#comcast phone number
themuppetagenda · 8 months
Love trying to get my adhd brain to communicate with my partner's autism brain sometimes. I have inextricably linked comcast centurylink cabletown and every other shitty internet company into one entity. They are interchangeable in speech, they mean the same thing, transitive property of communication companies or whatever. I can't be bothered to keep track of exactly which one is which I don't know and I don't care.
When I mean, "I have to call our internet company", but I say, "I have to call comcast again" it might accidentally turn into a long discussion because my brain is focused on shitty internet and cannot be disturbed. No other thoughts are allowed in right now unless maybe you're on fire. No promises though.
Meanwhile though she's over there thinking:
He didn't say the Right Company and maybe he does mean comcast but that's not right oh my god he's going to search his email for comcast customer service and he'll never find it, or worse, he'll call the Wrong Company and somehow sign us up for comcast again. He needs to know that's not right I will make sure he understands which company is the Right One so that this issue can be resolved quickly and without confusion.
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foone · 2 years
so I need to call comcast to yell at them because my internet is fuckt, but my cell phone is having unrelated connectivity issues. it's normally not a problem, because I can use wifi-calling, but that's not gonna work if my internet is down, now is it?
Fortunately, I have a landline! unfortunately, it's rotary:
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and that's just not going to work with a phone tree. they're gonna ask me to press 1 for english and enter my account number and all that jazz, and I won't be able to. So I need a touch-tone phone.
I check my phone-geek roommate's collection of phones, and while there is a Western Electric Model 2500, it's very dusty and I'm not sure I want to touch it.
But then, I see it. My salvation. Clean and shining like America...
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And wouldn't you know it, it's touch-tone too!
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so be right back, I gotta call Comcast from The Corn Phone.
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[Fucking Comcast Rant]
Fuck comcast. fuck "xfinity".
There is no possible way to speak to ANYONE on the phone about your account.
All you get are these fucking choices that you cannot challenge!
They raised my bill $5/mo because I didn't change from my debit card to bank account number.
They offer NO WAY OF TALKING TO ANYONE ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT! The "assistant" is a fucking canned bot with pre-chosen answers.
You want to "downgrade" your service? They will automatically raise the price of your "addons" (stupid fucking streaming thing which I didn't want to begin with!)
So you want to get rid of $10 that becomes $25/mo when you try? You have to return their stupid "streaming" box and remote, which I fucking threw away. So they will actually fucking CHARGE ME FOR THAT SHIT WHICH I DIDN"T ORDER IN THE FIRST GODDAMN PLACE AND NOW WILL CHARGE ME FOR THE FUCKING BOX IF I TRY TO GET RID OF IT?
Fuck this shit. I only got on this shit because of the $30 credit, but they are gonna jack the fucking bill another $40 at the end of the month.
[/Fucking Comcast Rant]
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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dirtybackroad · 2 years
the cable guy
read on ao3 / tag list
outsider POV fic
word count: 2k
day 3 prompt: digital
Outsider POV fic. The bunker needs wifi. Enter Dave.
Dave knew this would be an odd job from the moment he got the assignment. If he was being honest, he didn’t predict that things would be quite this strange, but regardless, he saw the red flags from the jump. 
First of all, when his boss sent out the list of addresses for the day’s installations, one was listed as only a set of coordinates. Dave was a fuckin’ cable guy, not a sailor or a goddamned pilot. He was afraid of the ocean, and his coke bottle glasses were proof that he lacked the 20/20 needed for the latter profession. He was simply a cable guy, and honestly, he didn’t even know if his car’s GPS would accept the coordinates to help him make the drive. 
Shit, he was a cable guy, not some fuckin’ computer whiz. He claimed to be able to hook up some wires, turn on a few modems. Maybe climb a telephone pole if things got really rough, but for the most part, Dave was just a man in his sixties. Ready to retire and slightly confused by modern technology. 
A problem for later, Dave put it out of his mind and carried out his first two installations of the day. An apartment set-up that took seven minutes and cost the poor woman nearly two hundred in fees was first, followed by a new construction that took eight times as long. 
Then Dave was off towards the coordinates, the newfangled touchscreen map in his car easily adjusting to using such an antiquated navigational system. Where in the world was he headed that didn’t even have a goddamned street address?  
Every job he was assigned came with its own challenges. The clients could be rude, the hookups old, the tech malfunctioning. No amount of weird gigs could have prepared Dave for this. 
It officially started when the GPS took a sharp left off the highway onto an unincorporated dirt road. The city radio station was already getting spotty out this far, but after a few minutes on the drive, static took over. The tires kicked up vision-obscuring amounts of dust, and Dave was glad he was the only one on the road that day. 
