#comfort matratze
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matratzen-universum · 3 months ago
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Matratze Comfort Plus Befresh – optimale Kühlung und Komfort für besseren Schlaf
Die Matratze Comfort Plus Befresh vereint innovative Materialien und durchdachtes Design für aussergewöhnlichen Schlafkomfort. Dank des speziellen Befresh®-Bezugsstoffs sorgt sie für optimale Temperaturregulierung und Feuchtigkeitskontrolle, wodurch ein kühles und angenehmes Schlafklima entsteht. Der hautfreundliche, thermoregulierende Bezug aus gestricktem Befresh®-Material passt sich ideal der Körpertemperatur und Feuchtigkeit an und schafft damit das perfekte Umfeld für ruhigen Schlaf.
Maximaler Komfort dank viscoelastischem Memory-Schaum
Das Herzstück der Comfort Plus Befresh-Matratze ist die 3 cm starke Oberschicht aus viscoelastischem Memory-Schaum mit Luftzirkulation, die sich ergonomisch der Körperform anpasst. Durch das selbstmodellierende Material wird die Druckbelastung optimal verteilt, was höchsten Komfort und Entlastung garantiert. Der Memory-Schaum passt sich millimetergenau der Körperkontur an, reduziert Druckstellen und fördert eine gesunde Schlafposition.
Effektive Stützschicht aus Kaltschaum Air Transpiration
Die 17 cm dicke zentrale Stützschicht besteht aus atmungsaktivem Kaltschaum ohne FCKW. Mit einer höhere Stützlastung bietet diese Mittelschicht die richtige Unterstützung und eine hohe Rückstellkraft für die Wirbelsäule, während sie durch die integrierte Lufttranspiration für ein angenehmes Schlafklima sorgt.
Luftzirkulation und hypoallergene Eigenschaften für ein gesundes Schlafklima
Die Comfort Plus Befresh-Matratze setzt auf zwei viscoelastische Memory-Schaumschichten, die die Luftzirkulation maximieren und Feuchtigkeit reduzieren. Dies verbessert die Belüftung und sorgt für ein frisches, trockenes Schlafumfeld. Der Bezug ist 4-seitig abnehmbar und waschbar und besitzt auf einer Seite ein Band aus perforierter Mikrofaser für maximale Atmungsaktivität. Hypoallergene Fasern in der Polsterung der Unterseite verhindern Allergene und sind ideal für Allergiker.
Zusammengefasst: Vorteile der Comfort Plus Befresh-Matratze
- Thermoregulierend und feuchtigkeitsregulierend: Der innovative Befresh®-Bezug fördert die Hautkühlung und Feuchtigkeitsreduktion
- Viscoelastischer Memory-Schaum: Anpassungsfähig und ergonomisch für individuelle Druckentlastung
- Kaltschaum-Stützschicht: Langlebige Stabilität und Rückstellkraft für die richtige Körperhaltung
- Optimale Luftzirkulation: Atmungsaktive Materialien für ein kühles, trockenes Schlafklima
- Allergikerfreundlich: Hypoallergene Eigenschaften für unbeschwerten Schlaf
Erleben Sie die Matratze Comfort Plus Befresh und geniessen Sie erholsamen Schlaf dank modernster Technologie und erstklassigen Materialien.
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ray935sworld · 2 months ago
What if he had been honest? (Chapter 1: Cuddles)
Established rosquez
What if SPN Motogp AU
27.12 winter writing
This is technically a WHAT IF AU to Valentino Rossi's academy of supernatural riders, but it is not necessary to have read the first part (I mean I'm happy if you do/ did but you're gonna get the story without it) The main difference is that Vale told Marc about him being a werewolf during his ranch visit in 2014 which caused their fallout to never happen.
A scratch on the door made Marc turn his eyes from his phone to the door. He watched it slide open but no one entered. At least no visible person but he heard steps.
4 at a time.
He grinned, when only a second later the big head of a wolf appeared infront of him.
"Hello my love" the Spaniard said as he petted the space next to him. He watched the large wolf quickly jump next to him on the bed and made his way over to him.
He stepped in between his legs and let himself fall down, which caused Marc to laugh. The wolf then dropped his head on Marc chest, squeezing his body around his laps. The weight felt like a blanket. The man immediately reached for his boyfriend and started to caress his head.
He was just typing a message to Alex, telling him about their weekend plans before sending a quick good might message. He knew his boyfriend well enough that he was knew that it wasn't good when Vale turned into a wolf to get cuddled.
Especially now that it got close between him and Lorenzo for the 2015 championship.
As soon as he was finished he put his mobile to the side and layed down flat on the bed. Both his hands went around his head and started to pet him. Vale had put his head on chest and had taken his place on top of him.
He closed his eyes when Marc kissed his forehead. "Hey my sweet, sweet love" he whispered. He felt him shiver. He heard him whine as he pressed closer. He was clearly in distress. He wasn't alright.
Slightly scared, Marc pulled him closer. It felt like he was cuddling an oversized puppy rather than a wolf that had been deemed dangerous by any others mind.
"You know how much I love you, right?" he asked slightly pulling his head up. He made Vale look at him. Not because he actually needed to look at him but because Vale had to look at him. He had to look at Marc's eyes and see that there was no anger or hate. There was only love.
"Please... I love you so much, Vale... There's no one beside you that could came even close to you... So no matter what's going on, I know we can deal with it. We will manage. Okay? You're amazing. You're the most perfect human on -"
A whine interrupted him. Long and loud. Deep and clean. Hurt. Marc knew since the ranch visit 2014 about his boyfriends secret. Since then he had been pretty good at detaching and understanding the signs he showed him as a wolf. That was clearly hurt.
He froze and stared at him for a moment. He needed a few seconds to recall the situation. He was talking. He had tried to comfort him, shower him in love. What had triggered his hurt? But there was nothing, except maybe...
"Wait is... Oh Vale" he hugged him closer and pressed another kiss to his forehead. "I don't give a fuck if you're a wolf or a human or whatever. I love you regardless. And I love your whole bunch of kids with weird tricks even if they sometimes scare the living shit out of me"
He felt Vale puff. It was like a mixture between a laugh and being offended. Marc decided that was a food sign.
"I'm being serious. I love you too much to care. Even if you'd be a wolf forever with no trace of humanity left, I would still do anything to keep you safe and I'd love you for the rest of my life. I'd make you the perfect forest and make sure you're always fed and warm... I'd get the boys to visit you and I'd be there to play with you whenever I'm around."
He slide more on the matratze and was now laying completly on his back, scratching Vale's ear as he spoke.
"You're the love of my life. I would let you go if that's what'd make you happy as a wolf and I would make this house wolf proof if you want to stay... And I would let you change me if you want to-"
He couldn't continue when a wolf tongue was dragged across his face. He couldn't help but laugh. He had already expected something like this. Marc knew that changining him was something he refused to do.
He didn't want him to be a werewolf. Vale wanted him to be safe from hunters and those that attacked the non humans. He wanted him to never feel the pain of a change or the twitch of tbe wolf underneath the skin in your every day life. He didn't want to risk anything separating Marc and Alex. Not when he knew how difficult it could be.
But Marc would do it. For him. If it meant being with him, he'd do it in a heartbeat.
"Yeah..." he agreed with the wolves protest. "Yes I know. I know, Vale you don't like the idea. But please understand... I can't - I will always want to be as close to you as somehow possible. Even if that means being a wolf. No, actually being a wolf seems like a small price if that means I can be with you."
