#coloma: keene
skeletorsims · 11 months
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silas and thomasina
Silas has been holding down the family home, since their parents died while Thomasina has been exploring the world. Imagine her surprise when she returned and all she found was rusted metal and old furniture. She hates the fact she is expected to live like this now, and is intent on transforming both their lives. Silas doesn't like admitting he might have been in a slump. Silas doesn't really like admitting anything, really. Her brother has always been the strong silent type, but this is different. He's always been a romantic, dating around and trying to find happiness in others, but he's really fallen into his passion for sewing recently and Thoma is hoping that it's a good thing. She is taking care of the hens and the garden and re-opened their family's old Farmer's Market lot.
Thomasina Keene Fortune/Romance- become a space pirate Silas Keene Romance/Popularity- sew 200 things.
I'm actually really unhappy with how Silas turned out ahaha. I need to give him a makeover. their house is here
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indigoking · 2 years
Specialist study research
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Based in Barcelona, Heura Foods was founded in 2017 by Marc Coloma and Bernat Ananos. Their goal is to take animals out of meat production for good. Focusing on Mediterranean plant-based meat, they note how their product contains the same amount of protein as traditional chicken, with only one-third of the fat. In the build-up to Easter, Heura released a campaign suggesting that Italians should “eat (plant-based) meat this Good Friday”. With Catholics expected to abstain from eating meat, Heura took the opportunity to offer them an alternative so they wouldn’t miss out. This was promoted on the side of trams travelling through Milan. Heura is known for its eye-catching campaigns. In 2020, they put up a giant billboard in the centre of Madrid with the message “a meat burger pollutes more than your car.” The controversy forced the brand to take down the advert, but it’s clear they’re not afraid of bold statements to get people talking. I think this ad campaign is great as it’s very vibrant, striking and bold with a very shocking fact that is displayed in a simple way to make it as impactful as the statement is. It’s educational and a really good example of an effective yet simple ad campaign.
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Meatless Farm was founded in 2016 by flexitarian Morten Toft Bech when he was keen to reduce his meat consumption but found there was a lack of tasty plant-based options available. Now, his products are stocked in leading UK supermarkets, and have supplied high street chains such as Pret and Leon. The attention-grabbing slogan was intended for some light-hearted fun and included signs that read “now that’s a M… F… burger” and “we love a big M… F… sausage.” It’s certainly something consumers would remember in their search for meat-free alternatives. I think this is a really fun ad campaign and out of the ordinary, it’s very eye catching as the letters in the slogan make it seem like it’s meant to say something else, so I think it’s fun and a good play on words.
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This is a food waste ad campaign by Wrap to encourage people to remember to make a list of items only that they need before they go shopping, to prevent overbuying and then food wastage. I love the design of this poster, I think it’s very engaging and contains really important and shocking statistics like British people wasting 50% of the food that they buy, that’s really terrible and I think this design really gets that point across well with the image of the rotting lemon. The play on words is also really great and I think this is an extremely successful ad campaign. 
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Oddbox began as a seedling in a market in Portugal. The founders were browsing fresh, beautiful, sometimes funny-looking fruit & veg on offer. It struck them that they only ever saw identical, aesthetically pleasing produce in UK supermarkets. After this, the founders did some digging and learned that up to 40% of all produce in the UK is wasted before it leaves farms because it doesn’t look “right” or because too much was grown - despite being fresh, beautiful, and totally tasty. Oddbox is a subscription box that delivers fresh odd looking fruit and vegetables to your door so that less food goes to waste. I think this is an amazing sustainable business and a perfect example of a company helping to build a more sustainable future for food. This company helped me to think of more ideas for my project about sustainable food.
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The Slow Food movement originated in Italy in 1989 as a response to the growth of fast food and other changes in the food system worldwide, of which Our World readers are well aware. After 25 years the movement now boasts millions of members from more than 1,500 ‘convivia’ (local chapters) in more than 150 countries. Members are typically chefs, farmers, fishers, activists, academics and producers — anybody with a passion for food.
Slow Food’s primary missions are to “prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions, counteract the rise of fast food and fast life, combat people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from and how our food choices affect the world around us”. It is evidently a pretty broad quest, but well explained under the more general terminologies of “good, clean and fair”, defined here. This is a really interesting movement that I previously didn’t know about and I think it’s really good and useful. It got me thinking more about movements and ideas that can work to build a more sustainable future for food. Communities using fresh local food is really sustainable and healthy so I think that’s great for the people and also for the environment. 
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This was a French campaign that tackled food waste by celebrating the beauty of ugly fruits and vegetables, created by Marcel Worldwide. This campaign is so simple but it works really well, this was the first campaign I had seen celebrating ‘ugly’ fruit so it’s shocking to see at first but then makes you realise there is nothing wrong with the food just if it’s shaped differently and out of the ordinary. The art direction works beautifully and makes it look like the fruit is a star in a show and I think it’s a great example of a campaign showing off funny shaped fruit and vegetables. 
