#comeback season content is overwhelming in the best way possible
starburstfloat · 11 months
I don't check my phone for two hours and I come back to see yeonbin roleplayed as a married couple alright then what else did I miss
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sleephyjhs · 5 years
You Have First Trimester Sickness (REACTION)
[ requested by @sweetbtsboys / masterlist ]
possible tw :: pregnancy sickness
a/n :: it’s gonna be a long one guys, hope you’re strapped in
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The excitement of learning you were expecting your first baby with Seokjin was soon followed by the dismal sickness caused by the surge of new hormones. You knew it was inevitable, however you never expected it to be as vile as you had experienced.
You had been sat in your en suite with your husband for the past hour, vomiting at irregular but frequent intervals. In the minute he had left to grab you a scrunchie for your hair, you’d somehow become more sick. As he sat back down and tied your hair for you, you questioned him as if he was supposed to know more than you.
“Is it normal to be this sick? One of these minutes I might just throw up my stomach.” You huffed, leaning back into his shoulders. Jin rubbed circles across your knuckles to comfort you, which any other time would have worked a lot better.
“Would you like to go and see a doctor? It’s always worth asking, jagi. Maybe they can give you something for it?” You tilted your red-tinted face to look him in the eyes. A few weeks prior, you had together agreed to do whatever was best for your growing baby. Maybe seeing a healthcare professional was best.
“Let me get myself together first. I can’t travel like this, Jin.”
“No worries, take your time.” He assured you, wrapping his long fingers around the hand he held so tightly.
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When you were younger, you often heard that most women experienced pregnancy sickness in the morning. Cut to 11pm, when your body’s contents threatened to exit through your mouth, you began to realise most pregnancy expectations were going to become lies.
As you presumed your partner Yoongi was fast asleep, you couldn’t resist letting a few burning tears slip down your cheek and onto the tile flooring. You were overjoyed at the bundle of joy growing inside of you, but the gruelling process of carrying them around was proving to be slightly overwhelming for you.
“Can I get you anything?” You snapped your head around to find Yoongi crouching in the doorframe. Although he looked tired, it was obvious his concern for you.
While thinking of an answer, you swept away your tears believing there was a possibility he hadn’t seen them. Your hoarse throat made it clear how sick you really were, “Can you just stay for a while?” All of your willpower couldn’t stop your bottom lip from quivering as you made your request.
“Let it out, honey. It’s okay.” Yoongi assured you, writhing his arm around your curled shoulders. Knowing it would make you feel even worse, you let your pent up emotions flood from your eyes, “We’re going to get through this. Although it might not feel like it right now, you are more than capable of doing this.”
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It seemed every 10 seconds you checked the time on your phone. Impatiently, you waited for your newly-wed husband, Hoseok, to finish his dance practice. Only 15 minutes remained, but you needed his help and comfort desperately.
You felt selfish that you needed Hoseok as much as you did, despite both him and the members telling you that you didn’t need to. He knew that you could become overwhelmed and panicked easily, and had told you it was never a problem for him to leave his schedule earlier to make sure you were okay and safe.
Rapidly, your sickness became unbearable. You felt as though a crossroads had been placed before you, and moving on from today’s sickness episode would be impossible. Although hesitating, you reached for your phone and dialled Hobi quicker than you ever had before.
By the time he had picked up, your heart had increased in speed, leading your hands to shake violently, “What’s up, angel?”
His chirpy response disheartened you, as you knew your low state would convert it into plain panic, “When will you be home? I need help clearing up and getting myself from the floor.”
You rushed your words into one breath, but before you could even finish, Hoseok had begun to reassure you, “Okay, don’t worry, I’m coming. Do you need anything on the way home? Stay on the phone with me, it’ll seem like I’ll get there sooner. You’re okay honey, you’re okay.”
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“Okay, I think I’m alright for a while.” You told Namjoon. He offered you both of his hands to help you up from the bathroom floor where you had sat for a generous period of the morning. Although you were heading quickly for your second trimester of pregnancy, your morning sickness was still very much prevalent.
“You seem to be a lot better today.” Namjoon pointed out to you, rubbing your shoulders as you turned to wash your hands, “Maybe the twins are making your sickness last longer?”
