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harmonyhealinghub · 11 months ago
Harmonizing Health: Exploring the Power of Sound Healing Through the Human Voice Shaina Tranquilino April 16, 2024
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In our modern world, with its bustling cities and constant technological noise, it's easy to overlook the profound impact that sound can have on our health and well-being. Yet, for centuries, cultures around the globe have recognized the therapeutic potential of sound, harnessing its power to promote healing and restore balance in mind, body, and spirit. Among the diverse array of sound healing modalities, one stands out as both ancient and deeply personal: the healing power of the human voice.
The concept of sound healing through the human voice is rooted in the understanding that every sound carries a unique vibrational frequency, and these vibrations can influence the energetic systems of the body. Just as a skilled musician can tune an instrument to produce harmonious melodies, practitioners of vocal sound healing use their voices to create specific tones and frequencies designed to resonate with the body's natural rhythms and promote healing.
At the heart of vocal sound healing lies the belief that the human voice is a powerful instrument for transformation and self-expression. Whether through chanting, toning, humming, or singing, individuals can tap into the innate resonance of their own voices to create a therapeutic experience that transcends words alone. By vocalizing specific sounds and syllables, practitioners can stimulate the body's energy centers, known as chakras, and facilitate the flow of vital life force energy, or qi.
One of the most widely recognized forms of vocal sound healing is chanting, which has been practiced for centuries in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Chanting involves the repetition of sacred words or phrases, known as mantras, often accompanied by rhythmic breathing patterns. This rhythmic chanting can induce a meditative state, quieting the mind and allowing practitioners to connect with their inner selves on a deeper level.
Similarly, toning involves sustained vocal sounds, such as "ah," "oh," or "mm," produced with a focus on resonance and vibration. By experimenting with different pitches and timbres, individuals can explore the subtle nuances of their own vocal expressions and discover the healing potential within their voices. Toning can be practiced both individually and in group settings, fostering a sense of community and shared intentionality.
Humming, another simple yet potent form of vocal sound healing, involves the sustained production of a low-frequency sound, typically with the lips closed. This gentle vibration can have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. In addition to its therapeutic benefits, humming has also been shown to improve respiratory function and support overall vocal health.
Singing, perhaps the most intuitive form of vocal expression, offers a dynamic outlet for creative self-expression and emotional release. Whether belting out a favorite song in the shower or participating in a community choir, singing engages the body, mind, and spirit in a harmonious union of sound and sensation. Research has shown that singing can enhance mood, boost immune function, and even alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
While the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of sound healing through the human voice is still emerging, countless individuals have experienced profound transformations through their own vocal practices. Whether as a complement to traditional medicine or as a standalone therapeutic modality, vocal sound healing offers a holistic approach to health and wellness that honors the innate wisdom of the body.
The human voice is a powerful tool for healing and transformation, offering a direct pathway to the deepest recesses of our being. By harnessing the vibrational frequencies of sound, we can tap into the inherent wisdom of the body and unlock the potential for profound healing and self-discovery. Whether through chanting, toning, humming, or singing, the practice of vocal sound healing invites us to listen deeply, speak authentically, and harmonize with the rhythms of life itself.
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stingscustom · 25 days ago
Finding a therapist who truly understands polyamory can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. It’s disheartening when a chosen lifestyle is blamed rather than embraced. Let’s amplify the call for inclusive mental health care that values all identities! Share your stories, challenges, or wins—how has your journey shaped your mental health?
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jacekwojnarowski · 7 months ago
🌟 New on Faithful Reflections: 🌟
Healing a Wounded World: Addressing the Stabbing Epidemic in the UK Through Faith
In a world where violence often dominates the headlines, how can we find hope and healing? This week, explore the root causes of the stabbing epidemic in the UK and discover how faith, love, and compassion can transform our communities.
Join me as we delve into the power of forgiveness, the importance of understanding, and the role of faith in building a more peaceful society. Together, we can be the change our world desperately needs. 🙏✨
Read the full article on Faithful Reflections.