The robotic voice of his car’s navigation system announced that his destination was coming up. After a mental checklist of the gear he would need to grab from the trunk, Dave refocused on peering down the road ahead for his destination. 
As he carried on down the road, a large industrial building came into view. Dave hoped he had somehow mistyped the coordinates or the GPS was wrong because if not, he feared he’d been lured out into the woods to die. 
What looked like either a factory or a prison growing out of the hillside was the only structure for what felt like miles, and the voice of the navigational system announced Dave’s arrival. He took out his phone and fumbled with his company’s app to pull up the client’s phone number. 
The phone was barely allowed to ring before the line was picked up with a click and a panicked voice asking for a “Dean?”
“No, this is Dave? From Comcast?” 
The man on the other line let out a loud puff of a breath. “Sorry, I’m waiting for a call.” 
Dave announced his arrival at the location, and the man announced his intent to meet at the door. The cable man grabbed his duffle bag from the trunk and headed off towards the only thing nearby that could be considered a doorway. 
A short staircase of steps was followed by the strangest introduction to the assumed man of the house, one Richie Sambora, who looked nothing like the guitarist and only made Dave think he was given an alias. It would make sense; only someone with a lot to hide would live in a place like this. 
The door, which was below ground level and opened directly into the hillside, let out onto an even bigger staircase and a cavernous room. Dave didn’t even want to think about how much wire he’d need to make the connections necessary. “Richie” led the way down the metallic staircase, and Dave realized that he most definitely was dealing with the mob. 
It had to be organized crime; there was no better explanation for what Dave was dealing with. He fought to keep an even expression on his face when “Richie” turned back to gauge his reaction. Taking a closer look, the man was definitely muscle, and judging by the holster on his hip, he was ready to go. Dave just smiled, glad he was here to install the wifi and not shakedown a rival gang. 
They were standing in what could only be described as a war room. A giant map covered the table in the center, a switchboard and telegraph off to the side. A telegraph. In 2013. 
Maybe this wasn’t the mob. Perhaps this was just terrorism. 
Should Dave call someone?  
“Where would you like to have the router?” Dave asked his normal questions in the face of a situation that was absolutely abnormal. 
The construction around them couldn’t be any more recent than the late 30s, and the furniture didn’t seem to have been updated since then either. That didn’t bode well for the modem they needed to connect. 
The man smiled almost sheepishly and directed off towards a long hallway off of the main room. Shit, things were gonna get weirder before things were gonna get done. The guy who was definitely not named Richie led Dave out of the war room, past the largest telescope Dave had ever seen (yeah, definitely terrorism), and into the corridor. A few suspiciously shut doors down was a doorway that opened to reveal a spaceship’s worth of control panels, various outlets, and inputs. 
Where was this place? What was this place? 
For lack of anything better to say, Dave dumbly asked, “Here?” and got a nod in response. 
They were so far underground and into this hillside that Dave was sure a call to 911 for help would be impossible. But, just as the thought crossed his mind, the client’s phone rang out. 
Large hands wrestled to answer so quickly that the phone was nearly dropped in the struggle. 
Pretending to be uninterested, Dave grabbed for his duffle-bag. The electric hum of the room and the space between the two men ensured that “Dean’s” response was inaudible, so Dave pulled out a few cables to start and went about his job. 
“Is everything fine?” A pause. “How about Cas?” A sigh. “Dude, how could I have known that? Gimme a minute; the Comcast guy is h-“ 
Dave fumbled with the modem while he pretended not to be so interested in what this Dean had to say on the other end. 
“But you got it?” The client asked emphatically, then immediately lowered his voice. “Salted and burned?”   
Dave managed to keep from looking over, but the phone call must have ended because the next words spoken were to him. 
“I’m going to be right down the hall if you need anything. I’ll let you work.” 
Great. Dave was now alone with his thoughts. He focused hard on the task at hand, stringing cables to and fro, arguing with himself about whether or not to notify homeland security. 
The usual routine for a cable guy, right?
It couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes before “Richie” was back, his floppy hair and big doe eyes at odds with the general air of uncertainty in the room. The suspicion seemed to go both ways, and Dave wondered how many outsiders were allowed in. He suspected he might be the first. 
The modem and router were both set up, but if Dave remembered correctly, the client asked for a signal booster to be installed in another room. 
“All set here; where would you like your extender?” His robotic customer service demeanor seemed to set aside some of the client’s nervous energy as well. 
A few moments later, “Richie” was guiding Dave back up the hallway they’d come down and into the room with the large map table. From there, Dave was led into some sort of library. Now he only had more questions. 
He was left right at the entrance to the library when the other man dashed up the stairs to answer a call. This part was easy, just a simple power cable and then a few configurations on his phone, and then Dave could be on his way. Hopefully, without being marked as an enemy of whatever state this guy represented. 
