#colors was one of his hyperfixes for a while and he still knows the names
kiss-dumbbunnies · 1 month
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The ultimate reference sheets for all of Vash's outfits in Trigun maximum (with commentaries)
IT IS DONE. I'M FREE. Now I can forget all about Trimax and draw Trigun stampede designs only hahaha (just kidding I have things for Trimax on the stove).
Trigun bookclub was an awesome initiative, I loved the manga with my all heart and wanted to honor Nightow's designs ;w; I also wanted to help my fellow artists with references for Vash's clothes because DEAR GOD it's difficult to understand how the hell he dresses himself in the morning. I have a lot of fun dressing and undressing him like a barbie doll. My hyperfixation is completely healthy.
I put a "read more" section to avoid spoilers :) !
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The July coat
The very first coat in Trigun chronology and the one he wores during the destruction of July ! There is not a lot of panels to take references but I tried to stay as close as possible to the manga. I don't know what number of prosthesis he had before but let name this one Prosthesis 1.
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Scars map
Next, nakey Vash ! There's A LOT of changes between one panel to another. Scars changes places and forms panel to panel and the design evolved from the first chapters of Trigun, the time we see him naked as Eriks and his undressed state while he was a prisoner on the Ark. I drew the scars that appeared more than once or were in clean view in a panel (but really you can do like Nightow and draw as many scars as you want without thinking about consistency, this boy has been in a meat grinder)
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After July underclothes
Or the jumpsuit that gave me grey hair. His suit does not make ANY sense, I don't know how the hell he dresses himself in the morning with this. My solution is that it's very long gloves and chaps strapped to a belt. The position and shapes of the belts changes IN EVERY PANEL. Same for his knee guards, sometimes they're here, sometime they cover his shins, sometimes they are tiny..... I gave up in the end and draw them as we see them in the very last panel he wears this suit. But damn he looks good in it.
Also in all of the 13 volumes, there is not a single panel with a clear view of his holster (I checked...) so here is my interpretation.
This is prosthesis n°2, the design is a little different from the first one so I guess Prosthesis 1 got destroyed (this happens a lot).
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After July coat
The very first Trigun coat he wears in the manga ! Very simple, very basic, it gives him impossibly wide shoulders but Vash deserves it. The first one is worn Post July until Vash's confrontation against Brilliant Dynamite Neon. The second one is the state of his coat after the sandsteamer incident. He loses his prothesis after his fight against Monev the gale. He meets Wolfwood with only one arm and stays that way while he fights Knives for the first time.
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I took liberties with colors because there's no colored panels with Vash as Eriks. Yes I drew him without suspenders because he has them for like 5 panels and then Nightow drew him without them for the rest of Eriks arc so I made choices ;w;
I love the fact that Vash choose to wear tight jeans even in his casual outfits, this boy will not let his skin breath. This is now Prosthesis 3 ! It's way less advanced than the ones he wore in the rest of the manga, the other ones seem to replicate skin.
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After his years as Eriks
And now the first Maximum coat, he wears it until the famous Yuri hospital arc! Finally an undersuit that makes sense, I love it, too bad Nightow-san decided that I had to suffer and changed it again to add BELTS EVERYWHERE. We only see his legs in this part of the manga so I gave him the same top because I can.
The tubes he has on his waist are filled with bullets, he can connect them to his prosthesis to have a mini machine gun.
We are now at Prosthesis 4 !
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Hospitalization on the Home ship
The famous Yuri hospital phase! Vash definitely shared his wardrobe with Wolfwood, you can't tell me otherwise.
The first outfit still shows Prothesis 4 but he keeps it for like 5 minutes and lost it again against Nine-lives. I don't really know if the prothesis comes with the integrated glove or if there's synthetic skin under it but why would he keep the glove on if it's not intergrated?
The second pictures is the different outfits he wears during his convalescence. I took liberties with the colors, I drew this in like 10 minutes, everything seems easy when you don't have to draw BELTS. We are now on Prothesis 5 ! Nightow drew it as a regular arm so I guess Vash wears gloves on top of it??????
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Back on the road in pursuit of Knives
He wears this one after his stay at Home, throughout the Dragon's nest ark and until his 2nd fight against Knives.
I liked the design of his jumpsuit until I looked closer at the panels and saw that the design change ON EVERY ONE OF THEM. Knee guard on only one knee? No kneeguards? Two??? WHO KNOWS ??? I tried to make it work but really go wild with this one, even the author does not know how his pant looks.
Still prosthesis 5, BUT UNTIL WHEN?
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Prisoner on the Ark
THEY MASSACRED MY BOY. Did they even feed him at least in 7 months? Those pictures are the definition of the drenched kitty cat left under the rain. Give this man a blanket and a therapist.
Bye bye Prothesis 5 ! And see what I mean when I say that his outfit does not make sense????? It comes out in parts????
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After his imprisonment on the Ark
The last suit in the manga! He keeps this coat until the end of the story. From this point, only his hair changes (or the color of his coat).
I adore the little angel wing symbol on his left arm, such a cute addition. Too bad it appears in one of the most traumatic event of his life.
Speaking of his jumpsuit...The return of belts.... But at least this outfit stays relatively coherent except for his kneeguards who appear and disappear panel from panel but most of the time he doesn't have any, so no kneeguard it is. Prosthesis 6 hello !
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Final battle and end of the story
It hurted to drew those outfits ;w; And working on the design of his coat when he fights Legato made me realize where Orange studio took inspiration to chose the colors for Vash's coat in the final episode of Stampede ! Great job ! I tried to color the same effects as one of the illustrations showing dark Vash but I'm not really good with colors..... He actually radiates energy but with some purple undertones, I took some liberties because those are my drawings I do what I want.
I'm not sure at 100% that he has a tuft of blond hair left when his outfit turns black but his hair is all black at the end of the fight. His prosthesis is destroyed at the end of the fight. He got another one in the final chapter. So 7 prosthesis throughout the story!
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Icarus Part 2
Hello! This story is coming along quite nicely. This part originally was part of the first chapter, but it got so long I split it up for Tumblr.
Dustin hyperfixates sooo hard in this. Eddie gets annoyed.
Part 1
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Dustin leapt to his feet and handed the magazine to Eddie. “I do have their first album. It’s really good. My favorite is “Brother”. It’s just so touching.”
Steve bit his bottom lip and nodded, forcing himself not to look at Robin just then.
He came back with his Walkman and a pair of speakers. He got it all set up and pressed play. Then while they were listening to the CD, he dashed back to his room.
“I haven’t gotten their second album yet,” he shouted over his shoulder as he ran back. Moments later he came out with a couple of rolled posters.
“I have more of their posters in my dormroom but I bought these a few months ago and haven’t put them up yet.”
He unrolled one of them and it was the album cover blown up large. It had four men in long hooded coats and masks. There was definitely a color theme for each of the members of the band. The drummer was all in black, the guitarist in red, the bassist in blue, and the lead singer in white.
“What’s with the masks?” Robin asked, leaning over Steve’s shoulder.
Dustin bounced up and down. “That’s part of their personas. They’re fallen angels. Well, and titan. The bassist is named after the titan of the night sky, Astraeus. But all the others are named after angels.”
Eddie winced at the poster. “They’re a little much, don’t you think?”
“Like there aren’t other metal bands wear makeup or masks before them,” Dustin said rolling his eyes.
Eddie wrinkled his nose. He did know. It was actually something that was really prevalent in the genre for awhile. He just thought it was gimmicky and took away from the actual music.
Music that was coming out of Dustin’s Walkman in beautiful waves. That brought Eddie up short. They were good. Like amazingly good. “Whoa.”
Dustin beamed. “I know, right?”
Steve made a twisted kind of frown. “I mean it’s great if you like that sort of thing.”
Dustin whirled on Steve like a viper sensing its dinner. “Just because you don’t like metal, Steve,” he huffed in derision, “doesn’t mean that you can just dismiss it.”
Steve looked over at Eddie and rolled his eyes.
Eddie snorted. “Nobody is dismissing anything, Dusty. In fact I would say that what Steve said was anything but dismissive.”
“I just don’t know why you don’t like metal,” Dustin replied with a heavy sigh. “I know that if you just listened to it, you would like it.”
This time the look Steve shared was with Robin. “I’ve listened to a lot of metal, remember? You’re the one that hacked my radio so that I couldn’t change it off the metal station.”
Dustin snorted. “Well at least Simon and Shane have taste.”
Simon Olsen and Shane Kendrick were two friends of Steve’s that had bonded over Corroded Coffin playing over the speakers of the coffee shop. Another thing that Dustin had insisted on. But Steve wasn’t about to tell Eddie that. Together with Spencer Peters, the four of them were almost as tight as the Corroded Coffin boys.
Eddie himself was conflicted about their relationship, if he was honest. Yeah, it was great that Steve had friends outside of the Party, but at same time, he suspected that at least one of them was gay or bisexual and he worried that they would swoop in and take Steve off the market before Eddie got up the courage.
That was a problem for future Eddie, present Eddie had to redirect Dustin before he began screaming at Steve all the reasons he should join the masses of fans for Corroded Coffin and now apparently The Fallen. Steve had a migraine and Dustin’s ranting would only make it worse.
