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The 46th edition of the 2024 Richard Murray Newsletter
The seventy-eigth of the Cento series. A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.
Invincible Fight Girl- fan art challenge
Dates - Auguste Rodin , Evelyn Cisneros
IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR : Black elected representatives need to replace hope with truth, and Priceless Facts About Money ; Rajacenna van Dam - ambidextrous drawing ; Architecture- Sans Souci Palace + Citadelle La Ferriere ; Fleuve Noir Anticipation- Fantastic Planet ; Honoring Charlie Christian - flying home
URL https://rmnewsletter.over-blog.com/2024/10/11/17/2024-rmnewsletter.html
#rmnewsletter #rmaalbc
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How is DPW different than COMDEX?
Here is a link to a post I wrote earlier today on DPW – https://bit.ly/4d8InHJ I like DPW, but watching their new video and now reading your post above, Michael Lamoureux, my uneasy critique of the conference video brought to mind the following: “In 2000, major companies such as IBM, Apple, and Compaq (now merged with Hewlett-Packard) decided to discontinue their involvement with COMDEX to…
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Microbuffer Advertisement | Creative Computing Magazine | 1982
#1980s#1982#vintage#magazine#advertisement#microbuffer#printer#vintage printer#comdex#united states#las vegas#nevada#vintage computing#vintage computer#computer#computing
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Investors on the Prowl: Top Five Staking-Friendly Altcoins
Investors are continually on the lookout for opportunities to capitalize on the cryptocurrency market. Our editorial team has singled out five altcoins that present exceptional rewards for staking. Staking percentage stands out as a pivotal criterion for those keen on garnering passive income from their altcoin holdings. Lucrative Altcoins in January Topping the charts as the most lucrative altcoin for staking is Energi (NRG), boasting a staking rate of 55.82%. Nearly 25 million Energi tokens are currently staked, contributing to a cumulative market capitalization of $2.67 million. The network is bolstered by 516 active validators, ensuring both stability and operational efficiency. Despite a 10% inflation rate, its robust profitability renders it appealing to investors. Securing the second position is Evmos (EVMOS), featuring a staking reward rate of 34.13%. With an overall market capitalization of $825.82 million, $235.6 million worth of tokens are staked. The network operates seamlessly with 145 active validators, guaranteeing stability. However, investors should be mindful of the elevated inflation rate, standing at 24.19%. The third spot is claimed by