#computer science and it courses
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It's funny how most every cyberpunk story or setting thought that due to technology taking over people's lives and humanity, computer literacy would become commonplace enough that the very term would disappear. Everyone in Night City or whatever is super into hacking or can at least give you the difference between hardware, software, antivirus, spam, etc. To not know the basic gists or cybernetics and cyber security is paramount to not knowing how to count or how to read.
In reality we're about to enter an age where knowing how to create a folder or a zip file is back to being ancient lore inscribed in tablets that only the 30 year old who works at your IT office knows how to do. Phones and the growing marketability of easy-access no-customization technology means kids just don't use computers anymore. And it's crazy how fast it happened.
When I was in kindergarten we still had "computer class" once a week, and it was objectively useless for everyone in my class. Regardless of our age or interests, all of us had casual PC time either at home or in cyber cafes, all of us knew how to do things the teachers many times struggled with. The moment typing machine class became keyboard typing class, computers were already dominating most of our time. I learned how to navigate a computer the same way I learned English; by myself, because it was vital for my own interests.
And between highly streamlined video games, single umbrella closed OSs and everything being a fucking app, a 14 year old nowadays is lucky if they know what quotation marks do to your Google results. It's genuinely harrowing how the future is tech-dependent, yet we're becoming completely tech-illiterate.
The worst part is that it's completely on purpose by the tech industry. Much like not being able to fix your own products when they break, if you simply don't know what your phone or your computer can *do*, it's much easier to sell you a borderline identical one a little earlier than you'd actually need it. Phone updates are already pretty much semantic; you can't even see the difference between new models and old ones anymore, unless the visual difference is the point. And it all just gets more and more expensive for less and less bang for your buck.
We never expected the cyberpunk dystopia to be dull, and to rely on making us dumb. Crazy how well it worked.
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izicodes · 2 years
Harvard University Free IT Courses | Resources ✨
While scrolling through Twitter, I saw some posts that highlighted some free IT courses and resources being offered by Harvard University! Harvard University offers a wide range of IT courses that are available to the public for free! Here are some of them!
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1. Introduction to Computer Science - LINK
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
2. Web Programming with Python and JavaScript - LINK
This course dives more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap.
3. Mobile App Development with React Native - LINK
Learn about mobile app development with React Native, a popular framework maintained by Facebook that enables cross-platform native apps using JavaScript without Java or Swift.
4. Introduction to Game Development - LINK
Learn about the development of 2D and 3D interactive games in this hands-on course, as you explore the design of games such as Super Mario Bros., Pokémon, Angry Birds, and more.
5. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python - LINK
Learn to use machine learning in Python in this introductory course on artificial intelligence.
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Hope this helps someone and do check them out! 💻👍🏾💗
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rizzstappen · 1 year
College Au, I agree that you def should write it 👀👀
Ahh okay I’ve been tinkering with this for a bit! Thank you for this ask Danni!!
This is my first time writing for Maxiel and first time writing rpf in years so please be easy on me 😭 but of course feedback and any questions are welcome!! Inspired by this picture and the tags!!
Sorry for any mistakes! But I don’t think I can look or edit this anymore without going insane 🤪 enjoy!!!
Maxiel College AU where it’s a special day during junior year!
“C’mon one more DR!” Blake shouted from across the tennis court. The Austin sun beating down on them making the already humid day feel worse than it actually was.
“Yeah, nah mate,” Daniel called back as the three men walked toward the net where they had set their backpacks down to get in a quick tennis match. “Max is waiting for me. I promised I’d be back on time. He says it’s a special day.”
Daniel had been thinking all day about it.
Before leaving for class Max had whispered to Daniel something about a special day. In his sleepy haze all the Aussie could do was hum and try to pull his boyfriend back into the warm duvet covers away from the busy campus outside their window.
Every morning was a routine once the semester began. Max woke at 7 am for his 8 am lecture. Showered. Got dressed. Kissed Daniel before he headed out the door. Daniel, of course, didn’t have class until 1:30. He liked sleeping in and staying up late. Plus he worked at the local bar which meant late night shifts. Max didn’t mind it. They always made sure to leave the afternoons free around dinner time so they could catch up on the day before Max went to play FIFA or do homework and Daniel went to work.
“He said that? You don’t know what the special day is?” Scotty asked with a slight scoff knowing if he forgot a date Chloe would have his head.
Daniel rolled his eyes sliding his backpack onto his shoulders and hiding his sweaty curls under a black and green hat “no he didn’t say what it was. If I ask he might kill me so I’m off to get some flowers on my way home” he nodded hopping the day would reveal itself when he walked in the door.
