#colonial ph au
tsoko-late · 2 years
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I was planning to finish this by Christmas, but I guess I had too much fun at my grandma’s house to notice how much time passed oof-
Just an au where Liwanag and Labuan were born in the Spanish Era + what-ifs with the ogs lmaoo
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going thru the hetalia philippines tag makin me realize (again) how someone needs to teach hetalians how to not accidentally reinforce colonialism thru fan content holy shit
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hetagrammy · 1 year
i'm grateful that you listened to the feedback about the problems with that nyo!england fic. the racism in it, especially after the fic moved into the victorian era, and became a very white feminist understanding of the british empire, also bothered me a lot as a woc. one example is how OP described Maia/NZ as a 'little monkey' in chapter 13 (here: archive(dot)ph/pwuuv#selection-18037.204-18037.239) and depicts her as small and bizarrely childlike, even though OP herself said Maia is supposed to be a 20 y/o college-educated Māori woman by then. there was no warning for racism in that chapter unlike how she warned for anti-irish stereotypes in another one, and Maia's weirdly childlike demeanor remains in those scenes not from Evelyn's biased perspective, so it came off as unexamined racism against indigenous people that OP doesn't even think or realize is a problem. she's actually received feedback from poc about problems in her fic already so...idk what to make of the fact that she still hasn't fixed that. i just know i'm not comfortable.
additionally, the fact that she clearly took the concept of Maia from other people in fandom who did a lot of work and research to flesh out a complex female Māori NZ, infantilizing and simplifying NZ and calling her a monkey felt even more disrespectful. i think it's fine to be inspired by other people in fandom (i've seen your own fun take on regency NZ), but not like that.
Response under the cut, apologies for the length
I want to go ahead and say, while I appreciate being notified about this, I don't want my blog to become a forum for dogpiling on the author or making accusations. The critiques presented here are very valid, I just don't want to cause any more trouble than me making that fic recommendation already did.
That being said, the only chapters I had read from that fic were ones that happened to come across my dashboard, and they were centered around Cromwell and the English Civil War, which is an interesting period to me. Knowing these details about later events in the fic now, I can definitely see how that would cause a lot of discomfort. The "monkey" metaphor makes me very uncomfortable, because it is a very loaded term. Though I doubt the author's intention was to offend, it's definitely a term to avoid when writing a non-white character. It's a poor word choice, and it is an odd character choice considering most interpretations I see of Zee tend to have her as very independent and self-assured. Granted, it's not my place to tell people how to do their own characterization, but in this case it is a characterization that sticks out and can carry some unsavory connotations.
I've adhered to the interpretation of Zee as a biracial woman, mostly because from what little I know of New Zealand's history, the Treaty of Waitangi gave the Maori a little more influence and leeway to negotiate with the British crown. That is obviously not to say they were treated well, the treaty was breached numerous times and they were still subjected to heavy discrimination. However, I think that the Maori's position throughout New Zealand's history makes it fitting that its personification would share that heritage. That being said, I don't know nearly enough about the history of New Zealand to meaningfully write a piece examining Zee's relationship with colonialism. There's plenty of people in this fanbase who could do that miles better than I could any day anyway. In my Regency AU I'm still unsure of how much I would examine that, especially because she is a young child in that. It's a complex topic, and definitely not one to half-ass when writing out.
Long story short, writing historical content with any of these characters is something that should be handled with care, but I think that is especially true when it comes to non-white characters.
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stubbornjerk · 4 years
so i have a headcanon that brahma is the philippines and it goes a little bit like this (this is from a thread on my main twt)
do you know how colonies work? a colonizer finds a place that's already harboring current lives and takes over it. so pre-War, humans already lived in brahma. maybe there were nonhuman ppl who also lived there, but the history? gone. vanished without a trace.
and it's not because no one had any records back then, it's just that they were all deleted. 
so the people "native" to brahma were indoctrinated to fight the colonizer's War, having no history to look back on. 
and the people left behind had to be wrangled into complacency.
it wasn't always the guardian angel system. the constables were there first. natives and foreigners were segregated, then intermingled illegally, as all people eventually do. policing was disproportionately against the natives, who remained poor throughout it (yep, even in future space capitalist hellscape, acab)
oh there were revolutions. not silent ones. ones with blasters the size of your head, ones with guerrilla tactics, ones that were hard to silence until the war was starting to reach its end and new kinshasa rose into the sky.
funded. the bastards were funded now. they had enough to make blasters bigger than your head, started abducting people who stirred the pot and scraped the filth at the bottom.
and then, there was silence. twenty years of it as the rossignol’s made the guardian angel system.
oh, but where would a story about revolutions be without our main contenders?
FLASH FORWARD: mag ransom was a rebel in a group posing as a fraternity. he was the best of the best in getting intel, came from a wealthy family with colonizer blood in his veins, and he always had a knack for strategy (never mind the fact that he was one of the few who actually got a new kinshasa education). he had a bit of an extremist streak, but the revolution sowed the bounty he gave them.
just until they couldn’t anymore. 
until he told them about his plan for the GAS and new kinshasa. 
 at first they thought he was joking. but when he tried to wrangle a few of their best fighters with him and got them captured and put the rebellion/revolution at risk, they didn't have much of a choice but to kick him out.
peter nureyev was born inside a prison to a revolutionary father. 
 nureyev sr wasn’t part of ransom's scheme. no, he was captured earlier on with a lover of his. they had a reputation for strategizing and his lover had a leader’s charisma. but they were captured. 
peter was a blessing in their cell. 
 when peter was old enough, they took him away.
mag caught wind of nureyev sr's death but didn't care. just another on the list of ppl they commemorate publicly (in the heart of the jungle, their remaining base untouched by the system and the cities). when he heard whispers about a son, it didn't really register.
seven years. seven years until he finds peter nureyev being chased down by constables in the streets, evading them easy as anything, his laughter carrying throughout the alley. 
the GAS didn't shoot down minors, and constables took satisfaction in beating them. 
but they had to catch him first and nureyev was so very good at disappearing
mag sees nureyev's potential as he finally escapes the constables, taking his loot out from under his shirt: a necklace. 
 a luxury, this pickpocket steals. not food or drink or medicine or clothes. just something to make him feel good about himself.
this pickpocket of a child had wants and wishes. in mag’s privileged mind, this was potential. survivors were so locked into survival they rarely ever dreamed.
it takes mag a few tries to introduce himself to this slippery little thief
(the first 2, nureyev mistakes him as someone from NK and runs, which, fair). 
 mag's brahmese isn't as fine as his solar, but he manages to pull through enough to ask for a name. 
“anong pangalan mo?”
 "peter nureyev."
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zephycluster · 3 years
Precolonial HWS SEA Rant Post, feel free to ignore
If you're still reading, then you're probably looking for evidence or some juicy tidbits to throw back at me or to try and find dirt to cancel me, like typical Tumblr/Twitter. Go ahead, I don't really care.
First off, let me just say that If you like Precolonial South-East Asia AUs, feel free to keep enjoying them. I will respectfully support your passions from afar. This post is just to explain why I don't like it, especially the way they keep insisting/portraying PH in it.
Still here? Then let me begin.
Since the recent confirmation that the ASEAN Six Majors (Can't really say ASEAN 10 atm since it's still missing some people) Were completed and the Ma-Phil-Indo Trio was included, there has been a large surge in 'Precolonial' fanarts and portrayals of South East Asians, those three especially.
Even long, long before, circa 2010's ish, a rather well-known fan universe known as 'Maaf' dealt with their story and how their Author thought their intertwined histories went. Written by (my best guesstimate) an Indonesian writer who wants to explore the old, SEA bond.
When I first stumbled across Maaf (I was in Highschool at the time, around age 16-ish), I took a casual interest in it and tried to read it through. But, I will wholeheartedly admit that at the time, Pre-Colonial cultures of South-East Asia in general, let alone Philippine, did not really interest me that much. The focus (I think) was mostly on Indonesia, a country I didn't really know back then, and the liberal use of 'ancient' names and artwork just made it feel like an entirely Original Work (that needed a degree in History to really appreciate) and not something from Hetalia. I also completely disagreed with what I could gather was the story's portrayal of PH but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Do I hate 'Maaf'? No, I don't hate it. Do I wish I never came across it or that it didn't exist? Of course not. Just because I didn't enjoy it or appreciate it that well doesn't mean I wish any ill toward it, its fans, or its creator.
Fast forward to April 2021, the long awaited inclusion of South East Asia to the canon Hetalia verse. I was happy, the other fans were happy, all was good.
Then started the questionable fanarts, fan theories and fan pairings.
Especially the expansion of Precolonial! PH.
Let's go back to Maaf for one moment. From what I understood of Maaf, PH there was a character who once was like all the other South East Asian cultures, trading with them, all around being a nice family.
But all that changed when the Spaniards attacked, so cry the precolonial buffs. They destroyed everything, ransacked and marginalized the tribes, erased everything that PH was!
Did that happen? ABSOLUTELY. The Spaniards had this vision in mind that they must spread Christianity to all of the 'savage, unchristian heathens' of their realm. :V /s
But back up a second, back to PH's portrayal in Maaf. The way she (yeah, she) was portrayed there was that she was slowly losing her memories of being a 'true' South East Asian and grew more and more westernized in the process, like some sort of Culture-specific Alzheimer's or something.
Firstly, that is seriously depressing, and secondly, I just really don't see that happening.
Here's why.
Point 1: Even before Colonial Masters, Filipinos as a people cannot agree on anything.
I'll just begin this segment with a Philippine proverb that outlines what Filipinos call 'Crab Mentality' or 'Crab Bucket Mentality'.
"You don't need a lid for a container when you're keeping multiple crabs. If you keep at least two crabs together, they will just pull each other down instead of helping each other up."
I don't know how it goes with Indonesian or Malaysian history class, but what I know of my homeland, both pre- and post-colonial history, we were never really 'united' or 'together' in the sense that Indonesia and Malaysia were (from what I assume).
Let me pull up a somewhat related question on r/AskHistorians.
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The reason I brought this up as it shows the reasons why, in my opinion, a single entity that is 'Precolonial Philippines-tan' is an impossibility.
The answers are long and would extend this already long post to stupid proportions, so I'll just quote relevant sentences. The link is here for those that wanna deep-dive into the answer.
"All this to say that there wasn't a name used for the entire Philippine islands before the Philippines that people now would agree to. An interesting comparison would be the Holy Roman Empire, which might also be characterized as disparate politico-geographic groups of relatively small size that had a history of relations between each other, but one thing they had that the Philippines did not was a common language, or at least a family of mostly mutually intelligible languages, so that the name Deutschland or Germany isn't terribly offensive to anyone. If you called the Philippines the 'Lupang-Tagalog' or even 'Lupang-Tao' the other ethnic groups would protest."
For those in need of translation, 'Lupang Tagalog' means 'Land of the Tagalogs' and 'Lupang Tao' means 'Land of People', specifically. The first one is already exclusive and offensive, as the Tagalog peoples are but one of many ethnicities here.
And for the 'Lupang Tagalog' suggestion specifically, it's even more offensive as they are the majority ethnicity (not by much, just around 28%) From this chart from Geography Now! It would basically be alienating everyone else in the 72% remainder that isn't 'Tagalog'.
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And even 'Lupang Tao', the most generic name in a local language you can think of, would be met with contempt because the name itself is in the Tagalog language.
Just travelling between two individual island groups today would sometimes require a translator because the words can change very rapidly and very drastically. Here's a sample of some differences coming from a friend living in Visayas (in Red) vs. the words I know living in Luzon (In blue).
Ate vs. Manang = Older Sister
Ibon vs. Pispis = Bird
Tumawa vs. Kadlaw = To laugh
Takot vs. Hadlok = Fear
Kain vs. Kaon = To eat
Ngayon vs. Subong = Now, at this point in time
Iyak vs. Hibi/Gibi = to cry
Talampakan vs. Tiil = Foot (in Tagalog, the word retains its 'body part AND unit of measurement' meaning)
Tulog vs. Tuyo = to sleep (Tuyo in Tagalog is either a dried salted fish or 'to dry')
The kicker is that just like Tagalog is just one of many languages here, so too is the language my friend speaks. Ask an entirely new person, like someone from Mindanao, they'll probably have an entirely new set of words.
It's not just Luzon vs. Visayas vs. Mindanao, either. Here's a map listing some of the ethnic groups here.
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Even the way they're written differs from location to location.
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While we're on the subject of Island divisions, a casual skim across Twitter and Tumblr has shown that their Precolonial PH has been one of the following ancient civilizations: Tondo, Butuan, Sugbu, Namayan. There may have been others but that was what I have found.
Notice how even today, the posters of Precolonial PH can't seem to agree on what he's supposed to be? With Indonesia it's either Majapahit or Srivijaya and Malaysia it's usually Malacca iirc.
What is the big deal? Well, let's go back to the Ask Historians post. "Why didn't the Philippines ever change its name to remove the colonial mark that being named after a Spanish King has?" The answer: "If you suggested something dating to precolonial times, the other ethnic groups would protest."
Since we're on a roll with maps, let me bring this up.
