#bingo little
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probablyday · 1 year ago
modern nerd woosterposting and friends
The Posts are going viral again so sure, I'll dig through my drafts. Two of these were written for the same story. Can you guess which ones?
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previously: millennial nerd bertie wooster for some reason, millennial nerd woosterposting part 2 act 1 act 1, ukridge buys bitcoin, psmith "meets" elon musk, modern nerd bertie wooster goes viral
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jeevesandwoosters · 1 year ago
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transfemmbeatrice · 2 months ago
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edit: just now realizing i got stiffy's name wrong....... i'm just gonna pretend that bertie made a typo and never fixed it
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movietonight · 1 year ago
Every PG Wodehouse chapter: Bingo is in love again. Jeeves won't help us come up with a scheme because I wore something orange last week.
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aceredshirt13 · 1 year ago
as an American currently living in Japan. can’t stop thinking about modern AU Jeeves and Wooster where Bertie can’t flee from Aunt Agatha to America because she can just fly there and find him so he has to find somewhere even further away, resulting in Bertie and Jeeves taking the most sterotypically white tourist trip to Japan known to man. featuring:
Bertie saying “Konnichiwhat ho, Jeeves!” the second they get off the plane
Bertie getting complaints from the cat cafés because the cats adore him and the other customers are upset that he’s hogging them, leading to a blanket ban from every establishment in Tokyo
Jeeves (who is either inexplicably still Bertie’s valet or is an incredibly dedicated live-in PA) critiquing the technique of everyone working in the butler cafe, leading to a blanket ban from every establishment in Tokyo
karaoke night where Bertie knows all the lyrics to various anime songs but is absolutely not even close on the pronunciation (Jeeves watches him with impassive, amused fondness)
Bingo, for some reason
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skippiefritz · 8 months ago
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He's so pinup coded + silly sketches
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red-umbrella-811 · 8 months ago
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“Bertie, we were at school together. I know you can read.”
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paperleef · 11 months ago
Bingo performing a harana in the English countryside
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themirokai · 8 months ago
What would Bertie Wooster talk to his friends about if they weren’t yammering at him - over his protestations - about their failed or failing love affairs?
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beetle-goth · 9 months ago
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This happened in canon I know bc Jeeves told me
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honeycollie · 22 days ago
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i assigned some of them dogs! if you don’t see s character you want on here than just hollar at me 👍
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aspiring-creative-person · 1 year ago
Ok but I was just thinking
Jooster is kind of the only actual solid relationship in Jeeves and Wooster?? Like platonic or romantic, let me explain
Like obviously it’s the focus, but like. Listen.
Everyone else hops from girl to girl, or guy to guy, and each one is filled with turmoil. This is just talking about Bertie’s friends, right?
But also, as friends, they really suck. They constantly get him to do things for them and do nothing in return.
Even the aunts and uncles don’t usually have spouses that are actually on screen!! Who knows if there were divorces or something?? Like people’s parents are hardly ever present it’s always some rich aunt or uncle, with Bertie yes but even with all his friends 😅😂
Everyone in that show is just so… detached from each other. There’s a particular moment where Bertie is driving Bingo and Tuppy home, and they’re just ranting about their women to each other and not listening to the other, and Bertie is just so done with it. I think that illustrates this point pretty well.
Anyway, Jeeves and Bertie are so not that. There’s another post somewhere on Tumblr talking about how Bertie always replies to Jeeves’ subtext and they pick up on each others moods essentially, which I think is a great point. And generally they just really like each other. Just read any of the books to see how much Bertie admires Jeeves, and read “Mr. Wooster Changes His Mind,” which is from Jeeves’ perspective, and you can see how he cares a lot for Bertie as well.
And like. They have their own language. Bertie is used to Jeeves materializing into rooms (this generally freaks out other people), he is now comfortable with it. Also he knows that whenever Jeeves is cold to him it’s almost always about his fashion choices, and that is a constant theme of how they interact. They have their quips about music sometimes. Jeeves always helps solve Bertie’s (and friends’) problems, and even when Bertie gets the short end of the stick, if it’s Jeeves’ plan he immediately is satisfied with the conclusion.
The biggest thing, though, is probably their brief break-up. Like. They had a disagreement and broke up, and then missed each other. There weren’t even any hard feelings, just longing tbh. And at the end they got back together, and stayed together, and were happy to see each other again. They clearly enjoy each others’ company. And Jeeves seemed to think that the other candidates for his employer did not even compare to Bertie.
Name another couple in this show who is as devoted as they are
Half of the women go for men for their status, the other half at whims
All of the men go for women on whims, and half of them find another girl when they have some sort of disagreement with the previous one
And even if they get back with a previous partner, there’s no guarantee that they will stay together
But Jooster is in for the long haul. The most consistent relationship, the most caring relationship, the most in-tune relationship, the most long-term relationship.
Oh yeah also with familial relations and all that. Aunt Agatha has been quoted to say she thinks Bertie should probably be put in some home. Like, that’s pretty rude and everything. She also tries to get him to marry all the time, she doesn’t care about him in a way that is healthy at least, only so much as he can be out of the way and out of trouble. Even Aunt Dahlia, who says he is her favorite nephew, and who takes advantage of his nature to get him to do things for her, insults him and throws things at him sometimes. His cousin Gussy, when he gets drunk, insults him in front of a crowd, going so far as to say he hates him. Claude and Eustice put him into the soup without a care for how mad Aunt Agatha will be at him.