But no. Dave couldn’t just have a normal Wednesday. 
The sound of heavy footfalls on metal came ringing through the space. Dave looked up to see Richie had just let in two friends. One was wearing a tattered and burnt shirt, and the other looked nearly spotless like he was coming home from an office job. Dave was definitely going to be killed for seeing this, so he just pretended he didn’t, looking back down at the outlets in the library wall. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Dave saw the three men make their way down the stairs, their voices coming into earshot as he worked. 
“-fuckin told me that the oldest son had the pocketwatch, so we were in his damn basement for nearly an hour before the thing showed up, and it was pissed. Cas nearly got whacked, but-”
“Cable guy, remember?” 
“Whatever. We figured it out; no thanks to you. Had to go grave robbin’ for the watch, but-“
“Dean!” The first man reached out to smack at his shoulder, serving as a warning to keep quiet. 
Tattered shirt guy, who Dave now knew was the Dean from the phone call earlier, sauntered into the library and plopped down in a chair across from Dave. 
“So!  We're goin' digital.  Did Sa-“
Richie cleared his throat loudly enough that Dave startled. 
Dean restarted. “Did Richie offer you anything to drink?” 
So it was a fake name. Not that Dave needed proof, he knew Bon Jovi and how to spot a red flag, but it was nice to have more assurance that he wasn’t just paranoid. 
Gesturing to the bottled water that Dave brought in with his bags, he dismissed the offer. The next step was waiting for the configuration signal to connect, and Dave wanted to avoid small talk as much as possible. He thought his safest bet was to absorb as little information as possible to keep in these guys’ good graces. 
A peek at the titles on the bookshelf to his right didn’t ease his anxieties. De Occulta Philosophia libri III, Tryals of the Spirit, and A Magical Record of the Beast didn’t exactly sound like book-club-friendly novels, but they also didn’t sound like the collection of a mad terrorist cell either. 
“We’re thinking about offering library cards and a good kids story time.” Damnit, Dave was caught looking. When he looked up to see Dean’s reaction, the man was just wearing a self-assured smile. The man’s laid-back demeanor was at odds with the bizarre situation and the fact that he looked like he’d been through a house fire. 
Dave must have looked horrified because Dean gave a follow-up clarification. “Joking, joking.” 
Dave’s phone chimed to notify him that the setup was complete, and he had never stood up faster in his life. He had lost track of “Richie” and the businessman, but upon exiting the library, the two were seated at the map table, hunched over and whispering. 
Dave only heard the words “haunted” and “vessel” before the two were startled at his presence. The cable man fumbled for his usual phrases, anything brisk and easy to get him out the door, but he was truthfully at a loss for words. He gaped a bit, dumbly, at the cast of characters around him and grabbed his bag strap. 
“Thank you for choosing Comcast?” It came out as a question while Dave tried his best to give a customer service smile. Usually, he’d have the client check a device or something for the connection, but all Dave wanted was to be in his car, headed back towards safety on that damned dirt road. 
He did not get paid well enough for this shit. 
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My internet has been weird and frequently spotty for the last 2-3 weeks. This morning, I did battle with the Comcast service line for a good 15 minutes before they would let me talk to an agent.
I spent another half hour letting the agent try all their “we can diagnose over the internet” until they finally set up an appt for a tech to come out and deal with the PHYSICAL issue. There is a PHYSICAL problem with the wires.
And now I had “advance technical support” call and be all “hello ma’am we would like to have you run around unplugging and replugging things on the phone to make certain you need an actual person to come out and fix it” and I just… no.
I have been unplugging and replugging and tightening cables and all of those “easy fix” things the past two weeks. I spent 45 minutes on the phone getting an appointment with a tech to come out - which is what I knew I needed when I dialed the damn number!!! I am not going to struggle through understanding a person who, granted, speaks better English than I speak Hindi, but it’s still a heavy accent over the phone and hard to understand. And I am not going to run around, disrupting my afternoon, unplugging and replugging so that it will give me 5 minutes of connection and Comcast can say “oh, it’s fixed, we’re cancelling your service appointment.
Just no.
Fuck you Comcast. Your people are fine but your policies SUCK.
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richardjonesp · 1 month
What Are Comcast’s Latest Innovations?
Comcast’s Smart Home Technology
Comcast is making homes smarter. Their new smart home system integrates with various devices. You can control lights, locks, and thermostats from your phone. It uses Xfinity's advanced technology to make daily life easier. For instance, you can set your home to “away” mode when you leave. This mode will turn off lights and adjust the thermostat. Users find this feature saves them money on energy bills. With smart home integration, Comcast is enhancing convenience and security in homes.