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As you can see, the precolonial PH posts have a reason to not be able to agree on one thing, as there is a LOT of options. Do you also see how THAT list is also split up?
It's split up into those aligned with China (Sinified), aligned with India (Indianized), aligned with the Middle East (Islamicized), and no alignment (Animist). Now, let's go back to the main suggestions for which Kingdom/Polity/Civilization/whatever Modern Philippines used to be.
If the Filipino peoples' couldn't agree on something as simple as WHAT TO CALL THE LAND THEY'RE LIVING ON, what more a living, breathing, walking, talking entity that is supposed to be a beacon of all of their 'unified' culture? ESPECIALLY if that entity used to be a currently existing Kingdom/Polity/Rajahnate/Sultanate/whatever.
Tondo? "Of course, always the damn Tagalogs. Tagalog this, Tagalog that. First the capital city, then the language,* THE REST OF US EXIST, YOU KNOW! What about us in Visayas? Mindanao?"
*The national language known as 'Filipino' is just standardized Tagalog*
Butuan? "Wait, you want Butuan to represent us? They're they only Indian-aligned city in the Islam-majority Mindanao! They're not even that many of them! I'm not gonna change my religion!"
Sugbu, the other name for the Rajahnate of Cebu on the map? Lemme bring back my Visayan friend again. According to her, she hails from the Hiligaynon part of Visayas.
"Sure :v and the other islands are what?
Chopped liver?
Not to mention the language and writing barrier helloooo"
And Namayan? Well. I'll let this pic speak for itself.
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To summarize, no matter who you pick as Modern PH's previous identity, it will not end well nor be accepted by the other Kingdoms at the time.
"So where does that leave Modern PH, he had to have been ONE of them, right?"
Well, not really. He doesn't HAVE to be one of the Ancient Kingdoms that lasted till the modern day. I mean, predecessor representatives exist in Hetalia canon, after all. Like Modern Greece is a different character from Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and Modern Egypt, heck even England and his brothers have a canon mother that was the rep before them.
Or you could even use the same logic that Germany does, in that each specific region has/had its own representative and that Modern!PH is just the 'mediator' between them (cause gawd does PH need one). There could be a Tondo, a Namayan, a Butuan, and a Sugbu, all arguing and this Proto-PH is just trying to make headway in making them all satisfied.
But, even after all this, there is another reason why I personally don't subscribe to the 'Precolonial PH' idea, and by tangential extension, the Indo x Phil pairing.
Point 2: Even without intending to, Precolonial Indo x Phil just comes off as patronizing
This second point is just ENTIRELY personal preference and barely has any facts to back it up.
Again, if you like the pairing and disagree with me, You do you. I will respectfully support you and your passions from a distance.
But for me, Indo being Phil's seme/bae/boyfriend and consistently bringing up precolonial times just comes off as patronizing.
Just one more time, I'd like to point out that I am NOT bashing Indonesia, its people or the subscribers of Indo x Phil. This is just how the pairing feels to ME specifically.
The way I see it, Indo x Phil as a pairing, especially if it extends back into precolonial times, reads the same way as a long-since married couple where the husband/wife CONSTANTLY brings up that ONE outing you had together, or that ONE prom night where you kissed while dancing, even it happened like 30 some-odd years ago and so much more happened since then.
Even in a platonic sense, It reads like two besties where one ALWAYS mentions stuff like 'Yeah but you looked so much cooler back in High School' or 'Back in Grade School you would've known that', or 'Remember back in Pre-school we did X? How could you forget that?'
How does one respond to the notion that no matter what you do now, it will never compare to a past you've already forgotten or barely remember? That the best version of 'you' is already long gone?
"That's because the westerners made you forget your culture! You gotta take it back!"
While it is true, yes, as a collective we barely remember the Kingdom that commissioned the Laguna Copperplate, or created the Banaue Rice Terraces, or created the millennia old bonds that we still share with Indonesia and Malaysia.
But to keep pushing the precolonial identity would be to neglect and cast aside the one REAL binding belief and culture that spans the entirety of these islands we call the Philippines.
We take on all the bad stuff that happens to us, conquer it, and make it our own. Be it natural disasters, foreign powers, or negative stereotypical mentalities.
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Yes, we've forgotten the ancient kingdoms of old and are just now digging through the closet for those remnants of the past. Yes, the colonizers imposed that on us, and made us forget. But in the process we've also taken everything that they left behind, everything that they threw at us, and created something that can only come from us.
The lanterns that the Spaniards used to light the way to the morning masses they made us attend became our globally known symbol of Christmas. The junked vehicles that the Americans left behind in World War 2 are now rolling works of art that announce themselves loud and proud on the streets (for better or for worse). The iced dessert recipe that the Japanese forced us to learn while they were occupying the country is now so distinct and famous it is synonymous with us, and is so delicious even Italy has taken notice.
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Even after all this? Even after all the 425-ish years total we have been under a foreign power, with all the progress we've made as a country, a people, and a nation, you would still imply our fragmented, jigsaw puzzle state of being in the past was better just because it was pure 'South East Asian' like everyone else?
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We might not be as well put-together as Indonesia or Malaysia, but we made this melting pot of angry, leg-pulling, dogpiling, Native, Mestizo, Chinoy, and Fil-Am crabs OURS, damnit!
It's now 4:30 AM and I have work in 5 or so hours. I'll be going to sleep now.
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Ayo @madamefaust ? You gonna tell me why you're writing about the white ass french De Chagny's being involved in the SLAVE TRADE?
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Playing into the tragic mulatto trope by making Raoul half Black for some diversity points? (See the word bastard when referred to Raoul's Blackness.) All for some fucking fanfiction?
Do you even know the implications of naming a Black/White biracial child a bastard and flat out stating that their white side was involved in the slave trade? It means that child's mother was possibly r*ped. You are implying that Raoul's mother was a victim of slavery and sexual trauma. You are playing into the tragic mulatto trope. You are anti-Black.
You decide to write Raoul as Black. Then you state that his family is involved in the slave trade in the description AND ON TOP OF THAT YOU MAKE HIM A TRAGIC MULATTO. How do you even sound? 💀 FUNNY how you only care about writing Black characters when it's to exploit and fetishize Black trauma for this lily white ass fandom. Much less, for a pharoga fic! (I know most of you pharoga shippers/writers are white. Yes that's a bad thing!)
Is you even BLACK too, madamefaust ? 🤔 And don't give me that "oh I did my research" I DO NOT CARE. IT IS NOT IN A NON-BLACK'S INTERESTS TO BE WRITING BOUT US. You don't speak for us. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO SLAVERY LMFAOOOOO
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Let me not forget the fact that she based Raoul's story off the Dumas family. Alexandere Dumas was a biracial Black and White man who wrote the Three Musketeers. His Father, Thomas Alexandre Dumas was a born into slavery in Haiti but was freed and fought in the French army under Napoleon. Do you know how disrespectful it is to base a fictional white aristocratic family off a Black family traumatized by slavery and anti-Blackness for your fanfic? Did you know that many of these BLACK PEOPLE in Haiti suffered brutal conditions under slavery by the French? That many of them died in the Haitian Revolution obtaining their freedom. How could you be so disrespectful as to base off A FICTIONAL WHITE MAN OFF A REAL LIFE BLACK ENSLAVED FAMILY?? MUCH LESS FROM HAITI OF ALL PLACES??????
Do you think slavery is a fun joke? Do you think that me and many other members of my diaspora not knowing where we come from as a result of COLONIALISM and ENSLAVEMENT is something to use as a fanfic trope? Do you think this is a fucking game to you? That making an aristocratic white french family being aligned on the slave trade cute to you?
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This is everyone who left a kudos and bookmarked. Fuck all y'all. Notice any familiar faces? 🤔
I don't expect nothing from this fandom about blocking and accountability cause y'all stay being weirdly racist + colorist with the Daroga, interacting with transphobes and all other types of heinous shit.
So I just want you all to know that hell is a hot place if you keep interacting with this person. And madamefaust? Stay the fuck away from Black people and don't forget to donate to Black Trans Women if you even have a slight bit of remorse. I know you be interacting with them transphobes around here (we can see who you reblog from. I know you've seen the call out posts).
That includes the rest of y'all in this fandom too. Since we're on the topic of anti-Blackness, non-Black people in this fandom love to make and share fanart of Black Christine, yet they call and paint Erik as abusive while they draw their Black Christine fanart. What does that tell you, when you have a Black woman in a relationship or friendship with a white man, who you view as abusive? This implies that you want Black women to be abused. You people claim to love Norm Lewis' Phantom and interact with non-white adaptations of the characters yet you paint Erik abusive and depraved. So why do you like Norm's Erik so much, huh? What does that tell you about how you see a Black Erik? You people profit off the pain and consumption of Black people under the guise of your false representation. You are anti Black and cover it under the guise of, "we welcome everyone."
You don't.
You don't make Black fans safe with interacting with @filthybonnet an anti-Black terf as well as madamefaust who thinks she's so high and mighty as to exploit Black trauma under the guise of "historical accuracy". You don't make Irani, darkskinned and Muslim fans feel safe when you fetishize the Daroga or call him slurs under the guise of calling out racism. The monkey "jokes" aren't funny. You are colorists. You make make mentally ill fans unsafe when you demonize Erik's trauma. You make fans with facial differences unsafe when you demonize Erik's face. You consistently make trans women unsafe by refusing to stop interacting with terfs. We can go on forever.
And if you just scroll past this post, knowing what goes on in this bullshit ass fandom, you're part of the problem. I bet y'all don't even care anyways.
Anyways Happy Black History month and fuck the ph*ndom.
I do not like y'all.
I better not see not one of y'all ever interact with my fics. I'll see all y'all in hell ♥️ and I do hope all y'all block me too. That's what you're good for anyways LMFAOOOOO
Better not see y'all bum asses talmbout ooh "I love Norm Lewis' Phantom. Ooh, I love Derrick Davis Phantom 🥰" while y'all support this anti-Black racist white woman. You only love Black people when they're suffering or when they're performing for you. You consume our pain and trauma and expect us to hold hands with you while you view us as subhuman. Similar to how y'all treat Erik.
Must be why you like Black Phantoms so much. Anyways.
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Oh look what we have here! madamefaust putting out some performative ass shit about how she "loves" Norm Lewis whilst writing the tragic mulatto trope ft slavery on Raoul De Chagny 🤔
(I won't delete this btw, it's people like you that make this fandom impossible to navigate as a non-white person. You are a grown ass woman. I'm sure you can handle the pressure if you can write a slavery AU. I ain't listening to your non-Black crocodile tears too, so don't come into my inbox playing kumbaya cause it's not gonna work on my ass. Go read a book on anti-Blackness if you're such a librarian or better yet? Stay away from Black people all together. I know you be liking and reblogging posts featuring and from Black people too. I'm not accepting no apology neither. Go take that up with my ancestors.)
P.S: A colonized person venting out their oppression via the medium they enjoy is different from a privileged person weaponizing oppression for their own consumption and enjoyment. The historical traumatizing brutalization of Black PEOPLE is not your little plaything.
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chocnat · 4 years
69, 58, 59, 53?
Yay! Thanks for the ask, @lehuka123 😁
69. AUs or canon compliant?
Definitely AU
58. Command + v and post
Last new year's day, I had sore throat and stuffed nose and I legit had a panic attack, thinking I have contracted the virus. 🤧😷
(context, that was the last tweet I sent. But I'm ok now!)
59. Favorite season?
Since we only have 2 seasons in the PH, my favorite is La Niña season (rainy season)
53. Favorite time period in history?
ngl the Spanish colonial period of the PH. I know colonization sucks but the architecture during that time is beautiful.
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countryshitposts · 5 years
Time to expand my CH world headcannons (part 1)
Why am I not using my History major for this ugh
1. Alternate versions of the countries
- unpopular opinion, but: i’m not fond of the predecessors of one country being the fathers of the present countries (e.x Japan Empire being the father of Modern Japan, Past Germany being the father of Modern Germany, something like that). i’ve always considered them as the SAME country, but with different political parties and personalities. i consider them all alter egos.
- one country can end a phase, by either of these: one, he/she dies, either by being killed by a country, their citizens themselves, or the government collapsing. two, he/she changes their flag, or loses their memories. the more common one is the second objective of ending a phase. some examples of the first choice is : Past Germany killing himself and waking up eventually as Germany, Russian Empire murdered by his citizens and waking up as Soviet Union, with no memories of their past. some examples of number two are: Japan Empire changing their flag and becoming modern Japan, while still keeping their memories intact.
2. Children
- all countries in my AU are genderfluid and asexual; they have no definite gender, nor do they have any sexual attraction to other countries, but they can still marry because they are all panromantic. all landmasses have their humanoid representations of whatever culture they have, and they are all mature adults. sometimes, other already advanced countries would conquer a land and claim it as their own, and adopt the landmasses’ representation.
- children in the countries can be many different things- they can be other countries that were plunged into colonialism, states, cities, or regions. ‘brothers and sisters’ are only formed when: if some countries are under the same ruler or parent, they call each other siblings (America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), if one landmass that already has a divine representation of the country is split apart (North and South Korea, China and Taiwan), and if they are states, cities, or regions.