You really hoped that wouldn’t be the case. Putting up with constant vomiting for 14 weeks was enough, you couldn’t bear the thought of a whole 9 months of it.
As you dried your hands on the towel, you heard Namjoon begin to stammer over his words, “Did you want any vanilla ice cream?”
You couldn’t help but furrow your brows. It was a confusing question at least, “It’s only 7am, Joonie.”
“I know, but it can help your throat burn a little less. It’s worth a try, I know how much you hate mornings like this.” In no time after you agreeing to the sweet treat, Namjoon had already grasped your hand and had begun leading you towards the kitchen.
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In less than half an hour, you and your husband, Jimin, were expected at the last apartment viewing you had booked. With your first baby arriving later that year, you had mutually agreed that more space would be needed. Where you lived now was just too small to raise a little kid.
Every morning that week, you had managed to avoid throwing up in the morning. Wrongly, you had convinced yourself your morning sickness had finally left. However as you applied your blush to the apples of your cheeks, the same doomed urge stormed through your stomach, and you had no choice than to retreat to the bathroom.
“Angel? Are you nearly ready? We should be leaving soon-“ Jimin’s reminders were cut short by a deep sigh. He bent down to your level and swept your falling hair back behind your ear, only to pin it to your head using his finger, “I thought we were past this?”
“So did I,” you replied, refusing to meet his eyes in case of an emergency, “Why did this have to happen today?”
“I can cancel it if you’re not up to it.” You refused before he had finished his sentence. You had to move soon, there was no choice around it, “Do you need some help clearing things up?”
You nodded, kneeling back onto your heels. Now you’d have to rush your makeup as well as tidy yourself up again. In a brief pause to glance at your appearance in the mirror, Jimin came to your side and lifted the blush brush you had dropped, “I know you precise you are with your makeup. I’ve got it covered.”
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It was your last day in Europe with Taehyung, and already you felt guilty it had to begin this way. Your vacation to Vienna would be the last as just a couple, as three months ago you learned you were expecting your first child with your husband, Taehyung.
Prior to your vacation, you believed you had avoided morning sickness altogether. It surprised you that you hadn’t experienced any ill feelings, but relieved you nonetheless. Taehyung had joked your body knew that your fun vacation was coming to an end and so was hurling the worst at you.
“Tae, I can’t board a plane like this. I get travel sickness anyway-“ You sobbed into his chest. At that point in time, leaving the bathroom was out of the question. Nothing could have prepared you for the vile feeling that was brought along with the sickness you felt.
“My love, we don’t really have the choice. It’s gonna be a rough journey but hey, we’ll be home before you know it. And then you’ll be able to get much more comfortable which is better for you and our baby, right?”
He was right, but even his encouraging words couldn’t make today appear any easier to you, “Just.. why today? It couldn’t have been tomorrow or any time in the near future, it had to be today.”
Taehyung thought for a moment while caressing your hand with his fingers, “The way I see it, little one is just letting you know how comfortable of a home you’re giving them. Perhaps not in the most gracious way, but they have to get the message to us somehow.” You couldn’t help but giggle at his interesting analysis of your baby’s signals to you, “You can get through this, for them and for me.”
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Winter sun filtered through a split in the curtains and onto the bed where you laid wrapped in your partner’s arms. You’d been awake for several minutes, but you couldn’t bring yourself to disturb Jungkook’s sleep on purpose. Comeback season always left him particularly exhausted.
However you also knew that it wouldn’t be long until your routine morning sickness would force you from your warm sheets.Although your symptoms were a lot less violent than they were a few weeks ago, you still dreaded the mornings. Before long, you couldn’t control the urge to vomit any longer and tried to leave Jungkook’s arms.
In a sleepy daze, thinking you were playing with him, Jungkook groaned playfully as he tightened his grip, “Kook, you have to let me go. I’m serious, I’m gonna throw up.” He sat up quickly as you rushed away into the bathroom, and were soon joined by a half-asleep husband.
He yawned swiftly before pulling your scrambled hair from your face, “You should’ve woken me up before, you sound even worse than before.”
A brief pause in vomiting allowed you to explain yourself to him. You knew well that he didn’t like when you hid your hardships from him, “You were out cold last night, it’s obvious you’re exhausted. I’m okay, this is normal.”
