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i12go4god · 1 year ago
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swatmark · 2 years ago
Intercessions for Acts 11:19-end and John 15:12-17
The Church of Christ Lord, we pray for your Church worldwide. May it spread your word and love to all corners of the earth, crossing language, culture, and national boundaries. Strengthen us in times of difficulty and persecution, and help us to remain steadfast in our faith. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Creation, human society, the Sovereign and those in authority We pray for the

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lizdesouza · 5 years ago
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Eu vejo a amizade com os santos como uma amizade com alguĂ©m que conheço hĂĄ muito tempo, de pessoas que gostam das mesmas coisas e desprezam as mesmas coisas. Assim vejo minha amizade com Santa Teresinha. Eu a conheci em 1998, e desde entĂŁo ela tem ouvido minhas sĂșplicas, sendo companhia nos tempos difĂ­ceis e tambĂ©m nos tempos alegres. Com o tempo conheci a famĂ­lia inteira dela, especialmente seus pais. NĂŁo sei como vocĂȘs convivem com isso, mas tenho imagem dela, fotografias na parede, santinhos, e parece atĂ© que nascemos na mesma famĂ­lia. Com este desenho que sai atrasado (era pra ser pro dia primeiro, mas aqui tudo sai no tempo de Deus e nĂŁo no meu), hoje mando este desenho onde digo pra ela: “Que bom que hoje vocĂȘ veio jantar conosco”. Quem Ă© seu santo do coração? O que vocĂȘ diria se ele estivesse Ă  mesa com sua famĂ­lia? VĂ­deo com o processo no IGTV. #santateresinha #thereselisieux #procreate #procreatedrawing #houselife #housewife #communionofsaints #catholic https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KShDgg_UH/?igshid=10vooqypg27w9
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cissypc · 3 years ago
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#Catholic #communionofsaints https://www.instagram.com/p/CWWPLnSvLtG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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catholicwritergirl · 4 years ago
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When St. Therese joined her obscure Carmelite convent in Normandy, each person chooses a symbol to mark things they use. Therese chose a reed to mark her belongings as seen on her clog in the adjoining image. "The reed shall not break." Isaiah 42:3. Perhaps you are experiencing a life similar to Therese's: suffering, darkness, disease, and disappointments. Perhaps God is renewing you, too. Therese was easily wounded, being hyper- sensitive (that sounds like me), spoiled, and a perfectionist (that could be me, too, though I'm loathe to admit it). She had to learn how to accept each moment as a gift from God and grow from her disappointments. Like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, also now a named saint (although many called her such when she was alive), a dark night of the soul gripped her for over a year before she died. She was denied Holy Communion because she could not keep it down due to her tuberculosis. In her absolute emptiness, she shared her deepest teaching: "Everything is grace!" God taught her He is present within every breath, experience, joy, sorrow, disappointment. And pain. Without a doubt, He is using this time of Covid isolation to teach us similar understandings. We long for resurrection and new life. Recall Jesus' first appeared when the disciples locked themselves in the Upper Room out of fear. Most of us know fear right now... We may be afraid yet one with everyone and everything. Certainly we become more deeply aware and believe God dwells in each of us. We go within to become more alive, more whole. Oct. 1. The memorial of St. Therese, the apple of God's eye. Just like you. Link to my FB live to Therese. .https://www.facebook.com/authorchrismanion/videos/2868356993446546/ . . #thereseofLisieux #StThereseoftheChildJesus #Carmelites #communionofsaints #butfirstJesus #chrissautermanion #servantleader #Christconsciousness #Godspatientpursuitofmysoul #listenwithyourheart #catholicculture #Catholiclife #discipleshipisarelationship #listeningisagift #livesofthesaint #attitudeoftheheart #faithwriters #womensministry #unshakeablefaith #whydoesgodallowsuffering #mindfulnesspractice #findingpeacewithin #thelittleway #livesofthesaints https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0DfK0lHLF/?igshid=766awh6tnz8q
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wakingeve · 5 years ago
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Thoughts from Day 1 of our #RelicTour was majestic with a little impartation from the “Doctor of Grace” himself #StAugustineofHippo. Hoping to feel the encouragement as I follow in his footsteps of prolific writings of faith #CityofGod #Confessions. Teaching the kiddos about the tools of our faith to help empower them to be better saints = priceless #Sacramentals #Relics #Prayer #CommunionofSaints #HolyRosary #SpiritualBattleWeapons. Pondering the beauty of all the glory God deserves by human craftsmanship at its best - He deserves ALL the treasures of the earth for what He gave us #Gold #Incense #AnnointingOils. We ought to give Him everything good about us we have #OurBestVersionofOurselves. Only a Master Artist could totally understand true beauty #Perfection. Humanity has more to offer Him than rock bands and carpet stages #Cathedrals #Basilicas #Kingdoms #Nations #Poland. Excellence is godliness. The Nativity scenes are a beautiful reminder of the WONDER of this Season, which has only just begun for those who Believe #Epiphany and I’m just in awe of God’s love. Sitting in such a holy place you can just feel the portals of Heaven open around you. At any moment they could swallow you up - I want them to, but not yet #OpenHeaven #OpenGraves. This is the pull of the saints. A constant yearning for Heaven juxtaposed against Holy obedience for God’s perfect will #PursuitofHoliness #Sanctification. I don’t want to miss a step. I wish I could soak it all in but there’s more waiting for us. Our journey has only just begun... #FirstParish :: :: â€ïžđŸ’›đŸ’™ RELIC TOUR: 12 days, the holiest places in the US Northeast and Midwest, an 8 yo, a 7 yo, a pregnant lady and her saintly mother “Nanny”, 3,700 miles of Grace. #MakingMemories #LovetheOnesYourWith :: “Once while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the man's body into Elisha's tomb. When the body touched Elisha's bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet.” 📖 2 King 13:21 đŸ™đŸŒ Come, Holy Spirit đŸ”„ Kindle in us the fire of your love and we shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth! #PilgrimagetoEncounter2020 #WakingEve https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lisfcAgEC/?igshid=ts12nox0euct
