#companies that use agile software development
tudip123 · 4 months
Navigating the Agile Seas: Choosing the Right Software Development Company
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In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly striving to stay ahead of the curve. They seek software solutions that not only meet their current needs but also adapt seamlessly to the ever-evolving market demands. This is where Agile software development comes into play, offering a flexible and iterative approach to product development. As the demand for Agile solutions grows, so does the need to choose the right Agile software development company. Let's dive into what makes an Agile software development company stand out and how you can navigate through the sea of options to find the perfect fit for your project.
Understanding Agile Software Development
Before we delve into selecting the right company, it's crucial to understand what Agile software development entails. At its core, Agile is a mindset—a way of thinking and approaching software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Unlike traditional methodologies that follow a linear process, Agile promotes iterative development cycles, allowing for frequent feedback and adaptation. This iterative approach enables teams to respond to changes quickly, delivering high-quality software that meets the evolving needs of the business and end-users.
Qualities of an Agile Software Development Company
When scouting for an Agile software development company, there are certain qualities and practices to look out for:
1. Embracing Agile Principles:
A reputable Agile software development company will wholeheartedly embrace the Agile Manifesto and its principles. They should prioritize individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan.
2. Cross-functional Teams:
Agile thrives on collaboration among cross-functional teams comprising developers, designers, testers, and other stakeholders. Look for companies that foster a collaborative work environment where team members communicate openly, share knowledge, and collectively work towards a common goal.
3. Iterative Development:
The hallmark of Agile methodology is iterative development, where software is developed incrementally in short cycles known as sprints. Choose a company that follows this iterative approach, delivering working software at the end of each sprint and incorporating feedback to refine the product further.
4. Continuous Integration and Delivery:
Agile teams emphasize continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), enabling them to deploy new features and updates rapidly and frequently. A competent Agile software development company will have robust CI/CD pipelines in place, ensuring that changes are tested, integrated, and deployed smoothly.
5. Customer-Centricity:
Agile places a strong emphasis on customer collaboration throughout the development process. Look for a company that prioritizes understanding your business goals and end-user needs, actively involving you in the development process, and seeking feedback at every stage to ensure the final product aligns with your vision.
6. Adaptability and Flexibility:
 In today's dynamic business environment, adaptability is key. Choose a company that can pivot quickly in response to changing requirements or market conditions, leveraging Agile principles to embrace change and deliver value iteratively.
Navigating the Selection Process
With a clear understanding of what to look for in an Agile software development company, let's explore some practical steps to navigate the selection process effectively:
1. Define Your Requirements:
Start by clearly defining your project requirements, objectives, and success criteria. This will help you communicate your expectations effectively and ensure alignment with potential development partners.
2. Research and Shortlist:
Conduct thorough research to identify Agile software development companies with a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions. Consider factors such as industry experience, client testimonials, case studies, and online reviews to shortlist potential candidates.
3. Evaluate Agile Practices:
During the evaluation process, delve deeper into each company's Agile practices and methodologies. Schedule meetings or interviews to discuss their approach to Agile development, team structure, project management tools, and communication channels.
4. Review Portfolios and Case Studies:
Review the company's portfolio and case studies to gauge their expertise and experience in delivering Agile projects similar to yours. Pay attention to the quality of their work, innovation, and ability to solve complex challenges.
5. Assess Cultural Fit:
Cultural fit is crucial for a successful partnership. Evaluate whether the company's values, communication style, and work culture align with your organization's ethos. A harmonious partnership fosters collaboration and enhances project outcomes.
6. Request Proposals and Quotes:
Request detailed proposals and quotes from shortlisted companies, outlining project timelines, deliverables, resource allocation, and cost estimates. Compare the proposals carefully, keeping in mind the value proposition and alignment with your objectives.
 7. Conduct Due Diligence:
Before making a final decision, conduct due diligence by verifying references, checking certifications, and assessing the company's financial stability. A transparent and trustworthy partner is essential for long-term collaboration.
In the era of digital transformation, partnering with the right Agile software development company can be a game-changer for your business. By prioritizing qualities such as Agile principles, cross-functional collaboration, iterative development, and customer-centricity, you can identify a partner who not only delivers exceptional software solutions but also empowers your organization to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Remember, the journey to finding the perfect Agile partner may require careful navigation, but the rewards of a successful collaboration are well worth the effort.
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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B-2 Gets Big Upgrade with New Open Mission Systems Capability
July 18, 2024 | By John A. Tirpak
The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber has been upgraded with a new open missions systems (OMS) software capability and other improvements to keep it relevant and credible until it’s succeeded by the B-21 Raider, Northrop Grumman announced. The changes accelerate the rate at which new weapons can be added to the B-2; allow it to accept constant software updates, and adapt it to changing conditions.
“The B-2 program recently achieved a major milestone by providing the bomber with its first fieldable, agile integrated functional capability called Spirit Realm 1 (SR 1),” the company said in a release. It announced the upgrade going operational on July 17, the 35th anniversary of the B-2’s first flight.
SR 1 was developed inside the Spirit Realm software factory codeveloped by the Air Force and Northrop to facilitate software improvements for the B-2. “Open mission systems” means that the aircraft has a non-proprietary software architecture that simplifies software refresh and enhances interoperability with other systems.
“SR 1 provides mission-critical capability upgrades to the communications and weapons systems via an open mission systems architecture, directly enhancing combat capability and allowing the fleet to initiate a new phase of agile software releases,” Northrop said in its release.
The system is intended to deliver problem-free software on the first go—but should they arise, correct software issues much earlier in the process.
The SR 1 was “fully developed inside the B-2 Spirit Realm software factory that was established through a partnership with Air Force Global Strike Command and the B-2 Systems Program Office,” Northrop said.
The Spirit Realm software factory came into being less than two years ago, with four goals: to reduce flight test risk and testing time through high-fidelity ground testing; to capture more data test points through targeted upgrades; to improve the B-2’s functional capabilities through more frequent, automated testing; and to facilitate more capability upgrades to the jet.
The Air Force said B-2 software updates which used to take two years can now be implemented in less than three months.
In addition to B61 or B83 nuclear weapons, the B-2 can carry a large number of precision-guided conventional munitions. However, the Air Force is preparing to introduce a slate of new weapons that will require near-constant target updates and the ability to integrate with USAF’s evolving long-range kill chain. A quicker process for integrating these new weapons with the B-2’s onboard communications, navigation, and sensor systems was needed.
The upgrade also includes improved displays, flight hardware and other enhancements to the B-2’s survivability, Northrop said.
“We are rapidly fielding capabilities with zero software defects through the software factory development ecosystem and further enhancing the B-2 fleet’s mission effectiveness,” said Jerry McBrearty, Northrop’s acting B-2 program manager.
The upgrade makes the B-2 the first legacy nuclear weapons platform “to utilize the Department of Defense’s DevSecOps [development, security, and operations] processes and digital toolsets,” it added.
The software factory approach accelerates adding new and future weapons to the stealth bomber, and thus improve deterrence, said Air Force Col. Frank Marino, senior materiel leader for the B-2.
The B-2 was not designed using digital methods—the way its younger stablemate, the B-21 Raider was—but the SR 1 leverages digital technology “to design, manage, build and test B-2 software more efficiently than ever before,” the company said.
The digital tools can also link with those developed for other legacy systems to accomplish “more rapid testing and fielding and help identify and fix potential risks earlier in the software development process.”
Following two crashes in recent years, the stealthy B-2 fleet comprises 19 aircraft, which are the only penetrating aircraft in the Air Force’s bomber fleet until the first B-21s are declared to have achieved initial operational capability at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D. A timeline for IOC has not been disclosed.
The B-2 is a stealthy, long-range, penetrating nuclear and conventional strike bomber. It is based on a flying wing design combining LO with high aerodynamic efficiency. The aircraft’s blended fuselage/wing holds two weapons bays capable of carrying nearly 60,000 lb in various combinations.
Spirit entered combat during Allied Force on March 24, 1999, striking Serbian targets. Production was completed in three blocks, and all aircraft were upgraded to Block 30 standard with AESA radar. Production was limited to 21 aircraft due to cost, and a single B-2 was subsequently lost in a crash at Andersen, Feb. 23, 2008.
Modernization is focused on safeguarding the B-2A’s penetrating strike capability in high-end threat environments and integrating advanced weapons.
The B-2 achieved a major milestone in 2022 with the integration of a Radar Aided Targeting System (RATS), enabling delivery of the modernized B61-12 precision-guided thermonuclear freefall weapon. RATS uses the aircraft’s radar to guide the weapon in GPS-denied conditions, while additional Flex Strike upgrades feed GPS data to weapons prerelease to thwart jamming. A B-2A successfully dropped an inert B61-12 using RATS on June 14, 2022, and successfully employed the longer-range JASSM-ER cruise missile in a test launch last December.