Jungkook’s eyes fell at your selfless reasoning. While still holding your hair in one hand, he moved to sit behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder, “Don’t worry about me. I can always go back to sleep. You’re the one carrying precious cargo.”
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^ thank you for your kind request! 💕
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espship18 · 4 years
Kpop ship for littleflan
Hello my sweets! I’m back with another ship, it feels so good to be getting back in groove of things too! I have a ship for @littleflan who has been so patient with me, bless your heart! I’m gonna stop the chatting, and let’s get to shipping!
Based off your request, I learned these things about you: 
You’re 5′8 with lightly tanned skin sounds gorgeous if you ask me
You love to dye your hair!
Loves to make the people she loves happy
Likes taking on different activities, but can take on too much and can get frustrated 
Favs: documentaries, Disney, and horror movies
The sassy and playful friend
And I think this is cute, you’re the fun aunt 
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with Monsta X, NCT 127, and Seventeen! Shall we? :3
Monsta X: Jooheon
Okay so, since you’re playful and you seem like an absolute doll, I could NOT pass up this opportunity. I honestly think you and Jooheon are so perfect together, because you’re both so playful and lovable, that you two are just adorable and I stan. I get vibes that you and Jooeheon are the type of couple that is care-free and since you’re young, the world is your oyster! You’re also both smitten kittens for each other, so there’s not much that you wouldn’t do together. There’s no doubt in my mind that you would keep Joo company when he would be working. We all know Jooeheon is a very talented artist, and the appreciation for what he does is only amplified when you get to see him work. You would have so much admiration and adoration for Jooheon while he works, so you’d love to watch him work. You’re also like the head cheerleader for Jooheon stans so like, you’d be tight with Monbebe too! Also, since you’re such an active couple, I can see you two taking on projects and activities together for fun, you like to learn together and bond as a couple. Which thanks to Joo, you two pace yourself so you don’t get overwhelmed and have fun. Speaking of which, this boy is a freaking king at taking care of you. He’s so freaking considerate and thinking of you, and he’s not ashamed to be vocal about it either. He makes it his job to make sure that you have the best stress free and happy life. I’m also wanting to screech about PDA so bad, but I’ll hold back for a minute. PS, you’ll always know that boy loves you because he will always pour his heart out to you! Moving around, imma call it, you’re the fun aunt of Monsta X, and you’ll help out Shownu if he isn’t around. However, since you are so soft for the boys, you aren’t super parent-ey on them, so you let their crack-head energy shine through and you guys have fun sorry Shownu it’s hard to say no to them, ya know? I think it would be super cute if you two took turns having date night, which always somehow ends up being movie night, lol. It’s also fun to see how many documentaries you’ve watched and how many topics you’ve covered. Finally, I can screech about PDA! Again a fucking k i n g. He does this thing where he loves to hold your hand and admire it. Like, he loves the way your hands connect together, how soft your skin is, he’ll legit sit there in a trance by just your hands. He would highkey love there wouldn’t be much of a height difference between you two, so like, he loves to cup your cheeks and give you kisses all over, I STAN SO FREAKING HARD. 