Eddie smacked his shoulder. “Am I still taking you out with me in June to see your mom when I go visit Uncle Wayne?”
Dustin was happy to change tracks, and Steve mouthed ‘Thank you’ to Eddie.
“Yes! You have to take me,” Dustin insisted. “Ma got me tickets to see The Fallen in Indy while I’m there and I don’t want to miss it.”
“The band is going back on tour again so soon?” Eddie asked, tilting his head to the side. “I thought they just got off a tour.”
“They did,” Dustin agreed. “But according to the press release, they said that they were trying to get as much hype for their current album as possible because music sales were down all over the place.”
Eddie nodded. He could see that. With a band as new as The Fallen, if they didn’t keep up the momentum they could lose a lot of fans between their first and second album. There was a reason a band’s second album is often called a ‘sophomore slump’ and if these guys wanted to avoid that, that meant touring nonstop for their second album.
He wished them well...provided they didn’t steal Dustin away from him and the guys. He turned to Steve. “So what are you and Robin going to be this summer? Anything fun?”
Robin scoffed. “No. They’ve got us back on tour, too. New management, they want us to shadow this band and basically make sure that everything they want is provided.”
Eddie and Dustin grimaced.
“That sucks!” Dustin huffed. “You guys just got home, why are they making you go so soon? Don’t they believe in breaks? Sheesh!”
Steve hugged him close. “I’m sorry, bud. I talked to your mom, though and she thinks that when you go back for the summer, she’s willing to let you apply for MIT for your masters.”
Dustin’s eyes lit up. “Wait, seriously?” Claudia had always been fearful that he would get into trouble, but she had seen how much work he had put into his school work and how much Steve didn’t need to be looking after the almost twenty year old.
Steve nodded. “Yup. That’s why she got you the tickets as a way to soothe her nerves a bit.”
Eddie looked over Dustin’s shoulder at Steve and they shared a sad smile. They would miss Dustin when he went out to Boston, but they knew he would shine out there. And that was worth more than all the stars in the sky.
Eddie left soon after, stating his own fatigue and even though Steve was sad to see him go, he wanted to sleep for the next three months. Dustin was staying over at his girlfriend’s that night which left him alone with Robin.
He glanced at his watch. It was almost ten and he looked up at Robin with his big puppy dog eyes and pouted.
She let out a long sigh. “Fine. You can go to bed. Provided you actually get a shower and brush your teeth. By that time it should be late enough for you to just crash.”
Steve sighed, but nodded his agreement. He got unsteadily to his feet and ambled over to his bedroom. Robin followed close behind.
She leaned against the door frame, watching Steve gather his things for his shower.
“So Dustin is a Fallen fan, huh,” she muttered.
Steve shrugged. “I guess so. This is the first of me hearing about it, so it must be new.”
She licked her lips. “And you aren’t worried?”
He stopped what he was doing and straightened up. “Why? Do you think there is a reason to be?”
Robin crossed her arms. “I mean his nickname growing up was ‘genius child’. It’s possible he could be a problem.”
Steve scoffed. “He’s also the one that harped on us being a couple for a few years there.”
She winced. She had even told him that she was gay and he still wouldn’t let it go. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
He walked over to the en suite bathroom and turned on the hot water. “I love that kid, but he has a few major blind spots when it comes to actual people.”
“All right,” she said, nodding. “I’ll tighten up the defenses, but I think you’re right.”
“I am right some of the time,” Steve scoffed. “You do know that, don’t you?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “I guess even a broken clock can be right twice a day.”
Steve stuck his tongue out at her and then began to strip. Robin just waved at him and wandered over to her side of the apartment. Well to call it that was an understatement on its sheer size. It would be better described as a penthouse.
It only had three bedrooms, but it had three bathrooms, a full sized kitchen, an actual dinning area, a living room. Steve’s studio was off to the side and always kept locked. It even had a god damned bio lock that only Robin and he could open.
He hated the secrecy and all the cloak and dagger bullshit but it was absolutely imperative.
But the room was massive and no one had clocked that as unusual. Steve sighed deeply. It was what it was and what it was, sucked.
To say that Eddie was annoyed was an understatement. The whole flight to Indy and the long drive to Hawkins was filled with nothing but talk about The Fallen and their latest album. It was shooting up the charts faster than Eddie could guess the Metallica song from a few hummed bars. Which was pretty damned fast.
Steve and Robin had already gone, so Eddie didn’t even have his favorite distraction when Dustin got on his latest hyperfixation.
Then the other shoe dropped when he pulled up to the Henderson’s driveway.
“You’re coming with me, right?” the little bastard asked, all pouty lip and puppy dog eyes.
“Why don’t you ask one of your friends to go with you?” Eddie huffed, more than little pissed the punk dared to ask.
Dustin rolled his eyes and started counting off on his fingers. “El and Mike won’t get in in time, Max and Lucas already have plans that night, her mom is getting married for the third time that day, and Will doesn’t like metal. He’s still a staunch alt rock fan.”
Eddie winced. And with Steve and Robin off to parts unknown, he really was Dustin’s last greatest hope. But he wasn’t going to give in that easy. He was going to make the butthead work for it. He crossed his arms and pouted.
“I don’t know, man,” Eddie said, wrinkling his nose, “I’m starting to wonder if Corroded Coffin is even on your radar anymore.”
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “What? That’s not true! Corroded Coffin is my number one. How could even suggest that?”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Do you want me to list the reasons alphabetically or chronologically?”
Dustin’s mouth closed with a snap. He ducked his head. “I haven’t stopped talking about The Fallen since you picked me up from Steve’s, huh?”
He let out a slow breath. “Fuck. I’m sorry, Eddie. I’m just so excited for this concert. According to Ma the tickets were really hard to get and now I don’t have anyone to go with me and I–” He sniffled.
“It’s just you know how you get with new things,” Eddie pointed out.
Dustin nodded. “I know. But I promise I still love Corroded Coffin. When are you guys going back into the studio?”
Eddie smiled for the first time that trip. “After I get back from visiting Wayne, I’ve got a couple songs already lined up for it.”
“And how many of those songs are about Steve?” Dustin asked, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie cheeks colored a deep red. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll go to that concert of yours and you don’t mention to anyone that I write songs about Steve, deal?”
Dustin tilted his head to side and looked up, tapping his lips thoughtfully. He stuck out his hand and Eddie shook it.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @goodolefashionedloverboi @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @yikes-a-bee @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @y4r3luv
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alterhuman-buddies · 4 days
Heya, Writer !!!!!
Saw you wanted some random questions, so;; How'd you discover your non-humanity? Can go for any of your 'types :]
(^ nfta)
Have a good day!!
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This may or may not be a huge rant that may or may not go slightly off topic :3c
I first started questioning my alterhumanity because of my friend, who is a therian. They love talking about its experiences, especially with their therian identity. I related to their psychological and physical experiences (not as much spiritual), which made me wonder if I am nonhuman in any way.
My first awakening or discovered 'type was a domestic black cat, which made a lot of sense. Other than the dream and mental shifts; I love neutral colors, I've always enjoyed meowing as a vocal stim, I've been a black cat for Halloween for two years straight (lol), the thought of having paws and sharp teeth was euphoric, fish has been a favorite food of mine for a while, and I also feel a tail and another set of ears almost constantly (which I realized wasn't something everyone experiences).
My next discovery was both the dragon and red panda 'types. I've been a huge Wings Of Fire fan, and I have way too many dragon figurines on my shelf. Wings and flight have always been fascinating to me; I wanted to do a project on dragon wingspans in fifth grade, but unfortunately, my teacher didn't let me. I don't feel my wings as much as I do the cat or red panda tails, but I know that they're feathery. Also, birds were a huge hyperfixation of mine. Plus, i have a hoard of plushies, figures, (150) rubber ducks, and so many shiny things. I'll have to post some pictures of it one day! I'm really proud of it, especially my nest of plushies. Though, I hate other people touching it without permission. My hoard, not yours.
For the red panda 'type, I think I first labeled it as a hearttype until I realized how much euphoria I got from wearing my paper red panda mask. It's like the others, which is more of a theriotype/kintype, and it took me a while to realize that! I remember when I first saw a red panda at a zoo. It was so amazing, and I just wanted to join them! I feel like that should have been a sign, but I didn't know what alterhumanity was at the time. I love making the high-pitched red panda yips (the ones that humans can hear—my vocals aren't that good) and chewing on pencils as if they're bamboo. Greens and browns are my favorite colors to wear and I absolutely love fruits!!! I feel my ears and tails most of all of the other 'types, I think red panda is my strongest 'type!
And last but not least, the wolf 'type. This is my weakest 'type, but it's still a part of me! I have a feeling it'll be the first of my four to change (if it ever changes). I don't remember how I discovered it, I think it was through a mental shift? I also feel more wolf-y when I feel like I'm in danger or if I need to protect someone/something. The thought of dens and snow are really nice for me, but I'm not too much of a meat eater. However, during my wolf shifts, I do feel cravings for steak and venison, I also feel more masculine?
I like different pronouns and names during my shifts for each 'type.
