#commander fox x riyo chuchi
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lizartgurl · 1 year ago
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I fixed up an old foxiyo sketch and tried out a new painting technique. Fox takes his caff black because he doesnt have time to think about much else, but he's more than willing to take his time making Riyo's oat milk frappucino-cappucino to help her make it through another senate committee. He hasn't quite mastered any elaborate hairstyles yet, but she looks elegant with just the simple braid and the hairpin he found her at an underworld pawnshop.
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lilhawkeye3 · 18 days ago
“Listen, I know you’re busy but it’s important” for foxiyo
7. “I missed you” kiss — from this prompt list
Commander Fox x Riyo Chuchi • prompt masterlist
for my beloved @hrtiu, one of the reasons Foxiyo exists • divider by @saradika-graphics
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“Commander Fox?”
He looks up to see one of his shinies stood in the entrance to his office. They don’t flinch under his tired gaze, but he can see their posture become even straighter, if it even were possible.
“Report,” he says shortly. The interruption is unwelcome if it isn’t emergent. He has numerous forms to complete and approve considering his fellow commanders were currently deployed. The Corries were currently run by a one-man venture.
“The senator wished to speak with you urgently,” the shiny said. They strpped to the side, and any tension that had entered his body at the word senator quickly dispersed into the aether.
This wasn’t any senator’s demands. This was his senator.
The door slides shut behind her as she calmly steps into his office, something she’s done a hundred times before and, stars willing, will do at least a hundred times more. Her red silks are new, and suspiciously the color of his armor paint. The curved markings on her cheeks are the same comfort to see as always.
“Fox,” she says, eyes searching his face knowingly.
“Riyo.” Her name itself is an admission of guilt, for he cannot give her the time and passionate energy she deserves at this moment.
Her lips quirk up in a gently smile. “No need to worry. I know you’re busy, but I had an important message for you.” She rounds his desk as he watches her curiously, turning his chair to the side so she can come to stand between his legs. Her cool fingers gently brush against his warmer skin and help tilt his head upward, so she can lean down and press her lips against his.
A sigh escapes him without his permission. Riyo swallows it anyways, just as she always takes the best and worst parts of him into herself. She is his sanctuary.
“What was that for?” He asks her breathlessly when they finally separate.
Her golden eyes twinkle cheerfully. “I missed you. I just wanted you to know.”
He huffs a laugh, his hands coming up to rest on her waist instinctively. “The sooner I finish here, the sooner I’ll come to join you.”
“You know I’ll be waiting,” she replies.
He knows.
She is.
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enththeqqa · 1 year ago
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Fox and Riyo sketch
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countessofbiscuit · 8 months ago
For the Foxiyo prompts, could we have some snuggling? Something, anything, just disgustingly adorable x
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they’re so heart-shaped, it makes me unwell
thank you for the prompt 💗 (disgustingly cute inspiration)
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gingermaybel · 3 months ago
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Blue ladies and their commanders (commissions)
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mrs2224 · 1 year ago
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They were end Game. 💕❤️💜
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bossboudicca · 9 months ago
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☽ Riyo Chuchi ☾
full NSFW-ish version down below (with a little Fox!)