Ongoing upgrades include replacing the primary cockpit displays, the Adaptable Communications Suite (ACS) to provide Link 16-based jam-resistant in-flight retasking, advanced IFF, crash-survivable data recorders, and weapons integration. USAF is also working to enhance the fleet’s maintainability with LO signature improvements to coatings, materials, and radar-absorptive structures such as the radome and engine inlets/exhausts.
Two B-2s were damaged in separate landing accidents at Whiteman on Sept. 14, 2021, and Dec. 10, 2022, the latter prompting an indefinite fleetwide stand-down until May 18, 2023. USAF plans to retire the fleet once the B-21 Raider enters service in sufficient numbers around 2032.
Contractors: Northrop Grumman; Boeing; Vought.
First Flight: July 17, 1989.
Delivered: December 1993-December 1997.
IOC: April 1997, Whiteman AFB, Mo.
Production: 21.
Inventory: 20.
Operator: AFGSC, AFMC, ANG (associate).
Aircraft Location: Edwards AFB, Calif.; Whiteman AFB, Mo.
Active Variant: •B-2A. Production aircraft upgraded to Block 30 standards.
Dimensions: Span 172 ft, length 69 ft, height 17 ft.
Weight: Max T-O 336,500 lb.
Power Plant: Four GE Aviation F118-GE-100 turbofans, each 17,300 lb thrust.
Performance: Speed high subsonic, range 6,900 miles (further with air refueling).
Ceiling: 50,000 ft.
Armament: Nuclear: 16 B61-7, B61-12, B83, or eight B61-11 bombs (on rotary launchers). Conventional: 80 Mk 62 (500-lb) sea mines, 80 Mk 82 (500-lb) bombs, 80 GBU-38 JDAMs, or 34 CBU-87/89 munitions (on rack assemblies); or 16 GBU-31 JDAMs, 16 Mk 84 (2,000-lb) bombs, 16 AGM-154 JSOWs, 16 AGM-158 JASSMs, or eight GBU-28 LGBs.
Accommodation: Two pilots on ACES II zero/zero ejection seats.
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moose-mousse · 8 months
What is "Agile" anyway?
I feel like my posts are best when I write about things on my mind. And because of my job, "dark agile" and "dark scrum" have been a lot on my mind. "Dark" basically is used to mean "Subversive" or "Pretending to do X, but in fact doing to opposite.
Dark design for example, refers to design that is worse for the users ( Making it harder to say no to cookies than yes for example).
But to talk about dark agile, I have to explain what agile actually is. I also want to do this because agile is super simple. But if you ever want to see a LOT of successful scamming, check out business management consulting. A LOT of people have a vested interest in making it sound a lot more complicated than it is and/or ignore what it actually is in favor of telling companies what they want to hear.
Agile is short for "Agile software development"
First, understanding the problem agile solves:
Small companies can change what they are doing, and how they are doing it really quickly. They are also very good at listening to their developers and put their good ideas into practice.
As companies grow larger, they quickly lose these abilities.
Agile, is a way to keep those abilities in a larger company. This is done by giving each development team freedom to develop however they want ( not WHATever they want ), and to give them as direct a line as possible to whoever is the decision maker for the thing they are developing, which allows them to change what they are developing very quickly, but in a way that still leaves that decision maker happy.
Or in other words, encourage worker empowerment and grassroot organization ( Can you guess why companies REALLY try hard to not actually do agile? :p )
That's it. That is agile... as in, all of it.
You can read the agile manifesto and the agile principles, which flushes out what exact values agile is trying to achieve, but you basically already have all the info
If you are thinking "But what about Scrum?", scrum is a proposed tool to achieve agile. It is not agile, nor is it part of agile. Agile is a goal. Scrum is a tool that may help a company reach that goal.
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mariacallous · 2 months
For Ukrainian soldiers facing the near-constant threat of Russian drones, a crude-looking, pocketable drone detector has become one of the most sought-after gadgets on the battlefield. Dubbed Tsukorok, or “sugar,” by its London-based creator, the grassroots device produced by a variety of manufacturers beeps loudly when a drone enters its detection range, allowing soldiers time to run to cover or turn on their jamming devices.
“It’s amazing because it is so cheap and simple,” a mortar crewman, currently positioned in the Donbas region, said of the Tsukorok. He, like all soldiers cited in this article, spoke to Foreign Policy on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.
More than two years into Russia’s war in Ukraine, the Russian military still enjoys the upper hand in electronic warfare. “The Russians have powerful electronic warfare equipment. … Unfortunately, Russia is significantly ahead of Ukraine,” Ukrainian activist Maria Berlinska told Ukrainska Pravda in April. Berlinska was instrumental in pushing the Ukrainian military to develop its own drone capabilities and has trained soldiers and civilians to fly reconnaissance and attack drones.
On Ukraine’s front line, electronic warfare has largely focused on the ability to use and defend from reconnaissance and strike drones as well as long-range missiles. Small, agile first-person-view (FPV) drones, which can carry between 2 and 11 pounds of explosives, are now used extensively by both sides. The ability to detect and jam the signals sent and received by those drones is a matter of life and death.
The Russian military has successfully used elaborate truck-mounted jamming systems to reduce the effectiveness of Western-made, GPS-guided artillery shells as well as HIMARS and JDAM guided bombs, the Washington Post reported in May. More recently, Moscow has used armored vehicles and tanks mounted with jamming devices to push across the front line.
Now, with the sky on the front line saturated with drones, Ukraine is attempting to catch up. That often means employing simpler, more inexpensive equipment with smaller ranges, such as the Tsukorok, to detect signals coming from Russian drones and other guided weapons. More than 50 Ukrainian companies are engaged in producing electronic warfare equipment, from the humble Tsukorok to expensive jamming devices. Tens of thousands of drones are also produced or assembled in the country every month.
But the detection gadgets are hard to obtain. “Right now, I think the demand [for jamming equipment] is at least 10 times higher than what we can provide,” said Bohdan Danyliv, the head of the military department at the Prytula Foundation, one of the biggest organizations supporting the Ukrainian military. “Honestly, it may be 50 times bigger.” The Prytula Foundation already delivers equipment including SUVs, strike drones, rifle optics, communication, and medical equipment to the armed forces. In recent months, the organization has looked to ramp up deliveries of electronic warfare devices.
“Yes, it’s difficult right now,” said Dmytro Selin, the London-based Ukrainian software engineer behind the first model of the Tsukorok. “Deliveries [of parts for manufacturing] aren’t reliable. Parcels can get stuck for weeks at a time. … Demand is a lot higher than our team can handle.”
Soldiers and the Ukrainian companies producing electronic warfare equipment must also deal with the ever-changing nature of electronic warfare. “Both the technologies and the tactics evolve very quickly,” said Anton Veklenko, the chief instructor and co-founder of Global Drone Academy, a Ukrainian company training Ukrainian civilians and soldiers in the use of military drones and electronic warfare.
Since 2022, electronic warfare has quickly made GPS guidance, which most off-the-shelf consumer drones use to navigate, obsolete. Both sides now deploy drones that act as relays to increase the flying range of their FPV drones to distances of up to 31 miles. Russia and Ukraine have also each experimented with autonomous guidance systems, allowing drones to strike their targets even when their signals jammed.
“We also train our pilots to detect which frequencies are being jammed in a specific area of the front line so that they can quickly change the frequencies used to fly their drones,” Veklenko said. “There’s no universal jammer that can block everything, so it’s a constant game of adaptation.”
The rise in popularity of the Tsukorok in late 2023, boosted by positive word of mouth from a Ukrainian military blogger, represents one of these adaptations. The constant threat of drones created the need for a small detector that could be used by any soldier without the training that more accurate and reliable—but also more complex—spectrum analyzers require. Selin, who moved to the United Kingdom in 2019, developed the first prototype in the summer of 2022, focusing at the time on detecting signals from the Russian Orlan reconnaissance drone.
Front-line troops use the Tsukorok to know when to turn on their energy-intensive jamming devices; artillery crewmen think of it as a last-resort warning, allowing them to run to prepared shelters as loitering munitions hurl toward them. A combat medic currently serving in the Kharkiv region explained that he always leaves a Tsukorok in his olive-colored ambulance: “I use it as a guide, to know when to use the jammer.”
The surge in demand put Selin and other groups building the device in a bind, as they went from producing a handful of detectors every month to hundreds, and then thousands, facing hurdles to scale up production. “I’m in talks with manufacturers and governments in Europe, but it is complicated, in good parts because of the bureaucracy,” Selin said. “But now we’re looking to diversify as much as possible,” with a goal of producing up to 10,000 detectors every month. Currently, half of the parts of the Tsukorok are produced in China and half in Ukraine; the final product is assembled in Ukraine.
“When it comes to the production of [electronic warfare] equipment, the situation right now is similar to what we had with FPV drones a year and a half ago,” said Danyliv of the Prytula Foundation. There is an “unstructured market, few established players, and a mix of bad devices that can cost a lot of money and high-quality devices that cannot be produced in enough quantities to meet the demand.”