Xfinity’s 10G Network Upgrade
Comcast’s 10G network upgrade is impressive. This new technology boosts internet speeds and reliability. Xfinity’s 10G network promises faster speeds than ever before. It supports multiple devices at once without slowing down. For example, a family streaming videos and playing online games can experience smooth performance. Users report faster downloads and fewer disruptions. The upgrade also aims to improve coverage in rural areas. Comcast’s 10G network is a significant step forward in internet technology.
Xfinity Flex Streaming Device
The Xfinity Flex device is a recent innovation. It offers a wide range of streaming options. Users can access popular services like Netflix and Hulu through this device. Xfinity Flex is easy to set up and use. For example, it has a simple interface that anyone can navigate. It also supports voice commands, making it even more user-friendly. Comcast’s Xfinity Flex is designed to meet modern streaming needs. It combines convenience with a broad selection of content, enhancing the viewing experience.
Discover PrimeExpert : Your Comprehensive Source for USA Contact Information
For in-depth access to extensive USA contact details, explore the PrimeExpert directory. Offering a wide array of listings, this resource ensures you can find specific contacts across various industries and regions within the United States. Whether you're searching for business contacts, customer service numbers, or professional connections, PrimeExpert is a dependable platform to streamline your search. Utilize its user-friendly interface and vast database to access the most relevant and current contact information tailored to your needs. Efficiently uncover detailed American business contact information with the PrimeExpert directory today.
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ladukeblog · 1 month
How Does Cox's Pricing Stack Up?
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Understanding Cox's Pricing Structure
Cox offers a range of pricing plans. Their packages include internet, TV, and phone services. Many people find Cox's pricing competitive. But how does it measure up against others? First, look at Cox's internet plans. They offer speeds from 10 Mbps to 1 Gbps. Prices start around $30 per month for basic speeds. High-speed plans can cost up to $100 per month. Cox also has bundles. These include internet and TV. Bundles might seem like a good deal. They can save you money if you need both services. But check the details carefully. Sometimes, these bundles have hidden fees.
Comparing Cox to Other ISPs
When you compare Cox to other ISPs, look at key factors. Check the speeds offered and their costs. For instance, AT&T and Comcast have similar plans. AT&T might offer lower prices for similar speeds. Comcast's prices can be higher, but they may offer more features. Fiber internet is another aspect to consider. Cox provides fiber in some areas, but not everywhere. AT&T Fiber is available in more locations. It often has lower prices for high-speed options. If you have choices, research each provider. Look at their customer service reviews too. Some users report better experiences with competitors.
What to Watch Out For with Cox
Cox’s pricing is generally clear. But watch out for extra charges. Installation fees, equipment rental, and data overage fees can add up. Customers sometimes find these additional costs surprising. For example, if you exceed your data limit, you might face extra fees. Cox also offers promotions. These can be tempting, but read the fine print. Often, promotional rates increase after a few months. Consider how long you'll stay with Cox before committing. Look for any long-term contracts or cancellation fees. Make sure you understand the total cost before signing up.
If you’re deciding on Cox, weigh the pros and cons carefully. Compare their plans to others in your area. This will help you find the best value for your needs.
Discover USBizz:
Your Comprehensive Source for USA Contact Information For in-depth access to extensive USA contact details, explore the USBizz directory. Offering a wide array of listings, this resource ensures you can find specific contacts across various industries and regions within the United States. Whether you're searching for business contacts, customer service numbers, or professional connections, USBizz is a dependable platform to streamline your search. Utilize its userfriendly interface and vast database to access the most relevant and current contact information tailored to your needs. Efficiently uncover detailed American business contact information with the USBizz directory today.
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hearttickerblog1 · 1 month
How Comcast Competes with Streaming Services
Comcast faces stiff competition from streaming services. Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ are popular choices for viewers. These platforms offer on-demand content and flexibility. Comcast, traditionally a cable provider, has had to adapt.
To compete, Comcast has launched Xfinity Stream. This service lets users access live TV and on-demand shows. Xfinity Stream is available on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. This flexibility mirrors what streaming services offer. Comcast also bundles its TV service with internet and phone options. These bundles aim to provide value and convenience for customers.
Comcast has invested in original content, too. The company owns NBCUniversal, which produces popular shows and movies. This content is available through Peacock, NBCUniversal’s streaming platform. Peacock offers both free and premium options. By leveraging its own content, Comcast hopes to keep viewers engaged.
In addition, Comcast has improved its user interface. The company’s new cable boxes and apps offer smoother navigation. This user-friendly approach is designed to keep customers satisfied. Comcast also focuses on customer service to address complaints and issues quickly. By combining these strategies, Comcast aims to stay relevant in a changing media landscape.
Overall, Comcast's approach is multifaceted. It blends traditional TV services with new technology and content. The company hopes this strategy will help it compete with the growing popularity of streaming services.