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phonemantra-blog · 8 months ago
The recent escalation of violence during a pro-Palestine protest outside a Los Angeles synagogue has drawn widespread condemnation, including from President Joe Biden. The incident, which occurred outside the Adas Torah synagogue, underscores the growing tensions surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict and highlights the broader implications of such confrontations in the United States. President Biden Condemns The Incident: A Clash in Pico-Robertson A Violent Confrontation On a seemingly ordinary Sunday morning, the peaceful neighborhood of Pico-Robertson was thrust into chaos as a protest turned violent outside the Adas Torah synagogue. Around 150 pro-Palestine demonstrators gathered to protest a real estate event hosted by My Home in Israel, a company promoting housing projects in Israel’s Anglo neighborhoods. The Escalation What began as a protest quickly escalated into violence. Videos and eyewitness accounts revealed punches being thrown, protesters wrestling on the ground, and bear spray being used against multiple individuals. The situation necessitated the deployment of approximately 60 police officers to restore order and ensure the safety of the synagogue attendees and the surrounding community. Arrests and Police Response The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) reported that one individual was arrested for possessing a spiked post. Additionally, two reports of the battery were filed, and the LAPD has pledged to investigate these incidents further. In response to the unrest, the LAPD announced increased patrols around sensitive religious sites to prevent further violence. Reactions from Leaders President Biden's Condemnation President Joe Biden condemned the violence, expressing his dismay at the events that transpired. "I’m appalled by the scenes outside of Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles," Biden stated on X.com. He emphasized that while peaceful protest is a fundamental right, violence and intimidation, especially targeting places of worship, are unacceptable and un-American. California Governor and Los Angeles Mayor Speak Out California Governor Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass also condemned the violent clashes. Newsom called the events "appalling" and stressed that antisemitic hatred has no place in California. Mayor Bass echoed these sentiments, stating, "Today’s violence in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood was abhorrent, and blocking access to a place of worship is unacceptable." Enhanced Security Measures In the wake of the violence, Mayor Bass has called for increased LAPD patrols in the Pico-Robertson area and around other houses of worship throughout Los Angeles. She assured the community that those responsible for the violence would be held accountable and highlighted ongoing efforts to foster dialogue and unity among diverse community leaders. The Broader Context Tensions Over the Israel-Gaza Conflict The protest outside the Adas Torah synagogue is a microcosm of the broader tensions and conflicts related to the Israel-Gaza situation. The demonstrators aimed to disrupt a real estate event they believed was promoting the sale of Palestinian land. This incident highlights the passionate and often contentious debates surrounding this long-standing geopolitical conflict. The Role of Community and Law Enforcement The involvement of law enforcement in maintaining order during such protests is crucial. The LAPD's swift response helped prevent further escalation and ensured that the rights and safety of all parties were protected. The incident also underscores the need for continuous dialogue and cooperation between community leaders and law enforcement to address and mitigate the root causes of such conflicts. Moving Forward: Community and Legal Responses Community Meetings and Future Actions In the aftermath of the violence, community leaders, including Rabbi Noah Farkas of the Jewish Federation Los Angeles and Councilwoman Katy Yaroslavsky, are set to meet with law enforcement officials and other faith leaders. These meetings aim to discuss steps to ensure the safety and security of all communities in Los Angeles. Legal and Policy Implications The events at the Adas Torah synagogue may prompt reviews of existing policies regarding protests and public safety, especially about sensitive sites such as places of worship. Lawmakers and community leaders may explore additional measures to prevent similar incidents in the future while balancing the rights to free speech and peaceful protest.
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floatlif3 · 9 months ago
Alegeri Zilnice
Pentru cei care știu că alegerile zilnice contează și că nu putem aștepta ca alții să ne rezolve problemele.
Este clar că noi, ca oameni, finanțăm haosul și lupta pentru putere și profit care provoacă atâtea efecte secundare neplăcute. Populația a fost și va fi condusă prin dezbinare, iar dezbinarea este facilitată de preferințele naturale ale oamenilor.
Însă, dacă ne-am recăpăta puterea fără violență, (s-a anihilat de mult varianta asta, si era normal sa dispară, pentru ca acum suntem nevoiți sa găsim cai mai bune), ar trebui să ne punem de acord asupra faptului că sănătatea este mai importantă decât profitul, că adevărul este mai valoros decât puterea și că respectul este mai util decât manipularea și minciuna.
Schimbarea culturii și a societății în care trăim începe cu mici schimbări în deciziile zilnice. Este necesar să ne asumăm responsabilitatea pentru sistemul pe care îl lăsăm moștenire copiilor noștri și să sprijinim ideile sănătoase.
Puterea a fost întotdeauna de partea majorității, dar renunțăm la ea atunci când ne lăsăm copleșiți de îngrijorări, frică, îndoieli, suspiciuni și egoism individual. Binele nostru depinde de binele comunităților în care trăim, și nu va exista niciodată o insulă privată pentru fiecare dintre noi. De aceea, trebuie să ne îngrijim de satele, orașele și țările în care locuim.