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This is a chart showing the impacts and affects of a community garden that I found in an article on Environmental Evidence titled ‘What are the health and well-being impacts of community gardening for adults and children: a mixed method systematic review protocol’. This website helped me to research more into community gardens as a whole, how they help communities and the positive affects of them. I was thinking of a community garden company being one of my possible ideas for my project so this article helped me with researching more deeply into the history of community gardens and why exactly they’re good. I found scientific evidence to support the idea that community gardens not only help with eating fresh local food but are also amazing for community members social lives, and reduces stress and improves physical health and has many more positive affects.
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Another subscription box for selling out of the ordinary looking fruit and vegetables and helping to tackle food waste is ‘Wonkyveg’. Some farmers in the UK have up to 10 tonnes of produce rejected on a weekly basis, solely for the reason that this produce is “ugly.” This is a huge amount of fresh food being wasted which also wastes all the resources that went into growing it, which means a huge amount of water. This website taught me that the average person throws away 77 tomatoes a year and that that’s the equivalent of 10 baths tubs of water! This company is a really good example of tackling food waste and helping to build a more sustainable future for food and I really like how it’s been done. It helped me with thinking of big issues in the food industry and how they can be tackled. I like the design of the background of the website for Wonkyveg, I like the colour green used and think it’s very fitting and I also like the background drawings/doodles of the vegetables, I think it’s very fitting with their brand and is cute. I don’t really think the arrows pointing to the vegetables making out that they are saying these statements like ‘I carrot believe these waste statistics’ and ‘Real veg has curves, baby!’ works well as I find it quite out of place for this type of design but I understand what they were trying to do to promote their boxes. 
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Stop Food Waste day is the largest single day of action in the fight against food waste. It was started in 2017 by Compass Group USA and is now recognised globally in every corner of the world as we unite to educate and ignite change. This website teaches people to prevent, inspire and repurpose - prevent food waste, inspire others and repurpose food. The website has lots of tools like recipes from around the world, a cookbook and a toolkit on how to get involved and take the Stop Food Waste Day pledge. It’s very interactive, colourful and bold and is a really good and successful website and day of action. This made me think of other ways in which food issues could be tackled and how the public could be inspired to get involved and help out.
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I read an article titled ‘ 16 Facts That Show How Going Vegan Helps Stop Climate Change ‘ on the Peta UK website. I researched more into a vegan diet as I know that eating meat is a really huge problem in climate change, and I wanted to learn more about this in hopes of it helping me come to a solution to help build a more sustainable future for food. I learnt so many interesting facts and statistics about how being vegan helps the environment from this website, for example raising animals for flesh, eggs and dairy causes 65% of all nitrous-oxide emissions and that nitrous oxide has 296 times the global-warming potential of carbon dioxide. I also learnt that animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. These statistics really shocked me massively and taught me a lot about the environment, being vegan and how this stops climate change.
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I read an article from this website, Atalian Servest, titled ‘Four benefits of using fresh, in season and local food’. I researched into the benefits of this as I realised I did not know that much about local food, what’s in season at which times and the positive affects this can have. I wanted to learn more about this to incorporate it into my project because I decided I wanted to do it on encouraging people to eat more fresh and local food. I learnt that it’s so much better for your health, the flavour will always be better and that it reduces your carbon footprint. There were a lot more benefits than I thought to eating fresh local food and it was very interesting and helpful to learn about.
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I read a website page by Vegetarian Society titled ‘Seasonal UK grown produce’ which names different fruit and vegetables that are fresh and grown in each month of the year, this was really useful and helpful to me to learn what grows in UK throughout the months of the years as I needed to know to help me progress with my project. I thought there wouldn’t be that many options of fruit and vegetables that are just grown in the UK, I thought the choices would be really limited but there is always still a big variety no matter which month, and I think it’s important for everyone to know this so they can contribute to eating more fresh locally grown food and lowering their carbon footprint by eating less food which has been imported all around the world, frozen and preserved with unnatural chemicals. There are so many benefits to eating locally produced food and hopefully I am able to produce a clear and informative design that teaches people more about it. 
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This ‘Know your food’ campaign was created by Julia Mia Design for the Australian conservation foundation as a proposal for their biodiversity urban nature strategy. I love the bright bold colours used and I think this advert is very eye catching and makes me want to look into what the campaign is about. I think the design is very in your face, and that they all work together.
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phgq · 5 years
Belina SB Capul and her 30 years of safeguarding PH audio-visual heritage
#PHinfo: Belina SB Capul and her 30 years of safeguarding PH audio-visual heritage
PIA's Belina SB Capul (C) receives the prestigious Titus Brandsma Award during the event held at the SM Sky Dome in Quezon City, Monday. (PIA NCR)
In continuing the story of film archiving in the country, one of the Philippine Information Agency’s very own has been recognized and given that distinct honor for her role in establishing this advocacy, despite the odds.