Vale gave him another wolves kiss. "I know... I love you too" soon after that, they fell asleep
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alaskasmonsters · 4 years ago
Patch-Up | Levi Ackerman
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levi got injured and you clean his wounds and patch him up, feeling guilty about being the reason he got hurt.
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pairing: Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
w.c: 2.665
warning: very minor description of injuries, mentions of blood, Levi is kinda very soft in this one
a.n: i wasn’t actually planning to finish this so quickly, haha, levi i love you. also, i feel like he might kinda be ooc??? i just idk, maybe? i hope it isn’t too bad, though.
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A frustrated sigh left your lips as you inspected Levi’s face closer, trying to hide your concern about the head wound and the now dried-up blood that marked a trail from the man’s hair line down to his chin.
He’s been hurt during your fight against Kenny and his guys, hitting his head horribly at one point during, leaving a nasty cut behind.
You already felt bad about that, since it was kinda your fault he hit his head in the first place, as he had to protect you in a moment you weren’t entirely focused and would have certainly died if Levi hadn’t swooped in and saved your ass.
It didn’t help that Levi’s eyes, who were usually set in a cold and unbothered glance had grown softer, which smoothened out the frown he almost always wore on his face.
It was terrifying.
You hoped the man didn’t have a concussion because of your stupidity.
“I’ll clean the wound,” you mumbled weakly, repeating words you’ve already said once to remind yourself to keep moving towards him.
You were hyper aware of the captain’s eyes on you and the way the matratze softly bounced as you sunk down on the bed beside him. You reached for the bucket with fresh water and the cloth hanging off it and noticed in horror that your hands were shaking.
Calm down. It‘s only a little blood.
Dipping the fabric into the water and wringing it out you tried to focus your attention on calming your breath, scared Levi would notice you panicking and get annoyed by your sensitive nature as he once called it.
As you were sure your heart rate had slowed you turned again, sending the brunet a small smile, hoping it looked reassuring, as you moved the cloth to start cleaning around the area of the eyes first, so he could see again.
Your hands were still shaking, you noticed bitterly, but you tried your best to make it seem like it was fine.
A hand then took hold of your wrist in a surprisingly soft manner, holding your arm in place.
You froze in surprise, eyes glancing up to find Levi staring at you. His gaze studying you calmly.
“I‘m okay,” he said.
You averted your eyes, biting your lips.
So he had noticed.
Of course.
He was way too observant to miss your fidgety movements and shaky breath. You should probably be more surprised about the soft tone of his voice and the absent annoyance in his features.
„I know,“ you assured, trying and probably failing at putting a tone of certainty in your voice.
Levi studied your face once more, before he gave a slow nod of approval, letting go off your wrist again.
You hoped he didn’t see you visibly relax after he did.
Quickly, you went to work and started cleaning off the dried blood from beneath his left eye first. That proved itself more difficult than you had expected as the constant weight of his eyes on you made you feel nervous and short-breathed.
Silence fell between the both of you, the only sound being your breathing and the occasional water splashing, when cleaning off the rug.
“Close your eye,” you ordered as you had removed all the blood from his cheek.
Levi did what you told him without complaining, closing his eye while he continued watching you out of the other in the meantime.
You clenched your jaw, slowly growing frustrated by the eerie silence between you two and Levi’s uncharacteristic calmness.
Not that he usually screamed at you, but the aura of annoyance that enveloped humanity’s strongest most days, especially when interacting with you it seemed, had disappeared.
It kinda scared you.
His persistent glance on you, now out of two eyes again as you moved to clean off the cloth, would have felt more comfortable if he’d just rolled his eyes once in a while.
It almost seemed like he was expecting you to do something, or hoping maybe. Although you had no idea of what that could be.
Slowly the silence was growing heavy for you, the urge to fill it with words becoming unbearable. So when you turned back to move on to his forehead, softly brushing dark strands of hair out of his face you said the first thing that came to mind.
“I‘m sorry.“
The familiar frown appeared on his face again and your heart jumped in your chest.
“What are you talking about?“
You shrugged, trying to focus your attention on your task at hand instead of letting your eyes shift back to his.
“I was being stupid and didn‘t pay attention and you had to save my ass...now you‘re hurt,” you whispered, words dripping with guilt.
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes and you cursed yourself at being so hypersensitive. Levi hated when you cried about stupid shit, he hated it when you were being dramatic.
You bit your lips, forcing the tears back down.
„Tch. It wasn‘t your fault your ODM gear malfunctioned, brat.”
Levi did finally sound annoyed (his voice still had that soft nuance to it, though, so it didn’t completely count).
“If I wasn't distracted that moment, I wouldn't have been almost sliced up by one of Kenny’s guys despite my malfunctioning ODM gear and you wouldn’t have had to swoop in and save my ass and then you never would have gotten hurt...” i explained, hands moving faster to rub the blood off of his skin as my voice rose in frustration.
If you had only been able to save face, keep calm and not fall into utter panic the moment something didn’t work out as you had expected it, too. Then this would have never happened.
Levi was right. You were irresponsible and childish and hot headed and...
A cold hand snuck around your wrist once again, squeezing your skin once, twice. Your hand stilled. Turning your face away, you bit your lip in frustration.
You had been told often, by almost everyone you’ve ever gotten to know throughout the years with the Survey Corps, that you wore your heart on your sleeve. Some found it endeatring, calling you soft hearted and gentle, while others were (rightfully) scolding you for it, saying you’d never make it far in this kind of profession when you weren’t even able to hide your frustration with the smallest things.
Armin, one of your new recruits, had once told you you had an honest face. Said it was the reason many people trusted you, since they knew you couldn’t hide your lies or insincerities as easily as others.
Levi had told you many times that it was your biggest disadvantage and he was right. You’d never be able to rise in the ranks, never would be declared the leader of a squad or trusted in a position with responsibility. After all, nobody wanted to take orders from someone who couldn't hide their fear, anger, frustration or sadness.
You almost expected Levi to scold you for it once again, grip your wrist and tell you, no, order you to get a grip, not to let anybody see your weakness...
He didn’t.
“I told you, it wasn‘t your fault,” he told you sternly as his thumb softly stroked the inside of your wrist.
Your brain so gracefully short-circuited at the action and unwillingly, as if you were pulled towards a magnet, your eyes were drawn back towards Levi.
His facial expression was just as monotone as usual, but his eyes, they were different still. An emotion you couldn’t quite grasp hidden just beneath the surface. You didn’t know what exactly it was, but it made your heart flutter.
“I‘m still sorry though,” you protested weakly, smiling a little, hoping it would ease the thick tension.
Levi continued to study your face in silence for a few seconds before he finally let go, with a roll of his eyes and a scoff.
You could hardly hide the feeling of triumph that gave you.
You grinned at him, turning your attention back to his wounds.
You hadn’t even noticed how long you’d already held his hair back, cradling his head in your hand.
The realization made your cheeks glow and you quickly sneaked a look at the man but noticed thankfully Levi had either not noticed or decided not to comment.
You went back to your job, chest a little lighter.
When you were finished cleaning off all the dried off blood you took a closer look at his injury. Despite the vehement blood loss the cut in his skin was relatively small. It didn’t even need stitches, although it might leave behind a bump, considering the velocity he had hit the roof with on his way down.