Discover DoctorsCenter: Your Comprehensive Source for USA Contact Information
For in-depth access to extensive USA contact details, explore the DoctorsCenter directory. Offering a wide array of listings, this resource ensures you can find specific contacts across various industries and regions within the United States. Whether you're searching for business contacts, customer service numbers, or professional connections, DoctorsCenter is a dependable platform to streamline your search. Utilize its user-friendly interface and vast database to access the most relevant and current contact information tailored to your needs. Efficiently uncover detailed American business contact information with the DoctorsCenter directory today.
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innertravelerdreamer · 3 months
"The Democrat VS Republican." #shorts #trump #biden #uspolitics #vote #u..."The Democrat VS Republican."/ " and the US presidential race between US Presiden Joe Biden and former US President Donal Trump.Democrat VS Republican. #shorts #trump #biden #uspolitics #vote #usanews. This is big political news in the USA.In the year 2024. 
So get the latest news by watching our podcast and TV show from the USA, Chicago, IL. We welcome your feedback and comments. We have thousands of videos. 
Do not forget to Like/Comment and share our video on your social media platforms ( Google, Facebook, and YouTube.)# We welcome your feedback, comments, and constructive criticism! You can watch the Underground Railroad TV show in Chicago on Comcast TV and CAN-TV every Saturday at 10:30 PM Central time. 
You can watch the Underground Railroad TV show on CAN-TV on Saturdays at 10:30 PM Central time on channel 19 or at this website link: https://cantv.org/watch/stream-can-tv19/. For more information, Clifton. Raheem Bradley
E-mail address [email protected]   Phone number 1-312-884-9757
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avniv074 · 7 months
Unveiling the Power of Xfinity: A Comprehensive Guide
In the consistently developing scene of telecommunications, finding a supplier that offers both dependability and development is vital. Enter Xfinity, a force to be reckoned with in the business famous for its comprehensive scope of administrations and state of the art innovation. From high velocity web to satellite television and home security arrangements, Xfinity has become inseparable from consistent network and diversion. In this article, we'll investigate the contributions of Xfinity, with a specific spotlight on the enactment cycle through www.xfinity.com/authorize.
Grasping Xfinity: A Multi-layered Approach
Xfinity, a brand under the umbrella of Comcast Link Communications, has re-imagined the manner in which we associate and consume content. With a strong framework and a commitment to consumer loyalty, Xfinity offers a different set-up of administrations custom-made to address the issues of cutting edge shoppers.
1. High velocity Web
At the core of Xfinity's contributions lies its high velocity web access, which gives clients lightning-quick network for all their internet based exercises. With speeds going from 25 Mbps to 2000 Mbps, Xfinity web guarantees consistent streaming, gaming, and perusing encounters. Whether you're a relaxed client or a weighty information buyer, Xfinity has an arrangement to suit your requirements.
2. Digital TV
Notwithstanding internet providers, Xfinity offers a wide exhibit of satellite television bundles, including a broad choice of stations taking special care of different interests. From sports and news to amusement and way of life writing computer programs, Xfinity's satellite television administration conveys first class happy directly to your parlor. With highlights like DVR recording and On-Request seeing, clients have the adaptability to watch their number one shows according to their own preferences.
3. Home Security and Mechanization
Past network and amusement, Xfinity gives comprehensive home security and mechanization arrangements intended to guard your family and property. With highlights like every minute of every day proficient checking, savvy home joining, and remote access through the Xfinity Home application, clients can appreciate inner serenity realizing that their house is safeguarded nonstop.
Initiating Xfinity Administrations: The Job of xfinity.com/authorize
Now that we've investigated the scope of administrations presented by Xfinity, how about we dive into the actuation cycle utilizing xfinity.com/authorize. This internet based stage fills in as the passage for clients to actuate and deal with their Xfinity administrations easily.
Bit by bit Initiation Guide:
Visit xfinity.com/authorize utilizing any internet browser on your computer or cell phone.
Sign in to your Xfinity account utilizing your username and secret phrase. In the event that you're another client, you can make a record by choosing the "Make another record" choice and following the prompts.
Once signed in, you'll be provoked to confirm your record data and select the administrations you wish to actuate.
Adhere to the on-screen directions to complete the actuation cycle. This might incorporate affirming your administration plan, setting up gear (if material), and consenting to agreements.
When initiation is complete, you'll get affirmation that your xfinity com authorize administrations are currently dynamic and prepared to utilize.
Ways to boost Your Xfinity Experience
To benefit from your Xfinity administrations, think about the accompanying tips:
Enhance Your Wi-Fi: Position your switch in a focal area and use Wi-Fi extenders if important to guarantee ideal inclusion all through your home.