Comdex (CMDX), offering a staking yield of 29.62%. Boasting a market capitalization of $8.66 million, 115 million tokens are committed to staking. Comdex operates through 84 active validators, and the inflation rate hovers at 20.74%. Securing the fourth position is e-Money (NGM), with a staking yield of 27.02%. Despite a comparatively lower market capitalization of $870.65 thousand, 47.41 million tokens are effectively staked. The network operates efficiently with 65 active validators and experiences a moderate inflation rate of 10%. Rounding off the top five is THORChain (RUNE), featuring a staking rate of 22.79%. With a project capitalization of $516.08 million, THORChain emerges as an attractive option. Boasting 92 active validators and a moderate inflation rate of 4.4%, THORChain adeptly maintains a balance between reward size and stability. Altcoin Profitability Overview TokenStaking ValueTokens in StakingActive ValidatorsInflationYieldEnergi (NRG)$2.67 million24.29 million5169.88.82%Evmos (EVMOS)$25.82 million235.6 million14624.19.13%Comdex (CMDX)$8.66 million115.67 million8420.74.62%e-Money (NGM)$870.65 thousand47.41 million6510.02% Read the full article
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Computer Chronicles - COMDEX 1998
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"Phink" Comdex Asia '95 newspaper advertisement
#fin fin#finfin#fin fin on teo the magic planet#finfin on teo the magic planet#teo the other earth#teo the magic planet#fujitsu
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Windows HeartBeat #9 (1994年3月) 永久プログラマー このところ、ハードウェアとソフトウェアが車の両輪のように、うまく歩調を合わせて、進化している。7、8年前、Windowsやページ記述言語のPostScriptに出会った時、どうして、こんな大げさなソフトウェアが必要なのか、疑問を持った。8086や68000など初期の16ビットMPUが全盛の時代に、システムサイズが600KBや1MB近い基本ソフトは、処理速度も遅く、普及するとは思えない代物であった。 4、5年前、WindowsやPostScriptが米国で定着したのを見て、「ソフトウェアの開発には時間がかかる。ハードウェアの急速な進歩を見越して、数年先を先取りしたシステムデザインをしなければならなかったのか」と合点した。 そして現在、開発に時間がかかるはずのシステム・ソフトウェアが、ハードウェアと同じスピードで、どんどん変化している。 新しいソフトウェアが矢継ぎ早に発表される背景には、米国を中心としたコンピュータ・サイエンスに対する基礎研究の充実と、膨大な良質のソフトウェア資産の蓄積、そしていくつかの極への開発の集中が挙げられる。極とは、マイクロソフト、アップル、IBMなどのシステム・ソフトウェア・メーカーである。 システム・ソフトウェアの変化が激しくなると、アプリケーション・ソフトウェアの開発者は、その理解のために、開発時間の多くを割かれることになる。Windowsにしても、開発キットに添付されているサンプル・ソース・プログラムを試��、入門書を読み、プログラマーズ・リファレンス・マニュアルを眺めないと、その「思想」は理解できない。 DOSには、思想など存在しなかったが、Windowsは明らかに思想を持っている。思想に反した使い方やプログラミングを行なうと、Windowsはぎこちない動きをしてしまう。 ソフトウェアの作成工程は、設計、開発、試験の3工程で、工数は各工程でちょうど3等分されると昔からいわれてきたが、Windowsのアプリケーション開発では、その前に「調査」という工程が入る。思想を理解する工程である。Windowsは、グラフィックス、テキスト操作、メモリ管理、フォント操作、デバイスドライバなどで様々な思想を持っている。DOSでは生き字引きが何人もいたが、Windowsのすべてを理解している人は、世界中探しても見つからないであろう。Windowsプログラマーといっても、開発実績を持つ特定分野のことは理解していても、他の分野については素人である。新しいソフトウェアを作る時には、Windowsプログラマーといえども、先ずは調査をして、あれこれ試してみる必要がある。 Windowsだけをとっても、たくさんのソフトウェア技術者が毎日、たいへんな苦労をしながらプログラミングしているのが、日本の現状である。