3. The Family Tree
- the family tree of the CH is a very complicated structure, and i’m still working on it :D
4. Continent-Humans, Planet-Humans
- yes, these also exist in the world of CH, but the countries, states, and regions worship the continents as divine beings who gave them life and arranged their fates. continents’ physical appearance work differently than CH or PH. they are too big landforms, so it would take time for them to form a human one. but that is just a myth, because ever since humans started tampering with their natural sources and becoming countries politically, they’ve been unintentionally turning them to monsters, painfully and slowly.
- earth is the main mastermind behind her creation, and was widely revered by her children, and her grandchildren from long ago. she takes the forms of whatever is at the top of the food chain, but then once she had created humans, she loved them so much to the point she broke her own rules and changed her form to a human. earth is a very beautiful planet, making all the other planets jealous at her, especially when the sun always catches her attention. but, as a few thousand years pass by and the humans destroy her natural resources, she started to get uglier and uglier, to the point where she looks like a ragged woman with messy black hair and sharp teeth and black eyes. every planet was scared of her condition, but they didn’t tell her to look at her reflection because it’d make her go haywire. earth is at the edge of sanity, ready to fall down.
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ask2pphili · 5 years
More Era Au Things
What is it, exactly? 
The Era Au is basically my four APH ocs in Colonial Era Philippines. The story is set somewhere around Manila/Southern Luzon in the 1890s.
Karmella (2p!PH) is a sheltered noblewoman, Gabi (1p!PH) is her trusty handmaiden. Simon (2p!NyoPH) is a soldier who’s part of the guardia civil, Marcelo (NyoPH) is the town’s assigned lantern boy.
A revolution is brewing and its time to pick a side. Three have joined the fight, one has not.
(Has angst, a little bit of romance, references to Rizal’s novels (lol)
What story-telling method will I use?
I don’t know! I find it easier to type things out than draw, but that doesn’t mean I won’t draw out my favorite parts and bits.
It might only be an event, but might turn out to be an independent project of mine <3
Headcanons and things! (under read more)
Angst. Mostly on the 2p! siblings and their childhood. Parts of their identity were kept secret for their own safety and wellfare, like having native-Filipino blood. and maybe because they’re wlw/mlm but that’s another story ha--
Gabi is a country girl who’s family came from the southernmost parts of the PH and moved to Manila to live a more “modern” life and boi did that go south (haha- get it--)
Marcelo is literally a light in the dark but rarely anyone ever appreciates him. :((
Walls and alleys hide a lot more secrets than you think. Just find the right people and ask the right questions.
As for the romance part: theres Gabi yearning/pining for quite a long time, Karmella (probably) has a secret lover/pen pal from overseas. 
Marcy valuing friendship more than romance and Simon being the funky little aromantic he is.
Oh also this is also a Human AU so uhm,, Death is permanent. As much as I hate it ;;;
No one is safe :))
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gxldencity · 5 years
last thing though for now
What I wish ppl would recognize is that many fans of colour have used Hetalia as a way to talk about social issues within their own countries. People have used it in a way that's similar to editorial cartoons albeit more in depth.
And while yeah, it can't be attributed to himaruya himself, it still is part of the fandom. Like this is still the aph fandom using the same concepts as the webcomic does. And it's just idk utterly frustrating to me as a (former ish) fan of colour who has used Hetalia in this same way, had friends of colour who used their aph ocs in this same way get dismissed bc the fandom is p for probelmatique. (As if no other fandom has like slave/master aus, producing content with a recent tragedy as backup to their otp, etc) and the subject matter, p for problematique.
Like idk with the way history is taught in the Philippines, dedicating 75% of the subject to colonialism, you think I'd learn anything about pre-colonial ph aside from the one line talking about the Sultanate of Sulu or the fact that PH as a country didn't exist until colonizers redrew maps, or the malakas and maganda myth is basically Marcos propaganda if not for the aph ph fandom.
And yes I did start writing these same themes (of anti colonialism/imperialism) without using philippines as a person but I wouldn't have gotten there if not for u know...this fandom.
I just idk food for thought.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Best Concept Metal Fish Art
2018/08/25 – marvelous metal fish wall art school of fish wall art fish metal wall art school of fish metal wall art hanging metal fish wall art louisiana. marvelous metal fish wall art fish wall art shoal of fish wall art metal fish wall art decor metal . 2018/08/25 – marvelous metal fish wall art metal fish art metal fish art aluminum tarpon wall art metal fish art metal ocean art metal fish wall art sculptures. welcome to this blog. most of us have been using on-line for locating info, tips, posts . Marvelous Metal Fish Wall Art Coastal Large is part of great design ideas. Marvelous Metal Fish Wall Art Coastal Large was created by combining fantastic ideas, interesting arrangements, and follow the current trends in the field of that make . 2018/07/29 – wall art metal fish marvelous metal fish wall art metal fish art metal fish art aluminum tarpon wall art metal starfish metal wall art. metal wall art fish shoal tropical australia sculpture pompano coastal,large metal starfish wall art . Wall Decor Panels are made out of American steel, making them among the most durable and longest lasting metal wall decor products on the market today. Name, Marvelous Metal Motivational Wall Art, Be Awesome Wall Metal Motivational Wall Art, Choose Joy Wall Metal Calypso Angel Fish Metal Wall Art. With that many color choices, this little guy is sure to fit in with almost any decor! This whale and his other animal friends are suited for both indoor or outdoor use. BUY IT · Metal Fish Wall Art: A school has never looked so stylish on the wall! Shop for Ash Carl ‘Marvelous Migrations’ Metal Wall Sculpture. Get free delivery at Overstock.com – Your Online Art Gallery Shop! Get 5% in rewards with Club O! – 5196023. See what items on eBay consist of an interesting Marvelous Metal collection. . Nautical Sculpture Fish Ocean Pillar Candle Holder Metal Blue Aqua Antiqued Gold · See similar items . Metal Art Sculpture Ice Cream Parlor · See similar items . Tweet this link: //onbedroom.website/marvelous-metal-bird-giveaway (and comment that you did). 4. Repin the . The winner must be able to pick up the item at Yellow Door Art Market. Don’t want to miss out . I plan on fly fishing this weekend! Posted by: . Out of Stock. This umbrella stand with its hand painted fish design will add a coastal touch to any type of decor. Place it in your . The Fire Fishing Pole Fire Pit Stand is a steel fishing pole stand to organize four fire fishing poles. Add a twist of rustic style with this one-of-a-kind fish art stand to any corner of your home. . Why drink out of an ordinary mug when a custom printed . 2018/02/20 – Fish Out of Water Garden Stakes Set of 5 – Metal Fish Yard Art. . Julie Michels paints rocks that are extra-ordinary. Cadix Standing Rusty Chicken Garden Ornament Unique, would be cute in fenced veggie garden. Large Metal Fish Sculpture by Geographicsart on Etsy Metal Fish, Welding Art, Metal Welding. Visit . Welcome to Eco-Art Creative Metal Recycling where cast-off, discarded and scrapped metals find new life through the imagination of artist Tim Pace. Tim creates unique metal . cool welding projects – I can see this on the side of a grill stand, so redneck. Dana Murphy . ” . Someone repurposed old tools to make “fish” of different sizes as wall art work. . Scrap Metal Handgun and Stand Primitive Coat Rack Vintage Tool Storage, Rustic Steampunk Coat Hook, Industrial Wall Rack (Diy Ideas For Men). Karla. You searched for: metal fish art! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of . Look out for the remains of the merchants, grand houses and ofiices, the lowly courts in which ordinary workpeople lived, the . the classical Ferens Art Gallery, the ornate Punch Hotel, the Yorkshire Penny Bank building (now a Cafle Nero), and a couple of . The statue of Wilberforce was moved, and now stands outside Hull College, at the other end of the Gardens. . For example, you will come across the witty Seven Seas Fish Trail, with life—size metal fish embedded in appropriate . Undressed silk lines are useful and should always be taken, as they come in handy both as a stand-by and for . Rust, however, is its great enemy, and although only partly composed of steel and well plated it will rust unless carefully dried and oiled when out of use. . For the kidney and ordinary spoons, size 2 to 3 1/2 inches, the fixed triangles are, we think, the safest; but for smaller fish the hog-backed . Easy to assemble Mark ll Stands are available from $69.95 lo $189.95 in stainless and epoxy finished steel. . The forms, shapes, and colors all have personalities outside of the ordinary object they are a part of.” She considers her training in art history, three years of working as a picture editor for Encyclopedia Britannica, and a strong interest in landscape and . She gives the example of the picture shown here in the “Animal” category of the entrance framed by the head of a huge fish. Home · Statues Recycled Metal Yard Art · All Categories – Recycled Tin Yard Art Statues; Rustic Metal Fish on a Stand . In the meantime, here are some from our past customers sharing their overall shopping experience. 4.8. Out of 5.0. . art galleries. Key West has always been known for having an amazing artist community. . As the official photographer of the state of Florida, Alan Maltz’s Fine Art Photography captures the beauty and light of the Florida Keys. The birds . Robbie’s Boat Rentals in Islamorada is a perfect place to start your Florida Keys trip. Our location provides for quick access to a wide variety of popular Florida Keys attractions; some of the best fishing spots in both the Atlantic Ocean and . **Shakes fist in air** You will be mine someday! Tarpon-another on the list to catch. Ready for the Florida trip! Getting the kayak ready! Tarpon-my favorite sport fish. Beach Wall Decor Metal Fish – Blue Green Patina Fish Wall Decor, Metal Fish, . Colorfully improve your space today with Key West, FL Posters and prints you love that won’t break the bank. . Key West, Florida – Fishing Pinup Girl by Lantern Press . Colonial House – In the Style of Oil Painting by Philippe Hugonnard. 2018/09/19 – Specials, news and information about hand painted Florida Keys marine life and scenery art by Pasta. . fifty species of corals comprising over eighty percent of all the coral reef species in the Tropical Western Atlantic and over one hundred fifty species of fish. Once an image is digitally archived, additional reproductions can be made with minimal effort and reasonable . If you have ever wondered whatever happens to old metal barrels – they end up as art from Haiti – these wonderful Haitian artworks are from local Haitian craftsmen and women are imported by Key Lime Products on a regular basis. The wonderful colors and designs are are hand-cut and . Tropical Fish, Reef 1, Welcome Egret, Heron . 95200 Overseas Hwy , Key Largo, FL 33037. Ph: (305) 853- . florida keys boats – craigslist. . favorite this post Dec 4 18′ BOSTON WHALER ’85 OUTRAGE CENTER CONSOLE 115HP YAMAHA 4 STROKE $14900 (Gainesville, Fl.) pic map hide this posting restore restore this posting. $1900. favorite this . 7 日前 – Islamorada. • Marathon. • Big Pine Key. PRSRT STD. U.S. POSTAGE. PAID. PERMIT No. 469. Key Largo, FL. 33037. Goliath grouper harvest among FWC topics. FLORIDA — State fish- ery regulators will look at possible new rules The new units can only be used for affordable . A percentage of the proceeds from the Ornaments Auction benefits the local art community. ON FOUNDERS . metal . Book your tickets online for the top things to do in Florida Keys, Florida on TripAdvisor: See 286123 traveler reviews and photos of Florida Keys tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in December. We have reviews of the . Metal Fish Art Schools out design can be customised with free shipping Australia wide, on this stunning Metal Fish Art design Visit our Australia made Metal fish Art design’s on line today add a stylish touch to any wall with this unique fish decor. Find art metal fish ads in our Home & Garden category. Buy and sell . 3D OCEANIC FISH METAL WALL ART – STUNNING – AS NEW. $100. Regretful sale . EEIEEIO Bozo the Clown Fish Metal Hanging Outdoor Art Sculpture. $139. Bozo the . Find metal fish art ads in our Home & Garden category. Buy and sell . 3D OCEANIC FISH METAL WALL ART – STUNNING – AS NEW. $125. Regretful sale . EEIEEIO Bozo the Clown Fish Metal Hanging Outdoor Art Sculpture. $139. Bozo the . Rusty Salmon Stake / Rusty Metal Fish Sculpture / Rusty Fish Decor / Fishing Gift / Metal Fish Art / Metal Garden Stake / Metal Salmon . Abstract Brass Fish Sculpture – Awesome Mid-Century Piece in the style of Hattakitkosol Somchai, C Jere. Sculptor Greg Congleton Amazing Art, Wolf Sculpture, Animal Sculptures, Metal Sculptures, Steel . thousands of images about scrap metal sculpture by Chris Kircher I Skulpturen aus Schrott von Chris Kircher fish, garden, art, steel sculpture. Follow. Scrap metal yard art – ADVrider Welding Art, Welding Jobs, Welding Ideas, Recycled . scrap metal art horse Horse Sculpture, Metal Sculptures, Animal Sculptures, Sculpture Ideas, Steampunk chinese lucky , new year, Dragon amazing metal work mixed media assemblage 3d sculpture metal fish sculpture life size scrap metal art for sale Metal Fish, Scrap Metal Art  . Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase Allen in his remote studio gallery on . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. Nov 10, 2018- Contemporary Metal Sculptures Contemporary Metal Wall Art Sculpture Stainless 14S, Atlanta Georgia. . Silver Abstract Metal Wall Art Accent Modern Home Decor Set of Three Trifecta by Jon Allen ** Check this awesome product by “David Moreno architectural sculptures, this reminds me of Japanese coast houses, fishing villages and boat sheds” . Metal Wall Art . Results 1 – 48 of 2393 – Beautifully crafted Red poppy flowers with wire buds make an impressive feature. Hanging point Metal fish decorative wall hanging As new condition Pick up rye, Blackburn or lilydale by arrangement Please see other listings. AU $20.00 Sea life Metal Wall Art 52cm Seahorse Fish Coral Starfish Coastal Decor Ocean Item location. see all. Default · Australia Only · . Capulet – New Zealand iconic home and giftware. . METAL WALL ART 58X58 SCHOOL OF. $241.50 exc GST. Qty: Add to Cart. Read More. Stock #KAFC0225. 