#color picked from the official comics btw
okaydiscount · 3 months
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a break between contracts :)
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theriu · 1 year
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How To Play With Dragons
Thanks to everyone who voted for the fan favorite of my How To Guides for Mythical Creatures!
I was very intimidated about drawing the hoard panel. XD But I ended up having fun with it. See how many references you can spot! Aside from that trial, I was pleased this Guide got picked because I have always loved drawing dragons, and this one was too fun to draw - I did the first and fourth panels before everything else. He turned out SO FREAKIN' CUTE!!! Don't mind his accent, English just isn't his first language.
Our resident Mythic Expert (M.E., get it?) is based loosely on how I look (brown hair, bangs, roundish nose and chin), partly because the first guides started out being literally me and partly because it's the easiest face for me to draw (I may have accumulated a number of characters with approximately this face shape over the years >.>) I'd like to make comics of the whole series eventually, so I figured I'd reuse it once again so at least the ONE recurring character in this series is easy to draw. XD; Her mashup of M.E. equipment will change a bit from comic to comic, but she came particularly decked out for possible draconic confrontation. I have in mind a small bonus panel of her playing Mario Kart with the dragon while on her phone to her partner about whichever jerk falsely accused the dragon to try and claim some of his supposed "treasure."
Btw, if anyone is ever interested in coloring this, definitely let me know! But maybe don't color THIS PARTICULAR one (except for fun, in which case I still wanna see =D) because I'm annoyed at the scanner, it didn't scan the lineart as cleanly as usual. I'll probably rescan it for an "official" comic if I ever make it into a webtoon or something.
Aaand that's all for now! Hope you enjoyed, and I'd be pleased to hear what you think in a Reply or Reblog! <3
~River of The RIU
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
Btw, google "Harry Potter adult covers" and look at them. I notice a passing resemblance to the SP covers, particularly the schlocky text and neon colors. Ignoring the juvenile art in the Grimoire for a moment, maybe they're "rebranding" in an attempt to stop SP from getting continually dumped in the 3-7 section of every bookstore for no rational reason?
I assume you mean these? There are multiple adult covers.
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This works better tho bc it's a bright colour (not all of them are neon) on black and white, so the colours don't bite each other. Tho I'm still not a fan of the bright single-colour spines they have.
There is another version of these covers where they are two coloured.
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Book four comes closest to the HBL covers, tho the main and accent colours are reversed. They picked the colour combinations well enough that they don't burn out my eyes, but I got to be honest, I like them better in b&w.
Also, Landy WANTS to have a kids' rating on these books. He went on an entire rant about that on Twitter and in the last interview, his editor put a special emphasis on SP staying a kids' series.
Regarding the juvenile Grimoire art, I do believe it's either HarperCollins forcing it or they just spend so much money on the comic that was all they could afford for the rest of the artwork. I don't think Landy gives a damn how the other characters look as long as the Skul & Val comic looks pretty. Pretty sure those are the only two characters he actually gives a damn about.
I also don't think the new covers are imitating HP, I think they are getting visually closer to comic art. Every since Landy started writing for Marvel SP keeps becoming more similar to Marvel which I HATE. And he has always been pushing the official SP art to be more realistic eventho stylized art would fit way better with the quirky vibe of the series.
I assume this is bc he wanted to be a horror screenwriter for adult entertainment, but bc he flopped that career he's a kids' book author instead. I really don't think he wants to be a kids' book author judging by what he writes, the sexual undertones, how he doesn't really like kids and how the art he chooses more and more looks like it's made to appeal to middle-aged nerds like him and not to the children it's actually aimed at.
Look at HBL, does that look like the cover of a kids' book to you? Or like the cover of a comic book aimed at adults?
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scruffyssketchbook · 2 years
castle vees idea :)) -e
off anon to submit a long block o' text and yes i am the OCvees submitter from wayyy back too if you remember that (i have a lot of eevee ideas)
okay so!!
its sort of medieval but not, because its supposed to be that the eeveelutions have divided into kingdoms with different power structures and they all hate each other ofc, and each kingdom demands you turn into the e-lution (Ex: all umbre-doms must become umbreons or else they are Thrown To The Dungeons for being 'traitors').
the main character is an eevee named Ordi who hails from the Umbreon Kingdom. Ordi (12yo he/they AroAce) is very stoic/bland/serious and follows the kingdom's rules to the T (like a loser). He has a best friend named Jewel, whose outgoing and not afraid to voice her opinions, and he has an older bro (18) named Blanche, who is an umbre that dyed his fur white and his rings blue because he's Edgy and Unique and a Rebel who hates the umbre kingdom
the theoretical comic would start with Ordi in class learning all of this stuff, then the kids who've evolved into umbreons pick on him for not being an umbre yet (11-12yo is the typical evolve age). Ordi ignores them and goes home. at home he talks to his parents (stern government official mom and bored nerd dad, both sort of distant parents but still loving towards their kids, just not obviously) abt not evolving, since his bro Blanche evolved when he was just 9, to which they reassure him that his dad was a late bloomer and evolved at 17 (note: eevees who dont evolve by 18 are sent to facilities to force them to evolve or exile them). Ordi feels slightly better
Ordi runs into his brother as he's applying his blue rings (sorta like stickers over the normal rings? or contacts?) and they banter, Ordi kinda hates him in that "why is he so rebellious ugh!!!" he cant understand why his brother wants to look so flashy. their mom does have red ring contacts and plenty of other umbres have ring contacts too, but its kinda frowned upon to dye ur fur another color cause the black color is kinda a symbol of the umbreons.
anyway Ordi sees his bro sneak out and is partially just curious and partially worried he's doing something against the umbreon code. welp, Ordi is proven right as he follows his bro to the border (to which Ordi is worried about a Vaporeon attack since they border the Vapors, NOT the Flareons which is a trauma thing for the mom's backstory thats not important rn also Blanche's father might secretly be a Flare oop-). there, he sees his brother meet with an Espeon. NOT JUST ANY ESPEON. this Espeon is green. and not just dyed fur!!! she's shiny.
this is the Princess of the Espeons.
Princess Beauty.
Ordi is horrified to realize his brother is meeting with and DATING (and totally conspiring with!!!!) the heir to their mortal enemies' thrown. so ofc he confronts his brother and they get in a screaming match where Blanche tells him not to be a sheep and that he loves Beauty and nothing can keep them apart and Ordi is like "im gonna tell mom!!" Blanche is obvs like "no dont!!!" and Beauty sits there like "uh, im just gonna go-"
so somehow Blanche convinces Ordi NOT to tell mom or dad, and they head home all angy. they sleep and the next day occurs, Ordi goes to school, blah blah, exposition with bullies (the lead bullies are twins who also evolved young BTW. i forget their names or if i even gave them, but one's a guy, one's a girl and they come from a typically rich kid high pressure family). so the typical bullies pick on Ordi and call him an "ever 'vee" but Jewel defends him and gives the bullies a good ol' punch. a Middle School Playground fight ensues and Jewel starts evolving from the exp gained!
but Uh Oh it's morning, and exp gain + friendship (with Ordi) + sunlight = Espeon. so Jewel evolves into an Espeon which is a big No No and she gets taken to Jail. Ordi is shocked and horrified and wants to save his friend. he goes home and his parents sadly tell him this is the way, and his dad says he just has to stay quiet and obedient and do as he's told like always. his mom grimly (hesitantly?) agrees.
Ordi can't accept that his best friend is just gone forever now, possibly in harm's way, because she evolved into something she didnt even mean to!! so he HAS to save her, and, bitterly, he turns to his big bro and asks if his Espeon gf can help save Jewel. Blanche agrees and is like "see how corrupt the system is!" but Ordi wont admit so and says its just one mistake. so Ordi and Blanche go to meet Princess Beauty, who, of course agrees to help them, and Ordi thinks its just cause Beauty wants to save a fellow Espeon and have insight into Umbreon life via Jewel, but Beauty explains its because she believes all the kingdoms should learn to love each other, and that they need to live together in harmony, and that everyone should evolve into what they want. Ordi thinks thats BS but Blanche believes in it whole-heartedly with a side of pessimism like "but like that'll ever happen, all the kingdoms are rotten."
anyway, Beauty says she knows a 'vee who can help them, and that Ordi just needs to find out where Beauty is being held. so Ordi goes home and asks his mom (government official) and she tells him after a bit, and Ordi reports to Beauty. then, at night, Beauty sends a Vaporeon named Dewdrop (they/them) to do the rescue, which shocks Ordi because how the hell does an Espeon know a Vaporeon??? (then it starts to make sense cause duh, Beauty is meeting Blanche at the Vaporeon-Umbreon border, how ELSE would she be there? ...further more, why isnt she at her kindom's royal castle??)
so Dew uses the river to get to the side of the Jail with Ordi (Ordi is not happy abt the swimming and water and makes sure to extra hate it bcus eevees arent supposed to learn to swim until after they evolve in fear they become Vapors). Ordi is also unnerved because Dew doesn't say a single word at all to him, and they look super emotionless and kinda scary (which makes Ordi suspect/fear that Dew wants to kidnap them). Dew uses waterbeam or whatever to try and break a hole/wear down the water, and they do manage to get in!!! Ordi sees Jewel locked up (along with other evolved vees and even a few umbreons, all of which he thinks poorly of tho he does realize the hypocriticalness of his throughts). he tells Jewel he's gonna get her out of there but she's telling him to run, now, and he's like why??
and, predictably, there's an Umbreon police team there and they see Ordi and chase him. Dew takes Ordi and runs and Ordi screams and is like "no!! not without Jewel!" but Jewel uses a new Espeon move of hers (idk which) to knock Ordi away, and he and Dew barely manage to escape into the depths of the river and into the heart of Vapor territory...
or so Ordi thinks. once they surface and stay surfaced, Ordi screams at Dew to take him back and that they cant kidnap him, but Dew just shakes his head and starts walking. with no choice, Ordi follows him and they go to some strange... tunnel, bunker of sorts, that leads to a giant shelter. Beauty is there, and Ordi isnt sure if he's relieved or nervous to see her, but she greets him and questions where Jewel is and Ordi snaps that it failed. Beauty says that now that the guards know their face, they will be after them, and that Ordi cannot go home. Ordi is horrified and denies it and basically throws a temper tantrum, kicking and screaming and yelling (and crying), but then a Sylveon appears and Ordi is shocked into silence because a Sylveon??
everyone knows that Sylveons live like nuns in the mountains, far away from the war, living in bliss and peace and whatever lies they tell themselves. ALL kingdoms hate Sylveons because Sylveons think they're so noble and great being all 'peaceful' and wistful, but that they're naive and think that all kingdoms should just love each other like its a fairy tale.
this Sylveon is named Pixie and she is very hyper. so hyper that she shocks Ordi into silence because he just wasnt expecting it. she welcomes him to the Ever Vee resistance and that he'll love it here and isn't he Blanche's little bro??? aww how cute she can see the family resemblance!! Ordi questions what the heck she's talking about and Pixie lays out some plot stuff, saying that she's the leader of this Ever Vee base, where survivors of the wars and rebels and, well, ever vees can live together. Ordi is stunned, cause he thought that, aside from an insult, Ever Vees were just a group of outcasted unevolved eevees, not a.. rebellion group? Pixie just chuckles and says surprise! and welcomes him once more and says he can room with the other kids since they dont have space! then she just Leaves (giving Beauty a flirty goodbye).
Ordi has shutdown by this point and allows Dew to lead him to his room, where he meets a small, scared Jolteon who has bandages all over one side of her face and eye and is missing an ear. she doesnt say anything, just stares in fear, but then the other girl, a very loud and equally energetic as Pixie Glaceon greets Ordi (the Jolteon also flinches at her volume). Dew leaves them, and when the Glaceon introduces herself as Autumn ("but you can just call me Autie!") and the Jolteon as Jolty ("because we have no idea what her name is cause she wont tell us- well she doesnt say much anyway! more than Dew tho, they never ever talk ever!!") and then asks Ordi for his name and backstory, but Ordi just snaps at her to shut up and that he's had a difficult day. he storms to his bed and crawls in and puts the blankets over his head. he thinks Autie is quiet for once but then hears her whispering very loudly to Jolty about what weedle stung him or some other poke-metaphor for Cranky
the next day, Autie loudly walks Ordi up and he begrudgingly follows her (and she talks the entire way about how she's gonna be the greatest Glaceon warrior one day) and Jolty as they lead him to get breakfast. there, they meet the rest of the cast. the first is Vine the Leafeon, who is Autie's older brother. Vine is reprimanding Autie for being so obnoxious. then walks in Inferno the Flareon, who sneers at the newcomer and complains about having more dumb little kids in the building. Vine tells him that theirs more adults than kids and Ferno tells him to shut up, to which Vine does. Ferno demands Vine get him something to eat and Vine does and Autie glares at Ferno and says he doesnt like him and Ferno says the feelings mutual brat. Autie sticks her tongue out and then, of course, being a rational and mature 17 nearing 18yo, Ferno lits up a fireball at her, a 13yo child. (note: Jolty is also terrified and shaking and clinging to Ordi during this, which he hates/is confused by)
thankfully, another Flareon interrupts, with Dew at her side. this Flareon has a scar down her face, and glares firmly at Ferno and reprimands him. Ferno grumbles and says "Sorry aunt Smolder" and angrily walks away to Vine, who just came back and is oblivious to Ferno attempting to lit his sis on fire. Ferno roughly drags him along with him, even tho Vine wanted to eat with his sis. anyway, the adult, wartorn Flareon introduces herself as former General of the Flareons, Smolder. Ordi tenses, knowing how awful the Flareons are. As Ferno just proved, they are angry, blood-thirsty, aggressive, and vicious monsters who take no prisoners, merely kill for the fun of it. after all, that's why his mom moved away from the Flareon border ('isn't it?' he wonders).
but Autie happily greets and hugs Smolder, calling her mama Smolder. Smolder chuckles and says hello to you to, patting the energetic girl's back. Ordi questions if she's really her mom, but Smolder says no, Autie just enjoys calling her that. Smolder says that Pixie may be the leader, but she's the one in charge of the care for all 'vees in this base, the little ones especially. Ordi feels surprisingly calm with Smolder, but Jolty is still clinging to him and staring at Smolder like she murdered Jolty's family, so he's hesitant to truly trust Smolder or Dew or anyone else for that matter.
anyway, they eat, or whatever, yada yada. there's some yucky "flirting" between Vine and Ferno where it clearly establishes that Ferno is abusive/toxic towards Vine and just using him and Vine is spineless/desperate and stays with him regardless. also establish that Dew is mute and never speaks. some (reluctant on Ore's part)) Autie, Ordi, and Jolty bonding as quick friends. later, Smolder tells Ordi that his brother is here to see him and Ordi mad dashes to his bro.
he is upset to see Beauty with Blanche, but then demands that both of them take him home. Blanche says they cant, that he will be arrested on sight, that even mom and dad know now. Beauty says he's safest here and Ordi argues with them, but, ya know, eventually Ordi realizes that if he goes back he will be treated as though he had evolved into an Espeon, and that he truly is a traitor and then he has some Feelings about that and shuts down once more.