その上、今後、C++を理解し、クラスライブラリの使い方を覚え、OLE2やODBCを使いこなさねばならない。 昨年のComdex/Fallで華々しくデビューしたMicrosoft Office4.0では、アプリケーションが画面上にアイコンとして表示される、新しい試みがなされている。また、Word6.0では、ダイアログ内にメニュー展開用の「タブ」という新しいユーザ・インタフェースが採用された。MDI(複数文書操作)、OLE(オブジェクト結合手順)などの例に見られるように、アプリケーション開発チームが実現させた基本機能を、システム側が取り込むのがマイクロソフトの通例となっている。アイコン表示やタブもその内、OSの機能として組み込まれるのであろう。Windowsの次バージョンであるChicagoで、タイトルバーの文字列表示が左寄せに変わっても、アプリケーションでは何の変更も必要ない。しかし、タブをサポートするためのは、ユーザ・インタフェースの設計からやり直さなければならない。 Excel5.0のような、3Dの立体感のあるダイアログの作成でも、Windows3.1の開発キット(SDK)を使って実現するには、結構苦労した。それが、VisualC++1.5のMFC2.5には、標準ライブラリとして入っているらしい。VC++1.5にはもっと大切なOLE2対応のクラスライブラリや、ODBCの各種ドライバも入っている。Accessエンジンもロイヤリティなしでアプリケーションに組み込んで使えるのである。開発環境も、いつになく速いペースで改善されつつある。 システム・ソフトウェアや開発言語が、急速に進歩する「過渡期」であるため、プログラマーは勉強の連続になってしまう。過渡期といっても、この状態が21世紀まで続く可能性があり、Windowsソフトウェアを開発しようとしても、どこから、何に手を付けて良いやら分からない状況となりつつある。高級なクラスライブラリやオブジェクト指向OS、Visual Basic for Application(VBA)のような1ランク上の開発ツールの出現など、待てば待つほど、充実した開発環境でプログラミングが行えることが目に見えている。 パソコン・ハードウェア本体の「半年で旧型機」と同じサイクルにシステム・ソフトウェアも突入してしまった。東芝の部長さんが言っていた「最高のダイナブックが欲しければ、死ぬ1日前に買いなさい」というブラックジョークが笑えなくなってきた。 最高の開発環境で仕事をしたければ、死ぬ1日前に着手しなさい」ではプログラマーは誰も笑えない。 開発に着手したプロジェクトでは、更に話は複雑である。 A君は優秀なWindowsプログラマーである。彼は、1年半ほど前に、「これからはC++の時代だ」と一念発起して、マイクロソフトC/C++7.0とクラスライブラリMFC1.0を使って、アプリケーションを作り始めた。半分ほどプログラミングした時点でVisualC++1.0が米国で出荷された。その開発環境の良さやMFC2.0の高級な機能に刺激さ���て、VC++に開発環境を移行した。MFC1.0は、Win16APIにクラスライブラリの皮を被せただけの簡単なものである。彼はこの上に、独自の高級なクラス構築していたのだが、MFC2.0が見事にそれを葬ってくれた。MFC2.0に合わせて、モジュール構造から作り直すのに6ヵ月ほどを費やした。 そして、今、彼はVC++1.5への移行を真剣に考えている。ソフトウェアを出荷できるのは、いくらがんばっても今年の年末。その頃にはExcel5.0やWord6.0の日本語版も出ているに違いない。「OLE2をサポートしないソフトなんて、みんなに見向きもされないのでは?」と心配している。VC++1.5に付属しているMFC2.5のOLE2サポート機能は魅力である。独自に裸のOLE2をサポートするなど、ひとりでプログラミングを行なっている彼にとっては気の遠くなる話だ。マイクロソフトはMFC2.5でOLE2をサポートするために、2万行ものプログラミングを行なっている。これを使わない手はない。 Win32も気になる。半年も待てば、VC++2.0が出荷されて、32ビットで高速に稼働するアプリケーションが作れるであろう。Win32APIは、マイクロソフトが推奨しており、Macへの道も開かれるので、ぜひとも対応したい。このままVisualC++1.0で開発を続けるか、1.5に乗り換えるか、はた又、2.0まで待とうか。とにかく、MFC2.5のOLE2部分は使うことに決めたようである。 Chicago、Cairo、OLE、ODBC、MAPIなどの登場、そしてVisualC++の立て続けのバージョンアップで、「僕のプログラミング・スピードより、OS��言語の変化の方が、速度が速い」と、彼は嘆いている。今年の終わり頃には、オブジェクト指向OSであるCairoが姿を表わすであろう。すると、Win32APIよりも、はるか上位のプログラムインタフェースがクラスライブラリとして提供されることになる。完璧なソフトウェアを目指す、プログラマーの鑑のようなA君は、Cairoへの対応をすぐに検討するであろう。 こうして、プログラマーとしてA級の技術を持つA君は、プログラミングをやり続け、いつになってもソフトウェアが完成しない「永久プログラマー」となるのである。
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FEMSLASH FEBRUARY #7: In which Cameron and Donna plot revenge, once again
[CN: references to sexual assault and harassment in film; death of a minor character and sexual harasser]
[CN: references to use of CBD and THC] . . It was a Friday night, and Cameron and Donna had put on their pajamas, laid out a spread of snacks and beverages, and retreated to their media room for a screening of Promising Young Woman. They were sitting on the couch together, under a large, shared blanket.
