sunshine-zenith · 1 year
Also I need y’all to understand the whiplash I got from hearing The Banana Splits’ theme song — a band from the 60s-70s where people wear ill-fitting costumes to look like cartoon dogs and monkeys (don’t come at me calling them fursuiters. Furries deserve better than that) — in cereal commercial within a movie adaptation of a mothpunk graphic novel
The cereal commercial itself wasn’t even in the graphic novel and the last time The Banana Splits was on screen it was for a weird out of left field horror movie
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calmasyoghurt · 9 months
Oh look, Jure is about to land a comersial airplane
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its-a-me-mango · 7 months
SMG4 drama hot take.... the "Luke innocent" people on twitter are really annoying and makes accessing actually important information harder, considering how much they just need to talk about how he isn't "at fault" first of all, it would be better if we like, Idk focused on people's experiences who worked at Glitch and had a bad time, instead of trying to angrily point fingers. Besides he's not innocent, he's complicit and kind of insensitive with the way he replied to Celeste. A simple thanks doesn't cut it for the kind of work she did for them, like come on. Anyways speaking on the workers! With how the days go by and we only see more and more testimonies about how the default at Glitch is crunch basically- And Glitch's guilty sounding silence- Like genuinely, if in some absolutely unbelivable way it came out that somehow all the information we've been seeing is wrong, they would've spoken out about it somewhere already. But they didn't. For me it just makes me more sure that these people are not lying
Hi yes I totally see where you're coming from, I don't use twitter (thankfully) so I haven't seen most of the takes people have on there, but the "Luke is innocent" one I've seen thrown around a lot.
To put it so bluntly, no he's fucking not. Yes maybe he wasn't given all the right information on Celestes replacement, and yes his role as CCO doesn't really give him initial choice over the desicions for casting at Glitch (from what I gathered a CCO is more for comersial management), that doesn't make him blameless, he's still, you know, THE FUCKING CO-FOUNDER OF GLITCH IT SAYS IT ON THEIR OWN WEBSITE AAAARHGGHHGHGH.
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Sorry I got annoyed, anyway it is still possible that he wasn't informed of this situation fully, but I agree that a "oops, sorry" isn't really the best thing to say to someone you just dropped after 6 years of work, and the silence afterwards when asked for more clarification is even worse. Luke isn't the same innocent teenager making funny Mario videos in his room anymore, he's nearly the same age as me, he's a grown man with a company, stop making excuses for him.
The workers' complaints are also getting overshadowed by this and it's definitely just as big of an issue. You'd think that a company created by two creators themselves would have a better idea and understanding on how to assign work to people without causing insane amounts of pressure, but I guess not. This comes across as just very bad management and taking on too much at once. Being ambitious is fine for a company, it's how they grow, but it should never come at the physical and mental expense of your workers.
The idea that these workes would be lying is just so fucked up as well, from what I've seen basically every glassdoor review says that the best part of working there is the people, this isn't some kind of smear campaign! This is genuine criticism of a company that doesn't have a grasp on how to run and manage their staff. I figured a company like Glitch would have some kind of crunch time to it, just given the nature of it, but I never thought it would be this bad.
The focus of this should 100% be on getting accountability from Glitch, not trying to weasel them out of it by saying "well only these two people are to blame", Glitch is the company making decisions here, even if said decision was supposedly made by those two people, this reflects on the company as a whole.
I know Glitch is a fairly non confrontational company and they don't like to address controversy or issues openly, but this whole situation is like a gaping wound, they can't really brush it off so easily without facing backlash. As I've said before I can only hope that this gets resolved and some kind of apology is given, I don't want to support a company that treats their employees like this.
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Tips to burning more calories
1. Always take the stairs no matter how long you are going.
2. Dont take the bus
(If its too far away you can get off your transit an earlier stop).
3. Take ice cold baths.
Sitting in an ice cold bath for an hour youll burn 300cal.