You sat back on your hackles and raised your finger. You gave Levi a stern (or hopefully stern) glance as you told him to follow your movements.
“Don‘t be an idiot, i don‘t have a concussion.”
You gave him a pout, unmoving as you eyed him stubbornly.
Judging by how easily he gave in, indicated by a sigh and another roll of his eyes, your worry might be justified.
You started moving your hand slowly and Levi followed the movement for a while, sending you a glare when you started drawing circles and spirals into the air.
You just gave him a grin.
“Okay, any dizziness? Headaches?” you asked.
“Why need a headache when you‘re around?” Levi answered sarcastically.
Seems like he was alright enough to be a little shit, then.
“Don‘t insult the person who‘s been cleaning blood off of you for 10 minutes!“
Now the only thing left to do was patching up his head, Thinking about it, a bandaged head would probably only add even more to his already above average appearance.
You started applying the cloth, carefully wrapping the material around his head. Levi endured your slow process like a champ.
You peeked at him from time to time, making sure the man had no complaints. He was very precise and hated sloppy work and you didn’t want him to think of you as unfit to fix him up. After all you had been the one offering, no, persisting to take a look and you didn’t want him to regret giving in to you.
“Stop looking at me like that, brat.”
You frowned, glancing down at him again.
“What? I don‘t know what you mean. I‘m not looking at you in any specific way.”
The corners of his lips moved up slightly, close enough to resemble a smile and your breath stuttered at the unfamiliar action. Your eyes were pulled towards them, the soft curve of his mouth was strangely captivating to you.  
“It‘s the way you‘re always looking at me,” he explained with a teasing tone and his smirk widened a little, making him look less and less like the Levi you’ve talked to every day.
Your face flooded with heat and you quickly snapped up your eyes, to no longer stare at the man’s lips (yes, you had been staring, how embarrassing) but instead into his eyes.
Big mistake.
The amused glint you found there made your face flush an even darker shade of red.
You could curse yourself and that you were once again acting like a smitten teenager instead of a soldier in front of your captain.
Trying to gloss over your embarrassment you shook your head, scoffing softly. Then you focused your attention on finishing your work with the bandage.
“I don‘t look at you any differently than I look at other people,” you declared in frustration.
He laughed. Levi Ackerman, emotionally stunted Levi Ackerman laughed. It was quiet and breathy, more likely a chuckle, almost inaudible, too.
But it shook you to your core.
“You have no issue declaring your love to me multiple times a day, but now you‘re getting shy?“ he asked in amusement, cocking his head to the side.
You huffed.
He wasn’t wrong, you were awfully direct with your affections towards the captain. Just like you couldn’t hide your emotions when it came to your face, you were horrible at concealing them in general.
How could you not comment on his strength and attractiveness when it was a blatant fact. Although you often did it in a joking manner, teasing Levi for having the prettiest face in the Survey Corps and acknowledging his skills with the ODM gear.
It wasn’t fair he was using this against you now.
“Shut up!” you grumbled, pulling at the cloth to straighten it out again.
Levi did shut up, although the smile didn’t fall from his face and his eyes watched you work with interest.
You finished quickly, partly because his gaze on you was nothing short of unsettling, partly because you hoped you’d get away before he started full on teasing you.
You couldn’t quite hide your frustration (as already established) and let out an exasperated groan.
“And stop smiling!” you warned, not sure where you’ve gotten the courage to do so.
Levi followed your movements as you picked up the bucket and brought it across the room to empty its contents into the sink.
“Is my smile bothering you? Didn‘t you say i should smile more?“ he asked in confusion.
“Yeah, but just in general. Not when i‘m in the room!“ you corrected him halfheartedly.
The chuckle you got in response made your brain short circuit once again.
How the fuck was this man so hot?
”Any specific reasons as to why, brat?“
You could only speak of luck that your back was turned towards Levi so you could hide the traitorous shade of red your face must be spotting at this moment. There would have been no denying it if the captain had chosen to comment on it.
Knowing him, he would have.
“Shut up.”  you protested again, subtly raising your hands to your face to cool your cheeks a little.
You couldn’t see his face this way but you were sure that Levi put his newfound ability of a smile, maybe even a smirk, judging by the goosebumps you felt on the back of your neck, to use.
While you were busy washing the bucket, Levi got to his feet to study your work in the mirror by the cupboard. He took a few seconds, and you believed he must be sorting the criticism he had by fatality, starting with the least life threatening mistake you made and moving on to the most hard hitting insult.
Despite what you had thought he gave his reflection a satisfied nod.
Okay, what?
“Decent job, brat,” he complimented and yes you might have combusted that moment.
You turned back to the sink, a satisfied smile growing on your lips. Your stomach felt all fuzzy and warm at Levi’s praise.
You didn’t notice the captain approach, only noticing his presence when he was already leaning into your personal space, whispering a soft “Thank you.” into your ear. His hot breath fanned over sensitive skin and you froze in your movement.
To torture you or maybe he didn’t get enough fun out of the situation already, he then proceeded to plant a small kiss to the corner of your lips, missing just enough so it wouldn’t count as a real kiss, before retreating again.
He left the room as if nothing of importance had just happened, leaving you behind, frozen in your spot and heart hammering in your chest.
Levi was already gone when you were able to shake yourself out of the shock.
You carefully touched your cheek, the ghost of a sensation of soft lips against your warm skin still prominent. The memory of him lingering for just a second too long now fresh on your mind.
A huge grin split your face, the urge to jump on the bed and hug your pillow while giggling manically overcame you out of a sudden.
You really were acting like a smitten teenager.
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leedongwook · 5 years ago
5 times TK still struggles with his health after his accident + 1 time he’s fully healed  ❤️ 
Read it on Ao3
For @5021george
TK feels warm. There’s a light weight resting on him but he feels comfortable. His eyes feel heavy and he can hear his own heartbeat in his ears. He feels like he’s floating.
There’s muffled noises around him and something - someone - nudges softly on his arm. He tries to concentrate and make out what the person is saying, he’s so tired though.
The hand on his arm is softly rubbing his shoulder now. He moans a bit, can’t get himself to open his mouth. He tries to blink his eyes open but they still feel too heavy.
“You awake now, son?”
It’s his father, he realizes and he really wants to open his eyes.
“Carlos is downstairs, are you up for a visitor?”
That gets TK’s attention and he pries one eyelid open. His father’s face appears in front of him.
“-at time i- it”
His words come out weird and TK lets out a frustrated sigh. He’s been home for almost a week now but he doesn’t seem to get his body to function properly again. The doctors said that he needs patience and that sadly the lack of oxygen while his lung had collapsed would give him some troubles. But with patience and some practice he should be back to normal.
His dad raises an eyebrow and looks worried at him.
“You ok, kid?”
TK nods and looks over to the clock on his night stand. It’s in the afternoon. He’s slept all morning and through lunch. He actually had plans today and he’s disappointed that he didn’t even made it out of bed.
“Are you hungry? You missed lunch?”
TK pulls the blanket under his chin and frowns.
“Not -ungry.”
Right in time his stomach rumbles and his Dad laughs.
“Tell that to your stomach. I’ll send Carlos upstairs with some food, ok?”
TK’s voice sounds rough and he coughs a little.
“And some more water.”
He ruffles through his son’s hair and leaves the room. God, TK feels like a child all over again but he can’t help it, he feels so incredibly tired all the time. According to the doctors it’s normal after being in a coma but TK is annoyed because he wants to get better.