Cameron popped a CBD gummy into her mouth and said, “I understand that this movie was triggering for some people, and that a lot of people just didn’t like the end, but, I don’t know. I get it. I feel it. I’d love to ruin a terrible, violent man’s wedding.”
“Same,” Donna said. She took a drag from her vape pen. “We also might be kind of biased though. We’ve ruined a couple men’s careers.” Then, she started to laugh hysterically. “Oh my G0d, Jacob Wheeler had to resign because you ruined that presentation!”
Cameron started to laugh with her. “I forgot about that!”
After a few minutes of watching the movie, Donna said, “Seriously, though. There are guys from when I was in school and from when I first started working who I would find and quietly destroy now if I could.”
Eyes wide, Cameron said, “Hunt Whitmarsh!”
“No,” Donna shook her head, “he didn’t sexually harass me or hurt me, he just, you know, tricked me.” She thought about it, and said, “Okay, maybe Hunt. But there are other guys higher on my list, who definitely deserve to be publicly outed and shamed for their misconduct.”
Cameron narrowed her eyes. “Two words. Harpor Capital.”
Donna sat up and whacked Cameron’s arm with her hand. “YES. Exactly!”
“I should’ve let you tell them off,” Cameron said. “I nearly slapped that guy for what he said about your lipstick.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, angry all over again despite how many years had passed.
“No, you were right to drag me away,” Donna conceded. “It wouldn’t have made a difference.”
“I don’t know,” Cameron said. “Embarrassing them in front of a restaurant full of venture capitalists and other tech people having meetings might have made them think twice.”
“Maybe,” Donna shrugged.
Then, Cameron said, “We should have jumped them.”
Donna cackled, “Jumped them? Yeah, I’m sure I would have been an unstoppable powerhouse in my pencil skirt and kitten heels.”
Stubbornly, Cameron insisted, “We could have taken them. One of them was shorter than you and the other one, the bigger creep, was in his forties, drunk, and nowhere close to being in fighting shape. One good ostrich kick and I could have sent him into the next week.”
The image of Cameron as an ostrich, which Donna secretly thought of as Cameron’s totem or power animal, flapping her wings and screeching and kicking, and a man flying through the fabric of time and space into the future, made Donna dissolve into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.
“You’re all loopy now, but I saw the way you went after Hunt at COMDEX,” Cameron said. “You probably could’ve done some real damage. Some kind of facial scar, or something.”
Donna kept laughing, and sank into her seat and further under their blanket. Then, she abruptly stopped, paused the movie, and grabbed Cameron’s arm. “We should look them up now. We should find Mac and Tim from Harpor Capital! And then we can figure out how to put them out of business!”
Cameron’s eye’s widened. “Oh my G0d, Donna. You are so right! We should find them right now!” She reached for Donna’s tablet, which was sitting on the coffee table, and put it in her lap. Donna handed her vape pen to Cameron, opened her browser, and searched for ‘Harpor Capital’ ‘San Francisco.’
There were no results for a Harpor Capital in San Francisco, though there were many results for various Harper Capitals in other cities. “You think maybe they’ve already closed down?” Donna asked.
“It could just be that search doesn’t even work anymore,” Cameron groaned.
Undeterred, Donna searched for ‘mac harpor’ ‘harpor capital.’ An obituary popped up.
Cameron took the tablet from a stunned Donna and said, “Holy shit.” She clicked on the link, and skimmed the obituary. “This says he died in a skiing accident.”
“It does not say that,” Donna scoffed. She snatched the tablet back, and then saw it there for herself: Mac Harpor had skied into a tree, passed out, and died of exposure. Donna stared at the article for a minutes before letting out a snort.
