetus has a right to someone’s body parts until it’s born, despite the pregnant person’s wishes, you are doing two things.
1. Granting a fetus more rights to other people’s bodies than any born person.
2. Awarding a pregnant person less rights to their body than a corpse.” ~Hannah Goff
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riverkvgd581 · 3 months
10 Quick Tips About Haul Away Service
Junk Removal Trends in 2024-As we head into 2024, junk removal continues to evolve. It is influenced by many factors, from technological advancements, to environmental concerns. The way we discard unwanted items is no longer just a simple matter of tossing them into the trash; it has become an intricate process that reflects our growing awareness of sustainability and efficiency.
The increasing use of technology in the junk removal industry is one of the biggest trends this year. Companies are leveraging apps and online booking platforms to make their services more accessible. Customers can now arrange for pick-ups with just a few clicks on their smartphones or computers, choosing times that fit their schedules without having to make phone calls or wait for business hours. These digital tools are often equipped with tracking systems, which allow customers to track the progress of their junk in real time.
In line with technological innovation is the introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) into fleets. Many junk removal companies invest in EVs to reduce their ecological footprint as concerns about carbon dioxide emissions increase. These electric trucks not only are better for the environment, but they also operate more quietly. This is a great benefit for residential areas Click to find out more that can be affected by noise pollution from diesel trucks.
Recycling and upcycling are now at the forefront of consumer and business efforts to reduce waste. Junk removal companies have adapted to this by incorporating sorting areas where items can be separated, and redirected as far away from landfills as possible. Furniture, electronics, and metals are commonly recovered and sent off for refurbishment or recycling. This not only conserves resources but also opens up avenues for charitable donations--another trend gaining traction wherein serviceable items are donated to those in need rather than discarded.
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The concept of "green" junk removal has expanded beyond recycling efforts. There's a greater focus on holistic eco-friendly practices, such as composting organic materials and using biodegradable bag during collection processes. Additionally, some companies have started providing detailed reports on how much waste was diverted from landfills post-pickup, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers who want transparency regarding the impact of their choices.
Micro-haulers are a great solution for clients who have smaller loads of junk. These services specialize in removing lesser quantities that don't require full-scale trucks, thus offering flexibility while reducing costs--and traffic congestion--for both providers and users.
Another interesting development is the rise of specialized niches within the industry catering to unique types of waste like electronic waste (e-waste), which requires careful handling due to its toxic components and potential for resource recovery through proper recycling methods.
Lastly, education around responsible disposal practices has become part of many junk removal companies' offerings; recognizing that informed consumers make decisions that align better with sustainable management approaches. Workshops and information campaigns that educate people on what happens to items after they are removed encourage them to adopt more thoughtful consumption habits.
In conclusion, 2029 will be another year in which trends in junk removal reflect wider societal shifts towards convenience powered by technology and an unyielding dedication to environmental preservation. Through innovative solutions aimed at reducing emissions, maximizing recycling efforts, embracing niche markets while educating consumers--the industry stands at the forefront not just cleaning up clutter but paving a path towards a cleaner planet for future generations.
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amitsolanki1990 · 3 months
Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration With Marpu Foundation
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the concept of taking responsibility for their impact on society and the environment. It is not just about donating money to charities or complying with regulations, but also about integrating social and environmental values . MARPU Foundation is dedicated to promoting sustainable development through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Their focus areas include environmental protection, education, healthcare, and women's empowerment etc The Marpu Foundation stands out as a transformative partner in this regard. By collaborating with Marpu Foundation, companies can significantly boost their CSR impact and contribute meaningfully to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Marpu Foundations play a pivotal role in driving sustainable development. Marpu Foundations actively contribute to sustainable development by implementing various initiatives focused on environmental conservation &  social empowerment. Morpu foundation’S  projects and programs strive to create a harmonious balance between the needs of the present generation and the preservation of resources for future generations. , Marpu Foundations can serve as catalysts for positive change.
In India, poverty remains a significant challenge, with over 269 million people living below the poverty line. The government, civil society organizations, and the private sector have taken various initiatives to address poverty in the country .Morpu Foundation  is  Investing in Livelihood Programs, Education and Skill Development, Agriculture and Rural Development, Healthcare etc.
Workplace gender equality is a core pillar of CSR with companies nowadays increasingly addressing it within their work agendas. Morpu Foundation organise programmes focus mostly on the experiences of women, giving particular attention to their rights, equal pay, sexual harassment and discrimination.