Dacă până acum a fost greu din lipsă de informații, acum dificultatea provine din surplusul de informații. Pentru a alege cu discernământ lucrurile valoroase, este nevoie de experiență. Copiii sunt mereu ținta cea mai ușoară, iar efectele negative ale luptei pentru profit și putere sunt evidente asupra lor. Nu ne putem baza pe educația în forma sa actuală, deoarece din curriculumul școlar lipsesc lecțiile și informațiile care să-i pregătească pentru viață.
Suntem toți împreună în această situație, și fiecare face ce poate și știe mai bine.
Libertatea de a face ce vrem în democrația în care trăim implică inevitabil și libertatea de a exploata orice slăbiciune umană. Mulți cred că dreptul la viață este doar o chestiune scrisă pe hârtie și că, în realitate, fiecare este pentru el însuși. Societatea pare să te lase să mori, iar soarta ta pare neimportantă pentru alții. Este adevărat că nu poți ajuta pe nimeni care nu vrea să fie ajutat. Cuvinte precum „cum îți faci patul, așa dormi” reflectă exact acest aspect: ne lăsăm indivizii cei mai slabi să se piardă în deznădejde și mizerie.
Suntem martorii neputincioși ai dramelor înspăimântătoare care ne cutremură sufletele, până când decidem să ne închidem simțurile, deoarece nu facem față haosului și nebuniei pe care le prezintă situațiile tragice în care trăiesc cei defavorizați.
Vă invit să faceți parte din schimbare. Trebuie doar să ne adunăm și să sprijinim ideile bune.
Vă invităm să veniți cu idei, soluții și planuri pentru a crea lumea pe care ne-o dorim.
Împreună, putem face diferența!
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glzwoodw · 4 months ago
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My Idea For “The Great Australian Housing Scheme”.
The Great Australian Housing Scheme is a concept I came up with that would hopefully address Australia’s problematic housing crisis.
It all stems from my concept of building 1.2 million identical homes over five years. This probably overly ambitious plan, has a massive price tag of $729 billion but I’ve backed it up with a fully resourced scope of work and bill of materials for each house that then allowed me to come up with what I’m calling a construction blueprint.
I emphasises community involvement, job creation and economic growth through a multi-faceted funding model and standardized construction practices.
In my original article The Great Australian Housing Scheme is the name of the funding model I thought of.
In any event, the scheme seeks to stabilize the housing market, reduce homelessness and foster regional development while ensuring financial sustainability and social cohesion.
It all emerged out of my frustration, at the time it felt as though more building and construction companies have gone bankrupt since the 23rd of May 2022 than houses have been built.
You watch TV and see dozens of families sleeping in tents at parks, couples living in their cars at car parks, people living in tents inside houses and sit there shaking your head as companies that have been operating in Australia for over 40 years are now closing their doors for the last time.
I wanted to at least attempt to put together a somewhat reasonable response to Australia’s unprecedented housing crisis, just in case there is a change of leadership in 2025 and just in case the those leader might be interested in attempting to try something different.
There’s just so much work that needs to be done to try and fix our problems, everyone now realises that our housing woes have been made worse by very high immigration rates.
Every day that goes by, the number of people struggling to find affordable and secure accommodation gets worse, so I encourage as many Australians that area able, to come up with their own ideas and publish them, don’t worry, you can do all of this for free.
You can create a free website at Google Sites and then it’s just a matter of letting the world know about it via all of the various free social media platforms such as facebook, linkedin, medium, quora, minds, reddit, tumblr, blogger, X (formerly twitter), threads and there’s probably others I’ve not thought of.
Getting back to my concept of The Great Australian Housing Scheme, my main idea for funding it was inspired by former successful national campaigns like war bonds between 1915 and 1921.
I thought we might be able to mobilize the collective financial strength and spirit of the nation. 
The primary objectives include rapidly increasing housing supply, stabilizing the housing market, eventually reducing homelessness, creating substantial employment opportunities, stimulating economic growth and fostering regional development.
The funding model combines traditional investment methods with creative financing solutions to secure the estimated $729 billion required.
It includes a national investment program (like the war bonds) with accessible investment options for all Australian citizens, a national housing lottery and multi-level government support through tax incentives and contributions. I also came up with a proposal for selling government-owned media (ABC and SBS) and lots of public service salary optimization to generate additional funds.
The implementation strategy focuses on standardized design and mass production to achieve economies of scale.
Centralized manufacturing processes and strategic selection of regional centres for development are also key factors for making it work.
The scheme also emphasizes comprehensive supply chain optimisation, innovative funding models and streamlined approval processes to expedite construction.
