#compare moncho
eirinstiva · 4 months
Compadre Moncho Bingo
Halloa!~ My old chap Bertie Wooster sent the first part of "The metropolitan Touch". Brace yourselves because Bingo is in love again!
“What beats me,” I said, following up a train of thought, “is what principle you pick them on. The girls you fall in love with, I mean. I mean to say, what’s your system? As far as I can see, no two of them are alike. First it was Mabel the waitress, then Honoria Glossop, then that fearful blister Charlotte Corday Rowbotham⁠—
IIRC: The waitress, Honoria, Honoria's friend, the communist girl, Bertie's friend… Mary Burgess is the sixth one, I guess, but this is the first one that has Jeeves' seal of approval.
“You don’t seriously mean, Bertie, that you are intending to compare the feeling I have for Mary Burgess, the holy devotion, the spiritual⁠—” “Oh, all right, let it go,” I said
Bingo being Bingo.
Finally, like a star whose entrance has been worked up by the personnel of the ensemble, a girl appeared, and his emotion was painful to witness. His face got so red that, what with his white collar and the fact that the wind had turned his nose blue, he looked more like a French flag than anything else. He sagged from the waist upwards, as if he had been filleted.
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Poor Bingo! He has a good adversary for this love, but Bingo has the power of Jeeves and Wooster!
“In my opinion, sir, the most judicious course for Mr. Little to pursue would be to concentrate on the young gentleman.” “The small brother? How do you mean?” “Make a friend of him, sir⁠—take him for walks and so forth.” “It doesn’t sound one of your red-hottest ideas. I must say I expected something fruitier than that.”
Maybe this plan seems a bit boring, but if something I've learnt from all the previous letters is that one must trust Jeeves' plans. If Bingo follows Jeeves' idea there shouldn't be any problem, but if Steggles is there, evrything will turn darker.
There’s no getting away from the fact that, if ever a man required watching, it’s Steggles. Machiavelli could have taken his correspondence course.
Steggles, we need to talk... Come 'ere u lil'...!
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How dare you to make a bet on a romance!!! And trying to break Bingo's heart!!! The only one who can do that the girl rejecting him!!!
“Betting!” he gargled. “Betting! You don’t mean that they’re betting on this holy, sacred⁠—Oh, I say, dash it all! Haven’t people any sense of decency and reverence? Is nothing safe from their beastly, sordid graspingness? I wonder,” said young Bingo thoughtfully, (...)
I agree with you, dear [*sips tea*].
Bingo Little is that friend that goes straight to your fridge asking "What's for dinner?", drink your beer and smokes your cigarettes, but Bertie likes to keep him in his life because he makes everything funnier. That type of friend in my country is called Compadre Moncho for a TV character, and just like Bingo, he spends his time at his friends' house and his money on horse races.
It's late! Pip-pip and Buena suerte, compadre Bingo!
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