The Tsukorok isn’t a miracle solution, Selin admitted: It can lose effectiveness in areas saturated with drones and is meant to complement, rather than replace, other detecting and jamming devices. “It is meant as a last warning device, but on the battlefield, soldiers will get information from lots of other sources,” Selin said.
“I call them personal protectors—it’s something that every soldier should have,” Danyliv said. “It won’t solve everything, but when you have one of those things in your pocket, you feel a lot calmer.”
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biggaybunny · 1 year
Modern software sucks shit because modern software development sucks shit. No one knows what they're doing and when they do they'll usually be told to do something else anyway. Non-transferrable skills are treated as transferrable; "programming" is an extremely broad field that we are still just beginning to map out. I'm not trying to oversell it here, I have no agenda, I just need to try and convey some perspective here that you can do a lot of different shit with computers, and lumping it all under "writing software" is kind of like lumping all "machines" together and expecting engineers who work with things like planes, cars, pumps, and cranes to be able to figure each other's shit out. There's some specialization happening in the field, but to be honest, most companies are pretty slow to catch on (outside of, yknow, searching resumes for whatever buzzword we're using now)
That's only the beginning of it, too. I don't know I could actually fit all the reasons software development sucks shit into one post. Basically, businesses hate the way software is made. They want software assembly lines, I've had as much said to me by a manager before. They want software products that are specced out, assembled, and shipped out. And that *really, really* doesn't work. Most of the time, when it comes to developing a software "product", they don't even know what they actually want or need. A lot of software bloat comes from early development work that had to be course corrected or repurposed; it's like being a sculptor and having someone behind you try to describe what they want sculpted, but also they're rushing you and don't understand what's even possible to do with sculpting in the first place.
The other thing companies hate about making software is that you can't throw just throw more people at the problem. It's like that math problem "If an orchestra of 50 people can play Beethoven's 5th in 40 minutes, how fast can an orchestra of 500 people play it?" That's how the people in charge want software to work, and after decades of absolute horseshit business paradigms (agile, kanban, scrum, agile-at-scale, extreme programming yes it's called that, etc) it's very clear that this will NEVER be the case, but by god that's not going to stop companies from trying. Because it's about maximizing profits, right? You couldn't possibly get better returns by like, investing in employee retention (dogshit in the business btw) or employee QoL. Just get more people fresh out of a javascript bootcamp and throw them at the issue until something works. So software development gets diced up into thousands of little pieces that can be worked on simultaneously and then glued back together, and as you'd expect end up as dysfunctional Frankenstein monsters. Plus, none of your employees are actually improving at software development because they're only allowed to see such a small piece of the puzzle.
And at the end, it just has to work. Not be good, work. Which is why companies skimp on QA all the time, and then undermine the QA they do invest in. The corner cutting is everywhere. Because it saves costs, you see. Why invest in QA? Just don't write broken code, obviously (this is not how this works). How much security do we need, really? Corner cut, corner cut, corner cut. Rush, rush, rush. Is it any wonder that the cleanest pieces of software tend to be made by small teams or even individuals, working on their own timeframe?
I could've summed up this entire post with "capitalism sucks" but I wanted to explain more. Software development isn't going to get good in a couple years. It's not going to get good in ten years. It's going to suck absolute shit for the foreseeable future. Corporate software, anyway. Maybe if open-source software got a little more love and support... well, who knows.
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jonathanshaw4747 · 1 month
Why Canadian Companies Prefer Digital Marketing Agencies over In-house Teams
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In the ever-changing digital landscape of Canada, companies big and small have to make one very important decision: develop an in-house digital marketing team or hire the services of a dedicated agency. Far from being a routine operational issue, this choice has great implications for its competitive position, market relevance, and general growth trajectory. With the digital platform becoming increasingly complicated and the stakes of online visibility soaring high, a trend has definitely been witnessed across Canadian companies: that of choosing between the expertise and agility provided by digital marketing agencies over in-house teams.
Expertise and Specialization
This has been one of the major reasons for the tectonic shift in the approach of Canadian enterprises. Digital marketing is not a monolithic discipline but a constellation of specialized areas, each with its own particular demands in expertise. From SEO virtuosos to social media savants, content marketing maestros to PPC prodigies, agencies house a cadre of specialists under one roof. Such an assemblage of talent allows businesses to tap into a wellspring of knowledge that would be prohibitively expensive and logistically challenging to cultivate internally.
What is more, the digital marketing field keeps on changing 24/7, since that is when algorithms, best practices, and consumer behaviors change at the speed of light. This places agencies in a much better place to be updated due to their focus and the heterogeneity of their client base. They undertake heavy continuous learning and serious means of professional development investment to ensure that their strategies remain at the cutting edge of industry changes. This means a commitment to staying current translates into better marketing solutions for their clients-more effectively and innovatively.
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Agency versus in-house: financial implications are huge and multi-dimensional. At face value, the retainers or project fees associated with agency services might appear huge. However, a close look will reveal that this is not true on the cost-efficiency level. By outsourcing an agency, a business may significantly reduce overheads like salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment, which are kept by full-time employees.
The next strong economic case lies in the fact that it can make that great sense of scalability and flexibility. It eases the opportunity to adjust marketing spend against seasonal demands, special campaign needs, or fluctuating economies without getting into the complexities of hiring or drastically reducing an internal team. That elasticity of resource allocation permits better budget efficiency and implores optimization of Marketing ROI.
Technology and Tools
The digital marketing arena is the haven for sophisticated tools and platforms-most of which come with heavy price tags, coupled with steep learning curves. Agencies, able to use economies of scale, invest in a wide array of premium software and technologies that would be financially unviable for most individual businesses to acquire. From advanced SEO tools to full-service social media management platforms, agencies arm their clients with the technological arsenal needed to drive marketing effectiveness.
Besides tools, agencies often have state-of-the-art analytics and reporting. These systems allow for the granular tracking of campaign performance, consumer behavior, and ROI. Insights gained from these advanced analytics become the powerhouse that drives businesses into making data-informed decisions and fine-tuning their marketing approaches with strategy precision.
Strategic Objectivity
One of the most overlooked benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency is the fresh perspective it brings to the challenges a brand faces. Sometimes a company's internal teams, despite being quite familiar with the brand, can suffer from tunnel vision or be stuck in paradigms. Agencies, drawing on diverse experience across industries and markets, have become a fertile source of new solutions and unconventional creative approaches, which for those within the organization can be virtually invisible.
This objectivity extends to performance appraisal as well. Large agencies are usually held to very tight KPIs through which they are accountable to deliver measurable results. The setup ensures a very transparent culture of business betterment, whereby the agencies fall under pressure to prove their strategies right and value-proposition-valid on a regular basis.
Time and Resource Management
For most Canadian businesses, more so for the SMEs, the job of dedicating or committing resources to build and maintain a fully-fledged in-house digital marketing team is surely going to distract them from their core business activities. By outsourcing such functions to an agency, this energy is freed for product development, customer service, and other mission-critical activities.
Furthermore, more often than not, agencies are in a much better position than in-house units to implement marketing initiatives. With the established processes, loads of already-vetted resources on standby, and a lot of previous work to its credit, an agency can consequently save time throughout the process from conceiving of the strategy to launching the campaign. This agility is paramount in the fast-paced digital landscape, where usually the early bird catches the worm.
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Many of these digital marketing agencies boast of having an extensive industry network, including influencers, media, and technology partners that can open various doors of opportunity to collaboration. Beta programs and early access to new marketing channels/features fall into this category. To Canadian businesses, this is quite an invaluable asset that networks with potential new customers.
Moreover, most agencies have good relations with key platforms, such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn, which provide them with the latest features, premium support, and, in some cases, almost privileged rates. More probably than not, such partnerships are passed on as tangible benefits to the clients to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their digital marketing initiatives.
As a sustenance of risks
The regulatory requirements associated with digital marketing, encompassing privacy, advertising standards, and the specific policies of these diverse digital platforms, make hazardous minefields for businesses. This adds further pressure on digital marketing agencies because they possess specialized knowledge and experience in ensuring that their clients work in conformance with these regulations. This becomes even more crucial in instances involving Canada, where there are regulations like CASL, which is anti-spam law dictating strict requirements on electronic messaging.
Additionally, the agencies adapt by nature through adaptation to market changes. Their diversified client bases and regular activities with businesses in various industries enable them to identify and respond to the change in consumer behavior, change in technology, or economic conditions very fast. Adapting to the situation at hand helps hedge against potential risks associated with sudden changes in the market which could render several marketing strategies irrelevant.
Performance and Results
What's arguably most convincing in the move towards agency partnerships is the attention to accountability and measurement of performance. Most of the agencies operate on performance-based models with clear KPIs and reporting structures that generate tangible means through which firms realize their marketing return on investment. In other words, therefore, the approach is results-based, with continuous optimization of marketing to align with business objectives.
