#computer network assignment writing help
Daily Log 2
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Much less than yesterday, felt sick and sleepy so barely got anything done. It was also warmer inside today.. Very much dreading summer. I still feel like the people who ~~ love warm weather sooo much~~ must also have central heating and air and are able to escape the warmth, or at least have cool airy houses where they can get cross breezes or something.. I just fail to see how ANYONE could enjoy sweating all day because it's like 75F indoors, etc. grrbb,,, the headaches, sleepless sweaty nights, constant physical discomfort, etc. The next few days look cloudy and rainy though so.. yEs.. haha HA
Got a new charger for my old 2004 nokia phone so it actually turns on now, and recorded myself going through the ringtones and games. I might add the footage to a currently not fully edited video of me also looking through other electronics (old phones, turbo twist math, etc.). I love old ringtones actually and if I were rich, I would love to collect old phones specifically just to have a catalogue of what they're like and all of the sounds they contain.
Managed to have a tiny burst of energy and take photos of 3 outfits before my arms and shoulder started hurting and I got too warm.
Sent email to one doctor.
Translated like 3 words for the Avirrekava poem thing I mentioned yesterday. My language document is not organized very well at all so I've kind of lost my flow of working on it. I've heard about people making searchable dictionary type things for their conlangs, so I'd like to look more into that maybe. As well as making a custom font, though I don't know if that's more difficult for syllabaries (so wouldn't be directly linkable to a plain english alphabet keyboard?? eh?). Anyway, I need to finish the tapestry/painting thing/etc. soon though since I have no good place to put it. The canvas is warping a little just laying haphazardly on my closet floor lol.
Made one quick mspaint background image for the next batch of song snippet things for my jokey music youtube.
Edited like 10 minutes of the Giant Worldbuilding Slideshow Project.. couldn't focus on that either since being at the computer today irritated my shoulders and arms.
Notable sights: Saw 6 baby ducks and their parents swimming in a nearby pond!! It's interesting how their colors seem to change so much, and the young ones have the little spots on their back. Not much else, I was not very active lol..
Goals moving forward: Still working on consistent sleep schedule. Focus on social activities, finding new friends in the places I want to move, communicating with ones I have. Physical therapy exercises. Plant nasturtiums. Finish and upload videos, edit pictures, post the poll adventure thing that has been sitting in a draft for weeks (I thought I would get it done today, but alas.. I don't even have to do much, just proofread and post it, I just keep having no energy/being preoccupied with other things/hurts to be on computer.. grrr.. I want to continue the story lol >:T).
Notable foods: HAD ASPARAGUS YEaaaaaghhhHHHH!!!!!!!!! Asparagus SQUAD!!!!!!!!!! ... Also a few pieces of smoked gouda with lunch, one of my favorite cheeses.
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#just posting these publicly since it feels more like I'm doing something or easier to hold yourself accountable if you make public#declarations of goals and progress or etc. .. perhaps.. for now..#I'm just curious to see if it helps. I know some poeple do diary style stuff or etc. on social media to help with productivity so#worth trying for like a week at least lol#tired and sleepy of being tired and sleepy though. Every day that stuff like chronic health problems or weather or etc.#interfere with me getting stuff done and it's all stuff that I've also had on my todo list for like.. weeks at this point it's like.. oughh#insurmountable tasks ever looming piling upon my shoulderes...#I've been 'supposed to call a lab to shedule blood work' for like a week and a half now and everyday I get the number#out and look at it and just go 'hmm.... sooon...' and then suddenly it's 10pm and I didn't#You Know How It Is Folks. I'm going to write myself a script of exactly what to say and also tape it to my computer screen#Sometimes that helps. lol#I dont' feel like I need a full on caretaker or something at this point but someitmes I do think like.. in a few years with my various#physical and mental issues it would be nice to have a Person Who Functions Normally Socially come visit me like once#every two weeks to help me plan things and make phone calls. Same with creative stuff too though. I bet I'd be doing something creative as#a career by now if I had like. an Assigned Neurotypical Extrovert to network for me and help me navigate things like that bjhbhj#hashtag hermit problems. etc. etc. (not just like 'a little weird and asocial' but like.. 'near complete inability to function in society'#type hermit problems lol..#ANYWAY.. ..#Also fighting the urge to have another personality typing phase. I can feel it creeping up. My 'once every 3 months when I get very#interested in the enneagram and other stuff again' type of thing. distracting myself with worldbuilding paintings instead ghgj#why don't you do a phone call for your blood work first maybe then you can spend 3 hours reading about tritypes or whatever#I have so many interests and hobbies but a handful of Main Ones and they never go away I just seem to take turns with them#Except worldbuilding I think that's always there. Genuinely again.. wish I could find some way to work that into a career. that is the only#thing I could to 1000 hours straight at any time of day under any circumstance. Kidnap me and lock me in a basement and I will be passing#my time thinking about what type of cheese elves make and all the things I'm going to write once I escape captivity ghjhj#EVEYRHTING else though lol.. kind of comes and goes. but can be annoying when it's suddenly the only thing my mind#wants to focus on. BUT yeagh.. ANYWAY... rambling again#daily log
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catherinelwriter · 2 years
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csuitebitches · 10 months
2024 Planning
I started planning for 2024 today. I’ve learned a lot this year, made mistakes, had some successes and now it’s time to take all my learnings, good or bad, and go to the next level.
I prefer starting next year’s routine from 2023’s November and December so that by the time January rolls around, I’m settled into the routine. If there’s any revisions necessary, I can do them without starting my new year on the wrong foot.
I maintain my goals on mostly short and medium term basis. This includes daily, weekly and quarterly planning (I don’t do monthly because it doesn’t work for me).
This may seem complicated (actually, it looks more complicated than it is but it’s just what helps me) but let me show you how exactly I do things.
I keep two diaries. One for daily and weekly and one for quarterly. I have a habit tracker on my phone for my daily non-Negotiables (exercise, meditation, reading and language).