Black cat: Luci, they/it/purr/paw/meow
Dragon: Talon, they/it
Red panda: Red, it/her/vix
Wolf: [no other name], he/him
I think that's all for me to say! Thank you so much for the ask, anon, and have a good day as well! ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ
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quibbs126 · 9 months
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Okay, so I saw a post on Twitter a couple days ago by @leonisloresmith, where basically the idea is that the Ancients used to look different before they got their Soul Jams, and I liked the idea a lot. Cut to 24 hours later and it’s still on my mind, and so I’m like “screw it I’m stealing the idea” and so we got this
So yeah, pre-Soul Jam Ancients. I guess it’s sort of an AU, since as far as I can tell, in actual canon the Ancients have always looked the way they do
It’s only Hollyberry, Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese because they were the only ones I had thought about things for. I had drawn Pure Vanilla, but I realized that I wasn’t working with any real ideas, I was just drawing him for the sake of drawing them all, so I decided to just finish up these three for now and save Vanilla and Lily for another day
The original post didn’t specify changing the ingredients, but I wanted to because to be honest, there’s not a whole lot you can do to change their appearances while keeping their original names in my opinion. But I thought I should keep their core flavors similar, still being vanilla, berries, cacao/chocolate, cheese and flower (though I stuck with lilies to be consistent)
I have names for all of them, though tbh I’m still debating White Lily’s
Juniper Berry -> Hollyberry
Cacao Nib -> Dark Cacao
Cheese Dust -> Golden Cheese
Vanilla Bean -> Pure Vanilla
Wood Lily -> White Lily
It isn’t the names for the other two I’m particularly stuck on, rather it’s their backstories. Speaking of which, let’s get to what I have
So first, Juniper Berry. Juniper here I’m thinking came from a family that runs an inn or tavern, mostly just because of the whole berry juice thing. I imagine that despite the likely rowdy nature of her upbringing, it was a pretty good one. Truth be told that’s all I think I have to say on the matter, a lot less than I thought
I made her juniper berries because I wanted something in a different color, maybe something blue. And also because I randomly saw that juniper berries are apparently used in gin, and again, berry juice. I apologize to the Hollyberry fans, I really just focus on the berry juice aspect of her character when I know she has more going on. I was debating if I should make her skinnier, with the idea that she would have grown physically after getting her Soul Jam, but then I thought that’d be a really bad idea so I kept her as is. She can still be a strong girl and have Cacao be the one with the large physical change. Also I made her eyebrows round because that’s what Royal Berry has
Speaking of Cacao Nib, let’s get to him. So I imagine that Cacao grew up somewhere around the coast of the region and that generally, what family he had wasn’t very well off, and that he had to take on a lot of responsibility at a young age to help out. He’s also very small, even for his age. He also might be mute, or otherwise just very quiet
Okay this is one of my hyperfixation characters so I have more to say on him. I was struggling with his flavor since there’s not a lot you can do while keeping him cacao, but someone suggested to me cacao nibs and I went with that. As for his eyes, well they’re red because of Dark Choco. As for why the eye lines are dark, if you recall a previous post, I said I’m now headcanoning him as having some ancestry from the Licorice Tribe due to having sea salt in his dough (though not like his parents or anything, grandparents at least), and so I wanted to reference that here, as well as with his pin. It’s also why I’m putting him at the coast. Now granted, I recognize it makes more sense to make him related to the Coffee Tribe, with cacao having caffeine in it and his dilated pupil thing, but shush, let me do what I want. I wanted to make him the shortest so that basically, when he gets his Soul Jam, he magically shoots up to being the tallest, or maybe second tallest behind Hollyberry. Also him being short fits in with my headcanon that he’s the youngest Ancient
Next up and our final one for today, we have Cheese Dust. So Cheese was technically an orphan Cookie, but she was taken in and raised by a flock of Cheesebirds. She likes gold and shiny things, and also she does a lot of inventing, making small gadgets in her spare time, and trying to figure out if she can make functional wings for herself
I went with cheese dust for her because I think her original book description talked about cheese dust in it. And it sounds a little better than Cheese Powder to me. I know I made her eyes completely different than canon, but in part it was inspired by the other non-Golden Cheese Kingdom Cookies like Cheesecake and Roguefort, and also her eyes being triangle shaped in old concept art. And I just wanted to. The hair’s inspired by other pieces of concept art with her hair down, though I was struggling with what color to make it, eventually going with this. I wanted to make her the second shortest, being a bit taller than Cacao (though the difference is a lot smaller in the final picture), with the idea that while Cacao grows after getting her Soul Jam, she doesn’t, and so now she’s the shortest of the group
And I think that’s it for now, hopefully I’ll be able to get ideas for Vanilla and Lily done soon, I hope you find this enjoyable
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
yeah, more of these…
Batboys x reader feat. living together bc I don’t see enough headcanons about that (in some you’re a super and in some you’re not)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dick Grayson/ Nightwing
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We’re imagining a Matt Murdock style Manhattan apartment, with entire walls made of murky glass, limited amount of walls within the place, very nice. It’s in Blüdhaven (:
There are two bedrooms. The two of you live in the smaller one and the master is for superhero stuff
All your tech, suits, files, medical, all that
The ceiling in your room is glass!!
The doggo is a black German Shepherd with a white patch on his chest that looks like the Nightwing symbol, which is the entire reason you got him. His name is Eagle :D
No matter where you work, the two of you take your lunches together every day and get coffee before work if there’s enough time. You picked this place because it’s close to both your jobs, obvi
As far as decor goes, there are a few high-humidity plants, neutral and blue tones, and cool metal
It’s always humid in your place for the plants, but it’s nice
Rainforest vibes, especially when it’s raining
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason Todd/ Red Hood
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So many books
All the books
Y’all’s live out kind of in the middle of nowhere so it’s easier to retreat and lay low when necessary
Bout an hour out of Gotham
That’s Albus Dumbledore, the Great Dane
Alby for short cause she’s actually a girl but Jay wasn’t budging on that name
Kitty is Angelica
Anyways it’s nice and quiet out there, no city noises or being constantly worried about a stray bomb being thrown in a window
Every goddamn cup or container in your house is a mason jar
Plates and bowls are literally just hammered out sheets of scrap metal
It’s an aesthetic tbh
Plenty of succulents
Anyways the library? Massive
The kitchen? Top of the line
Maybe you two live out in the middle of nowhere, but no way in hell do you pass up the opportunity to abuse Bruce’s money to build a kickass house with all your favorite things
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim Drake/ Red Robin
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Tim wanted to stay close to Bruce, as he is still a Robin
So y’all’s are only like a ten minute drive from the manor
Two doggos!! Rapunzel and Rella. They are both trained service dogs for anxiety and PTSD, for you and Tim both. Damian helped Bruce find them for you when the two of you moved in :DD
You have a smaller apartment, but it’s close to the top of the building and you actually get to see the Gotham sun sometimes
Whenever Rella or Rapunzel knows Tim’s been on his computer too long, or you’re hyperfixated on a case, or neither of you have slept in a while, they’ll drag you away from your work for a walk or a nap or food
Da best guard dogs :3
The house has quite the modern vibe going
Bright colors, cool shapes, sensible uses of space
Yes, the loft king bed is a real thing
Although sometimes you guys end up sleeping in the living room with a blanket fort bc your dogs can’t follow you up the ladder
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damian Wayne/ Robin
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First and foremost: Playdough’s rainbow spots are just dye; she’s fine I promise
Dami brought Titus and Alfred, obviously, but sadly Batcow had to stay at the manor. The condo building owners didn’t like the idea of that; a Great Dane is barely allowed as it is
The other cat is Cookie!! She’s nice but you and Dami tell everyone she’s mean so when they get affection they feel all warm inside [:
Keep in mind these guys are the only permanent ones- you foster all kinds of animals, including more dogs and cats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, even a bat once
Dami also had to stay close to the manor for Robin purposes. You guys are a few minutes away
There are little weapons and med kits and snacks (human and pet) scattered all over your place
Everything is so dark at your place so bloodstains are less noticable
(Dami tends to stumble through a window at like four in the morning, potentially with stab or gunshot wounds and bleeds all over the place)
If you’re a nurse, the stitching up came easy
If you’re not… you had to learn pretty fast
But hey it’s not all bad you’ve got four emotional support animals and a giant tv to watch Nat Geo on
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l0ve-bug-m1les · 1 year
Spider-Band With a S/o Who Hyperfixates on Things Hard
Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, and Pavitr Prabhakar (separate) x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None! (Except my attempt at British talking—)
Summary: Really what the title says—
A/n: This is actually an idea i had when i first fell into the spider verse fandom but didn’t have anyone to talk to about it. Glad ya’ll picked this one! Enjoy!! Also lmk if any of ya’ll wanna be on a tag list!! I know i don’t write all that much but still—
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Miles Morales 🌻🎧🌻
Bby is here for it
Always listening to what you have to say and never complaining
I have a feeling he’d be just as excited as you even if he’s got no clue what you’re talking about
He’d try to get into your interests with you no matter how outlandish they may seem
(I mean he’s basically a spider what’s so weird about fnaf lore—)
Definitely draws you things based off of the subject
“You said they were your favorite, right?”
