allthingsfern · 8 months
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I want to thank all of you who read my posts and look at my photos, who also had me in your thoughts, and especially:
The photo I took right after the surgery. I am also grateful to my ophthalmologist, who is great about explaining everything (and being succinct) and has a great sense of humor. Actually, after the surgery he came by and we started talking about his playlist during surgery (country western). We both agreed about some of the old great and I suggested he listen to Trio (Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt). They cut 2 albums together, both superb, and the first one is one of hte most beautiful collections of music I've ever heard. The video below, from a live performance on The Tonight Show w/ Johnny Carson, features 3 songs performed by them. A fucking treasure.
Then he went on (and on) about David Allen Coe's The Ride. When he started trying to perform the damned song, I wound up laughing while I told him to "Get out! Get out!" Maybe not the best move, since he is going to operate on my left eye on the 21st of December...
All of this to say my eyesight is really good. I can see, as my cousin who has had cataract surgery told me, "in Technicolor." I am fortunate that my ophthalmologist recommended I just have the basic lens inserted, since my eyesight is still pretty good.
It has been a weird challenge, though not unsurmountable, since I spent a lot of time sleeping but am getting a sense of me again. Grateful I can work from home and my bosses are understanding and put up with my shit.
Also am grateful for my 2 sisters (one of my sisters and her best friend, who has been part of the family for decades) who came out to be with me for a few days. They drove me nuts, but then I would expect (or want) no less. But we had a nice drive to SF and the Golden Gate Bridge and had some great meals and watched old movies. They went by themselves to the Sacramento Railroad Museum (one of my favorite museums) and to the outlet stores close by. And they bugged the shit outta me, for which I love them.
So, all's cool in the pool.
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blingblinkyoftexas · 5 years
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#Sundown on the #ColoradoPrairie #windmills #ColoradoHorizon #Colorado #Highway50 #GodBlessAmerica #blingblinkyoftexas (at Two Buttes, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6jhC03nG68/?igshid=1d2x04oaegsa7
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blingblinkyoftexas · 5 years
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#ColoradoSunset #ColoradoPrairie #southeastcolorado (at Lamar, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6jefHEnFt8/?igshid=bb0sfsp85oyl
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blingblinkyoftexas · 5 years
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A beautiful #Seedpodhad opened here on the #ColoradoPrairie #BentsFort (at Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6jU3KZHy1B/?igshid=14dim5e26l12v
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