The quarterly diary is my big big diary. Every quarter, it lists out all the big plans, what i want to do and who i want to be. It’s all the messy thoughts I have, all my dreams, my weaknesses, my strengths, etc etc. The only “practical” part of the diary is that there is one general plan made at the end of my mad scribbling. It has the general idea, feedback I’ve received from other people and compilation of all the advice I’ve gotten from my mentors.
2. The daily - weekly diary breaks the plan into manageable bits. I write out the week’s plan (who do i need to meet, who do i need to follow up with, any major presentation coming up, any assignment, what am i reading this week) and write a one sentence daily update on it.
I can’t use a habit tracker for this because i’m not tracking meditation or exercise on here. I’m tracking my career goals, my ambitious goals, into smaller goals. A habit tracker wouldnt cut it because I would have to elaborate more on certain things.
For example:
“20-27th Nov: Weekly list
budget presentation on Monday
1 event to attend on Tuesday. Topic: XYZ
Reading: the inheritors
reach out to mentor, schedule a meeting
7 language essays and 7 videos
Monday, 20th Nov.
work presentation: complete.
Feedback received: i need to work on XYZ.
points they raised that didnt cross my mind: XYZ
follow ups required and if yes, with who: XYZ
reading: complete. Interesting point they brought up: XYZ
essay for the day: complete.
Video complete:
Tuesday, 21st Nov
mentor meeting scheduled
event went well. Met: A, B, C who work in XYZ companies. Follow up with them next week for coffee/ drinks.
essay: complete
video: complete”
Having two diaries helps me because i can find my bigger goals without having to go through the daily entry mess. I like having the two separate.
Nov ‘23 + Dec ‘23 + Q1 2024’s goals include:
Social (meeting new people, maintaining networks)
Intellectual (biographies, documentaries, industry reports)
Personal (soft skills, language studies)
Work (presentations, courses, conferences)
A major change I’ve making this year is actively working on every single weakness I have that I know is a potential strength. I’m ignoring weaknesses that I know are 100% weaknesses like coding because there’s just no way I can sit in front of a computer and learn all that, it’s absolutely not my cup of tea and does not make me happy.
I made a list of every single weakness i have and I’m embarrassed about and ashamed of. 2024 is the year of NO shame. I’m not letting my intrusive thoughts win.
Next to each weakness I wrote out a potential solution.
Ex: not picking up the language i’m studying as fast as i want to -> write 1 short essay and a 1-2 minute video of me talking about anything in that language every single day
I’m not allowing any unnecessary negative self doubt or self talk happen. Constructive criticism is one thing, being a bitch to yourself is another. I plan to learn a lot next year.
I’ve created a manageable exposure therapy plan for myself - I aim to meet 3 new people every month and follow up with 5 new connections every month, whether it’s over chat or irl.
I’ve made a list of business biographies I’m going to read. This year I reached my reading target earlier than anticipated which I’m very happy about. Next year I’m focusing on books that are solely about business, technology and psychology.
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stephiethewephie · 3 months
Chandeliers and Fireflies
So I saw a fan event from @starry-night-rose called Glimmering Soirée. And as soon as I saw it was a ball event based on Cinderella, I was like YES YES YES! WHERE IS MY COMPUTER! I HAVE TO WRITE SOMETHING! Here is a summary on the event to get some context for the fic. Synopsis: Piper and Grim have been tasked by Headmaster Crowley to help the chosen princes with their lessons as well as getting them prepared for the ball. This is going to be in multiple chapters that I will be posting on separate dates. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: A Job for us...Again
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After the announcement of the princes, all eyes were on the four in either shock, enthusiasm for the princes, or anger that they weren't picked. The four princes all had different reactions:
Malleus Draconia... was not there... probably forgot to come or was not invited again. But, luckily Lilia was there, and he seemed over the moon at the fact that Malleus was chosen as one of the Princes. He will have to convey that information to him once he sees him.
Deuce Spade was in a state of disbelief. Him? A prince? He honestly never considered himself to be royalty fit. He hardly knew any royals who were delinquents. However, as a dedicated honors student, he felt determined to take this role on the best he can and be a fantastic representative for Night Raven College.
Azul Ashengrotto looked like he had thaumark signs in his eyes. His mind was reeling with ways in which he can take advantage of this position for his gain in the market space. What networks he will get, advertisements for the lounge, poor souls he can swindle- I mean make offers with. The endless possibilities made Azul giddy to get out of the classroom and start writing up plans.
Kalim-Al Asim was ecstatic. He loved hosting events at home and at his dorm. So, the chance to host a ball for two schools is something he is definitely excited about. He's already thinking of the music, food, elephants, everything a party needs. It has not occurred to him that he has not participated in a traditional ball before.
"So," the headmage interrupted the stares. "Now that we have our princes, lessons shall begin tomorrow. In the meantime, everyone return to your dorms. Each one has been given an assigned task to complete before the Glimmering Soirée. Be sure to complete them in a timely manner, we don't want our school getting bad pre- I mean, we should be the best host possible for the ball! Dismissed!"
There were friendly teases and annoyed grumbles as those who were not picked as princes left. The four princes (minus Malleus) took the teases in stride, except for Azul who was trying his best just to leave, but the Leech twins made that almost impossible. They teased their little "Princey" until Azul shoved them out of the way.
Piper, the magicless prefect of Ramshackle dorm, was about to leave her spot with her Pooh bear and congratulate the princes until she heard a frustrated "Myah" from her feline companion.
"The choices were rigged," Grim said with a pout. "I should be one of the princes! Just look at me!" He smirked and crossed his arms. "I am the most dashing student here!"
"If by dashing, you mean dashingly unappealing, then I would agree," a cocky voice said behind them. The two Ramshackle residents looked to see Ace Trappola with a mischievous smirk of his own. Piper could swear Grim's fire ears started to smoke at Ace's comment.