Beauty says she's gonna go talk to Pixie and gives Blanche a quick goodbye peak, then Blanche and Ordi make their way to (somewhere idk, lunch?), where Blanche tries to comfort Ordi that everything will be okay, that he knows its scary but that he'll be safe here and they'll still try to rescue Jewel, but Ordi doesn't respond at all and Blanche gets worried. but they're interrupted when Vine walks out of a room with a bruise on his cheek, to which Blanche is like "woah! Vine, right? are you okay?" and Vine is like "uh, yeah, uhm, its cool, I, uh," and stutters into oblivion when Blanche offers to get a berry to heal him. luckily, Autie saves Vine from his gay malfunction by squealing and hugging her bro happily. she then gets super interested in Blanche because he's "white and blue like a Glaceon!!!"
as Autie pesters him and inspects him, Vine tells Autumn to stop bothering him, to which Blanche questions why she has a Leafeon name when she's a Glaceon. Vine explains that they were from a Leafeon family, but that Autie had been obsessed with being a Glaceon since she was young. Ordi questions in disgust why a vee would ever want to not be what their kingdom was (doesnt she have any pride?) to which Autie exclaims that Glaceons are the coolest ever and who wouldnt wanna be one!!!! Vine explains further, saying that Glaceons rescued them when they were young and had gotten caught in an avalanche. Ordi is shocked and questions why Glaceons would save Leafeons when everyone knows they hate each other as much as Umbreons and Espeons do. Blanche starts saying that its ridiculous propaganda and that vees of any kingdom can get along but Vine interrupts to say "then they destroyed our entire village and left us orphaned."
there's a beat of silence and Blanche just goes "what?"
Vine goes into Backstory Mode and explains that the Glaceons that saved them were soldiers awaiting orders. they saved Autie and him for whatever reason, and were truly kinda nice to them, but that they were still young. Autie and Vine were too young to realize that Glaceons being in Leafeon turf was suspicious and didnt realize they were stationed there, awaiting orders... to destroy their town and capture the icy area that the Leafeons had stolen from them previously. Autie and Vine escaped when the Glaceon that had previously saved them recognized them and gave them mercy. Vine took Autie and ran way, but, Autie could not understand what had happened and idolized the Glaceons still, and, of course, evolved into one. now that she had done so, Vine knew they couldn't go to a Leafeon village, so instead he searched for the Ever Vees until he found Pixie.
And then Autie finishes it with "And now I'm gonna be the bestest Glaceon soldier ever and become their General just like Smolder was!!"
anyway not sure exactly what happens after that, but, basically, Ordi angsts some more but finds himself reluctantly becoming friends with Autie and Jolty, eventually he becomes good enough friends with Jolty that she quietly admits to him her real name is Emma, and also that her family and home was burned to the ground by Flareons. Ordi also becomes closer to Smolder and Dew, as they are both kinda parental figures and mentors to him. Smolder would admit to Ordi that her children were killed by the war and thats why she left despite being a General who had killed so many mercilessly; she could never imagine harming a child but hadnt stopped to realize that she had been killing many via orders to her troops. she forced Ferno to come with her per her brother's request, not that Ferno was happy about that as he still thinks Flareons are superior (and loves how afraid Jolty is of him).
there's some more Vine and Ferno being in a toxic relationship and Ferno being an a-hole to everyone always without remorse. he actually injuries Autie once and that makes Vine snap at him, but then Ferno smacks him and says he cant yell at him like that because he's just a stupid Leafeon who'd be nothing without him (yikes). Blanche comes to Vine's defense and Vine is blushy-blushy. Blanche and Vine become good friends.
there would be some cuts in the comic to Ordi's parents. his mom is super worried (dad is too, but the focus is on the mom), as she thinks about her past and, shocker, it's revealed she had fallen in love with a Flareon, but when she got preggo with his kid, he wanted her to join the Flareon's side, that the kid had to be a Flareon, it was in its blood, but she refused and the Flareon got angry and he and his buddies burned down her neighborhood (no deaths tho). she ran away where she met Ordi's father, who was kind and understanding and boring and they pretending Blanche was his instead of the Flareon's and no one was the wiser.
there's also cuts to Jewel, who plots her escape. when she goes to face a judge for her 'sins', which she thinks is totally stupid cause she'll be imprisoned forever anyway. but then, to her surprise, they say they have a special mission for her, that she can be a spy... at first she denies, but then... shocker!!! her former school bully (purple rings, female twin) appears when she's moping about her decision in a jail cell and the former bully says that she arranged for this by convincing her dad to do so, so that Jewel could have a chance at life! Jewel is shocked and questions why she'd do that and the bully (damn i need a name for her and her bro... Nora and Aron, there) gets a slight blush but says that she admired Jewel for being so strong and defending her friend like that... Jewel questions why she's a bully and Nora is like "i dont know! ...cause my brother is? ...everyone expects me to be perfect cause i evolved early and my dad's rich but i... i dont even know if i wanted to be an umbreon in the first place..." Jewel is shocked, but ends up accepting being a spy per Nora's request.
so anyway, there's some implied romance between Smolder and Dew too. nobody knows Dew backstory but Smolder, who teases them over it sometimes, but only kindly. Dew never says anything, even to Smolder, but they're close anyway (and sign language exists, ya know, although Dew still doesn't use it often). they are the eldest adults at the facility, as its actually kinda just the cast plus a few people who come in and out. even Pixie is younger than them. Smolder has a distrust in overly happy Pixie, who is supposed to be their caretaker, but is never really there when it matters, leaving the responsibility to Smolder.
Ordi also still wants to rescue his bff Jewel, as he doesnt know she's out of jail, and obviously Autie is super eager to stage a rescue, and Jolty is horrified but will follow them anywhere regardless. so, sneaking past their older bros, they leave and attack to sneak into jail again. honestly not sure what happens (Ordi nearly evolves tho? into an umbreon but he doesnt), but it fails, and then Pixie has to rescue them or something. Pixie is unusually cold as she acts like an adult for once and scolds them and says they have to ask her for permission first before they stage pointless rescue missions! when they return, Pixie takes Ordi aside and presents him with an everstone, which immediately horrifies Ordi and he attempts to run away but the door is locked.
Pixie tells Ordi that evolving is a curse and doesnt he want to be free of it? he can be a true Ever Vee then, and he can know everything he wants to. Ordi denies it and tries the door again, it opens, and he slams into Beauty. he hides behind her and tells her what Pixie tried to do, and Beauty is like "what? ...Pixie would never, are you insane? she wants everyone to have the freedom to evolve. i think you're just worn out after your adventure today, why dont you go back to bed?" and Ordi is shocked Beauty doesnt believe him but leaves. Beauty then turns to Pixie like "really?" to which Pixie is like "whaaaat? we need more eevees! not eeveelutions!" Beauty just sighs and says she can't just scare her boyfriend's lil bro like that, or else what will Blanche do if he found out? Pixie gets pouty and is like "your boyfriend??? excuse me. what am i chopped liver?" Beauty laughs and they kiss. (gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep)
anyway, i dunno how the rest goes exactly but its sort of like: we cut to Jewel spying (and Nora being blushy around her when Jewel relays info to her. Aron is still a whiny brat bully to her tho), and she learns stuff about the Espeons who have taken her in. they love their royal family a lot, and Beauty shows up at events to just kinda be paraded around. Espeons, to Jewel's disgust, pride themselves on being pretty (cause stereotypes), and dont have a super strict structure. they hate Umbreons and other 'lutions, but they're kinda lame in Jewel's opinion, because she's always prided herself on her strength, but they think she's weird for focusing on fighting and stuff. anyway, somehow Jewel would get close to the royal fam enough to follow Beauty, and wonders where she's going. she finds out Beauty is going to meet the Sylveons and Jewel finds out that the Sylveons don't just want 'world peace', they want everyone to be 'ever vees' so that they cant be 'cursed into eeveelution unless its pure like a Sylveon, who evolves from affection and love.'
so somehow Jewel and Nora would get into contact with Blanche (cause Jewel is worried about Ordi) and they'd go meet Ordi+ and Ordi and Jewel would have a tearful reunion (and Ordi would question why Nora was there but Jewel would defend her), but then Beauty would recognize Jewel and be like "wait a minute-" and there would be tension and then it'd be revealed what Beauty and Pixie's plans are (that the whole shelter for outcasts and orphans is kinda a lie. its complicated). Beauty and Pixie reveal their backstory, that they used to be BFFs from a young age (both born into the Espeon kingdom; typical Beauty was the princess and Pixie her maid), but as they grew, Pixie loved Beauty so much she evolved into a Sylveon, which then meant Pixie was outcasted, and Beauty was forced through many trials to become an Espeon. Beauty became bitter while Pixie was forced to find the other Sylveons by herself. the Sylveons then kinda brainwashed Pixie into their ideology (not that Pixie realizes that), and Beauty went on to hate her own kind/family for tearing Pixie away from her.
Beauty ended up meeting Blanche by accident because Beauty kept running away from home. she enjoyed running away to meet him cause it made her feel rebellious and stuff, but then Pixie found her and Pixie told her her plans/ideas, and Beauty agreed and also immediately had to date Pixie, but, ugh, Blanche was still her boyfriend and they had to break up. but Pixie told her not to, that they could use him, because Blanche's mother had connections as an official and trusted government official. if they could gain her trust through Blanche, they could use her to upend the Umbreon government while Beauty worked on destroying the royal Espeon family. (to clarify Beauty and Pixie are both evil and bad people who manipulate others for their own selfish goals)
so Smolder steps up and defends the kids but to her surprise her nephew Ferno would defend them/join their side and say that he knew this whole thing was stupid (he's just siding with the more powerful side) and then, when Smolder prepares to fight her own nephew, Beauty and Pixie, Dew joins them. Smolder is shocked, but Dew just guiltily looks away, and then Smolder wont fight, but Blanche, in complete anger, does, and Jewel, Nora, and the other kiddos do too, but obvs Beauty and Pixie are higher level + more experienced (Dew does not fight them; Ferno does but get's K'O'd be Blanche) so Smolder joins and chases them off. Dew looks back apologetically and signs "im sorry"
Vine comforts Blanche for Beauty cheating on him and everything, yada yada aaaandd.... then i kinda dont have any more idea juice lol. Dew would eventually come back and redeem themself/explain themself!! and their backstory would be properly revealed >;3. ...honestly idk their backstory lmao. but yaeh, thats what i can remember of it
thats it!!!!
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knickynoo · 4 years
BTTF Headcanons
As suggested by the wonderful @tsukinikawatteus, I’ve put together some of my headcanons. Honestly, these are going to revolve solely around Doc & Marty, because I don’t really have any developed ones involving other characters.
I’ll hide it under a ‘read more ’ in case it gets too long and ramble-y. Which it will, because this is me we’re talking about.
First, I’ll answer the ones I got in the ask.
- How Doc & Marty met: For this one, I just go by the official Bob Gale answer that Marty was 13 or 14, had heard rumors about the crazy old scientist in town, & snuck into Doc’s lab one day & got caught. The comic series actually shows this event happening, but I tend to dismiss that version because honestly, I don’t like the way it’s handled. (Plus Bob Gale has said that the comics/game/etc can be take it or leave it as considered canon, so yay) Anyway, I imagine a young Marty hearing all these whispers around town about Doc and being curious. Maybe he was looking for danger/adventure in going to investigate, but I also like to think that part of Marty felt sorry for this guy who everyone seemed to look down on. So he made his way over to Doc’s lab to see what the deal was & was initially scared when he got caught. But he saw all the cool experiments and the general chaos & was totally into it.  (And btw, in my headcanon, Marty is the one who first refers to him as Doc & establishes it as his “name,” unlike the comic version where Doc tells Marty to call him that?? Def didn’t like that part.)
- When they started to consider each other best friends/what impact did they have on each other’s life: I’d say they considered the other a best friend pretty quickly. Doc was absolutely thrilled to discover that this kid thought he was awesome & was so interested in his work. After spending so much of his life without true connections or relationships, having Marty around really changed Doc’s life. He finally had someone (aside from Einstein) to talk to about all of his experiments and the science behind them.
The same goes for Marty considering Doc a best friend. Seeing as he was growing up in such a dysfunctional environment, with parents who probably weren’t super attentive or close to him, he loved being around Doc. Not only was he treated as an equal, he also had someone to listen to him, which he didn’t get at home. He found encouragement and felt respected around Doc. Plus, my general headcanon is that Marty really doesn’t have other friends & was always kind of an outsider.
Now onto some of my other headcanons....
- As I mentioned above, I don’t see Marty as a guy with many friends. He’s friendly towards a lot of people, but doesn’t have a specific group he belongs to. He really only interacts with his band mates while he’s at practice & it’s more of a business situation than a friendship. Marty gets to practice, runs the show (playing sick guitar riffs) & then just leaves. His band mates serve as a convenient cover story for when he wants to go somewhere with Jennifer, but that’s pretty much it. He has three friends, ok? And one of them is an animal.
- Upon finally settling into the improved ‘85 timeline, once all the time-traveling was over, things were understandably very jarring to Marty. One of the things he found hardest to adjust to was the sudden affection from his parents, namely the good morning hugs & kisses like we see Lorraine give him at the end of the first movie. Marty was previously used to spending the mornings in solitude since his father would already be at work & his mom would sleep in (often because she was still out of it from drinking the night before). The idea of family breakfasts & being greeted so warmly when he woke up, and when he got home from school, was super weird to him at first.
- Marty has ADHD. (this seems to be a very common headcanon, lol). Doc, being the kind of guy who’s interested in a wide variety of topics, came across some research & information on it at some point & instantly recognized the signs in his friend. When Marty came over one day, frustrated after a particularly rough day at school, he sat him down & talked to him about his suspicions. And since Doc was well aware of the lack of potential support (because this is the 80s after all, & SO many people with ADHD just didn’t have resources to get help), he took on the role of giving Marty advice and tips on how he could cope with it.
- Related to above point: Marty found that wearing layers helped keep him calm/feel grounded, hence why our boy rocks the t-shirt/button up/jean jacket/puffy vest look. And honestly, the suspenders might play a role in that too, since they put subtle pressure on part of the chest/shoulders/back. This also explains the leather jacket from part II! Aside from just thinking it looked awesome (and perfectly inconspicuous), Marty liked that it was a thick, weighted material.
-Doc is autistic. As he was diving into the world of research concerning ADHD & other various conditions, he came across a series of studies on Asperger’s syndrome & instantly connected the information with his own childhood and current life. Since he grew up feeling isolated from his peers & like nobody understood him, reading through the studies made him feel like he had found an answer. (A fact nobody asked for: the first study printed in English on Asperger’s syndrome was released in 1981. Yes, I checked to make sure this headcanon would be possible.)