He moves his body around slowly to lie on his back. His limbs still feel heavy and tired. His shoulder is still a bit sore and stiff. Physiotherapie is planned for the weekend but Tk doesn’t know if he’ll be able to move at all. He sighs and puts his arm over his eyes. He welcomes the darkness and lets himself slip away for a bit.
Suddenly there’s movement on his bed and he can feel the matratze moving down under his hip. Something is pressing against his side.
His eyes pop open and Carlos is sitting next to him on the bed.
“Hey sleeping beauty, brought you some food.”
Carlos smiles and it’s infectious. He looks gorgeous like this and TK missed his beautiful smile. His boyfriend’s smile. It’s still all so new and it still makes his heart tingle when he thinks about it. Carlos is his boyfriend.
“How are you?”
Carlos leans over and kisses him on the forehead.
“Good yeah, just sleepy.”
Carlos grins.
“I can see that, it’s afternoon and you’re still in bed.”
TK scoffs but pats the over man’s knee, which is softly resting against his hip.
“You want some food or water?”
Carlos hands him the water bottle and he takes a sip. The cold water running down his throat feels good. He sometimes still gets phantom pains or has a weird feeling in his throat. It’s from the ventilator he was on for a while.
“How was your shift?”
TK asks and takes the other man’s hand to rub over his knuckles softly.
“It’s been quiet but Mark -…”
Tk sees the other man’s mouth move and his eyes sparkle when he talks about his day. The younger man keeps on watching him. Carlos words are turning into one muffled sound. His eyelids drop close but he opens them again. The other man is still talking but Tk can’t hear anything. His mind is tired and foggy all of a sudden. He’s just gonna close his eyes for one second. The other man’s hand lies softly in his and he feels good and safe.
He doesn’t know how much time went by but suddenly he has the urge to open his eyes again. He pops them open quickly and finds Carlos still sitting next to him, typing something on his phone.
“Shit, did I fall asleep on you again?”
He has to concentrate on his words.
Carlos looks up from his phone and smiles.
“Yeah, it’s ok tough. Don’t worry.”
TK rolls his eyes and frowns.
“I’m sorry.”
Carlos softly cups his cheek with his hand and lets his finger run along the younger man’s jawline.
“Your body is tired babe. You just need a bit more rest.”
“Yeah I know but I wanna be with you.”
He feels sad because he can’t be as active with Carlos as they usually are. Carlos turns around and starts taking his shoes off. Followed by his jeans and shirt.
“What are you doing?”
TK looks confused at his boyfriend.
“Resting with you, what else.”
Carlos walks around the bed and lifts up the blanket so he can slip under it. He shuffles closer to TK and the younger man can feels his chest against his back.I It’s nice. Carlos chin is finding it’s way on the spot between his shoulder and neck. He can feel his breath on his skin and his arms are embracing him. It’s comfortable and warm.
“Sleep babe, I’m here.”
“Are you sure you’re fine to walk over to Judd and Grace and get them the eggs TK?”
His father hands him the eggs and has this worried look on his face again. TK rolls his eyes and takes them out off his hands.
“It’s just down the road and some fresh air would do me good, right.”
He still has those bad headaches once in a while and his shoulder is still stiff and sore. Moving sometimes costs him so much energy he doesn’t want to move at all but his physiotherapist said he as to move those limbs to get his strenght back. A quick walk over to Judd’s house will surely help.
“But take your phone with you, ok?”
TK waves his phone in front of his Dad’s eyes and puts it in his jeans pocket. He grabs his keys and walks out of the house. It’s late afternoon and already getting darker outside. The air is a bit chilly and TK thinks he should have brought his jacket. It’s a 15 minutes walk to the Ryder’s house and he can walk across the park. He enjoys the quiet and fresh air. Sometimes his head is still so full of things he can’t sort them and everything gets too much. Still an after effect of the shooting. Today was one of those days where he couldn’t get his brain to stop and he felt exhausted since he woke up this morning. It was hard to concentrate on things so he counted the trees he passed till he was at the Ryder’s house.
He walks over to the door and pushes the door bell. It takes a couple of seconds and Judd is the one to open the door.
“Hey kid, you alright?”
Judd gently bumps his shoulder and smiles. TK stumbles a bit but steadies himself again. Judd looks apologeptic at him.
“Yeah m’ good. Here’s the eggs.”
He holds the eggs towards the older man when suddenly a truck drives by and the exhaustpipe backfires. TK freezes on the spot, the sound of the car rattling through his body. He can’t breath and his chest is stinging. His arm goes numb and he watches the eggs falling to the floor. They shatter and spill all over the entrance. He looks at them in trance but then his vision goes blurry and he can see black dots dancing in front of his eyes. He can see Judd moving in front of him, but he can’t hear anything. It’s loud in his head and his eyes are searching for the gun, the gun that hit him, right in the chest. He doesn’t want to see it though so he squeezes his eyes shut. He grips his hoodie tight on his shoulder, his fingers trembling against the material. He can’t control his breathing anymore and he feels like suffocating. There’s suddenly this iron taste in his mouth and he feels like throwing up. He can hear someone scream and he realizes that it’s him. He’s screaming.
“Hey, hey hey TK. No don’t.”
There’s arms touching him, guiding him down on the floor. Another hand finds it’s way on his face.
“God, you need to breath kid. Breath with me.”
He knows that but he can’t, it’s all too loud and his chest feels too tight. His shoulder hurts and he just wants to disappear into the darkness.
His hand is guided somewhere and he can feel a rising and falling movement against it.
“Copy my breathing TK, in and out. You can do it.”
Yes he needs to breath and he’s trying but his chest hurts really bad. He wants to say something but his mouth feels numb.
The other man’s hand grips his hand tigher, not letting go.
“Yes you can. In and out. In and out.”
TK tries to focus on the hand now, tries to get air in and out like Judd says.
He doesn’t recognise his voice, it’s only a whisper and he almost chokes on the words.
“There’s no gun TK, you’re safe. You’re at Grace’s and my place. Open your eyes kid, look at me. You’re safe.”
He’s scared though and doesn’t want to open his eyes, but he knows he can’t stay like this and he trusts Judd with his life.
His chest moves up and down now and he feels finally that air reaching his lung. His heart is beating wild and pressing against his chest. He slowly pries his eyes open. His vision is still blurry but he can see Judd crouching in front of him. He’s still holding his hands. He’s got tears in his eyes and TK suddenly feels bad for scaring the other man.
He blinks a couple of times and he can see the other man clearer now.
“You with me now, kid?”
TK lets out a loud breath and slowly nods.
Judd still keeps TK’s hand on his chest to help him feel his breathing rythm.
TK feels ashamed and lowers his head to avoid the other man’s eyes.
“-m, sorry.”
“Hey, hey,” Judd grabs his chin and moves his head up. ”Please don’t apologize. The car backfiring triggered you, didn’t it?`”
TK nodds again and suddenly feels incredibly tired and exhausted.
“I’m tired of being weak and scared.”
A tear rolls down his face.
“I know, I know, bro. Did you consider seeing a therapist about it. I know I was bragging about it when your Dad sent me to one, but I guess it would help you, too?”
“Yeah. Maybe.” TK lets his shoulders slump down.
“Come here.”
Judd leans over and pushes TK into a hug.