Is always sending you memes and funny videos about your interest
Asks you for updates on your interest if it’s a series
Holds you when something bad happens and you’re sad
“Shh, shh…Hey, at least they existed, right?—Oh, no that made it worse—“
Going back to rambles, he’s always listening but maybe not always looking at you
But trust me
That boy could recite what you say perfectly
He just likes to listen while he works or draws
Has definitely made a mural of you and him in the world together (used it as a date spot. It’s true, he told me)
20/10 boyfriend
(I mean they all are but like—)
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Hobie Brown 🎸⚡️🎸
Will spend hours learning songs related to your interest
But then he’s like
“What? Oh, i been knowin’ this song, luv. What’re ya on about?”
Say for instance, you dive deep into an artist or band
Obviously, Hobie’s gonna ask you about them
But would never ask you for your favorite songs because he’s “Too busy writing his own”
So he just pays really close attention to the songs you talk the most about
(As i previously stated, he learns them all and plays it off)
When you figure it out he’s just like:
“Took ya long enough, luv”
He also listens to your rants about whatever it is (much like Miles and everyone else here but shhh)
But here’s why he stands out
This man can keep up
He can and will remember all about it, and basically know about much as you do
Steals things from stores that are from the series or whatever it is
“Hobie, how’d you get this?” “It was on display and i knew you’d love it.” “Wow! I thought you didn’t buy things from brands..” “…” “You stole it…”
You’re too busy loving whatever it is to stay mad
(But we all knew you weren’t mad)
If you think your interest is cringey then you’re WRONG
“But it’s for kids—“ “And? So what?” “Well…uhm….hm.” “Yeah. Thought so. Now keep goin’, I’m invested.”
(But also in general, bby. Love what you love and come to me if anyone says it “weird” or “cringey”. I’ll beat them up bestie<33)
All in all, a king<33
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Gwen Stacy 🩰🥁🩰
I’m gonna be honest
She is lost
Even if you go over things twenty times she still won’t get it
And that’s okay!
She takes notes and tries to keep up
Definitely proud of herself when she gets a detail right
“And then—“ “Wait, wait. Let me guess…He…he burned the pizzeria down, right” “Uhm—yeah, actually!” “*insert proud face*”
(Woah look at the trans flag colors^^^)
Definitely binge watches or reads your interest and learns as much as she can
She keeps a notebook full of her notes that she refers back to whenever you two are on call
She played it off as writing down some notes for school
But one day, she asked you to grab her suit from inside her drum set, and you found the notebook
It caught your eye because it had the name of your interest on it and you were like:
“Hey, Gwen? What’s this?” You showed her the notebook
I wish you could see my vision
When i tell you Gwen stood there for a good minute
I mean she stood there for several
She just admitted to it and was all red and fidgety
Since this is her world, she was cast in mostly pink and red hues and the space around her fluttered yellow
You end up going through it with her, and talk about your favorite bits
Overall? She deserves several gold stars and cookies
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Pavitr Prabhakar 🍵☀️🍵
Bby is here for it
Whenever you get excited he’s excited
When you’re on the verge of tears he’s already crying
He is your favorite character’s number one supporter
He’s always going on and on with you about your interests
Because unlike the others, he manages to actually get into whatever it is you’re talking about and not just keep up
It’s honestly a skill of his
I feel like Pav also has special interests that he dives deep into
Deep deep
Same as you so you two get along well :D
He’s always looking for the newest content and sending it to you always
“Hey! They said the next episode would be released next Tuesday!! :DDD” “There’s a new theory for the last volume!”
It’d be cute if that’s how you met and became friends
You spend sleepovers diving into your shared and separate interests with eachother
You know what’d be funny?
If he also info dumps onto the villains he fights
Hear me out
Pav tying up a villain who tried to rob a place and just going
“Yeah, so me and my partner have a theory for why—“
And the villain is just like
But they’d never say that because it’s Spider-Man
All in all, your number one hype man and best friend :]
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outivv · 2 months
Very important information!
Long story short an anon insider from Hoyoverse is stating that while raising awarness on social media apps is great. We should take a step further and start dropping reviewing on any Playstore Site that has Genshin.
Express why you are dissatisfied and use hastages to bring more awarness. As for right now the Playstore reviews are dropping that it went from a 4 star review to 3.0 review. Hoyoverse is desperately trying to get reviews back by adding bots.
We shouldn't be just doing this with Genshin. Do this with ALL HOYOVERSE GAMES. Honkai Star Rail, Tears of Themis, ZZZ, etc.
HSR is facing the same problem as Genshin with Boothill being Native American coded, Penacony reloving around Jazz but have no Black character, Aventurine being Romani etc.
YEA YES!! I tried talking about this in my Hoyoverse boycott post, but I only touched on it briefly- but Hoyoverse games IN GENERAL are the overall problem. Tears of Themis has issues with being orientalist- and just shitty. Zenless Zone Zero apparently has actual blackface! Not good! Uhhh- outside of the record store on one of the little record poster thingies I believe. Honkai impact third has… straight up racism, and a subpar character plot about learning to love your skin color no matter what and she just goes “ummm actually no :)”, and oh my god I haven’t talked much on Honkai Star rail on this account but ykw I’ll go further into it.
Boothill- Boothill is based off of Native American culture, and is supposed to also be Latino. In the CN ORIGINAL translation of the game- his planet is named after two very real Native American tribes, his backstory recreates the same colonization that happened to native Americans specifically- calling Boothill’s people savages, and putting them in reservations after completely carpet bombing his planet, killing most of the population, and destroying the ecosystem. However, despite this Boothill has nothing to show for his heritage, or the fact that he is based around native, and Hispanic people except for the fact that he’s a cowboy- and even then sometimes I feel like he’s played up in game as like actually stupid for comedic relief when he’s not stupid AT ALL. (Sorry, Boothill’s one of my favs and a bad hyperfixation so I’m super passionate about how he needs proper representation)
Aventurine- aventurine is called a slur by sparkle, both sparkle and dr ratio point out specific racist stereotypes against aventurine that are usually targeted at Romani people which is who aventurine, and his entire home planet are based off of (that’s why I’m not a huge fan of Dr ratio x aventurine personally. Dr ratio isn’t racist imo, he’s just lowkey fucking mean and said the wrong thing to the wrong person). Aventurine’s backstory is also fucked in my opinion, and the way people in the fandom take his backstory and treat him as a character only really started getting bad bad after we found out he was Romani, but that’s a fandom issue- it’s still something to comment on.
Arlan- while Arlan is the darkest character Hoyoverse has made to date, he also has his talent names beeee references to slavery. Straight up. “Shackle breaker”, “frenzied punishment”, “swift harvest”, and then his eidolons- “breaking free”, and “hammer and tongs”. Not cool, kinda fucked up.
And that’s just the characters I can think of off the top of my head- not including Jade and her shit cause I know she has some stuff that’s like fucked up about her and ik she’s racist I just haven’t done my research on how she is racist and like gathered all the evidence basically lol, but that’s also just the characters, not to mention what you said anon- how penacony is based off of the jazz age but has no playable black characters? Girl whatttt? Gimmie a slay ass like black singer who’s besties with Robin, cmon now- don’t a coward Hoyoverse, you know DAMN WELL that she would sell too.
Hoyoverse games overall are like this, so please pay attention to all Hoyoverse games, and Hoyoverse mostly only listens to the App Store reviews so PLEASEEEEE go and review bomb ONLY Hoyoverse games. Start with Genshin and Honkai Star rail, go to Zenless Zone Zero and Honkai Impact 3rd then finish with Tears of Themis, don’t do it all at once if you can’t!! Just go review all of them one stars!!
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hhi could i. could i ask if you have any portal ford headcanons im being insane about him right now and your headcanons are So 💥‼️🎉🌈💥/pos
hi hello hows it goin
-he didn't get all of his tattoos in one sitting, and he actually has a few he gave to himself. some of the tattoos look like normal earth tattoos, but theres also a few that have cool effects to them. color-changing, moving slightly, shapeshifting from one creature to another, etc. etc.
-he gave himself a little sailboat tattoo in case he ever lost the photo. he also gave himself an axolotl after he met Jheselbraum
-when he was fresh into the portal, hed join other interdimensional travelers, make companions...he stopped after a while because the grief he felt every time he inevitably lost them became too much. he still misses the ones he did have, though. he gave himself a constellation tattoo to remember them- a star for each one.