-Doc set up a bed for Marty in the garage partially for the nights they were working late & his friend was too tired to head home, but also because he realized that a lot of the time, Marty simply didn’t want to be at home. Marty got into the habit of sleeping in his clothes so that at any given moment he could head over to Doc’s garage if he needed to. Doc made it clear to him that he was welcome anytime & doesn’t bat an eye when the boy wanders in at night & flops down into the bed.
-For Doc’s birthday, Marty went out & bought him the most colorful, “loudest” Hawaiian shirt he could find. It was sort of a joke, but Doc absolutely loved it.
-On Marty’s birthday, Doc asked him to come over under the guise of needing help with an experiment, but it was really a mini party with the lab decorated with streamers & balloons & cupcakes Doc had gone to pick up. Einstein wore a party hat. 
- We all know Doc & Marty eat a lot of Burger King. When they eat it in Doc’s garage, Marty takes pieces of the fries and slips them under the table to Einstein. Doc does not appreciate Marty encouraging Einstein’s begging but the boy can’t resist sharing with the dog.
- Occasionally, when they’re taking a break from working or are just hanging out, Marty takes out his guitar & Doc takes out his saxophone & they jam. Sometimes they play actual songs & other times they create their own. Whenever they try to make up lyrics, it quickly devolves into complete nonsense, usually ending up with the two of them laughing so hard that they can’t even play anymore.
-Marty also sometimes puts on a Huey Lewis tape while the two of them are working. Doc initially wasn’t really into the music, but he eventually found himself singing along to the songs with Marty. 
Okay, I need to stop myself because. Wow. If anyone actually reads this thing, I commend you on the effort. Kai, you had no idea what you were unleashing when you sent me that ask the other day.
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jessicasland · 5 years
The One That Fits Right In Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Rocky Beginnings Reagan stared at the large white school building in front of her. It was her first day at the public high school and since she moved with her family, she already felt nervous. Reagan’s face went pale, she felt like she was going to be sick, there were butterflies in her stomach. It was big, bigger than the palace she used to live in back in Southern France. Was she really going to go in there? Well, she had no other choice. She took a big deep breath and walked up the stairs to the main hall. Reagan look at all the students bustling, talking, and laughing in the hallways. It was completely crowded! She couldn’t even walk without being squished in between one or two of the students. She checked her schedule. The first thing she needed to do was find her locker. It was locker 239. Reagan adjusted her glasses once she managed to get out of the tsunami of students to find her locker. There were endless rows of tall dark green lockers. But which one was her’s? As she passed by the students, she always remembered to say her “excuse me’s” or “pardon me’s” when she was trying to get through, and remembered to say her “sorry’s” when she accidentally bumped into people. Reagan was about to check the next row of lockers to find hers until- BUMP! The next thing Reagan knew, she was on the ground. Her backpack, books, and lunchbox were scattered on the ground. In front of her was another girl. She had short brown hair and sap colored eyes. Her skin was the color of a what someone would look like if they had gotten a sun tan. She also wore very expensive clothing, tall high heal like boots, and had layers and layers of foundation and make up on her face. Reagan gasped and said, “Oh geez. I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” She pulled the other girl into her feet and picked up all her books and makeup. “Here. These belong to you don’t they?” “Don’t you dare touch those!” said the girl, snatching the belongings out of Reagan’s hands. “Don’t you know how much money all this makeup costs?!” “...No.” Regan replied. “I-I don’t think we’ve officially met before during the orientation. I’m Reagan!” Reagan smiled and held out her hand for the other girl to shake. The girl looked at Reagan and looked at her hand and sneered in disgust. Using a pencil, the girl moved Reagan’s hand away, “Oh yes. The new girl from, what was i? Larodon? Southern France?” “That’s right! Future Heir to the throne to!” replied Reagan. “So, what’s your name?” The girl scoffed and replied, “You don’t know who I am?” Reagan said, “No not really. That’s what I was trying to ask you.” “My name is Harper. Harper Jane Cadigan Scott.” said the girl. “And these four girls make up my group. The one with the black hair is Marissa, the one with the gross looking flying pig thing on her shirt is Elle, the one who’s the brace face is Lorraine,” Reagan mouthed to Lorraine, “You’re braces look nice.” and Loraine mouthed back “Thanks.” Harper continued, “and the one in the yellow which is a really disgusting color BTW, is known as Krystal.” Reagan stared at them before saying, “Nice to meet ya.” “So, now that you know this little group here, get outta my way.” said Harper, turning up her nose. “What are you even doing anyway?” “Oh, um. I’m looking for my locker.” said Reagan, showing Harper her schedule. “It’s locker 239.” “What?! You can’t have that locker!” said Harper. “Why not? The school staff gave it to me so that means it’s mine for this year.” said Reagan. “But that’s my locker!” said Harper. “Everyone knows that locker 239 is the biggest locker in the school! Well, everyone except you Four Eyes.” “I know. That’s why they gave it to me.” said Reagan. Harper growled and was ready to strangle Reagan but Marissa stopped her and said, “Harper. We gotta go. Besides, I heard Kaiden was in our economics class.” Harper gasped in delight, “Why didn’t you say so?! Let’s go!” The other girls followed Harper down the hall, except for Loraine, who stayed behind to help Reagan find her locker and just like Harper had said, locker 239 was the biggest locker in the entire school. Reagan waisted no time to get started organizing her brand new locker. “Shame.” Reagan said to herself. “This locker looks so dull. It would be nice to spice it up a bit.” Then, Reagan had a wonderful, spectacular idea! Tomorrow before school started, she would bring in the beautiful acrylic paints that she had gotten for her birthday back in the summer and paint her locker till her her hearts desire. Reagan checked her schedule as she finished placing the new lock on the front. Reagan’s Schedule - A Day: Mon, Wed, Fri 1st Period-Art 3rd Period-US History 5th Period-Biology 7th Period-Office Aid B Day: Tues, Thurs 2nd Period-Spanish 1 4th Period-Culinary Arts 6th Period-English 2 8th Period-Algebra 2 Lunch: First Lunch Reagan was happy when she saw her first class. Art was one of her favorite things to do! She would spend hours a day just drawing and doodling in her sketchbook. It even helped her when she was stressed or upset. So this class would really help improve her art a bit more, especially when it came to drawing hands. History. Oh brother. History was super long and super boring and History wasn’t one of her strengths. Biology. Mmm, not so bad. But then Reagan remembered she didn’t really like it as much when she was homeschooled because she never got to do any labs at all. Office Aid? What was that? Spanish. Perfect! She more or less knew some words in Spanish thanks to homeschool. And one of her aunts spoke Spanish to so this would help expand her vocabulary. Culinary Arts? Wow! She loved to help the family’s personal chef in the kitchen back home and bake things on her own from time to time to! She could learn to cook and expand from making a simple PB and J sandwich. English. Interesting. Would she be learning the language English? Algebra. It was neither her weakness or her strength. But she was well advanced in math seeing how good at it she was. Reagan checked the time on her watch. 7:55AM “Uh oh.” thought Reagan, “I should already be at art class!” She didn’t wanna miss her first real class. She stuffed her schedule in her pocket, picked up her art supplies and sketchbook, and dashed down the hall to the art room. The minute Reagan stepped foot into the room, she was already greeted with large tables, pictures and paintings from years past, easels, light tables, tables with five chairs for five students to sit at, and a closet filled with tons of art supplies. But the professor was missing. Where was she...or he? Reagan dropped her things at the nearest table and walked around the room while the students chatted amongst themselves. She looked around the large room but then stopped at the closet. She saw a short figure who looked shorter than her, fumbling about where the paints were. Reagan asked in a shy tone, “U-Uh. E-Excuse me? I-I don’t mean to be a bother b-but uh. Where did the professor run off to?” The women bumped her head before turning to Reagan. She looked and dressed like a gypsy women. Beads and all. Reagan’s eyes widened as she saw her. The women hopped down from the ladder and walked up to Reagan. “You’re lookin’ right at her.” she replied. She had a thick Russian accent. “Oh. It’s uh, nice to meet you.” said Reagan. “I-I’m-“ “New student. I know.” she replied. “Davay! Davay! out out out!” She pushed Reagan out of the closet and said, “Take your seat. I don’t have all day.” Reagan said nothing and took her seat. This art professor seemed pretty rude. The women clapped her hands to get the students attention. “Dobroye UUUUtro class.” said the lady, holding the U. “Dobroye Utro Ms. Preobrazhensky.” said the rest of the class. “Welcome welcome! I would love to welcome you all to my Art class.” said Ms. Preobrazhensky. “Now, vhile I take the roll. I would like you to complete your first sketchbook assignment. Vou must draw your name and draw all de things you kiddies like. Uh, for instance uh de Fortnite game or de annoying song vith the colorful sharks or vhat ever you kiddies like now a-days. Da! Begin.” Regan opened her big, black sketchbook and got to work. She wrote her name in big bubbly letters and colored it red. Then she got to work on surrounding her name with many things she liked like. Her drawing consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a lamb, a paint pallet with a paintbrush, a drawing of Iron Man, the symbol for Taurus, a stack of comic books, a steam engine train, Patch from 101 Dalmatians, and some puzzle pieces representing the fact that she has Autism. She didn’t notice that any time passed by until Ms. Preobrazhensky shouted, “Gold Girl!” Reagan jumped in her seat in surprise. Most kids snickered at her. “Come on, let me see your vork.” she barked. Reagan showed Ms. Preobrazhensky her sketchbook. Ms. Preobrazhensky stared at it for a while before she took it to her desk. Reagan sat in her seat for the longest time while the gypsy looking art teacher was staring at her sketchbook. She felt nervous and started twirling a loose strand of her hair (which she often does when she’s nervous). “REAGAN!” Ms. Preobrazhensky screeched. Regan’s eyes widened as the teacher called her. She stood up and walked to the desk. “Niet! Niet! In my office.” said Ms. Preobrazhensky, pointing a long bony finger to a small office. Reagan gulped and stepped into her office. Was she going to get in trouble on her very first day? Ms. Preobrazhensky closed the door and started.....hugging Reagan. Reagan was confused. “Vou brilliant child! Look at this!” said Ms. Preobrazhensky, showing her the assignment. “I had no idea you’s could draw so well! How long have you’s been drawing?” “..Since I was 3.” said Reagan, still twirling her hair. “I’ve never seen dis type of talent in my class before.” said Ms. Preobrazhensky. “My dear! There is not much I can teach you! You have very good talent!” “Really?” asked Reagan excitedly. “...but I wish I could draw hands better. My hands look like potatoes.” “Tell you what.” said Ms. Preobrazhensky. “How about I gives you some pointers on how to draw hands. During the lunch break. You’s can have your lunch here and then we can start.” “You mean it?” asked Reagan with a gleam in her eyes. “Of course of course!” said Ms. Preobrazhensky. “After all, talent like this does not show up everyday. Although. I am curious about de puzzle pieces you drew here. Wvat do they mean?” Reagan fumbled with her words. If she told the teacher, let alone the whole school that she had Aspergers, she’d be the laughing stock of the entire 10th grade! “U-Uh....I-I love to do puzzles.” Reagan lied. “Ahh.” said Ms. Preobrazhensky, “interesting hobby for a girl your age.” “Uh yep.” said Reagan with a nervous laugh. Ms. Preobrazhensky handed back her sketchbook. “So, I wvill see you during lunch on Wednesday?” asked Ms. Preobrazhensky. “Sure!” said Reagan, “Thank you. Thank you Ms. Preoba...uh, can I call you Ms. P?” “Of course you may.” said Ms. Preobrazhensky. “Cool. Thank you Ms. P!” said Reagan as she walked back to her seat. She sighed with relief. .... The rest of the morning went by in a blur and before Reagan knew it, it was lunchtime. She took her orange metal lunchbox and headed for the cafeteria. Reagan walked slowly as she tried to find a seat but most of the students already called dibs on each table. Then, Reagan saw Harper and her group of friends (minus Loraine) sitting at half-empty table eating and gossiping. “Harper!” said Reagan. “Harper! It’s Reagan from this morning!” Harper stopped her, “Hold it Four Eyes!” Reagan stopped dead in her tracks. “This table is for popular girls only.” said Harper. “Yeah, we don’t take in newbies!” added Marissa. “B-But I don’t have anywhere else to sit.” said Reagan. “Tough!” said Krystal. “Let me show you where the newbies sit.” said Harper. She lead Reagan to the garbage cans in the corner of the cafeteria. “B-But that’s the garbage can.” Reagan said. “Exactly. That’s where all the newbies go. Because every single newbie that comes to this school is nothing but a lowlife piece of trash!” explained Harper. “Ask the freshmen! Trust me, this seating arrangement is WAY up you’re alley.” With that, Harper walked away, leaving Reagan alone. Well, Reagan had no other choice. She sat on the floor and ate her lunch. It was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some apple slices, a little white milk carton, some celery sticks, and a chocolate chip cookie. Loraine noticed that Reagan was sitting on the floor by herself. “You got sent to the trash to?” she asked. “Yep.” said Reagan, not paying attention. “I know how that feels.” Loraine replied. “I got sent here to. But you wouldn’t be sitting here if I didn’t sit with you.” Loraine sat next to Reagan. “S-So. You’re Reagan?” asked Loraine. “Uh-huh.” Reagan replied. “And you’re........Marissa?” “Close. It’s Loraine.” said Loraine. “Ohhh! Brace Face!” said Reagan. Loraine stared at her and started to eat her food. Reagan realized that she wasn’t supposed to say that. “Oh geez. U-Uh, Loraine I didn’t mean to uh-“ “No, it’s Ok. I get that a lot. Even Harper calls me Brace Face.” said Loraine reassuring her. “Then, if Harpers your friend, why does she cal you brace face?” asked Reagan. Loraine looked at Harper and then back at Reagan. “Harper’s cool and all but she’s...she’s a real jerk sometimes.” replied Loraine, “and besides, she’s never complimented on my braces before. I just got them a week ago and they hurt like crazy.” “Oh, here.” said Reagan handing her an Advil cup. “Take an Advil pill, it will help with the pain.” Loraine took a tablet and swallowed it with some milk to wash it down before handing back the Advil cup back to Reagan. “Thank you.” said Loraine. “Hey, since we’re here, wanna tell secrets? If that’s what you royalty folks like doing.” “Sure!” said Reagan. “Uh, you go first.” “OK.” said Loraine. She whispered, “I have had this weird habit of biting my nails. I still have it and nobody else knows this.” “M-My turn.” said Reagan. “The thing is that I...I............IhaveAspergersSyndrome.” “What?” asked Loraine, “You we’re speaking to fast Reagan.” “Sorry.” she replied, “I…I have Asperger’s Syndrome…its a case of mild Autism. I’ve had it since I was two and it-it effects me socially and mentally. I have some weird obsessions. I still watch Blues Clues for pete’s sake and-“ “Reagan.” said Loraine, “I’ve heard enough. But why don’t you wanna tell anyone this information?” “I-I don’t wanna tell anyone because I-I didn’t wanna get bullied again.” said Reagan. Loraine held out her pinky and said, “I won’t tell a soul that you have Autism. It’s a promise. A pinky promise.” Reagan looked at her pinky and joined hers in with Loraine’s. “Thank you.” said Reagan as she hugged Loraine. Loraine was shocked but hugged her back.