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NCT 127: Taeyong
Okay so I feel like you two would have that soft puppy love type of love. You’re like always gushing over one another and you can never get enough of each other, it’s so cute I’m gagging on my muffin! Your aunt style of love would change to a motherly type of love bc ya know.. Taeyong has so many children, but you love all of his children so much. Compared to Jooehon, I don’t think you two wouldn’t be as spontaneous, you just go with the flow and prefer to be together with your boys because they’re every ounce of entertainment that you need, and you can also get some time alone if you need it. You two very much put one another first. You much rather prefer to take care of each other, which is good, since you two always have each others backs, but you can’t forget to take care of yourself for you. You also have a bunch of children to take care off too, don’t forget, lol! Overall, I think you two are so content with each other, you don’t mind to be with each other all the time. We all know Tae has so much stress on his shoulders, he would need you to help bring him tranquility and to heal. Then sometimes when you two really spend time together, your wild sides come out and you two can be so random. Like, you two can be having a normal conversation, Tae makes a weird noise, then after some giggles and more weird noises, you two start making your own robot language. Which it actually comes in handy to have your own language because your plans always gets busted because there are just so many people around you lol. I also really really love the idea of you two dying each others hair. We all know Tae’s poor scalp is always dyed, so why not do your hair together! Like, imagine nights together just dying each others hair, some nights there are successes, and sometimes there are fails, hehe. And like, OMG IMAGINE YOU MATCHING YOUR HAIR COLOR WITH HIS FOR HIS COMEBACKS LKFJG!! OR, you’ll like, dye your hair a lighter or darker color to contrast Tae, but also to be a supportive girlfriend! TELL ME THAT’S NOT ADORABLE! You’re the queen of date night, especially when it’s comeback season because the bub is stressed, and he needs some nights in every now and then. Date nights are super simple too, just you two spending time together with some snacks and a crime show. PDA is SO SWEET omg. Simple gestures that promote relaxation and happiness. This includes: soft hand holding(sometimes unexpected), cheek pecks, and hair playing~ :3
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Seventeen: Wonwoo
Totally your chill lover boy, and I’m here for it! To say the least, Wonwoo would be very whipped for you, and he would adore every part about you, inside and out! I also really love the visuals here, I personally have a guilty pleasure for tall couples as a 5′6 gal, lol. Also, Wonwoo being a blunt and honest type of guy can REALLY come in handy from time to time. Reason being, Wonwoo is an observant type of person, so I wouldn’t have any doubts that he would be able to pick up on your mannerisms and the way you move very quickly. Wonwoo is a protective type of boyfriend, especially since he’s whipped for you, he wants to take care of you! When you’re starting to get stressed, he can sense it from a mile away. Wonwoo is also very logical, so he knows how to sit you down and talk to you about being stressed. He will never let you get overwhelmed, because he wouldn’t want you to have any unesseccary stress. He has this nice “need v. want” and an “one at a time approach to taking on new activities or hobbies. He also wants you to do what you love more first compared to something you don’t love first. He wants you to shine and do your best work, so Wonwoo is your saving grace! I also think this is really cute, listen up. You two would play tag. Starting out, it would be an inside joke that you would tag one another and say, “you’re it.” After a few times of leaving it at “you’re it”, you each would want to raise the stakes. Sometimes you would poke him back, but then it would escalate to you two starting to chase each other, and it would be a continuing game. Legit, you two would chase each other around the apartment/studio and would jump over furniture and wrestle each other to determine who is and isn’t it. It’s honestly such a fun time and you two would get extremely competitive, hehe. Date nights would be very traditional, upon Wonwoo’s request. You two will dres up and go out for a nice dinner. I also don’t wanna cause issues with people, so you both split the bill as even as you can. Then after dinner, you two will either go on walks, see a movie, or simply just go home to snuggle in bed together. PDA is Wonwoo is a bit more lovey dovey than you give him credit for. He much prefers to have your hand in his, and keeping a hand on yours as much as possible. He also loves to lift your head by your chin to give you kisses. Where he’s protective over you, he wants to keep you close to him so you won’t get lost, which sounds a little childish, but it’s actually super sweet! I don’t make the rules hehe~
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
Why to Plant a Butterfly Garden (& How)
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/why-to-plant-a-butterfly-garden-how/
Why to Plant a Butterfly Garden (& How)
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Much like a pollinator garden, a butterfly garden is a great way to attract and provide for these beautiful insects. There’s a little more to it than planting a few colorful flowers though. Here’s how we can help save the butterflies and have a better yard while we’re at it.
Why Do We Need Butterflies?
Many know how important pollinators are for our food supply and ecosystem. Yet butterflies don’t always get the attention they deserve. Butterfly expert Mike Malloy lays out why butterflies are so important.
Butterflies are at the bottom of the food chain for many birds and some small animals, like mice. When the butterfly population dips, everything else takes a hit too. Almost 66% of invertebrate species can be traced back to the butterfly on the food chain.
This insect is more than just bird food though. Entomologists at the University of Kentucky also point out butterflies play a critical role in natural pest control. Butterflies eat plant-damaging aphids.
Stronger, Better Plants
Like bees, butterflies are an important pollinator, but in a different way. While bees spread the love locally, butterflies carry pollen over a much farther distance. Butterflies can evenly cover large areas of plants in a single go.
