#✧﹙ic.﹚❛ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞.
goldguile · 5 years
reztactics replied to your post: “people are awfully interested in my inclinations...
Dimitri vc I do wonder why that is. …what ARE your inclinations, silly game rules aside?
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“do you even have to ask?”
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goldguile · 5 years
shadowruler replied to your post: anonymous sent…  Edelgard, Hubert, Dimitri (...
Whilst you are correct about what would happen if you’d chosen her majesty, there was someone else you could have beheaded ):
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“and spark a continent-wide incident?”
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goldguile · 5 years
valorwilled replied to your post: “is that what you meant by ‘you’re not so bad...
i, too, have eyes, claude
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“and what lovely eyes they are!”
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goldguile · 5 years
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“so anyways, moving on--”
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goldguile · 5 years
companaich replied to your post:    why is everyone listening in on your private...
constance vc: this place is a den of political backstabbing and maneuvering you really shouldn’t be surprised
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“look, constance-- you are absolutely right and i really shouldn’t be.”
   at least neither of them seemed offended.
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goldguile · 5 years
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@ambitionsrelic​ sent... “You are far too tense for my liking,” Lorenz murmurs, thumbs carving circles into the muscles of Claude’s shoulders. The warmth of his skin radiates through the material of his shirt – it’s a thought that makes Lorenz blush, but does little to halt his ministrations. Dragging his nails up the back of Claude’s neck and up through his hair and across his scalp to repeat the motion, Lorenz says, “You should allow me to look after you tonight.” Tomorrow, too, he thinks – he hopes.
   gee, you wonder why you’re so tense. it certainly couldn’t possibly be because you’ve spent the past gods know how long at your desk, having finalized your notes for tomorrow’s war council. you’re now reading report after report from the ruling lords in a determination to stay up to date with the internal goings-on of both riegan territory and the alliance at large; you know you’ve left your uncle in charge until the time is right for him to join the fray, but as the reigning duke riegan it’s your responsibility to ensure that all matters regarding leicester are attended to. even with a war going on. you must do better than oswald the old. 
   this dedication is what kept the alliance from descending into civil war when edelgard declared war on the church of seiros. until peace reigns and the new dawn breaks through the gloom, you must keep it up. the last thing anyone needs is a new weathervane popping up in acheron’s stead, using the chaos and confusion of war to gain power for themselves-- and get into the good graces of those deemed most profitable. 
   the hands on you make you jolt, though the voice that pairs with it -- soft and familiar -- is enough for you to relax into the touch and settle once more. oh, it’s just lorenz. you hadn’t heard him come in... or perhaps you had, and just didn’t register it.
   you allow yourself to place your quill back in its inkwell ( you had been taking notes, always with the notes, that big ol’ brain of yours only has so much storage space! ). emerald hues flutter shut and you exhale a content sigh as you soak up the attention. his touch is firm but gentle, circles rubbed into your shirt and skin before he runs his nails along the back of your neck and through his hair-- and back again, an attempt to soothe and relax you no doubt. you’ve half a mind to ask if he’s had any formal training, because if he has you’re pretty sure you’ve just won the lottery here... 
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“mmm, should i?” a lazy cadence, your words are equally as soft as the gloucester boy’s behind you. “i don’t know, what’s in it for me? to be taken care of is so awfully vague, lorenz...” 
   but you’ll say yes after you’ve had your fun. of course you will. part of you -- that small, vulnerable little thing that you try to shove into the corners and pretend doesn’t exist -- would like nothing more to spend a night being spoiled by lorenz hellman gloucester. once upon a time you might have denied that, but you think the time is long past for denial. lorenz deserves your attention as much as these reports and letters do... even if you can’t help poking fun at him here and there.
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goldguile · 5 years
arrowsfly replied to your post:    is it that time again?
he tried :c
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“and what a good try it was! i’m impressed, ashe.”
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goldguile · 5 years
If Claude were inclined to leave his room today, he would find himself indisposed by a mountain of a man garbed in silver armour and a black and white fur cloak, standing close enough to his door that his nose nearly touched the wood. Unmoving, except to blink with his good eye.