Investigate On-Request Satisfied: Exploit Xfinity's tremendous library of On-Request films and Programs for interminable amusement choices.
Set Up Parental Controls: Utilize Xfinity's parental control highlights to screen and deal with the substance got to by your relatives.
Use Home Computerization: Take advantage of Xfinity's home robotization elements to control shrewd gadgets and improve the security and accommodation of your home.
In conclusion, Xfinity remains as a forerunner in the telecommunications business, offering a comprehensive set-up of administrations intended to address the issues of the present associated purchasers. With rapid web, digital TV, and home security arrangements, Xfinity conveys unmatched dependability and development. By enacting your Xfinity administrations through xfinity.com/authorize and following the tips illustrated in this article, you can expand your network and partake in a consistent diversion experience more than ever.
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hackedintucson · 8 months
Xfinity aka Comcast
Long time customer of this massive company
Back in the days of my excessive spending I used to send them at least $350 a month. Most of what I paid them went towards what is essentially free now. Cable television used to be something I didn’t think I could live without. I had every channel imaginable from HBO to MTV. More channels than I could ever watch. Guess how much television I used to watch? Almost none. The only real time I watched television was on weekends and you will never believe what I watched. I would almost exclusively purchase movies. Most of to the free stuff I had seen many times of wasn’t interested in. My favorite ones to buy and add to my account were Marvel. I watched these over and over again and they still exist in my account but you gotta pay for cable television to access them which won’t be entertaining my budget anytime soon. I even believe you will find purchases in my account for a given Marvel movie where one is regular and the other is high definition or a directors cut. Who the fuck invents such things? It’s the same product for crying out loud. I’ll tell you who manufacturers such things, those who sole purpose in life is making as much money as possible at any cost. Deceiving the consumer into buying the same product they don’t need multiple times is a real problem in this world. Those who go WTF after realizing they were tricked I into buying the same product but don’t spend the time to complain and get their money back is exactly who this product is designed for. I will add more detail on cable tv later
Cable internet oh boy where do I begin…
Anyone remember when all internet came via phone lines and there were terms like bbs and baud rates? I do. Google didn’t exist when the internet first came into existence. Back in the day you set you modem to dial a specific phone number to get to things like AOL, Prodigy, etc. Want to connect to your community college, no problem, just provide the correct phone number and you are only steps away from seeing your grades, etc. The web back then was very slow. Downloading movies took forever.
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buziness101 · 9 months
Connecting the Dots: Navigating the Landscape of Internet Providers in the USA
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Internet access has evolved into a necessary commodity in the enormous digital environment of the United States, much like electricity or water. People depend on the internet for their work, leisure, and communication, so picking the correct internet service provider (ISP) is essential. Navigating the world of internet providers can be difficult due to the vast number of options available, each offering different speeds, pricing, and technology.
The market is dominated by many large ISPs in the US. Comcast Xfinity, AT&T, Verizon, Charter Spectrum, and Cox Communications are a few examples of them. Depending on the region, each of these providers offers a variety of services, including high-speed broadband, cable, and fiber-optic options.
Depending on where you live, many ISPs and connection kinds are readily available. Service availability might vary widely, even inside major cities. To help you decide, find out which service providers are available in your area and contrast their offerings.
Take into account the internet usage in your home. A slower speed can be adequate if you're a light user who only rarely checks your email and browses the web. Higher speeds are essential for tasks like streaming, online gaming, and remote work, though. To fit your demands, compare the download and upload speeds provided by various providers.
The three services of internet, cable TV, and phone are frequently offered as bundles by service providers. Bundling your needs for multiple services can save you money. To prevent paying for items you won't use, consider whether you need all of these services.
Do some research on the reliability and customer service reputation of the ISP you are thinking about. To learn more about others' opinions, read reviews or consult your friends or neighbors for advice.
Be familiar with the contract's conditions, including its duration, any introductory pricing, and any potential rate increases. Hidden costs might also have a major impact on your service's overall cost.
In conclusion, there are several options available for internet service providers in the United States, each with advantages and disadvantages. Connect the dots and choose the ideal ISP for your requirements by taking into account your location, use needs, spending limit, and type of connection accessible. Ask about contract details, compare services, and seek suggestions without holding back. You can carefully traverse the range of internet service providers in the USA to guarantee a seamless and pleasurable online experience.
Visit our website at https://www.nextelle.net/.
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rohitpalan · 10 months
Future Trends: Predictive Analytics Market Landscape and Opportunities
The market for connected home appliances is projected to be worth US$ 33,842.2 million in 2022 and to reach US$ 78,371.7 million in 2032 at a CAGR of 8.8%. The need for home automation is said to be on the rise.
In short, any electronic home appliance if provided with internet connectivity would become connected home appliance. Smart home appliances enable users to monitor and control household activities from remote location. Growth of connected home appliances depends upon various factors such as internet infrastructure availability and smart phone penetration rate of the targeted region.