-he has perhaps too many tattoos. most of them end up being covered up by scars, though
-speaking of scars- ford lost his right arm sometime while he was in the portal. An "anomaly" bit it off. He has a prosthetic now (in the future, he's going to keep forgetting to mention this to stan. which is. definitely not going to cause any problems at all (sarcastic))
-he has several scars that either look weird (slightly glow-in-the-dark, shimmers, etc.) or healed in strange patterns because they were caused by weapons very much not intended to interact with human flesh
-he has a lot of "speckle" scars all over him. theyre from corrosive rain
-Jheselbraum has been thoroughly established as a sort of secondary mother figure in his mind. She has also been given this role by many, many other versions of Ford. she is the space mom
-he once met a moth version of himself who borrowed a gun from him and never gave it back. hes still upset about that. no, he has not realized the connection
-he once held a full conversation with another version of stan without noticing who he was talking to. in his defense, it was dark out
-at some point, he developed a tapetum lucidum and nictitating membranes. this is the incredibly self-indulgent biology-hyperfixation-induced headcanon
-he thinks he can handle smoke and toxic air better because of how much time hes spent not being able to breathe properly. its actually made him more sensitive to things like that
-he has gotten better at not being poisoned though. this comes from years of eating random mushrooms and plants and bug-adjacent creatures. this doesnt apply to raw meat as much, but he can definitely handle it better than most other humans
-every now and then, the hyperfixation excitement will outweigh how horrible he feels all the time and he'll just end up staring at some sort of weird creature and taking mental notes about it for a really long time
-sometimes he'll name random creatures he sees just to kill time. waiting for your food to finish cooking? give your local fish-bird-thing a name
-he doesnt know this, but hes actually seen a few creatures that are considered cryptids in those dimensions
-his favorite dimensions are the ones filled with wildlife and starry skies and vibrant colors. theyre not nearly as common as youd think they are
-hes gotten more used to speaking non-earth languages than earth-languages. as such, hes started using lots of phrases that have...interesting translations in english
-he forgets how to speak sometimes. it used to be more distressing, but he doesnt typically come across many creatures that can understand language anyway. its more of an annoyance than anything at this point
-hes gotten really good at mimicking the calls of other creatures. really good. possibly too good (he will use this power for evil in the future. to terrorize his brother with seagull noises)
-this is technically post-portal, but he adapts the creatures hes seen into homebrew enemies and races in his DD&MD campaigns
-also post-portal, but he'll sometimes forget that that weird thing hes looking at is. yknow. weird and not just a normal part of life in this dimension. this is one of the two reasons why he asks stan to point out anomalies to him
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solar-tl-27 · 6 months
Whoah I’m posting
All by myself ??
Woah woah woah woah! I am here to show SOME art!
A while ago the announcement of the next pokemon game came out! And with my favorite region returning there was only one thing I could possibly do!
Hyperfixate on my own oc lore in the Pokémon universe so much that once again i’ll only be disappointed by the game in the end lol. So…. Let’s talk about them!
This will be a collection of some of my older art to finally end up on the most recent art i just finished so if u don’t care about Pokémon plz scroll down and appreciate my art ( ToT )
Ok so! I always make original characters to be my protagonist is Pokémon games so when x& y came out i created a character named colette
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A woman in her mid 20’s that I totally 100% didn’t oc x canon ship with the villain (i did)
A looong time skip later pokemon sword shield came out which led to the continuation of the colette storyline!
With her daughter Pandora and her friends! Causing the creation of joshua & sapphire (the original image is definitely created with bases so credit to pokemon for the original art & selenaede for the bases)
(Draft didn’t save here so aha sob)
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They have been through several versions since then, all slightly different over time
You had pandora: a smart and elegant young girl and the protagonist
Joshua: the nerdy one but also the one that helps everyone no matter what
Saphie: the one who likes cute things and fashion
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They were pretty basic characters and evolved but this is theee base line of their characters up until their last design
Just 3 teens on an adventure
Timeee skip babyyy the return of Colette’s home means i wanna drag her daughter there!
The teens are now young adults! Trying to figure out what they wanna do in life and i can FINALLY MAKE BIG CHANGES TO SOME OF THEM
Let’s goo!
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Their outfits are loosely based on the pokemon xyz legendary Pokémon but i also wanted them to be able to stand on their own!
They are now young adults trying to figure out what they want to do with their life and having a change of scenery so
Let’s get into it!
Saphie’s finally got his cute accessories back!! He’s finally got a cutesy outfit which suits his style and iiii finally got rid of the side shave going for a complete adorable vibe for him instead. With bows, beads and a new cute hairstyle he’s finally ascended to adorable! He’s easily home sick and going with his friends on this journey sure is a big change. Someone who’s unsure of his future but knows he always has his friends to rely on!
Joshua is definitely still the nerdy one, he’s got the clearest vision of what he wants his life to be, not always understanding his friends but always trying to be supportive. His style is definitely the one that changed over time, leaving the nerdy studious look behind to try something new!
His friends definitely chose this outfit for him and it’s actually the closest he’s been to his oc predecessor as he was actually recycled. Sadly that art has been lost to type but, before he was joshua from this group he was joshua a character who was definitely a lot more edgy and artistic. I wanted to bring that back with this design and I personally think i did his original design justice.
Pandora always changes the least, her design has always been clear to me in ways but i did want to try new things. Finally deciding i cant choose between the 2 eye colors she’s had I decided i don’t have to choose SO I JUST GAVE HER BOTH. Putting her into something that’s just her style but also trying different colors she’s now more confident and determined, she’s on this journey to learn more about her family and try to choose what direction to take her life in.
Proud to see her friends figure out who they are but also sometimes feels like depending on what choices she makes could have them drift apart. Having to remind herself to have fun on the trip as well she’s probably the one who’s choices will make the biggest difference in what her life will end up being. A true protagonist with issues to deal with and secrets to uncover!
Thank u forrr looking at my little art post!
Now! I have a secret for all my winx people
Guess who’s back in the building again teehee
Ok bye bye!
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gravyhoney · 1 year
Cw// gun/weapon
Let me into your brain about the silly legos (hc’s) - ✧
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Idk which Legos you were referring to so I will make a HC post for Ninjago characters since it’s what I’m currently hyperfixating on.
Buckle in for an extremely long post because I am insane. Cutting it to keep it organized for u guys 🫶
So one thing about me is that I love incorporating other people’s headcanons into my own. And sometimes that leads to some contradicting headcanons, so in my little brain I have like, multiple different sets of headcanons for a bunch of different characters while also having My Headcanons, those being the ones I believe in the most/came up with without outside influence. I will be listing My Headcanons, but I type that entire preface to explain why some of my posts might be contradictory of the headcanons I list here 🫶
It’s gonna go like this in no particular order. (The order of how excited I am to share my hcs for them)
Character name- gender/pronouns, sexuality
List of headcanons
Their eye color aligns with their element, they all have their natural eye colors, but after realizing/unlocking their elemental powers, they began to change.
Adding onto the above hc, Kai and Nya's eyes are still pretty dull due to them being like, the last two to realize their powers, while Jay's are extremely bright and vibrant.
Jay- she/they (occasionally he) transfem + gender-fluid, bisexual
Hard of hearing, wears hearing aids. I think the hearing loss has always been there, but I think her elemental power just worsened it, bc you know. Thunder loud.
That being said, I think she was the first to get her elemental powers. I think they got them when she was like, a really really young kid.
Has heterochromia.
Came out as trans like, mid-prime empire.
Has psychosis and suffers from delusions.
Not rlly a Jay hc, but related. Their mom gave them up because she was desperately hoping they wouldn't have an elemental power, but if she did, they'd be near unfindable because she lived through hell and didn't want Jay to have to go through the same.
Nya- she/they transfem nonbinary, bisexual demiromantic
Has a tremor after un-merging with the ocean.
Her and Kai both have pretty bad anger issues.
For a long time after Hands Of Time she hates the way she looks because of how much she looks like her mom.
Still holds a heavy resentment against their parents, because even though it wasn't their choice to leave, them and Kai still had to grow up alone.
Fucking hates the taste of cinnamon.
Has time blindness, but only after un-merging with the ocean. She became disoriented and confused about the passage of time after being the ocean for so long.
Sometimes they still feel pulled back to the water.
Best friends with Cole (I believe this one wholeheartedly)
Lloyd- he/they nonbinary, aroace
Has insomnia, and a sleepwalking problem when he can get to sleep.
Looked fairly human when he was young, but as he got older, his Oni and Dragon features started showing more.
The feelings he felt for Harumi was mostly confusion because she was the first girl he got close to that didn't have what felt like an 'older sister' role in his life.
Really likes bugs.
Has auditory processing disorder.
Their body doesn't regulate temperature regularly.
Religiously watches iceberg videos.
Likes wearing more loose fitting, baggy clothing.
High-empathy autistic.
Kai- he/him transman, bisexual
He and Nya both have pretty bad anger issues.
He likes occasionally dressing femininely, but usually decides against it because he’s afraid people won’t take him seriously.
Has burn scars that go pretty far up his arms due to his own elemental power.
Extremely high body heat, has to wear gloves to avoid burning people at the touch.
Has a pretty bad memory due to constant concussions (his ass got beat to shit CONSTANTLY)
Was stealth trans for a while, because he wanted people to take him seriously, but stopped caring after a while and is extremely open about his identity.
Has a deep paranoia that he’s going to hurt the people he cares about, and is constantly over correcting at ever little mistake.
Cole- he/they, gay ace grey-aro
After the events of DOTD he has to use a mobility aid for a while while he gets accustomed to having a body again.
Body-image issues.
He feels like he’s supposed to be in charge of keeping everyone safe.
Best friends with Nya and Vania (I believe in this one SO hard.)
He loves cooking, and is very defensive about it. NOBODY is allowed in the kitchen while he's cooking (except Nya she's his taste tester).