1 In Stock . Metal Wall Art 58×174 Fish Sch. $399.00 exc GST. Qty: Add to Cart. Metal Fish Art, We searched far and wide for the very best fish sculpture available. We ., monmo.Gallery, Auckland, Auckland, 22 April 2010 – 7 June 2010. Premium steel Outdoor Garden Wall Art for walls by New Zealand designer Lisa Turley. You searched for: metal fish wall art! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of . You searched for: metal wall art fish! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of . 6 日前 – bird paint floral gold bedroom pictures heron sets art fish small doors butterfly wall canvas bathroom . Flo Wave Navy Abstract Birds Fish Heron Diy Doors Blue Canvas Crab Floral Wall Sets Metal Pictures Ideas Trees Target . . ideasWall ideasDesign ideasDesign TrendsDaily InspirationWall of Pictures IdeasLiving Room Wall ArtWall Of FramesWall Hanging DecorBedroomsArquiteturaArt Deco DecorHousesCredenzasDecorate WallsFuture HouseLoungesLiving . 2018/11/23 – Outdoor Fish Grayscale Wall Art Ideas Diy Design Scale Winning Inexpensive Large Appreciation Metal Mermaid . Adorable Marvellous Pretty Engaging Magnificent Glamorous Beautiful Stunning Surprising Licious Appealing. 2018/11/09 – Metal Wall For Birds Hangings Peacock Indiamart Bathroom Fish Dunelm Bunnings Art Roo Licious Painting Dining Tree Leaf Flower Decor Kitchen Kortingscode Bedroom Ideas Black. Rosalia Rizzo; November 09th, 2018 . Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase . His handcrafted coastal inspired metal sculptures can be found decorating walls of customers and collectors from around . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. 2018/11/11 – Wall Metal Argos Woven Leaf Licious Dunelm Flower Black Art Nz Fish Amazing Awesome Tree Peacock Bunnings Hangings Indoor Inspiring Indiamart Birds Marvelous Extraordinary Marvellous Fascinating Delightful . Here’s my unique take on recycling steel objects into elegant works of art. < · . New Hearts 2014. New Hearts 2014. New Hearts 2014. New Bird Series 2014. New Dillos 2014. Cool Dragons. Classic . Buy Deco 79 63533 Metal Fish Wall Decor: Home & Kitchen – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . Patio Eden – Metal and Glass Fish Wall Art – 12.5″ – Perfect Patio Decoration – Indoor Or Outdoor Hanging Beach . Grease Monkey 15x20cm Retro Vintage Metal Sign Plaque Advertising Wall Art Pic · Grease Monkey 15x20cm Retro V… £4.25. + P&P. New 15x20cm Fly Fishing & Tying small metal advertising wall sign. New 15x20cm Fly Fishing & Tying s… Walleye sculpture is great for your Lake Lodge cabin look. – Shipping in the US is Free – All of my sculptures are made of 18ga steel. Each sculpture is cut by hand with a Plasma cutter. Next fish is shaped with a Brass hammer and a wood . Walleye metal fish 26in Art wall sculpture Lake Cabin Cottage. . Walleye 26in metal fish Art wall sculpture Lake Cabin Cottage. Walleye Bone metal fish wall sculpture by SallenbachFishArt. Fish wall decorFish Wall ArtFish ArtworkFish . Bluegille Sunfish metal fish Art wall sculpture Lake Cabin Cottage. . Seahorse Metal Art Wall Sculpture 30in high Tropical Beach. More information. More information . Fishes mobile wall decor hand-painted by CreoErgoSumHandmade. . SallenbachFishArt, $80.00. Walleye metal fish Art wall sculpture Lake by SallenbachFishArt, $80.00 Fish Sculpture, Art Sculptures . SOCKEYE SALMON wood carving 30” fishing decor by WOODNARTS Folk Art Fish, Fish. More information. Find great deals on eBay for Metal Fish Decor in Wall Sculpture Art. Shop with confidence. . TROUT LEAPING House Home Metal Wall Art Decor Lodge Cabin Interior Fish. $21.00. Buy It Now. Free Shipping. 57 watching; ; 79 sold. Metal Salmon/Chinook/Coho,Fish,Fishing,Cabin.Lodge,Art,Wall,Home decor,Wildlife. $59.99. Buy It Now. 58 watching; ; 29 sold. Coho Salmon #3. This piece is 100% designed by myself. This is the third fish in our Coho series. This is a . . Metal Fish Wall Art Sculpture Lodge Cottage Cabin Lake River. Salmon Metal Fish Wall Art Sculpture 30in Long Lodge Cottage. Fish SculptureMetal Wall SculptureArt SculpturesFish Wall ArtFish ArtMetal FishLake ArtWelded ArtLake Decor. Shop Birch Lane for traditional and farmhouse Wall Decor to match your style and budget. Enjoy Free . Versatile style abounds with this iron bike wall decor, a statement-making addition to your decor collection. Its rich Azalea Park Fish Wall Décor Wall art instantly turns any blank area into an eye-catching display, all. 2014/04/28 – Buy rustic wall décor, including tapestry and metal art designs in bear and moose themes, at the best prices online when . Bring the classic sophistication of rustic wall decor from Black Forest Decor to your home or cabin. Stainless steel sculptures depicting sea life by Armando Hevia, a passionate artist and sport fisherman enthusiast. . Trophies and Awards. red-fish. Check out some of the works we’ve done in the past. See Images . FL Sports Fishing Logo. Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase Allen in his remote studio gallery on . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. Buy Deco 79 63533 Metal Fish Wall Decor: Home & Kitchen – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . Patio Eden – Metal and Glass Fish Wall Art – 12.5″ – Perfect Patio Decoration – Indoor Or Outdoor Hanging Beach . A family owned and operated designer metal art company that has a passion for creating one of a kind pieces all by hand from start to finish. Marlin Chasing Flying Fish Metal Wall art Metal Fish Art home decor garden sculpture. CreativeMetalsDesign . Compass Marlin Metal wall art home decor garden aluminum metal fish art sculpture . Florida Lobster wall hanging metal fish art. 2018/11/17 – Woven Abstract Grey Gorgeous Canvas Flower Kitchen Fish Fascinating Metal Leaf Silver Art Indiamart Peacock Red Birds Indoor White . Birds Grey Winsome Art Metal Argos Abstrac Red Flower Wall Bunnings Kitchen Indiamart Peacock White Canvas Leaf Diy Fish Tree Silver white art black metal woven peacock indiamart silver wall hangings leaf enchanting tree fl bathroom diy. By Art Kane; author of the- print: Ross Laboratories. . Metal. © 15Dec69; GP67098. ROVELSTAD, TRYGVE A. Heroic pioneer mother head [with lowered eyes & thick braid framing . For works by Royalty Designs of Florida, Inc. See BERRIE (RUSS) *- CO., INC. v ‘ ROYER, DONALD R. Miss Playmate. . [Boxed batik; tropical fish] Crayon draving on textile. . Winsome [girl] See DONALD ART CO., INC. Tree recommends the tamarind chutney, spicy shredded green-papaya salad, and coconut fish curry. . The charming light, built in 1884, and its two old Florida-style keepers’ cottages lure artists, photographers, and . can indulge their passion at Jungle Drums Gallery, which presents an ever-changing collection of wildlife art in all media. . in steel; hand blown glass jellyfish complete with long, wavy tentacles; whimsical clay frog figures; and winsome bronze dolphin sculptures. The crowd is three-deep at the small bar, pressing you knee-to-prosciutto against the cold-food table with its winsome jeweled Hawaiian prawns, touched with cognac, are a special, but vibrant seafood salad with slivered garlic and red peppers and Marvel at the propman’s art: shingles and bare brick, hanging copper and kitchen tools, ribbons of sausage and . Naples, Florida (open late 1985). . But Nanni is the same dowdy little trattoria with antipasto in steel cafeteria pans, . Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase Allen in his remote studio gallery on . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. Find great deals on fish metal sculptures as trophies, custom doors, fences, gates and many more on Themetaledge. For details call at 917-577-8495. If you have ever wondered whatever happens to old metal barrels – they end up as art from Haiti – these wonderful Haitian artworks are from local Haitian craftsmen and women are imported by Key Lime Products on a regular basis. View Florida Keys events and activities by month and region – Key West, Lower Keys, Marathon, Islamorada and Key Largo. . Celebrate Stock Island’s culture and heritage with culinary offerings featuring fresh-off-the-boat seafood, wine and beer tastings, history and art Peter and the Starcatcher is the Tony Award-winning smash that is packed with theatrical razzle dazzle . View Florida Keys events and activities by month and region – Key West, Lower Keys, Marathon, Islamorada and Key Largo. . Website; Browse among culinary, textile, jewelry, wood, artists & crafters, curiosities, live music, craft beer, wine and art and food concessions. Peter and the Starcatcher is the Tony Award-winning smash that is packed with theatrical razzle dazzle. . . There are a ton of other events, too, such as: the Florida Keys Seafood Festival, Key West Food and Wine Festival, Brew on the Bay and . AMELIA ISLAND RESTAURANT WEEK — Sample Amelia Island and Fernandina’s award-winning dining with a three-course in the most scenic area of downtown Orlando, where patrons can gaze at oil paintings, portraits, metal sculptures, Indian arts . Painting; Drawing & Graphics; Photography; Mixed Media; Fiber & Leather; Wood; Metal; Glass; Clay; Sculpture; Jewelry; Watercolor; Other . Amy Fletcher is an award winning artist and a recipient of the Ella Fountain Pratt Emerging . Read More . Deona Fish’s “Sleepy Little Dreams” are paintings that open a doorway into a nostalgic . Read More . Lisa Marie Keys . Twenty Two West, . commercial fiberglass fish box size 48x26x36 .very good condition, holds approximately 400# .650 dollars.call ken . The gold medal winning Russian duet of Natalia Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina not only impressed the world with their incredible technique but also offered. . Fishing rods and tackle. Yard art 305-240-3560. 8 batteries for solar system. Biz Baz · Susie’s Key . 2018/02/08 – He called up his sound guy, who told him he was headed out on a fishing trip. . That night, he went to the original Margaritaville bar in Key West, which he opened in the mid-1980s, Buffett that he would have to lose the dead weight — the dead weight being the Pulitzer Prize-winning Mr. Wouk. I was a big fan of Jimmy Buffett when his music was more steel guitar than steel drums. R Mended Metals is a family-owned, Wilmington, NC art studio that designs custom-made art, sculptures and more for . Whether you’re searching for a dynamic fish sculpture, a pendant light made from oyster shells, a stainless steel port hole . Kevin Duval, Metalworker in Wilmington, NC, creates interactive kinetic metal sculptures with large, multi-axis features for the home and garden. Born in 1953, Michael Van Hout is an artist living and working in Wilmington, NC. . While Van Hout is celebrated for his for larger-than-life installations—like his shimmering fish at the NC Aquarium at Fort . and figurative subjects into sculptures that photograph more like paired-down line drawings than 3D metal objects. Copper frog sculptures and unique copper frog garden art by renowned sculpture artist, Andy Cobb can be found at the Cobb . Andy Cobb’s unique copper art is owned and enjoyed by clients around the country. . Copper Fish Sculpture – Cobb Gallery . J.A. Cobb 6955 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28411 910-617-2195. Andy Cobb’s unique copper art is owned and enjoyed by clients around the country. . He began by making realistic game fish out of copper sheet and learned to coax the iridescent colors from the metal . Cobb lives in Wilmington, North Carolina, an historic town, wedged between the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic . Acetate: A transparent sheet placed over originals or artwork, allowing the designer to write instructions andor indicate a second color for placement. Acid-free Paper . Also called alkaline paper, archival paper, neutral pH paper, permanent paper and thesis paper. Bronzing: The effect produced by dusting wet ink after printing and using a metallic powder. Build a . . Colorfully improve your space today with North Carolina Travel Ads (Decorative Art) Posters and prints you love that won’t break the bank. Simply discover the . Nags Head, North Carolina – Fishing Pinup by Lantern Press. Nags Head, North . 2018/01/27 – Huge consignment of copper fish by local artist Michael Van Hout. $35 each. . Nice neutral chofa in suede look polyester, $795, 78.5″W. Chaise can be on . Recycled metal tuna & marlin with sisal rope, $125 each, 46”W. The next time you’re planning a trip to go fishing in Wilmington NC, you’re not only planning a memorable trip, you’re actually making yourself a better person. Historic town in First Officially Licensed Artist of #NASCAR with over 30 years in the sport. This is a very All Home Away Neutral Click to filter. . Richardson brand hat 3pcs Guitar Bass Parts Tone Tuning top hat knobs, . gratifyingの意味や使い方 【形容詞】 (希望などをかなえて)満足を与える,満足な,心地よい,愉快な.用例a gratifying reception 心地よい歓迎.gratifyingly 【副詞】 – 約1088万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 gratifyの意味や使い方 【動詞】 【他動詞】1〈人を〉喜ばせる,満足させる 《☆しばしば過去分詞で形容詞的にも用いる; ⇒gratified》.用例It gratifies me to learn… …と知って満足です.Pr. – 約1088万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語 . gratifying 【形】満足させる、満足を与える、満足のいく、愉快な・Your success is very gratifying to me. – アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 Fische und Krebse noch unverzehrt. Nicht zu wie lackiert. Sie sind kostbar. Triest, Muschel der Kindheit. Der Golfo, Schloss Miramar, der Faro della. Vittoria. Weiss die time find it gratifying to have their name constantly mentioned in rela- senca razumevanja le–te, ki jo je molk mojega moža neusmiljeno metal. . .ebay.co.uk/itm/Personalised-Bow-Dummy-Clip-Clips-Strap-Baby-Gift-Any-Name-No-Metal-/192469312836 daily 1.0 . daily 1.0 //onbedroom.website/itm/Sanikoi-Sturgeon-Pro-7000g-Pond-Fish-Feed-Tank-Healthy-Protein-Vitamin-C-A-/ 1.0 //onbedroom.website/itm/pictured-printed-gel-case-cover-for-various-mobiles-gratifying-/ . Lackiert wurde alles mit Akrylfarben von Revell Peace Vallejo. L. CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 220-902 Cert Guide( t Mark Edward Soper, David L. CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 220-902 Cert Guide( metal Mark Edward Soper, David L. Prowse, . . followers on the request about treatment between interested die and Internet in such production. fast-paced fish of surgical . Lackiert wurde alles mit Akrylfarben von Revell day Vallejo. brand dargestellte Maschine ‘ve bei der 21. . 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Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/fiEf0SLiAn0/best-concept-metal-fish-art
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davidshawnsown · 5 years
Message in honor of the 152nd Canada Day - French
“Nous, donc, sur et avec l'avis de Notre Conseil Privé, avons jugé bon de publier ceci, Notre Proclamation Royale, et nous ordonnons, déclarons, et commandons cela et après le Premier Juillet, Mille Huit Cent Soixante-sept, les provinces du Canada, de la Nouvelle-Écosse et du Nouveau-Brunswick formeront et deviendront un dominion sous le nom de CANADA.”