Cameron started to bark with laughter, and Donna joined her. After a minute, Donna insisted, “We shouldn’t laugh!” through tears.
“I’m not laughing because he’s dead even though that’s great, I’m laughing because you started to laugh!”
“Here, let’s look up the shorter creep,” Donna said, taking the tablet back again. She typed ‘Tim Henkel’ ‘Harpor’ into the search bar, hit enter, and watched the results come up. She started to laugh again as soon as she saw them.
“What?!” Cameron grabbed the tablet and looked at it, and started to laugh again, this time doubling over before she could even comment. “Conspiracy to commit wire fraud!” she finally managed to sputter. “He’s doing twenty years in the fed! I love this song!”
When they finally stopped laughing, Cameron frowned. “I guess we can’t ruin them, they beat us to it. Unless we wanna have Tim shanked, which, I’m not really willing to go there.”
“Yeah. Definitely not worth it,” Donna shook her head.
Cameron turned to look at Donna, and smiled. “You wanna watch Gone Girl next, maybe?”
“Yes! I love that idea!” Donna exclaimed. She put the tablet back on the table, reached over and hugged Cameron, and kissed her cheek before grabbing the remote, and hitting play.
#we all needed and deserved closure#which we rarely get in real life and that's why the end of promising young woman is like that#femslash february#femslash feb 2024#fan fic#cameron howe#donna clark#donna emerson#(the now defunct) harpor capital can go chug a douche!
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It's like the delicious hilarity of "environmental activists" using the Internet to amass viral support. Back in comdex y2k someone approached me with brochures about their new 'green' PC. I couldn't stop giggling for hours.
Can you say gallium arsenide? I knew you could.
And, of course, we've seen great improvements in the quarter century since. And not in a good way…
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MacAddict February 2000
Building a full-fledged web site in a hurry was this issue’s cover feature. The editorial dealt with a trip to Comdex that happened to touch on “the unfortunate impact the iMac has had on the PC industry,” including “a hideous pink translucent casing you can strap onto your beige PC.”
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Un día como hoy (23 de noviembre) en la tecnología
El 23 de noviembre de 1992, IBM presenta el primer smartphone de la historia, el IBM Simon Personal Communicator, en el COMDEX de Las Vegas. El Simon era un handheld con pantalla táctil diseñado por IBM pero manufacturado por Mitsubishi Electric. Aunque el término “smartphone” no se empleó hasta 1995, podemos decir que éste si fue el primer dispositivo que cumplía con las especificaciones de serlo. El Simon usaba el sistema de archivos de Datalight ROM-DOS, pero no tenía comandos DOS, en vez de eso, usaba una interfase llamada Navigator con compresión de archivos LZS de Stacker que usaban en la Mac con la aplicación DiskDouble y en PC con DR-DOS
#retrocomputingmx #IBMSimon #smartphone
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Events 11.23 (after 1970)
1971 – Representatives of the People's Republic of China attend the United Nations, including the United Nations Security Council, for the first time. 1972 – The Soviet Union makes its final attempt at launching the N1 rocket. 1974 – Sixty Ethiopian politicians, aristocrats, military officers, and other persons are executed by the provisional military government. 1976 – Jacques Mayol is the first man to reach a depth of 100 m (330 ft) undersea without breathing equipment. 1978 – Cyclone kills about 1,000 people in eastern Sri Lanka. 1978 – The Geneva Frequency Plan of 1975 goes into effect, realigning many of Europe's longwave and mediumwave broadcasting frequencies. 1980 – The 6.9 Mw Irpinia earthquake shakes southern Italy with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme), killing 2,483–4,900, and injuring 7,700–8,934. 1981 – Iran–Contra affair: Ronald Reagan signs the top secret National Security Decision Directive 17 (NSDD-17), giving the Central Intelligence Agency the authority to recruit and support Contra rebels in Nicaragua. 1985 – Gunmen hijack EgyptAir Flight 648 en route from Athens to Cairo. When the plane lands in Malta, Egyptian commandos storm the aircraft, but 60 people die in the raid. 1991 – Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury announces in a statement that he is HIV-positive. He dies the following day. 1992 – The first smartphone, the IBM Simon, is introduced at COMDEX in Las Vegas, Nevada. 