4. Park your can further away.
5. Knitting 100cal per hour.
6. Watch TV show and do workout every comersial break.
Hope this helps ♡
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cherubtint · 1 year
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jangan tanya aku open atau tidak, kalo display name atau di bio ku ada tulisan “open” artinya tokoku sudah buka!
kamu boleh kirim form kalo misalnya aku sedang tutup. tapi, form nya akan masuk antrian besoknya—ketika aku buka.
tolong isi form dengan detail, kalo ada yang nggak ngerti silahkan tanya aku [aku nggak gigit kok!] ohiya, aku tidak menerima pembatalan pesanan setelah menerima form. jadi, kirim form = fix order!
meskipun kamu nggak jadi order setelah aku jawab pesanmu [tetapi belum mengisi form] misal kamu masih tanya perihal harga atau my ability to serve your request, tolong konfirmasi ya! kalo ghosting akan aku block dan blacklist.
untuk pembayaran dilakukan di awal untuk menghindari hit and run. aku hanya menerima payment melalui QRIS dan gopay. tolong selalu kirimkan bukti pembayaran agar tidak tertukar dengan customer lain.
aku menerima revisi maksimal 2× dengan mengubah sedikit [25% dari keseluruhan wording] including change/add/remove symbols, emojis, kaomojis, fancy fonts and some words. untuk revisi major [mengubah sebagian besar kalimat] dikenakan biaya sebesar 100% harga wording.
jika dalam 1×24 jam tidak ada balasan setelah aku kirim preview, maka dianggap sudah tidak ada revisi dan status orderan kamu SELESAI.
jangan lupakan manner ya. happy shopping! ♡
don't steal or remake my wording!
aku tidak mengizinkan wording ku untuk dijadikan comersial use! termasuk menjual kembali atau dijadikan sub text di layout.
all forms of violations will be fined by me IDR 300,000 per wording!
estimasi pengerjaan aku tetapkan antara 10 menit sampai 3×24 jam setelah payment dilakukan. tetapi aku selalu mengusahakan agar semua pesanan wording selesai pada hari yang sama.
tolong untuk tidak menanyakan result jika belum melewati batas estimasi waktu ya! namun jika telah melewati batas estimasi waktu, boleh banget dm aku untuk mengingatkan! [mungkin aku lupa atau terlewat]
aku akan mengerjakan pesanan wording sesuai dengan urutan, kecuali pesanan in rush pasti akan aku utamakan.
waktu pengerjaan untuk in rush yaitu kurang lebih selama 5 menit sampai 3 jam [tergantung jumlah orderan dan antrian in rush] dengan tambahan biaya sebesar 50% dari keseluruhan harga wording.
kalo kamu ingin wording kamu selesai dalam kurun waktu kurang dari 5 menit, maka ada tambahan biaya sebesar 100% dari keseluruhan harga wording.
khusus bulk order kalo mau in rush waktu pengerjaan jadi 5 sampai 12 jam tergantung banyaknya pesanan dan antrian in rush.
buat yang belum tau, bulk order artinya pembelian dalam jumlah besar untuk mendapatkan harga yang lebih murah!
ketentuan: untuk pembelian bio, pinned wording, dan caption upchar minimal 10 items, dan untuk pembelian custom minimal 500 words.
bulk order hanya berlaku untuk satu kali pembayaran. misalnya kamu pagi order wording dengan sejumlah bio 10, itu termasuk bulk order. tapi kalo kamu pagi order 5 bio, lalu siangnya order 5 bio lagi maka itu tidak termasuk bulk order.
potongan harga yang akan kamu dapatkan jika bulk order adalah 10% dari keseluruhan harga wording [termasuk bundle!]
AMOUNT : jumlah atau banyaknya total orderan kamu.
USERNAME : username kamu yang memesan [akun yang digunakan untuk memesan] boleh ditambahkan akun back up untuk mengantisipasi jika akun tiba-tiba suspend.