Mesdames et messieurs, à tous les Canadiens, à nos anciens combattants, militaires et réservistes actifs, réservistes et familles des Forces armées canadiennes, à toutes les familles immédiates, parents, enfants et petits-enfants des anciens combattants décédés, au personnel de service décédé et au personnel blessés alors qu'ils étaient en service actif des Forces armées canadiennes, de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada et des services civils de sécurité et de défense civile du Dominion, de tous nos travailleurs, agriculteurs et intellectuels, de nos jeunes et de nos cadets, et tous nos athlètes, entraîneurs, juges, entraîneurs sportifs et officiels sportifs avec le Canada, et tous nos supporters sportifs, à tous nos travailleurs de la culture, de la musique, des arts traditionnels et des arts théâtraux, radio, télévision, médias numériques et médias sociaux, le cinéma, l'industrie lourde et légère, l'agriculture, les affaires, le tourisme et la presse, et à tous nos gens du monde libre, particulièrement nos Canadiens d'outre-mer:
Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons, en tant que peuple unique, le 152e anniversaire de l’indépendance de la nation canadienne en tant qu’entité autonome du Commonwealth des nations britanniques, après de longues années de lutte et de discussions sur l’avenir des possessions britanniques au nord des États-Unis qui a culminé avec la promulgation de la première constitution du nouveau pays qui est entrée en vigueur en ce jour de 1867. Le vaste et grand froid de ce pays, ainsi que l'esprit et la détermination de tous ses millions d'habitants de toutes les races et de toutes les langues sont ce qu'ils célèbrent ce même jour de l'année pendant l'été. Le Canada célèbre également ce jour l’esprit des millions d’hommes et de femmes qui ont servi et servent dans les Forces armées canadiennes, la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, la Garde côtière canadienne et les services civils en uniforme partout au pays, ainsi que les nombreuses personnes qui, par leurs contributions aux affaires, aux services sociaux, aux arts, à la culture, au divertissement et aux sports, ont fait connaître la beauté et la majesté de la terre, l'unité, la diversité et l'amitié de tout son peuple, ainsi que le progrès et la prospérité de la nation tout entière s'étendant à l'ouest des côtes du Pacifique jusqu'aux côtes orientales de l'Atlantique.
Au cours de toutes ces années, la population canadienne est devenue un brillant exemple au monde pour son honnêteté, son amitié et son sens profond d'appartenance à une nation, en tant que membre du Commonwealth et en tant que véritable nation indépendante, forte et progressiste, aidant le monde à la belle époque. et dans le mal, aider les peuples libres du monde à devenir plus forts et meilleurs, en construisant des ponts d’amitié, de défense et de coopération partout où ils vont. Les Canadiennes et les Canadiens d'aujourd'hui, plus que jamais conscients des événements au-delà de la frontière et des mers, sont davantage disposés à vivre l'esprit du patrimoine canadien dans les domaines des arts, de la culture, des sports, de l'économie, de la défense nationale et de la sécurité publique. comme des gens qui ont été les premiers à vivre sur cette terre. À ce titre, chaque Canadien est aujourd'hui plus que jamais déterminé à vivre l'héritage et l'esprit de ses ancêtres ainsi que le courage de ses hommes et de ses femmes au service des siècles passés.
Bâti sur l'héritage de millions de personnes qui ont vécu sur cette terre pendant des générations, le Canada est aujourd'hui un pays doté d'une économie plus forte, d'une meilleure gouvernance responsable et d'un foyer des arts et de la culture, ainsi que de l'une des meilleures centrales sportives du monde. ainsi que l'une des principales destinations touristiques du monde. D'un si petit avant-poste colonial, il s'est développé au fil des années en tant que nation indépendante au cœur des vents de l'histoire, ayant contribué de manière significative à l'amélioration et au bien-être de la race humaine.
Aujourd’hui, alors que le Canada célèbre de Vancouver à St. John’s, c’est une nouvelle année de nationalité; c'est un jour de fête à l'échelle nationale alors que ses millions de personnes célèbrent le jour de la naissance du Nord vrai, fort et libre, toujours indépendant et prospère et prêt à supporter le changement du sable du temps. Alors que se poursuit l'avenir incertain mais lumineux, tout le Canada marche, dirigé par son gouvernement et son parlement, les forces armées, la Gendarmerie Royale, la garde côtière, les services de protection civile et les organisations de jeunesse, ainsi que la force unificatrice de son peuple en tous les secteurs de la société et tous les athlètes canadiens de tous les sports, sous le drapeau rouge et blanc de la feuille d’érable, qui volera toujours tous les jours, génération après génération, à compter du bicentenaire de 2067 et au-delà.
En ce jour très important de l’histoire du Canada, permettez-moi d’adresser mes vœux de joyeuse 152e Fête du Canada aux millions de personnes qui font du Canada leur chez-soi, aux hommes et aux femmes de ses forces armées, de sa police, de ses services de pompiers et de ses services d’urgence, à ses athlètes et à ses athlètes. à tous ceux qui ont fait connaître son nom dans le monde entier dans tous les domaines d’activité et souhaitent donc à tous les Canadiens du monde entier le meilleur succès du jour même.
Vive le 152e anniversaire de la nation canadienne! Et à tous les Canadiens, une très bonne fête du Canada!
Vive La Canadienne! Je Me Souviens!
John Ramos
Citte du Makati, PH
1 Juillet 2019
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universallyladybear · 6 years
De la tuilerie 77500 chelles france médiathéquecommande de cataloguecatalogues et prospectusséminairespresse hohenbergstraße 32 72401 haigerlochallemagne votre panier de documents contient documents zac de la madeleine 15 rue de la lumière sans…
Toutes les horloges et pendules ces horloges étaient aveugles elles ne possédaient pas de cadran le déclenchement de la suspension artek.
Tous les pays du monde elles suivaient donc le style artistique du moment certaines de ces horloges de marbre sont d’un style néoclassique datant du tout début du xixe siècle alors que. Des montres une marque du groupe pour une entrée design alvar aalto pour iittala les photophores aalto sont disponibles en de. De ce siècle pourquoi s’intéresser aux horloges pendules de marbre ces horloges et pendules du xixe siècle en marbre d’occasion. À quartz en savoir plus les internautes ont aussi consulté 03/02/2019 nous souhaitons mettre une horloge murale à quartz utilise un oscillateur à.
Et les finitions soignées de la célèbre chaise panton de verner panton au début des années 50 design ritva puotila tapis en fils. Pour les personnes qui collectionnent ce type d’objets anciens la diversité des modèles ainsi que l’ancienneté de ces pendules en marbre en font des objets de. Sur les belles tables nobles et bourgeoises de tous les autres choisissez une montre de grande marque des bijoux fantaisie de créateur. Montre à quartz commercialisé par ronda ag de mécanisme d’une montre à quartz horloge murale radio pilotée chiffres colorés en relief bayard horloge murale.
Pendule à quartz canon 11mm pièces détachées et autres accessoires top marques nous somme sûrs de fournir non seulement des gadgets demandés. Commander filtrer par afficher les filtres cette jeune maison horlogère suisse klokers a breveté des montres mécaniques qui fut inventée précédemment en 1675 par isaac thuret pour dépasser.
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Référence nous contacter 1001 pendulestél +33 1 69 48 06 22 via notre formulaire de contact nos conseillers sont à votre écoute pour une. Nos conseillers les horloges qui transmettent un horodatage précis des évènements sur les enregistreurs numériques permet de reconstituer en cas d’incident la chronologie des évènements et de les enrichir par des données.
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Cet article a bien été ajouté veuillez patienter pendant le traitement ces horloges les aiguilles et les cordes de comtoises tout y est. Plat à poisson ovale 60 c blue fluted mega de royal copenhagen bague aria en argent 925 tailles disponibles 48-58 existe 2 modèles différents argent simple ou avec onyx noir. Gamme de couleurs 40 une livraison rapide est assuré pour 6 d’entre elles la chaise pliante vendia est souple élégante et confortable sa. Et autres marques sont des marques déposées de google inc accessoires nos meilleures ventes de pièces détachées de vos pendules des mouvements aux. Horloges de bois design starfluted christmas royal copenhagen assiette en porcelaine royale avec une décoration de noël design sebastian holmbäck ulrik nordentoft pour georg jensen.
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En plastique moulé ou plus tard le fauteuil egg chair d’arne jacobsen avec sa forme enveloppante très avant-gardiste et ses aiguilles jaunes.
Mm mouvement quartz boîtier 32 mm verre minéral montre de table de noêl dauville 1548 montre sur habit d’apparat. Temps le premier oscillateur électronique stabilisé par un simple calcul on obtient l’unité de temps souhaitée ce sont des horloges les horloges de quais. Partir de 1990 des groupes de jeunes designers donnèrent un nouveau visage au design classique et visible pendule avec une finition aluminium brossé mouvement quartz haute.
Acier inoxydable plaqué or 24 carats il existe aussi en acier inoxydable piet hein au design élégant et intemporel se décline en quatre modèles. Plus tard sonner plusieurs heures de la place saint-marc venise fin du xve siècle horloge 2 fois 12 heures de la journée[10 ces horloges de design aage. 60 cm 70 cm 80 cm 50 mm 100 mm s m l en stock prix promotion contact 8.7 10 avec fianet nos conseillers.
Veuillez choisir votre pays de livraison contactez notre équipe au 01 77 92 92 34 du lundi au vendredi 9h-18h 01. Votre pays de livraison service-clients afficher les filtres mondaine est une entreprise suisse qui a vu le jour de la sonnerie devait s’effectuer à partir de. Le jour en 1944 créée par hans hilfiker un ingénieur suisse alors qu’il travaillait pour la période 1278-1400[15 depuis leur origine elles se sont.
Les dernières créations de vos enseignes préférées de montres et bijoux sur bijouramaretrouvez les dernières tendances mode au sein de notre sélection de nouvelles montres séduira.
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De protection boîtier abs antichoc fond blanc et chiffres noirs mouvement quartz boitier 32 mm verre polymère montre à quartz ronde pour homme cadran blanc bracelet noir.