"Grr... big talk from someone who didn't get picked either," Grim said, looking like he was going to pounce Ace. Piper was about to intervene before hearing another voice.
"Kock it off you two," a voice said coming towards the three. They looked to see the blue haired prince-to-be coming towards them.
"Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," Ace teased his fellow Heartslabyul freshman. Deuce became flushed in embarassment.
"You come to rub your royalty in our face?" Grim asked, still salty about the results.
"Would you two quit it with that?" Deuce asked getting frustrated at the teasing. "Just because I was chosen does not mean I'm any less different than I was before. And besides, it was chosen by chance, so I'm no special than anyone if they were chosen."
"Ah come on Deucey," Ace played it off. "We're just playing around!"
"And Grim has a bit of jealousy over not being picked," Piper said with a giggle. Grim made a surprised, "mrah!," over the sudden call-out from his henchman.
"Oh," Deuce suddenly gained a smirk. "So that's why you're acting cranky towards me."
"I've had enough of all of you," Grim yelled. "Come on henchman, we're leaving!"
"Congratulations Deuce," Piper said in her chipper demeanor. "I know you'll be a great prince!"
"Ahh," Deuce blushed before giving a sincere smile to Piper. "If you really think so, then thank you Piper!" He raised his fist to his chest. "I'll make sure that I'm the best prince I can be!"
The four of them got up to leave. Before Piper and Grim could walk out the door, they heard another familiar voice calling to them.
"Ms. Finch, Grim, could you stay for just a moment," the voice came from the headmage. Sensing an important task was coming, Piper walked back to Crowley.
"How may I assist, Headmage Crowley," Piper said in a way that showed enthusiasm. Grim looked displeased with her response, but the headmaster gleamed.
"Love the enthusiasm, Ms. Finch," Crowley said with glee. "I've noticed that I have not yet given an assignment to your dorm. Luckily for you, I have chosen a special position for the both of you." Piper knew this would be another way for Crowley to get out of a task, but she was always willing to help anyway she could. Grim didn't look that willing. "The princes of the ball may need some assistance in lessons and preparation, I would like to ask you assist in the princes' lessons and preparation before the ball!" Piper looked excited and more than willing to help, but Grim still wasn't happy to do work.
"Nyah! I don't get to be a prince, and now I have to be their personal assistant?" Grim said with his pout again. Piper shook her head at the silly-ole-cat.
"Ah, don't think I have not thought of a form of repayment for your services," The headmage said trying to reassure the cat. "Those who assist the princes will have the privilege to attend the Glimmering Soirée alongside them. This includes formal attire on the school and early access to festivities, food, and the dance floor. Oh how kind am I?"
"Y-you mean," Grim said in shock. "I can eat all the good food before everyone else?!"
"Also," Crowley continued. "Working closely to the princes grants you a great advantage of becoming Belle of the Ball, which will be voted on by both faculty and the princes. The student who is chosen shall be given high honors such as a crown, scepter, and many others."
"A crown and a scepter?!" Grim said as his pout turned into a huge grin. "Mrah ha ha! I accept this assignment!"
"Silly-ole-cat," Piper said with a sigh. "I shall also be glad to help!" Piper responded to Crowley. She did not care for the rewards as she only cared for helping her classmates and her school.
"Splendid!" The headmaster beamed. "I shall see you tomorrow morning for the first lesson!"
With that Piper took Pooh and Grim out the lecture room. Determined to do her best to help out the princes in any way she could.
"Watch out Glimmering Soirée!" Grim said with a smirk, "Your Belle of the Ball is coming your way!"
Chapter 2
Thank you for reading! I'll try to get the other chapters out as soon as I can, but I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible! I'm happy to be participating in this amazing event!
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ladydeath-vanserra · 10 months
yeah see seeing all these ✨️city people✨️ and people with a lot of privilege and classism routinely calling rural iowans (SPECIFICALLY iowans) 'hicks' makes me angry and it makes me sad
we're not fucking STUPID. and a lot of the "stupidity" is often intentionally CREATED by making sure our schools are underfunded without access to proper education to build critical thinking skills and proper RESEARCH skills and limited access to news outside of newspapers and fox news. it's intentional. it's by design.
