#companaich / constance
allisallies · 5 years
[ fight ] -- Constance @ Caspar
word prompts compilation
[ fight ]   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else
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“What the- Constance? What are you doing? Let me go!” The short boy growled at the girl, frowning at her hands around his wrist, keeping him from engaging in a fight with the other guy.
“I don’t care if it’s not noble like or barbare, that guy totally deserves a good socking!! And- Aaaah, now he’s gone! Coward!!! Fleeing for your life, you lowly life, huh?!”He yelled at the retreating back of said guy, his free fist pumping into the air in his direction, his mouth spouting violent words since his body wasn’t allowed to talk for him, this time.
When he felt his wrist finally free of the other’s hold, he immediately turned, facing her, upset. He wasn’t that mad at her, but at that guy talking badly about the girl, he deserved to know his place and Caspar’s opinion on the matter.
“You should have left me punch him once, at least. Just so he knew I don’t allow dumbasses shit talking about my friends.”
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goldguile · 5 years
companaich replied to your post:    why is everyone listening in on your private...
constance vc: this place is a den of political backstabbing and maneuvering you really shouldn’t be surprised
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“look, constance-- you are absolutely right and i really shouldn’t be.”
   at least neither of them seemed offended.
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#7: ok so first of all. i saw ur ship bias for ur edelgard is dorothea and i just [eye emoji] at that since i love playin dorothea up against ur edelgard, and also i saw u ship constance and edelgard and i [EYES EMOJI] at that lmfao since i also got an edie. obviously with some development and ooc communication and friendship making of course but i just want u to know. its on the table on my end lmfaoooo. i would love to explore specifically dorothea and edelgard like. leaning on each other in their grief. they’re both people with such strong views on the world and what is right and wrong---and i don’t know if they’re both completely prepared for the evils the war will show them.... just like. that 5 years of time. and maybe dorothea learning her WORTH through edelgard keeping her around for her brain and her morals and her kindness and not her beauty..... and dorothea always being edelgard’s hype woman but being the one person who can be truly real with edel once she gets past her people-pleasing ways.... there’s so much to explore!!!!! as for constance and edie, tbh i’m stuck right now on cindered shadows bc edelgard is slow as fuck and i can’t get through one level where u have to be fast lol but i will GET BACK TO U ON THAT lmfao.
#7: i am VERY interested in pre-timeskip edelgard and dimitri and edelgard and claude friendships/rivalries. like them tenatively getting to know each other before shit goes down and they go against each other makes the conflict mean ALL THE MORE imo. like the rivalry but FRIENDLINESS that will inevitably turn into real hatred or maybe not hatred just regret and sadness?.... that’s the good shit. maybe even learning #secrets about each other.... gasps! the intrigue!
#7: i would love to hear about any tharja or titania hcs that you have for a 3houses verse, or alternatively, which ocs of mine you would like for me to throw into tellius or awakening because. i’m so gay for these ladies, and i would love to interact with them with any of my muses! just let me know what ur most interested in B 3c
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