Ms. Belina San Buenaventura Capul was the latest recipient of the prestigious Titus Brandsma Awards Philippines for Leadership in Communication, Culture and Arts. 
Titus Brandsma Award is a biennial award given to individuals and groups especially to journalists in print and broadcast media who have exemplary lived-out the virtues of Blessed Titus Brandsma, a Carmelite priest, journalist and educator who was martyred in 1942 in Dachau Concentration Camp for writing and defending the truth.
Capul’s work reflects a deep and binding sense of national pride, and a continuous quest for truth and justice, and empowerment and respect for indigenous cultures. She also stands as a fierce protector of the nation’s cultures, and careful preservation of artistic legacy. Her works remain a reflection of the values fought for by the blessed Titus Brandsma.
"I hope to be able to live up to the principles of Blessed Titus Brandsma."
“The task of safeguarding our audio-visual heritage is complex and requires collaborative effort among the relevant institutions involved. My particular role was to bring people and institutions together, create the necessary environment to enable the AV archivist to collaborate with each other to acquire the needed resources, and to elevate the regional concerns to the international level,” she said in her acceptance speech during the event held at the SM Sky Dome in Quezon City.
Over a span of her 30-year career, she closely safeguarded audio-visual materials for historical preservations, and education of future generations. She spearheaded the film restoration program of the Philippine Information Agency, and was keen to restore 17 Filipino classic films including the 1939 LVN films “Tunay na Ina” and “Giliw Ko” these films perhaps regarded as national treasures of the film industry.
“This award is not only significant to me personally but also to the AV Archiving Community which I serve. It provided a venue for recognizing the importance of audio-visual archiving in safeguarding our AV Heritage, which is fast being lost to posterity.
Capul also paved the way for the permanent inclusion of the Philippines key historical documents including the radio broadcast recording of the 1986 People Power Revolution at the UNESCO’s Memory of the World International Register.
She strengthened the profession of audio-visual archiving by leading the Association of South East Asian Nations’ Information Sector in setting up the Southeast Asia-Pacific Audio-Visual Archives Association.
Capul also fostered information and ultra exchanges among the ASEAN Member States and was recognized as the country’s focal person in the information sector, culture, and the arts by championing the preservation of integral Filipino traditional work and equipment and strengthening a deeper understanding of the Filipino culture among the ASEAN States.
She shares the honor with the different institutions and organizations she had worked with in the field, including the Society of Film Archivist (SOFIA) on the national level. On the regional level, she mentioned the ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information (ASEAN-COCI), South East Asia-Pacific Audio-Visual Archives Association (SEAPAVAA), and the country Australia, the ASEAN Dialogue Partner. While on the international level, she said she has UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of AV Archives Associations (CCAAA) to thank. 
Capul also recognized the PIA the agency she served until her retirement, former Cabinet Secretaries Sonny Coloma and Ambassador Delia Albert for their trust and confidence, and to Roger Carasig, for her nomination to the award.
Established in 2000, the Titus Brandsma Award is named after the patron of the Carmelite province in the Philippines.
Titus Brandsma was a martyred Dutch Carmelite friar, scholar, and journalist who was imprisoned during World War II for declaring the freedom of the press. He was beatified by St. John Paul II in 1985 and is recognized as a “Martyr of Press Freedom.” (PIA NCR)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Belina SB Capul and her 30 years of safeguarding PH audio-visual heritage." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029396 (accessed October 29, 2019 at 03:48PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Belina SB Capul and her 30 years of safeguarding PH audio-visual heritage." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029396 (archived).
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aaafencemasterinfo · 7 years
Coloma MI
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A must definitely follow manual when choosing a fence contractor Coloma MI for your residential or commercial property
Superior is actually fundamental anytime that it comes to everything that one may conduct with your house. In case anyone are simply keen on fencing your residential or commercial property, and then possibilities are truly which anyone would be simply very purchasinged in having the absolute best materials when it comes to the fence and the finest installer so as to deliver the seeing people took referring to your real estate to lifestyle.
At hand are actually a great deal of risks in which come having picking out an unqualified including unreliable fence contractor to do work on your property. This short article explores the key points in which people will need to use whenever you prefer to look for a fence contractor MI for your residential or commercial property which definitely will allow our clients your amount of money’s worth.