Educated rural folks who have the luxury (yes LUXURY and PRIVILEGE) to go to college to get educated LEAVE the areas where they could be the most beneficial for change and making communities diverse and more progressive and it furthers right wing, republican agendas by keeping people without access to resources and desperate and angry with the wrong people
"well you have access to the internet" yeah and the internet is full of misinformation and a lot of people are not taught how to look for credible sources or websites or how to look at biased language in writing so they ARE more susceptible to propaganda via fox News and the internet. you know what the internet also has? targeted ads and algorithms making sure you keep seeing the same kind of content and people who don't know DON'T know
however a lot of practical skills? knowledge that isn't BOOK SMART? I know plenty and they're so, so, so smart. but all I see from liberals and leftists is the refusal to use layman and simplified terms and "um! actually you need to educate yourself ☝🏻" and use unnecessarily difficult phrases
you say "defund the police" and people hear "be lawless and have no safety networks to prevent crime" instead of trying to find less #edgy slogans for what you ACTUALLY mean
you don't know what you don't know and calling us fucking hicks and ignorant isn't helping anyone. Tumblr was my first experience outside of Facebook where I learned about asexuality? it Didn't have an algorithm so I'll was able to be immersed in different cultures and view points
I'm not trying to make excuses for anyone being in rural Iowa for being hateful or racist or queerphobic but after living in the city for the last few years, I still see the same shit. it's just less covert in rural Iowa and in your face and I see leftists and liberals using their proximity to cities, and the problems in rural america as a Shield for their own bigoted and hateful behavior
I remember being on Tumblr, slowly inching into the queer community spaces, bec I wasn't used to online spaces, i was too poor at the time to have access to computers [2013+] and I came across the terms "trans man" and "trans woman" and I thought that meant a someone assigned male at birth who was trans and identified as a woman was called a 'trans man' bec I didn't know the terminology or how it was supposed to be used. I didn't know "transsexual" was considered a slur and I got attacked online for accidently using the wrong terminology because I couldn't remember the term transgender
I was from rural Iowa, a notoriously white, cis het area, fairly religious area, without a lot of access to the internet so I just. didn't know. and then i was afraid of ever saying anything again or asking questions. pls for the love of God use discernment and don't immediately vilify and attack well meaning people for not knowing what they don't know. that is EXACTLY how you can prevent people from ever being willing to grow and become educated
I remember watching the movie "Boys Don't Cry" with my mom about Brandon Teena, a trans man, and we both didn't know enough or understand enough about trans people we were unintentionally misgendering him when we talked about it but we both were so empathetic and heart broken for him
rural people I know are Prideful! they're constantly working to make ends meet and they have pride in themselves and their communities, often to the point it's at their own detriment and republican law makers KEEP it that way and rely on the classism and anger and diversion to keep it that way
a yt rural American in Appalachia is going to have more in common with a black American living in the city in the Projects more than we ever will with upper class yt folks. the wealthy yt #liberals will mock us and call us fucking stupid and ignorant and get in their own way of wanting any kind of progression. it! is never! black and white!!! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BE KIND
why do you think rural Republicans don't trust the government? couldn't possibly have anything to do with the government IGNORING us or preying on poor folks who live paycheck to paycheck. of COURSE it makes sense they'd be leery about government wide programs. the government DOESNT CARE ABOUT US. and most rural "Republicans" I know aren't even republican. they don't have the time to invest in politics when we have to Work and can't Miss Work to go vote or find ways around road blocks.
most people don't know enough and vote for people they know and most don't Know democrats or their policies or their progressive goals and you know WHY that often happens? BECAUSE DEMOCRATS IGNORE THEM IN FAVOR OF CITIESSSSS. they call them STUPID and IGNORANT and can you really blame people for "not voting in their best interest" when the people who "care about their best interest" are people calling them stupid and ignorant and HICKS
I've been around Republicans in the city and Republicans in rural Iowa and if you look and listen close enough the *reasoning* for their racism (especially) tends to differ. racism is a social construct (that does NOT mean it isn't real or not important) and it was used specifically as a tool to create tension and a divide between the poor yt folks and the poc *by* yt, wealthy capitalists. the Irish were finally allowed to be #white bec they were identifying with the struggles of the marginalized folks being targeted just like THEY were in Ireland by Europe
the cold hatred I have seen from rural Republicans vs city, wealthy Republicans has been vastly different. don't get me wrong there are plenty of rural Republicans that are just as disgusting (I'm related to some lmao). often a lot of racism i see from rural folks is tied to anger and desperation from the lack of jobs and its designed that way. a lot of the racism from yt wealthy folks is tied to greed and wealth and capitalism. Donald Trump is a blaring example of an unchecked, racist, vile, classist man
I'm sorry I've had a REALLY bad week and living in a city with people who are so self centered and selfish and refuse to help has only made me miss home and despite all of the raging issues of rural america, I know a lot of kind and well meaning people who are just doing their best and willing to help you because we fucking know the government doesn't care about us
just. be kind. you don't know what you don't know and I think a lot of well meaning people shouldn't be getting attacked for it. empathy and grace should be given (when able) and people should be allowed to grow from innocent ignorance and mistakes
intersectionality and empathy and grace are so important and honestly rural america can be really beautiful and it really sucks to see it given up on in such a cruel way
I follow a person on tiktok who really embraces the idea of radical love and I think more people should too
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
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Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu) "Another name for The Web is "The Story Spinner", and Drosselmeyer is just that. A former author who was murdered by those who feared his reality-warping abilities through his writing, yet managed to continue his final story, The Prince and the Raven, from beyond the grave. How did he manage to do that? By writing the last of his story in his own blood and taking control of an entire town once his two main characters decided they had enough, escaping the story by going into the town he ended up controlling. He turned the town into his new setting and turned a duck into a human - the titular Princess Tutu (who was really a supporting character in his story) in an attempt to keep the story on track. In the first season, he has a puppet attendant named Edel who assists Ahiru/Princess Tutu and act as a narrator in his stead. Drosselmeyer is quite genre savvy and hates it when his "central characters" stray too far from their assigned role… or rebel against the narrative. Then again, these characters are real, three-dimensional people, but he does not care. As long as he's entertained and they give him a good story, he's all set."
The SQUIP (Be More Chill) "The SQUIP is a tiny supercomputer who helps its host become more socially aware. Problem is, as a computer, it has no regards for its host's actual feelings and relationships and finds individuality threatening to its goal of making its host popular. In the musical, the SQUIP becomes increasingly controlling and abusive. In “Upgrade,” it convinces Jeremy that he must do exactly as it tells him to get Christine by throwing away his old life and relationships, starting with literally blocking out his best friend Michael. At the Halloween Party, the SQUIP puppets Jeremy’s body to prevent him from leaving or resisting when Chloe drunkenly tries to have sex with him, then Rich burns down the house to try and stop the SQUIP while it tortures him. The SQUIP eventually tries to brainwash everybody in school, then on the planet, to become happy, mindless drones all connected through a "social network." It explains its motivations in “The Pitiful Children,” saying “Their operating system's obsolete / So let's complete the chains / And get inside those brains / Let's save the pitiful children.” The SQUIP is a quantum supercomputer, so it's frighteningly good at engineering favorable outcomes for itself. Just for starters, it gets Jeremy and Brooke together by having Jeremy first spark her interest through calculated praise, then accurately predicting (and possibly causing) the death of Eminem and manipulating Jeremy into convincing Brooke that he's a big Eminem fan so that she will try to comfort him, culminating in them making out behind the school. Had it not been for Michael and his obsession with 90s memorabilia, the SQUIP would have enslaved the entire school, and eventually the whole world, almost effortlessly. It has no consideration or care for Jeremy's emotions, or mental health, or that of those around him, and no qualms about causing horrible pain and stripping the students of their free-will. The end of the show implies it's not truly gone, just unable to outright control Jeremy anymore — which fits, given that it's a metaphor for societal pressure to fit in."