The key regional centres I’ve identified for development are Tamworth and Narrabri in NSW, Wandoan in QLD, Sale in VIC and Geraldton in WA.
There are various reasons for this and I explain all of that in the original article.
With things the way they are, I think we’ve got a snowflakes chance in hell of getting enough labour to build all of these houses we need.
So to address the critical shortage of skilled construction workers we have now and would have significantly more if tried to build 1.2 Million Homes in a short period, I’ve included to the scheme a comprehensive workforce development program through “The Building And Construction National Service Program”.
This program involves a nine-year service commitment, training each participant in three fully accredited building and construction trades.
It would be centred around a massive training facility that would need to be built in Muswellbrook, NSW.
26, 000 participants for each yearly intake will receive industry-recognized certifications and guaranteed employment opportunities upon completion.
Overall, my ‘Great Australian Housing Scheme’ concept’s social and economic impacts are far-reaching, including housing market stabilization, regional development, employment generation, economic stimulation and improved quality of life for all Australians.
By increasing housing supply, my scheme aims to stabilize property prices, reduce housing stress and enhance housing accessibility.
Regional development will create sustainable communities, improve infrastructure, and provide new economic opportunities.
I would hope that a very large chunk of the 1.2 Million Homes become available as what I know as “Housing Commission” accommodation, in fact, unless that happens we’re not really going to chip away at the homelessness problem significantly.
The Great Australian Housing Scheme I’ve come up with isn’t perfect and would need the help of some very smart people to help make it work. 
I’d like to think that at least it represents a bold and transformative vision for Australia’s future, it would address our housing needs while creating a lasting legacy of sustainable communities, skilled workforce development and economic prosperity.
Through its comprehensive approach, my scheme aims to set a new standard for national development initiatives and demonstrate the power of collective action in addressing national challenges.
So all we need now is for someone to fix the baseload power supply problems and about 400 other things and we’ll all be walking around with huge smiles on our faces.
To read my article in full and get the links to the other supporting articles, here is the link to start you off: The Great Australian Housing Scheme - GLZ Woodworking
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teatime-blossom · 1 year ago
(except that one time I wrote a full page letter to myself and titled it My Reparenting Letter to My Future Self)
Thank you for sisterhood @tundeimann
My estrangement feels less lonely now
When I first started my podcast or really even before that when I started healing my mother wound on social media. I thought my mom was mean, and jealous, and bitter all around just miserable. And you know what at a point in time she WAS. But that was not the whole story.
My mom was literally just like me an over giver with a big heart and no boundaries. She was what I would eventually turn into if I didn’t learn my worth and learn it quickly. A lot of times we be so afraid or confused when God calls us to remove people from our lives.
My mom was miserable and mean cuz she had become whoever had made her that way.
This full moon I implore you to cut off them leaches.
Or one day they will suck you so dry, you will be a hollow shell of your once vibrant self.
from Tunde’s heart 💚
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jlilycorbie · 9 months ago
Happy last STS before Halloween! What scares your characters? Feel free to keep this goofy, silly, fun or go serious and/or dark with it! Whatever Reese's your pieces. (Okay, I was trying to be funny there, but it's just ridiculous. 🤦‍♀️)
Happy STS (on a Thursday)! And happy pride! The queer communityh loves Halloween, so it's still appropriate, right?
I'll be honest, I've been thinking about this one for days, and I don't have good answers. For the fantasy WIP, I suspect Zaya is scared of something absolutely ridiculous that gets her affectionately teased, especially because she's the big bad monster hunter. But she's not telling what. Aleksani is scared of big animals. She's worked hard to make sure the big creatures from the taiga are being raised somewhere safe until they can return home, but that somewhere safe is conveniently far away from her. There aren't many big animals on the steppe, which may be part of why she made it her home away from home.
The other characters aren't talking either, but I've got basic ideas of what gets to them. Miyarki is somewhat afraid of the future, largely because she can't remember her past, but she knows she's in the wrong place around the wrong people and she's afraid she'll run out of time to fix it. Whatever 'it' is.
Nideszda is afraid she's disappointing the forest she lives in. The whole world is somewhat conscious, but the Nyctine Forest is particularly aware and active, and Nideszda is afraid it'll eventually reject her (it won't, she's a dramatic young person).
Tsinte is afraid of having to remember and afraid of having to face the past, her part in it, and what she might have to do to rectify it.