As such, agencies can contribute to performing competitive benchmarking. With many years of experience across industries and data, they can paint a view for a business regarding its relative standing in digital marketing performance from its competition and industry benchmarks. Such a comparative perspective may also help them zero in on opportunities for performance improvement and areas of differentiation.
The Future of Digital Marketing Partnerships in Canada
The trend of Canadian businesses partnering with specialized marketing agencies is showing no signs of abatement in the evolving digital marketing landscape. The recipe combining experience, the advantage of being cost-effective, technological advances, and strategic value when working with an agency makes compelling economic sense. And, of course, in-house teams will always have their role; it's actually quite important for big organizations. The passed "advantages to this kind of approach are flexibility and comprehensive capabilities available to organizations of any size.".
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The collaboration with a digital marketing agency is considered an investment in terms of growth strategy and competitiveness. Increasingly, this is a cost consideration that Canadian executives are factoring in as Canadian businesses strive to find their way through digital complexities—and as a result, a way to innovate the catalyst for success in the long term.
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triviallytrue · 1 year
idk if this is answerable without self-doxxing but what kind of programming are you doing at your job?
also bonus question if you feel like answering: what does a programming job, like, look like? from the perspective of someone like me who has only written really tiny things for practice, things that are like, you know, a few dozen lines or whatever, it's hard to imagine. is there just this massive database of code and they're like "ok you're allowed to modify these parts, uh, implement this feature by next month"? is it like collaboratively editing a google doc? idk. I assume you're working on, you know, some kind of app or website or database or other kind of thing. where there's a fuckton of people and a fuckton of code. how do you keep it straight? etc.
Max asked this a while ago - I have a bit of a better handle on my job now. I'm a newish hire at a large tech company, and I could be loosely termed a "back-end software engineer."
So let's talk about it! When I was an undergrad I had a lot of questions of this type and no real sense of what my future job would look like, so I'm writing with the audience of my former self in mind here.
The fundamental unit of software development is the team. Large companies organize software developers into teams of 5-10 engineers (with the rare teams that are larger or smaller). My team has a set of goals, largely determined by my manager and my tech lead (the seniormost engineer on my team).
The software that my team is responsible for is organized into packages that my team "owns," meaning we are ultimately responsible for what goes into it. Before code anyone writes is merged into our packages and becomes production code, it goes through a process of code review, and since we "own" our packages, people on our team have to approve code that goes into them. Usually you only work on your team's packages, though if you have cross-team dependencies (and basically everyone does), you will occasionally write for another team and it gets approved by them.
Version control is done through git. I actually recommend everyone who works on large collaborative projects learn how to use git - I have, in the past, used git to manage a non-code project (writing math competition problems) in a way that was much more comfortable than other systems like google docs.
I'm not going to give an extensive explanation of git here, but the basic idea is that changes are organized into bundles called "commits," each of which has a one-sentence tagline you write to summarize your changes and also records that you are the author of said changes. There is a remote repository that stores all the production code, which you copy onto your local machine (your work laptop), you make edits on your work laptop, you commit your edits (and test them etc) and then make a code review/pull request/whatever you want to call it. If that is approved, the remote repository copies your changes, and those changes go into production.
There's a lot more to git than just that (branches! merging! rebasing! staging!) but that's good enough for a first glance.
Anyway, back to how we know what to do - my organization has priorities which are conveyed to my team primarily through my manager and tech lead. We then create projects to meet these priorities, which we break down into individual tasks. We then distribute these tasks among the developers on the team and track work using a sprint board, which is basically a list of what work is in progress, what its status is, and who is in charge of it. There are multiple approaches to project management - the most common (I think) is called Agile, whereas my team uses a different approach called Kanban.
There's a lot of other stuff that happens too - how we respond if there's a crisis of some sort, how we handle bugfixes on prior projects, etc. But this is software development at a glance. Happy to answer any followup questions (as long as they aren't too deanonymizing)
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makelinkinnovation · 8 days
Makelink Innovation-Software Development & Digital Marketing Services
We are "MakeLink Innovation" an ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 certified Hard Core Web Development, Mobile Application Development and Consulting Company having its development center in Delhi-NCR (India). We are a leading IT service organisation focused on building incomparable and innovative solutions for our clients, whether on mobile or web. Our Services also include Digital marketing services. We are a team of 20-plus accredited professionals with expertise in various programming languages. We are confident enough to deliver high-quality, tailored solutions to unique needs. Our development process is agile and collaborative, ensuring that we stay aligned with Clients.
Please reach out to us to know how we can help you grow your business.
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shantitechnology · 1 year
The Evolution of ERP Software:  How it is Transforming Engineering and Manufacturing in 2023
In today’s dynamic world of engineering and manufacturing industry, maintaining competitiveness and operational efficiency is of paramount importance.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become a fundamental tool for optimising processes, improving efficiency, and facilitating smooth operations in the engineering and manufacturing industries.  As we progress into the year 2023, it becomes apparent that enterprise resource planning (ERP) software has experienced a substantial transformation, adapting to the unique requirements of the industry in question.  Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing company with ERP software designed and developed by STERP (Shanti Technology).  Contact today for a tailored ERP solution for manufacturing company in India that aligns perfectly with your business objectives.
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This blog article aims to examine the growth of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and its significant impact on the fields of engineering and manufacturing.
Historical Perspective: A Brief Overview of ERP Software
The evolution of ERP software since its establishment in the 1960s has been significant, with a notable shift from its initial emphasis on inventory management and order processing.  Over the course of several decades, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have seen significant growth and development, resulting in the integration of a wide range of corporate functions.  These functions include but are not limited to accounting, human resources, procurement, and other related operations.  The advancement of technology has led to the evolution of ERP software into a centralised platform that offers real-time data, enhances decision-making processes, and fosters communication across various departments within an organisation.
·        Integration of IoT and Industry 4.0:
The combination of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 technologies represents a notable revolution in ERP software during the year 2023.  The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates the interconnection of various devices and sensors, enabling the collection and sharing of data.  This capability offers real-time insights into the industrial process.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have the capability to effectively integrate this data, so facilitating manufacturers in making informed decisions based on data analysis and enhancing their operational efficiency.
The principles of Industry 4.0 place significant emphasis on the integration of automation, digitization, and connectivity, which have now been easily included in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.  The integration described enables enterprises to establish a smart industrial setting, increase their control of the supply chain, and optimise operational efficiency. 
·        Cloud-Based ERP Solutions:
Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions have significantly transformed the operational landscape of enterprises.  This paradigm shift can be attributed to the revolutionary impact of cloud technology on ERP software.  In the year 2023, an increasing number of engineering and manufacturing companies are using cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.  The aforementioned solutions possess several benefits, including the ability to scale, adaptability, reduced initial expenses, and convenient availability, rendering them exceedingly appealing to organisations of all sizes.  Moreover, the utilisation of cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems facilitates the instantaneous exchange of data and promotes collaboration among all parties involved, hence enhancing operational efficiency and cultivating a culture of innovation.  Invest in the future of manufacturing.  Choose advanced ERP software for engineering companies in India developed by STERP (Shanti Technology) to enhance agility and competitiveness.
·        Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence:
In the current business environment, data holds significant value.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has evolved to incorporate sophisticated analytics and business intelligence functionalities, enabling the generation of visually appealing data representations and the utilisation of predictive analytics techniques.  Manufacturers have the ability to utilise this data in order to anticipate market trends, enhance production schedules, effectively manage inventories, and rapidly make well-informed business decisions.  The utilisation of advanced analytics enables engineering and manufacturing enterprises to maintain flexibility and effectively respond to market fluctuations in a timely manner.
·        Enhanced User Experience and Mobility:
The optimisation of user experience and mobility is a crucial element in contemporary enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.  In the year 2023, the primary emphasis of ERP software lies in delivering an intuitive and user-friendly interface, with the aim of facilitating smooth adoption and utilisation throughout all hierarchical levels within the organisation.  Furthermore, the use of mobility enables stakeholders to conveniently access essential data and capabilities while on the move, hence enhancing productivity and facilitating informed decision-making.  Stay ahead in the competitive manufacturing landscape.  Reach out to an expert - STERP (Shanti Technology) - the most reliable Engineering ERP Software Company in India and elevate your business operations.
·        Cybersecurity and Compliance:
The increasing prevalence of cyber risks has prompted ERP software developers to prioritise the integration of robust cybersecurity capabilities.  In the year 2023, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems place significant emphasis on the paramount importance of data security, adherence to industry laws, and the implementation of effective authentication procedures.  This practice guarantees the preservation of confidential corporate information, hence cultivating a sense of trust and assurance among users.
Final Thoughts:
The evolutionary progression of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in the year 2023 signifies a significant and transformational change within the realm of engineering and manufacturing.  The convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 technologies, cloud-based solutions, sophisticated analytics, improved user experience, and heightened cybersecurity measures enables organisations to effectively streamline operations, boost efficiency, and attain long-term, environmentally conscious expansion.  With the increasing use of these technological developments, the engineering and manufacturing sectors are poised to witness unparalleled levels of efficiency and creativity, hence setting a bright trajectory for the industry.