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daisydezem · 6 years
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Get to know me Tag
Wow this took longer then I thought it would! But thank you so much for tagging me @cruelhumanbean & @cloud-9-sims!  I’m gonna tag @deathbyhysteria, @rethasim, @shellisims and @king-mikeyy! I loved updating my simself. It has been a while but I still think she is way to pretty. I just can’t make real people. Then there are 125 questions answered in the cut down below! So it’s a long list!
1. what is your name? Daisy (Officially Dasy. My dad forgot the i -_-’)
2. what is your nickname? Dezem, Dees, Dee, Esseborre... anymore...
3. birthday? April 24 1990
4. what is your favorite book series? Harry potter... Or does Manga count? Then Skip Beat!
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens Yes! Ghost not really. 
6. who is your favorite author? UHM... I don’t like reading books. I’m dyslectic so the only reading I do is Manga and webcomics. For that I really like Yoshiki Nakamura. (from skip beat)
7. what is your favorite radio station? Veronica!
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything? Anything spicy!
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? In English - Awesome and in Dutch - Super... I know it’s also a english word but it’s used a bit different 
10. what is your current favorite song The sound of Silence - Disturbed
11. what is your favorite word? Inevitable. It has a nice tongue feel... Idk... Oh and In Dutch - Schatig. It means cute but it sounds really harsh for people that don’t speak Dutch.
12. what was the last song you listened to? Freak on a leash - Korn
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Battle star Galactica!!  Walking Dead Lucifer                          Supernatural Game of thrones          New Girl Dexter                          Friends More?
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny it always cheers me up!
15. do you play video games? Uhmm... YES! 
16. what is your biggest fear? Being alone
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion? I know what I want and do whatever I can to get it. 
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion? Being afraid of change. Being a control freak. Being a perfectionist
9. do you like cats or dogs better? CATS! I’m kinda afraid of dogs... pictures are cute tho:P
20. what is your favorite season? Spring I guess. Not to warm and hopefully dry. Everything get green:)
21. are you in a relationship? Yes uhm... 7 years now. And a kid of 4 (almost).
22. what is something you miss from your childhood? Believing in the good and magical things.
23. who is your best friend? Nouk! (Not her real name her nickname tho)
24. what is your eye color? Brown
25. what is your hair color? Naturally Brown... But I change it a lot!
26. who is someone you love? Hubby, Son, Mom, Dad, Stepdad, Stepmom, Siblings, Grandpa’s, Grandma’s, Nouk, And a lot more!
27. who is someone you trust? Hubby, Mom, Stepdad, Nouk.
28. who is someone you think about often? Rn? Uhm My little brother and grandpa. They are not doing so well.
29. are you currently excited about/for something? Yes! My son is about to turn 4 so after the winter/Christmas vacation he will be going to elementary school!
30. what is your biggest obsession? Tbh... Sims... haha I just think about what when how all the time:P
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child? Telekids!! It was a dutch kids gameshow between two school and in between cartoons! On Saturday morning!
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Well my hubby!
33. are you superstitious? Not really. I do know a lot so I pretend to be sometimes when it is convenient.  
34. do you have any unusual phobias? No!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Oh actually I like both! I like seeing pictures of the past because it brings back memories. But I do like taking pictures as well. And to be fair. I’m not good at both hahaha
36. what is your favorite hobby? Gaming!
37. what was the last book you read? The Hobbit
38. what was the last movie you watched? The new Incredibles! Is was... SUPER! 
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any? I play guitar, bass and drums. Bass best tho! I got a piano now so I’m trying to learn that if and when I have some time.
40. what is your favorite animal? Cats! 
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? Oh god... I always feel horrible doing this. Because it changes all the time and well I like many more as 5. But okay let just do it! @cosmic-espie @pink-chevalier @brisberries @wildlyminiaturesandwich @plumpug. Okay yeah... There are many more! 
42. what superpower do you wish you had? Reading someones mind. Easier to know if someone lied.
43. when and where do you feel most at peace? At home.
44. what makes you smile? Weird stuff my son says or does.
45. what sports do you play, if any? I used to dance! Ballet, Jazz, Modern and Hip-hop... But can’t anymore.. Classical ballet is hell for your knees!
46. what is your favorite drink? A coke! (My addiction) 
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I can’t remember!
48. are you afraid of heights? Used to be. Then I went bungee jumping with a height of 169 meters (555 ft) and now I’m not afraid anymore!! (this is the bungee jump video is not me picture is tho!)
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49. what is your biggest pet peeve? When I’m at work and people start with a question instead of saying hello first or don’t look at me at all when checking their tickets!
50. have you ever been to a concert? Yeah! Greenday, Paramore, Billy talent, My chemical romance, Iron Maiden, Doe Maar and Infinite(in paris!) 
51. are you vegan/vegetarian? That’s a def no... 
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in? The Dragon ball Universe! 
54. what is something you worry about? The health of my grandpa and little brother. 
55. are you scared of the dark? No, I prefer the dark... 
56. do you like to sing? Yes! I was never allowed to sing in the band tho.. I was allowed to scream tho!
57. have you ever skipped school? Yeah.... Sssssst don’t tell my mom. She still doesn’t know. ;)
58. what is your favorite place on the planet? Home <3
59. where would you like to live? Where I live now. 
60. do you have any pets? Yes!
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl!
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets! If I ever see a sunrises someone will be dying... (the one that woke me up that early!)
63. do you know how to drive? Yeaaaasssss! I LOVE DRIVING! and yes also with a gearbox!!
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones? In-ear earbuds!
65. have you ever had braces? No!
66. what is your favorite genre of music? Rock!
67. who is your hero? My mom!
68. do you read comic books? Web comics (rn the gamer and dice) and manga!
69. what makes you the most angry? People who did something wrong and then blame you.
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Electronic. Real books are to heavy to take a lot of with you.
71. what was your favorite subject in school? Math and science!
72. do you have any siblings? Yes! Sister at my Moms and a Brother and Sister at my Dads!
73. what was the last thing you bought? Food:p But uhm as of last fun thing was the cam for the facecam on streams!
74. how tall are you? 171 cm (5′7 is that right?)
75. can you cook? Somewhat... I like cooking but I usually work during dinner time so don’t do it to often.
76. what are three things that you love? My family (incl my own and my parents, siblings and grandparents) Playing games (incl sims, final fantasy, dragon quest and stardew) My roomba! (I hate vacuuming) 
77. what are three things that you hate? Liars  Cleaning Waking up early
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends? I think male...
79. what is your sexual orientation? I’m straight.
80. where do you currently live? The Netherlands (HOLLAND HOLLAND HOLLAND) ;)
81. who was the last person you texted? My hubby!
82. when was the last time you cried? Today.... hahaha I hurt my back still went to work. Got worse and at the end of my shift I could barely walk. I felt like a wuss and that made me cry. 
83. who is your favorite youtuber? MATPAT (game theorists) Jen (xurbansimsx) Mage Masher and Jacksepticeye
84. do you like to take selfies? Sometimes...
85. what is your favorite app? Webtoons
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Very good
87. what is your favorite foreign accent? German
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Seoul and Kyoto 
89. what is your favorite number? 4
90. can you juggle? No
91. are you religious? No (Maybe the flying spaghetti monster tho)
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? OUTER SPACE! I love space! I’m a bit scared of the ocean tho
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No BUT if needed I will be. 
94. are you allergic to anything? No
95. can you curl your tongue? Yes :P
96. can you wiggle your ears? Yes that too! (Just checked btw)
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Not that often... If proven wrong I would tho.
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? It will always be darkest just before it will get lighter again. (no matter how awful things seem it will get better)
100. are you a good liar? A very good liar... 
101. what is your hogwarts house? Gryffindor
102. do you talk to yourself? All the time!
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert? Both... I guess.. But more Extrovert.
104. do you keep a journal/diary? Nooooo I can’t! And if I do it’s for 2 weeks and then I forget!
105. do you believe in second chances? Yes but not in third.
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Give it to the police.. I can’t keep it because I would feel bad...
107. do you believe that people are capable of change? Change... Not really. However I do believe in the adaptability of people. 
108. are you ticklish? Yes... unfortunately... 
109. have you ever been on a plane? Yes to Spain, Hungary, Italy and Malta
110. do you have any piercings? Yes I had more. Did you know if you get pregnant your body can just resist them? I lost 5 piercings because of that but gained a lovely little boy so everything is good. <3
111. what fictional character do you wish was real? Oeee this is hard... there are so many. But uh let me just say Gohan. I just love him. Strong, kind and smart. (Also my first crush when I was young hahaha)
112. do you have any tattoos? Yes 3! And I want so many MORE!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Changing jobs! 
114. do you believe in karma? No... I don’t believe in anything I can’t see or can’t be proven my science. 
115. do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses
116. do you want children? I got a kid already hahaha but Yes I would like a second child at some point.
117. who is the smartest person you know? I think it would be my sister @galaxymiep! She can do stuff I could never do. <3
118. what is your most embarrassing memory? Oh Idk... I’m not embarrassed easily. But I think I would be when my workpants had a hole in it and I didn’t notice until someone told me... 
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter? So many times.
120. what colour are most of you clothes? Black
121. do you like adventures? Not really. I had my adventures days. I’m boring now hahaha
122. have you ever been on tv? UHmm... Yes... Local tv station about concrete blocks. Why?
123. how old are you? Old... hahaha I’m 28
124. what is your favorite movie quote? From the movie Moulin Rouge: “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
125. sweet or savory? Depends on my mood. But mostly Savory!
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wolftall · 5 years
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I think the someone's been watching too many cartoons lol. So basically what this is is a little comic idea with two male animal characters that I made up recently. (I got inspired by pet_foolery on Instagram) They're not official boys just yet, so think of this as a little test page. I've actually already named them, but I'm not 100% happy with my picking, so I won't tell you what their names are yet :3 I've already settled on the bulkier one's species, but I need to do construction on it. (I first made up the species, "Bearroossom", in 2016 lol I need to come up with a better name) I might make the skinnier one a different species? He looks more like a wolf so maybe I'll classify him as the same species but a different breed. Kinda like dogs. • I'm also experimenting in this comic strip :3 Neither of them have any distinct features (like fur color because there are no colors to begin with) other than their faces. I wanna be able to make a comic no matter how simple it is (like this black and white pencil strip) and have the reader be able to distinguish the different characters just by looking at their face. (Btw I drew this entirely from memory plus I didn't wanna spend too much time on something as simple as this so anatomy may be wonky is some places) But yeah, hopefully I managed to portray that at least somewhat. • © Do not trace, copy or steal my art. • #animals #bear #cartoon#cartooncomic #comic #comicstrip#drawing #funny #traditionalart#traditionalcomic #traditionaldrawing#wolf #comicstripcartoon
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mommyofmanyhats · 5 years
Top 24 Unique and Easy Couples Halloween Costume Ideas
If you are planning on going to a Halloween party or event with your spouse, significant other, sibling, or bestie, you may be looking for a costume. These are some of this Mom’s favorite couples Halloween costume ideas, the deviled egg is my first choice.
Funny Couples Halloween Costume Ideas
Are you the funny couple? Do you like to make your friends laugh or are you always pulling pranks? Here are some of our favorite funny couple Halloween costume ideas.
Bacon and Eggs
Who doesn’t like bacon and eggs? This is a super fun costume that is perfect for any two people. It is not necessarily themed for a couple, so you can wear it with a friend, parent, child, or co-worker. Both of the costumes are about 16 inches high and fit the average adult as a one-size-fits-all costume. These can also be used with teens.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Couples Costume
One of the top couple’s costumes on last year was the peanut butter and jelly set so I thought it was worth a mention again this year. These are unisex costumes, so anyone can wear the Halloween costumes. One of them contains an oversized peanut butter bread slice as the costume, while the other one has a jelly bread slice.
Wine and Cheese Set
We’ve been told that the best way to make a good impression at a tony party is to bring along a tasteful wine and cheese pairing. If you are looking for a fun adult’s couple costume, consider going as a wine and cheese set. And we don’t see how anybody could do better than this hilarious costume set, which lets everyone know just how much you and your partner hope they enjoy the hors d’oeuvres! This is another one-size-fits-all adult costume set, this time where one of you is the shape of a wine bottle and the other is shaped like a cheese platter with a large inflatable knife.
Nerd Couple
Nerds can be shy, socially awkward, and dress strangely, but you know what else they can do? Party! Don’t believe us? Take this Nerdy Nerd Costume for a spin, and you’ll feel the geeky partying spirit before you can recite the number pi to the 100th digit! (Which is a 9, btw. Thanks, Google!)  Dressing up in this classic nerd style costume costume is a good step toward embracing your own inner nerd. Several options are available for men nerds and women nerds alike.
Mr and Mrs Potato Head Costume
  There are always some big questions lingering over common items and practices, and Mr. Potato Head is nearly at the top of the list! Who was the first to think of making molded pieces of a face to adorn your boring old potato? That’s not where the Potato Head questions end, either. Who decided that this newly anthropomorphic potato man needed a wife? And who came up with the idea that his rear end was to be storage for said parts. We may never know, but in the end, we’re glad they thought of it. This Mr and Mrs Potato Head Costume will be a blast from the past. We just hope you’re not plagued with an existential crisis when you’re supposed to be partying.
Plug and Socket Costume
In the vast world of domestic hardware and fixtures, you’d be hard pressed to find two things more perfectly designed for each other than the electrical plug and socket. Without each other, plugs and sockets are just spare parts in separate bins; but when you put them together, the magic happens! It may sound sappy, but when you and your sweetie are wearing this cute Plug and Socket Costume together, you’ll feel that magic too!
Now, when we’re talking about the “magic” of the plug and socket in this couple’s costume, all the stuff we just said still applies, except we’re trying not to giggle while we say it. You and your special someone can wear these costumes to show everyone how perfectly you go together! Or, you can wear them to an electrician’s convention and see how many awkward looks you can get from people. If that sounds like fun, then you two really are made for each other!
Oreo Cookie Couples Costume
Do you two finish each other’s. . . sandwiches? When you two split a piece of pie does one of you prefer the crust while the other loves the filling? It’s not often that the heart and the stomach align allowing the perfect snack pack to come together. If you’re looking for an edible take on the classic couples costume this Oreo ensemble won’t disappoint.