“It’s gonna be alright kid, it’s gonna be alright.”
TK stands in his room in front of the mirror. He looks at his shoulder and sees the ugly scar staring back at him. It’s healing nicely but the skin is still red and his shoulder and arm still hurt sometimes when he’s moving it. He puts some creme on it and a new bandage.
He grabs his shirt from the bed and puts first one and than the other arm through the holes. Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his shoulder and he can’t move his arm anymore. He’s stuck in the T-Shirt half way over his head and arm. He curses loudly and tries to get his arm down but he can’t.
“Oh come on.“
He’s frustrated and tears are spilling into his eyes. He feels pathetic, he can’t even put his own shirt on. It’s been two weeks now since he’s out of the coma and at home. He knows he needs to be patient, especially with his shoulder and arm. It should make a full recovery, the doctors at the hospital had said, but only if he gives it time. He started physiotherapy on the weekend but the pain was too bad they only could do small excercises and TK got even more frustrated. He knows he might be pushing himself too hard but he really wants to get better quick. 
He suddenly wishes he could just pop in some painkillers and make the pain go away. The moment he realizes what just went through his mind, his hands start to shake. He doesn’t have to urge to take anything, but the thought was just there.
Suddenly there’s noises coming from downstairs.
He yells as loud as he can, hoping his Dad hears him and can help him with his shirt. He can hear footsteps on the stairs and feels relief wash over him.
“TK? Where are you?“
The voice doesn’t sound like his Dad and he’s confused.
“I’m in In my room.“
The voice comes closer.
“Your room, that is where?“
He notices now that it’s Marjan and he hastily tries to get his shirt down but it’s no use, his shoulder and arm are still stuck. He sighs.
“Second door on the right.“
Seconds later Marjan sticks her head into the room. She smiles but stops in her tracks when she sees the younger man struggling with his shirt.
“Hey, you ok?“
She walks closer.
“I kinda got stuck and my shoulder cramped. I can’t move it and get the shirt over my head and arm.“
TK blushes a bit. He’s still half naked and by now shivering from being in the same position for a while.
“Wait, let me help you. Can I touch you?“
TK just hums in agreement.
There’s fingers on his shoulderbalde now, rubbing circles on it. It feels good and TK feels himself relax a bit more.
“This might sting a bit but wait for it, k?!“
Marjan pushes on a spot on his shoulderblade and his knees almost buckle under him. The woman grabs him under his armpits to hold him upright. His shoulder stings but suddenly he feels the pain ease. Marjan runs her fingers over his arm and grabs his wrist.
“Right work with me, do it slowly, ok?“
The woman pulls the shirt down and TK can finally see her. Together they slowly ease his his arm down.
“There you are.“
She smiles at him and gently rubs his shoulder.
“You good now?“
TK blows out some air and rubs on the bandage on his chest. The pain is still there, in his shoulder but it’s dull. He carefuly tries to flex his arm and it works without too much pain.
“Yeah, thanks, I’m sorry.“
Marjan shakes her head and laughs.
“It’s nothing.“
Suddenly a phone is ringing and the woman walks over to her handbag and gets her phone out. The handbag falls out of her hand though and the stuff from inside spills out on the floor. 
There’s a pill bottle rolling towards TK and comes to an halt right in front of him. Without thinking much he crouches down carefully and grabs the pill bottle. He reads the label and takes in a sharp breath. His mind wanders back to that day and a shudder runs down his spine. It’s the same pills. He’s gripping the pill bottle tight.
There’s a hand around his own now and he realizes that Marjan stands in front of him.
“You ok there, TK?“
He looks up and sees that the woman looks worried.
He lets go oft he pill bottle immediately, like he’s been burnt by it.
“I didn’t want … I …“
He can’t get the words out and swallows hard. He watches Marjan put the pill bottle away, quickly.
“I know, it’s ok. Do you want me to call your Dad?“
TK shakes his head, he doesn’t want to worry his dad. And nothing really had happened, right. He would talk in his therapy session tomorrow about it though. He scared himself a bit.
Marjan walks over to his side and puts an arm around his shoulder.
“My shift is over, why don’t you come with me and I’ll cook us something nice. Put some meat on those muscles again. And we could watch a movie, but I choose which one.“
She squeezes at his upper arm and gestures over towards the door.
“Yeah, that’d – that’d be nice.“
Marjan nods and grabs his hand but he stops her before she starts walking.
“Thank you Marj. Thank you.“
She gives him her biggest smile, the smile he loves so much. She’s like the big sister he’s never had.
“I got you, little bro.“
Tk’s been staring at this book for half an hour now. It’s not that much pages but it lies heavy in his lap. Ten minutes ago the letters started dancing in front of his eyes and he couldn’t concentrate any longer so he just keeps on staring at them to make sense out it. He’s not allowed back to work yet, his shoulder and chest still healing. The nightmares are better and the sessions with the therapist and physio help a lot but he’s still not fully back on track. He’s still got problems to concentrate for longer, his brain shutting down on him sometimes. He catches himself doozing off or he’s zoning out. The doctors say it’s an after effect of him being starved of oxygen for a bit. With time things should get better though. The thing that TK frustrates the most is that his speech sometimes fails and he can’t get the words out.
He decided to visit the team today because he’s sick of hanging around at home. They were happy to see him but as soon as he was there they had an alarm and they went out on a call. 
His father shoved a book into his hands before leaving. It’s a new manual about something, he hasn’t figured out yet.
He sits on the couch with Buttercup lying next to him. He sighs and closes the book. He lets his head fall back on the couch and he puts his arms over his eyes.
“Any luck with the book? It’s frigging boring, but don’t tell Cap I said that.“
TK startles, he didn’t even hear the team coming back. He must have totally zoned out. He looks up at Mateo who grins at him.
“I couldn’t even really start it, my brain’s still to jumbled.“
He sighs again and leans over to pat Buttercup on the head. It calms him down.
Mateo walks over to him and sits down next to him.
“Hey, don’t give up. I know how hard it is when the brain doesn’t want to cooperate with you.“
TK remembers that Mateo is dyslexic and always has troubles to read or concentrate for too long. He feels a bit bad now that he’s complaining because his brain should be back to normal soon but Mateo lives with his illness.
“Sorry, Mateo.“
Mateo shakes his head and puts a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s ok, I get the frustration. Just give it a bit more time. Doc’s said you’ll be fine yeah?“
Mateo gets up and points over to the rest rooms.
“I should get a shower.“
TK watches the other man disappear to the showers. He pats Buttercup again but then gets up and grabs the book. Maybe a scenery change might help him concentrate better. He makes his way out to the hall where he bumps into his father.
“Hey, TK, you heading off?“
“Yeah gotta get this into my head somehow.“
He starts walking but his father grabs his shoulder and looks at him with worry.
“Are you ok?“
The younger man sighs and scratches at his chin.
“Trouble concentrating.“
Owens face goes soft and he rubs at his sons’s arm.
“There’s no rush, take your time and the doctors- …“
TK waves his hand around and frowns at his Dad.
“Yeah, yeah I know. See you at home, Dad.“
He turns around and leaves the fire station. The afternoon is quiet and he lies down for a nap in hope he can start reading again later and he’ll do better this time. He gets some pages done till the evening but his head hurts and he’s tired again so he calls it a night and goes to bed.