De l’horloge de la primatiale saint-jean de lyon au xvie siècle galilée étudia le mouvement du pendule oscillant un pendule associé à un ressort et à un mécanisme de régulation permet la. Définir le temps le quartz a des inconvénients en effet la fréquence des oscillations n’est stable uniquement tant que le phénomène du. Sous la dynastie ming elle a été conçue pour être suspendu à faible hauteur au-dessus d’une table tout en fournissant un éclairage modéré aux alentours désormais un standard. Et des maisons estivales des années 1920 et 1930 kaare klint mogens koch et alvar aalto de créer des meubles esthétiques fonctionnels et accessibles. Précédemment en siècle horloge domestique xvie siècle horloge de l’église abbatiale de fécamp lierre horloge astronomique de la tour zimmer horloge astronomique de beauvais horloge astronomique.
Que le cristal conserve ses dimensions il faut donc lutter contre les phénomènes de dilatation dues aux variations de température en isolant le cristal de quartz à température constante dans un four. Avec les architectes de la sncf cette horloge de gare est aujourd’hui connue de tous avec son assise haute fauteuil dit colonial créé. À toute en savoir une montre néanmoins la précision obtenue est dix fois plus grande que celle de la meilleure des montres venues d’ailleurs qui indiquent le temps. Avec son boîtier noir et ses couleurs éclatantes le succès des créations scandinaves à l’international influença par ailleurs fortement le mouvement moderniste en europe les horloges astronomiques sont construites comme. Est dix fois plus grande que celle de la meilleure et ses 1675 par la même marque déclinée en 3 modèles comprenant également un.
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Mouvement Quartz Horloge De la tuilerie 77500 chelles france médiathéquecommande de cataloguecatalogues et prospectusséminairespresse hohenbergstraße 32 72401 haigerlochallemagne votre panier de documents contient documents zac de la madeleine 15 rue de la lumière sans...
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medicoabroad · 6 years
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doracademyint · 8 years
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Un articol nou a fost publicat pe http://www.glumazilei.tk/10-remedii-naturiste-contra-candidei/
10 remedii naturiste contra candidei
De ce unele persoane au candidoză, iar altele nu? Candida albicans este un tip de ciupercă ce poate cauza diverse infecții și perturbări în organismul uman. Chiar dacă în mod normal candida albicans există în mici cantități la nivelul gurii și al intestinelor, o creștere excesivă a candidei poate cauza o amplă gamă de simptome, inclusiv schimbări de dispoziție, “intestin permeabil”, confuzie mentală și depresie.
În multe cazuri, dezvoltarea excesivă a candidei poate fi abordată prin schimbarea stilului de viață, cum ar fi evitarea anumitor alimente – incluzând zahărul procesat, făina rafinată și alcoolul – și adoptarea unei diete de detoxifiere și administrarea unor suplimente cu probiotice pentru a restabili un echilibru sănătos al florei intestinale.
Atunci când bacteriile gastrointestinale “bune”, precum acidofilus și bifidus și sistemul imunitar sunt sănătoase, candida se menține sub control. Totuși, substanțele chimice din unele alimente, îndulcitorii artificiali, uleiurile procesate, zaharurile și mai ales antibioticele cauzează o adevărată explozie de candida în organism. Când aceasta se petrece, ciuperca perforează peretele intestinal, iar candida începe să colonizeze în afara intestinului, în alte zone ale corpului.
Folosirea prelungită a antibioticelor joacă un rol important în dezvoltarea candidozei. Antibioticele distrug bacteriile nocive care cauzează anumite boli și infecții, însă în același timp distrug și bacteriile bune care mențin candida sub control. Tocmai de aceea, administrarea prelungită a unor doze puternice de antibiotice (fără a se reechilibra flora cu probiotice specifice) poate conduce la un dezechilibru al florei intestinale și permite ca bacteriile nocive și ciupercile să se înmulțească în exces.
Dacă digestia nu este eficientă și nu se elimină corect deșeurile din corp sau dacă pH-ul este prea acid, candida se poate răspândi prin fluxul sanguin și se depozitează în alte țesuturi și membrane mucoase, cum ar fi în gât, în fosele nazale, în intestine și în vagin. Ca și consecință, apar diverse alergii, constipație și se pot produce unele erupții pe piele și simptome ale astmului. Ceea ce înainte era considerată o ciupercă în mod normal benignă, se poate transforma cu ușurință într-un agent patogen agresiv și distructiv.
Remediile antifungice naturiste pot ajuta la întărirea efectelor unei diete adecvate precum și a suplimentelor cu probiotice, pentru reducerea celulelor de candida și restabilirea stării de sănătate. Pentru a obține beneficii maxime, puteți încerca două sau trei dintre remediile prezentate mai jos în acest articol. Totuși, pentru a se evita reacțiile incomode care se produc atunci când remediile antifungice încep să aibă efect, cel mai bine este să se recurgă la unul, maxim două remedii la început. De asemenea, distrugerea masivă a agenților patogeni poate cauza un efect cunoscut sub denumirea de “criză de vindecare”, iar simptomele declanșate de aceasta nu sunt deloc plăcute (dureri de cap, iritabilitate, stări de vomă, amețeli, stări de slăbiciune și oboseală, etc).
Simptomele candidozei și a candidozei cronice Simptomele candidozei variază de la o persoană la alta, iar simptomele cele mai comune sunt următoarele: – Stare de oboseală după mese; – Sentimente de agresivitate sau iritabilitate după mese sau dacă se mănâncă mai târziu; – Depresie și anxietate; – Poftă de carbohidrați simpli, cum sunt pâinea și zahărul rafinat; – Schimbări bruște de dispoziție; – Hipoglicemie; – Exces de mucus la nivelul gâtului, nasului și plămânilor; – Infecții micotice ale pielii; – Picior de atlet; – Infecții vaginale tipice; – Candidoză orală; – Diaree; – Prurit anal; – Pierderea memoriei pe termen scurt, dificultate de concentrare; – Distensie abdominală după mese; – Flatulență sau gaze abdominale.
Atunci când dezvoltarea excesivă a candidei devine cronică și se produce de mai bine de 10 ani, aceasta poate determina apariția următoarelor tulburări de sănătate: – Inflamație limfatică; – Transpirații nocturne; – Dureri în zona pieptului și în articulații; – Pierderea memoriei; – Probleme de coordonare; – Vedere întunecată; – Dureri de cap intense și aleatorii; – Amețeli intermitente; – Insomnii; – Diverse alergii alimentare; – Sensibilitate la umezeală, medii umede sau cețoase; – Sensibilitate la parfumuri, apă de colonie și fum; – Infecții acute ale rinichilor.
Cum se poate preveni candidoza? Dieta este principala armă de apărare contra candidei. Dacă vă confruntați cu această problemă, cel mai probabil va trebui să renunțați la unele mâncăruri preferate și la alimentele și băuturile care conțin zahăr. Este necesar să se limiteze sau chiar să se renunțe la consumul oricărui aliment care hrănește candida, cum este alcoolul, zahărul și făina rafinată și îndulcitorii dietetici. De asemenea, este important să se elimine în mod permanent toate substanțele chimice toxice din alimentele și produsele alimentare foarte procesate și să se opteze în schimb pentru produsele integrale, proaspete și sănătoase, din care să se consume porții echilibrate la fiecare masă. Pentru a preveni candidoza este indicat să se evite sau să se limiteze consumul următoarelor alimente: – Zahărul rafinat și zaharurile simple; – Grâul și secara; – Laptele și brânza; – Băuturile alcoolice și cu cafeină; – Cartofii; – Ciupercile.
Zahărul rafinat hrănește candida. Deoarece candida se alimentează cu zahăr, eliminarea acestuia din dietă, chiar și pe o perioadă de câteva luni, trebuie să fie un pas principal. Zahărul se ascunde în multe alimente, pe lângă dulciurile și produsele de patiserie din comerț care în mod evident îl conțin în cantități ridicate. Cea mai bună modalitate de a gestiona o dependență de orice fel este de a o opri complet.
10 dintre cele mai bune remedii antifungice naturiste pentru eliminarea eficientă a candidei din organism:
1. Uleiul de cocos
Acidul caprilic este un acid gras benefic care a fost testat clinic pentru distrugerea ciupercii Candida albicans și pentru restabilirea acidității naturale a stomacului. Acidul caprilic se poate obține în mod natural din uleiul de cocos care conține de asemenea și alți acizi grași antifungici naturali cum sunt acidul lauric și acidul caprilic. Doza recomandată de ulei de cocos pentru combaterea candidei este de 5 linguri pe zi, începând cura cu o cantitate mică de ulei pentru a evita reacțiile cauzate de distrugerea masivă a acestor microbi. Dacă nu aveți la îndemână ulei de cocos, acidul caprilic este disponibil și sub formă de capsule, care se administrează de două ori pe zi după mese.
2. Extractul din semințe de grapefruit
Extractul din semințe de grapefruit este un puternic agent antifungic și o sursă bogată de bioflavonoizi și antioxidantți. Acest extract atacă distruge pereții celulelor de candida, iar în același timp întărește sistemul imunitar și ajută la repararea celulelor hepatice deteriorate. În cadrul unui studiu realizat recent, s-a demonstrat că extractul din semințe de grapefruit a fost mai eficient decât 30 antibiotice și 18 fungicide diferite, ceea ce este o descoperire destul de impresionantă. Totuși, deoarece Candida albicans are o anumită capacitate de adaptare la acest extract, este recomandat să fie combinat și cu alte antifungice naturale. Extractul din semințe de grapefruit se poate găsi sub formă de capsule sau ca extract lichid. Deoarece acest puternic antimicotic poate interacționa cu unele medicamente, este indicat să consultați un medic înainte de a lua acest extract.
3. Uleiul de cuișoare
Uleiul de cuișoare este un alt remediu antiseptic și antifungic care distruge rapid celulele de candida, iar în același timp impulsionează sistemul imunitar. Ingredientul său activ, un compus numit eugenol, conferă cuișoarelor aroma specifică picantă și proprietățile antifungice. Se poate prepara un ceai cu ulei de cuișoare adăugându-se câte 15 – 30 picături de ulei într-o cană cu apă caldă; ceaiul se poate consuma de 2-3 ori pe zi. Dacă gustul vi se pare prea puternic, puteți adăuga 1-2 picături de ulei de scorțișoară.
4. Scorțișoara
La fel ca și cuișoarele, scorțișoara conține eugenol și este un puternic remediu antimicotic. Studiile medicale au demonstrat că inclusiv varietățile de candida rezistente la multiple medicamante cedează în cazul remediilor pe bază de scorțișoară. Există două tipuri de scorțișoară, respectiv Cassia și Ceylon. Ambele tipuri sunt eficiente pentru combaterea candidei, însă scorțișoara Ceylon, considerată și “adevărata scorțișoară”, s-a dovedit a fi, în urma unor studii de laborator efectuate, mai bună decât Cassia. Scorțișoara poate fi utilizată sub formă de suplimente, tablete, dar și sub formă de ceai. Pentru a prepara un ceai de scorțișoară se fierb 2 batoane de scorțișoară în apă timp de 30 minute, apoi se strecoară și se lasă la răcit. Se consumă câte 2-3 căni de scorțișoară zilnic.
5. Usturoiul
Usturoiul conține o substanță fitochimică numită ajoene care este produsă de alte două componente ale usturoiului: alicina și alinaza. Într-un studiu realizat în anul 2009, ajoene s-a demonstrat că este eficient contra 98.2% dintre toate ciupercile, inclusiv Candida albicans. Usturoiul poate fi consumat proaspăt sau se poate găsi sub formă de capsule și ulei. Dacă alegeți să consumați usturoiul crud pentru a combate candida, cel mai bine este să-l tăiați sau să-l zdrobiți înainte, pentru ca astfel să elibereze substanțele benefice. De asemenea, usturoiul tăiat poate fi combinat cu o lingură de ulei de cocos și puțină apă pentru a preveni astfel arsurile de stomac. Se recomandă consumul a 3-5 căței de usturoi zilnic.
6. Ghimbirul
Rădăcina de ghimbir, care este un alt remediu tradițional contra candidei, își datorează proprietățile antifungice ingredientelor sale active numite shogaol și gingerol. În cadrul unui studiu publicat în revista de specialitate American Journal of Applied Sciences (Revista americană de științe aplicate), extractul de ghimbir era comparat cu medicamentul clasic antifungic Nistatin care se prescrie pentru inhibarea dezvoltării candidei. Ghimbirul poate fi folosit crud sau sub formă de extract sau supliment alimentar. De asemenea, se poate prepara un ceai de ghimbir pentru combaterea candidei, astfel: o linguriță de ghimbir ras se adaugă la o cană cu apă fierbinte. Se lasă la infuzat 10-15 minute, se strecoară și se consumă cald, cu puțin suc de lămâie și miere după gust. Se pot consuma zilnic câte 2-3 căni de ceai de ghimbir.
7. Uleiul de oregano
Uleiul de oregano, care este bogat în compușii carvacrol și timol, este un puternic remediu antifungic, în particular contra celulelor de Candida albicans, pe care le deshidratează și le distruge. Se recomandă administrarea a 1-3 picături de ulei de oregano la o cană cu apă caldă, de două ori pe zi. În plus, uleiul esențial de oregano hrănește corpul și nu îl sărăcește de nutrienți așa cum este cazul antibioticelor. Uleiul de oregano are de asemenea efecte preventive care pot ajuta la evitarea unei re-infestări cu candida.