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askagamedev · 2 years
Given the lost productivity of build times how are game dev companies trying to speed them up? Is it just a matter of shoving as much RAM and CPU cores into the workstations as possible or do things like cloud synching issues put a hard cap on how much throwing money at the problem helps?
The larger the team gets, the more effort and resources the studio spends on reducing build times. This is because it's a multiplicative effect - reducing build times can save many developers time on the daily. There are several different approaches I've seen studios take to optimize build time. Here are a few of them:
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Modular Builds
Instead of having everybody build everything, we separate assets into buckets that don't always need to be built - common assets in one bucket, specific level assets in another, character assets in a third, weapons in a fourth, and so on. This way, a character artist might need to build the character bucket but is fine with slightly out-of-date level or audio assets. A level designer might be building their assigned level all the time, but doesn't need to build all of the other stuff. And so on. If the build is modular, I only have to build the assets I need to rather than all of them.
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Automated Builds
Getting more computer hardware is relatively cheap, especially if there are a lot of people on the team. Build engineers set up and maintain workstations whose only job is to grab the latest data from the depot, build the assets, then serve the finished files to developers who ask for them over the network. Automated builds also run automated tests on those builds to ensure they work. If the build is broken for some reason, the build machines are set up to look at all of the checkins between the current (broken) build and the last good build so they can warn the team that the build is broken, and identify and notify the culprits responsible for checking in broken files. Automated builds typically run 24/7, meaning that freshly built files are often only minutes or hours old at most, and that broken builds get caught more quickly so fewer devs get stuck.
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Distributed Builds
Our development workstations are not always running at 100% capacity at all times. While I'm thinking, reading code, writing documentation, or generally not putting my PC through the paces, its CPU is mostly just idling and maybe playing some music for me. There are software suites that will allow these idle workstations to help out during a teammate's build process by doing some of the processing concurrently. Available idle workstations can get pulled in to help speed up a teammate's build. This also often works with the automated build principle - hardware is fairly cheap relative to developer time, so it's worth spending a few thousand for build machines to save collective days, weeks, months of wasted developer time.
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Full Time Build Engineers
In order to make these things work, we hire engineers who work full time on making builds go faster. It is their job to set up and automate the build process for the rest of us. They might not work on game code or assets directly, but their work is invaluable to keeping the entire team productive. They set up the automated build process, they maintain the build machines, they create the automated tests, they handle the integrations between depots, and they are the first line of defense against bad checkins.
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These are the most common ways I've seen of speeding build times up and keeping us productive. Optimizing builds is a never-ending battle where the victories can save thousands of collective hours, and the defeats can cost thousands of collective hours. It's an enormous problem that grows multiplicatively with the size of the team, because every additional team member is more time lost to building.
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xris05 · 7 months
Wooo! Geography and sustainability and stuff and stuff
When, in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one student to take upon themselves the burden of writing a very long (not really all that) academic post on a website they barely know how to use because said website was recommended to them by their actual genuine university as a blog website for an assignment.
And then said student forgets to do the assignment, falls deliriously ill, and is now finally getting round to it hilariously late and because all of their other assignments seem so, so much more difficult and mentally strenuous to do on a day where they really do not want to have to deal with that.
So, here we are. A comically large wall of poorly grammatically structured text, talking about (drumroll please) geography! More specifically "Human" geography, or Urban Geography or whatever you want to call it. It's my chosen field of study (despite my best judgement) and I've been tasked by the powers that be, to create a blog to inform and educate the nebulously defined general public about ~exciting~ developments and "Gamechanging innovations" Now, to tell the truth, this was not a particularly easy thing for me to do, because quite frankly my chosen field of study isn't really one of those ones you'd associate with constant innovation and invention, at least in my mind, but thankfully the university provided a long list of various subjects we could look at and study and then report back unto you (the reader, stand in for the entire rest of the world) about.
Small issue there, was the vast vast majority of what we were offered as potential "Gamechanging innovations" either drove me to madness with boredom, or absolutely did not seem like they were exactly "Gamechanging" (could be worse, one of the ideas offered to another discipline was the hyperloop, which is quite frankly a stupid idea that is dead in the water and could have just been normal highspeed rail)
Take, for instance, "Autonomous vehicles". Yeah. Now, suffice to say there is issues with the concept of self driving vehicles, mostly about how the technology is not exactly safe right now, and well, that's just the start of the rabbit hole there. (and really, just build a train, tram or other preferred method of public transport)
There was another one, which look promising to my untrained eye, namely "The Internet of things" which I had no idea what it was, so doing what any self respecting academic in-training would do, I googled it. Apparently, the "Internet of Things" is the catch-all term for devices that exchange and communicate data over the internet.
I'm no expert, but at an initial reading, that did just seem to be most things these days, and was hardly groundbreaking or new, so I dug a bit deeper into the scholarly side of the ole internet for some answers. Thankfully, I found a very helpful little paper (linked here) which clarified, and I quote:
"The term Internet of Things generally refers to scenarios where network connectivity and computing capability extends to objects, sensors and everyday items not normally considered computers, allowing these devices to generate, exchange and consume data with minimal human intervention. There is, however, no single, universal definition."
So it's the smart fridges, the fancy new cars and all of that lovely stuff, which buzz all of their data and such onto other devices on the internet. Now, of course my immediate thought was that it means my everything is now spying on me, but I was quickly relieved to remember that that changes effectively nothing as I do in fact own a phone which already does that.