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stingscustom · 3 months ago
Help transform 25 acres into an LGBTQ+ refuge! - Every share counts—your voice matters. - Together, we can create a safe haven for our community. - Mental health matters—how are you supporting yours this week? Join us in this vital mission: - Spread the word. - Bring your friends along. - Let’s uplift each other and ensure everyone feels seen and valued. What would a refuge like this mean for you? Share your thoughts below and let’s start a conversation! #LGBTQRefuge #SupportNow #GiveBack #MentalHealth #WednesdayMotivation #HappyHalloween
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aremuorin · 2 months ago
How Labels Affect Straight Black Men Who Express Joy and Acceptance #RedefiningMasculinity #Aremuorin #CommunityHealing
Written by Aremuorin / Contact / Mailing List / Linktree / Latest Post  – Let’s Connect !!! Happy Black Men Defying Labels While the struggles of LGBTQ+ Black boys and men are profound, it’s equally critical to examine how the narrative impacts straight Black men who defy societal expectations of masculinity. These men are often labeled as “zesty” simply for expressing joy, showing brotherly…
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aanews69 · 6 months ago
Costco Apartments: Urban Planning's Bold New Frontier Embark on a voyage into urban planning's bold new frontier with "Costco Apartments: Urban Planning's Bold New Frontier." Delve into the revolutionary concept of living above a bulk-buying paradise. Picture this: 800 apartments on top of a fully functioning Costco, sprawling across five acres in Baldwin Village, South LA. Unravel the story behind this unprecedented development by Thrive Living, named 5035 Coliseum, and discover how it aims to create a diverse community with a mix of low-income, workforce, and market-rate housing. Immerse yourself in the intricate balance of convenience and community, as residents gain access to fresh produce and essential goods right at their doorstep. But this venture is more than just a novel idea; it’s a social experiment poised to address the housing crisis. Join us in exploring whether this model could be the future of urban living. Share your thoughts and engage with us—your feedback is wanted! Celebrate this innovative approach and its potential impact on urban spaces. #CommunityHousing #RealEstate #HousingMarket #HousingAffordability #UrbanStudies CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - ABC 7 Los Angeles Article 01:01 - Baldwin Village Housing Crisis 01:45 - 5035 Coliseum Project 02:28 - AB 2011 Legislation 03:26 - Applicability in Other Cities 04:39 - Costco's Role 05:29 - Big Picture Overview 06:34 - Closing Thoughts Subscribe👇: https://sub.dnpl.us/AANEWS/ - Want some Great Buys check out our List: https://bestbuys.vista.page/ #aanews, #aanews69, #news
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floatlif3 · 9 months ago
Promovăm wellness-ul pentru toți: Construim un refugiu de vindecare unde fiecare contribuție contează și fiecare persoană este apreciată.
Un spațiu dedicat meditației, artei, sportului și muzicii, unde fiecare poate găsi echilibrul și armonia interioară.
Prin linkul personalizat pe care il obții in calitate de colaborator câștigi 10% din donațiile strânse! Si oportunitatea de a colabora pe viitor ca organizator de evenimente la locația noastră!
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sophiepatel · 1 year ago
Hey beautiful souls! Mental Health is something we all navigate, and it's time to break the silence and stigma surrounding it. Join me on this journey of openness, support and understanding.
Let's build a community that uplifts each other. Connect with me at SophiePatel.Social and spread love, awareness and positivity.
Don't forget to tag a friend who needs to hear this!
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Infinite Ways of Connection w/God, Universe
When you do what you do, for the 'look' or others acceptance, or money, or status, you will inevitably find yourself changing, to align with the purity of you -
All are awakening - all have various speeds, integrations, and levels of growth the soul must go through - the soul have many eons of beliefs, density of perspective of self, divine, exploration with spirit, in nature, wildlife, the life within life, the infinite ways, that awakening shapes you to return with you - and all are at varying temperaments - none are equally at the same place vibrationally nor intellect of the light - for all connect with God within differently and meant to be -©
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When you do, create, offer, in any other way that is not authentic, or genuine - then you will inevitably return back to you - the center of you for that is the return of the sacred child and the sacred triad; all is our return to Oneness
All are responsible, accountable for their own space, bodies, fields, and realms - of becoming, healing, manifesting - there are divine blessings in all unique and sacred steps - some steps you will take alone, some you will take in tribe, some will be simply YOU AND GOD- this is the way of living in divine unity - nothing to fear - you are innate and infinite with the divine - all is God. ©
#ascension #liberation #oneness #unity #communityhealing
blessings and light
#ascension #enlightenment #awakening #healinghumanity #healingfamily #God #Source #healingabuse
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alpinezro · 1 year ago
still so embarassed that i got ahrah wrong . polease forgive me dust communityh
drew dust and ahrah. again. no surprise there
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honeyricemagic · 4 years ago
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