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cristalknife · 2 months ago
WIP Folder Game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@myulalie tagged me and once you see the list you'll get why it took forever and one day for me to actually post it. Conveniently divided by fandom because that's how I keep track of them... There is some reason to my madness... What you see as chaos it's my order...
Dead boy detectives: 1. A Cat's Bitch [cricketcat] 2. Day 2 - Paul Rowland was actually a demon - Or Charles had been raised by a demon escaped from hell with the sole purpose of being sent to hell to take his place [payneland] 3. Every change you make (it's one small act of destruction)[payneland] 4. Bi-Charles Maurice [gen/payneland] 5. Open comm [payneland] 6. You Are The Most Important Person In The World To Me [payneland] 7. I was made for letters not for messages [Edwin char study] 8. St Hilarion Boarding School Secret Sorcery Society [payneland endgame] 9. Desire's friendship [Charles & Desire of the Endless] 10. Reverse verse ideas [payneland] 11. possession/shapeshifting [payneland] 12. I will stop playing nice [cricketcat] 13. Edwin's subspace [undecided] 14. premature ejaculation [undecided] 15. How to get adopted by two ghost dads [payneland, palasaki] 16. part fae Charles [payneland] 17. alpha x alpha [payneland] 18. Bad Touch [NonCon Esther/Charles]
Kinnporsche - The Series: 19. It’s, Not Like That For Us [TimeTay] 20. Making Dreams Come True [Chay centric, KinnPorsche] 21. Not so broken brotherly bonds - convo [unholy trinity (Kim & Khun & Kinn)] 22. PP-PorschePete Fighting For Love [PorschePete] 23. KIMCHAY angstfuck [Kimchay] 24. VP headpat [VegasPete] 25. VP Pete tearing up diamond [VegasPete] 26. VPT complementary clothes [VegasPeteTay] 27. Tay & Chay [Tay & Chay] 28. VPT [VegasPeteTay] 29. BigKimChay [BigKimChay] 30. KC -The Surprises of Magical Realities: Original 3 days timeline [Kimchay] 31. KC -The Surprises of Magical Realities: Porsche [Kimchay] 32. ArmKhun [ArmKhun] 33. VP domestic - Vegas is the head of the minor family [VegasPete] 34. KimPeteVegas [KimPeteVegas]
Love In The Air (thai): 35. I always wanted to become a CEO… [PaySky] 36. From the outside looking in [PayuSky, in the frame of the polycule RainPayuPaySky]
Glee: 37. WIP Should your family fall short mine will adopt you KAW134 In Lima [Kadam] 38. What if auditioning at the Winter Showcase came with its own rep currency? [Kadam] 39. Let's try this again - Kadam [Kadam] 40. “Yes yes I know I’m not a catch like you” [Kadam] 41. Save the last dance for me [Kadam] 42. dance me to the end of love [Kadam] 43. It’s Never Too Late To Choose Happyness [Kadam] 44. Already Too Late, A Little Too Early [Kadam endgame] 45. On my Own [Kurt centric] 46. Gift For Skarlet Mikaelis 666 [Kadam] 47. Gift For NikiJuly17th [Kadam endgame] 48. Faint away I'll always catch you [Kadam] 49. Come over here, and make me [Kadam] 50. Day 1 [Kadam] 51. kadam kitty's pov [Kadam]
NCIS: 52. unnamed Agent Afloat [Tony Dinozzo/Rodney McKay] 53. Too Late To Apologize [Tony Dinozzo/Rodney McKay]
Encanto: 54. She is my daughter / I'm thinking of my daughter [Bruno is Mirabel's father] 55. Papa Bruno angsty prompt [Bruno is Mirabel's father]
Shadowhunters: 56. Words are powerful… even more so when you're a warlock ~ Alec side Vol 1 [Malec] 57. Words are powerful… even more so when you're a warlock ~ Magnus side Vol 2 [Malec] 58. Wingo - Once he was introduced to the shadow world [Raphal/Alec] 59. Wingo - Rude Sequel [Malec] 60. Disrispect the living but hail the dead [dargon!Alec, pairing undecided] 61. Selkie!Alec [Selkie!Alec, pairing undecided] 62. no easy way out [Alec centric] 63. Life is a beach [Alec centric] 64. This wasn’t the price we agreed on [pre-Malec] 65. savior whisperer [Alec centric] 66. a broken heart leads to endless heartbreak [post breakup Alec] 67. Clave approved book of gray [Malec] 68. Magic tether snip [Malec] 69. The House Of Angst ~ Tell Me You Love Me, Even If It Is A Lie [pairing undecided] 70. The House Of Angst ~ Spine and Archer's Paradox [Alec centric] 71. The House Of Angst ~ The Dichotomy Of Touches [Malec] 72. The House Of Angst ~ Saphael ace platonic love bliss [Saphael] 73. The House Of Angst ~ Which way should I go, left where nothing is right, or right where nothing is left? Space Between [Alec centric] 74. The House Of Angst ~ It's all coming back to me [Vampire!Alec] 75. Tales Of Magic And Mahyem [Malec endgame] 76. We stay separate from the downworlder for good reasons [warlock!Alec] 77. Kings & Dragons [dragon!Alec, Malec] 78. Here There Be Dragons - Prompts [Malec with dragons bonded] 79. Lorenzo & Alec as family post 3.18 breakup 80. Winged Protectors ~ The Sands Of Edom Aweken [Malec] 81. having a child 82. Mini soulmates ~ Did I really drink that much last night? [Malec]
Tagging (no pressure and just if you feel like it) and making it a you problem 😹 : @cannibalisticcorpse, @littlechameleonguy, @angelonpoison, @coleslaww, @highpriestessofjogan, @voiidvagabond, @thefanficsmustflow and anyone else feeling to play ^w^
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