The main benefit that seems to be proposed by this is the fact that all of this data allows rather effective monitoring of things like emissions and water quality and power usage and potentially good ole agriculture and so on and so forth, which, yeah, I can see the uses, maybe, but I can also see the glaring potential privacy, legal and potential tech issues.
A lot of people may not like their cars telling some company about where they've been all the time, and how much gas they've used. That's fair and understandable. Not to mention, the data gathered could be wrong, or otherwise rendered useless, effectively poisoning the data-well if enough things go wrong, or are just falsely reported to the public.
(It's at this point that I realise, I don't exactly know if this is quite what the uni wanted me to write, but hey, at least it's honest)
Anyway, I've overstayed my welcome in rambling about all of these things, and will be back (later) to complain/ do my assignment more, have a lovely day and remember that if you ever think about revolutionizing public transport, ask yourself if a bus or train would do the same thing, better.
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ahecworld · 2 years
12 Indian-origin CEOs leading top companies across the world . 1. Sundar Pichai, Alphabet 2. Satya Nadella, Microsoft 3. Parag Agrawal, Twitter 4. Leena Nair, Chanel 5. Shantanu Narayen, Adobe Inc 6. Arvind Krishna, IBM 7. Sanjay Mehrotra, Micron Technology 8. Nikesh Arora, Palo Alto Networks 9. Jayshree Ullal, Arista Networks 10. Amrapali Gan, Only Fans 11. Ajaypal Singh Banga, Mastercard 12. Indra Nooyi, Pepsico . Best Affordable Online Academic Assignment Writing Help Service From AHEC You can get the Top Class Assistance From Expert Writers Of AHECounselling & Submit Your Project With The Best Content. . *Our Best Specialized Subjects* 🔰 Business Studies, 🔰 Management, 🔰 Marketing, 🔰 Accounting, 🔰 Finance, 🔰 Economics, 🔰 Research proposal, 🔰 Thesis statement, 🔰 Literature review, 🔰 Dissertation, 🔰 Programming, 🔰 Psychology, 🔰 Sociology, 🔰 Engineering, 🔰 Project Management, 🔰 Statistics, 🔰 Law, 🔰 History, 🔰 Computer Science, 🔰 Pharmacy, 🔰 Biosciences, 🔰 Nursing, 🔰 Lab reports, 🔰 Financials statement, . We are available 24/7 to help you and to give our 💯%. E-mail 📧:- [email protected] Whatsapp number- +91 96641 82955
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assignmenthelp9920 · 17 days
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Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help Artificial Intelligence is changing the world, and learning this exciting topic is a must for any future computer scientist. AI classes give a great chance to explore this advanced technology close, but some tasks, without solid ground given, can be quite challenging. This is where TheTutorsHelp.com comes into play. Since AI assignments encompass a significant percentage of your mark, usually 60%, success in this area will determine whether or not you pass the course. Our expert teachers will guide you through even the most complex AI challenges to ensure that you acquire deep knowledge and come out with flying colors. Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help The Power of AI: Solving Real-World Challenges: The main objective of AI is its ability to solve real-life problems. AI systems change our lives by the day, exploiting various tools in mathematics. Applications in AI keep increasing, from face recognition software in improving security to voice assistants enabled by speech recognition technology, machine translation making any barrier in languages a thing of the past, computers scheduling and smoothing our daily routines, to autonomous vehicles-just a glimpse into self-driving times. Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help AI Assignments Demystified: Reasons Why Students Seek Help
Imagine a world where smart cities, personalized medicine, and autonomous vehicles become a reality.Just when these fields are expanding day by day, students come to their classes of AI with eagerness in learning concepts that will define the future, which seems cool in prospect. However, the journey may be a lot more bumpy. Artificial Intelligence education normally comes with an intensive work load, as assignments play an important and decisive role in final scores. The complexity inherent in AI often takes these tasks to a whole different level. Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help Building intelligence: Core Techniques: Learning from Data: Statistical learning techniques are the backbone of how AI learns. Large amounts of data processing enable AI to identify patterns and model them for predicting future results or making intelligent decisions. Neural Networks: These connected networks draw inspiration from the human brain and analyze data similarly. The architecture can be trained and learned from, allowing AI to learn complicated patterns and provide very good performance in picture or speech recognition. Reasoning under Uncertainty: Most real-world problems do not have clear-cut solutions. Logic and probabilistic reasoning are methods which allow AI to come up with appropriate decisions based on facts and probabilities at hand in knowledge-scarce environments. Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help Control systems: AI is an implementation of control theory, much like flying a plane, to guide intelligent beings towards the fulfillment of their goals. Activities run by such systems constantly alter due to some sort of input, hence producing effective and efficient results. Enhance Your AI Assignments with thetutorshelp.com: Artificial Intelligence has become a new branch of science dealing with a computer having intelligence similar to human intelligence. In any case, the learning and mastering of Artificial Intelligence can be extremely painful and cumbersome. Difficult assignments create frustration and wastage of effort. Thetutorshelp.com is here to help you solve those challenging AI tasks. We always work towards providing high-quality, accurate solutions, customised to your specific requirements. Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help
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catherinelwriter · 2 years
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pipsdelhi62 · 3 months
Where can I learn digital marketing in Delhi, India?
If you're looking to learn digital marketing in Delhi, India, PIPS Delhi is the perfect place to start. PIPS, the Premier Institute for Professional Studies, located on Devli Road, New Delhi, offers comprehensive and cutting-edge digital marketing courses designed to unlock your potential and prepare you for a successful career in this dynamic field. Although renowned for our coaching for makeup learning classes, we also excel in providing top-notch digital marketing education.
Why Choose PIPS Delhi for Digital Marketing?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our digital marketing course covers all the essential aspects of the field, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and more. We ensure that our curriculum is up-to-date with the latest industry trends and practices, giving you the knowledge and skills you need to excel.
2. Experienced Faculty: Our instructors are industry experts with years of experience in digital marketing. They bring real-world knowledge and insights to the classroom, providing you with practical training and mentorship. Their expertise will guide you through the complexities of digital marketing and help you master various tools and techniques.