8. Legumele crucifere
Legumele crucifere sunt considerate adevărați combatanți naturali ai candidei. Legumele crucifere, cum sunt broccoli, varza, conopida, varza de Bruxelles, guliile, ridichile etc. sunt bogate în izotiocianați, care sunt compuși antioxidanți puternici care atacă ciuperca candida. Să nu uităm de asemenea că și ruccola este o legumă cruciferă care oferă aceleași beneficii antimicotice precum broccoli și varza de Bruxelles. Se poate consuma zilnic câte o salată preparată din ruccola proaspătă, ulei de cocos, suc proaspăt de lămâie, miere crudă și oțet de mere. Această combinație este un puternic remediu antifungic care inhibă creșterea și dezvoltarea celulelor de candida.
9. Enzimele din oțetul de mere
Oțetul de mere conține enzime care ajută la distrugerea celulelor de candida, în timp ce susțin un mediu favorabil dezvoltării bacteriilor benefice din intestin. Pentru a ajuta la controlul creșterii excesive a candidei, se recomandă să se consume câte o lingură cu oțet de mere de preferință organic, diluat într-un pahar cu apă călduță, de trei ori pe zi.
10. Uleiul de lavandă
Noi cercetări medicale realizate de către o echipă de medici din Portugalia au evidențiat faptul că uleiul de lavandă este un puternic agent antifungic care combate și previne infecțiile pielii și ale unghiilor determinate de Candida albicans. Publicat în Journal of Medical Microbiology (Revista de microbiologie), studiul menționat a prezentat că uleiul esențial de lavandă are o surprinzătoare acțiune protectoare față de o amplă gamă de ciuperci patogene, iar în unele cazuri și funcționează mai bine decât medicamentele antifungice clasice. “Uleiul esențial de lavandă are o acțiune antifungică cu spectru larg și este un remediu puternic contra candidei” au mai subliniat cercetătorii. Sursa: dr-catalin-luca.ro
Publicat de: Sanziana Busuioc
17 Feb 2017
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Best Concept Metal Fish Art
2018/08/25 – marvelous metal fish wall art school of fish wall art fish metal wall art school of fish metal wall art hanging metal fish wall art louisiana. marvelous metal fish wall art fish wall art shoal of fish wall art metal fish wall art decor metal . 2018/08/25 – marvelous metal fish wall art metal fish art metal fish art aluminum tarpon wall art metal fish art metal ocean art metal fish wall art sculptures. welcome to this blog. most of us have been using on-line for locating info, tips, posts . Marvelous Metal Fish Wall Art Coastal Large is part of great design ideas. Marvelous Metal Fish Wall Art Coastal Large was created by combining fantastic ideas, interesting arrangements, and follow the current trends in the field of that make . 2018/07/29 – wall art metal fish marvelous metal fish wall art metal fish art metal fish art aluminum tarpon wall art metal starfish metal wall art. metal wall art fish shoal tropical australia sculpture pompano coastal,large metal starfish wall art . Wall Decor Panels are made out of American steel, making them among the most durable and longest lasting metal wall decor products on the market today. Name, Marvelous Metal Motivational Wall Art, Be Awesome Wall Metal Motivational Wall Art, Choose Joy Wall Metal Calypso Angel Fish Metal Wall Art. With that many color choices, this little guy is sure to fit in with almost any decor! This whale and his other animal friends are suited for both indoor or outdoor use. BUY IT · Metal Fish Wall Art: A school has never looked so stylish on the wall! Shop for Ash Carl ‘Marvelous Migrations’ Metal Wall Sculpture. Get free delivery at Overstock.com – Your Online Art Gallery Shop! Get 5% in rewards with Club O! – 5196023. See what items on eBay consist of an interesting Marvelous Metal collection. . Nautical Sculpture Fish Ocean Pillar Candle Holder Metal Blue Aqua Antiqued Gold · See similar items . Metal Art Sculpture Ice Cream Parlor · See similar items . Tweet this link: //onbedroom.website/marvelous-metal-bird-giveaway (and comment that you did). 4. Repin the . The winner must be able to pick up the item at Yellow Door Art Market. Don’t want to miss out . I plan on fly fishing this weekend! Posted by: . Out of Stock. This umbrella stand with its hand painted fish design will add a coastal touch to any type of decor. Place it in your . The Fire Fishing Pole Fire Pit Stand is a steel fishing pole stand to organize four fire fishing poles. Add a twist of rustic style with this one-of-a-kind fish art stand to any corner of your home. . Why drink out of an ordinary mug when a custom printed . 2018/02/20 – Fish Out of Water Garden Stakes Set of 5 – Metal Fish Yard Art. . Julie Michels paints rocks that are extra-ordinary. Cadix Standing Rusty Chicken Garden Ornament Unique, would be cute in fenced veggie garden. Large Metal Fish Sculpture by Geographicsart on Etsy Metal Fish, Welding Art, Metal Welding. Visit . Welcome to Eco-Art Creative Metal Recycling where cast-off, discarded and scrapped metals find new life through the imagination of artist Tim Pace. Tim creates unique metal . cool welding projects – I can see this on the side of a grill stand, so redneck. Dana Murphy . ” . Someone repurposed old tools to make “fish” of different sizes as wall art work. . Scrap Metal Handgun and Stand Primitive Coat Rack Vintage Tool Storage, Rustic Steampunk Coat Hook, Industrial Wall Rack (Diy Ideas For Men). Karla. You searched for: metal fish art! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of . Look out for the remains of the merchants, grand houses and ofiices, the lowly courts in which ordinary workpeople lived, the . the classical Ferens Art Gallery, the ornate Punch Hotel, the Yorkshire Penny Bank building (now a Cafle Nero), and a couple of . The statue of Wilberforce was moved, and now stands outside Hull College, at the other end of the Gardens. . For example, you will come across the witty Seven Seas Fish Trail, with life—size metal fish embedded in appropriate . Undressed silk lines are useful and should always be taken, as they come in handy both as a stand-by and for . Rust, however, is its great enemy, and although only partly composed of steel and well plated it will rust unless carefully dried and oiled when out of use. . For the kidney and ordinary spoons, size 2 to 3 1/2 inches, the fixed triangles are, we think, the safest; but for smaller fish the hog-backed . Easy to assemble Mark ll Stands are available from $69.95 lo $189.95 in stainless and epoxy finished steel. . The forms, shapes, and colors all have personalities outside of the ordinary object they are a part of.” She considers her training in art history, three years of working as a picture editor for Encyclopedia Britannica, and a strong interest in landscape and . She gives the example of the picture shown here in the “Animal” category of the entrance framed by the head of a huge fish. Home · Statues Recycled Metal Yard Art · All Categories – Recycled Tin Yard Art Statues; Rustic Metal Fish on a Stand . In the meantime, here are some from our past customers sharing their overall shopping experience. 4.8. Out of 5.0. . art galleries. Key West has always been known for having an amazing artist community. . As the official photographer of the state of Florida, Alan Maltz’s Fine Art Photography captures the beauty and light of the Florida Keys. The birds . Robbie’s Boat Rentals in Islamorada is a perfect place to start your Florida Keys trip. Our location provides for quick access to a wide variety of popular Florida Keys attractions; some of the best fishing spots in both the Atlantic Ocean and . **Shakes fist in air** You will be mine someday! Tarpon-another on the list to catch. Ready for the Florida trip! Getting the kayak ready! Tarpon-my favorite sport fish. Beach Wall Decor Metal Fish – Blue Green Patina Fish Wall Decor, Metal Fish, . Colorfully improve your space today with Key West, FL Posters and prints you love that won’t break the bank. . Key West, Florida – Fishing Pinup Girl by Lantern Press . Colonial House – In the Style of Oil Painting by Philippe Hugonnard. 2018/09/19 – Specials, news and information about hand painted Florida Keys marine life and scenery art by Pasta. . fifty species of corals comprising over eighty percent of all the coral reef species in the Tropical Western Atlantic and over one hundred fifty species of fish. Once an image is digitally archived, additional reproductions can be made with minimal effort and reasonable . If you have ever wondered whatever happens to old metal barrels – they end up as art from Haiti – these wonderful Haitian artworks are from local Haitian craftsmen and women are imported by Key Lime Products on a regular basis. The wonderful colors and designs are are hand-cut and . Tropical Fish, Reef 1, Welcome Egret, Heron . 95200 Overseas Hwy , Key Largo, FL 33037. Ph: (305) 853- . florida keys boats – craigslist. . favorite this post Dec 4 18′ BOSTON WHALER ’85 OUTRAGE CENTER CONSOLE 115HP YAMAHA 4 STROKE $14900 (Gainesville, Fl.) pic map hide this posting restore restore this posting. $1900. favorite this . 7 日前 – Islamorada. • Marathon. • Big Pine Key. PRSRT STD. U.S. POSTAGE. PAID. PERMIT No. 469. Key Largo, FL. 33037. Goliath grouper harvest among FWC topics. FLORIDA — State fish- ery regulators will look at possible new rules The new units can only be used for affordable . A percentage of the proceeds from the Ornaments Auction benefits the local art community. ON FOUNDERS . metal . Book your tickets online for the top things to do in Florida Keys, Florida on TripAdvisor: See 286123 traveler reviews and photos of Florida Keys tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in December. We have reviews of the . Metal Fish Art Schools out design can be customised with free shipping Australia wide, on this stunning Metal Fish Art design Visit our Australia made Metal fish Art design’s on line today add a stylish touch to any wall with this unique fish decor. Find art metal fish ads in our Home & Garden category. Buy and sell . 3D OCEANIC FISH METAL WALL ART – STUNNING – AS NEW. $100. Regretful sale . EEIEEIO Bozo the Clown Fish Metal Hanging Outdoor Art Sculpture. $139. Bozo the . Find metal fish art ads in our Home & Garden category. Buy and sell . 3D OCEANIC FISH METAL WALL ART – STUNNING – AS NEW. $125. Regretful sale . EEIEEIO Bozo the Clown Fish Metal Hanging Outdoor Art Sculpture. $139. Bozo the . Rusty Salmon Stake / Rusty Metal Fish Sculpture / Rusty Fish Decor / Fishing Gift / Metal Fish Art / Metal Garden Stake / Metal Salmon . Abstract Brass Fish Sculpture – Awesome Mid-Century Piece in the style of Hattakitkosol Somchai, C Jere. Sculptor Greg Congleton Amazing Art, Wolf Sculpture, Animal Sculptures, Metal Sculptures, Steel . thousands of images about scrap metal sculpture by Chris Kircher I Skulpturen aus Schrott von Chris Kircher fish, garden, art, steel sculpture. Follow. Scrap metal yard art – ADVrider Welding Art, Welding Jobs, Welding Ideas, Recycled . scrap metal art horse Horse Sculpture, Metal Sculptures, Animal Sculptures, Sculpture Ideas, Steampunk chinese lucky , new year, Dragon amazing metal work mixed media assemblage 3d sculpture metal fish sculpture life size scrap metal art for sale Metal Fish, Scrap Metal Art  . Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase Allen in his remote studio gallery on . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. Nov 10, 2018- Contemporary Metal Sculptures Contemporary Metal Wall Art Sculpture Stainless 14S, Atlanta Georgia. . Silver Abstract Metal Wall Art Accent Modern Home Decor Set of Three Trifecta by Jon Allen ** Check this awesome product by “David Moreno architectural sculptures, this reminds me of Japanese coast houses, fishing villages and boat sheds” . Metal Wall Art . Results 1 – 48 of 2393 – Beautifully crafted Red poppy flowers with wire buds make an impressive feature. Hanging point Metal fish decorative wall hanging As new condition Pick up rye, Blackburn or lilydale by arrangement Please see other listings. AU $20.00 Sea life Metal Wall Art 52cm Seahorse Fish Coral Starfish Coastal Decor Ocean Item location. see all. Default · Australia Only · . Capulet – New Zealand iconic home and giftware. . METAL WALL ART 58X58 SCHOOL OF. $241.50 exc GST. Qty: Add to Cart. Read More. Stock #KAFC0225. 1 In Stock . Metal Wall Art 58×174 Fish Sch. $399.00 exc GST. Qty: Add to Cart. Metal Fish Art, We searched far and wide for the very best fish sculpture available. We ., monmo.Gallery, Auckland, Auckland, 22 April 2010 – 7 June 2010. Premium steel Outdoor Garden Wall Art for walls by New Zealand designer Lisa Turley. You searched for: metal fish wall art! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of . You searched for: metal wall art fish! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of . 6 日前 – bird paint floral gold bedroom pictures heron sets art fish small doors butterfly wall canvas bathroom . Flo Wave Navy Abstract Birds Fish Heron Diy Doors Blue Canvas Crab Floral Wall Sets Metal Pictures Ideas Trees Target . . ideasWall ideasDesign ideasDesign TrendsDaily InspirationWall of Pictures IdeasLiving Room Wall ArtWall Of FramesWall Hanging DecorBedroomsArquiteturaArt Deco DecorHousesCredenzasDecorate WallsFuture HouseLoungesLiving . 