Qualifyings measures together with abilities
Incompetence is without a doubt some thing individuals contain that one may be certainly wary of, even more so when anyone work with the person in order to try services regarding a job with regard to anyone. Individuals will need to be certainly wary of choosing somebody whom may not discover what these experts are doing considering they will most likely finish up costing you more throughout the solution concerning high-priced repairs which people are going to have that one may accomplish. In this way, the very first element anyone need to find in order to do when ever our clients are looking when it comes to a fence contractor Coloma MI, you will need to select an individual having the best abilities that one may handle the correct work. That’s why, individuals may need to consult to get their references before all else. Beginning with contentment by using their accreditations, our clients have to overlook at their references. These types of customers would serve to help reduce much more light on what that is really like in order to function by having a particular individual in order to whether they have the right skill set to get the fence installation performed in a timely as well as timesaving way. Remember: competence is crucial when it comes to fences given that a fence needs to find to be probably secure enough to manage to keep the intruders out of the way.
Insurance coverage is a have to
Almost all folks would definitely want to save on a couple dollars anytime these prefer that one may select a fence contractor Coloma MI that these individuals will not ask even if or not a licensed contractor is actually protected. Insurance is actually vital when you possess people performing on your building because factors occur; individuals getting the job done on your residential or commercial property may get harmed or even a number of sections of your residential property may well obtain damaged. If one settle on so as to work with a contractor in which doesn’t have just about any insurance, after that you could get sued as well as drop. Thus, your place really should be careful about whom our clients work with in order to stay away from needless responsibility concerns while work proceeds in your material.
Landscape treatment shortly after the job is performed
In order that one may apply fences on your residence, there really will certainly be actually a good deal of cutting in order to additional works with development. This becomes very messy. For this reason, individuals needs to ask in case or not the firm uses area well-maintained up support services or else you perform all the work yourself.
Repairs and even manufacturer’s warranty to get purposes performed
As soon as anyone desire to establish that a special fence installer will definitely do a very high excellent job, all one possess to carry out is inquire if these guys possess an assurance with regards to the projects these professionals carry out. Your place should really be actually truly investigative regarding to exactly what is really protected in the warranty and also the period the warranty endure for. The Adversary is always with the specifics in this particular regard.
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Very important oversights in which must be actually prevented whenever going for a fence contractor Coloma MI
Have our clients encountered a ‘contractor from hell ‘? A personal whose agency botched the simple task your place worked with these to do? A person which is resistant so as to take duty with respect to their downfall? In the case that anyone never have, and then anyone are very privileged. It could receive relatively bothersome negotiating having such fellows. The endure thing people might dream of the moment people fork out amount of money just so as to finish up along with a rushed project.
When anyone are actually displaying for fence contractor Coloma MI, you are in need of to be actually extremely keen in the course of the experience. People require to do a whole lot for related carefulness within request that one may have a professional this is going to give people support services that are actually truly worth the financial commitment in order to absolutely nothing less.
In the time of the employing process, certainly there are really a number of problem areas that a good deal of men and women spend with regard to approved. These places are actually essential in order to people should prevent making errors in all of them. Listed here are actually the essential mistakes that people desire to prevent whenever you wish to hire an expert.
The first error who our clients should stay clear of is judging the suitability of an individual based on a single top quality. Whenever your place would like to set upward a fence as rapidly as feasible, anyone are going to acquire tempted so pick a specific based on one particular top quality. This could be that the personal promotions a great price to perform the their job with regard to anyone or several many other excellent top-notch the fact that masks numerous bad a single. If anyone are definitely fervent on receiving your cash’s worth, anyone require to avoid falling prey to doing this propensity. Anyone need to guarantee in which you feature the whole picture before you make a final decision regarding who will work on your property. To this conclusion, our clients require to appear at the excellent, the negative as well as the bad-looking side regarding the specialist. When the really good surpass the bad, then head in advance but employ these people. There certainly is really absolutely no alternative so as to accomplishing thorough due diligence.
Yet another error people should avoid when choosing a fencing contractor is with your knowledge choosing an undemonstrated professional within the local market. These particular individuals feature a tendency to supply captivating prices with regard to their solutions that are actually simply too really good in order to gone by up. Whenever anyone are looking that one may acquire worth with regard to the cash anyone spend within a specialist, adventure matters a lot. It provides anyone confidence which whenever the fence contractor Coloma MI launches doing the job regarding your residential or commercial property, the project will definitely dealt with rapidly but professionally. Thereby, whenever anyone are appearing that one may tap the services of a person to work on your fence, these people need to give one references and also proof regarding previous projects handled. The minute people are actually contented that these experts may deliver, at that point anyone will go in front and hire them.
At long last, people needs to avoid finding unlicensed folks. There really no way from holding to account should these people mishandle the task they are really delegated to perform. That is actually essential that you ask regardless if these person have the right office paperwork to conduct the work these experts are actually meant to do.
These kinds of are really the 3 important errors which people really should prevent making when you really want to work with a fence contractor MI.
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from WordPress https://aaafencemasterinfo.wordpress.com/2017/11/23/coloma-mi/
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