In order to remain competitive in today's ever-changing corporate landscape, it is imperative to be informed and capitalise on the capabilities of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.  Ready to streamline your manufacturing operations? Contact STERP (Shanti Technology) a renowned company offering manufacturing ERP software in India and see how it can simplify processes, boost efficiency, and drive profitability.
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vabroapp · 3 months
🎯 Vabro Refining How Agile Teams Work In Today's Fast-Paced Environment
At Vabro, we're dedicated to revolutionizing the computer software industry through our innovative offerings. By integrating cutting-edge Agile methodologies and DevOps principles into our platform, we're reshaping the landscape of how teams approach project management and software development.
Our comprehensive suite of tools empowers software teams to embrace a more collaborative and streamlined approach, allowing for quicker product iterations, enhanced product quality, and accelerated time-to-market. Through our seamless SCRUM integration, we're enabling teams to effectively plan, execute, and deliver complex software projects with greater transparency and efficiency.
Moreover, our robust DevOps collaboration capabilities facilitate seamless integration of development and operations, fostering a culture of continuous delivery and automation. By breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional collaboration, we're enabling software teams to optimize their workflows and bring their products to market faster than ever before.
With customizable Agile workflows, real-time tracking, and enhanced team collaboration features, we're empowering software development teams to stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry. Our aim is to be the driving force behind the success of software companies, helping them adapt to the dynamic nature of the industry and thrive in a highly competitive market.
Join us as we continue to reshape the future of the computer software industry with our transformative offerings. Together, let's build a more agile, collaborative, and innovative future for software development. To know more, please visit www.vabro.com
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sohojware · 5 months
Software Development Services For Perfect Solutions - Sohojware
Expert Software Development Services for Perfect Solutions
Professional software development services are essential to creating a seamless software solution. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to design, develop, and implement custom software to meet the specific needs of your business or organization. By leveraging our expertise in programming languages, frameworks, and technologies, we can ensure that your software is powerfully built, scalable, and easy to use. With a focus on delivering high-quality solutions that align with your business goals, our experienced software developers can help you streamline processes, improve efficiency, and drive innovation.
Confidence in one's skills and abilities leads to success and long-term success on any project.
Why Choose Sohojware for Your Software Development Needs
Enter Sohojware – a leading provider of software development services that cater to the unique needs of businesses across various sectors. With a team of highly skilled and experienced developers, Sohojware specializes in delivering seamless solutions that are tailored to meet specific business requirements.
The Key Elements of Successful Software Development Projects
Successful software development projects require a combination of key elements to ensure that they are completed on time, within budget, and meet the desired requirements. These elements form the foundation of a well-executed project and are instrumental in the overall success of the software development process.
First and foremost, clear communication is crucial. The project team must have open lines of communication with the client and stakeholders to fully understand their requirements and expectations. Regular meetings and updates should be scheduled to ensure that everyone is on the same page throughout the development process.
Second, proper planning is essential. A comprehensive project plan should be created, outlining the scope, timeline, and resources required. This plan serves as a roadmap for the development team and helps them stay organized and focused on the project goals. It is also important to identify potential risks and establish contingency plans to mitigate any issues that may arise.
Third, a talented and dedicated team is key to the success of any software development project. Each team member should possess the necessary skills and expertise in their respective roles to ensure that the project progresses smoothly. Collaboration and teamwork are crucial in delivering high-quality software that meets the required standards.
Finally, quality assurance is paramount. Rigorous testing and debugging should be carried out throughout the development process to identify and rectify any issues or bugs. This ensures that the final product is stable, reliable, and meets the expectations of the client and users.
Ensuring Project Success with Sohojware's Development Expertise
Sohojware is a leading software development company that specializes in delivering high-quality and innovative solutions. With a team of skilled developers and designers, they are committed to ensuring the success of your project. Whether you're a startup looking to create a minimum viable product or an established company in need of a sophisticated software solution, Sohojware has the expertise to meet your needs.
One of the key factors that sets Sohojware apart from the competition is its deep understanding of the software development life cycle. From requirement analysis and design to implementation and testing, they follow a systematic approach to ensure that your project is delivered on time and within budget. This attention to detail and commitment to quality makes them a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes.
Streamlining Processes with Agile Software Development
Agile software development is a methodology that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement in the development process. By breaking down projects into smaller, more manageable tasks and incorporating stakeholder feedback throughout the process, agile teams can adapt quickly to changing needs and deliver high-quality products more efficiently. The approach promotes transparency, communication, and a focus on delivering value to customers. With its iterative approach and emphasis on teamwork, agile software development has become increasingly popular among companies looking to streamline their processes and improve their ability to respond to market demands.
Maximize Efficiency and Performance with Sohojware's Development Team
With a team of skilled and experienced developers, Sohojware understands the unique challenges businesses face when it comes to software development. They offer a range of services, from developing custom software applications to optimizing existing systems. Their goal is to provide businesses with the tools they need to streamline operations, improve productivity, and ultimately drive growth.
What sets Sohojware apart is its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. They take a collaborative approach, working closely with their clients to understand their specific needs and tailor solutions that meet those requirements. Their development team follows best practices and utilizes cutting-edge technologies to ensure that the software they deliver is not only efficient but also scalable and secure.
By partnering with Sohojware's Development Team, businesses can gain a competitive edge by leveraging the power of software development. From automating repetitive tasks to developing innovative solutions, their team can help businesses optimize their processes and achieve greater efficiency. With Sohojware, you can trust that your software development needs are in capable hands, allowing you to focus on what you do best and drive your business forward.
Collaborating for Success: The Partnership Approach to Software Development
Collaborating for success in software development means bringing together teams with diverse skill sets and perspectives. It involves breaking down silos and encouraging seamless communication among developers, designers, project managers, and stakeholders. When everyone has a voice and contributes their unique expertise, the software development process becomes more holistic and effective.
By adopting a partnership approach, companies can leverage the strengths of each team member. This allows for better problem-solving, increased productivity, and a higher-quality end product. Instead of merely following a rigid hierarchy, a partnership approach encourages collaboration at every stage of the development process. From ideation to implementation, software development becomes a collective effort, leading to more innovative and user-friendly solutions.
How Sohojware's Software Development Solutions Can Elevate Your Business
With a team of talented and experienced software engineers, Sohojware specializes in providing customized software development solutions that cater to the unique needs and goals of your business. They understand that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to software, and they work closely with you to develop the perfect solution.
From web applications to mobile apps, Sohojware offers a wide range of software development services. They utilize the latest technologies and programming languages to create powerfully built and scalable software that aligns with industry standards. Their team follows an agile development methodology, ensuring that your software is delivered on time and within budget.
Key Steps in the Software Development Process for Success
Software development is a complex process that involves several key steps to ensure success. These steps are crucial in delivering high-quality software that meets the needs and expectations of clients and end-users. The first step is requirement gathering, where the project team works closely with the client to understand their goals, objectives, and desired functionalities. This helps in setting clear expectations and ensures that the software solution aligns with the client's requirements.
Once the requirements are defined, the next step is to design the software architecture. This involves creating a blueprint that outlines the overall structure, components, and interactions of the software system. The architecture should be scalable, maintainable, and flexible to accommodate future enhancements and changes. A well-designed architecture lays the foundation for a successful software development process.
After the architecture is finalized, the developers start coding the software. This step involves translating the design into actual code using programming languages and frameworks. It is essential to follow coding best practices, maintain a clean codebase, and conduct regular code reviews to ensure quality and minimize errors. Thorough testing is also crucial during this stage to identify and fix any bugs or issues before the software is deployed.
Trends and Innovations in the World of Software Development
One of the major trends in software development is the rise of low-code and no-code platforms. These platforms allow developers to create applications with minimal coding knowledge, significantly reducing development time and costs. This trend has opened up new opportunities for businesses that may not have the resources or expertise to develop complex software in-house.
Another trend in software development is the focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). With the advancements in AI and ML technologies, software applications are becoming smarter, more efficient, and capable of providing personalized experiences to users. From chatbots that can handle customer queries to recommendation systems that suggest relevant content, AI and ML are reshaping the way software is developed and utilized.
Benefits of Outsourcing Software Development to Professionals like Sohojware
Outsourcing has become a common practice for businesses looking to optimize their operations and reduce costs. When it comes to software development, outsourcing to professionals like Sohojware can bring a multitude of benefits.
One of the key advantages of outsourcing software development is access to a highly skilled and experienced team of professionals. Companies like Sohojware specialize in software development and have a pool of talented individuals who are well-versed in the latest technologies and trends. This ensures that the software being developed is of high quality and meets the specific needs of the business.