After saying bye to Blake and Scotty, Daniel headed out to the local flower shop. It was small with a French exchange student behind the counter who flirted way too much with Max in his opinion. The green eyed student recommended a bouquet of roses. Cliche.
Instead Daniel opted for an assortment of red, yellow and white tulips. Like the ones Max spoke about from his home country. Daniel liked to get flowers often wanting to give Max a little piece of home since he couldn’t travel back to Holland often.
The jingle of his key alerted the cats of Daniel’s return to the small apartment. Once inside the cats curled around his ankles and purred against his leg welcoming him back. Daniel leaned down scratching both Jimmy and Sassy behind their ears with whispered ‘hey guys, where’s dad?’ He toed off his shoes by the door before walking towards the living room. Max wasn’t in his usual spot on the worn leather couch Daniel had practically begged Max to bring back after they found it on the side of the road last year.
“Hello?” He called out the crinkle of the cellophane echoing around the tulips in Daniel’s hand.
“Shit” Max’s quiet voice echoed coming from the kitchen. Daniel made his way over seeing Max fussing over…something? His broad shoulders hunched down pulling at the fabric of his black polo that were tucked into his jeans being held up by a black belt.
Max turned holding a tray in his hands with what should’ve been a cake. The white frosting and vanilla bread had clearly turned into a crumbly mess.
“It’s supposed to be a cake, of course, but I think I took the bread out too soon and it was too hot. Of course I just wanted it to be decorated before you got back-“ Max rambled. A grin spread on Daniels lips “a cake for this special day?” He asked trying to real more information out of his boyfriend about this mystery day.
Max raised an eyebrow and nodded “of course why wouldn’t there be a cake?” He says.
Cake. Birthday? No. Anniversary? No. Daniel still couldn’t wrack his brain about what this special day might be.
Max smirked at his boyfriend as he sets the tray down on the linoleum lined kitchen counter “you have no idea what today is huh?”
Shit. He was caught. Max could read him like a book but Daniel wouldn’t admit it of course. “What?! Of course I know what today is. I got you flowers. Tulips” he grinned handing over the bouquet.
Max inspects the flowers. Not as good as the ones from his hometown but he knew it was the thought that counted. Max looked his boyfriend in the eyes a grin on his lips as he speaks “then what is today?”
Daniel looks back for a moment. What other possible date would be important enough for a cake?
A laugh bubbles up from Max “you don’t even know!” he smirked happily moving to get a vase filled with water for his flowers. “Daniel it’s the day we met in class” he spoke over the water running into the green vase “three years ago, of course” he nodded shutting the water off and sliding the flowers into the water before setting them down “it’s called a meet cute. I think” he said before he gestured to the cake sat on the counter “that’s what Victoria called it. She said it would be cute to celebrate it.”
The words ‘happy 3 year meet cute’ scrawled out in red icing against the white frosting in Max’s handwriting
Daniel was stunned.
3 years. He couldn’t believe 3 years had flown by. He remembered walking into his Horticulture 120 lecture and the only spot left was next to Max at the front row. He was sure he’d drop the class. It was an elective after all. But then he turned and saw Max’s eyes. Blue. Like the Maldives. In that moment Daniel knew he had to stay. So he did and clumsily introduced himself. His braces giving him a slight lisp. But it was the best thing he had done. Now he had an apartment and two cats with that same boy. And they were celebrating meeting 3 year later.
Daniel gives his boyfriend a soft look before his own laughter filled the space between them “oh Maxy” he said “that’s adorable really. Thank you” he says admiring the icing work he had attempted winning his finger into the white frosting and licking it off his finger.
“Happy three year meet cute anniversary” he said leaning in kissing Max’s blushing cheeks.
Max smiled turning to look at his boyfriend “happy three year meet cute anniversary” he whispered before planting a kiss on Daniel lips.
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transfaguette · 2 years
Did you know, you can take a Harvard computer science class...for free?
CS50x is a free online introduction to computer science course, featuring recorded lectures of an actual Harvard class, along with all the assignments, access to a cloud-based development environment, and supplemental material to help you. This is all completely free, and all at your own pace.
Now, the only catch is if you want a "verified certificate" of your completion of the course, it will cost about $150. You will still receive a digital certificate, but the verified certificate has an extra layer of authenticity, if you plan on using it professionally. Whether that's necessary, your mileage may vary. But all in all, still a relatively cheap price, and you can upgrade at any time.
I can't think of any resource for learning computer science and programming better than this. Even if you struggle with the concepts, there are many other people and resources around the internet to help you with this class specifically. If you've never written a line of code, or how computers work is a complete mystery to you, this class is still for you. Seriously, give it a try.
