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Having anxiety is like having a fire alarm go off in your head, except nothing is on fire. And there you are trying to figure out if fight or flight is the right response to absolutely NOTHING. It’s all in my head but my body responds like it’s under attack…it’s truly an eff’d up mind game. It shows up unannounced and unwelcomed. Most times I can override it with mindfulness, meditation, yoga…wine! But there are other times when it pushes me to the brink of falling apart (and what no one wants is an unhinged Sagittarius). Those are the times that only nature can put me back together by bringing me back to the present. Today, the only Rx that can combat this “fire” is water. Hopefully the next 60 seconds of this video calms someone else’s spirit today as well. #momentoftruth #imabouttosmudgemyself #itsokaytonotbeokay #butillbejustfine #itsjustoneofthosedays #anxietysucks #takemetothewater #comelikearushingwind #touchhealanddeliver https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu9y39IHQKej3H3mAbV4TmMte59Ki7x9TFgKpk0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14qjzzlyz29r1
#momentoftruth#imabouttosmudgemyself#itsokaytonotbeokay#butillbejustfine#itsjustoneofthosedays#anxietysucks#takemetothewater#comelikearushingwind#touchhealanddeliver#water#perthamboy#waterfront#crashing waves#waves#anxiety#mental health#unashamed#thisisme#intrinsicallytasheea
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Just finished a GREAT workout and got this joint #OnRepeat this morning #ComeLikeARushingWind #WilliamMcDowell #SoundsOfRevival | Got me saying to the Lord over and over.... "I will stay here until you change me, I need you. Don't wanna move." You say it! #GO | I miss singing this with @thenetchurchokc #LOL #LIVEOUTLOVE™
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He is all powerful And sustains the universe He exists outside the universe and Still rules in it yet He is present throughough the universe He exists in nature but he is not nature Nor is He bound by the laws of nature He is the source of all life and everything that is And his name is Yahweh ! Jehovah He who causes everything to be ! And his name is God We will serve no foreign God oh Father! Nor any other treasure but You 🎶🎶🎶 @revbenjamindube @benjamindube #BowDownAndWorshipHim #JesusOurPrinceOfPeace #GraceToOvercome #MadeAWay #LordWeAreYourPeople #OpenTheEyesOfOurHeartLord #ComeLikeARushingWind #ComeLikeNeverBefore @pastorwilliammcdowell #RainOnlyMattersToThoseWhoHaveTheSeedOnTheGround 😆😆👌❤️ #WhenYouWalkInTheRoom!! #IGiveMyselfAwaySoYouCanUseMe #CozYouMoveMountains #MountainsAreMoving #StrongholdsAreBreaking #WithYourPower #WorshipYouInTruthAndSpirit #ImFreeToSingAndDanceFreeToLiftMyHandsAndWorshipLordImFree #ImAFreeWorshipper #JumpAndDanceInTheRain @todddulaney1 #WhenPraisesGoUpBlessingsComesDown !! #WorshipInTheNow @javenonline #RevolutionMusic @unclereece (at Durban, South Africa)
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