Enhancing User Experience through Custom Software Development
One of the main advantages of custom software development is the ability to address the specific needs and requirements of users. Off-the-shelf software may not always meet the unique needs of a business, leading to frustration and inefficiency. Custom software development allows for a personalized approach, ensuring that the software aligns perfectly with the goals and operations of the organization. This level of customization not only increases user satisfaction but also improves productivity and streamlines workflows.
The Role of Agile Methodology in Modern Software Development Projects
Agile methodology has revolutionized the way software development projects are managed in the modern era. With its iterative and incremental approach, Agile methodology offers numerous benefits to software developers and programming teams.
One of the key advantages of Agile is its flexibility. Unlike traditional waterfall methods, Agile allows for constant adaptation and change throughout the development process. Software developers can respond quickly to new requirements or feedback, ensuring that the final product meets the evolving needs of users. This flexibility also enables developers to identify and address issues early on, reducing the risk of costly mistakes later in the project.
Measuring Success: Key Metrics for Evaluating Software Development Projects
One of the crucial metrics used by the Sohojware agency is the on-time delivery of projects. Meeting deadlines demonstrates the efficiency and professionalism of the team. Timely delivery ensures that the product reaches the market at the right time, allowing businesses to gain a competitive advantage.
Additionally, Sohojware tracks the quality metrics alongside delivery time. This includes detecting and resolving bugs and issues promptly, ensuring a flawless user experience.
Future-Proofing Your Business with Strategic Software Development Choices
Sohojware is renowned for its expertise in the development of software across various industries. Their team of skilled developers stays abreast of the latest trends and technologies, guaranteeing that the software solutions they provide are up-to-date and adaptable. This ensures that businesses can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to any changes in their industry.
By collaborating with Sohojware, businesses can have a customized software solution that aligns with their goals and objectives. Whether it's creating a mobile app, developing an e-commerce platform, or streamlining internal processes, Sohojware can deliver solutions that enhance efficiency and productivity.
How can Sohojware transform my business's online presence?
Sohojware specializes in crafting custom WordPress solutions that align with your brand's essence, helping you create a unique and captivating online presence.
What sets Sohojware apart from other development agencies?
Sohojware's expertise lies in its commitment to tailor-made solutions, extensive experience, and a deep understanding of WordPress's capabilities.
Can I incorporate my brand's specific design into my website?
Absolutely. Sohojware's custom development process allows for seamless integration of your brand's design elements, ensuring your website reflects your brand identity.
How can I get started with Sohojware's custom WordPress development services?
Getting started is as easy as contacting Sohojware through their official website and discussing your project requirements.
Is ongoing support available after the website is developed?
Yes, Sohojware offers ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your website remains up-to-date and performs optimally.
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dialogue-queered · 1 year
Paul Cureton
Innovative design choices can have a massive impact in the theatre of war, so it is important to understand the principles behind their development. Recent use of low-cost cardboard drones by Ukraine, supplied by Australia, to attack targets in Russia is a good example of how this can work.
Australia has been supplying Ukraine with 100 of the drones per month from March this year as part of an aid package deal worth an estimated £15.7 million, following an agreement struck in July 2021, according to the Australian Army Defence Innovation Hub.
Emerging technologies tend to override current technologies, and in turn, this generates competitive counter-technologies. This circular relationship driven by innovation is often critical in warfare as it can provide key technological advances.
Drone technology was originally developed for military use. It was then seen to offer opportunities in the civilian sphere for logistics, delivery and disaster relief. This then in turn has offered new innovations that can translate to military applications.
Conflicts in the future will be particularly shaped by drones, which will have implications for international relations, security and defence.
The Australian firm Sypaq, an engineering and solutions company founded in 1992, created the Corvo Precision Payload Delivery System (PPDS) for use in military, law enforcement, border security and emergency services, as well as food security, asset inspection and search and rescue.
Ukrainian forces reportedly used the PDDS cardboard drones in an attack on an airfield in Kursk Oblast in western Russia on August 27. The attack damaged a Mig-29 and four Su-30 fighter jets, two Pantsir anti-aircraft missile launchers, gun systems, and an S-300 air surface-to-air missile defence system.
Design principles
The design principles behind the success of the drones revolve around several factors including the production cost, airframe material, weight, payload, range, deployment and ease of use. Other considerations include the reliability of the operating software and the ability to fly the drone in various weather conditions. Seven Network news report on SYPAQ’s cardboad drones.
Generally, small drones offer high-resolution imagery for reconnaissance in a rapidly changing theatre of war. The Corvo drone has a high-resolution camera that provides images covering a large area, transmitting footage back to its user in real time.
The importance of real-time mapping is critical in modern agile armed forces’ command and control as this can direct ground forces, heavy weapons and artillery.
In some cases, the design of small drones is concentrated on adapting the payloads to carry different types of munitions, as seen in the attack in Kursk.
The cardboard drones can carry 5kg of weight, have a wingspan of two metres and a range of 120km at a reported cost of US$3,500 (£2,750). Waxed cardboard is an ideal material as it offers weather resistance, flat-pack transportation (measuring 510mm by 760mm) and, importantly, a lightweight airframe, which enables a longer flight range and a high cruise speed of 60km/h.
Fixed-wing drones also offer longer ranges than rotor-based drones as the wings generate the lift and the airframe has less drag, so they are more energy efficient. They can also fly at higher altitudes. The drones can be launched from a simple catapult or by hand and so can be rapidly deployed.
Low-tech material, hi-tech thinking
Radar involves the transmission of electromagnetic waves, and these are reflected off any object back to a receiving antenna. Cardboard is generally harder to detect by radar – but its components, such as the battery, can be detected.
But the Corvo drone is likely to have a small signature. Radar-absorbing materials are needed to have full stealth properties. These polymers have various absorbing qualities to avoid radar detection.
Another design principle is the swarming capability of the drone. Swarms of drones can overpower air defence systems through sheer volume and or can be used as decoys in counterintelligence operations.
Swarms are highly reliant on the development of artificial intelligence, which is still an embryonic research area. But a recent drone race at ETH University in Zurich, in which AI-piloted drone beat drones controlled by world-champion drone racers, highlighted this potential.
All of these design principles and innovations have and are continuing to transform warfare and theatre operations. It is likely that small drones at low cost are likely to have further mission success in the future.
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neworange · 9 months
Project Driven Learning - Dumped in notion today's morning😅
[ ] Job But in a good organization that I can be proud of
[ ] Worked for interesting companies at the beginning of my career which are also easier to get into and can provide valuable experience and a learning environment
[ ] I want to build visionary solutions for an organization like Sundar Pichai did for Google.
[ ] Meaningful projects - projects that I want to use myself
[ ] Find clone development projects of popular apps
[ ] I'll just have to build Just good enough projects
[ ] Project Matrix - Value / Complexity / Skills / Scope
[ ] Projects that are not just learning coding and development but also cloud computing and other skills
[ ] Don’t just build what you are passionate about but build what resonates with the target audience for which you are going to be applying for
[ ] What’s the enterprise-level business problem for which a solution can be coded equivalent to the exercises I’ve done from the book
[ ] Enterprise level Solving some Business Problems
[ ] Build the developer's Brain
[ ] Setting up a system to efficiently complete projects after projects
[ ] Build using AI and Google → Do the same projects using tutorials → Build a similar project of my own on my own
[ ] Keep reflecting to improve the project system and workflow
[ ] What are the outcomes of working on that project?
[ ] Pivot when projects not working or when gotten stuck
[ ] Which projects to take
[ ] Each project must have Skill/ challenge/ value/ purpose criteria
[ ] aligned with your immediate goals, if not add to the project backlog
[ ] Create mini frameworks to build project-efficient, effective and robust solutions.
[ ] Learn from the experts - So many online have built projects with so many functional things
[ ] How they approach building a new project
[ ] How they plan to Strategically set up for success
[ ] How they start a project from scratch
[ ] How do they plan architecture?
[ ] Build a project-building system and improve it along the way while building and learning
[ ] Theory management by reflecting on the progress of the project
[ ] Cross-check the concepts learnt in the theory
[ ] Find books & courses with enterprise-level application project
[ ] Full in-depth tutorials with examples
[ ] Reverse engineer Portfolios and Github
[ ] Research the expert people in building projects.
[ ] Medium, Github contributors
[ ] Udemy SDE project tutorials
[ ] Workshop → Software Development
[ ] Job boards require analysis to practice skills for software engineering
[ ] Agile certification
[ ] Cloud Certification
[ ] Software development online communities to ask for help and feedback and get to know about new things
High-Quality Questions
[ ] How to become a GitHub star
[ ] How to become an open-source star
[ ] what it takes to create a software from scratch till deployment
[ ] How to become a modern software engineer
[ ] What are the skills apart from coding and development?
[ ] What skills to acquire to go from to great engineer
[ ] Gather a network of support system
To help out of the stuck zone
Get feedback on stuck projects
[ ] Find a few developer friends
[ ] Ask them if they have built projects and hosted them on GitHub
[ ] Ask them to give feedback on my progress & help me make it functional
[ ] Software development online communities to get to know about new things
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amdtv24 · 1 year
How to accelerate business growth?