Morpu Foundation  play a vital role in improving global health by implementing CSR initiatives that support healthcare organizations, promote healthy lifestyles, and provide access to healthcare services.
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Morpu Foundation is organize programs to enhance habit to people CONSERVE AND RESTORE TERRESTRIAL AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, PROTECT BIODIVERSITY AND NATURAL HABITATS, COMBAT GLOBAL POACHING AND TRAFFICKING
 By Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. People everywhere should be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives whatever their ethnicity, faith or sexual orientation.
Demonstrating a commitment to societal and environmental issues boosts brand reputation. Consumers today are more likely to support brands that show genuine concern for global challenges. A partnership with Marpu Foundation showcases a company's dedication to making a positive difference.
Partnering with Marpu Foundation is a strategic move for any company looking to enhance its CSR impact. By supporting Marpu's initiatives, businesses not only contribute to critical social and environmental causes but also align themselves with the broader global agenda set by the SDGs. This collaboration fosters sustainable development, benefits communities, and strengthens corporate identity and reputation.
We invite you to join us in making a significant impact. Follow and tag us on LinkedIn when sharing your CSR stories and collaborations. Additionally, visit our blog on [WordPress](https://www.marpu.org/), [Blogger](https://www.marpu.org/blog) for more insights and updates on our projects.
Together, we can build a better future.
This post is an excellent opportunity to showcase how strategic partnerships can lead to impactful CSR initiatives. Let's make a difference together with Marpu Foundation.
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chanoyu-to-wa · 5 months
The Chanoyu Hyaku-shu [茶湯百首], Part I:  Poem 7.
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〽 Kokoro-zashi fukai hito ha iku-tabi mo           aware-mi fukaku oku zo oshiuru
     [志深き人には幾度も、           哀れみ深く奧ぞ敎うる].
    “Regarding persons of goodwill¹, [we should] continually [appeal to] their sense of compassion, to instruct [us] in the deepest secrets² [of chanoyu].”
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    All people are only capable of acting up to their own level of attainment.  It is important, therefore, for the beginner to be discriminating, with respect to those to whom he applies for instruction.  And once he has settled on such a person, the novice should endeavor to emulate him, committing wholeheartedly to the path, and endeavoring to absorb their most intimate and profound teachings.
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    Here, once again, the present version differs slightly from the original:
〽 kokorozashi fukaki hito ni ha sen-tabi mo          awaremi fukaku nō zo oshiyuru
    [志深い人には千度も          哀れみ深く能ぞ敎ゆる].
    “Regarding persons of goodwill, a thousand times [we should appeal to] their sense of compassion, to impart [to us] a deep competence.”
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    Sen-tabi mo [千度も], which is found in Katagiri Sekishū’s version of Jōō’s original verse, means “even a thousand times³.”
    Nō [なほ = 能] means “to be able (to do something successfully),” “to be skillful.” “to be competent,” “to be capable.”
    So, rather than the “deepest secrets⁴” (which, as a concept, did not really exist before the appearance of the iemoto system⁵ in the early Edo period), here the novice is urged to entreat those more-advanced practitioners of goodwill to help him advance by imparting those teachings that will help him become competent and able.
¹This refers to someone who, being knowledgeable, is kind and generous with their knowledge, offering it freely to the beginner without reservation (and without thoughts of remuneration).  While it could refer to a teacher, the implication can be taken that this is simply a fellow practitioner -- albeit someone with a more advanced level of training.
²Fukaku-oku zo [深く奧ぞ]:  fukaku-oku [深く奧] literally means the deeper recesses (of the teachings), hence deep secrets*; the particle zo [ぞ], in this particular kind of construction, while it also adds emphasis (underscores the importance of), also renders the expression “deep secrets” unlimited -- in other words, the poem is not begging for any specific teaching or instruction; but, rather, it asks the person of goodwill to impart anything and everything that they are capable of providing, so as to further the beginner’s development.
³Which is to say, countless times (a thousand being impossible to count at a glance).
⁴This phrase is probably alluding to the so-called oku-den [奧傳], the deepest stratum of a school’s most secret teachings.
⁵This system mimics the organization of the central government (the bakufu [幕府]) of the Edo period.  
    While it was possible to complete Rikyū’s course of study in a matter of a month or two, this system demanded a lifetime’s commitment, with the deeper teachings doled out little by little over that span of time, culminating (in most cases) when the disciple is physically too old to truly benefit from their disclosure.  The Buddhist system evolved to follow a similar pattern, elevating the monk to the more spiritually enlightened status (conferred by a diploma) only months before his or her death.
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