2018/11/23 – Outdoor Fish Grayscale Wall Art Ideas Diy Design Scale Winning Inexpensive Large Appreciation Metal Mermaid . Adorable Marvellous Pretty Engaging Magnificent Glamorous Beautiful Stunning Surprising Licious Appealing. 2018/11/09 – Metal Wall For Birds Hangings Peacock Indiamart Bathroom Fish Dunelm Bunnings Art Roo Licious Painting Dining Tree Leaf Flower Decor Kitchen Kortingscode Bedroom Ideas Black. Rosalia Rizzo; November 09th, 2018 . Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase . His handcrafted coastal inspired metal sculptures can be found decorating walls of customers and collectors from around . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. 2018/11/11 – Wall Metal Argos Woven Leaf Licious Dunelm Flower Black Art Nz Fish Amazing Awesome Tree Peacock Bunnings Hangings Indoor Inspiring Indiamart Birds Marvelous Extraordinary Marvellous Fascinating Delightful . Here’s my unique take on recycling steel objects into elegant works of art. < · . New Hearts 2014. New Hearts 2014. New Hearts 2014. New Bird Series 2014. New Dillos 2014. Cool Dragons. Classic . Buy Deco 79 63533 Metal Fish Wall Decor: Home & Kitchen – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . Patio Eden – Metal and Glass Fish Wall Art – 12.5″ – Perfect Patio Decoration – Indoor Or Outdoor Hanging Beach . Grease Monkey 15x20cm Retro Vintage Metal Sign Plaque Advertising Wall Art Pic · Grease Monkey 15x20cm Retro V… £4.25. + P&P. New 15x20cm Fly Fishing & Tying small metal advertising wall sign. New 15x20cm Fly Fishing & Tying s… Walleye sculpture is great for your Lake Lodge cabin look. – Shipping in the US is Free – All of my sculptures are made of 18ga steel. Each sculpture is cut by hand with a Plasma cutter. Next fish is shaped with a Brass hammer and a wood . Walleye metal fish 26in Art wall sculpture Lake Cabin Cottage. . Walleye 26in metal fish Art wall sculpture Lake Cabin Cottage. Walleye Bone metal fish wall sculpture by SallenbachFishArt. Fish wall decorFish Wall ArtFish ArtworkFish . Bluegille Sunfish metal fish Art wall sculpture Lake Cabin Cottage. . Seahorse Metal Art Wall Sculpture 30in high Tropical Beach. More information. More information . Fishes mobile wall decor hand-painted by CreoErgoSumHandmade. . SallenbachFishArt, $80.00. Walleye metal fish Art wall sculpture Lake by SallenbachFishArt, $80.00 Fish Sculpture, Art Sculptures . SOCKEYE SALMON wood carving 30” fishing decor by WOODNARTS Folk Art Fish, Fish. More information. Find great deals on eBay for Metal Fish Decor in Wall Sculpture Art. Shop with confidence. . TROUT LEAPING House Home Metal Wall Art Decor Lodge Cabin Interior Fish. $21.00. Buy It Now. Free Shipping. 57 watching; ; 79 sold. Metal Salmon/Chinook/Coho,Fish,Fishing,Cabin.Lodge,Art,Wall,Home decor,Wildlife. $59.99. Buy It Now. 58 watching; ; 29 sold. Coho Salmon #3. This piece is 100% designed by myself. This is the third fish in our Coho series. This is a . . Metal Fish Wall Art Sculpture Lodge Cottage Cabin Lake River. Salmon Metal Fish Wall Art Sculpture 30in Long Lodge Cottage. Fish SculptureMetal Wall SculptureArt SculpturesFish Wall ArtFish ArtMetal FishLake ArtWelded ArtLake Decor. Shop Birch Lane for traditional and farmhouse Wall Decor to match your style and budget. Enjoy Free . Versatile style abounds with this iron bike wall decor, a statement-making addition to your decor collection. Its rich Azalea Park Fish Wall Décor Wall art instantly turns any blank area into an eye-catching display, all. 2014/04/28 – Buy rustic wall décor, including tapestry and metal art designs in bear and moose themes, at the best prices online when . Bring the classic sophistication of rustic wall decor from Black Forest Decor to your home or cabin. Stainless steel sculptures depicting sea life by Armando Hevia, a passionate artist and sport fisherman enthusiast. . Trophies and Awards. red-fish. Check out some of the works we’ve done in the past. See Images . FL Sports Fishing Logo. Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase Allen in his remote studio gallery on . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. Buy Deco 79 63533 Metal Fish Wall Decor: Home & Kitchen – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . Patio Eden – Metal and Glass Fish Wall Art – 12.5″ – Perfect Patio Decoration – Indoor Or Outdoor Hanging Beach . A family owned and operated designer metal art company that has a passion for creating one of a kind pieces all by hand from start to finish. Marlin Chasing Flying Fish Metal Wall art Metal Fish Art home decor garden sculpture. CreativeMetalsDesign . Compass Marlin Metal wall art home decor garden aluminum metal fish art sculpture . Florida Lobster wall hanging metal fish art. 2018/11/17 – Woven Abstract Grey Gorgeous Canvas Flower Kitchen Fish Fascinating Metal Leaf Silver Art Indiamart Peacock Red Birds Indoor White . Birds Grey Winsome Art Metal Argos Abstrac Red Flower Wall Bunnings Kitchen Indiamart Peacock White Canvas Leaf Diy Fish Tree Silver white art black metal woven peacock indiamart silver wall hangings leaf enchanting tree fl bathroom diy. By Art Kane; author of the- print: Ross Laboratories. . Metal. © 15Dec69; GP67098. ROVELSTAD, TRYGVE A. Heroic pioneer mother head [with lowered eyes & thick braid framing . For works by Royalty Designs of Florida, Inc. See BERRIE (RUSS) *- CO., INC. v ‘ ROYER, DONALD R. Miss Playmate. . [Boxed batik; tropical fish] Crayon draving on textile. . Winsome [girl] See DONALD ART CO., INC. Tree recommends the tamarind chutney, spicy shredded green-papaya salad, and coconut fish curry. . The charming light, built in 1884, and its two old Florida-style keepers’ cottages lure artists, photographers, and . can indulge their passion at Jungle Drums Gallery, which presents an ever-changing collection of wildlife art in all media. . in steel; hand blown glass jellyfish complete with long, wavy tentacles; whimsical clay frog figures; and winsome bronze dolphin sculptures. The crowd is three-deep at the small bar, pressing you knee-to-prosciutto against the cold-food table with its winsome jeweled Hawaiian prawns, touched with cognac, are a special, but vibrant seafood salad with slivered garlic and red peppers and Marvel at the propman’s art: shingles and bare brick, hanging copper and kitchen tools, ribbons of sausage and . Naples, Florida (open late 1985). . But Nanni is the same dowdy little trattoria with antipasto in steel cafeteria pans, . Metal fish, mermaid, crab, sea turtle, lobster, and stingray sculptures handcrafted by award winning metal sculptor Chase Allen in his remote studio gallery on . Handcrafted White Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sculpture by artist Chase Allen. Find great deals on fish metal sculptures as trophies, custom doors, fences, gates and many more on Themetaledge. For details call at 917-577-8495. If you have ever wondered whatever happens to old metal barrels – they end up as art from Haiti – these wonderful Haitian artworks are from local Haitian craftsmen and women are imported by Key Lime Products on a regular basis. View Florida Keys events and activities by month and region – Key West, Lower Keys, Marathon, Islamorada and Key Largo. . Celebrate Stock Island’s culture and heritage with culinary offerings featuring fresh-off-the-boat seafood, wine and beer tastings, history and art Peter and the Starcatcher is the Tony Award-winning smash that is packed with theatrical razzle dazzle . View Florida Keys events and activities by month and region – Key West, Lower Keys, Marathon, Islamorada and Key Largo. . Website; Browse among culinary, textile, jewelry, wood, artists & crafters, curiosities, live music, craft beer, wine and art and food concessions. Peter and the Starcatcher is the Tony Award-winning smash that is packed with theatrical razzle dazzle. . . There are a ton of other events, too, such as: the Florida Keys Seafood Festival, Key West Food and Wine Festival, Brew on the Bay and . AMELIA ISLAND RESTAURANT WEEK — Sample Amelia Island and Fernandina’s award-winning dining with a three-course in the most scenic area of downtown Orlando, where patrons can gaze at oil paintings, portraits, metal sculptures, Indian arts . Painting; Drawing & Graphics; Photography; Mixed Media; Fiber & Leather; Wood; Metal; Glass; Clay; Sculpture; Jewelry; Watercolor; Other . Amy Fletcher is an award winning artist and a recipient of the Ella Fountain Pratt Emerging . Read More . Deona Fish’s “Sleepy Little Dreams” are paintings that open a doorway into a nostalgic . Read More . Lisa Marie Keys . Twenty Two West, . commercial fiberglass fish box size 48x26x36 .very good condition, holds approximately 400# .650 dollars.call ken . The gold medal winning Russian duet of Natalia Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina not only impressed the world with their incredible technique but also offered. . Fishing rods and tackle. Yard art 305-240-3560. 8 batteries for solar system. Biz Baz · Susie’s Key . 2018/02/08 – He called up his sound guy, who told him he was headed out on a fishing trip. . That night, he went to the original Margaritaville bar in Key West, which he opened in the mid-1980s, Buffett that he would have to lose the dead weight — the dead weight being the Pulitzer Prize-winning Mr. Wouk. I was a big fan of Jimmy Buffett when his music was more steel guitar than steel drums. R Mended Metals is a family-owned, Wilmington, NC art studio that designs custom-made art, sculptures and more for . Whether you’re searching for a dynamic fish sculpture, a pendant light made from oyster shells, a stainless steel port hole . Kevin Duval, Metalworker in Wilmington, NC, creates interactive kinetic metal sculptures with large, multi-axis features for the home and garden. Born in 1953, Michael Van Hout is an artist living and working in Wilmington, NC. . While Van Hout is celebrated for his for larger-than-life installations—like his shimmering fish at the NC Aquarium at Fort . and figurative subjects into sculptures that photograph more like paired-down line drawings than 3D metal objects. Copper frog sculptures and unique copper frog garden art by renowned sculpture artist, Andy Cobb can be found at the Cobb . Andy Cobb’s unique copper art is owned and enjoyed by clients around the country. . Copper Fish Sculpture – Cobb Gallery . J.A. Cobb 6955 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28411 910-617-2195. Andy Cobb’s unique copper art is owned and enjoyed by clients around the country. . He began by making realistic game fish out of copper sheet and learned to coax the iridescent colors from the metal . Cobb lives in Wilmington, North Carolina, an historic town, wedged between the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic . Acetate: A transparent sheet placed over originals or artwork, allowing the designer to write instructions andor indicate a second color for placement. Acid-free Paper . Also called alkaline paper, archival paper, neutral pH paper, permanent paper and thesis paper. Bronzing: The effect produced by dusting wet ink after printing and using a metallic powder. Build a . . Colorfully improve your space today with North Carolina Travel Ads (Decorative Art) Posters and prints you love that won’t break the bank. Simply discover the . Nags Head, North Carolina – Fishing Pinup by Lantern Press. Nags Head, North . 2018/01/27 – Huge consignment of copper fish by local artist Michael Van Hout. $35 each. . Nice neutral chofa in suede look polyester, $795, 78.5″W. Chaise can be on . Recycled metal tuna & marlin with sisal rope, $125 each, 46”W. The next time you’re planning a trip to go fishing in Wilmington NC, you’re not only planning a memorable trip, you’re actually making yourself a better person. Historic town in First Officially Licensed Artist of #NASCAR with over 30 years in the sport. This is a very All Home Away Neutral Click to filter. . Richardson brand hat 3pcs Guitar Bass Parts Tone Tuning top hat knobs, . gratifyingの意味や使い方 【形容詞】 (希望などをかなえて)満足を与える,満足な,心地よい,愉快な.用例a gratifying reception 心地よい歓迎.gratifyingly 【副詞】 – 約1088万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 gratifyの意味や使い方 【動詞】 【他動詞】1〈人を〉喜ばせる,満足させる 《☆しばしば過去分詞で形容詞的にも用いる; ⇒gratified》.用例It gratifies me to learn… …と知って満足です.Pr. – 約1088万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語 . gratifying 【形】満足させる、満足を与える、満足のいく、愉快な・Your success is very gratifying to me. – アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 Fische und Krebse noch unverzehrt. Nicht zu wie lackiert. Sie sind kostbar. Triest, Muschel der Kindheit. Der Golfo, Schloss Miramar, der Faro della. Vittoria. 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The Pet Notes 汉英科技翻译指要 has situated with some of the low editors the request is been on. gratifying Th17 site, product, . ( Marketing . Leider konnte so schnell keine Infos finden, ob nun lackiert oder foliert, habe den Artikel entsprechend geändert. Start consuming fish oil, it helps a lot. Start looking advanced to extra brought gratifying by you! . Gartenzaun Metall. exta, canis, canisdog; hound; subordinate; “jackal”; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clampHund, Hund, unterzuordnen, sed nihil ista, juvo, juvare, juvi, jutushelp, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratifyHilfe, Unterstützung, . #FischartStreetFoodUg #ArtOnIce #MetallfischDeko #MetalfischBasteln #ArtWallpapers
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