They’re also an important part of helping plants be genetically diverse. This delicate insect shares pollen across different groups of plants over a wide area – sometimes miles apart. Plants then become more resistant to disease and stronger. Companion planting is another way to give plants a helping hand.
The Butterfly Effect
There’s a reason why butterflies are one of the most monitored animals in the world. Ever heard the phrase “canary in the coal mine”? Butterflies are the canary to our ecosystem. When an area lacks butterflies, scientists know there’s something wrong.
Birds even plan their breeding season around when caterpillars will be available for food. Not enough caterpillars, not enough bird food. It has a ripple effect on our entire ecosystem and food chain.
A Dangerous Trend
According to the Smithsonian Institute, there are about 17,500 different species of butterflies. The United States houses around 750 of these species. While that may sound like a lot, more of our butterfly friends are dying every year.
Various butterfly species declined from 35-67% over a nine-year period in the UK. On the upside, some butterfly species started to make a comeback in 2019, according to The UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme.
Monarch butterflies overwinter in Mexico and California. Scientists estimate there were at least 4.5 million monarch butterflies in California alone in the 1980s. At last count, the population has declined to less than 29,000. That’s .5% of what they used to be.
The Center for Biological Diversity reports on the butterfly decline in Mexico. From 2019 to 2020 Mexico lost 53% of its remaining monarch butterfly population. The Xerces Society for conservation highlights the loss in the US. California lost 86% of its monarch butterfly population from 2017 to 2018 alone.
At this rate, scientists say the species will be extinct within 20 years.
What’s Killing the Butterflies?
There are several reasons why our important pollinators are dying out. According to EPA pesticide usage reports:
Pesky Pesticides
More than half of insecticides in the US are sprayed in yards and gardens.
The US accounts for 23% of the world’s total pesticide use.
83 million US households use insecticides. This doesn’t include other pesticides used.
All of these pesticides spell major trouble for the butterfly population.
Neonicotinoid pesticides may be especially harmful. Researchers found that as neonicotinoid use rose, so did butterfly deaths. The Guardian reports:
“If we’re going to get smart about using chemicals in the countryside we need to test them better before they get out there. It’s crazy that we’re using a potentially dangerous-to-wildlife chemical and nobody has done those studies.”
A Boring Landscape
Along with pesticide use comes a decrease in plant diversity. When people spray unwanted “weeds,” like beneficial dandelions, it has a domino effect. Milkweed is the monarch butterflies main food source, but thanks to pesticides the number of plants has plummeted.
Green lawns empty of nutritious and diverse plant life. Roadsides and fields that are sprayed and mowed. Fields full of bare ground and pesticide-resistant corn or soybeans. All of these scenarios rob our important pollinators of the food they need and ultimately damages the ecosystem we depend on.
5G and EMF Effects on Butterflies?
5G has gotten a lot of buzz lately, and not all for positive reasons. A 2010 study in the journal Nature explores its possible effects on insects and animals. How? Butterflies have photoreceptor proteins called cryptochromes. These allow butterflies to see UV light rays invisible to humans. The proteins also help the butterflies (and other animals) sense the earth’s geomagnetic field. There’s growing evidence that EMF waves may throw off the sense of direction for birds and insects.
Changing the Food Supply
Not only are EMF waves confusing butterflies’ sense of direction, but they could be damaging their food source. Newsweek reports scientists have also found nearly 90% of plant life tested was sensitive to cell phone frequencies. EMF waves have a negative impact on how plants develop, function, and metabolize.
How to Create a Butterfly Garden
Instead of feeling overwhelmed and depressed by this information, we can take action! A butterfly garden is a perfect way to create a haven for our pollinator friends. Unlike bees, butterflies are a little pickier about what they like.
#1 Be a Groupie
Butterflies prefer large blocks of colorful flowers of the same variety. Instead of planting ten different flowers in the same small area, opt for a larger patch of one kind. This doesn’t mean your butterfly garden can only have one or two varieties, but instead group like flowers together.
#2 Plant a Rainbow
Like bees, butterflies like a variety of colors. Red, orange, yellow, pink, and purple blooms are their favorite. Butterflies also tend to prefer flowers with short flower tubes and wide landing surfaces, like daisies and black-eyed susan. Blooms with large clusters, like phlox, are also a favorite.