MUSE & SPESIALIS : ini wajib diisi ya. muse hanya untuk akun roleplayer dan spesialis untuk akun bisnis. jika ada keterangan lain diluar akun roleplayer dan bisnis [misalnya fan account] nama idol-nya bisa dicantumkan pada kolom request.
TYPE ACCOUNT : jenis akun untuk wording yang kamu pesan. misalnya roleplayer, business account, unlabeled, cyber account, dan lain-lain.
LENGTH : panjang atau ukuran. untuk bio wording aku menyediakan short, medium dan long. untuk pinned wording hanya ada satu ukuran [one tweet]. sedangkan untuk caption upchar aku menyediakan half tweet dan full tweet. untuk custom wording, kamu bisa mengisi untuk panjang per tweet atau per word.
LINK : untuk caption upchar [wajib] dan untuk custom wording yang memerlukan link [misalnya caption promosi ba, testimonial, etc.] tolong dicantumkan ya biar aku bisa memperkirakan panjang wording-nya.
KEYWORD : kata yang ingin kamu tambahkan pada wording. bisa diisi seperti nama muse, tittle account [roleplayer, illusory, boosiness, etc.] atau kata lain seperti fairy, cottage, cake, winsome, dan lain-lain.
CONTENT : untuk custom wording terutama letter/message wajib diisi ya, agar isinya bisa sesuai dengan apa yang mau kamu sampaikan. hanya garis besarnya saja, misal: “aku mau ngucapin selamat ultah sama terima kasih karena udah mau jadi temenku.”
DETAIL/REQUEST : ketentuan yang tidak aku cantumkan pada form. contoh: “kak aku mau nambahin nama aku ya, amara.” “kak nama muse sama tahun lahirnya gausah dicantumkan ya.” “kak aku mau theme-nya kayak cottage core atau fairytale ya.”
PRONOUNS/POV : kata ganti [i/she/he/they] yang mau kamu gunakan di wordingnya.
TYPE WORDING : gaya penulisan [cek di bawah]
CLASSY : menggunakan bahasa santai (sehari-hari) ditambah kata-kata “classy” dan beberapa decorations agar terlihat modish.
CUTE : bahasa yang digunakan cenderung lucu dan ada beberapa kata yang diubah agar terlihat menggemaskan.
MESSY : gaya penulisan cenderung berantakan, menggunakan banyak decorations agar terlihat ramai.
POETIC : banyak menggunakan thesaurus dan beberapa kata puitis yang tidak dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia.
emoji : 🐾🍥🧁💝🥛
symbol : ✧ 𓈒 ׄׄ ♡ 𓇬 ꒱
kaomoji : ૮꒰◞ ◟ ೕ꒱ა („• ֊ •„)੭ ♡
fancy font : 𝙝𝙞 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞!
semuanya sudah aku jelaskan se-detail mungkin ya! tapi kalo misal ada yang masih nggak ngerti, boleh dm aku untuk bertanya! >♡<
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gmanwhore · 1 day
She is kind of like Spamton. She used to be part of a hair products comersial that was very repeated and overused in Japan and everyone hated it. Especially with how catchy the song was. So they put it off the air in just a few months. She is still obsessed with getting people to try her product but secretely hates that her life is merchandising for a mediocre shampoo-Bibi
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theallart · 5 years
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Andy Warhol, Small Torn Campbell’s Soup Can (Pepper Pot), 1962
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chirag1997 · 7 years
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Old Vintage Olympus Camera Photography #mypgotography #canonphotography #canon #canon80d #vintagecamera #oldisgold ##50mmlens @canon_photos @illgrammers #comentforcoment #lightseffect #backandwhitephotography #productphotography #comersial #selfie #oldcamera #olympus (at Ahmedabad, India)
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manpunai88-blog · 6 years
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#pencintaduaroda #Towing #motor #kualalumpur Thanks for Customer.... . Perkhidmatan Towing Motor KL Just Call 0122607139 (24hrs) . #towing #towingservicekl #towingservicemfk #towingmotor #comersial #syukurselalu #klangvalley #kl (at Kuala Lumpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-ip2agaUk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n9eu8z3uvhv8
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marvelman901 · 6 years
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Watcher Sunglasses
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fabizoeeportfolio · 2 years
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Work for JPI designs 🤍
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eden-rosebct · 6 years
This is just the first draft for my concept for ITS. It is a concert experience app, where you can upload videos and photos too. It stores information based on location (eg. spark arena) and musician. Part of the terms and the conditions allows the users consented uploads to be used freely for comersial purpose, in exchange, if videos of yours are slected you get a reward (eg. band merch) 
The idea is that if people are filming at concerts anyway, give them an app for purly storing and browing concert experiences. This is also to give bands the option to use footage/photos, and for market research to take place. 
