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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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I just need to stylize the body a bit so I can work on the clothes and the hairstyle of the character (the real challenge jjeje) ... although doing the shape of the head I represent problems at the beginning, I learned a lot for future projects Solo me falta estilizar un poco el cuerpo para poder trabajar en la ropa y el peinado del personaje(el verdadero reto jjeje)...aunque hacer la forma de la cabeza me represento problemas, me ha servido mucho el aprendizaje para futuros proyectos... #handmadeplush #handmade #commisionplush #commissionslot3 #beybladecharacter #beybladekyoya #kyoyaplush #artisiancrafts #plushmaker #plush #plushie https://www.instagram.com/p/BzsGKSrJHa9/?igshid=496n454bty3z
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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In the "final lap" of this project, the details of the limbs are numerous but they should be the last details to be added ... apart from doing the character's braids well, I had to improvise them so that they did not get in the way of the other processes ... however ... with the pieces already made I want to assume that it will take less to attach them will be a more faster... jjejejej En la recta final de este proyecto, los detalles de las extremidades son numerosos pero debían ser de los últimos detalles en ser agregados...aparte de hacer bien las trenzas del personaje, las tuve que improvisar para que no estorbaran en el los demás procesos...en fin...con las piezas ya hechas quiero suponer que tardaré menos en anexarlas será un poco más rápido..jjejejej #handmadeplush #zhiibe #zhiibeplushie #Zhiibeskellcrodragon #plushmaker #handmade #commissionslot1 #commissionlist #commisionplush #patternsdevelop #plushiedeveloped #plushie #plush https://www.instagram.com/p/By993l0pWiu/?igshid=1k5k1atwcjfje
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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Lucario is finished ... the plushie was bigger than I expected ... jeje ... whatever ... this week I finish something tired, so maybe tomorrow Saturday or Sunday I will take the day ... no I am sure, I will take advantage of my rest day for some personal project, like make a plushie in a single day of the new initial pokemon ... which in this case I already did to Scorbunny ... what would it be good to do of the other two? ... in case I decide to do it ...Jeje Lucario esta terminado...quedo mas grande de lo que esperaba...Jeje...en fin, esta semana acabe algo cansado, asi pues tal vez mañana sábado o el domingo me tomare el día...no estoy seguro si, aprovecharé mi día de descanso para algún proyecto personal, como hacer un peluche de los nuevos pokemon iniciales en un día...que en este caso ya hice a Scorbunny ...cual seria bueno hacer de los otros dos?... #handmadeplush #handmade #plush #plushie #lucario #lucarioplush #chibipokemon #chibi #chibilucario #commissionslot7 #commissionlist #commisionplush #artisiancrafts #plushmaker #pokemon #pokemonplush #fightingtypepokemon https://www.instagram.com/magma_dragon9/p/Bv52uMFpxlI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nf0zx7pxgrs5
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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I know I had not published anything in these last days, this is because I was studying a bit the figure of the pokemon of the next slot and based on the assimilation to pass them to a "chibi" style and also trying sewing patterns, they are ready those of Banette and Whimsicott but I still have not decided well for lucario ...jeje Se que no había publicado nada en estos últimos días, esto debido a que estuve estudiando un poco la figura de los pokemon del siguiente slot y en base a lo asimilado pasarlos a un estilo "chibi" y claro probando patrones de costura, ya estan listos los de Banette y Whimsicott pero todavía no me decido bien para lucario...jeje #handmadeplush #handmade #patternsdevelop #banette #whimisicott #chibipokemon #lucario #pokemonplush #artisiancrafts #plushmaker #commissionlist #commissionslot7 #commisionplush #plushie #plush https://www.instagram.com/magma_dragon9/p/BvjA62EpgKe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16u9qhjgq6ux5
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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Banette partially finished ... I think I can still improve it ... whatever ...i just start making the Whimsicott...jeje jeje Banette parcialmente terminado...creo que todavía puedo mejorarlo...en fin...ya inicie con Whimsicott jejeje... #handmadeplush #handmade #plushie #plush #commisionplush #commissionlist #commissionslot7 #pokemon #chibipokemon #chibi #pokemonplush #patternsdevelop #artisiancrafts #plushmaker https://www.instagram.com/magma_dragon9/p/BvoSXM_pjDw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t2zxb521aiwx
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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Me esta gustando mas de lo que esperaba trabajar en este proyecto...como es costumbre he tenido dos intentos antes de hacer la cabeza, el diseño de personaje es de lo mas interesante de pasar a la tela, quiero acabarlo lo antes posible pero al mismo tiempo me gustaría disfrutar un poco más el hacerlo...esas bonitas encrucijadas jejje Se que me he tardado un poco en subir avances pero no me sentí muy bien un par de días...en fin... jeje Working on this project I liked more than I imagined ... as usual I had two attempts before making the head, the character design is the most interesting when building it in fabric, I want to finish it as soon as possible but at the same time I would like to enjoy a little more doing it ... those beautiful crossroads jejje  i know it took me a while to upload advances but I did not feel very well for a couple of days ... anyway ...jejje #handmadeplush #handmade #ocplushie #ocshaggy #ocshaggyplush #plushies #artisiancrafts #plushmaker #commisionplush #commissionlist #commissionslot6 #plush https://www.instagram.com/magma_dragon9/p/BvBikjhH4YQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bgaf0bbvxf8k