He had a restfull night and he feels better. In the morning he makes his way down to the kitchen. He smiles when he sees that his father made breakfast for him. His favorite power drink is in the fridge and he takes a sip and also takes a bite from the bread. He looks over to the living room and sees the book still lying on the table. He rolls his eyes and starts walking over to the living room when suddenly the door bell rings.
He turns around and opens the door.
“Hey TK, what’s up?“
Mateo is smiling and nervously playing with his fingers.
“Mateo, what you doing here? Are you not working today?“
The other man grabs his rucksack and gets a memory stick out and holds it into TK’s face.
“What’s this?“
Mateo hands the stick over to TK.
“Remember the time I had my fire fighter test and you guys helped me reading the books by recording the text for me? The new book is on there.“
He points at the stick.
“We all read some pages for you and recorded it so you can listen to it till you’re feeling better.“
TK blushes and scratches his head.
“This is so kind of you, guys. Wow thanks.“
Mateo nudges his shoulder and smiles again.
“You helped me, so I wante to help you too.“
The boy looks at his watch and jumps into action.
“Right off to my shift, can’t wait to have you back soon, bro.“
TK watches the boy run down the street and smiles.
TK feels like he’s running in circles at the moment. He’s working so hard to get his health back but everytime he thinks he’s getting somewhere, something else throws him back. His shot wound is healing nicely and the stiffness is better, sometimes it feels sore but it’s better. He’s not back to work yet but it’s planned to have him back on shift in the next two weeks. That’s why he’s currently at the training room of the fire house. Since the accident he’s lost strength in his arms and he needs to get it back. He’s been training with his physiotherapist already but he wants to do more. The team is currently at the morning briefing so he has all the equipment for himself.
He starts with cycling for a couple of minutes and he thinks he’s done very well. He pushes some weights with his arms, it feels good. His muscles move in a steady rythm and he’s on an adrenalin rush. He looks over to the big barbells. He knows he shouldn‘ t use them but he walks over to the bench and puts the bigger weights on. He lies down and pushes the weight up. His muscles burn and and the first push ups are easy. He repeats the action a couple of times till suddenly he feels a sharp pain on his chest, running over to his shoulder. He yells out in pain and he can’t hold his arms up any longer, the barbell is falling down on his face dangerously.  He squeezes his eyes shut and he waits for the pain. But it doesn’t come. He opens his eyes and looks directly into Pauls face. The other man’s holding the weight and putting it quickly back in it’s safety. He looks a bit mad and TK feels guilty.
“Man, TK, what were you thinking using the big weights on your own, especially when you need to be careful with your shoulder.“
TK scoffs. He knows he‘s overeacting now but he’s frustrated. He tries to get up from the bench but the pain is back and it takes his breath away for a second. He feels hands on his back and Paul’s helping him up to sit.
“You ok?“
TK rubs at his chest and nods.
“Yeah, thanks.“
Paul hands him a water bottle and he hastily takes a sip only to throw it against the floor in anger.
“Hey, hey TK, calm down. Nothing happened ok, you’re ok. Take it easy.“
TK turns around looking furious. He’s not furious at Paul, he’s glad the other man was there in time, but his stress and anger needs to get out.
“I don’t want to take it easy Paul, I want to get back on track and do my job again. I wanna go out there and help people.“
Pauls face softens and he sits down next to the younger man.
“I know you want to come back, but pushing yourself won’t do you any good.“
TK sighs and puts his head into his hands.
“I know, I know.“
Paul put his hand on the other man’s shoulder.
“I could help you with training, if you want.“
“So I won’t over do it.“ TK laughs.
“Yeah, that too.“ Paul laughs back.
The alarm goes and Paul has to runn off, leaving TK with his thoughts.
TK doesn’t go back the fire house next day and stays in bed. He’s frustrated and in a mood. The next morning he gets a text from Paul saying he should get his arse to the fire house rigth now.
TK peels himself out of bed and gets dressed. He drives up to the fire house. Judd’s working on one of the fire trucks when he walks in.
“Yo, finally showing your face bro, damn time. Paul’s waitiung for you at the gym.“
He bumps fists with Judd and walks over to the training room.
Paul’s already lifting some weights but stops when he sees TK walk in. TK grabs a bottle of water from the table and throws it over to Paul.
“Time you showed up, kid.“
The other man gestures him to sit on the bench with him. He hands him a note and TK looks confused at him.
“What’s this?“
He opens the note and sees a work out plan.
“This my friends, is your work out plan, we gonna do together to get you back in shape, in not time. But in a slow and healhty way.“
“Oh wow this is - awesome, thank you. But inbetween your shifts shouldnt you be resting.“
Paul bumps against his arm.
“All good bro, I got this and I got you.“
He raises his hand for a high five and TK laughs.
TK feels a bit nervous when he walks over the drive way of the fire station. It’s been over four weeks now that he hadn’t been to work. His body and mind needed healing. He had the best support of everyone and he finally felt strong enough to get back to work. There were still a couple of issues he had to fight but the fire department cleared him for being back on duty.
He takes a deep breath and pushes down the door handle of the main door.
He steps in and it’s quiet. The fire trucks stand on their usual place and the fire fighter gears and helmets are hanging on their spot. He looks around but can’t see anyone.
He walks further into the hall when he hears someone hackle. Buttercup’s walking towards him, tail wiggling in excitement.
”Hey boy, good to see you, where’s everyone?”
TK crouches down and strokes the dogs head. He gets up again and Buttercup moves behind him, bumping into his knees with his head.
”You want to show me something?”
Buttercup barks once and runs off to the back of the hall. TK follows and when he gets around the corner, he sees them.
His team’s standing there with ballons and Mateo is throwing confetti over him. There’s a big banner on the wall saying “TK is back in da’ house”. 
Marjan runs straight towards him and throws her arms around him. She squeezes him tight, tears in her eyes.
“Missed you, babe!”
He smiles and gently rubs her back. He can’t really move further though because Mateo is almost tackling him down and hugging him tight.
His father is standing on the side smiling softly, watching them. He looks happy and TK waves at him. 
Paul walks over and slaps him on the shoulder.
“Good to have you back, bro.”
TK sees Judd coming towards him and he rises his and to shake it but instead Judd surrounds his shoulders and pushes him into a hug. He tousles through his hair and places a kiss on his head.
“Glad you’re back, kid.”
Buttercup runs around them and everyone is laughing. He looks over to the tables on the side, where’s loads of cakes and food on there. Carlos is standing next to his Dad and he walks over to join them.
“Did you know about this?”
He kisses his boyfriend softly on the mouth and takes his hand. Carlos just shrugs and laughs.
“This is great thank you.”
TK feels happy, the love of his friends and family overwhelming him. He’s finally back home.
The party gets interrupted when the alarm goes off.
“Right everyone, off to the trucks.”
TK moves on instinct like he never missed one hour at the fire station. He jumps into his fire fighter gear and puts the helmet on. He runs over to the fire trucks but stops for a second to just look at the sight in front of him. It’s beautifuk the, the suns standing low and shining through the open halldoors, the fire trucks shine in the sunlight and it’s stunning. The adrenalin in his body makes him feel strong.
“You ready, son?”
His father turns around before getting into one of the trucks.
TK nods.
“I’m ready.”
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wasserbettheizug · 2 years ago
Choosing a Waterbed Heating System
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Waterbed heating provides a perfect temperature for a comfortable sleep. There is a range of different waterbed heaters that are available in the market. The heating elements of a waterbed are the most important component of a waterbed. They are able to provide a good temperature in the winter and in the summer. You can change the temperature of your waterbed at any time according to your comfort.