Cookies and cream have been a classic combo long before the Oreo. How beautiful that two chocolate cookies get to be together until the crunchy and delicious end. People have been craving that creamy crunch since we were living in caves. In fact, while some paleontologists have argued that the circle motif stands for the circle of life, many have hypothesized that cave drawings depicting a circle within a circle were rudimentary designs for the early Oreo.
Deviled Eggs
This is by far my favorite couples Halloween costume idea this year. I mean, who doesn’t love eggs? There are so many ways to eat your eggs; fried, poached, hard-boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, and… DEVILED! A devil costume and this egg are sure to give you one of the punniest costumes at the party. Just don’t forget, everyone also loves a good egg pun, so don’t be shy to use this as an opportunity to crack a few yolks.
Gru and Minion Couples Costumes
As we found out with the smash hit Minions, the little yellow guys of Despicable Me fame have served many masters over the years. But we still think they work best with Gru! Pair this Minion costume and Gru costume together, and you’ll be a pair of truly despicable characters for your couples theme. In fact, you’ll probably be ready to pull off a major heist at your big Halloween get-together, or attend a ballet recital.
  Famous Couple Halloween Costume Ideas
There are famous couples throughout history, why not celebrate them this Halloween. From bad guys to good guys to real life couples, there are plenty of choices in our famous couples Halloween costume ideas.
Joker and Harley Quinn
Two of Gotham’s famous villains, Harley Quinn and the Joker, have a relationship based on love or, uh… insanity! If you are in the mood for causing a little trouble or making people squirm with a truly demented sense of humor, then this pair of Batman villains might be perfect couples look for you. With these authentic DC Comics inspired costumes, you’ll be ready to go toe to toe with the Bat… but just a little bit of advice, you might want to be prepared to get locked up in Arkham Asylum afterwards! These costume choices running the gamut from scary to sexy, we’ve got a Joker look and a Harley look that are sure to let you put your style stamp on this Gotham City couple.
Captain America and the Black Widow
The Marvel Cinematic Universe film series is still churning out movie after movie of fast paced Avengers action. I think any pair of Avengers costumes would be a great fit for a heroic minded couple, but Captain America and the Black Widow are definitely the male/female couple that would kick the most party butt! We also have female versions of the Iron Man and Captain America costumes, so any woman can be the superhero of her choosing. Coordinate your Marvel look with your costume partner, and get ready to help save the world!
Superman and Wonder Woman
Officially, Wonder Woman and Superman are just “really good friends,” but they are a fan favorite couple nevertheless. We sure think that makes it pretty hard to resist a night in the shoes of the Amazing Amazonian and the Man of Steel! Hit the town as this superhuman power couple, and you won’t even need the rest of Justice League to help save the day. Coordinate one of our fantastic Wonder Woman looks with any of our authentic Superman costumes for a great time. (Just don’t forget your golden lasso!)
Dottie Hinson and Coach Jimmy Dugan
“You’re gonna lose, you’re gonna lose!” Not with these costumes! Our authentic League of Their Own costumes will give you the perfect combination of classic, fun, and nostalgia. You can be Coach Jimmy Dugan and Dottie Hinson for the working couple that’s always butting heads, or coordinate Dottie and her sister Kit Keller for a same sex costume duo. Just accessorize your costume looks with a pair of gloves, and you’ll be ready to hit the field or locker room. Just remember, “There’s no crying in baseball!” OR at Halloween parties.
Forrest Gump and Jenny
Forrest Gump may not be the smartest man, but he is very wise (especially when he decided to invest in Apple in the 80s). Ever since he and Jenny were little kids he knew they belonged together. The exclusive Forrest Gump costume pairs perfectly with any of these hippie costume to recreate the characters from the classic film. Because if there’s one thing we know about Forrest and Jenny? They go together like “shrimp and grits.” And that’s all we have to say about that.
Captain Morgan and Coke
Okay maybe not a famous couple, but the definately go great together. It’s one of the most popular cocktails, the classic Captain and Coke, and it can make its appearance in more than one way on Halloween night. Pick up a Captain Hook costume and transform the look into Captain Morgan himself. When paired with this Coke bottle costume, you’re sure to have the best couples Halloween costume at the party. (Bonus points if you can figure out how to lug that barrel around all night lol.) Cheers, mate!
Bonnie and Clyde
Grab your pair of Tommyguns and you might just become the new Bonnie and Clyde! Hopefully not really though… it’s just pretend! You know you’d love to hop into a time machine and head back to the roaring 20s, but the next best thing is going in one of our fantastic Gangster and Flapper couple’s looks! There is a wide selection of flapper costumes on the web, so you’ll be able to pick out a style, cut, and color that will complement your gangster guy perfectly.
Captain Hook and Tinkerbell
For a fun look why not go as the delightfully wicked Captain Hook and the effervescent Tinkerbell as your couples costume combo! You can play these classic characters like they appeared in Disney animated films or even in live action films like Hook and Pan. These two are usually adversaries, but we’re sure any couple will have a delightfully magical time. Have a little one you will be dragging along, they can be your little crock! Pixie dust unfortunately is not included.
Mario and Luigi
I’m a child of the 80s and a huge Super Mario Brother fan. So this duo may not be a couple, but definitely are an iconic pair.  With female versions of both Luigi and Mario, you can choose which character you want to be, and make your date the other half of this dynamic duo. You might not get a chance to transport to the Mushroom Kingdom from your party, but we recommend being ready for Koopas and Goombas to try and crash the scene anyways! If nothing else you’ll have fun humming the theme song all night long. Doo doo doo.
BamBam and Pebbles
The Flintstones are all grown up now, go as Pebbles and Bamm Bamm. Perhaps you know them from the old cartoon, or perhaps you know them better as those weirdly addicting chewable vitamins, but either way you know they are a classic! As young adult versions of these classic animated characters, you’ll finally be able to get the modern stone age family out of Bedrock and find yourself a proper place to party. Yabba-dabba-doo!
Where’s Waldo?
“Where’s Waldo?” Well there are two of them over there, and I’ve never seen stripes look so good! Consider going as one of the most popular looks when you coordinate a Waldo and Wenda costume together. We have to imagine Waldo gets pretty lonely out in the crowd. So we’re sure he’ll be glad to have his girlfriend Wenda along. You can pick one of these Where’s Waldo costume options for men and women to make sure your couple’s look is spot on.
Other Great Couples Halloween Costume Ideas
Couple costumes are so much fun, but you don’t to be a famous couple to winner the contest. Something clever like zombies, egyptians or characters from the same movie can also be a hit pair. So explore some more of this moms couples Halloween costume ideas and find something you both will love.
Zombie Couple Costumes
Fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead? Pick your favorite zombi and embrace your inner killer. What better time than the present to go as zombies for your couple’s costume? You can be a lovelorn pair of the undead, destined to spend the rest of their reanimated days together in search of fresh flesh. Mmmmmmm. Coordinate any of these zombie looks with your partner to create a couple’s look that’s simply to die for. Just be on the lookout for a crossbow wielding biker dude or a certain sheriff!
Renaissance Themed Costumes
With hit shows like Game of Thrones and Vikings, Renaissance themed costumes are at an all-time height of popularity. Except maybe back when they weren’t even a costume and people dressed like that every day! Whether you prefer fire and ice, or the sharp blade of an axe, there are tons of Renaissance themed costumes that will be the perfect fit. Head to the Ren Fest and have some mead, because whichever costume look you choose, it’s sure to be just downright medieval! Pair up as a warrior and a shield maiden, a king and a princess, or even as just a pair of twisted court jesters.
Greek Themed Costumes
With Greek men’s and women’s costumes, you can be a pair of wise philosophers, Spartan warriors, or even gods like Zeus and Hera! Classical Greece is responsible for many of the foundations of Western Culture. So what better way to do a throwback look than by going way, way back!  With robe based tunics and togas, these are some of the most comfortable costume looks to wear, and I love to be comfy. And you have to admit, it’s pretty fun to spend your night being worshiped as a god! Just bring plenty of grapes to feed each other.
Egyptian Couple
There are a variety of goddess, pharaoh, and even mummy costumes, so you can choose your Egyptian historical pair of choice for your couples theme. These blast from-the-past looks are sure to have you feeling like historic royalty! What better way to command respect at a party than by making a grand entrance as Cleopatra and a pharaoh. Rule the Nile as some of the top historical figures when you coordinate an Egyptian look for your costume duo.
Perfectly Accessorize Your Couples Halloween Costume Ideas
Don’t forget to pair up these great costumes with great accessories. The right Halloween costume makeup can make or break a costume, and costume contest. From clowns to zombie, you’ll want to finish the outfit off right.
If you are really looking to get the perfect look and win your couples Halloween costume contest, then every little detail matters. Contacts can really finish your look. The mummy eyes, witch eyes, even web eyes can really complete your scary look.
Other Halloween Costume Ideas
If you are still looking for inspiration past our couples Halloween costume ideas, check out some of our other Halloween ideas. This mom covers everything from costumes to planning the perfect Halloween party.
Top 16 Funny Mens Halloween Costumes
Top 29 Easy Scary Halloween Costumes to Scare Your Socks Off
Halloween Food Ideas: 18 of the Spookiest Treats and Drinks
  The post Top 24 Unique and Easy Couples Halloween Costume Ideas appeared first on Mommy Of Many Hats.
from Mommy Of Many Hats http://mommyofmanyhats.com/couples-halloween-costumes-ideas/
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greenguy57 · 5 years
Someone asked me a 150 question ask list.
Here’s Part 1, time for Part 2! (Long post warning btw)
47) Ever been high?
Nope, no intentions of doing so either.
48) Ever been drunk?
Nope, same as 47!
49) Have I done anything recently that I hope no one finds out?
Kinda? All the people that need to know, do, and that’s all I’ll say! 😜 (And no this wasn’t anything criminal or illegal)
50) What was the color of the last hoodie I wore?
Green, big surprise! 😂
51) Do I ever wish I was someone else?
Not really! I’ve been lucky enough to have a solid life.
52) One thing I wish I could change about myself?
It’s gonna sound stupid but if I could have super powers I would do that. I’m lucky that I’m happy with myself and I’m very grateful that I’m at this point! ☺️
53) Favorite makeup brand?
I don’t have one!
54) Favorite store?
I don’t really have one of these either. I have a lot of favorite restaurants and chill spots but nothing store-wise.
55) Favorite blog?
  My boi mimikyutie-chan! She’s always supplying me with some solid memes and quality posts!
56) Favorite color?
57) Favorite food?
Homemade chicken noddle soup 🙏, also traditional ramen and my brothers, girlfriends, mothers banana pudding! 👌👌
58) Last thing I ate?
Turkey sandwich on Italian white bread with cheddar cheese and mayo! 🥪
59) First thing I ate this morning?
Reheated leftover chicken and waffles!
60) Ever one a competition, if so, for what?
I’ve never won an official competition, I’ve probably one some small ones in the past, but I can’t really recall.
61) Ever been suspended or expelled,if so, for what?
I have not!
62) Ever been arrested, if so, for what?
Nope, I am an innocent man!
63) Ever been in love?
Yes, and currently still am! 💙
64) What’s the story of my first kiss?
Alright. So I went over to my friends house with my first girlfriend after taking her to homecoming in high school. Her parents came to pick her up and before she left I kissed her in front of the door. Then she left and I get picked up soon after!
65) Am I hungry right now?
Nope, just ate that sandwich from that earlier question! 👍
66) Do I like my Tumblr friends more then my real friends?
Most all of the friends I have on Tumblr I’m friends with irl.
67) Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook, I don’t really use Twitter.
68) Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr, for the same reason above.
69) Am I watching TV rn?
Nope, I’m listening to Super Mega as I answer this! 😂
70) Names of my best friends?
Tess, Nick, Adam, Kayla, Cam, Ruth, Callie, Kate, Matt!
71) Am I craving something, if so, what?
Not really craving anything right now, I’d be down for a pay check from work and a good lay though! ✌️
72) What are my towel colors and how many pillows do I sleep with?
My towels at school are just white, at home they’re all sorts. As for the amount of pillows, I usually sleep with 3.
73) Sleep with any stuffed animals?
I do not, but I sleep with a small blanket and use it as a head pillow.
74) How many stuffed animals do I think I own?
I have a ton in storage from when I was a kid, but I do have a few stuffed Kirby’s that I have around my room!
75) Favorite animal?
Great Danes, though I’m also a big fan of sharks and the Pistol Shrimp! 🦐
76) What color is my underwear?
Black, Gray, and varying shades of blue. Currently wearing blue! 😉
77) Chocolate or Vanilla?
78) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate Fudge Brownie... 🙏
79) Color shirt I’m wearing rn?
🤔 (I wear green shirts every day)
80) What color pants am I wearing rn?
Light Gray shorts!
81) Favorite TV show?
Avatar: the Last Airbender. 🙏
82) Favorite movie?
Right now, it’d be Avengers: Endgame. Such a great film! 👍👍👍
83) Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
I’ve only seen Mean Girls so the OG gets my vote.
84) Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls is definitely more iconic and funny imo so gonna say Mean Girls wins yet again.
85) Favorite Character from Mean Girls?
This list really likes Mean Girls huh, I guess the main character cause I don’t really remember any of their names! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
86) Favorite character from Nemo?
Um, the stoner sea turtle, Crush was his name I’m pretty sure.
87) First person I talked to today?
My girlfriend. (Wonder how many time’s this will be the answer 😝)
88) Last person I talked to today?
My brother.
89) Name a person I hate?
I honestly don’t hate anyone specifically, but I guess I’ll just blanket statement say I hate people how are outspokenly hateful and ignorant? Also rapists, pedos, nazis, all the freebies.
90) Name a person I love?
My girlfriend! Also my family and the best friend I named earlier! 💙
91) Is there anyone I’d like to punch in the face rn?
Not particularly.
92) In a fight with someone?
I am not, no. I’m not one to stay in an argument or fight for a long time.
93) How many pairs of sweatpants do I have?
Just the one, and they’re very comfy! 🤙
94) How many sweaters/hoodies do I have?
Just one hoodie and I have one v-neck sweater.
95) Last movie I watched?
Sherlock Holmes! The one with RDJ and Jude Law. 👍
96) Favorite actress?
Big fan of Dichen Lachmen and all she’s been in!
97) Favorite actor?
Can’t honestly think of one! Though my favorite voice actor is Nolan North, love his voice work!
98) Do I tan a lot?
I don’t. I’m pretty pale and I can’t really tan.
99) Do I have any pets?
I do, he’s a big dumb Great Dane named Neo!
100!) How am I feeling?
Feeling pretty good! Having a good time answering all these questions for any follower to see! 😁
101) Do I type fast?
Not really! 😅 I also still have to look at the keyboard when I type.
102) Do I regret anything from my past?
No I don’t. I have a life mantra I live by where even if I’m not proud of things I’ve done in the past, I try to learn from it and not regret the experience. Regretting things doesn’t help better your life so why do it?