The prototype name so far is wave box, using a play on sound waves and something for storage. I have been making this in XD CC. These are basic starting screens so far. 
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manpunai88-blog · 6 years
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. . Towing Lori 3 tan 🔥❗ 24hrs Tow Truck Service 🔥❗ 🔥❗Kuala Lumpur ❗🔥 ✅Local & Longdistance ✅Best Price & Service #towinglori #johor ke #puchong #jutatowing #abangtowing @shazabmoros @zaim_jutatowing @towing_service_mfk 0122607139 . ✅ TOWING LORI / TOWING LORRY & BUS ✅ TOWING KERETA / CAR TOWING ✅ CAR CARRIER / LOADER ✅ MOVE & TRANSPORT MACHINE . . #kualalumpur #selangor #industrial #company #comersial #rosak #brakedown #lorirosak #lorilori #loriholt #lorigrimes #lorisewa #lorisewamurah #transport #transportation #kings_transports #towingkualalumpur #towing #towingservicemfk #abangtowing #jutatowing #weekend #lebuhraya #motorgp #motogp2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/BpwolxpDY40/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dlvxatuduhzs
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jinggajunks · 7 years
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All repairworks & restoration held @autokraftgarage No17G, Jalan Nautika C U20/C, TSB Commercial Centre Sungai Buloh , Selangor. #jinggajunks #autokraftgarage #landrover #trailer #army #military #workshop #restoration (at Tsb Comersial Centre)
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crazzyrussia · 5 years
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Normal comersial in russia ***  CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER  and you can win an iPhone 6 every day!
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hiacewisata · 6 years
Keunggulan mobil Toyota Hiace – Berbiacara Toyota Hiace tidak lengkap rasa jika tidak membicarakan kelebihan dan kekurangan dan kelebihan dari mobil tersebut. PT Toyota Astra Motor akhirnya mengeluarkan sebuah mobil yang masuk dalam segmentasi comersial dan memiliki type mini bus diberi nama Toyota Hiace. Mungkin bagi sebagian orang masih terasa asing dengan mobil Toyota Hiace, Namun jika yang bekerja dibidang Tour travel dan transportasi pastinya sudah sangat farmiliar dengan mobil Toyota hiace ini. Pasalnya mobil mini bus Toyota hiace ini sering sekali dipergunakan untuk transportasi mengantar wisatawan atau tamu dari sebuah travel, yang dinilai lebih efisien dan nyaman dari pada kompetitornya.
Pada tahun 2004 Toyota hiace hadir dengan generasi terbarunya, setelah lama sudah tidak hadir di kelas comersial,. Pada tahun 1980an Toyota hiace ini sempat booming di Indonesia, dan merupakan seri pertamanya. Kali ini Toyota hiace hadir dengan tampilan yang lebih segar dari tampilan generasi sebelumnya. Yuks kita simak keunggulan mobil toyota hiace
Tampilan Eksterior yang telah di facelite dari tipe sebelumnya membuat sisi elegan dan sangar sangat terpancar dari tampilanya. Untuk interiornya juga sangat menarik dan terlihat nyaman jika kita duduk dilam kabin Toyota hiace ini.
Baca juga             : Generasi Toyota hiace. Baca juga             :Ekterior Toyota hiace Baca Juga             :Interior Toyota Hiace
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