There are 7 tips you can use to help  accelerate business growth.
Hire the right people 
Focus on established revenue sources 
Reduce your risks
Be adaptable 
Focus on the customer experience
Invest in  yourself 
Always think ahead 
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1. Hire the right people
You need a strongest crew to justification you in achieving your objectives before you can even consider the development trajectory of your business.
In order to guarantee fast  growth, Christian Lanng, CEO and co-founder of business software supplier Tradeshift, said, "Hiring the best people you can is a surefire way to ensure rapid growth." "Having the right group is everything."
Your business will be better prepared for future growth if you have motivated personnel who are dedicated to its success. Furthermore, freeing up your time and energy to focus on critical work will enable you to perform at your best and foster a combining work environment.
2. Focus on established revenue sources
Bill Reilly, a Wisconsin-based auto repair businessman, advised focusing on the core consumers you already have rather than trying to gain new ones. According to him, you may achieve this by putting in place a referral or customer loyalty programme or by experimenting with marketing techniques based on past purchase habits to promote repeat business.
If you're looking for finance, it's crucial to focus on your existing market. In the past, Reilly added, "we would accentuate our company's desire to become a franchise, which didn't resonate with banks. "We found that it's important to underline the size of the market for what we do. A banker would be interested in this because they are more concerned with the return on investment. 
3. Reduce your risks
Risk is an inevitable part of starting and growing a business. It’s impossible to control everything, but there are many ways to limit internal and external threats to your company and its growth. One important resource to help you accomplish this is your business insurance provider.
“Small businesses need to manage their development  to avoid disruptions that can bring business to a grinding halt,” said Mike DeHetre, senior vice president of underwriting and insurance at Preferred Mutual. For example, “the theft of employee data, customer records, and product designs can destroy a small business, generating significant costs and eroding customer belief in oneself  and faithful,” he said. “Not every business owner’s policy covers data breaches or other cyber losses. Small businesses should be prepared by seeking insurance products that help them recover, including those that cover the cost of remediation and lawsuits.”
As your small business grows, you may add space or equipment, create new products or services, or increase your operating and distribution footprint. Therefore, DeHetre recommended reviewing your policy periodically to ensure you have the right coverage.
“It’s easy to forget this step amid fast expansion, but you don’t want to find out that you’ve outgrown your coverage just when you need it the most,” he said.
4. Be adaptable
One trait that a lot of successful startups have in common is the ability to switch directions fastly in response to changes in the market. Lanng said an agile approach to development, both in your product and your company, will help you grow more quickly.
“By allowing yourself to homogenise and change fastly, you’re capable of testing various viewpoints  to business and search for  what works best,” Lanng told Business News Daily. “It allows you to fail, pick yourself back up and keep going.”
Chris Cornell, founder and CEO of Manhead Merchandise, said his company has found adaptability to be key in expanding its client base beyond its initial focus on music merchandise.
“Look at current pop culture trends for a chance to become part of the movement when it makes sense,” he said. “In an era of internet fame, we looked to expand our horizons beyond the music industry. We partnered with ‘The King of Pop Culture’ and Insta-famous pup Doug the Pug to release his new gear. Recognizing the reach and popularity of Doug, we were capable of taking his merchandise to the next level, extending our business model beyond bands.”
5. Focus on the customer experience
Customers’ perceptions can make or break your business. Deliver quality experiences and products, and they’ll fastly sing your praises on social media; mess it up, and they’ll tell the world even faster. Fast growth depends on making your current and potential customers happy.
“Compared with large companies, small businesses are nimble and often better able to see, anticipate and respond to their customers’ needs,” DeHetre said. “The most successful small businesses exploit this advantage by bringing new and innovative products and services to market more quickly and developing and nurturing long-term customer relationships.”
Dennis Tanjeloff, president and CEO of Astro Gallery of Gems, agreed. He said listening to your customers and giving them what they want is of utmost importance.
“Diversify your offerings so you can best cater to the customers’ changing tastes,” Tanjeloff said. “Remember, you are here to serve the customer — it’s why you are open for business.”
6. Invest in yourself
In the early stages of your business, you’ll likely see a very lean profit margin (or no profit at all), so any money you make should go directly to helping your business grow.
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In the early stages of your business, you’ll likely see a very lean profit margin (or no profit at all), so any money you make should go directly to helping your business grow.
“A startup’s capability to invest in itself [helps] accelerate growth,” Lanng said. “In those departed years, it’s critical to make sure that you’re redirecting any revenues back into the company. It’s vital to invest early and heavily in order to grow quickly.”
While it might be tempting to pocket all of your profits, it’s better to invest in your business’s growth so you can reap bigger benefits later. Determine which parts of your business need more consideration. For example, do you need to hire more workers, expand your marketing efforts, or secure additional funding? When you find an important  area that needs development, give that area your financial support.
7. Always think ahead.
While activity is a vital quality for a startup, you can’t fly by the seat of your pants when you’re running a business. Planning your next step — in expectation of all possible scenarios — is the best way to stay grounded and secure as your business develops.
Thinking ahead is broad advice, but it can be as simple as reviewing all in-process contracts, like comparing rates with the best credit card processors and seeing if you can negotiate a better deal.
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gmatechnologi · 10 months
The Role of Microservices In Modern Software Architecture
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Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of microservices and discover how they are revolutionizing modern software architecture? In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to build more scalable, flexible, and resilient applications. Enter microservices – a groundbreaking approach that allows developers to break down monolithic systems into smaller, independent components. Join us as we unravel the role of microservices in shaping the future of software design and explore their immense potential for transforming your organization’s technology stack. Buckle up for an enlightening journey through the intricacies of this game-changing architectural style!
Introduction To Microservices And Software Architecture
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, software architecture has become a crucial aspect for businesses looking to stay competitive. As companies strive for faster delivery of high-quality software, the traditional monolithic architecture has proved to be limiting and inefficient. This is where microservices come into play.
Microservices are an architectural approach that involves breaking down large, complex applications into smaller, independent services that can communicate with each other through APIs. These services are self-contained and can be deployed and updated independently without affecting the entire application.
Software architecture on the other hand, refers to the overall design of a software system including its components, relationships between them, and their interactions. It provides a blueprint for building scalable, maintainable and robust applications.
So how do microservices fit into the world of software architecture? Let’s delve deeper into this topic by understanding the fundamentals of both microservices and software architecture.
As mentioned earlier, microservices are small independent services that work together to form a larger application. Each service performs a specific business function and runs as an autonomous process. These services can be developed in different programming languages or frameworks based on what best suits their purpose.
The concept of microservices originated from Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). However, unlike SOA which tends to have larger services with complex interconnections, microservices follow the principle of single responsibility – meaning each service should only perform one task or function.
Evolution Of Software Architecture: From Monolithic To Microservices
Software architecture has evolved significantly over the years, from traditional monolithic architectures to more modern and agile microservices architectures. This evolution has been driven by the need for more flexible, scalable, and efficient software systems. In this section, we will explore the journey of software architecture from monolithic to microservices and how it has transformed the way modern software is built.
Monolithic Architecture:
In a monolithic architecture, all components of an application are tightly coupled together into a single codebase. This means that any changes made to one part of the code can potentially impact other parts of the application. Monolithic applications are usually large and complex, making them difficult to maintain and scale.
One of the main drawbacks of monolithic architecture is its lack of flexibility. The entire application needs to be redeployed whenever a change or update is made, which can result in downtime and disruption for users. This makes it challenging for businesses to respond quickly to changing market needs.
The Rise of Microservices:
To overcome these limitations, software architects started exploring new ways of building applications that were more flexible and scalable. Microservices emerged as a solution to these challenges in software development.
Microservices architecture decomposes an application into smaller independent services that communicate with each other through well-defined APIs. Each service is responsible for a specific business function or feature and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently without affecting other services.
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Advantages Of Using Microservices In Modern Software Development
Microservices have gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. They offer numerous advantages over traditional monolithic software development approaches, making them a highly sought-after approach in modern software architecture.
1. Scalability: One of the key advantages of using microservices is their ability to scale independently. In a monolithic system, any changes or updates made to one component can potentially affect the entire application, making it difficult to scale specific functionalities as needed. However, with microservices, each service is developed and deployed independently, allowing for easier scalability and flexibility.
2. Improved Fault Isolation: In a monolithic architecture, a single error or bug can bring down the entire system. This makes troubleshooting and debugging a time-consuming and challenging process. With microservices, each service operates independently from others, which means that if one service fails or experiences issues, it will not impact the functioning of other services. This enables developers to quickly identify and resolve issues without affecting the overall system.
3. Faster Development: Microservices promote faster development cycles because they allow developers to work on different services concurrently without disrupting each other’s work. Moreover, since services are smaller in size compared to monoliths, they are easier to understand and maintain which results in reduced development time.