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tricoufamily · 1 year
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vance and dravens' weed smoking girlfriends respectively
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dabidagoose · 7 months
I love love how Brennan chose to characterize porter where like. He's such an asshole. Such a fucking asshole of a guy and it really sucks to talk to him. And fig hates him so much just as she should. But despite that you can't discount him as some dope know-nothing cause he's got some INCREDIBLE wisdom and (for fig, not really for gorgug) is just a really good teacher. That really horrible experience of showing up to class with a burning hatred for the teacher for being here at all and then leaving knowing that you have just learned some incredibly valuable skills.
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shandzii · 2 years
Hey, i was wondering, did you ever actually decide wether or not to do the Phone Backgrounds with Sam & Gabe? (Im the same anon who asked a few months back...)
its on my to-do list but I'm prioritizing commissions and college
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cyberstudious · 2 months
what's it like studying CS?? im pretty confused if i should choose CS as my major xx
hi there!
first, two "misconceptions" or maybe somewhat surprising things that I think are worth mentioning:
there really isn't that much "math" in the calculus/arithmetic sense*. I mostly remember doing lots of proofs. don't let not being a math wiz stop you from majoring in CS if you like CS
you can get by with surprisingly little programming - yeah you'll have programming assignments, but a degree program will teach you the theory and concepts for the most part (this is where universities will differ on the scale of theory vs. practice, but you'll always get a mix of both and it's important to learn both!)
*: there are some sub-fields where you actually do a Lot of math - machine learning and graphics programming will have you doing a lot of linear algebra, and I'm sure that there are plenty more that I don't remember at the moment. the point is that 1) if you're a bit afraid of math that's fine, you can still thrive in a CS degree but 2) if you love math or are willing to be brave there are a lot of cool things you can do!
I think the best way to get a good sense of what a major is like is to check out a sample degree plan from a university you're considering! here are some of the basic kinds of classes you'd be taking:
basic programming courses: you'll knock these out in your first year - once you know how to code and you have an in-depth understanding of the concepts, you now have a mental framework for the rest of your degree. and also once you learn one programming language, it's pretty easy to pick up another one, and you'll probably work in a handful of different languages throughout your degree.
discrete math/math for computer science courses: more courses that you'll take early on - this is mostly logic and learning to write proofs, and towards the end it just kind of becomes a bunch of semi-related math concepts that are useful in computing & problem solving. oh also I had to take a stats for CS course & a linear algebra course. oh and also calculus but that was mostly a university core requirement thing, I literally never really used it in my CS classes lol
data structures & algorithms: these are the big boys. stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, sorting algorithms, more complicated algorithms… if you're interviewing for a programming job, they will ask you data structures & algorithms questions. also this is where you learn to write smart, efficient code and solve problems. also this is where you learn which problems are proven to be unsolvable (or at least unsolvable in a reasonable amount of time) so you don't waste your time lol
courses on specific topics: operating systems, Linux/UNIX, circuits, databases, compilers, software engineering/design patterns, automata theory… some of these will be required, and then you'll get to pick some depending on what your interests are! I took cybersecurity-related courses but there really are so many different options!
In general I think CS is a really cool major that you can do a lot with. I realize this was pretty vague, so if you have any more questions feel free to send them my way! also I'm happy to talk more about specific classes/topics or if you just want an answer to "wtf is automata theory" lol
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Want to boost your data science career? Then TCCI is there
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queer-reader-07 · 9 months
the worst thing about me being a Gen Z with a Gen X father is that i routinely use Gen Z slang & internet lingo around him to the point that he's able to accurately parse what it all means. AND THEN HE GOES AND USES IT AT WORK TO IMPRESS HIS TWENTY SOMETHING COWORKERS
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codingcorgi · 5 months
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Days 110 to 118 of coding everyday for a year and I've gotten so much done!
I finish both of my finals the C++ and the C#. The C++ final is an adventure game and it wasn't too challenging to make honestly I had fun with it. The C# project was also fun because I got to play with microcharts when creating the statistics page to display collected data! I plan to make the C++ game more fun honestly because I can't just let it die from here. I am going to make the Android and iOS build better on the C# project. I'm really proud of myself today :)
My next adventures will be brushing up on JavaScript since I'm severely out of practice and using what I know to make my portfolio website using Blazor!
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sadiecoocoo · 2 months
Guys… I have to go back to school… in twelve hours
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This is a shameless pitch for my field of work but if you like biology and you like coding...consider bioinformatics as a career  👀  Especially if you live in the US, as it's well-known for its bionformatics scene.
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neobastard · 8 months
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We are so fucking back.
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ziggyplayedguitar96 · 11 months
I have an AP comp sci test tomorrow and I’m kinda nervous
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