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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Testing sewing patterns for "Dib", I think I almost did it...jajaja Probando patrones de costura para "Dib", creo que ya casi lo tengo jejeje #commisionplush #handmadeplush #handmade #plushiedeveloped #patternsdevelop #dibinvaderzim #plushies #commissionslot4 #artisiancrafts #plushmaker https://www.instagram.com/p/BuDnsRPnVVJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qsfj55yyn2uz
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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It's already taking shape ... jejejje ... But as they say "the devil is in the details" but those details are almost ready...jeje Ya va tomando forma ... jeje... como siempre "el diablo esta en los detalles" pero ya casi estan listos...jaj #handmadeplush #plushcommission #birdfolk #Birdfolkpatterns #birdfolkplushie #birdfolk #handmade #commisionplush #artisiancrafts #plushmaker #Birdfolkzyankalie #patternsdevelop https://www.instagram.com/p/BtqFPIAHwVu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13qp9rm2qkdb4
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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Needs a lot of details, but as soon as I can finish the head as I want (mobile jaw) ... although it is the third tried... otherwise I think I'll have to make it simple ... I hope to solve it ... hehehe It is the hardest one that goes of the year hehe ... Le faltan muchísimos detalles pero en cuanto pueda lograr la cabeza como quiero (con mandíbula móvil)...aunque es el tercer intento...de lo contrario creo que tendré que hacerla simple... espero poder resolverlo....jejeje este es el más difícil que va del año jeje... #plushcommission #plushmaker #plushiedeveloped #patternsdevelop #scarfoxpattern #scarfoxUma #scarfoxplush #artisiancrafts #handmadeplush #handmade #plushmaker #commisionplush #commissionlist #commissionslot2 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAkn-indiA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d8256sh054ih
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darkivanov · 5 years ago
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Im still working on the wings and the remaining feathers ... they're not really difficult just laborious to make..jeje Todavía estoy trabajando en las alas y el resto del plumaje...no son realmente difíciles solamente laboriosas de hacer ...jeje #plushies #handmadeplush #hadmade #plush #Birdfolk #birdfolkplushie #Birdfolkpatterns #patternsdevelop #plushiedeveloped #plushmaker #commissionlist #commisionplush https://www.instagram.com/p/B4R2fczpIq_/?igshid=4dxryw77hcx4
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darkivanov · 5 years ago
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Going forward...jeje Avanzando jeje... #handmadeplush #hadmade #commissionlist #commisionplush #plush #plushie #patternsdevelop #plushiedeveloped https://www.instagram.com/p/B3G7Qpdpket/?igshid=l49lpcd3q1uq
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darkivanov · 5 years ago
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It is already taking shape, it still needs many details (ears, fur, tail, etc.), the tail is almost ready ... I am in the process of reinforcing the structure of the tail jejeje.... apart from the fur and the second layer(skin) Ya va adquiriendo forma, todavía necesita muchos detalles (orejas, pelaje, cola, etc), ya casi esta lista la cola...estoy en el proceso de reforzar la estructura de la cola jeje....aparte de el pelaje y la segunda capa.... #handmadeplush #handmade #artisiancrafts #reeceplush #reece #plush #plushie #commissionlist #commisionplush #patternsdevelop #patterns #plushiedeveloped #plushmaker https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Ytp4InJhU/?igshid=1wxegsph7rte4
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darkivanov · 5 years ago
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Ya solo falta la cola y unos detalles mas...generalmente los detalles pequeños son los que se llevan mas tiempo en hacerlos a comparación de las partes grandes ...jejje Only i just make the tail and a few more details ... generally small details are those take more time to make them compared to large parts ... jejjeje #handmadeplush #handmade #commissionlist #commisionplush #plush #plushie #patterns #developedpattern #plushiedeveloped #artisiancrafts #plushmaker https://www.instagram.com/p/B2BlckHJ9nM/?igshid=lwuekftf16dw
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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Ya va tomando forma...bueno cuando estén listos los brazos y la cola se vera mucho mejor, ya solo faltara el cabello y los calzoncillos...si, este personaje lleva unos jeje.... It's already taking shape ... well when the arms and the tail are ready will look better ... I just have to do the hair and the underpants ... yes, this character wears a underpants jejejeje #handmadeplush #handmade #plushie #plush #ocplushie #ocshaggy #ocshaggyplush #commisionplush #commissionslot6 #commissionlist #artisiancrafts #plushmaker https://www.instagram.com/magma_dragon9/p/BvECih0HkY5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g0oahaimayhu
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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Finally finished!! ... well I always say that and with a day or two I often to polish some details or things like that...jajaja... Por fin terminado...bueno siempre digo eso y con un día o dos tiendo a pulir algunos detalles o cosas por el estilo...jeje #handmadeplush #handmade #plush #plushie #chibaplushie #commisionplush #commissionlist #commissionslot2 #patternsdevelop #plushiedeveloped https://www.instagram.com/p/BsfNdGQny3D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e2a3unfi25dk
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darkivanov · 6 years ago
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It starts to take shape, I think tomorrow I can finish the head and wings for Wednesday I'll just work on the details ...jeje Apenas va tomando forma, creo que mañana podre terminar la cabeza y las alas para el miércoles solo trabajaré en los detalles... ja #handmadeplush #handmade #plushcommission #plushmaker #patternsdevelop #plushiedeveloped #commisionplush #commissionlist #commissionslot2 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsXkGjxHV3R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ijqd7k1sai55
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