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If internet infrastructure of any country is robust and efficient, there would be more demand for connected home appliances. Being the more energy efficient solution compared to their traditional counterparts, connected home appliances are being adopted with substantial high adoption rate across the globe.
Connected Home Appliances Market: Drivers and Restraints
Personal and family security is the primary factor driving the adoption of connected home appliances by consumers across the globe. Over the last decade, adoption of connected home appliances grown quickly with the evolution of consumers who are more technology enthusiast. Also, with increasing adoption of smart phones, consumers are becoming more familiar with touch controls and world of apps which, in turn driving their attraction towards adoption of smart appliances.
As connected home appliances generate more profit for the appliance makers as compared to traditional ones, manufacturers are diverting their focus from simple appliance manufacturing business to this business (connected appliance manufacturing), in order to increase their profitability margin. On the other hand, in various under developed or some of developing regions, lack of internet infrastructure and affordability issue are the factors hindering the growth of global connected home appliances market.
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Market Competition
The key players in the global connected home appliances market include AT&T Inc., Honeywell International, Inc., ARRIS Group Inc., Comcast Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Samsung Group, Whirlpool Corporation, and General Electric among others.
Attributed to the presence of such a high number of participants, the market is highly competitive. While global players such as AT&T Inc., Honeywell International, Inc., ARRIS Group Inc., Comcast Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH account for considerable market size, several regional level players are also operating across key growth regions, particularly in the Asia Pacific.
In April 2021 – Whirlpool of India, presents the IntelliFresh Pro Bottom Mount Refrigerator, powered by Advanced Adaptive Intelligence Technology that automatically senses changes in weather, load and usage patterns and adapts the cooling accordingly.
In June 2022 – GE Profile announced the availability of its Top Load 900 series, the first-ever washer with Alexa built-in and the latest addition to the series announced earlier this year as part of the new GE Profile laundry portfolio.
Connected Home Appliances Market: Market Players
The key players of global connected home appliances market include AT&T Inc., Honeywell International, Inc., ARRIS Group Inc., Comcast Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Samsung Group, Whirlpool Corporation, General Electric and others.
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Key Segments Profiled In The Connected Home Appliances Industry Survey
Connected Home Appliances Market by Appliance Type:
Connected Laundry Appliances
Smart Washers
Smart Dryers
Connected Security Appliances
Connected Water Treatment Appliances
Smart Filters
Smart Water Heaters
Smart Water Softeners
Water Filtration Systems
Connected Kitchen Appliances
Smart Refrigeration
Smart Cooking Appliances
Cleaning Appliances
Other Connected Home Appliance Types
Smart LED Lighting
Smart Air Purifiers & Filters
Smart Compactors
Connected Home Appliances Market by Technology:
Wi-Fi-powered Connected Home Appliances
NFC-powered Connected Home Appliances
Bluetooth-powered Connected Home Appliances
Connected Home Appliances Market by Region:
North America Connected Home Appliances Market
Latin America Connected Home Appliances Market
Europe Connected Home Appliances Market
Asia Pacific Connected Home Appliances Market
Middle East and Africa Connected Home Appliances Market
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a whole bunch of stuff going on one of them is we're discovering that our son is suffering from the phone it's not so bad when the shield the screen has that glass on it but still not that great he can feel it a little and it's not very pleasant it's been for a long time so we have to help him get the computer up pain in the ass they're going to be a pain probably end up riding all the way up to Comcast and we see it but okay there's some other things happening right now in Charlotte county
-and there are a few people who are trouble and they're expressing it in front of us every day really I mean we have to take care of it but the sky is going to flow in it's going to be an issue this guy Trump is going to be a pain and think he can grab our son again and be president and all that stuff and it's just one way but and they're going to fill in do you see it down to Virginia and the max will start moving on them and it might be over quicker than they think and this could be a few waves probably four or five and that'll be it and it won't come from overseas cuz they're not going to be really there. Other things are happening there's a huge number of people jeez who are working on trying to harass or something and try and get stuff and all stupid s*** and similar stuff is going to happen here the three are getting a s*** kicked out of them right now they're losing their fleet to the warlock and to Mac proper and it is going fast Stan has 100 million left and he has 65% of his big stuff if I didn't have 250 million left he has 85% of his big stuff and Mac has 300 million left and 65% of his big stuff Mac had about 900 million ships it's going down that way and that was just today it's like another 100 million each in between the two and then the empire will come and take them all and tonight they're going to lose more they're not happy campers it's going to be a problem here and they're going to have a lot of suffering and the more likely to fight them down here and they're going to be running into the max they're going to move down to Georgia they need more territory and they're calling theirs back they're going to start moving shortly they have a huge group and it is going to be a massive massive invasion of Georgia and it will push more idiots here it's actually not very good. They plan on taking Virginia holding areas with Force. And the warlock will mostly attack them and they're trying to attack them in the desert again and they are building up around them and they're going down slowly and but it's really quite fast percent over the last day is a lot one more day would not be good at percent each day. There are certain changes coming here in Florida that will make that not as good and it is not going to be by the three and miscellaneous it'll be by foreigners and it's because the max proper trying to move the shield and then try to move to Georgia and it's already over a lot of area and then they'll try and move to Florida that's going to happen pretty quick Georgia is going to fall and they're going to keep them out of there they're getting ready to take it over part of it right now about 25% of it
-the whole place is going to bust open meaning that it is going to be a huge huge deal pretty soon and it will cause problems.