4. Technology Diversity: Monolithic systems often rely on a single technology stack for all components of the application. This can be limiting when new technologies emerge or when certain functionalities require specialized tools or languages that may not be compatible with the existing stack. In contrast, microservices allow for a diverse range of technologies to be used for different services, providing more flexibility and adaptability.
5. Easy Deployment: Microservices are designed to be deployed independently, which means that updates or changes to one service can be rolled out without affecting the entire system. This makes deployments faster and less risky compared to monolithic architectures, where any changes require the entire application to be redeployed.
6. Better Fault Tolerance: In a monolithic architecture, a single point of failure can bring down the entire system. With microservices, failures are isolated to individual services, which means that even if one service fails, the rest of the system can continue functioning. This improves overall fault tolerance in the application.
7. Improved Team Productivity: Microservices promote a modular approach to software development, allowing teams to work on specific services without needing to understand every aspect of the application. This leads to improved productivity as developers can focus on their areas of expertise and make independent decisions about their service without worrying about how it will affect other parts of the system.
Challenges And Limitations Of Microservices
As with any technology or approach, there are both challenges and limitations to implementing microservices in modern software architecture. While the benefits of this architectural style are numerous, it is important to be aware of these potential obstacles in order to effectively navigate them.
1. Complexity: One of the main challenges of microservices is their inherent complexity. When a system is broken down into smaller, independent services, it becomes more difficult to manage and understand as a whole. This can lead to increased overhead and maintenance costs, as well as potential performance issues if not properly designed and implemented.
2. Distributed Systems Management: Microservices by nature are distributed systems, meaning that each service may be running on different servers or even in different geographical locations. This introduces new challenges for managing and monitoring the system as a whole. It also adds an extra layer of complexity when troubleshooting issues that span multiple services.
3. Communication Between Services: In order for microservices to function effectively, they must be able to communicate with one another seamlessly. This requires robust communication protocols and mechanisms such as APIs or messaging systems. However, setting up and maintaining these connections can be time-consuming and error-prone.
4. Data Consistency: In a traditional monolithic architecture, data consistency is relatively straightforward since all components access the same database instance. In contrast, microservices often have their own databases which can lead to data consistency issues if not carefully managed through proper synchronization techniques.
Best Practices For Implementing Microservices In Your Project
Implementing microservices in your project can bring a multitude of benefits, such as increased scalability, flexibility and faster development cycles. However, it is also important to ensure that the implementation is done correctly in order to fully reap these benefits. In this section, we will discuss some best practices for implementing microservices in your project.
1. Define clear boundaries and responsibilities: One of the key principles of microservices architecture is the idea of breaking down a larger application into smaller independent services. It is crucial to clearly define the boundaries and responsibilities of each service to avoid overlap or duplication of functionality. This can be achieved by using techniques like domain-driven design or event storming to identify distinct business domains and their respective services.
2. Choose appropriate communication protocols: Microservices communicate with each other through APIs, so it is important to carefully consider which protocols to use for these interactions. RESTful APIs are popular due to their simplicity and compatibility with different programming languages. Alternatively, you may choose messaging-based protocols like AMQP or Kafka for asynchronous communication between services.
3. Ensure fault tolerance: In a distributed system like microservices architecture, failures are inevitable. Therefore, it is important to design for fault tolerance by implementing strategies such as circuit breakers and retries. These mechanisms help prevent cascading failures and improve overall system resilience.
Real-Life Examples Of Successful Implementation Of Microservices
Microservices have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their ability to improve the scalability, flexibility, and agility of software systems. Many organizations across various industries have successfully implemented microservices architecture in their applications, resulting in significant benefits. In this section, we will explore real-life examples of successful implementation of microservices and how they have revolutionized modern software architecture.
1. Netflix: Netflix is a leading streaming service that has disrupted the entertainment industry with its vast collection of movies and TV shows. The company’s success can be attributed to its adoption of microservices architecture. Initially, Netflix had a monolithic application that was becoming difficult to scale and maintain as the user base grew rapidly. To overcome these challenges, they broke down their application into smaller independent services following the microservices approach.
Each service at Netflix has a specific function such as search, recommendations, or video playback. These services can be developed independently, enabling faster deployment and updates without affecting other parts of the system. This also allows for easier scaling based on demand by adding more instances of the required services. With microservices, Netflix has improved its uptime and performance while keeping costs low.
The Future Of Microservices In Software Architecture
The concept of microservices has been gaining traction in the world of software architecture in recent years. This approach to building applications involves breaking down a monolithic system into smaller, independent services that communicate with each other through well-defined APIs. The benefits of this architecture include increased flexibility, scalability, and resilience.
But what does the future hold for microservices? In this section, we will explore some potential developments and trends that could shape the future of microservices in software architecture.
1. Rise of Serverless Architecture
As organizations continue to move towards cloud-based solutions, serverless architecture is becoming increasingly popular. This approach eliminates the need for traditional servers and infrastructure management by allowing developers to deploy their code directly onto a cloud platform such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.
Microservices are a natural fit for serverless architecture as they already follow a distributed model. With serverless, each microservice can be deployed independently, making it easier to scale individual components without affecting the entire system. As serverless continues to grow in popularity, we can expect to see more widespread adoption of microservices.
2. Increased Adoption of Containerization
Containerization technology such as Docker has revolutionized how applications are deployed and managed. Containers provide an isolated environment for each service, making it easier to package and deploy them anywhere without worrying about compatibility issues.
As we have seen throughout this article, microservices offer a number of benefits in terms of scalability, flexibility, and efficiency in modern software architecture. However, it is important to carefully consider whether or not the use of microservices is right for your specific project.
First and foremost, it is crucial to understand the complexity that comes with implementing a microservices architecture. While it offers many advantages, it also introduces new challenges such as increased communication overhead and the need for specialized tools and processes. Therefore, if your project does not require a high level of scalability or if you do not have a team with sufficient expertise to manage these complexities, using a monolithic architecture may be more suitable.
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annajade456 · 11 months
The Expansive Scope of DevOps: Revolutionizing Software Development and IT Operations
In today's rapidly evolving tech-driven world, DevOps has emerged as a transformative approach that impacts various aspects of software development and IT operations. This dynamic methodology, short for Development and Operations, encompasses a wide scope and offers profound implications for organizations striving to stay competitive in the digital landscape.
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Streamlined Software Delivery
At the heart of DevOps lies the drive to accelerate software delivery. Organizations are under increasing pressure to develop, test, and release software with greater speed and efficiency. DevOps offers a solution by streamlining the entire software development lifecycle, from code creation to deployment. This agility is a game-changer in the business world, enabling companies to respond swiftly to changing market demands.
Enhanced Collaboration
DevOps thrives on breaking down the traditional silos that often exist between development and operations teams. It fosters a culture of collaboration, where individuals from various disciplines work together cohesively. This collaboration ensures that everyone shares a common vision and works towards shared objectives. The result is improved teamwork, reduced miscommunication, and more effective outcomes.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
CI/CD pipeline installation is one of the main tenets of DevOps. The creation, testing, and deploying of code modifications are all automated by these pipelines. As a result, errors are minimized, and new features or updates are delivered rapidly to end-users. This speed is a significant advantage, especially in industries where time-to-market is critical.
Improved Quality
DevOps places a strong emphasis on software quality. Through automated testing and continuous monitoring, the DevOps approach ensures that issues and defects are detected and addressed early in the development process. This reduces the likelihood of post-production defects, enhancing the overall quality of software products.
Efficient Resource Utilization
DevOps practices optimize the utilization of resources, both in terms of time and infrastructure. By eliminating wastage and automating routine tasks, organizations can save money and use their resources more effectively. This efficiency directly contributes to cost reduction and better resource management.
Enhanced Security
Security is a fundamental aspect of DevOps. The approach integrates security measures into the development and deployment process. Automated security scans and checks ensure that vulnerabilities are identified and addressed proactively, resulting in improved system security.
DevOps seamlessly accommodates scalability. Organizations can scale their systems up or down based on demand, ensuring that their infrastructure can effectively handle varying workloads. This scalability is essential in industries where resource requirements can fluctuate.
Monitoring and Feedback
Continuous monitoring and feedback loops are integral components of DevOps. These processes allow teams to monitor the performance of applications and infrastructure in real-time. Issues and bottlenecks are identified promptly, enabling teams to make necessary adjustments and optimizations.
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The scope of DevOps extends across diverse industries, ranging from software development to e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and more. Its principles and practices have proven to be versatile and adaptable, making it a valuable asset in the world of technology.
ACTE Technologies recognizes the increasing importance of DevOps in today's technology landscape. They are committed to providing comprehensive DevOps training and education to prepare individuals for success in this dynamic and rewarding domain. The need for qualified DevOps experts is growing as technology advances. ACTE Technologies equips learners with the knowledge and practical skills needed to thrive in this dynamic and impactful field. Whether you're an aspiring DevOps engineer or a seasoned IT professional, embracing DevOps is a pivotal step toward a promising and influential career in the tech industry.
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