Choosing the best waterbed heating system depends on your individual needs. Some people prefer to have a warmer bed, while others are more interested in a cooler one. For the sake of your health, you should choose a heater that is able to provide the right temperature for your body. If your waterbed heating element is defective, it may lead to serious problems.
Choosing a waterbed heater is not easy. In addition to choosing the right model, you should also consider its power consumption. It is necessary to have a heater that is capable of providing sufficient power. This can be done by considering a model with a low-wattage.
Carbon-heizelements are energy-efficient. When used in a waterbed, they can help reduce the use of electricity, which helps save money. Moreover, carbon-heizelements are known for their fast temperature response. Hence, they can heat up the waterbed faster.
AQUAMON has a wide range of waterbed heating systems. These systems include models with automatic overheating protection. However, the prices of a waterbed heating system can vary. Therefore, it is advisable to shop around. Online shops are a good source for buying a waterbed heater.
Calesco offers a waterbed heating element that is simple to use. It contains 500 small modules that provide 0.45 watts of power. During operation, these modules are protected by a strong aluminum overflache. Another feature of this heater is its lower stand-by power consumption.
Carbon Heater (r) is a well-known German brand. They produce waterbed heating systems that have been VDE-GS certified. Many of their products are extremely durable and reliable. Additionally, they are water-resistant.
Keramik-Heizung is an advanced waterbed heating system that features a high-profile design. It uses a 2,5 mm thick Alu-plate to produce heat. Because of the larger upper flap, the heat transfer from the heated water is more efficient.
Whether you are looking for a waterbed heating system that is efficient or a waterbed heater with a low-wattage, you can find it at Waterbed Discount. Their online store is a reputable source for a variety of heating elements. You can also purchase waterbed matratze of different heights and brands.
Waterbed heating is not only beneficial to your health, but it is also an excellent way to maximize your energy efficiency. The heaters are also warmeisolated, which means that they are insulated from outside temperatures. As a result, they can reflect heat upward, which prevents heat from escaping. Moreover, a waterbed with a waterbed heater will not require you to turn the thermostat on before going to sleep.
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solovivoch · 2 years ago
Bett Mit Matratze Online Kaufen and Schränke & Regale at Discounted Rates
Are you looking for some of the modern furniture pieces that can transform the look of your home or any other space – make it spacious enough and transforming into modern way?
Do you want to get a change done in the interior of the home or any other place?
Such questions are common among people who are looking for a transformation in the space and wishing to get something unique. For them, replacing the old bed with a new one or sofa with a modern one will be the best option. You can bett mit matratze online kaufen for comfortable sleep and to walk on comfortable flooring. There are a number of added benefits of choosing such options. Prices are competitive and plus point is that you can pay in installments. You can also choose schränke & regale that are in varied shapes, sizes, designs, and patterns. You have to choose the right design of your choice, check the details, and get the best range of furniture pieces delivered to your address without any delay. Prices are competitive and backed by discounts; while you will get the best range delivered on time. There are a number of big names in this domain offering you an exclusive range of furniture pieces. You have to place your order according to your requirement and get the best range delivered on time.
Solo Vivo Offers the Best Range of Bedroom Furniture
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Among some of the top names in this domain from where you will get the best range of furniture pieces, you will find name of Solo Vivo comes on the top – offering you an exclusive range of furniture pieces and at prices that will be in your budget. Bett mit matratze online kaufen and schränke & regale are available in varied shapes and sizes and prices that will be in your budget. Place your order now and get delivery on time.
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matratzen-universum · 2 years ago
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Ein grossartiger Schlafkomfort und ein optimales Bettklima – bietet Ihnen die Matratze Comfort Plus Coolmax
Dank dem Überzug Coolmax bietet die Matratze Comfort Plus Coolmax eine hervorragende Temperaturkontrolle der Hauttemperatur und der Körperfeuchtigkeit. Die spezielle Polsterung aus antibakteriellen und hypoallergenen Isolierfasern und einem viscoelastischem Modellierschaum, das sich der Körperform bestens anpasst, garantieren Ihnen eine erhebliche Verbesserung des Schlafkomforts.
Der Matratzenkern besteht aus einer Ober- und Unterschicht mit einem angenehmen 3D-verformbarem Viscoschaum, der sich in jeder Position druckpunktgenau an Ihrem Körper anpasst. Die zwei viscoelastischen Schichten mit ihren speziellen winzigen Löchern, erzeugen eine kontinuierliche Luftzirkulation, dadurch wird die Feuchtigkeit deutlich reduziert und ein perfektes Schlafklima erzeugt.
Die mittlere Schicht des Matratzenkerns besteht aus einem perforiertem Kaltschaum, der für die richtige Stützung der Körperstruktur sorgt. Dieser Kaltschaum ist formstabil und langlebig. Die Kombination mit dem selbst modulierendem Viscoschaum zeichnet diese moderne Matratze aus.
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byakuya1 · 3 years ago
If your mattress isn't comfortable, so we have an amazing idea to refresh it and make it comfy again. With this high-quality mattress comforter (Hochwertige Matratze), you will forget when you last had a bad night's sleep. This item is chemical-free and skin-friendly too. After much research, Byakuya has observed that Tencel is the most sustainable and high-quality fiber, and used it to produce comfortable bed linen.
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myriadlanguages · 7 years ago
German Bed Vocab
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das Bett: the bed
das Kissen: the pillow
der Kopfkissenbezug: the pillowcase
die Matratze: the mattress
die Bettdecke: the comforter, duvet
das Bettlaken: the bed sheet
das Bettgestell: the bed frame
das Einzelbett: the single bed
das Doppelbett: the double bed
das Hochbett: the bunk bed
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solovivoch · 3 years ago
Tips for buying the best bed for your bedroom
Buying the bed that you loved to fit in your bedroom is the greatest hurdle. While you make a search, you can find numerous options. From them, your work is to shortlist the effective model and brand and buy the one that makes you love you’re sleeping. To simplify your selection process and shop in a stress-free environment at that place the online betten method will suits apt, here are some of the tips that you have to take into consideration while buying.
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Check for the quality of the bed.
Ensure it provides a higher level of comfort.
The bed that you buy must make you feel light. 
Easy methods to use when purchasing a bed 
It does not end up with it, along with that you have to make sure that the styles of the material are vibrant and create positivity around you while you are sleeping above it. Request for the sample from the dealer whom you are going to buy and in addition to that you have to check for the safety level and other additional features.  
What is the best way to buy a bed with a mattress online? 
Instead of buying the bed form one zone and mattress from other sites you can directly bett mit matratze online kaufen. It will provide the best fit inside your room and it does not mean that you have to choose the same model bed and mattress for your entire room. You can show some variations and choose them based on the theme and the type of person whom they are going to make use of it.  
While buying online you can get an interesting discount     offer for the product that you buy.
You can find the different variations and color     combinations that are available for the users.
The size of the bed can be redesigned by you, even when you love customization options there you can do it.