103) Can I spell well?
W E L L, as for the quality of my spelling, I can spell alright but I tend to cut corners when typing since auto-correct is so common.
104) Do I miss someone from my past?
I mean, yeah I suppose. But like I said before, I don’t really dwell on it!
105) Ever been to a bonfire party?
I’ve been to many, my friends and I often did bonfire nights over the summer.
106) Ever broken someone’s heart?
I sure have, and it suuuuuucked. But sometimes it be like that and gotta move past it. And the faster you rip that band-aid, the faster both parties can move on and get to a better place!
107) Have I ever been on a horse?
I have not, no.
108) What should I be doing?
Checking the dryer to see if the towels are done, so I’ll actually do that rn. **
109) Is something irritating me rn?
The towels still aren’t dry, so that’s kind of annoying. 🙄
110) Have I ever liked someone so much that it hurt?
I few times in my life, I’d so yeah.
111) Do I have trust issues?
Not really, I feel like I answered this in part 1, but I generally trust everyone unless given a reason not too.
112) The last person I cried in front of?
I think my girlfriend? Though it may have been one of my friends though.
113) What was your childhood nickname?
Never had a childhood nickname, having a short name like Seth doesn’t give kids much material.
114) Ever been out of my province/state?
Yes! I’ve been out of my state plenty of times, but only out of the country once.
115) Do you play the Wii?
Not recently, I do own a Wii and played it a lot. I also got a Wii U with all the 3 games it has.
116) Am I listening to music rn?
117) Do I like chicken noodle soup?
I don’t, I looove chicken noodle soup!!
118) Do I like Chinese food?
Yes, my favorite of chinese food is probably orange chicken, fried rice, and egg drop soup!
119) Favorite book?
Not much of a reader, I do read comics though! My favorite comic book is The Amazing Spider-Man: Issue 800. It’s such a great issue!
120) Am I afraid of the dark?
Not really. I get a bit tense walking in city streets at night, but I’m not really scared of the dark.
121) Am I mean?
No! 😂 Being mean isn’t fun and I always apologies if I make a mean joke.
122) Is cheating ever okay?
Nope, it’s not cool and no one should ever do it no matter what.
123) Can I keep white shoes clean?
Shoes are meant to get walked on so they’re going to get dirty if you actually wear them no matter what. This is definitely the weirdest question to be so far.
124) Do I believe in love at first sight?
No I do not. Infatuation at first sight exists, sure, but I don’t think you can fully fall in love with someone without getting to know them at  least a little bit first.
125) Do I believe in true love?
Yes I do. True love definitely exists imo!
126) Am I currently bored?
Not really! Typing these answers are keeping me occupied!
127) What makes me happy?
Hanging out with good friends, playing games, good food, great sex, and sleep. I am a man of simple needs! 😂
128) Would I change my name?
Maybe my middle name, but I’m a fan of my first and last name so I’d like to keep both.
129) What’s my zodiac sign?
Pisces. 🐟🐟
130) Do I like Subway?
It’s pretty good!
131) My best friend of the opposite says that she likes me, what do I do?
Continue to date her! 😜
132) Who’s the last person I’ve had a deep conversation with?
I’m pretty sure I’ve answered this question, but I’m pretty sure it was either my girlfriend or the friend that drove me to my last exam!
133) Favorite lyrics rn?
I got nothing for this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
134) Can I count to one million.
I could, I don’t know why I’d ever do that. Never been that bored!
135) Dumbest lie I’ve ever told?
Must’ve been so dumb that I didn’t remember it. I also don’t lie often so there’s that.
136) Do I sleep with my doors open or closed?
Closed! I don’t like  sleeping with my doors open, that’s just weird.
137) How tall am I?
5′ 7″
138) Curly or straight hair?
I don’t really have a preference, but curly hair can be pretty cute on people!
139) Brunette or blonde?
You know, I used to think I had a thing for brunettes, but I’ve been with about the same amount of blondes so I guess I have no preference here either.
140) Summer or winter?
Summer for sure! I prefer heat over cold.
141) Night or Day?
Night I guess? I stay up late playing games so that’s my pick.
142) Favorite month?
I guess July? That’s when my anniversary is and it’s mid summer so it’s prime vacation time!
143) Am I vegetarian?
Not in the slightest, love me some meat! 😋
144) Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate, though dark chocolate is a close second!
145) Tea or Coffee?
Tea, 100%. With lots of sugar too.
146) Was today a good day?
Today was alright, spend most of it sleeping and mowing the lawn, I did enjoy answering all of these though!
147) Mars or Snickers?
Snickers I guess? I haven’t eaten a mars bar before.
148) What’s my favorite quote?
“Life is a lot like this tunnel, you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you are sure to find yourself in a better place!” - Iroh
149) Do I believe in ghosts?
Not at all. Never seen solid enough proof for me to believe in them.
150) Find the closest book to me, turn to page 42, what does the first line say?
“After the tests were done, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon...”
And that’s all the questions! Thanks to whoever asked literally all of them and I hope this shows that I mean business when I reblog ask lists! 😂
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comicteaparty · 6 years
January 24th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on January 24th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Pike’s Reach by Mabs.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Pike’s Reach by Mabs~! (https://tapas.io/series/pikesreach)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
my favorite scene is probably the fight with ezo and nefayn. largely because of https://tapas.io/episode/1179545 this page. i really just like the first few panels illustration wise cause even though theyre simplistic, i kind of feel like they convey this ominous sense of defeaning silence that is appropriate for conveying tension right after something climatic happens
yes there is also that scene. XD which was some good comic relief considering the comic was being very dramatic at the time.
also a good lesson about making sure someone gives permission
instead of just knocking and opening the door
Because naked people
another comical scene i enjoyed was the where they were showing off their drawings of pella's uncle. https://tapas.io/episode/962506 because man are those some not great drawings. especially that left one scares me
Oh my god
another moment i liked, which isnt a scene but more a scene transition you could say, is when the comic switches from adelaide goofing around and then suddenly the warning bell rings.
in particular that page
i really love the shots and especially the ominous overtone the first panel has
cause it really helps visually convey the serious has come
I love the art style and general color scheme, lots of pinks and purples
Made it, though I may not be mentally all here, today's been crazy.
hey Math
One of my faves was actually to start Chapter 3, when we looked at the "villains" and the main guy was talking about how he didn't want them dead, more turned to his side. I liked the humanizing aspect of the antagonists.
Too often we just see things kind of one sided. This didn't go that way.
Villains that do more than just want the main character(s) dead are always good
As far as comedy goes, I liked the brief scene where Adelaide "winked"... maybe... because she could have been blinking and her hair was in the way.
Though I also liked the "cold feet" bit where Nefayn was laughing and Nassar didn't know. In particular it was sort of called back later when he was thrilled that she liked his jokes.
yeah i really enjoyed that moment with the antagonists. also partially cause i like it being explained why they dont just crush the army cause adelaide is already being silly meeting them on an open field and not using the fort's defenses as was intended
Little one's fussing.(edited)
Rebel gets it
but yeah i liked this humanizing affect too of course. because conflicts of territory are rarely straight forward evil guy wants to rule over all the things
that and selfishly i really wanted to like pella and that scene proved to me that it was okay to like him cause hes just a goofy sparkly dude just trying to unite the lands.
Hi there! I'm Mabs and the creator of Pike's Reach! I can't stay for too long because sudden school stuff came up, but I wanted to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for reading PR! Your comments are making me really happy ;w;
QUESTION 2. Unfortunately for Nefayn, she is cursed twice over both in body and magic. Who do you think cursed her with the first seal and for what reason? Could the culprit be Ezo considering she and Pella seemed to know Nefayn? Why was said culprit pursuing her? In other words, what are their long-term goals in using her? How powerful do you think Nefayn was before the first seal came to be? Now that Nefayn is sealed twice over to be all but human, how will this affect her helpfulness in a battle? Do you believe that Nefayn will be able to undo the seals eventually and return herself to her original form and power? If so, how might this affect her growing relationship with Adelaide?
glad you could stop by, mabs~!
im torn on the culprit issue. on the one hand ezo seems likely cause from her characterization that seems like something shed do. but on the other hand their army is kind of near the end of their campaign since pike's reach is the last one standing and they dont want to murder hobo them. so idk why theyd need nefayn. i kind of like to think theres something bigger gonna show up and pella and adelaide are gonna join forces to defeat it. and that whatever the it is is what's after nefayn. but that could be wishful thinking cause i always cheer for antagonist protagonist team ups when both are basically good dudes with different goals
(I swear, my life after 8pm is running back and forth to my little daughter's room.)
as for goals, maybe using her as a magic conduit. cause thats the only thing i can think of.
I get what you were saying about the climactic magic fight scene earlier btw. Just I've never been huge on drama, you know me. ^.^
also lol math
Oh, hi Mabs! I ship everyone!
Hi there! Yes good, please ship all the characters.
Will do~
especially this page https://tapas.io/episode/1221349
I wonder if Nefayn was originally that uncle that the General was talking about. Except that would destroy the best ship, so I'm not sure I like that possiblity.
if were shipping all the ships i now accept https://tapas.io/episode/1077847 this page as canon
Yeah, I don't know that it's Ezo. There was also that scene where Nefayn said she thought the big Pike's room seemed familiar, so I feel like she was a citizen of the place somehow.
A teamup would be pretty cool between the two groups. Maybe the West has been getting more organized than they realize, there was some mention of the latest attack being more of a ruse.
Hah. That was a funny one.
Part of me actually ships Ezo and Nefayn, in that sort of 'mortal enemies become friends' kind of deal. So I guess Adelaide ends up with the General's second in command? This was probably heresy to propose.
idk. shooting someone in the chest seems like a romance deal breaker there XD
all ships set sail here
It was an arrow of love and respect. Deep down. After all, it didn't kill her.
but yeah the west could certainly become a threat. or even just one person in the west. like maybe one nation got themselves some guns and are bringing their guns to all the sword fights
("It was worse than death, I was made human.")
As long as they don't bring the gunpowder, it's fine.
Ezo wanted to make Nefayn human cause she too supports the adelaide/nefayn ship
it was the plan all along
Actually, it's not a bad plan. Good way to make the enemy commander very distracted.
and tbf it does probably take nefayn out of the battle a bit. cause being human has its mortal perils.
Here's a possibly related question, who keeps sending the evil things to attack Adelaide? Which makes her sleep with a sword? I don't think it's the general, he seems honourable enough to keep his distance after losing, at least for a while. Maybe it's the same person who did the thing to Nefayn.
Flying is more of a problem for humans.
i just assumed the magic things showed up of their own accord.
pella and ezo dont seem to be plagued by birds
so maybe someone is sending them
or adelaide is special and theyre super attracted to her
Everyone's super attracted to the heroine.
this is an interesting line of thought
cause i definitey doubt it's pella
cause the impression i got is that this has plagued adelaide for much longer than pike's reach has been under siege
since the sword thing is usually the sign of a long term habit
I wonder if maybe the charm that was mentioned as something to keep her safe is actually attracting all the problems. Though it'd need to be something fairies can't pick up on.
@mathtans must be one really sexy heroine
these are some good catches math. i really didnt pay much mind to any of these mentions. that could be though. and tbf nefayn's powers were already partly sealed from the get go so i wouldnt be surprised if shes missing out on some magic things
Thanks. ^^ I guess it just struck me as interesting that she's got the sleep issues, and no one else seemed to.
I was wondering if one of Nefayn's powers was to grow big.
maybe. although i keep thinking its gonna wind up shes a goddess or something O_O
not a fairy sized goddess mind you cause she does mention that fairy form is not her original size
although to the stuff b4 that brings up an interesting point about how much can the magic world interact with the non-magic. cause obviously adelaide being able to see magic and stuff makes her able to interact with it. but how aware does a non magic person have to be before magic stuff can affect them
Goddess of sparkles.
like obviously the others cant see nefayn
but can nefayn like punch them
and theyll be like "oww what a random pain"
Well, since magic mines could influence people, I imagine if you make the effect large enough, it'd register.
What if Nefayn caresses?
(I mean, kinda moot now, but still.)
yeah the magic mines worked. cause if the magic can affect the non magic regardless of their ability to see it, it adds evidence to the idea those birds are super out to get adelaide specifically
QUESTION 3. Magic seems to be at the center of several other mysteries that are presented in the comic. What is Pike’s Reach’s past with magic regarding the mention of a catastrophe involving it? Is Pella onto something about everyone being Adelaide’s age? What might this have to do with the previous lord of Pike’s Reach and Adelaide becoming its lord? How might any of this relate to the fact that Nefayn appears to recall being at Pike’s Reach for a brief moment? There is also the issue of Pella’s missing uncle. What do you think happened to his uncle? How might Pella’s uncle be related to past or present events that occurred in Pike’s Reach? Lastly, will Pella ever discover the truth about his uncle?(edited)
That's a cool skill imo
Oh yeah, my memory had kind of glossed over that whole catastrophe thing. And the age thing too. Hm, really good points. Maybe they don't physically age in Pike's? Like, they're actually 60, but have the bodies of people much younger?
Again, suspected the uncle might be Nefayn, but that sinks the ship.
if the uncle isnt adelaide's father i will be so surprised
Oh! Maybe the uncle is the one who cursed Nefayn.
I wondered about that. If the seeing magic lineage was a direct ancestry. But it might make sense for the uncle to be the one attacking Adelaide too.
like legit look at that family resemblence
https://tapas.io/episode/822837 and pella and adelaide have the same eye color too
and theres no reason it cant be both
adelaide's father and the real antagonist
Valid arguments. Maybe it's a red herring though. (Or a red pike! Hah!)
id even peg him for the causer of this supposed catastrophe. not on purpose. but he vanished and hes after nefayn to try and fix his mistakes.
Or maybe he's dead, and he left behind the ultimate weapon to use in case of dire magic circumstances, down in the catacombs.
Or maybe he's undead. He's a necromancer.
Could be that now that you mention it
As Nassar would say, a very grave matter.
the charm is the key and thats why the birds are after adelaide. they want that ultimate weapon
birds love ultimate weapons
alternatively he couldve been the one to stop the catastrophe from becoming worse too
Adelaide's love is the ultimate weapon.
cause the fact the catastrophe only took out the elderly or so is implied makes that a very targetted attack. and him being the savior makes sense for why everyone made adelaide the lord.
Ah, right, I guess I was still on the "elderly look young" track not the "elderly died" track.
Maybe they were all turned into fairies instead.
Maybe the uncle was turned into a pike.
or everyone was
theyre all pikes
in the nearby lake
the place was previously called nefayn's love nest, but they renamed it to pike's reach cause theyre always trying to reach those pike
Lovely vacation spot it is either way.
You all are absolutely hilarious and I have really been enjoying reading this. Thank you so much for reading so thoroughly gosh. I have to go to a school thing but I'll be sure to check back later and read the logs! Thanks again
np and good luck with school~!