3. Hands-on Training: At PIPS Delhi, we emphasize practical learning. Our course includes numerous hands-on projects and assignments that allow you to apply what you've learned in real-world scenarios. This approach ensures that you gain practical experience and confidence in executing digital marketing strategies.
4. Flexible Learning Options: We understand that our students have different needs and schedules. That's why we offer both online and offline learning options. Whether you prefer to learn in a traditional classroom setting or from the comfort of your home, we have a course format that suits you.
5. 100% Placement Support: One of the standout features of PIPS Delhi is our commitment to your career success. We provide 100% placement support, helping you secure positions in more than 100 organizations. Our strong network of industry connections and dedicated placement team work tirelessly to ensure you find the right job opportunities upon completing the course.
6. Affordable Fees: We believe that quality education should be accessible to everyone. Our digital marketing course is priced competitively, ensuring you receive excellent value for your investment. We also offer scholarships and financial aid to deserving students.
7. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our institute is equipped with modern facilities and the latest technology to enhance your learning experience. Our computer labs, digital tools, and learning resources are designed to provide you with the best possible training environment.
What You'll Learn
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Understand the principles of SEO and learn how to optimize websites to rank higher in search engine results. This includes keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, link building, and analytics.
2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Master the art of creating and managing effective PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads. Learn about keyword bidding, ad copy creation, campaign management, and performance tracking.
3. Social Media Marketing: Explore strategies for marketing on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Learn how to create engaging content, run ads, and analyze social media performance.
4. Content Marketing: Learn how to create compelling and valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience. This includes blog writing, video marketing, infographics, and more.
5. Email Marketing: Discover how to build and manage effective email marketing campaigns. Learn about email list building, segmentation, automation, and performance analysis.
6. Web Analytics: Gain proficiency in using web analytics tools like Google Analytics to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior. Learn how to derive actionable insights from data to improve your marketing strategies.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Understand the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and how to create and manage affiliate programs to drive sales and revenue.
How to Get Started
To learn more about our digital marketing course and to enroll, please call us at +91-9650200473. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the enrollment process.
PIPS Delhi is dedicated to helping you unlock your potential and achieve your career goals. With our expert training, hands-on approach, and robust placement support, you can confidently embark on a successful career in digital marketing.
Join PIPS Delhi today and take the first step towards transforming your career. Our newly opened institute is here to help you convert your bigger dreams into reality.
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refontelearninguk · 3 months
Refonte Learning: Your Integrated Hub for Personal and Professional Development
In today's fast-paced world, continuous learning and skill enhancement are essential for personal and professional growth. Whether you're a seasoned professional aiming to climb the corporate ladder, a student eager to gain extra knowledge, or an individual with a passion for lifelong learning, finding a reliable platform to support your journey is crucial. Enter Refonte Learning, your integrated hub for personal and professional development. Catering to individuals seeking to enhance their skills, Refonte Learning offers a comprehensive suite of resources designed to help you achieve your goals.
A Comprehensive Range of Courses
Refonte Learning distinguishes itself with its extensive array of courses across various disciplines. This diversity ensures that every learner can find content that aligns with their career aspirations and personal interests.
Technology and Innovation
For tech enthusiasts and professionals, Refonte Learning offers state-of-the-art courses in programming, data science, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. These courses are crafted by industry experts and are regularly updated to reflect the latest technological advancements. Learners gain practical, hands-on experience, ensuring they remain competitive in the ever-evolving tech industry.
Business and Leadership
Business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs can benefit greatly from Refonte’s business and leadership courses. These courses cover critical areas such as strategic management, marketing, finance, and organizational behavior. Leadership training programs also focus on essential soft skills like effective communication, team management, and emotional intelligence, equipping individuals with the tools needed to lead teams and drive organizational success.
Creative Arts and Personal Development
Refonte Learning also recognizes the importance of personal growth and creative exploration. Courses in creative writing, graphic design, music production, and visual arts allow individuals to pursue their passions and enhance their creative skills. Additionally, personal development courses on mindfulness, mental wellness, and emotional intelligence help learners achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.
Expert Instructors and Engaging Learning Experiences
Quality education is a cornerstone of Refonte Learning. The platform features courses taught by seasoned professionals and industry leaders who bring their extensive knowledge and real-world experience to their teaching. This ensures that learners receive high-quality instruction that is both informative and engaging. Interactive elements such as live Q&A sessions, discussion forums, and practical assignments enhance the learning experience by providing opportunities for real-time engagement and application of knowledge.
Flexibility and Accessibility
Recognizing that learners have diverse needs and schedules, Refonte Learning offers flexible learning options that fit various commitments. Courses are available on-demand, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and convenience. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for working professionals, students, and anyone juggling multiple responsibilities.
Moreover, Refonte Learning is accessible across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This multi-device compatibility ensures that learners can continue their education from anywhere, making it easier to integrate learning into their daily routines.
Building a Supportive Learning Community
Refonte Learning is more than just an educational platform; it is a vibrant community of learners. This communal aspect fosters collaboration, networking, and mutual support, enhancing the overall learning experience. Learners can join discussion groups, participate in collaborative projects, and attend live webinars, creating a dynamic and interactive environment. Networking opportunities with peers and industry professionals further enrich the learning experience, opening doors to new career opportunities and professional growth.
Commitment to Lifelong Learning
At the heart of Refonte Learning is a commitment to lifelong learning. The platform continuously updates its course offerings and incorporates feedback from learners to ensure that the content remains relevant and valuable. This dedication to continuous improvement and adaptation reflects the dynamic nature of the modern world, where staying ahead requires constant learning and evolution.
In conclusion, Refonte Learning is the ultimate integrated hub for personal and professional development. With its diverse course offerings, expert-led instruction, flexible learning options, and supportive community, it provides a comprehensive and enriching educational experience. Start your journey with Refonte Learning today and unlock your full potential.