Has constant night terrors and has a very detailed sleep routine to avoid them.
Super good with kids.
Girls girl (gender neutral).
Zane- they/them agender, panromantic ace
Will sometimes pick up little crafts or projects, jack of all trades type vibe.
Is actually SUPER up to date with every single internet trend or meme.
Can't taste (bc they're a nindroid...) but fr thought for years that all food just had no taste until the robot reveal and they're like 'ohh'
Has constantly wildly shifting morals.
Genuinely the scariest of the group, sometimes freaking out everyone else. This makes them sad. They present themselves in such a way to make them approachable.
Has a tendency to blame themself when everything goes wrong.
Refuses to talk about their feelings to anyone else, bottling it up.
Pixal- any pronouns agender, unlabeled ace
Runs every single online forum about the ninja, none of them know.
Always has to feel useful, or she gets stressed out easily.
Listens to podcasts when he works.
Wildly defensive.
Felt a little unworthy of the Samurai X title when nobody knew it was them.
Low-empathy autistic.
Skylor- she/they, lesbian
True neutral (generally looks out for herself, doesn't really do things for the greater good, but for her own sake)
Doesn't remember her mom at all, she passed away when she was extremely young.
After the events of S4 she completely uprooted her life, changed literally everything about herself to disconnect herself from her father. Renamed the noodle shop, and completely rewrote the menu.
Makes most of her own clothes.
Picked up painting, is insanely good at it.
Slightly self destructive, constantly trying to distance themself from the ninja, but Kai always drags her back.
Realized her elemental power at a very young age, mostly because of her father.
Vania- she/fae/it/he transwoman, lesbian aromantic
Very talkative.
Writes to Cole a lot (she has both a phone and his phone number it just likes writing to him).
Plays a lot of instruments, faer favorites being the harp and the violin.
Extremely anxious that she's not going to be a good queen, constantly overcorrecting.
Really indecisive and always changing his mind.
Harumi- she/he bigender, pansexual
Probably bites people.
Because of how sheltered she was with the royal family, she doesn't know a lot of basic life skills, and had to teach herself near everything she knows.
He did learn how to sew, and mends his own clothes.
Has albinism.
Always blaming her problems on other people, that being a product of the extreme pressure he was under when princess.
Sora- she/they/various neos transfem, lesbian
Always has to be busy, or she will start spiraling.
Wildly protective of Arin.
Was constantly getting into fights in the early days of living in the crossroads, very quickly learned they'd have to constantly fight to survive.
Talks about xer childhood like 'haha yeah it be how it be :)' and everyone listening is completely horrified.
Views everyone she meets as a threat until they prove they aren't.
Really likes reading, her favorite genre being sci-fi.
Does some creative writing, but has never shown anyone her writing.
Love language is quality time.
Since realizing their elemental power, she's had a tremor in her hands. She hates it.
Low-empathy autistic + OCD.
Arin- he/they transmasc, unlabeled aroace
Needs people to be in the kitchen when he bakes, he's very social.
Wildly protective of Sora
Has night terrors, has never talked about it.
Actually really good at fighting dirty if needed. Bro kicks ASS.
Picks at his fingernails.
Has read Sora's writing, (she doesn't know) he finds some comfort in it.
Love language is physical touch.
Is always completely down to prank people, a devious little guy.
Nearsighted, but doesn't ever mention it because he doesn't know.
Craves validation from anywhere he can get it.
Low-empathy autistic + ADHD
Wyldfyre- he/she/they nonbinary, queer greyaro
Anger issues for days.
Really physically strong.
Love language is physical touch.
Has burn scars on their hands and thinks they make them look badass.
Talks loudly because he has hearing loss.
Doesn't know how to interact with people, seeing as she was raised by a dragon.
Low pain tolerance, but knows how to hide it.
It never came up until she started living with people, but he's deathly afraid of seeming weak or incapable.
Euphrasia- she/her transwoman, unlabeled ace
Introverted as hell.
Can hold her own in a fight for a surprisingly long time (I know this is not canon compliant, let me be delusional)
Had really long hair, but had a manic episode and cut it all off.
Likes drawing.
Despite her job, she's not too keen on reading.
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running-tweezers · 2 months
After a lot of encouraging from my bestie @phantasmechanical, and some interest from a few folks here, I’ve decided to post the first part of an AU fic I’m writing (and have been hyperfixated on) with my favorite ocs. There are currently 6 parts written, over 13k words, and I’m still working on it. If you enjoy, I live and breathe off comments and reblogs and asks and such. And I’ll continue posting more here on occasion. SO, without further ado.
~ Pictures Of You - Part 1 ~
The year is 1989. Nate, with his sunshiney smile, his love of plants, and his mostly “normal” tastes, has fallen head over heels. There’s only one issue. He’s fallen for a gorgeous goth named Zephyr he only sees on public access TV once a week.
Rated: T
2255 words
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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~ April 28, 1989 ~
Nate’s eyelids drooped a bit as the clock made its way closer to 1 AM. He would regret this in the morning. He always did. But it was worth it.
This Thursday night routine was all a secret for a while, until his sister started calling him out for nearly nodding off during their Friday lunch catch up sessions. He couldn’t hide it from her, he had to fess up. She had just laughed and rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, that figures,” she’d said. “You’ve always had a thing for the freaks.” She scolded him gently for not getting enough sleep and that was that, aside from the odd comment occasionally about his “hot TV goth.”
Nate poured a cup of the coffee he brewed just for this, hoping the caffeine would pull him through the next half hour without making him jittery all night. It was either that, or risk falling asleep on his uncomfortable couch again. Then he’d really regret it.
He settled in and flicked on the TV, switching it to the public access station before the screen could even fully light up. What played before varied from week to week. Sometimes it was this phony TV psychic, sometimes reruns of some televangelist, sometimes just infomercials selling Ginsu knives and love song compilations. He figured they couldn’t find someone willing to stick to such a late time slot. This week it was some New Wave guy with questionable talent and even more questionable haircut, banging on a Cassio keyboard and singing off key. He hit the mute button and sipped from his mug, waiting for the last few minutes to pass.
Soon the irritating Duran Duran wannabe cut out, and the screen filled with familiar color bars. He unmuted, just in time to hear the last bit of ringing dead air cut suddenly to the sound of guitars and deep droning vocals.
And there they were.
Behind a dimly lit desk in a brick walled basement, with thick black eye makeup and wild, ratted up hair, sat the whole reason Nate was still awake at this time every Thursday night.
“Welcome, night owls and creatures of the darkness.” The figure on the screen spoke to the camera, in a cold, deadpan voice, never letting their face show anything more than a wry smirk. “My name’s Zephyr and you’ve stumbled into my world for the next half hour. Aren’t you lucky.”
A phone number hung at the bottom of the screen as they continued their introduction. “If you have something worthwhile to say, call in. If not, don’t bother.”
They launched immediately into a long and rambling explanation of the song playing in the background that kicked off the show. Nate recognized the name of the band, ‘Sisters of Mercy,” from their music recommendations in the past. He barely knew anything about the goth scene they talked about. What he did know, however, was that they were gorgeous. There was something so entrancing about them. Something dark and mysterious that he couldn’t look away from.
Maybe Mick was right. Maybe he was just into freaks.
“Speaking of music, I got my hands on the single The Cure put out last week, the one from the new album coming out soon. I’m gonna get the album as soon as it hits the shelves, but whatever, I couldn’t resist.” Their face remained apathetic, but there was an undeniable light behind their eyes. It was obvious they were excited behind the thin mask of indifference. It was endlessly endearing.
“Fascination Street is the single, and it’s incredible, even the B-side is great—“ They paused looking down at their switchboard. “Looks like there’s someone on the line,” they muttered, fiddling with the buttons on the desk in front of them. “Hello, you’re on the air.”
“Yeah, me and my friend have a question,” the distorted phone voice slurred with the distinct cadence of a drunk college kid, with said friend laughing in the background. “Are you a guy or a girl?”
Zephyr breathed a weary sigh, and leaned back in their chair. “Doesn’t matter, I’m not gonna fuck you either way.”
“Who the hell said I wanted to fuck you, you ugly fucking frea-“
“Bite me,” they flatly interrupted, disconnecting the line. “Anyway, Facination Street…”
Calls like that were too common. More people called in to be rude than to actually talk. It just seemed to come with the territory, but they handled them pretty well. It took a person with a ton of courage to come on TV and deal with people like that, just so they could talk about things they loved. That only made them that much more intriguing.
“I got the cassette version, the 12-inch vinyl has an extended intro, plus an extra B-side. I heard that extended intro for the first time at the club the other night. I swear it was a fucking spiritual experience. Being on the floor at The Underground, listening to The Cure, with all those other people? That's church to me. That’s my religion.” He continued with that same intensity, as if nothing happened. That was their favorite band, they talked about them all the time. He’d never listened to any of their music, but every time he saw one of their albums on the shelf at the store, his mind lit up with recognition.
He daydreamed occasionally of bumping into them at Sam Goody, just by pure coincidence. Striking up a conversation. Asking them about what music they’d recommend. Hearing their passionate rambling in person. It was dumb. They probably went to much cooler, underground record stores than some mall chain. But it was nice to think about.