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eirenically · 5 years ago
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The result of living out of a mythology of self and without grace, the grace of dignity – the truth of who I am, who you are, as uniquely imaging God – the result of living for the myth and not living in the grace of knowing my true worth 
 is shame. If each of us understands of what our relationship with God consists, If each of us let go of the mask that we made identity – cobbled together as a façade - our entire sense of worth is no longer in question; and there is no longer shame. But we have to have faith. Believe that the end is present because God is timeless, and God is near. In fact, God is among us. And we are not alone. “Everything in God’s universe is present-tense. Divine love transcends time and place.” In the Eucharist, taking communion, we remember. Today we remember – remembering the saints, in communion. And together dwell in this Cosmic Abode of the communion of saints. #vinitawright #communion #grace #allsaintsday #communionofsaints #paceofgrace #sanctification #reconcile #covenant #instrumentofpeace #womenclergy #feministpriest #feministpastor #nonbinary #inclusive #lovefirst #communion #paceofgrace #thepaceofgrace #argueitout #bewhoyouare #lovewashismeaning #reconciliation Fredric and Jane (Jennie) Whipp https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bgaxtAF9h/?igshid=1qnfb2ghuob5
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leoncoreultra · 6 years ago
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St. Francis #pope #saint #grandpa #beautiful #700 #10yearchallenge #challenge #learn #theology #communionofsaints #afterlife #soul #live #love #peace #standout #memorable #exemplary https://www.instagram.com/p/BtzOF4BhG1m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15lgz48ysc7pt
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smallbitesofthechurchfathers · 6 years ago
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Vigilantus had also argued against the lighting of candles. St. Jerome references the anointing of oil to show devotion to Christ as similar to candles. He also argues that candles are meant to represent the light of God that removes the shadows from the our paths. #communionofsaints https://www.instagram.com/p/BouaUXHAjET/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16z6a8y16gnci
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i12go4god · 1 year ago
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redhotrabbit · 8 years ago
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#marianfathers #catholicism #communionofsaints
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swatmark · 2 years ago
Intercessions for 2 Corinthians 13:11-end and Matthew 28:16-end
The Church of Christ Father, we pray for unity within your Church. May all members strive for restoration where there’s division, encourage one another, and live in peace. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Creation, human society, the Sovereign and those in authority We pray for leaders across the world. We ask that they be guided by a desire for peace and justice and lead with mercy and

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thegingersass · 8 years ago
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The woman who inspired me to take poetry 7 semesters in a row (and inspires me daily as a poetry teacher) has a book of poetry being released tomorrow by @paracletepress. I'm honored to have been given the opportunity to read SLM's words early. They're a cathartic release you won't want to miss. Be sure to preorder your copy on Amazon today! #communionofsaints #susanlmiller #poetry #poetrybook #paracletepress
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carmelitesaet · 6 years ago
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Feast of All Saints - November 1 How happy are the poor in spirit Seeing the crowds, Jesus went up the hill. There he sat down and was joined by his disciples. Then he began to speak. This is what he taught them: ‘How happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Happy the gentle: they shall have the earth for their heritage. Happy those who mourn: they shall be comforted. Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right: they shall be satisfied. Happy the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them. Happy the pure in heart: they shall see God. Happy the peacemakers: they shall be called sons of God. Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right: theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ‘Happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.’ [Matthew 5:1-12a] Follow us on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/carmelitesaet Download Lectia Divina at https://www.carmelites.org.au/lectiodivina #feast #allsaints #saint #carmelite #lectiodivina #jesus #scripture #gospel #christ #prayer #hope #faith #spirituality #peace #art #beauty #sacredart #veronikadimac #education #teaching #god #kingdomofheaven #saints #heaven #catholic #christianity #communion #communionofsaints #rejoice https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpf0x3hHNNM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o34m3c2nuhun
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smallbitesofthechurchfathers · 6 years ago
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The intercession of Moses often gained pardon for the Israelite nation, similar intercessions were granted Paul and Stephen. Can we really think their intercessions are less powerful when they stand before the altar of God with their prayers ascending like incense? #communionofsaints https://www.instagram.com/p/Bor3-vkguIh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xktrrg3lfpsa
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i12go4god · 1 year ago
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