Cya, Mabs!
And good luck from me as well~
Thank you for the creation! Hope school goes well.
Thanks again! Bye all~ Good luck with the rest of your discussion
ya know, since nefayn doesnt quite remember pike's reach outside of haziness, i wonder if theres some magical third seal that was meant to hide her own memories. a third seal set up by certain uncles.
Speaking of school, if there's no older adults, who runs public institutions?
Maybe she set the third seal herself. Nefayn was the cause of the magical catastrophe, doesn't want to remember it.
Everyone fighting about the love nest.
idk. hard to say without an exact timeline. also without exact knowledge of their system of governance. like for example, education could just be an at home by parents thing. so no actual public institution for it. but i also dont know the cut off date. and maybe no all the old ppl are dead. more its just heavily skewed to one age group
"We're in favour of same sex marriage." "Oh, well, we're leaving then." "You realize the founder of this place was gay?" "We're definitely leaving."
I liked Nassar's story, incidentally.
Some good zingers too. "Reel", heh.
i really hope we get to see more of adelaide's group. cause i feel there isnt enough nassar yet. we need more puns
Yis. Looked like we were getting some focus on Berlin towards the end.
QUESTION 4. Despite the romance and good feels in Pike’s Reach, they are the last fortress standing against the Eastern hordes. Do you believe Pella is genuine about his desire to unite the east to make the country a better place? Why do you think Pike’s Reach is so ardent about not uniting with the rest of the eastern lands? As time drags on, do you think Pella will give into his advisors and stop going so soft on Pike’s Reach? Will Ezo being injured drive them to it potentially? Alternatively, do you think Pike’s Reach and the Eastern hordes might join forces and put their differences aside for some reason? All in all, who do you think will emerge victorious?
Ezo's injury could do that (escalate things), since Pella seems to have that thing for her. Honestly, I don't quite see why he's so keen on the uniting to this extent... is it all ego? I mean, why not just be glad you've got 95% of the continent?
It might be interesting if they join forces though.
I hope love emerges victorious.
i do think ezo's injury is gonna make pella made. at least enough to challenge adelaide to another duel. but then he might also be mad at ezo and be like wtf ezo we were retreating
i dont think its all ego
just more its kind of awkward to not have pike's reach not united with the rest
cause according to that map pike's reach is basically surrounded on all sides
by pella's united country
They'll have to redraw all the maps if Pike's given in though.
What the PUC?
I feel like Ezo needs a friend even more than Adelaide. One who won't keep patting her on the head.
Maybe the injury will mellow her out, but I doubt it.
i feel like ezo first needs to take a chill pill and stop going all life or death on everything
https://tapas.io/episode/850159 by this map id also assume pike's reach is a strategic advantage cause its closer to the west so if the west tries something its a good outpost to use to stave off an attack traveling in further eastward toward the capital
but all in all i think pella is genuine and really does want to make the country a better place.
I can see that. It's a cool map too.
Feels a lot like Europe/Russia/Asia merged into one
"I will bring you love even if I have to smack you around."
i actually dont know why pike's reach wouldnt want to unite with them to be honest. XD cause trade would be a nightmare at this point cause youd always have to try to skirt and sneak through the eastern horde lands. if the eastern hordes go to war with someone, land troops would be moved through pike's reach anyway. and to me it just seems pike's reach is more holding out for pride
but i guess tbf we dont know much about pella's country. maybe they eat babies and pike's reach has a strict no baby eating policy
That's a fair point. Maybe there's something to the whole magic catastrophe, like they used to be a united continent and it went badly for them.
Jelly babies.
Incidentally, they seem to have all the major seasons, so don't live near an equator.
i mean i guess it could just be an issue they dont want to be governed except by their own ppl or something. idk. i do feel the magic catastrophe has left some scares and suspicions. and ezo is proof pella isnt opposed to magic.
Maybe, heritage and traditions or something. Ooh, maybe aliens will come and attack. That would unite everyone.
this might be the wrong genre for that
maybe nefayn gets kidnapped
and they unite to save nefayn
cause love is the only thing that matters
Could be. Oh, that's a thought, since she's vulnerable now and Adelaine owes her one or two.
Oh, and one nice bit I wanted to mention, the gag about her height.
youll have to be more specific cause my mind is blanking on which specific gag youre referring to XD
although speaking of gags i liked the one where adelaide and nefayn were having the eating contest. except no one could see nefayn. XD
Alright, I'm gonna take my leave for now, thanks for the CTP and best of luck to Mabs on the story~
(Sorry, little one again.)
The gag with Nefryn still being short... but being at an okay height. (Like, who isn't thinking that... )
That was amusing too. I wonder if you can get away with stuff when you see magic. "Uh, I wasn't talking to myself, no. Sure."
Have a good one, SJB!
ah okay i know which gag you mean. that one was funny. XD
Final closing thought, slow burn romance can be fun for when things come to a peak. Or a pike. ^.^
i feel in general theres been a lot more jokes like that since nefayn became human
It's been good for alleviating some of the tension.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Mabs, as well, for making Pike’s Reach. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Mabs’ efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/pikesreach
Mabs’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mabsart
Mabs’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mabs_art
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
November 29th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on November 29th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Numb by Niina Eveliina Salmelin.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Numb by Niina Eveliina Salmelin~! (http://www.NiinaEveliina.com/numb/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Hi folks! I'm the author of Numb and actually managed to wake up and join in the chat. Looking forward for the discussion and trying to avoid spilling any spoilers (edited)
glad to see you could make it~!
i think my favorite scene was perhaps the one in carl and the thief's...mind space for lack of a better phrase for it. i really enjoyed seeing the possession kind of presented as a physical dilemma of sorts and not something that just happened and carl was just gone. but i also liked the entire eeriness of it cause it really opened lots of question doors and set up that intense sense of yup, something definitely is wrong
Hiyo, I'm here, though at a moment's notice I'll need to drop everything and help put the little one to bed. ^^ I also only managed to read to the end of Part 5 (so to the end of 2017).
Yeah, some good eerie scenes in general. Rebel, do you mean the bit where Carl was bricking up Carl behind the wall...?
Also, hello to author/artist.
yes that scene
Hello, glad you could make it!
Ohh the possession sequence was a real joy to do, with figuring out how to do the visuals for it.
That was an interesting visual. As for me, three scenes kind of stand out, let's hope I remember these...
I liked the bit near the start when Carl was talking about Amy's imaginary friends. Partly because it made me think of my own daughter (still very wee, granted), and partly because something seemed to be happening in the background, some guy with a hood, and little things like that amuse me. Neat way to make possible exposition less boring.
Second scene that I thought was great, mostly for comedic value, was when Susan was leaving the hospital to have a smoke, and then her cigarette wasn't there - Levi had it. Because of Nikita. Nice sign of things being more than they seemed. Less violent than the vase too, subtle.
in regards to the first scene i think the event that was going on in the bg was the woman getting possessed by the thief. or at least she looks very similar to the woman who later brings the thief to carl
Rebel: Oh wow, good catch.
i loved nikita's choice of trying to send susan a sign. cause that was hilarious and i wish wed seen what susan was thinking. did she think she was crazy? did she think levi was a weirdo? who knows
nikita is a great trickster though
i loved him freaking out those old ladies with their nasty gossip
Yes, this is correct @RebelVampire. It's that kind of pretty vague hint that readers can spot on their second time. I love putting small things like that in stories
I wonder if maybe Susan thought that she'd put the cigarette there, because who else could it have been, and then forgotten.
That cigarette gave Susan hard time, for sure
Oh YES, that scene with the ladies going off on that kid, and then just the image of them with their cups upended on them, that was great too.
I'd forgotten that one.
Here's the big one for me though. That scene with Susan at the bottom of the stairs, calling out to Carl. Where the blood underneath her kind of bled (literally?) into the shading of the stairs, and it was just red, and dialled the creepy factor up to 11 for me.
I think it's safe for me to say my favourite part as well? Even though it's really hard to pick, it's gotta be the moment after Thief/Carls attack, where Levi and Nikita meet again. Nikita allows Levi to help him up. and there's a tiny bit of trust formed there, as they walk out the house together. (Also, a big part for me to love that moment was the fact that I was finally able to get Levi out of that hospital bed.)
I'm not big on horror, but I'm not so bad with watching it, because usually I can mentally write off supernatural stuff as "not real". So I could appreciate the weird, eerie stuff up to that point, but it didn't make me flinch. But that bit with the stairs - and maybe it's because I kind of saw it coming during the confrontation - that was too real. Too much. Had to walk away from my binge for a few hours there. (I mean this in a good way.)
Niina: That was nice, yes. Levi was kind of at a crossroads there, and it's good that they were able to help each other out, even when Nikita brushed him off.
Gossip grannies always manage to bring out a response out of people @mathtans This kind of stuff is really interesting to hear. I'm glad it was still a good kind of shock for you!
Very effective use of colour, and maybe angles and such too.
I'm big fan of horror, so I sometimes have to wonder when I do certain scenes: when it's too much. Hearing this kind of perspective is always good.
yeah the color work whenever the basement became involved was really great. cause basements are creepy as is, so it was great to see them become as creepy as i expected. lthough i think what really dialed the creepiness up for me in that scene was susan calling out to carl that she thinks shes hurt. because at that point its such a no duh thing that susan's helplessnesss really sinks in. and nothing is more worrisome about the supernatural than the realization you cant do shit about it. Niina: I did enjoy that moment of bonding and understanding. Especially given that Nikita seems kind of stubborn and it was good to see him accept he needed help.
One of those "okay, overloaded now" moments. Tough for me to say exactly why.
Rebel: Yeah, the calling out probably helped cement it too, now that you say that. In particular, that she thinks he might help. >.<
I think what makes it horrific, is that Susan and Carl were so close, so there's no way she could have seen it coming. Just a 5 mins ago before thief arrived, Carl was just nagging and worrying about her.
Since I don't read a lot of horror, I may not be your target audience either. It's tough for me to say what is or isn't too much there.
Funny thing too btw, I didn't really like Susan. Personal pet peeve about smoking, and she also seemed like something of a killjoy, or one who dishes things out but can't always take it when things turn back towards her novel.
But that death... damn, didn't deserve that. Felt bad.
its okay math. im not the target audience either, though for the opposite reason. im so numb to it that things that should be scary im just like "seems like a normal tuesday to me." XD
(Assuming it's a for sure death - I haven't gotten into the 2018 stuff yet. Maybe she's a ghost now.)
Oooh, title drop by Rebel.
not even on purpose
missed opportunities
i will spoil it and say its a for sure death minus the ghost issue
which i wanna give props to that
so few stories actually kill someone off
to the point i lived in denial
and was like "nah susan is fine someone will get her help nobody ever dies"
There is that. Well, that's sad.
Should've died of cancer!
I don't know (about the target audience thing), I find it really hard to put Numb in only horror category and see it more as a mixture of different genres. I'd like to think that all kind of readers will get something out of it. Of course, they have to be able to stomach those extreme scenes as well @mathtans hahaha!
Yeah, it's not for sure horror. There's elements of fantasy too.
I'm bad for recognizing genres. Particularly with my own stuff.
speaking of susan, though, i can see where shed be irritating. but man did carl's nagging about her book feel so relateable because writing is hard and somedays you just want to think nothing about book writing
QUESTION 2. Many of the supernatural events are driven by the appearance of the “thief.” Who or what do you think the thief is? Why is the thief continually transferring bodies? Additionally, what is the thief even running from so desperately? What does this have to do with all the voices, including Tim’s, that Carl hears when he becomes possessed? What do you think the thief’s end goal is? How do you think the thief was able to touch Nikita, and why did the thief seem so sure Nikita was going to hurt it? Also, how are Nikita and the thief connected, if at all? Lastly, do you think Carl will recover from the thief’s possession, or is he forever doomed?
hello thursday book clubbers! Hi @NiinaEveliina I really enjoyed reading your comic! regarding 'extreme scenes' do you really think that the scenes from numb were extreme? what's everyones opinion on level of blood violence?
Also, Levi's apartment and stuff for Susan issues. Though apparently she writes well, according to Nikita.
@mathtans It's fun to see that perspective on Susan! To me her smoking was actually really important. In my childhood most of my family, friends and people around me were heavy smokers. Still they were the ones to tell me hardest "never you start ok" and I actually never have smoked a cig in my life, probably because of those smokey lungs were so much against it, ironically So there's something very nostalgic about her to me.
I didn't have an issue with the blood. But it's not really a squick for me, and I wonder if watercolours mutes it a bit?
I'd agree with mathtans that the abstraction of the art really created a bit of distance for me from the horror elements, muted it a bit perhaps?
Niina: That's neat background info! Yeah, my family has some history of asthma and I have an allergy to smoke in particular. So I'm prejudiced against smokers. Nothing personal.
I'm not sure if it distanced me from the horror, just the violence.
@chateaugrief I'd say the overall themes are pretty heavy and the obvious scenes like throwing Sue down the stairwell and Nikita getting knife'd. From the audience reactions, I'd say those would be the most 'gorey'. @mathtans yeah, all good :)
good point, there was still major suspense
id say the scenes in numb were still pretty extreme though, but thats in comparison to contemporary webcomics. and a good majority of "horror" webcomics are actually real mild in comparison. but thats just my opinion and based solely on my reading repitoire, and horror is hard to come by in webcomics in general unless you go looking for it.
Regarding the latest question, not quite sure about thief's origins, assuming it's only one person - because I'm pretty sure Tim merged with the thief. Remember how Levi remembered that Tim had changed a bunch before he died? I think there's something to that.
yeah, im 100% aboard the tim got possessed train
it is the most logical sense
And I gotta say I'm happy that the visuals have been there to distance people from the violence. Because I never wanted Numb to be that kind of shock violence, in-your-face kind of mess. So it was my aim to find balance between the extreme nature of the violence but still keeping it, you know, tasteful.
that's interesting, @RebelVampire because i've seen a lot of creators tag stuff with the tiniest bit of blood as mature, even in a non-violent context. I didn't think Numb was particularly gory, despite the scenes mentioned. The framing of the shots made them practically happen offscreen...which only heightened that suspense and atmosphere. Was very well done I thought
Yeah, some of the framing was pretty well done. Like in the scenes where Carl has the knife.
yes, those eyes staring out of the blacked out face!