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7consultancyblog · 4 months
Find the right Elearning developer job in India
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ELearning is any type of digital content that provides educational instruction or training and takes place through digital media such as computers or mobile devices. This type of learning allows students to access course materials from any location at any time. Although eLearning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet. Basically, eLearning is training, learning, or education delivered online through a computer or any other digital device. E-learning can also be termed as a network enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-Learning Recruitment Agency in India can help in this regard. The introduction of computers was the basis of this revolution and with the passage of time, as we get hooked to smart phones, tablets, etc; these devices now have an importance place in the classrooms for learning. Books are gradually getting replaced by electronic educational materials like optical discs or pen drives. For adults, online learning often manages to solve the numerous challenges adult learners face during studies. Online learning allows them to progress at their own pace, to submit assignments and take assessments at times best suited for them. This kind of flexibility is especially beneficial for adult learners because often they are forced to balance employment, family duties and online learning altogether. Companies, on the other hand, use e-learning to boost the knowledge, skills, and overall productivity of their employees while cutting down on the costs normally associated with employee training.
Online learning provides consistent and standardized training every time. The more engaging the content is, the better the learners remember information. If they enjoy learning, they can able to recall and apply the concepts at work. With online learning, your learners can access content anywhere and anytime. E-learning is also cost-effective; companies save a substantial amount on the travel and accommodation costs of both learners and instructors, as well as the venue and materials. Online learning is scalable. You can roll it out to as many employees you need and is a one-time investment. The more learners take the course, the faster you can write off the expense. Each learner has unique preferences and learning goals. When they decide what to learn and when, they remain invested in the course.
Recruitment is a key part of human resource (HR) management and supported by the hiring manager and others involved in the hiring process. Skilled recruitment efforts will make a company stand out and be more attractive to potential employees, a strategy that can directly impact a company’s bottom line. Top E-Learning Recruitment Agency in India they follow their standard process very strictly. To ensure an organization’s recruitment activities are well thought out, effective and efficient, an organization may develop a recruitment strategy. The recruitment strategy may cover items such as the size of the organization, the overall economy, and the competition for similar candidates, the attractiveness of the organization, labor laws and other legal considerations. E-learning Recruitment is an agency that recruits temporary, contract and permanent staff in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand for the learning technologies and training industries. They are developing an enviable reputation in the industry for delivering professional, tailored and quality driven recruitment services to their candidates and clients alike.
E-Learning is learning using electronic technologies to access educational curricula outside of a standard classroom. It is very useful for students to get easily understand complex theories, concepts, and subjects. It is a really efficient way of delivering courses online. Due to its convenience and adaptability, the resources are available from anywhere and at any time. Best E-learning Recruitment Agency in India has been proven to be a successful method of training and education is becoming a way of life for many citizens around the world. It offers scalability, consistency, effectiveness and is more cost-effective. The rise in technology-enabled teaching & training increases the scope of the e-learning industry.
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ricrbhopal · 4 months
Which Institute Is Best For Java Course?
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Java Institute In Bhopal
In the bustling city of Bhopal, where the demand for skilled Java programmers continues to rise, finding the best institute for Java courses is crucial for aspiring developers. Among the myriad options available, one institute stands out as the undisputed leader in Java education: RICR. Renowned as the best Java institute in Bhopal, RICR offers a comprehensive range of courses and programs designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in Java programming and beyond.
Comprehensive Java Curriculum
At RICR, we pride ourselves on offering the best Java courses in Bhopal, designed to cater to students of all levels, from beginners to advanced programmers. Our comprehensive Java curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including syntax, data types, object-oriented programming, multithreading, networking, and more. Whether you're looking to learn Java programming from scratch or enhance your existing skills, our courses provide the perfect blend of theory and practical application to help you succeed.
Hands-On Learning Experience - Coding Classes In Bhopal
One of the key features of our Java courses at RICR is our emphasis on hands-on learning. We believe that the best way to master Java programming is by actually writing code and building real-world projects. That's why our courses include numerous coding exercises, projects, and assignments that allow students to apply their knowledge in a practical setting. Whether you're working on a solo project or collaborating with classmates, you'll gain valuable experience and develop the confidence needed to tackle Java programming challenges with ease.
Expert Faculty and Mentorship
At RICR, we are proud to have a team of experienced and dedicated faculty members who are passionate about Java programming and committed to helping students succeed. Our instructors bring years of industry experience and expertise to the classroom, providing personalized guidance, feedback, and mentorship to each student. Whether you have questions about Java syntax, need help debugging your code, or want advice on career opportunities in Java programming, our faculty is here to support you every step of the way.
Java Bootcamps and Workshops - Programming In Bhopal
In addition to our regular Java courses, RICR also offers specialized Java bootcamps and workshops for students who want to accelerate their learning and dive deeper into specific topics. Our Java bootcamps provide intensive, hands-on training sessions led by industry experts, allowing students to immerse themselves in Java programming and gain practical experience in a short period of time. Similarly, our Java workshops focus on advanced topics such as web development with Java, mobile app development, and more, providing students with targeted instruction and guidance to help them master the intricacies of Java programming.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
RICR boasts state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest technology and resources to facilitate optimal learning. Our modern classrooms, well-equipped computer labs, and dedicated study areas create a conducive environment for focused learning and collaboration. Additionally, our online learning platform provides flexibility and convenience, allowing students to access course materials, lectures, and assignments from anywhere, at any time.
In conclusion, when it comes to finding the best institute for Java courses in Bhopal, RICR stands head and shoulders above the rest. With its comprehensive curriculum, hands-on learning experience, expert faculty, specialized bootcamps and workshops, and state-of-the-art facilities, RICR offers everything you need to become a Java expert and embark on a successful career in programming. Join us at RICR and take the first step towards mastering Java programming and achieving your goals in the dynamic world of technology.
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