1996 – Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 is hijacked, then crashes into the Indian Ocean off the coast of Comoros after running out of fuel, killing 125. 2001 – The Convention on Cybercrime is signed in Budapest, Hungary. 2002 – Space Shuttle Endeavour launches on STS-113 to the International Space Station carrying the Expedition 6 crew and the P1 truss. 2003 – Rose Revolution: Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze resigns following weeks of mass protests over flawed elections. 2004 – The Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi, the largest religious building in Georgia, is consecrated. 2005 – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is elected president of Liberia and becomes the first woman to lead an African country. 2006 – A series of bombings kills at least 215 people and injures 257 others in Sadr City, making it the second deadliest sectarian attack since the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003. 2007 – MS Explorer, a cruise liner carrying 154 people, sinks in the Antarctic Ocean south of Argentina after hitting an iceberg near the South Shetland Islands. There are no fatalities. 2009 – The Maguindanao massacre occurs in Ampatuan, Maguindanao, Philippines; 58 opponents of Andal Ampatuan Jr. are kidnapped and killed. 2010 – Bombardment of Yeonpyeong: North Korean artillery attack kills two civilians and two marines on Yeonpyeong Island, South Korea. 2011 – Arab Spring: After 11 months of protests in Yemen, Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh signs a deal to transfer power to the vice president, in exchange for legal immunity. 2015 – Blue Origin's New Shepard space vehicle became the first rocket to successfully fly to space and then return to Earth for a controlled, vertical landing. 2018 – Founders of Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana issue an apology following a series of offensive advertisements on social media promoting a fashion show in Shanghai, China, which was canceled. 2019 – The last Sumatran rhinoceros in Malaysia, Imam, dies, making the species officially extinct in the country.
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I should have sold my 3Dfx shirts that comdex. There's a couple girls that were interested in my shift.
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Computer Funnies
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedlycompared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, “IfGM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all bedriving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon”. In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a pressrelease stating: If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, wewould all…
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Le premier téléphone intelligent était de IBM
Mon Carnet, le podcast · {EXTRA} – Passé Connecté : IBM a offert le premier téléphone intelligent Contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait croire, ce n’est pas BlackBerry, NOKIA ou Apple, qui a inventé le tout premier téléphone intelligent. Non, c’est IBM qui a conçu le tout premier téléphone intelligent, baptisé « IBM Simon ». Ce téléphone mobile, doté d’un écran tactile, a été dévoilé lors du COMDEX…
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Windows, and in general smartphone use (even without tablets) outnumbers desktop use. 4]
Mobile devices, with mobile communications abilities (e.g., smartphones), contain two mobile operating systems - the main user-facing software platform is supplemented by a second low-level proprietary real-time operating system which operates the radio and other hardware.
Research has shown that these low-level systems may contain a range of security vulnerabilities permitting malicious base stations to gain high levels of control over the mobile device. [5]
Mobile operating systems have majority use since 2017 (measured by web use); with even only the smartphones running them (excluding tablets) having majority use, more used than any other kind of device. [2] Thus traditional desktop OS is now a minority-used kind of OS; see usage share of operating systems. However, variations occur in popularity by regions, while desktop-minority also applies on some days in countries such as United States and United Kingdom. Android and iOS currently dominate 80% of the market share of mobile operating systems worldwide. The S60 Platform (formerly
Series 60 User Interface) was a software platform for smartphones that runs on top of the Symbian operating system. It was created by Nokia based on the 'Pearl' user interface from Symbian Ltd. [1] It was introduced at COMDEX ins CLONES
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