So Tim merged with the thief... is he a part of thief now then? Or did he kill himself to try and get away, and is now part of a band of ghosts trying to take thief down? I'm not clear whose side he's on.(edited)
I better keep my mouth shut while the Thief talk, this is very interesting to follow
nah i wouldnt say it was gory at all, but it was extreme in other ways which is why id still label it as extreme. becuase suspense can do a lot to make mild gore feel extreme. and more the issue with numb is it was realistic. because susan's death was something that could happen to anyone. so gory? definitely not. but extreme in the sense that it would unsettle ppl a lot and probably require a mature tag, yes probably. but again, specification this is compared to contemporary webcomics
if we start including other mediums its super duper mild
@RebelVampire This is very true
I mostly just read webcomics for this chat. I don't know what's mainstream.
i'm such a newbie to webcomics that I probably take my expectations from other mediums. why I'm here, I want to learn.
no time like the present to get started.
i feel like tim merged with the thief? like i kind of dont feel like you escape the thief once it possesses you
so @NiinaEveliina how did you decide on the style of art that you chose?
more likely i think levi mightve killed tim in self defense or something?
so tim is stuck forever
💩💩💩YY 💩💩💩
So I've only gotten to the point where Levi is in the hospital and he claims that there was someone there on the street. 9v9llll And I'm already quaking in mah boots. OH MAN... hides in non-existent sheets
Maybe thief is a soul fleeing the grim reaper... except Nikita told Susan to move away from the voices after death, and she'd be fine. So maybe thief is the grim reaper, gone a bit off in the head?
i kind of get the impression that the thief is an escapee, like the thief escaped a larger entity or escaped death itself. and now its on the run trying to avoid death
cause death sucks
who wants to be dead
thats who
💩💩💩YY 💩💩💩
This silly bean was not expecting this and now I'm not sure if I have the guts to continue. ; V ; slowly clicks next page
Rebel: Oh, maybe. I hadn't considered that (the self defense). Fun fact, it occurred to me that Levi indirectly killed Susan. Because if he hadn't delayed her with his talk about Nikita, she would've left the house to look for Amy, rather than getting locked in by Carl.(edited)
that was one of the funniest moments when Nikita says 'will you trust me if I tell you that dying is bad and you don't want to be dead'. (edited)
Y'know who sucks? Thief. Death seems like the better alternative.
Cuz thief tries to be charming and stuff, then pushes your friends down a flight of stairs.
Going back to chateau's remark, yeah, watercolours is an interesting medium. I think we've only had one other webcomic here that uses them.
i've seen a lot of webcomics that use digital media that's made to look like watercolor though. It's quite a beautiful look done well!
man that moment with nikita telling susan about death really sticks to me now that i know susan be dead for real. cause the entire time i was like "this is strange advice for a character who isnt going to die."
and then the death was real
so now im like "great and depressing advice there nikita"
as another thief theory, i think the thief continually is transferring bodies to get rid of the voices of all the souls its kind of absorbed along its travels, but ironically the more it transfers the mroe souls it gathers
a tragic cycle
That's a great theory. Snake eating it's own tail sort of thing.
it did appear to absorb souls didn't it? I just realized that
incidentally, I found that listing the characters for every page was Super Useful for me as a new reader to keep everyone semi-straight in my head. Kudos
@chateaugrief I decided the artstyle based on what I wanted to learn to do basically. I was terrible with watercolors/colors in general, and knew that if I used those in Numb, I'd HAD to learn them eventually Of course now they play such a big role in the comic, I cant even imagine numb without color anymore. Otherwise the cartoony/mangaish mishmash style was chosen because it allows me to really have fun with character expressions and go wild with them. I also take lot of inspiration from animation, and wanted to give a sense of movement to the characters with my best ability.
Related to thief, I wonder what the deal is with the wheat field.
the wheat field seems related to death in some way? cause it conveniently showed up when susan died
so maybe its the grim reaper?
@NiinaEveliina thank you so much for choosing color. I have to thank every comic creator who goes the extra mile and uses color. It's hard, but it's so worth it! Really makes the story pop. How could those pages with the blood look half as good in black and white?
or the bad grim reaper
grain reaper
You win the evening with that comment.
Hey there!
@chateaugrief heck yea, color all the way!
Hope I'm not too late.
back on the character styles being a mix of manga and western, I thought that was a very interesting balance, I tend to prefer western style so that's what I saw...but now thinking about it I can see the influence of both. Interesting line to walk!
tbh, all these thief, nikita's advice and the field theories are making my day
Manga/western mixes are perhaps one of my favorites so it's always good to see works that adapt to that style~
@chateaugrief Theres a big blend probably because my childhood influences came from all directions, western, euro and japanese comic were all around from an really early age, so they have fused together in my style I think
@NiinaEveliina any works that you consider to have particularly inspired you?
Maybe when thief started out, they didn't possess people. Hence hanging around in forests as a disembodied voice. Maybe the people thing is more recent.
Maybe it's something Tim did.
QUESTION 3. Nikita is perhaps the most mysterious individual in the story. How do you think Nikita became a ghost (or whatever you think he is)? How long do you think he’s been that way? What might it have to do with what he told Susan after he found her injured? Why do you think Nikita has been avoiding Levi since the incident at Carl’s house? Is it fear or is Nikita just still mad about Levi’s dealings with everyone? In the comic, we also see some of Nikita’s life. What do you think happened to Nikita’s dad and mom given the medicine both seem to require? Who is Misha, and why did it cause Nikita’s mom to have a temporary meltdown? What do you think happened with Nikita’s relationship with Julia, whether in the past or in the current timeline?
thats an interesting thought that tim did something
maybe tim was the first
started the whole chain
sounds plausible. I'm not to the part where we see nikita's backstory yet...at least I don't think I was
Tim performed a ritual. Bad Tim.
I was curious as to why Nikita just 'dropped Levi as a friend' after being friendly to him. I didn't understand why he did it. It felt like Nikita overreacted to whatever it was Levi said, and i couldnt' see why.
@chateaugrief Donald Duck stories from the great Carl Barks and Don Rosa, Bone from Jeff Smith, Battle Angel Alita, Rumiko Takashi's work and Sandman are the first few comics that pop to my mind. The list is endless There's also huge influence from films on numb. Old italian horror films such as Suspiria and the beyond are great examples, especially for the trippy visuals.
Here's one thing I wondered about Nikita and his interactions. When he threw the vase, it was like there wasn't a vase in the room. When he spilled the chess pieces, the guy thought he hadn't brought them. Can Nikita actually destroy our reality? Or are our brains that desperate to think of explanations for the stuff he does?
Levi has issues. Don't want them to rub off. ^^
@NiinaEveliina ah .... some one's I've seen and some I haven't. I'll be sure to check them out
i think its the latter, that our brains reject the supernatural so hard core we invent whatever seems the most logical to compensate.
cause susan especially seems that type
@chateaugrief I swear the list changes every time I'm asked, there's just so many :D
who will pick any reason that does not include the supernatural
OH. Just thought of something. Carl could see Nikita. Tim could see things too, and possibly Amy. Maybe thief can only possess people who can see things like Nikita. Might be why he never tried for Susan.
The only way to protect yourself is not to believe.
i suppose thats possible, although we have an immensely small sample size
and couldnt carl only see nikita after he was possessed?
Carl gave Nikita an apple in an early scene.
But yeah, not necessarily enough people to draw conclusions.
i dont remember this. i remember carl giving an apple to the lady that was possessed by the thief
Oh, was it the lady? Maybe I got crossed up. It was the first time we saw Nikita, outside the hospital?
Ah, you're right, wires got crossed. We saw that apple later, and it was kind of rotten, so that makes sense too.
on a side note, i enjoyed thief!carl punching nikita. cause the look on nikita's face was priceless. not that i cheer for his pain, but man was that a great expression because he didnt expect it at all
True that.
I wonder if being in the proximity of death made him visible and corporeal to everyone. That's why Susan could see him.
i think more likely the thief was special and susan was the one whose dyingness made her able to see him
since the topic of nikita and levi's relationship was brought up, i feel like nikita is just slow to trust and i feel like hes been a ghost long enough that hes not as used to having to tell ppl where hes going and such
speaking of punching Nikita...he was a ghost right? do ghosts bleed? perhaps the punch made him non spectral?
punched straight out of the afterlife.
i feel like it did make him non spectral
although im really curious about whether or not he couldve actually died again
Maybe Nikita's having issues as a ghost, because he can't take his meds any more. Gets harder and harder to talk to people.
I feel like it might've been worse than death. Even after the wounds "healed", Nikita said it still hurt.
only thing creepier than a ghost is a ghost obsessively swallowing adhd meds
punched straight out of the afterlife... just to get stabbed. No wonder he's salty(edited)
"One Punch Carl".
Carl was the boss. I liked his character. Susan was a bit hard on him, seemed to see criticism from him at every turn, but I felt like it was genuine concern coming from him.
I could be confusing Susan with the other girl....
i see both sides of the carl susan relationship. cause im sure his concern was genuine, but at the same time i also understand how concern eventually becomes nagging
ya know who really got the short end of the stick in all this story though?
amy basically has little to no agency
and all this bad shit keeps happening
and everyone is lying to her
I do shake my head at the one Carl scene. Where his daughter, who's already established as someone who maybe skips classes, talks about going into the woods. And Carl's like, "yeah, don't do that, okay go out to the bus now". Like, maybe watch her board the bus? What did you have to do that was so important?
about whats going on
yes that was the other girl! couldn't remember her name she had so little agency
Yeah, Amy's imaginary friends even gave themselves up for her.
poor girl, she was trying
I'm really bad with names, usually. Not sure why I haven't tripped up yet. Maybe it's the reasonably sized cast?
Or the tags.
I really liked the tags
but I only discovered they were there at about chapter 3
it really cleared up the characters a bit for me, but i'm kinda fuzzy on some of them
math you havent even gotten to the sadder part with the imaginary friends XD
that broke my heart a bit for them
cause tbf they probably arent imaginary
Oh noes. O.o
I wondered about that.
but that is debateable tbf
i dont think theyre imaginary though
Okay, we haven't had enough crazy theories yet. So, Nikita's dad is really also Tim's dad. They're half brothers. Boom!
cuse if they are amy is super creative and has way better designed imaginary friends then i ever did
tbf I think Amy is super creative. She was trying to do drawings and stuff. (Though she may be creative but not have art skill.)
and she was very young, she was definitely trying. She's not dead yet is she? plenty of room for character development
Also, she's adopted. Boom! shrugs
amy definitely isnt dead
QUESTION 4. Levi has his own mysteries and problems going on, past and present. What do you think happened between him, Susan, and Tim given certain flashbacks we’ve seen? What do you think Levi and Tim saw that day in the woods, and why were only Levi and Tim able to see it? Why did Levi lie to dream Susan about not seeing Tim sometimes in his dreams? In other words, what is Levi emotionally avoiding? Do you think that Levi will be able to get over what happened at Carl’s house? Also, do you believe that he will be able to help Amy? What about Kiwi who seems to have known Nikita and who is now Amy’s roommate? Finally, do you believe Levi is safe from the thief, or are the two destined to encounter each other again?
is the dad
Levi and Tim seemed to see an opening, if memory serves?
Also, Levi seems to have trust issues. Like, he doesn't seem to think anyone will believe him. Including himself, maybe.
i think levi is more afraid of being alone and ostracized
that is the impression i get from him
which is why he does what he must to fit in with the club
Actually, Tim was always Levi's imaginary friend. Levi believed so hard that Susan could see Tim too.
Yeah, he doesn't want to be alone, I can see that.
im still gonna go with the levi hurt tim in self defense when tim went psycho possessed. and that in turn tore the group apart cause nobody wanted to talk about what happened.
that would be an amazing twist for tim
What if Levi actually was the first one possessed by thief. And it ended up going to Tim. And that's why Levi has abandonment issues.
I can't tell if I'm doing crazy theories or normal ones.
i think that one still qualifies as crazy but i mean its not implausible
I really don't have enough info to make theories.... these sound good. I could go with any of these
Do we know much about Carl's wife?
no but i assume dead
because youre not to the part but they send amy to an orphanage
because they cant get in contact with any other relatives
Gotcha. Wondered if Levi knew her in some way. Not sure if it's connected.
tbh ive really been trying to figure out how carl knows them and what the nature of their relationship is
cause carl has like 10 to 20 years on them
Yeah. School related? Carl's job?
and im not sure if this is like one of those small town where everyone just knows everyone
Anyway, you'll have to theorize without me. Time to put little one to bed.
i wondered about that, Carl looks about 50, so were the levi/susan crowd about in their 20's or perhaps late teens?
ok. thanks for coming, math~!
levi is apparently late 20s and susan early 30s
by their cast pages
@mathtans thanks for joining the chat and giving numb a change despite not being such a horror fan!
I may have been thrown off by the lack of visible employment by the levi/susans, though maybe I just missed that. I've got to learn to slow down when i read webcomics. There's such a temptation to go so fast!
The ages are pretty vague, because I don't want to forget and then conflict myself later, but it wouldn't be much of a spoiler to give a little background on Carl and Susan (I think it's on their cast info pages as well so it's not a spoiler even) but Carl was a family friend to Susans parents, who were working a lot and going abroad, so Carl looked after Susan a lot, and is basically her father figure. Carl knows Levi and Tim through Susan, since those three were childhood pals.
that makes sense, it makes sense of the character dynamics too.
ok that does add more context and makes more sense. and also explains why carl keeps nagging susan like a dad
or kept
cause susans dead
and carl is close to dead
now im sad
pretty unlucky family, perhaps a familial curse?
i just hope amy is not next on this path of death and destruction
now that susan's dead I'm going to have to adjust my feelings on who is the protagonist of the story. I would have said her over Levi, but I guess it's all up to Levi now.
Being amy is suffering
Speaking of protagonists and plots and stuff @NiinaEveliina do you have a completed plot/script for this comic or are you more freeform making it up in episodes as they come?
i always felt levi was the protagonist, though susan was a main character for sure. but susan seemed to have a smidgen less agency than levi in terms of who the protagonist is.
@chateaugrief Everything is on my head, as I'm dreadful at actually writing things down, but the whole story has a script/plot that I follow. But I'm open with it in a way that I know what will happen, but HOW it will happen is free to change if the story seems to drift more to other way. As I have done this comic further, I learn to know the characters more, so some actions I planned for them may not make sense anymore, or just that they would go about it differently. Those kind of things may change.
I have vague idea how many pages the story will need, but as I do chapters, I don't have set page number for them. (that's something I will start using on my next project after numb, but with Numb I'm gonna roll with the flow)
I always wonder about the page numbering thing because of the strict expectations with print form comics on page counts and things, at least in American comics. It always sounded very hard to structure your story around pages that way
Yeah, but I can see the perks in that too. Helps you to trim down the story and keep on track with things.
that's something I really should ask, you use some very complicated page layouts, and I think they flow quite well. How do you plan your pages, do you begin with the panel structure and fit your story to the panels or what?
choosing panel structures has always been mysterious to me
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Niina Eveliina Salmelin, as well, for making Numb. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Niina Eveliina Salmelin’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://www.NiinaEveliina.com/numb/
Niina’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A3202ONF
Niina’s Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Speardog?asc=u
Niina’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/NSalmelin
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Pin Porter Girl Detective by Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, December 6th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://pinporterdetective.com/
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