#3 Take It to Greater Heights
Butterflies want a variety of heights to choose from. Taller flowers and shrubs help provide protective shade for them. Trees and shrubs are important for butterflies to perch and feed on. These plants provide for them from caterpillar through adulthood.
#4 Spread the Love
Like us, butterflies need to eat throughout the seasons, not just summer. By planting a variety of flowers with different bloom times we can help them eat all season long. Some butterflies hibernate in the winter, while others migrate to a warmer climate and feed there.
#5 Put Off Raking the Leaves
While many want a leafless lawn in the fall, leaves provide shelter through the winter for insects and birds. According to Purdue University’s Forest and Natural Resources, annual and perennial plants can contain butterfly pupa and larva. In many areas, butterflies overwinter in fallen leaves and vegetation.
According to scientists at the University of Michigan, fallen leaves have other benefits. Mulched leaves fertilize and add nutrition to the soil. Grass is noticeably thicker, greener, and healthier in the spring. By raking leaves and pulling up plants in the fall we’re disturbing a vital part of the ecosystem.
Late spring is a much safer time to clean up the yard and garden.
 #6 Don’t Forget About the Babies!
Butterflies lay eggs that become caterpillars, and later on more butterflies. A good butterfly garden will also have food and shelter for the reproductive cycle. You can do both you and the caterpillars a favor by creating their own space for them away from your vegetables.
What to Plant in a Butterfly Garden
Ready to get started? Here’s a master list of butterfly-friendly varieties to look for:
Best Veggies for Butterflies
Garlic chives
Best Trees for a Butterfly Garden
Gumbo-Limbo tree
Pawpaw tree (and the fruits are edible and delicious!)
Tulip poplar tree
Wild black cherry tree
Chokecherry tree
Northern prickly ash
Butterfly-Friendly Shrubs and Vines
Butterfly bush (Buddleia spp.)
Buddleia davidii ‘Miss Molly’
Mexican flame vine (the only vine that attracts monarchs)
Best Plants and Flowers for Butterflies
Mint – spearmint, peppermint, etc.
Bluemist spirea
Milkweed (vital for monarch caterpillars)
Purple coneflower (echinacea)
Globe amaranth
Mexican sunflower
Black-eyed susan
Coral bean
Coral honeysuckle
Firecracker plant
Lion’s Ear
Passion Flower
Blue porterweed
Bee balm (also known as wild bergamot)
Blue mistflower
Duranta erecta (sapphire showers or golden dewdrops)
Echium fastuosum (pride of Madeira)
Blazingstar varieties (a favorite of monarchs) – rough, button, meadow, and northern are some of the varieties.
Purpletop vervain
Egyptian starcluster
Purple giant hyssop (not anise hyssop)
More Butterfly Garden Necessities
Still looking to add on? Try:
Some butterfly species eat rotting fruit. Instead of tossing out overripe fruit leftovers, place fruit slices in a shallow dish for the butterflies. These should be set next to a flowering plant they like.
Bath Time
Butterflies also enjoy taking a dip. While they steer clear of deeper water, like birdbaths, a shallow dish of water is just their thing. You can fill a saucer with wet sand and water by their favorite flowers. If your area is prone to mosquitos be sure to dump and change the water regularly.
What About a Butterfly House?
A butterfly house may look like a friendly gesture, but they’re not necessary. These are more for decoration and butterflies don’t use them. It’s more likely to end up as a spider hotel. Try building a bee hotel instead.
Let’s Save the Butterflies
Even though the statistics are shockingly bad, we can all play a part in saving the butterflies. Planting a butterfly garden, skipping the pesticides, and encouraging diverse plant life can make an impact. The more of us who pitch in, the better!
Do you have a butterfly garden? What’s in it?