Dimitri was quite sure he looked ridiculous. Just- standing there, as if trying to intimidate a door into submission, one hand clutching Araedbhar -he was still not ready to not carry it on his person at all times- and the other… a small bunch of sunflowers.
The greenhouse’s state had been abominable compared to what he vaguely remembered from his academy days. Gone were the meticulously cared-for exotic flowers and herbs spreading a pleasant fragrance throughout that corner of the monastery. They had managed to get it back up and running, at least… but these were the only flowers he had been comfortable digging out, clumsily cutting to size and binding together, and bring to Claude.
They were hardly the most romantic of gifts. Nor were they anything the tactician could conceivably make practical use of. There was no point to what he was doing, as Glenn liked to remind him every few seconds he stood here.
…but it was something he wanted to do. If not to make a physical display of his unwanted, foolish, useless affection for Claude, then to show him that he could think of something other than death and battle. At least for today. Who knew what tomorrow would bring?
And that was precisely the reason he had to do this now. If he waited until tomorrow he might not be able to. He raised Araedbhar, tapping it on the door lightly for lack of a free hand to knock with. A few seconds after, when Claude did not object, he fumbled with hardly dexterous fingers to both hold the lance and grasp the door handle so that he could walk in.
“I.” He stopped, though Claude had given him no reason to. Speaking casually was so hard. “I want to give you these.”
   it is a rare thing to see claude von riegan looking anything less than the perfectly put together sovereign duke of the leicester alliance-- you won’t allow it. to look anything less than at your best would be to imply that you don’t have things under control, don’t have at least seventeen schemes knocking about that ol’ brain of yours at any given moment ( ... which would be correct, actually, it’s more like twenty. ), don’t have confidence in everything that you do. and that, of course, is unacceptable. you’ve worked far too hard to relax now; the future of the alliance -- the future of fodlan! -- rests on your shoulders. 
   however, the awkward tapping of something against your door gives you pause today. you ignore the first time, figuring such a clumsy, uneven rhythm is a mistake somehow- but when the knocks start up again you pull away from your mirror with a sigh, draping the ascot in your hands ‘round your neck before turning to the door to investigate. ... only, you don’t get to open it, for your visitor has decided to let themself in. 
“oh, dimitri. good morning!” you smile at him, brushing unstyled hair out of your eyes as you take in the shining silver armour, araedbhar in one hand, and the general look of uncertainty on his face. he still hasn’t been able to walk around without the relic -- or any other lance -- gripped tightly in hand, but at least he doesn’t look as though he’d run anyone who looked at him funny through anymore. ( getting people to believe that is still a work in progress. ) “what’s the occasion?”
“i. i want to give you these.”
   your eyes travel to his other hand, emerald hues lighting up as you catch sight of the sunflowers resting there. the stems are cut at differing lengths and they’re very awkwardly strung together, as though dimitri tried to make the bouquet himself and only barely managed, but the flowers themselves survived the ordeal and are as beautiful as ever. he... remembered your favourite flowers, even after all these years. even after you’d only mentioned it a couple of times whilst on greenhouse duty. and he’s here on the day of devotion with an attempt at a bouquet of them... just for you. your heart swells at the thought, and your smile only grows as you cross the room to accept them. 
   you’ll have to fix the stems before finding a vase, but that’s fine. this is just further proof that you were right along-- that the shy, sweet, chivalrous prince you’d fallen so deeply for was still in there, hiding behind trauma, rage, and an unsatiable need to find closure. it doesn’t absolve all he’s done, both in the five years he’s been presumed dead and in the time he’s been at the monastery, but... there’s hope without a shred of doubt now. he’s redeemable. he’s capable of such kindness still, so surely he will be capable of atoning for his actions when all is said and done.
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“they’re beautiful! you remembered after all this time?” you take the bouquet, admiring it, before standing on your toes to peck his lips. “thank you... i love them.”
   i love you. 
“say, why don’t we spend the day together, just the two of us? i do have a meeting to attend this morning, but after that i’m more or less free. i feel like there’s a lot of lost time we need to make up for... no day like the day of devotion to do just that, right?”
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goldguile · 5 years
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“there were so many things wrong with everything that just happened that i don’t even know where to start.”