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i ship them and idk why
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ain't he cute
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muguathepapaya · 1 year ago
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for foxiyo week 2023, not with any theme, this is just all my brain offered me ;v;
continuing on coastguard!fox and rep!Riyo concept by @carrinth here
more from me here
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redroverrider · 2 years ago
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ahsokaanakinrexorobi-wan · 6 months ago
Anakin: so which clones here are married
*rex fox bly Cody and fives raise their hands:
Anakin: ok, well, we'll start with fox fox who are you married to
Fox: senator chuchi
Anakin: next fives
Fives: shaak ti
Anakin: seems that rex isn't the only one in the 501st who is married to a togruta
Rex: hey
Anakin: next up bly
Bly: aayla secura
Anakin: Cody
Cody: Obi-Wan
Anakin: ok so today we have rex tano fox chuchi fives ti Cody kenobi and bly secura
Rex: so fox what is with the weird face tattoos
Fox: it is something pantoran related I just agreed with riyo and her grandma put tattoos on my cheeks to represent that I am part of the chuchi family
Rex: oh ahsoka doesn't know her parents because she was kidnapped by the jedi order when she was 3
Anakin: she was not kidnapped she was taken to become a jedi
Rex: sure
*Obi-Wan walks in forces Cody to sit down and sits in Cody's lap*
Anakin: ah Obi-Wan so good of you to finely get here
Obi-Wan: yeah well I got lost
Cody: I was standing
Obi-Wan: not anymore
Anakin: now we just need shaak ti ryio ahsoka and aayla to get here
Ahsoka: *walks in* why the fuck is this building so hard to fucking find
Anakin: language
Rex: she is not going to use nice language
Ahsoka: rex
Rex: what
Ahsoka: *sits next to rex* you know what
Anakin: *drags a music box out of the back and makes it plays the song sincerely me*
Ahsoka: really anakin
Anakin: yeah Obi-Wan and Cody you get to sing until the other two get here
Cody: dear Evan Hansen we've been way too out of touch things have been crazy and it sucks that we don't talk that much but I should tell you that I think of you each night I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight
Obi-Wan: why would you write that
Cody: I'm just trying to tell the truth
*Obi-Wan and Cody continue to keep singing*
Ahsoka: anakin why did you pick a inappropriate song
Anakin: because I can
*Aayla and shaak ti walk in and look at Cody and Obi-Wan*
Aayla: bly what the hell is going on
Bly: I don't know
Shaak ti: fives we're out of tea again
Fives: how much tea to you drink
Shaak ti: a lot
Ahsoka: *pulls a bag of tea bags out of her pocket and tosses it*
Shaak ti: ah tea thank you knight tano
Bly: I don't even wanna know where that tea came from
Aayla: me neither
Ahsoka: I have 12 bags of tea bags on me at all times
Anakin: Obi-Wan and Cody are still singing
Obi-Wan and Cody: but not because we're gay no not because we're gay
Anakin: help please
Fox: ryio is not coming she fell asleep
Anakin: ok
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kotemf · 6 months ago
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fox and riyo but that scene from epic between Queen Tara and Ronin!!!
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Fox: looking after you is my duty
Riyo: is that the only reason you do it?
Fox: isn’t that reason enough?
Riyo: if that’s the only reason there is…
Fox: senator…
Riyo: yes…?
Fox: I’m not ticklish
Riyo: *laughing*
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year ago
I see people fighting about who to ship Commander Fox with and so I propose: ALL of them.
Fox is dating Riyo AND Quinlan AND Bail AND Breha. All at the same time. Just one big massive polycule.
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thestarwarslesbian · 2 years ago
Palpatine: Did you take out Quinlan Vos and Senator Chuchi as I requested?
Fox: Yes, at the same time as well.
Palpatine: Great! That’s even better. Now give me details.
Fox: It was a nice date.We had a romantic candlelit dinner at Riyo’s flat. We feel asleep watching Holomovies on the sofa. I feel alseep first and I woke up with them cuddling me. Palpatine: What? That’s not what I men- Fox: They both proposed before bed as well. Riyo is putting in the wedding venue application at her own town on her home planet. Which will make me a legal citezen there. Plapatine: But- Fox: here’s my registration letter. Plapatine, Has a heart attack: Fox: Welp. This no longer affects my life.
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countessofbiscuit · 18 days ago
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the Corries are red,
Riyo is blue,
it’s Valentine’s Day,
of course it’s these two 💗
full 18 + on twitter and Patreon 🫦
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hsal · 8 months ago
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Foxiyo In a different art style! These two are so cute oml. Fox has big dog energy
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