Purdue University Forestry and Natural Resources (2004, May). Attracting Butterflies to Your Yard. https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/FNR/FNR-248-W.pdf
The UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). (2019). 2019 Summary of Changes table for the UK. https://www.ukbms.org/official_statistics
Cornell University Cooperative Extension Fulton and Montgomery Counties (2013, April 11). Consumer Horticulture: Plan a Butterfly Garden. https://ccefm.com/readarticle.asp?ID=1577&progID=8
Dovey, D (2018, May 19). Radiation for Cell Phones, Wi-Fi is hurting the birds and the bees; 5G may make it worse. Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/migratory-birds-bee-navigation-5g-technology-electromagnetic-radiation-934830
US EPA (2017). Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage 2008 – 2012 Market Estimates. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-01/documents/pesticides-industry-sales-usage-2016_0.pdf
Schultza, C., Brown, L., Pelton, E., & Crone, E. (2017). Citizen science monitoring demonstrates dramatic declines of monarch butterflies in western North America. Biological Conservation. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0006320717304809
Curry, T. (2020, March 20). Eastern monarch butterfly population plunges below extinction threshold. Center for Biological Diversity. https://phys.org/news/2020-03-eastern-monarch-butterfly-population-plunges.html
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. (2018, Nov 29). Early Thanksgiving Counts Show a Critically Low Monarch Population in California. https://xerces.org/blog/early-thanksgiving-counts-show-critically-low-monarch-population-in-california
UK College of Agriculture Food and Environment. Aphids. Entomology at the University of Kentucky. https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef103)
Hartley Botanic (2016, March 2). Why Butterflies are Important. https://hartley-botanic.co.uk/magazine/why-butterflies-are-important/
Gegear, Robert J. et al. (2010). Animal Cryptochromes Mediate Magnetoreception by an Unconventional Photochemical Mechanism. Nature, 463(7282), 804. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature08719
Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources (2004). Attracting Butterflies to Your Yard. https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/FNR/FNR-248-W.pdf
Johnson, T. (n.d.). Out My Backdoor: Do Butterfly Boxes Work? Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division. https://georgiawildlife.com/out-my-backdoor-do-butterfly-boxes-work
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/427932/butterfly-garden/
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onestowatch · 5 years
From Hannah Montana to Ashley O: The Many Faces of Miley Cyrus
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Photo: Vijat M
READ: Ariana Grande: From Cat Valentina to a Generation-Defining Pop Princess
Few childhood artists have maintained the level of cultural relevance and influence that, for better or worse, Miley Cyrus has wielded over the years with all the force of a wrecking ball. At 26 years of age, she stands as one of the most recognizable figures in music, largely in part to how varied her journey through this ever-evolving music landscape has been. It would be no understatement to say that a generation grew up alongside Cyrus, watching her evolution as an artist unfold in the absolute most unexpected of ways.
If you asked anyone years ago if Hannah Montana would be playing a self-aware A.I. version of her titular character in a Netflix show highlighting dystopic narratives that often mirrors reality a bit too closely, you would likely be hit with, “What’s Netflix?,” cause the year is 2006 and Hannah Montana just began airing. So, in our latest Where Are They Now? piece and now-realized moment of shocking foresight, we look back at how Miley Cyrus went from a tween pop icon to keeping the world’s attention with bated breath with her every move.
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To begin, Miley Cyrus was not born Miley Cyrus (nor was she born Hannah Montana); she was born Destiny Hope Cyrus to her mother, actress, and producer Tish Cyrus, and father, country superstar Billy Ray Cyrus. Eventually adopting her childhood nickname, “Smiley,” and a middle name taken to honor her Democratic politician grandfather, Ronald Ray Cyrus, we emerge with the Cyrus we’re all familiar with. But how exactly do we get from “Smiley” to perhaps the biggest child star of the mid-‘00s?
Well, you can thank a 2001 production of Mamma Mia! for igniting a love for acting in an eight-year-old Miley’s heart. Following said performance, she immediately confessed to her father that acting was undeniably what she wanted to do, thus leading to her television debut in her father’s show, Doc. While neither her role of Kylie on Doc or the minor role of Young Ruthie in the 2003 Tim Burton-directed film Big Fish would prove to be the catalyst to stardom, there was a certain audition happening at this very moment in time–The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl in 3D.
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Okay, so no, Miley did not take up the title role of Lava Girl, but 2003 did see her audition for two major roles -- the aforementioned Lava Girl and Hannah Montana. And while Miley Cyrus starring opposite Taylor Lautner in Sharkboy and Lava Girl is something we did not know we needed until this very moment, chances are her choosing to play Hannah Montana was probably for the best. That is not to say her playing the titular role was not a simple said and done feat.