“We have another caller.” Once again they paused their stream of consciousness and pressed buttons on the switchboard. “Hello, you’re on the air.”
“The Cure sucks shit.” The voice on the other side of the phone managed to sound even more bored and detached, almost like it was a competition. “They’re nothing but mainstream garbage now.”
“Have you heard the new single?”
“No, but their whole last album was poppy bullshit.”
“It had a little bit of a pop sound, yeah, but the meat of what makes them good was still there,” they argued. “You’re acting like they became fuckin, Tiffany and started doing mall shows or something.”
“They might as well be.”
“I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.”
“Well I think you’re a poser.”
They noticeably bristled at the accusation. “I’m already halfway through my slot, I don’t have time for this shit.” They disconnected the call, looking a bit more shaken than usual.
Why did people call in just to be assholes? Maybe the anonymity combined with an audience was too sweet a deal to people like that. Nate genuinely couldn’t understand that way of thinking. Where was the joy in being mean to a stranger?
He glanced at the phone sitting on the end table by the couch. Calling in had crossed his mind before. He had even had the number dialed, ready to press the call button a few times, but he always chickened out in the end. What would he even say? He didn’t know anything about any of this. So he remained a silent observer, content to just watch this beautiful goth waxing poetic about the things they cared about.
They didn’t have to wait much longer for another call. They answered with a touch of exasperation. “Hello, you’re on the air.”
“Yeah, remember me, bitch?”
Without wasting a second, what was obviously the drunk caller from earlier, dove in with some of the most brutal nastiness Nate had ever heard anyone spew, much less a caller on their show. The onslaught of insults and hate speech seemed to be unending, attacking every aspect that he could think of. Nothing was off limits to this guy. It turned Nate’s stomach to be reminded so vividly how awful some people could be.
Zephyr didn’t look like they were faring well either. They scrambled to disconnect the call, blurting out a single shaky “fuck you,” before silencing him. They let out a heavy breath, their silence only accentuated by their faint music still playing in the background.
Something broke. The nonchalant, confident Zephyr he’d come to know through the screen was completely gone for a few brief seconds. Like they’d never been there.
They cleared their throat and sat back up straight in their chair, trying to regain composure. “Sorry about that,” they said, as solidly as they could muster. “Maybe we should just move on to something else…”
Nate made up his mind in an instant.
He grabbed the phone next to him and carefully dialed the on screen number, not hesitating to press the call button this time.
He twisted the cord around his finger as he waited to connect. The shift in Zephyr’s demeanor on screen let him know he’d gotten through. They looked defeated, like they were debating even picking this one up. He prayed that they did.
He saw the press of the button and heard the click from the phone a split second later.
“Hello?” They had dropped their regular script, too exhausted and annoyed to even finish it.
“Hi!” The first word out of their mouth was entirely too much energy, but once he heard that call connect, he was acting on pure instinct.
They relaxed, if only a little, obviously relieved to hear any voice other than the previous caller. “Hi?” they repeated, puzzled.
It hit him all at once, and he could only sit in silence for a split second. He was actually talking to them. Live on the air. He acted on such impulse, the only thought in his head was to block that asshole from calling back. He hadn’t thought past this moment.
“I uh… I didn’t really think through what I was gonna say.” Nate laughed nervously as he floundered for the right words. “I guess I just wanted to tell you that I really like your show? I’ve been watching every week for the last couple of months. I don’t know much about all this, but I like hearing you talk about it.”
Zephyr looked skeptical. “Is this some kind of joke?”
“No! No, I mean it!” Nate summoned every ounce of sincerity he could, to try and make Zephyr believe him. “You’re obviously really passionate about it, and I like watching you because of that.”
Yes. Because of their passion for their interests. No other reason. Especially not because he found them unbelievably sexy.
“Oh.” Zephyr’s drawn on eyebrows raised in surprise. “Well, uh. Thanks, I guess.” They struggled to accept the compliment and still maintain that mysterious facade. Nate thought for a second he caught the beginnings of a smile, but it may have been a trick of the cameras.
“You’re welcome.” He glanced at the clock. Just over 10 minutes of airtime left. If that guy wanted to call in again, he would have plenty of time to do it. He had to stay on the line and get them talking about something else.
“So, I do have a question,” he began, thinking back to his stupid record store daydream. “If I just walk into any regular mall record store, what would you recommend looking for if I want to ease my way into listening to stuff like this? Or do I need to look somewhere else for the good stuff?”
“Oh, that’s a good question, actually.” Their eyes lit up again, and they were off. “You can find good stuff there, it’s just gonna be the more mainstream artists. But there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m always gonna recommend The Cure, obviously. And no matter what that prick earlier said, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with their last album, and I feel like it’s pretty accessible. A good gateway, I think.”
He stayed on the phone, asking questions, and they were more than happy to answer them all. The next 10 minutes flew by, and soon he had a list of artists and albums scribbled on the back of an envelope.
Eventually, Zephyr cut themself off from the tangent they had been going on. “Oh shit, I’m almost out of time.”
“That’s ok, thanks for all the suggestions!” He couldn’t hide the smile in his voice, and it threatened to draw a smile out of the stone faced goth on the TV.
“Of course.” They answered, having turned that creeping smile quickly into a smug smirk, to maintain the illusion. “Have a good night.”
“You too!” He hung up the phone and watched as Zephyr went through their regular show wrap up. Only now did he realize how hot his face was. He made his dumb little fantasy come true, if not in the exact way he’d imagined it. And they came out of the horrible first half of their show unscathed. That’s all he could ask for.
“I suppose that about does it then,” they said, fully back in the swing of things. “Thanks for spending some time with me tonight. And remember, there’s beauty in the darkness, if you’re willing to let it in. Goodnight, and I’ll see you next week.”
The screen went black yet again, and Nate switched off the TV. He had to try to sleep. But between the coffee and what just happened, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever get there.
At least he’d have a hell of a story to tell his sister tomorrow.
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mrhyde-mrseek · 1 month
I know I just showed y’all my favorite OC, but does anyone want to see my OLDEST OC?
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It’s Libra Nox! I’ve posted a drawing or two of her here before, I don’t know if anyone remembers the few posts I made about my WIP The Haunted and the Hollow, but it took a WHILE to get there
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I was a warrior cats kid in 7th grade, and I loved wolves, so obviously I made my own warrior cats ripoff trilogy with wolves instead of cats (I don’t remember what it was called though unfortunately)
Libra/Twig was originally a boy, and his name was Twig (but I’d planned on changing it later in the story for plot reasons)
He had two moms (yay lesbians)
I made so much art for this I WISH I still had some of it 😭
In the story there were these magic wolves with wings that were basically gods and controlled different elements (like fire, water, plants, light, etc.)
Libra/Twig was one of these (I think he controlled the stars which was how he got the name Libra??)
Originally I was gonna name him Virgo but decided that sounded too feminine (oh how the tables have turned)
Fun fact, this story birthed ANOTHER character I’ll probably talk about in another post
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Libra was still a guy but now he’s a human with fire powers
I think he was like 14?? He barely had any adult supervision though, the only technically adult around him long enough to be considered supervision was 18
This story had the same winged wolf gods from the previous one and was also a trilogy, I don’t really know how to explain what the plot was because it was complicated as fuck and constantly changing
It was called Nox Chronicles
Yes that was his actual outfit, I know it’s boring as hell, I wish I’d chosen a different color for his shirt because it looks kinda weird with the light blue
He didn’t have two moms anymore, he had an adopted family who hated him for literally no reason (I was still on the Harry Potter hyperfixation train in 2019)
I think he was the only one of his superpowered friends who could communicate with the wolf god creatures?
It was at this point I decided he was bi
He might’ve had wolf ears at one point, I don’t remember
Edgy badly written teenage protagonist
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Libra’s a girl now!! Yay!!
She’s still bi
(THIS is the Libra from The Haunted and the Hollow I was talking about btw)
She has a GOOD FAMILY NOW with a TWIN SISTER and a LOVING SINGLE MOM and is MUCH more fleshed out character-wise
She’s a witch, as is the rest of her family
She’s autistic and has social anxiety
She’s gonna have a girlfriend!!