Jeeves never insults him, or not his character at least. Yes, they have their disagreements about fashion and music. But Jeeves never insults his intelligence. He never calls him clumsy. He never underestimates him. Yes, he is his employee, but I have a feeling that it doesn’t have to do with that. Even when he was split up, like I mentioned, he came back and said the other employers weren’t up to snuff compared to Bertie.
Omg and then there’s all the women who think Bertie loves them/who want to marry Bertie. Of course, they all have delusions about him, because if they knew him at all they would know he is not in love with them. They would know that he’s too much of a pushover to say no to them. But they don’t. Which just shows further the disconnect everyone has in this show.
Ok referencing one more post because I like the point they have. It was something about how the actors keep changing for the side characters, unintentionally showing how Jeeves is really the only constant in Bertie’s life. Again showing the difference in their relationship vs his disconnected everyone else is. While I’m sure it’s not an intentional choice in that regard, it certainly is an interesting connection.
Anyway like I said at the beginning of this, you can interpret their relationship as romantic or platonic or somewhere in between, but it’s definitely the only solid one in the series.
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a-case-of-the-ace · 5 months ago
Thinking about @idanit 's polish Jeeves au, and wondering how that would work for my country. Nowhere near as in-depth, and I'm not a naturally fancy person but here are my thoughts on Jeeves and Wooster but in Australia:
(This'll have to be modernish too, history isn't my strong suit)
As far as the Wooster history goes, I'd say the Woosters were probably in Australia just as the colonisation was starting up. Perhaps his ancestors founded a town, or did some Stuart- esque exploring.
Perhaps they (particularly Aunt Agatha) are very proud to say that their ancestors fought in a war, and all fail to mention that it was the Great Emu War.
I'm not entirely certain how much of my Jeeves knowledge is fan-generated, but I imagine he started working young, perhaps his relatives worked in cruise ships, which would give him his experience in fancier settings. I'd wager he got a lot of his encyclopaedic knowledge from the quiz nights hosted on the ships, which gets him interested in learning new things.
As far as Jeeves and Wooster meeting, perhaps Aunt Dahlia meets Jeeves on a cruise, is impressed by his brains and decorum and hires him to look after Bertie.
As far as where they'd live, perhaps Sydney? Wealthy area, goodish weather.
I imagine Bertie would attempt to take up surfing, and fail dismally. A lot of rallying round and helpful towelling is in order afterward.
I can definitely picture Jeeves packing a little barbecue to cook sausages on the beach, for when Bertie gets back in.
I wonder if Jeeves would think surfing is undignified. Probably, but he's likely a strong swimmer, good for fishing Bertram out of the soup and various bodies of water.
I just KNOW Jeeves makes the most wonderful pavlova. And lamingtons from scratch.
Canon Bertie is very proud of his schooling but I've no idea where he'd go.
Tuppy has definitely fought a kangaroo at least once. Most say the kangaroo won. Also claims he can take on a cassowary. (He can't).
Gussie is into platypi. It is his destiny.
Bertie buys a cork hat that gets a swift execution.
In a more Jooster setting, a shared xmas would see Jeeves in a paper crown, after much pleading from Bertie. It is traditional, after all.
Bingo follows many girls into activities he's not suited to, including but not limited to: windsurfing, sailing (he buys a catamaran to repeatedly fall off), bird watching, skim boarding, surf mats and wake boarding (this romance fails after Bingo slings the girl into a riverside gum tree.)
A particularly peeved Jeeves sees no issue swatting mosquitoes that have landed on Bertie. Bertie has his suspicions about the mosquitoes existence.
Bertie still plays his piano, though an attempt to learn the didgeridoo causes issues between the two.
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eirinstiva · 6 months ago
Heavy heart
We Woosters are men of iron, but beneath my intrepid exterior at that moment there lurked a nameless dread.
I lost count of how many times Bertie has said "we Woosters" so far.
Poor Bertie! He has to deal with Aunt Agatha again! and for so long!
The result being that she regards me as a worm and an outcast and would gladly drop something on me from a high window. Am I right or wrong, Jeeves?” “Perfectly correct, sir.”
Your self-esteem is really low, dear Bertie. Also receiving a telegram without name is a good mystery to keep yourself entertained.
Remember when you come here absolutely vital meet perfect strangers.
Ok, this is too mysterious.
What could go wrong with some days with Aunt Agatha, Bingo Little, no alcohol and no smoking? Oh, right. Bertie has to impress someone... A new engagement is coming? Sorry Mr. Wooster. You can run away from Aunt Agatha :(
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On another point:
At the last moment before she sailed to America, Rosie decided that I had better stay behind and look after the Peke. She left me a couple of hundred quid to see me through till her return. This sum, judiciously expended over the period of her absence, would have been enough to keep the Peke and myself in moderate affluence. But you know how it is.”
What did you do, Bingo Little?
“You mean you planked the entire capital on a horse?” Bingo laughed bitterly.
Ricardo Pablo Gilberto de las Mercedes Facundo Little
Rosie is the dearest girl in the world; but if you were a married man, Bertie, you would be aware that the best of wives is apt to cut up rough if she finds that her husband has dropped six weeks’ housekeeping money on a single race. Isn’t that so, Jeeves?” “Yes, sir. Women are odd in that respect.”
Your wife works hard writing those books so you both could have a house and all those servants? Why didn't you spend it on food, cigarettes and alcohol like usual? And now you're asking for Jeeves help? Bingo never learn. NEVER.
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randommothxd · 7 months ago
My bingo :D
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cucumbermoon · 9 months ago
The lights went out three times, but that wasn’t part of Steggles’ sabotage. That just happened.
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