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goldguile · 5 years
ambitionsrelic replied to your post: “awww, is a widdle gentle breeze too much for poor...
“No one said being so refined would be easy.”
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“there’s a difference between refined and fragile. aren’t nobles supposed to adapt to any situation with grace, even particularly windy days?”
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goldguile · 5 years
♡ Valentine’s Application to Claude von Riegan ♡ Name: Lorenz Hellman Gloucester Age: 24 Do you like to cuddle?: … I do. Can we make-out?: As this would be something of a first date, absolutely not. A night in or dinner out?: I think a night out would be preferable. Drinks, dancing — perhaps a stroll under the stars? Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: I do not particularly care for either option, so I will defer to your preference. What makes you a good Valentine?: Ha! You jest. Everything about me makes for an ideal Valentine! You will not find a date more dedicated to making sure you have a special evening; we are well-matched in that regard. Would you cook for me?: No. I do not cook, and I think our time could be better spent elsewhere. Would you let me cook for you?: If you so desired, I would be more than interested. However, please do tell me ahead of time so I do not make reservations for us elsewhere.
“you... you actually sent one of these in, huh?” 
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   which means... this is serious. lorenz doesn’t just waltz around filling out joke date applications for fun. honestly, you’re surprised he’s even considering taking you out. you turn your attention back to the form, green eyes roaming over intricate, practiced handwriting in search of something to comment on-- anything to joke about, inspiration for a witty comment... but nothing comes to mind, even with that boast that he’s the perfect valentine. all you feel is heat rising to your cheeks.
   to think you hated lorenz hellman gloucester five years ago. yet... here you are today, practically of the same mind about so many things. like... not being overly fond of sweets. or wanting to give someone you cared about a special evening. about... dreams for the future and making a difference. 
   funny, how that works out.
“part of me does want to cook for you sometime; i’m actually pretty good at it! but... yeah, maybe not on a holiday.” you laugh, finally finding your voice. “but you know what? you’re on. wow me, lorenz. i expect nothing less than your finest-- you’ll be getting the same in return, of course.” 
   ... you’d better start looking into florists. it would practically be a sin not to present him with roses at some point. last you remembered, there was a breed of roses that only grew in derdriu... maybe some of those?
@ambitionsrelic​ | prompt.
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goldguile · 5 years
Name: Brail Thandwell Age: 24 Do you like to cuddle?: I’m not privy to being cuddled, but I’ll gladly hold onto you if you want to Can we make-out?: Naturally.  A night in or dinner out?: A night in is more personal to me, more intimate, but I do enjoy fresh air–not dinner though, either a walk or exploring somewhere new Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Chocolate covered strawberries. Easier to share. What makes you a good Valentine?: In the broadest sense of he word, I’m actually quite a terrible one. I’m not much of a mushy romantic type, I never found sentiments like that as genuine. I find our sensibilities match, I could talk to you for hours on end and explore the world with you. I’m also, frankly, not afraid of disagreeing. No romance I know of was ever perfect.  Would you cook for me/Would you let me cook for you?: I prefer to cook together, actually. I’ll always cook for you, but cooking together is always an activity I’d enjoy more.
“taking a walk, huh? so a romantic flight would be out of the question? well, alright then... i guess i’ll tell lear and akadi.” 
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   you snicker, smiling as you read the paper over one more time. it’s... not the most conventional of responses, but it’s so very brail. to the point, honest, unafraid ... and honestly, that in itself makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. his description of the night feels like... home. you think that’s what your mother said to look for, once upon a time: that your partner feels like home. 
“whatever ends up happening, we’ll have fun. that’s the most important thing.”
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goldguile · 5 years
Name: Edelgard von Hresvelg Age: 23 Do you like to cuddle?: Oh, absolutely. There is something quite comforting about laying one’s head on another’s chest. Can we make-out?: Provided enough build up.. Perhaps. A night in or dinner out?: Whichever you would prefer, either sounds good to me. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Is it cheating to say “ice cream and chocolate covered strawberries”? Maybe just the strawberries, then. What makes you a good Valentine?: I must admit, I’m not quite sure what makes a good valentine. However, I will share my sweets and stuffed animals, so it must count for something. Would you cook for me?: I doubt you want me to.  Would you let me cook for you?: If it’d make you happy, I’d happily be your taste tester.