Her special interest is cryptids and cryptozoology
I gave her cute little glasses and an actually decent outfit/color scheme
She’s still 14 but she has actual adult supervision (she goes to a summer camp)
I kept the fire but but changed it from controlling fire (too destructive and flashy) to divination using fire
She loves the color yellow. Just thought I’d share that :)
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smythedotcom · 4 months
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want to know more? well, ur in the right place ↓ 
name: sebastian anton smythe
nicknames: seb, bash, cunt (both affectionate & derogatory)
pronouns: he/him
gender: cis male
birthday/zodiac: twenty two, july 25th - making me a gemini making me a leo.
birthplace: westerville, oh
relationship status: single
sexuality: gay aromantic
occupation: i don't do that <3
sports/clubs: warbler and co-captain of the dalton lacrosse team
major/minor: a junior majoring in arts management
languages: english, french, a little japanese.
social media handles: @smythedotcom on everything
height: 5'10
build: slim athletic
eye color: hazel
hair color: light brown
piercings: ear lobes
tattoos: the words 'tell me i'm your national anthem' from lana del rey's national anthem on my lower back. my favorite song,
other distinguishing features: a shit-eating smirk and oodles of charisma!
style: i'm always giving preppy, y2k-inspired, abercrombie & fitch.
traits: confident,  persuasive, determined, egotistical, closed-off, opportunistic.
likes: trashy early 2000’s clothes & music, starting twitter drama, reading people their horoscopes from teen magazines, iced oat lattes, one-upping people, explaining the lore of degrassi; the next generation (i was diagnosed with ADHD, and my insane degrassi knowledge is the lingering remains of a six year long hyperfixation. i've now put all of his pent-up energy into glee), showing off my backflip to people.
dislikes: fake-deep music and poetry, desaturated colors, snitches, boring romantic period pieces (where's the sex????), people who underestimate me, the texture of velvet, being told that i'm 'too much', staying in on a friday night.
fears: elevators & loneliness
skills: piano, music, the remains of the gymnastics classes i took in middle school, drinking everyone under the table.
quirks: i'm a self-confessed cheek biter. the amount of times i've nearly taken a chunk out of the inside of my own face, just call me hannibal lecter.
hobbies: rewatching degrassi, taking online 'which ___ are you' buzzfeed quizzes, taking gym selfies while not doing a whole lot at the gym beyond a treadmill strut, scheming & deviously planning
music tastes: just listen to it yourself here
myers-briggs: entp
kinsey scale: 6. gay as you like.
strengths: my leadership, my extremely attractive body and face - great for seduction, and also that backflip i mentioned before.
weaknesses: not so good at person-to-person communication.
do you know me? let's connect.
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oll13v3r · 6 months
Okay okay okay I'm working on a Spiderverse fic based on if I was in it because the hyperfixation is hitting very hard right now. I haven't figured out what the main plot will be yet but here's what I have come up with so far!! I think I'm going to post it on Wattpad and (maybe) on here chapter-by-chapter!!! Also. Hart is not my real last name. Also some of the ideas are contradictory, my brain thought of them in the order they are listed. There's still quite a few more complex ideas in my brain
Oliver hart, the one and only spider man.
Started a band with Hobie and Gwen, being the singer and piano player.
Does not like Miguel in the slightest, but is still there to try and change everything, as well to have some control of what is going on in the situation. 
Had to overcome the freezing up aspect of his anxiety
Gets triggered frequently but is able to face through it by wearing the mask
The only ones who have seen him cry without his mask on are Hobie and Gwen.
Hobie and Gwen absolutely adore his art, and he thinks the both of them are the absolute shit.
Finds the disabled spider man really lovely (I don’t remember her line, but I found it really silly that she made the crutch joke because that’s shit I would do heheheh)
Thought that Gwen’s outfit was really cool with the trans colors
Thinks pavitr is fucking rad as hell
Stammers a lot, but is still really silly and good at thinking on the spot
It took him a while to get strong enough to sling himself around, but is not very good at slinging himself through tight spaces because he’s fat.
Compares himself to the other spiders a lot
Genuinely scared of Miguel because of how much he reminds him of his dad.
Definitely helped Hobie get parts for the watches, going out of his way to keep tabs on him because he’s terrified of his band mates getting hurt.
Thinks miles is so so cool from all he’s heard about him from gwen. LIKE, ANOTHER COOL ART DUDE??? WHOSE OUTFIT IS SO SO COOL??
Will not hesitate to complain about a bad texture
Him and Pavitr are in the hair exposed gang.
Oliver does have a hood for his hair, but he prefers not to use it when he can because it’s uncomfortable.
HIs headphones have spider webs from all his friends as a momento, as well as to stick to his head.
He got special gear to have a music player inside of his suit.
Likes to point out that he did not choose to be Spiderman, he just chose to help people because he always wanted to do that.
One of his drawings is on Hobie’s guitar, and Hobie signed his piano
The death of one of his uncles, who is a cop, he felt could have been avoided if he was only more nimble and slim, so that’s one of the big things he compares himself to the other spiders to. If only he could have been fast enough.
Hobie and Gwen both know that holding hands reduces Oliver’s anxiety tremendously
Oliver was in his room, recording a song for release before a portal from spider HQ appeared in his room.
So yeah that was Miguel’s first impression of him
He was very uncomfortable at hq for a while, until Hobie noticed the anarchy symbol on his shoes and they swiftly became friends.
He had already told his parents that he was spiderman because he actually trusts them and know they wont’ tell the public or anything.
HE immediately shot miguel in the face with his web shooter, apologizing profusely afterwards.
He initially found Miguel really goofy 
but once shit hit the fan he no longer found Miguel goofy. Oh me oh my
OH!! I FORGOT TO ADD!! HERE IS HIS DESIGN!!: (The first one is the most accurate design, but the purple one on on the right is also verysimilar to hsi final design.)
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stellaricwriting · 2 years
kiss anon here with horny thoughts about Mumbo, another long one! feel free to add a continuation or other thoughts
Mumbo's sitting at his work desk, pen in hand as he sketches and writes new notes for a upcoming mega redstone project. he's been working on this idea for at least a week and every idea he's had he needed to scrap, so of course he would be getting worked up and incredibly stressed.
he hasn't left his workplace for quite a while, you've noticed. you haven't even had date nights ever since he started the new project he's been hyperfixated on, and it's making you a bit sad. so you decide to maybe get him to at least sleep, going into the workplace and seeing him at the desk - the same as the last time you checked on him, but this time he's a bit more disheveled looking. you immediately know that you're not getting him to sleep or eat without using some sort of force, but jumping between some ideas, you decide on something that could at least get him to clear his head.
he doesn't notice how you slowly go under his desk, he doesn't notice how you unbuckle his belt and take out his cock - he's too focused on the papers and blueprints infront of him. you slowly start to work him up with your hands first, using your spit as lube, and the only change you see is that his breathing gets more heavier and that some shivers run down when you move your fingers. you then replace your fingers with your tongue - licking up and down slowly. his breath shakes witha groan following right after, you hear a pen drop. you give a couple kitten licks whenever you reach the tip, which makes his cock twitch and a soft sigh and moan to escape his lips. you hear a soft "(y/n)..." from him, a soft moan that he gives whenever he's happy and pleased with what you're doing in bed. that makes you confident that you now have his attention - or at least your mouth.
you stop for a moment and hear Mumbo whine, his hand slowly going under the desk and tangling it in your hair, not pushing you towards his incredibly hard cock, but pulling a bit at your hair. you take his cock and slowly start kissing the tip before taking it in your mouth, making Mumbo's hips twitch and his grip in your hair to tighten. it doesn't take long before you take the whole cock in your mouth, deepthroating him and slowly bobbing your head, Mumbo's hand in your hair tight, but not shoving you.
even though you can't see him clearly, you know that Mumbo is a absolute mess right now. his head is laying down on the desk, his other hand tangled in his hair, eyes completely shut as he moans and whines. he moans your name, gives you praises like "oh y- you're always so- ah- SO g-good ah..aH--". his heart is pounding, his body is shaking, grip tight as he moans louder and louder when you pick up the pace, tears in your eyes because it's so deep- but you're always so good for him! you're giving him the stress relief he needs and that makes you his good little pet!
his hips start to twitch a lot more- making it that he's now fucking your mouth instead of vice versa, but you don't mind. he needs this. he slowly leans back in his chair and gives out a particularly loud moan that's followed by your name and a bunch of praises about how good your mouth feels, how you always know what to do, what makes him feel better. his other hand is gripping the chair while the other is still in your hair. you open your eyes and look up at him. he must've felt the gaze, because when you looked at him, he turned his head downward to look back at you. half closed redstone colored eyes stare back at you, his mouth is slight open as he pants and guves out small "ah- ah..a-ah-"s, sometimes giving out whimpers and groans instead. he gives you a lust filled smile, making you squeeze your legs and whimper around his cock. he amps up the praise now, but adds a small dose of degradation, making you pick up the pace as he picks up his own thrusts' pace.
he moans and throws his head back when he cuts in your mouth, pushing your head down on his cock, new tears forming in your eyes. he doesn't look down when he says a simple "swallow", and who are you to deny him? when you do, he gives out a small sigh and groan when you finally pull away, leaving a string of salvia. "good pet" he says, petting your hair before sliding his hand to hold your cheek. you stay like that for a couple seconds before you see Mumbo's other hand move. he shoves everything off of his desk, he then takes your arms and pulls you up, shoving you so you're sitting on the desk. he quickly puts both of his hands on either side of you, leaning on them which makes you try and balance yourself by leaning back on your hands. his eyes are shining, looking you over with such hunger that it makes you feel so much smaller and more vulnerable than him.
"oh aren't you such a giving and caring thing," he starts with a teasing smirk, making you whine. "always know what to do to get my attention, hm? always know how to please me. I should give you a reward for it...after all, its only polite"
cut to you moaning, crying and shaking under him as he fucks you on his desk and makes you cum over and over again until his head is completely cleared from the stress- although, he still doesn't stop when that happens...turns out that this is a good way to think and make new ideas
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