Thor Freya
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Battle Of Top Approved Modems In 2023 – Xfinity Vs. Spectrum Vs. Verizon Fios Vs. Comcast
In the digital era of 2023, a reliable internet connection is paramount. Choosing the right modem can significantly impact your internet experience. Today, we dive into the fierce competition between four major players - Xfinity, Spectrum, Verizon Fios, and Comcast. Let’s weigh their pros and cons to help you make an informed decision for the best internet service in 2023.
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1. Xfinity:
Xfinity is the cable television and internet service brand of Comcast Corporation. Xfinity Docsis 3.1 Modem offers high-speed internet, cable TV, and home phone services across the United States. Xfinity provides a range of internet plans suitable for both home and business users.
Vast network coverage of Xfinity Docsis 3.1 Modem ensures accessibility in various locations.
Varied internet plans offer choices for diverse needs and budgets.
Reliable performance for seamless streaming and online activities.
Bundled services are available for convenient package deals.
Xfinity Flex streaming device provides additional entertainment options.
Customer service concerns may lead to frustrating experiences.
Pricing changes after promotions can result in higher bills.
Data caps on some plans restrict monthly data usage.
Contract obligations are possible, limiting flexibility for customers.
Limited availability in rural areas may exclude certain regions.
2. Spectrum:
Spectrum, a subsidiary of Charter Communications, delivers cable internet, TV, and voice services in multiple states. Spectrum Approved Modems boast wide coverage and no data caps, making it a popular choice for consumers seeking unlimited internet access.
No data caps ensure unlimited internet usage.
Wide network coverage in multiple states.
Simple pricing plans with no contracts for added flexibility.
The Charter Spectrum Mobile option allows bundling for convenience.
Free modem with plans reduces upfront costs for customers.
Inconsistent internet speeds were reported by some users.
Customer service challenges affecting resolution times.
Limited availability in certain regions may exclude some areas.
The price of Spectrum Approved Modems increases after promotions affect monthly bills.
Bundling requirements for certain promotions may limit choices.
3. Verizon Fios:
Verizon Fios Approved Modems operate as a fiber-optic internet service offered by Verizon Communications. Known for its lightning-fast speeds, Fios caters to those seeking exceptional performance for gaming, streaming, and heavy internet use.
Fiber-optic performance delivers lightning-fast speeds and low latency.
Symmetrical upload and download speeds for a balanced experience.
A reliable connection minimizes disruptions and downtime.
Customizable plans let customers choose suitable speeds and data.
Excellent for streaming, gaming, and bandwidth-intensive tasks.
Limited availability in specific areas due to infrastructure constraints.
Higher costs for fiber-optic internet compared to some alternatives.
Contract requirements may limit flexibility for switching providers.
Installation fees might be higher for fiber-optic setups for Verizon Fios Approved Modems.
Customer service challenges can affect issue resolution.
4. Comcast:
Comcast is one of the largest telecommunications conglomerates, and its Xfinity brand offers various internet plans, cable TV, and phone services. Comcast Approved Modems cater to a diverse range of customers across the nation.
Wide network reach covers a large number of customers.
Diverse internet packages cater to various online activities.
Xfinity Hotspots access provides connectivity in public places.
Bundling options are available for combined services and simplified billing.
Data caps on certain plans restrict monthly data usage.
Promotional pricing changes for Comcast Approved Modems may lead to higher rates.
Contract obligations might apply, limiting flexibility for customers.
Limited availability in remote areas may exclude certain regions.
Customer service concerns may impact issue resolution.
In the fierce competition between Xfinity, Spectrum, Verizon Fios, and Comcast, each brand aims to excel. Xfinity impresses with its extensive network and plans, Spectrum with unlimited data, Verizon Fios with fiber-optic speed, and Comcast's Xfinity brand caters to diverse customers. Remember to consider location and demand for the best internet experience in 2023!
To know more about these products visit our website buyyourownmodem.com/
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