0 notes
valvobetty · 6 years ago
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20 Stylish Dunlopillo Pillows Uk
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Read more at https://www.ostrich-pillow.com/dunlopillo-pillows-uk/
0 notes
globetrotter-h · 8 years ago
02.03.2017 - Christchurch
Geschlafen hab ich nicht gut. Zwar hatte man hier dank der Zeitumstellung eine Stunde mehr Schlaf, aber nach der Feier konnte ich auf der Matratze ohne Schlafsack nicht gut schlafen. Anyway, irgendwann um 6 frühstückt eine Mitbewohnerin und um 10 stehen wir endgültig auf, weil Gerardo ins Wohnzimmer kommt, in dem wir schlafen. Er will mit uns und den Tschechen von gestern zum Strand, aber da wir lieber die Stadt anschauen trennen wir uns nach dem Aufräumen. Wir werden beim Botanischen Garten rausgelassen, neben dem das Christchurch Museum ist. Das besuchen wir als erstes und sehen von Maoritattoos (live stechen), Paua Shells, Steinen, Skeletten, Antarktisforschungen, Flugzeuge der Nzlendern bis hin zu Vögeln, die mit Neuseeland zu tun haben/hatten, einiges. Das Kulturprogramm geht weiter und führt uns in den botanischen Garten nebenan. Ist schön und das Glashaus hat richtig schöne Pflanzen auf altem Geländer. Als der botanische Garten durchforstet wurde machen wir uns auf zur Art Gallery. Auf dem Weg dorthin biegen wir auf einen Markt ein, auf dem ich für Helena eine Greenstonekette kaufe. Greenstone ist Jade und hat eine unglaublich wichtige Bedeutung für die Māori. So kauft man sich die Ketten auch nicht selbst, sondern soll sie geschenkt bekommen. Es heißt, wenn man sie sich selbst schenkt bringt es Unglück und man verliert sie. Was ich im Internet dazu gefunden habe: It was believed by Maori that as a pounamu carving (Māorisprache für greenstone) was worn against the skin it absorbed some of that persons essence. As carvings were passed down through the family they absorbed essence from each family member, creating a direct ancestral connection through the necklace itself. This is one reason why Maori design is so special, it is more than just an art form. In eine Schachtel darf man übrigens auch nicht legen - sonst verliert er seine Energie. Ich kaufe Helena einen Anhänger und sie mir einen. Geschenkt hab ich sie ihr heute aber noch nicht. Wie gesagt ein greenstone ist ein spirituelles Schmuckstück und hat viele unterschiedliche Bedeutungen. So nennt man unsere From "The Drop". Bedeutung: Encourages knowledge, confidence and independence. It gives positive energy, helps healing and is often called the comfort stone. Eigentlich haben wir das im Nachhinein ohne das genaue Wissen über die Bedeutung unserer Form gewählt, aber trotzdem passt es perfekt zu unserer Reise - Zufall oder Schicksal? Um am Ende des Tages wieder einiges gelaufen zu sein schlendern wir noch zur Art Gallery. Sie ist modern, riesig und mal wieder sehr cool. Moderne Kunstgalerien sind einfach gut. Später holt uns Gerardo ab, wir kochen, schauen einen (komischen) Film und gehen müde schlafen. Heute wurde die Zeit übrigens um eine Stunde zurückgedreht, weshalb alles viel später scheint.
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joy-shop · 8 years ago
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Olimpo fa parte della categoria dei Materassi tecici e maggiormente confortevoli di Joy Shop. Questo materasso Alto ben 29 Cm ha una lastra a sette zone differenziate che si divide in 6 lastre assemblate tra loro.
La lastra superiore ha uno strato massimo di ben 6,5 cm di memory foam HD a rilascio di forma molto lento. Questo permette al nostro corpo una sensazione di massima stabilità e di una sensazione di avvolgenza delicata ma decisa
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dormito-gmbh · 5 years ago
Hasena Moderno bei Dormito - Fein verarbeitetes Massivholz
New Post has been published on https://www.dormito.de/hasena-moderno-bei-dormito-fein-verarbeitetes-massivholz/
Hasena Moderno bei Dormito - Fein verarbeitetes Massivholz
Moderno von Hasena erhältlich bei Dormito. Schlicht aber stilvoll, sorgen diese besonders fein verarbeiteten Massivholzbetten für eine gewisse Leichtigkeit in Ihrem Schlafzimmer. Die Moderno Betten erhalten Sie in folgenden Ausführungen:
Kernbuche stabverleimt massiv, natur geölt.
Nussbaum natur, stabverleimt, geölt.
Buche, weiss deckend, lackiert.
Eiche bianco, stabverleimt, geölt.
Eiche Bianco steht für besonders hellfarbigem und gleichmäßigem Holz feinjähriger Weisseichen. Dadurch liegen die Jahresringe möglichst eng und gleichmäßig. Dadurch tritt der ursprünglich markante Charakter in den Hintergrund. Bettrahmen-Modelle: Piato 18 und Trento 23.
Piato 18, Kopfteil Obag, Füsse Tondo. Holz und Farben in Nussbaum geölt und Casual carbon.
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Hasena Moderno erhalten Sie bei uns in allen Varianten. Besuchen Sie unsere Geschäfte und entdecken Sie unseren Katalog. Für eine große Ansicht einfach auf ein Bild klicken.
  Ergänzen Sie Ihr Bettsystem mit unseren individuellen Matratzen.
Passend dazu die innovativsten Matratzen derzeit auf dem Markt. Unsere Taschenfederkern Matratze Sylt wird nach Maß für Sie gefertigt. Zonen und Festigkeiten gemäß Ihres Schlafprofils. Noch besser, weil mehr Comfort und noch bessere Anpassung: Unsere Doppelfederkern Matratze Dormiflex, bestehend aus zwei Schichten Taschenfederkernen. Beide Modelle dürfen Sie bei Anpassungsbedarf innerhalb von 3 Monaten kostenlos umändern.
                  Hasena Betten und Matratzen nach Maß gefertigt, erhältlich in folgenden Dormito Fachgeschäften:
Dormito Düsseldorf – Filiale besuchen
Dormito Dortmund – Filiale besuchen
Dormito Essen – Filiale besuchen
Dormito Borken – Filiale besuchen
Dormito Köln – Filiale besuchen
Dormito Mannheim – Filiale besuchen
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byakuya1 · 3 years ago
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You should use this Weiss Tencel Matratze Komforter, it’s like sleeping on a cloud. This Tencel mattress comforter just comforts and relaxes your body when you lie down. If you like to sleep on your side, this item cushions your shoulders, and also it has exceptional climate control.
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melaniegloeckner · 6 years ago
Ravensberger Ergo-Therm 23
Die Ravensberger Ergo-Therm 23 Matratze ist eine thermoelastische Visco-Referenz Matratze des Herstellers und als solche nicht unbedingt billig, aber durch die höchste punktoptimale viscoelastische Körperanpassung gekennzeichnet. Sie gewährleistet eine sensitive Körperunterstützung durch ihren fünfschichtigen, dynamischen Aufbau einer COMFORT-PLUS GELAX®-Auflage, der außerdem durch mehrschichtige, hochwertige ERGOtherm® VISCO-Schäume unterstützt wird. Fazit zur Ravensberger Ergo-Therm 23 Matratze An […]
The post Ravensberger Ergo-Therm 23 appeared first on www.matratzen-tests24.org.
Source: https://www.matratzen-tests24.org/ravensberger-matratzen/ergo-therm-23/
from MatratzenTests24 https://matratzentest24blog.wordpress.com/2019/03/24/ravensberger-ergo-therm-23/
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