As a matter of fact, Cyrus did not even originally audition for the role of Hannah Montana, but of the character’s best friend Lilly Truscott. Yet, they saw something in a young Miley, except she was originally denied the part for being “too young and small.” Thankfully for her, the kid could sing and act with the best of them, leading to her debuting as Hannah Montana in 2006.
The show was a hit. One of the highest-rated shows on cable, an admitted guilty pleasure amongst critics, and the vehicle that launched Miley Cyrus to the level of teen idol, Hannah Montana was an international sensation. In fact, the soundtrack to the show, which was released under the name of Hannah Montana, topped the Billboard 200 chart and made Cyrus the first act within the Walt Disney company to have deals in television, film, consumer products, and music.
The next few years would arguably be the peak of Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana fever. From movies and concert films, a Golden Globe nomination for her theatrical debut in the animated film Bolt, tours that Ticketmaster officials likened to The Beatles and Elvis Presley in regards to the overwhelming demand for tickets, launching a fashion line, the youngest artist in history to have four number one albums on the Billboard chart, to even performing for the Queen and the Royal Family, the world seemingly belonged to Miley Cyrus.
And then came 2010. The year would see Cyrus starring in a film adaption of the Nicholas Spark novel, The Last Song, opposite husband to-be Liam Hemsworth, which while commercially successful, was critically panned. The year would continue to see Cyrus attempt to distance herself from the Hannah Montana brand with the release of Can’t Be Tamed. The album received widespread controversy over its more dance-oriented stylistic shift and suggestive lyrical content and performance. Yet, it was the finale of Hannah Montana and its final studio album, which was a commercial failure, that signified the end of Hannah Montana and Cyrus’ role as a teen idol.
Deciding to move away from the world of music and fully pursue acting, Cyrus’ transition away from the visage of a teen idol was not without its difficulties. The next two years would see her make a number of odd film and television appearances, including the Justin Bieber–revived Punk’d and Demi Moore–assisted independent film LOL.
However, it was not Cyrus’ puzzling endeavors in the world of film and television that would make its mark on the world but her grand return to music in 2013. Returning with a provocative look that saw her cutting off all her hair and dying it blonde, as well as a heavily hip-hop influenced sound thanks to collaborations with Snoop Dogg, Pharrell Williams, Mike Will Made-It and more, “We Can’t Stop” was Cyrus’ comeback moment. Simulated sex acts via foam finger and all, the reaction was described with an outpouring of sentiments–disturbing, triumphant, cringe-worthy. However, you felt about Cyrus’ return, it was anything but a bore.
“We Can’t Stop” was followed by arguably Cyrus’ most iconic moment, “Wrecking Ball.” The video, which starred a nude Cyrus swinging atop a wrecking ball, was viewed over nineteen million times on the first day alone. The vast departure in aesthetic and sound would be fully-realized on Cyrus’ fourth studio album, Bangerz. The album and subsequent tour received widespread controversial attention for its salacious nature, but prudes be dammed, as both the album and tour were a resounding commercial success.
While we will likely never get another outright sex-fueled moment of hip-hop Cyrus, or her equally left-field psychedelic stint with The Flaming Lips, Cyrus’ comeback story is as good as they come. It is a story that has allowed her to step out of the teen idol shadow and into any role possible, a notion 2019 turns to fact.
2019 has witnessed yet another resurgence in the world’s infatuation with Cyrus. Kicking it all off with the announcement that she would star in season 5 of the hit Netflix show Black Mirror as Ashley O, a pop star whose life begins to unravel. The gritty reboot of Hannah Montana we had all been waiting for has even gone as far as to bleed into real life with a Glastonbury performance that saw Cyrus performing as Ashley O.
Yet, what is potentially even more exciting than Cyrus existing as a real-life dystopic commentary is Cyrus’ upcoming seventh studio album, She Is Miley Cyrus. Set to be released later this year, the highly-anticipated album will be preceded by three EPs--the first of which, She Is Coming, dropped at the end of May and features everyone from RuPaul to Ghostface Killah. So, what can we expect from She Is Miley Cyrus? Well, based on her journey through music thus far, it is anyone’s guess, but we can promise it will not be a bore. 
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