#coming up with a portmanteau for mukuro/mikuru will be harder
aparticularbandit · 1 month
Have dubbed the Junko/Haruhi ship Enoshimiya for tagging purposes.
Because I like that significantly better than Juhi, Harunko, and Suzumo.
(I suppose I could have made a portmanteau with Ryoko's name instead - Ryohi, Haruko (BIG NOPE), Suzunashi, Otomiya - but I still like Enoshimiya best of them. Ryohi and Suzunashi are cute. But I think Enoshimiya fits the character balance better; for all that Haruhi is Haruhi, Junko is running this ship.)
((Because SOMEBODY doesn't realize that Junko is Ghost Girl. And so probably has put herself in a love triangle. Except that both ends are the same person.))
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