“you know... i’m not sure what makes a good valentine, either.” 
you shrug your shoulders, smiling at the emperor of adrestia fondly. her response to the question is straightforward and to the point. she’d considered the options and... well, picked one. actually, she’s picked the one that would be preferable. it’s not quite what you’d want as a snack, but... hm. within the confines of the choice, it would be the more successful one. as always, edelgard von hresvelg evaluates the situation carefully and picks the more profitable path. 
   she can keep her sweets, though. gods know you don’t want any of the sugar. hell, maybe you can make a date out of baking something for lysithea? who knows?
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“but why don’t we find out together?”
@halycondaze​ | prompt.
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goldguile · 5 years
Name: Hubert von Vestra Age: 26 Do you like to cuddle?: It may surprise you, but yes. Can we make-out?: …Yes. A night in or dinner out?: A night in. Can’t have anyone think I’m capable of being a sociable human being. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: I’m not certain what you would prefer. I may be playing it too safe, but I’d bring both. Depending on the flavour, ice cream might compliment the fruit. I’d say strawberry is too much of that flavour, but you strike me as someone who would appreciate chocolate. What makes you a good Valentine?: I’m a terrible choice but you have bad taste. Would you cook for me?: I’ve been told my cooking isn’t bad, just bland. I can make an attempt, however. Would you let me cook for you?: I think I can just about trust you not to poison me.
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“are you complaining, though?” 
   you laugh at the comment. bad taste… please. as far as you’re concerned, you have excellent taste, because hubert von vestra is an excellent man. very morally grey, but… it’s all in service to her majesty, and in the name of a better world. ( or so they say. you’re still not too keen on the idea that war would pave the way, but what’s done is done and all you can do is help bring things to an end faster. ) 
   hmm… it’s a fairly typical hubert response– when in doubt, contingency upon contingency to prepare for every possible outcome. too bad he didn’t quite seem to hit the mark this time, though. still… it’s insightful. 
   oh, well. you’re pretty sure he doesn’t like sweets to begin with, so the question is moot.
“my ‘bad taste’ sure seems to be working out in your favour.”
@shadowruler​ | prompt.
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goldguile · 5 years
Day of Devotion Application
Name: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. Age: 17. Do you like to cuddle?: “Yes. I quite enjoy holding you close.” Can we make-out?: "So long as we don’t make a spectacle out of ourselves.“ A night in or dinner out?: "Both. Let me take you to a nice dinner out and digest it quietly with a book. That’s where the cuddling comes in.” Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: “That… is a decision I leave up to you.” What makes you a good Valentine?: A good portion of writing is crossed out, before a different handwriting takes over. Clearly, Dimitri was too awkward to sing his own praises. “An attentive kindness and warm disposition. Certainly, it’s hidden under a mask of stoic chivalry, but in the end you’ll have a classic romantic Valentine.” Would you cook for me?: "I believe it is better for everyone involved, including the kitchen, that I do not.“ Would you let me cook for you?: "I would trust you with my life- my meals seem a trifle in comparison.”
“this is awfully sweet, your princeliness.” 
   you can’t help chuckling as you read the paper over again, finding it oddly adorable that someone had to take over for him when it came to selling himself as a good date-- adorable, and a little sad. is his self confidence really that low? you make a mental note to see if you can work on that sometime. perhaps on that date, because you’re totally taking him up on it. he didn’t even have to send in the form! 
   ... his answer to the question you’d been curious about is straightforward and to the point, too. ... and not even an answer, actually. that’s mildly disappointing. you would have liked to see how dimitri’s thought processes go. but... when one interprets it as him caring so much that he’d be happy with anything so long as you’re happy... maybe it’s not such a boring response after all. 
   your heart flutters. you smile at him, folding the paper to give yourself something to do with your hands so you don’t get too cuddly in public. 
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“so it’s a date, then? you, me, a nice dinner in town? i’m looking forward to it.” 
@reztactics​ | prompt.
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goldguile · 5 years
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   you feel a massive headache coming on--
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